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Accidental cell death often leads to compensatory proliferation. In Drosophila imaginal discs, for example, gamma-irradiation induces extensive cell death, which is rapidly compensated by elevated proliferation. Excessive compensatory proliferation can be artificially induced by "undead cells" that are kept alive by inhibition of effector caspases in the presence of apoptotic stimuli. This suggests that compensatory proliferation is induced by dying cells as part of the apoptosis program. Here, we provide genetic evidence that the Drosophila initiator caspase DRONC governs both apoptosis execution and subsequent compensatory proliferation. We examined mutants of five Drosophila caspases and identified the initiator caspase DRONC and the effector caspase DRICE as crucial executioners of apoptosis. Artificial compensatory proliferation induced by coexpression of Reaper and p35 was completely suppressed in dronc mutants. Moreover, compensatory proliferation after gamma-irradiation was enhanced in drice mutants, in which DRONC is activated but the cells remain alive. These results show that the apoptotic pathway bifurcates at DRONC and that DRONC coordinates the execution of cell death and compensatory proliferation.  相似文献   

EMILIN-1 deficiency induces elastogenesis and vascular cell defects   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
EMILINs constitute a family of genes of the extracellular matrix with high structural similarity. Four genes have been identified so far in human and mouse. To gain insight into the function of this gene family, EMILIN-1 has been inactivated in the mouse by gene targeting. The homozygous animals were fertile and did not show obvious abnormalities. However, histological and ultrastructural examination revealed alterations of elastic fibers in aorta and skin. Formation of elastic fibers by mutant embryonic fibroblasts in culture was also abnormal. Additional alterations were observed in cell morphology and anchorage of endothelial and smooth muscle cells to elastic lamellae. Considering that EMILIN-1 is adhesive for cells and that the protein binds to elastin and fibulin-5, EMILIN-1 may regulate elastogenesis and vascular cell maintenance by stabilizing molecular interactions between elastic fiber components and by endowing elastic fibers with specific cell adhesion properties.  相似文献   

We report the molecular and genetic characterization of the cytoplasmic dynein light-chain gene, ddlc1, from Drosophila melanogaster. ddlc1 encodes the first cytoplasmic dynein light chain identified, and its genetic analysis represents the first in vivo characterization of cytoplasmic dynein function in higher eucaryotes. The ddlc1 gene maps to 4E1-2 and encodes an 89-amino-acid polypeptide with a high similarity to the axonemal 8-kDa outer-arm dynein light chain from Chlamydomonas flagella. Developmental Northern (RNA) blot analysis and ovary and embryo RNA in situ hybridizations indicate that the ddlc1 gene is expressed ubiquitously. Anti-DDLC1 antibody analyses show that the DDLC1 protein is localized in the cytoplasm. P-element-induced partial-loss-of-function mutations cause pleiotropic morphogenetic defects in bristle and wing development, as well as in oogenesis, and hence result in female sterility. The morphological abnormalities found in the ovaries are always associated with a loss of cellular shape and structure, as visualized by a disorganization of the actin cytoskeleton. Total-loss-of-function mutations cause lethality. A large proportion of mutant animals degenerate during embryogenesis, and the dying cells show morphological changes characteristic of apoptosis, namely, cell and nuclear condensation and fragmentation, as well as DNA degradation. Cloning of the human homolog of the ddlc1 gene, hdlc1, demonstrates that the dynein light-chain 1 is highly conserved in flies and humans. Northern blot analysis and epitope tagging show that the hdlc1 gene is ubiquitously expressed and that the human dynein light chain 1 is localized in the cytoplasm. hdlc1 maps to 14q24.  相似文献   

Programmed cell death, a physiologic process for removing cells, is critically important in normal development and for elimination of damaged cells. Conversely, unattended cell death contributes to a variety of human disease pathogenesis. Thus, precise understanding of molecular mechanisms underlying control of cell death is important and relevant to public health. Recent studies emphasize that transforming growth factor-β-activated kinase 1 (TAK1) is a central regulator of cell death and is activated through a diverse set of intra- and extracellular stimuli. The physiologic importance of TAK1 and TAK1-binding proteins in cell survival and death has been demonstrated using a number of genetically engineered mice. These studies uncover an indispensable role of TAK1 and its binding proteins for maintenance of cell viability and tissue homeostasis in a variety of organs. TAK1 is known to control cell viability and inflammation through activating downstream effectors such as NF-κB and mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs). It is also emerging that TAK1 regulates cell survival not solely through NF-κB but also through NF-κB-independent pathways such as oxidative stress and receptor-interacting protein kinase 1 (RIPK1) kinase activity-dependent pathway. Moreover, recent studies have identified TAK1''s seemingly paradoxical role to induce programmed necrosis, also referred to as necroptosis. This review summarizes the consequences of TAK1 deficiency in different cell and tissue types from the perspective of cell death and also focuses on the mechanism by which TAK1 complex inhibits or promotes programmed cell death. This review serves to synthesize our current understanding of TAK1 in cell survival and death to identify promising directions for future research and TAK1''s potential relevance to human disease pathogenesis.  相似文献   

ORAI1 is a pore subunit of Ca(2+) release-activated Ca(2+) channels that mediate TCR stimulation-induced Ca(2+) entry. A point mutation in ORAI1 (ORAI1(R91W)) causes SCID in human patients that is recapitulated in Orai1(-/-) mice, emphasizing its important role in the immune cells. In this study, we have characterized a novel function of ORAI1 in T cell death. CD4(+) T cells from Orai1(-/-) mice showed robust proliferation with repetitive stimulations and strong resistance to stimulation-induced cell death due to reduced mitochondrial Ca(2+) uptake and altered gene expression of proapoptotic and antiapoptotic molecules (e.g., Fas ligand, Noxa, and Mcl-1). Nuclear accumulation of NFAT was severely reduced in ORAI1-deficient T cells, and expression of ORAI1 and a constitutively active mutant of NFAT recovered cell death. These results indicate NFAT-mediated cell death pathway as one of the major downstream targets of ORAI1-induced Ca(2+) entry. By expressing various mutants of ORAI1 in wild-type and Orai1(-/-) T cells to generate different levels of intracellular Ca(2+), we have shown that activation-induced cell death is directly proportional to the intracellular Ca(2+) concentration levels. Consistent with the in vitro results, Orai1(-/-) mice showed strong resistance to T cell depletion induced by injection of anti-CD3 Ab. Furthermore, ORAI1-deficient T cells showed enhanced survival after adoptive transfer into immunocompromised hosts. Thus, our results demonstrate a crucial role of the ORAI1-NFAT pathway in T cell death and highlight the important role of ORAI1 as a major route of Ca(2+) entry during activated T cell death.  相似文献   

《Experimental mycology》1988,12(3):217-222
When twoPodospora cultures are going to meet, the growth of hyphae at the periphery of colonies progressively decreases. In contrast, strains mutated in two loci (incA orincB) do not show growth reduction before meeting and produce a mixed area in the matched colony. When coupled to barrage (heterokaryon incompatibility) genes (het genes), theinc mutations suppressed barrage production and thehet genes did not prevent the formation of the mixed sectors. These results suggested that the apical cells ofinc strains do not produce anastomoses. This supposition was supported with the demonstration that theinc mutations inhibited the spontaneous occurrence of prototrophic heterokaryons resulting from the mixing of auxotrophic complementable homokaryons. Microscopic examination of hyphae cultured in suspended drops of liquid medium showed that the apical cells ofinc hyphae were really unfit for anastomosis production as the apparent consequence of a disruption in a growth control. Investigation of a thermosensitiveinc mutant showed that female sterility, a common feature ofinc strains, was suppressed solely when growth completion at the limit of culture medium was achieved at the permissive temperature. Taken together these results suggest that theinc strains are defective in a growth control conditioning a preliminary step for anastomosis production. Furthermore it is proposed that growth completion at the limit of culture medium is achieved by anastomosis of apical cells, fusions of which are a prerequisite for protoperithecium formation. The results also suggest that apical cell anastomosis would prevent genetic mosaicism and outbreeding in natural conditions.  相似文献   

Complete hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (HPRT) deficiency causes the Lesch-Nyhan syndrome, an X-linked, purine metabolism disorder manifested by hyperuricemia, hyperuricaciduria, and neurologic dysfunction. Partial HPRT deficiency causes hyperuricemia and gout. One requirement for understanding the molecular basis of HPRT deficiency is the determination of which amino acids in this salvage enzyme are necessary for structural or catalytic competence. In this study we have used the PCR coupled with direct sequencing to determine the nucleotide and subsequent amino acid changes in 22 subjects representing 17 unrelated kindreds from the United Kingdom. These mutations were confirmed by using either RNase mapping or Southern analyses. In addition, experiments were done to determine enzyme activity and electrophoretic mobility, and predictive paradigms were used to study the impact of these amino acid substitutions on secondary structure.  相似文献   

Mutations in the frataxin gene cause dorsal root ganglion demyelination and neurodegeneration, which leads to Friedreich's ataxia. However the consequences of frataxin depletion have not been measured in dorsal root ganglia or Schwann cells. We knocked down frataxin in several neural cell lines, including two dorsal root ganglia neural lines, 2 neuronal lines, a human oligodendroglial line (HOG) and multiple Schwann cell lines and measured cell death and proliferation. Only Schwann cells demonstrated a significant decrease in viability. In addition to the death of Schwann cells, frataxin decreased proliferation in Schwann, oligodendroglia, and slightly in one neural cell line. Thus the most severe effects of frataxin deficiency were on Schwann cells, which enwrap dorsal root ganglia neurons. Microarray of frataxin-deficient Schwann cells demonstrated strong activations of inflammatory and cell death genes including interleukin-6 and Tumor Necrosis Factor which were confirmed at the mRNA and protein levels. Frataxin knockdown in Schwann cells also specifically induced inflammatory arachidonate metabolites. Anti-inflammatory and anti-apoptotic drugs significantly rescued frataxin-dependent Schwann cell toxicity. Thus, frataxin deficiency triggers inflammatory changes and death of Schwann cells that is inhibitable by inflammatory and anti-apoptotic drugs.  相似文献   

Immunogenic cell death induced by anticancer chemotherapy is characterized by a series of molecular hallmarks that include the exodus of high-mobility group box 1 protein (HMGB1) from dying cells. HMGB1 is a nuclear nonhistone chromatin-binding protein. It is secreted at the late stages of cellular demise and engages Toll-like receptor4 (TLR4) on dendritic cells (DCs) to accelerate the processing of phagocytic cargo in the DC and to facilitate antigen presentation by DC to T cells. The absence of HMGB1 expression by dying tumor cells exposed to anthracyclines or oxaliplatin compromises DC-dependent T-cell priming by tumor-associated antigens. Here, we show that transplantable tumors exhibiting weak expression of nuclear HMGB1 respond to chemotherapy more effectively if the treatment is combined with the local or systemic administration of a highly purified and physiochemically defined and standardized lipopolysaccharide solution, which acts as a high-potency and exclusive TLR4 agonist, called Dendrophilin (DEN). The synergistic antitumor effects mediated by the combination of chemotherapy and immunotherapy relied upon the presence of the MyD88 (myeloid differentiation primary response gene) adapter of TLR4 (but not that of the TIR-domain-containing adapter-inducing interferon-β adapter), in line with the well-characterized action of DEN on the MyD88 signaling pathway. DEN and anthracyclines synergized to induce intratumoral accumulation of interferon-γ-producing CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocytes. Moreover, DEN could restore the immunogenicity of dying tumor cells from which HMGB1 had been depleted by RNA interference. These findings underscore the potential clinical utility of combination regimens involving immunogenic chemotherapy and certain TLR4 agonists in advanced HMGB1-deficient cancers.  相似文献   

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Recessive mutations (dppdisk) in one region of the decapentaplegic (dpp) gene of Drosophila, which codes for a transforming growth factor-beta homolog, cause loss of distal parts from adult appendages. Different dppdisk alleles cause effects of different severity, the milder alleles removing distal parts and the more severe alleles removing progressively more proximal structures. In the wing disc derivatives, the most extreme dppdisk genotype removes the entire wing and leaves only a thorax fragment. We show that structures are lost in these mutants as a result of massive apoptotic cell death in the corresponding regions of the imaginal discs during the mid-third larval instar. The remaining disc fragments do not regenerate when cultured alone in the growth-permissive environment of the adult abdomen, but they can be made to regenerate by coculturing them with appropriate fragments of wild-type wing discs. This nonautonomous development is interpreted as showing that a product of dpp+, presumably the TGF-beta homolog, is secreted by the normal cells and can rescue the mutant cells in the mixed tissue.  相似文献   

During inner ear development programmed cell death occurs in specific areas of the otic epithelium but the significance of it and the molecules involved have remained unclear. We undertook an analysis of mouse mutants in which genes encoding apoptosis-associated molecules have been inactivated. Disruption of the Apaf1 gene led to a dramatic decrease in apoptosis in the inner ear epithelium, severe morphogenetic defects and a significant size reduction of the membranous labyrinth, demonstrating that an Apaf1-dependent apoptotic pathway is necessary for normal inner ear development. This pathway most probably operates through the apoptosome complex because caspase 9 mutant mice suffered similar defects. Inactivation of the Bcl2-like (Bcl2l) gene led to an overall increase in the number of cells undergoing apoptosis but did not cause any major morphogenetic defects. In contrast, decreased apoptosis was observed in specific locations that suffered from developmental deficits, indicating that proapoptotic isoform(s) produced from Bcl2l might have roles in inner ear development. In Apaf1(-/-)/Bcl2l(-/-) double mutant embryos, no cell death could be detected in the otic epithelium, demonstrating that the cell death regulated by the anti-apoptotic Bcl2l isoform, Bcl-X(L) in the otic epithelium is Apaf1-dependent. Furthermore, the otic vesicle failed to close completely in all double mutant embryos analyzed. These results indicate important roles for both Apaf1 and Bcl2l in inner ear development.  相似文献   

Velo-cardio-facial syndrome (VCFS)/DiGeorge syndrome (DGS) is a human disorder characterized by a number of phenotypic features including cardiovascular defects. Most VCFS/DGS patients are hemizygous for a 1.5-3.0 Mb region of 22q11. To investigate the etiology of this disorder, we used a cre-loxP strategy to generate mice that are hemizygous for a 1.5 Mb deletion corresponding to that on 22q11. These mice exhibit significant perinatal lethality and have conotruncal and parathyroid defects. The conotruncal defects can be partially rescued by a human BAC containing the TBX1 gene. Mice heterozygous for a null mutation in Tbx1 develop conotruncal defects. These results together with the expression patterns of Tbx1 suggest a major role for this gene in the molecular etiology of VCFS/DGS.  相似文献   

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