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目的:作为一个新发现的癌蛋白,gankyrin在肝癌细胞的发生和形成中发挥重要作用。筛选与gankyrin相互作用的蛋白质,从而进一步探讨gankyrin的作用机制。方法:采用亲和纯化技术及质谱鉴定筛选与gankyrin相互作用的蛋白质。结果:初步筛选出了6个与gankyrin发生相互作用的蛋白质,经与MSDB或NCBInr数据库比对,这6个蛋白质均是26S蛋白酶体的组成部分,其中proteasome(prosome,macropain)26S subunit,ATPase,4为已报道的蛋白质,证实结果的可靠性。结论:采用亲和纯化的方法可以有效地筛选出与gankyrin相互作用的蛋白质,为进一步研究gankyrin的作用机制及生物学功能奠定了基础。  相似文献   

桑寄生凝集素的纯化及部分性质研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用DEAE一纤维素柱盐离子浓度梯度洗脱,再经猪胃粘蛋白-Sepharose 4 B亲和柱可以从中药桑寄生中分离纯化出桑寄生凝集素。经pH8.9,Tris-EDTAN_2a-borate的PACE和SDS-PAGE测定均呈现单一蛋白带,测得其分子量为67 500,中性糖含量为14.6%,DNS法测得N-末端氨基酸为缬氨酸。氨基酸组成分析表明,该凝集素富含酸性氨基酸,而碱性氨基酸含量较少,不含精氨酸。当凝集素浓度为15.6μg/mL时,即可凝集兔红细胞,而对人的A、B、O型血细胞,凝集素浓度高达1000μg/mL,也不发生凝集反应。Gal、GalNAc、山梨糖、岩藻糖和松三糖对凝集兔红细胞的能力有抑制作用。桑寄生凝集素是一种促有丝分裂原,对猪血淋巴细胞的转化率达78%,细胞分裂比率为11.2%。  相似文献   

用硝酸纤维素膜亲和法纯化抗体   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍一种改进的纯化抗体方法。将抗原蛋白固定在硝酸纤维素膜上,然后对抗体进行亲和纯化,能快速有效获得高特异性抗体。  相似文献   

雪山豆凝集素(SML)经SP-Sephadex C-50和磷酸纤维素离子交换层析分离红血球凝集成分。聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳分析和红血球凝集试验为一不均一成分。其中E_2-SML有两条迁移较快的蛋白带,红细胞凝集效价是SML的64倍,是L-SML的512倍。该法制备的红细胞凝集成分具有高的产量和纯度。  相似文献   

链霉亲和素纯化和鉴定方法的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对链霉亲和素进行纯化、鉴定,采用冷钝化的方法去除培养液中大部分杂蛋白,用亲和层析法从链霉菌L-183的培养液中纯化链霉亲和素(SA),经试验,SA回收率为75%~85%。鉴定表明,自制SA的分子量为74.5kD,每分子SA可结合3.2个生物素分子,活性为11.2U/mg,pI为7.4。自制SA各项生物学性质与文献报道相符。  相似文献   

西藏狼毒凝集素的分离纯化技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
凝集素是一种能作用于细胞使其凝聚的大分子物质,大多属糖蛋白.本试验通过对西藏药用有毒植物狼毒(Stellera chamaejasme)中的凝集素进行了分离纯化,结果表明:狼毒中含有丰富的凝集素,最佳缓冲液浸提的凝集素血凝活性效价高达210.根据凝集素的生物学作用,合理开发其药用及有毒成份,为细胞免疫研究及有毒成份对微生物的抑制作用研究提供理论参考依据.  相似文献   

重组蛋白质技术作为蛋白质研究的重要手段之一,在生物化学与生物物理学研究领域,扮演着极其重要的角色.亲和纯化作为最为方便与快捷的重组蛋白质纯化手段,日益得到广泛的应用.由于各种亲和标签,纯化介质层出不穷,性质各异.应根据自身研究对象具体情况选择合适的亲和纯化标签.近年双亲和标签进行串联亲和纯化日益成为蛋白质相互作用研究的重要方法.多种亲和标签的搭配已得到成功应用,部分已进入商业化,并在各种模式生物中得到广泛的应用,本文就重组蛋白质亲和标签的选择与串联亲和纯化作一综述.  相似文献   

利用酸化处理的Sepharose 6B 亲和柱从洋紫荆种子中分离纯化出了洋紫荆凝集素(BVL),其比活性比抽提液提高了159倍,活力回收率为49.0%。BVL分子量为81 000,由两个相同的亚基组成。等电聚焦凝胶电泳测得其等电点为4.95。其紫外吸收高峰在276 nm处。BVL具一定的热稳定性和酸碱稳定性。N-乙酰-D-氨基半乳糖能强烈地抑制BVL对兔红细胞的凝集作用,乳糖、半乳糖也有较强的抑制作用。  相似文献   

 本文介绍用等渗咪唑缓冲液溶血,并用低温高速或常速离心机制备出一种带钙调节蛋白(简称CaM)的红细胞膜。它具有与膜稳定结合的CaM,在钙离子存在下可以激活膜上的靶酶——Ca~(2+)+Mg~(2+)-ATP酶活性,为研究CaM功能及有关药物机制提供一种简便而理想的材料。  相似文献   

厚果鸡血藤凝集素的纯化及性质   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从厚果鸡血藤(MiletiapachycarpaBenth.)的种子中分离纯化出一种具强凝集活性和强促有丝分裂原的凝集素。种子经磨粉、浸取、硫酸铵分级、DEAESepharose离子交换和SephadexG100分子筛层析,即可获得在PAGE和SDSPAGE上均呈现单一蛋白染色带的凝集素纯品,分子筛层析测得分子量为40700,SDSPAGE测得亚基分子量为19800;含有178%的中性糖。氨基酸组成分析表明,该凝集素富含Asp、Glu、Thr、Ser和Leu,同时含有4个Trp,当凝集素浓度为0.48μg/mL时,即可凝集兔红细胞;对人A、B和O型血细胞都能发生凝集,故无血型专一性;其凝集兔红细胞的凝集活性,不能被常见糖类抑制,但可被甲状腺球蛋白、胃粘蛋白和卵粘蛋白所抑制;其凝集活性强烈地依赖于Ca2+的存在,但Mg2+、Mn2+、Zn2+对其凝集活性全无促进作用;该凝集素是一种强促有丝分裂原,对人外围血中淋巴细胞的转化率高达843%,细胞分裂比率可达78%。  相似文献   

采用聚酰胺吸附树脂对竹笋壳黄酮类化合物分离纯化,确定了聚酰胺吸附树脂对竹笋壳黄酮分离纯化的最佳工艺条件:制备5mg/mL的竹笋壳黄酮提取液90mL,调节pH=5,用1.8mL/min的流速上样后,用160mL的去离子水冲洗大量杂质,随后用120mL的60%乙醇溶液洗脱120mL。在此条件下,竹笋壳黄酮的纯度为58.4%,与大孔树脂纯化方法相比,该方法更具有良好的分离纯化效果。  相似文献   

Cotyledons of germinating kidney beans contain two forms of a carboxy methyl cellulase which can be separated by ammonium sulfate fractionation and isoelectric focusing. The two cellulases are similar in their molecular weight but differ in isoelectric points, pH and temperature optimum, pH and temperature stability and sensitivity to thiol inhibitors and metal ions. One cellulase (isoelectric point 4.8) has been purified 100-fold to give a major protein band on acrylamide gel electrophoresis.  相似文献   

Membrane vesicles from pigeon erythrocytes show a rapid, ATP-dependent accumulation of 45Ca2+. Ca2+ accumulation ratios greater than or approximately equal to 104 are readily attained. For ATP-dependent Ca2+ uptake, V is 1.5 mmol · 1?1 · min?1 at 27°C (approx. 0.9 nmol · mg?1 protein · min?1), [Ca2+]12 is 0.18 μM, [ATP]12 is 30–60 μM, the Ca2+ uptake rate depends on [Ca2+]2 and the dependence of uptake rate on ATP concentration implies strong ATP-ATP cooperativity. The Arrhenius activation energy is 19.1 ± 1.4 kcal/mol and the pH optimum is approx. 6.9.  相似文献   

This study describes the interaction of molybdenum with blood components. Molybdenum-99 was added to blood, and after four washings, 3% of the total radioactivity was found in red cells. More specifically, the radioactivity was determined to be associated with the cell membrane. Molybdenum-99 in the +VI form did not interact with the human erythrocyte membrane; however, Mo(V) forms did interact. Of five different compounds, the highes uptake was observed with a brown Mo(V)-ascorbate complex generated from Mo(VI) and ascorbic acid in the molar ratio 1∶20. A membrane suspension of Mo-ascorbate-treated human erythrocytes was prepared and the solubilized proteins were separated on a polyacrylamide gel in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). Molybdenum-99 binding to spectrin was demonstrated, as well as some minor interactions with membrane hemoglobin and bands 6 and 8.  相似文献   

采用大孔吸附树脂层析结合硅胶柱层析,对环孢菌素A的分离纯化进行研究,确定了最佳层析条件,建立了工业化制备环孢菌素A的工艺。大孔吸附树脂层析选用D101树脂作为吸附介质,提取液丙酮含量控制在50%,最大吸附量为35 mg/g湿树脂,洗脱剂选用丙酮;硅胶柱层析选用42~64μm硅胶作为层析介质,最优层析条件为柱床高径比10∶1,流动相配比V(石油醚)∶V(丙酮)=70∶30,流速80 mL/m in,环孢菌素A上样质量浓度100 g/L,硅胶层析平均收率为84.2%,环孢菌素A纯度可达到97%以上,整个工艺总收率为65%~70%。  相似文献   

A study of NADH ferricyanide reductase activity in oriented vesicles or open ghosts of human and porcine erythrocytes shows that the dehydrogenase activity can have three types of orientation in the membrane. There is activity which responds only to acceptors and NADH exclusively on the inside face, or exclusively on the outer surface. There is also activity which requires exposure of both sides of the membrane and thus is transmembranous. The transmembrane activity is inhibited by insulin, whereas the internal and external enzymes do not respond to insulin. The transmembrane dehydrogenase can be a basis for proton transport in the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

An acylphosphatase has been purified from turkey muscle in a rapid and high-yield way. The enzyme has been characterized for structural, kinetic, and immunological parameters, as well as with regard to its stability to thermal, urea, and phenylglyoxal inactivation. The enzyme is quite different from the turkey muscular isoenzyme, and shows structural and kinetic properties that are very similar to those previously reported for the erythrocyte isoenzyme from human erythrocytes and from chicken muscle. From the data reported it appears that this enzyme corresponds to the acylphosphatase erythrocyte isoenzyme. Unlike the erythrocyte isoenzymes studied so far, this enzyme is able to cross-react with antibodies that are raised against the muscular isoenzyme.  相似文献   

Purified detergent solubilized dimeric human erythrocyte acetylcholinesterase (6.3 S form) was converted to a stable monomeric 3.9 S species when treated with 2-mercaptoethanol and iodoacetic acid. More than 60% of the enzymatic activity were recovered after this treatment. A decreased susceptibility to reduction and alkylation was observed with purified, detergent depleted acetylcholinesterase aggregates. When erythrocyte membranes (ghosts) were subjected to the same treatment, acetylcholinesterase could subsequently be solubilized as monomeric 3.9 S form and and more than 90% of the activity were recovered. Monomeric acetylcholinesterase was less reactive towards antibodies raised against (dimeric) human erythrocyte membrane acetylcholinesterase and towards antibodies against human erythrocyte membranes. The results suggest that acetylcholinesterase is present as dimeric species in human erythrocyte membranes despite the fact that fully active monomers can be obtained.  相似文献   

The availability of highly pure animal antibodies is critical in the production of diagnostic tools and biosensors. The peptoid PL16, previously isolated from an ensemble of peptoid variants of the IgG-binding peptide HWRGWV, was utilized in this work as affinity ligand on WorkBeads resin for the purification of immunoglobulin G (IgG) from a variety of mammalian sources and chicken immunoglobulin Y (IgY). The chromatographic protocol initially optimized for murine serum and ascites was subsequently employed for processing rabbit, goat and sheep, donkey, llama, and chicken sera. The PL16-WorkBeads resin proved able to recover all antibody targets with values of yield between 50 and 90%, and purity consistently above 90%. Notably, PL16 not only binds a broader spectrum of animal immunoglobulins than the reference ligands Protein A and G, but it also binds equally well with all their subclasses. Unlike the protein ligands, in fact, PL16 afforded excellent values of yield and purity of mammalian polyclonal IgG, namely murine (47 and 94%), rabbit (66.5 and 91.7%), caprine IgG (63 and 91–95%), donkey, and llama (93 and 97%), as well as chicken IgY (42 and 92%). Of notice, it is also the ability of PL16 to target monomeric IgG without binding aggregated IgG; when challenged with a mixture of monomeric and aggregated murine IgG, PL16 eluted <3% of fed aggregates, against 11–13% eluted by Protein A and G. Collectively, these results prove the potential of the proposed peptoid ligand for large-scale purification of animal immunoglobulins.  相似文献   

通过静态吸附比较三种大孔树脂对甜菊糖中莱鲍迪甙A(RA)和甜菊甙(ST)的吸附和解吸能力,利用高效液相色谱对结果进行检测,从中筛选出对RA和ST吸附效果最佳的LX-68M树脂。纯化工艺为30℃下,LX-68M树脂对RA和ST在6h后达到吸附饱和,吸附量分别为干树脂RA 85.00mg/g和ST 121.50mg/g。动态洗脱结果表明:以55%的乙醇为洗脱液,在2BV/h的洗脱速度下,经LX-68M树脂处理后的甜菊糖溶液纯度由75.5%提高到77.8%。表明LX-68M树脂对于甜叶菊糖苷工业生产的应用前景较好。  相似文献   

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