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MAb1, a human IgG1 monoclonal antibody produced in a NS0 cell line, exhibits charge heterogeneity because of the presence of variants formed by processes such as N-terminal glutamate cyclization, C-terminal lysine truncation, deamidation, aspartate isomerization and sialylation in the carbohydrate moiety. Four major charge variants of MAb1 were isolated and the conformations of these charge variants were studied using hydrogen/deuterium exchange mass spectrometry, including the H/D exchange time course (HX-MS) and the stability of unpurified proteins from rates of H/D exchange (SUPREX) techniques. HX-MS was used to evaluate the conformation and solution dynamics of MAb1 charge variants by measuring their deuterium buildup over time at the peptide level. The SUPREX technique evaluated the unfolding profile and relative stability of the charge variants by measuring the exchange properties of globally protected amide protons in the presence of a chemical denaturant. The H/D exchange profiles from both techniques were compared among the four charge variants of MAb1. The two techniques together offered extensive understanding about the local and subglobal/global unfolding of the charge variants of MAb1. Our results demonstrated that all four charge variants of MAb1 were not significantly different in conformation, solution dynamics and chemical denaturant-induced unfolding profile and stability, which aids in understanding the biofunctions of the molecules. The analytical strategy used for conformational characterization may also be applicable to comparability studies done for antibody therapeutics.  相似文献   

Hydrogen/deuterium exchange mass spectrometry (H/D MS) of monomeric actin (G-actin), polymeric actin (F-actin), phalloidin-bound F-actin and G-actin complexed with DNase I provides new insights into the architecture of F-actin and the effects of phalloidin and DNase I binding. Although the overall pattern of deuteration change supports the gross features of the Holmes F-actin model, two important differences were observed. Most significantly, no change in deuteration was observed in the critical "hydrophobic plug" region, suggesting this feature may not be present. Polymerization also produced deuteration increases for peptide fragments containing the ATP phosphate-binding loops, suggesting G-actin transitions to a more "open" conformation upon polymerization. However, polymerization produced decreases in deuteration mainly localized to the "inner", filament-axis side as predicted by the Holmes model. Mapping the phalloidin-induced decreases in F-actin deuteration onto the Lorenz binding site produced a single common patch straddling two monomers across the 1-start helix contact, again consistent with the Holmes architecture. Finally, both DNase I and phalloidin were able to alter the deuteration of regions distal to their respective binding sites. These results highlight the great opportunities for H/D MS to exploit high-resolution structures for detailed studies of the organization and dynamics of complex molecular assemblies.  相似文献   

Junctional adhesion molecule-A (JAM-A) is an adherens and tight junction protein expressed by endothelial and epithelial cells and associated with cancer progression. We present here the extensive characterization of immune complexes involving JAM-A antigen and three monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), including hz6F4-2, a humanized version of anti-tumoral 6F4 mAb identified by a functional and proteomic approach in our laboratory. A specific workflow that combines orthogonal approaches has been designed to determine binding stoichiometries along with JAM-A epitope mapping determination at high resolution for these three mAbs. Native mass spectrometry experiments revealed different binding stoichiometries and affinities, with two molecules of JAM-A being able to bind to hz6F4-2 and F11 Fab, while only one JAM-A was bound to J10.4. Surface plasmon resonance indirect competitive binding assays suggested epitopes located in close proximity for hz6F4-2 and F11. Finally, hydrogen-deuterium exchange mass spectrometry was used to precisely identify epitopes for all mAbs. The results obtained by orthogonal biophysical approaches showed a clear correlation between the determined epitopes and JAM-A binding characteristics, allowing the basis for molecular recognition of JAM-A by hz6F4-2 to be definitively established for the first time. Taken together, our results highlight the power of MS-based structural approaches for epitope mapping and mAb conformational characterization.  相似文献   

The absolute quantitation of the targeted protein using MS provides a promising method to evaluate/verify biomarkers used in clinical diagnostics. In this study, a cardiac biomarker, troponin I (TnI), was used as a model protein for method development. The epitope peptide of TnI was characterized by epitope excision followed with LC/MS/MS method and acted as the surrogate peptide for the targeted protein quantitation. The MRM‐based MS assay using a stable internal standard that improved the selectivity, specificity, and sensitivity of the protein quantitation. Also, plasma albumin depletion and affinity enrichment of TnI by anti‐TnI mAb‐coated microparticles reduced the sample complexity, enhanced the dynamic range, and further improved the detecting sensitivity of the targeted protein in the biological matrix. Therefore, quantitation of TnI, a low abundant protein in human plasma, has demonstrated the applicability of the targeted protein quantitation strategy through its epitope peptide determined by epitope mapping method.  相似文献   

TL1A, a tumor necrosis factor-like cytokine, is a ligand for the death domain receptor DR3. TL1A, upon binding to DR3, can stimulate lymphocytes and trigger secretion of proinflammatory cytokines. Therefore, blockade of TL1A/DR3 interaction may be a potential therapeutic strategy for autoimmune and inflammatory diseases. Recently, the anti-TL1A monoclonal antibody 1 (mAb1) with a strong potency in blocking the TL1A/DR3 interaction was identified. Here, we report on the use of hydrogen/deuterium exchange mass spectrometry (HDX-MS) to obtain molecular-level details of mAb1′s binding epitope on TL1A. HDX coupled with electron-transfer dissociation MS provided residue-level epitope information. The HDX dataset, in combination with solvent accessible surface area (SASA) analysis and computational modeling, revealed a discontinuous epitope within the predicted interaction interface of TL1A and DR3. The epitope regions span a distance within the approximate size of the variable domains of mAb1′s heavy and light chains, indicating it uses a unique mechanism of action to block the TL1A/DR3 interaction.  相似文献   

Saturation transfer difference (STD) NMR spectroscopy is a promising tool for rapid screening, identifying ligands that interact with a target protein, and characterizing the epitopes of the ligands. Gibberellins (GAs) are a class of plant hormones and form a large family consisting of more than 120 members. A few of them, called "active" GAs, are considered to be perceptible to a receptor that remains unknown. We applied STD NMR spectroscopy to detect the binding activity and identify the binding epitope of gibberellin A(3) (GA(3)) that is recognized by monoclonal antibody 4-B8(8)/E9. This is one of the antibodies that can mimic a GA receptor in the manner of recognition of active GAs. The information on the binding epitope, obtained by STD NMR, was in good agreement with that shown by analyzing the crystal structure of the antibody-GA(4) complex. This suggests that STD NMR spectroscopy would be very useful to characterize the interaction between GAs and such binding proteins as GA-catabolic enzymes and receptors.  相似文献   

The pleomorphic nature of the immature and mature HIV-1 virions has made it difficult to characterize intersubunit interactions using traditional approaches. While the structures of isolated domains are known, the challenge is to identify intersubunit interactions and thereby pack these domains into supramolecular structures. Using high-resolution mass spectrometry, we have measured the amide hydrogen exchange protection factors for the soluble capsid protein (CA) and CA assembled in vitro. Comparison of the protection factors as well as chemical crosslinking experiments has led to a map of the subunit/subunit interfaces in the assembled tubes. This analysis provides direct biochemical evidence for the homotypic N domain and C domain interactions proposed from cryo-electron microscopy image reconstruction of CA tubes. Most significantly, we have identified a previously unrecognized intersubunit N domain-C domain interaction. The detection of this interaction reconciles previously discrepant biophysical and genetic data.  相似文献   

Hydrogen/deuterium exchange reactions of protonated and sodium cationized peptide molecules have been studied in the gas phase with a MALDI/quadrupole ion trap mass spectrometer. Unit-mass selected precursor ions were allowed to react with deuterated ammonia introduced into the trap cell by a pulsed valve. The reactant gas pressure, reaction time, and degree of the internal excitation of reactant ions were varied to explore the kinetics of the gas phase isotope exchange. Protonated peptide molecules exhibited a high degree of reactivity, some showing complete exchange of all labile hydrogen atoms. On the contrary, peptide molecules cationized with sodium exhibited only very limited reactivity, indicating a vast difference between the gas phase structures of the two ions. © 1997 Wiley-Liss Inc.  相似文献   

There is a strong need for rapid and reliable epitope mapping methods that can keep pace with the isolation of increasingly larger numbers of mAbs. We describe here the identification of a conformational epitope using Phage-based Representation OF ImmunoLigand Epitope Repertoire (PROFILER), a recently developed high-throughput method based on deep sequencing of antigen-specific lambda phage-displayed libraries. A novel bactericidal monoclonal antibody (mAb 9F11) raised against Neisseria meningitidis adhesin A (NadA), an important component of the Bexsero® anti-meningococcal vaccine, was used to evaluate the technique in comparison with other epitope mapping methods. The PROFILER technology readily identified NadA fragments that were capable of fully recapitulating the reactivity of the entire antigen against mAb 9F11. Further analysis of these fragments using mutagenesis and hydrogen-deuterium exchange mass-spectrometry allowed us to identify the binding site of mAb 9F11 (A250-D274) and an adjoining sequence (V275-H312) that was also required for the full functional reconstitution of the epitope. These data suggest that, by virtue of its ability to detect a great variety of immunoreactive antigen fragments in phage-displayed libraries, the PROFILER technology can rapidly and reliably identify epitope-containing regions and provide, in addition, useful clues for the functional characterization of conformational mAb epitopes.  相似文献   

Protein kinase A (PKA), a central locus for cAMP signaling in the cell, is composed of regulatory (R) and catalytic (C) subunits. The C-subunits are maintained in an inactive state by binding to the R-subunit dimer in a tetrameric holoenzyme complex (R(2)C(2)). PKA is activated by cAMP binding to the R-subunits which induces a conformational change leading to release of the active C-subunit. Enzymatic activity of the C-subunit is thus regulated by cAMP via the R-subunit, which toggles between cAMP and C-subunit bound states. The R-subunit is composed of a dimerization/docking (D/D) domain connected to two cAMP-binding domains (cAMP:A and cAMP:B). While crystal structures of the free C-subunit and cAMP-bound states of a deletion mutant of the R-subunit are known, there is no structure of the holoenzyme complex or of the cAMP-free state of the R-subunit. An important step in understanding the cAMP-dependent activation of PKA is to map the R-C interface and characterize the mutually exclusive interactions of the R-subunit with cAMP and C-subunit. Amide hydrogen/deuterium exchange mass spectrometry is a suitable method that has provided insights into the different states of the R-subunit in solution, thereby allowing mapping of the effects of cAMP and C-subunit on different regions of the R-subunit. Our study has localized interactions with the C-subunit to a small contiguous surface on the cAMP:A domain and the linker region. In addition, C-subunit binding causes increased amide hydrogen exchange within both cAMP-domains, suggesting that these regions become more flexible in the holoenzyme and are primed to bind cAMP. Furthermore, the difference in the protection patterns between RIalpha and the previously studied RIIbeta upon cAMP-binding suggests isoform-specific differences in cAMP-dependent regulation of PKA activity.  相似文献   

Hydrogen/deuterium (H/D) exchange in combination with electrospray ionization mass spectrometry and near-ultraviolet (UV) circular dichroism (CD) was used to study the conformational properties and thermal unfolding of Escherichia coli thioredoxin and its Cys32-alkylated derivatives in 1% acetic acid (pH 2.7). Thermal unfolding of oxidized (Oxi) and reduced (Red) -thioredoxin (TRX) and Cys-32-ethylglutathionyl (GS-ethyl-TRX) and Cys-32-ethylcysteinyl (Cys-ethyl-TRX), which are derivatives of Red-TRX, follow apparent EX1 kinetics as charge-state envelopes, H/D mass spectral exchange profiles, and near-UV CD appear to support a two-state folding/unfolding model. Minor mass peaks in the H/D exchange profiles and nonsuperimposable MS- and CD-derived melting curves, however, suggest the participation of unfolding intermediates leading to the conclusion that the two-state model is an oversimplification of the process. The relative stabilities as measured by melting temperatures by both CD and mass spectral charge states are, Oxi-TRX, GS-ethyl-TRX, Cys-ethyl-TRX, and Red-TRX. The introduction of the Cys-32-ethylglutathionyl group provides extra stabilization that results from additional hydrogen bonding interactions between the ethylglutathionyl group and the protein. Near-UV CD data show that the local environment near the active site is perturbed to almost an identical degree regardless of whether alkylation at Cys-32 is by the ethylglutathionyl group, or the smaller, nonhydrogen-bonding ethylcysteinyl group. Mass spectral data, however, indicate a tighter structure for GS-ethyl-TRX.  相似文献   

Mutations of the receptor tyrosine kinase KIT are linked to certain cancers such as gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs). Biophysical, biochemical, and structural studies have provided insight into the molecular basis of resistance to the KIT inhibitors, imatinib and sunitinib. Here, solution‐phase hydrogen/deuterium exchange (HDX) and direct binding mass spectrometry experiments provide a link between static structure models and the dynamic equilibrium of the multiple states of KIT, supporting that sunitinib targets the autoinhibited conformation of WT‐KIT. The D816H mutation shifts the KIT conformational equilibrium toward the activated state. The V560D mutant exhibits two low energy conformations: one is more flexible and resembles the D816H mutant shifted toward the activated conformation, and the other is less flexible and resembles the wild‐type KIT in the autoinhibited conformation. This result correlates with the V560D mutant exhibiting a sensitivity to sunitinib that is less than for WT KIT but greater than for KIT D816H. These findings support the elucidation of the resistance mechanism for the KIT mutants.  相似文献   

Human insulin and insulin lispro (lispro), a rapid-acting insulin analog, have identical primary structures, except for the transposition of a pair of amino acids. This mutation results in alterations in their higher order structures, with lispro dissociating more easily than human insulin. In our previous study performed using hydrogen/deuterium exchange mass spectrometry (HDX/MS), differences were observed in the rates and levels of deuteration among insulin analog products, which were found to be related to their self-association stability. In this study, we carried out peptide mapping of deuterated human insulin and lispro to determine the regions responsible for these deuteration differences and to elucidate the type of structural changes that affect their HDX reactivity. We identified A3–6 and B22–24 as the 2 regions that showed distinct differences in the number of deuterium atoms incorporated between human insulin and lispro. These regions contain residues that are thought to participate in hexamerization and dimerization, respectively. We also determined that over time, the differences in deuteration levels decreased in A3–6, whereas they increased in B22–24, suggesting a difference in the dynamics between these 2 regions. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Mass spectrometry in structural biology.  相似文献   

Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is a malignant tumor in the nasopharyngeal epithelial cells that caused by many factors, one of which is the viral infection of EBV (Epstein Barr Virus). The standard treatments to cure NPC still have not been encouraging. The prevention through vaccination is an effective way to stop the disease. However, EBV vaccine being able to cover all variants of virus is still not available yet. Therefore, we identified the conserved region of glycoprotein 350/220 of EBV which has immunogenic and antigenic properties. The glycoprotein 350/220 is viral surface protein responsible to bind CR2 receptor, mediated EBV to enter the host cell. The conserved domain is crucial for EBV in infecting host cells. Further, by blocking CR2 binding domain of gp350/220 using antibody will inhibit EBV's spreading, and provoke an immune system to eliminate the virus in a patient. Glycoprotein 350/220 from all variants of Epstein-Barr virus was retrieved from NCBI. The conserved domain of gp350/220 was identified by aligning the protein sequences and structures. The polymorphic structure was used as a template for docking analysis to identify the resemblance of amino acid from polymorphic variants of gp350/220 that binds CR2. The epitope mapping of gp350/220 was done by Discotope BepiPred method. The result revealed that the conserved region of gp350/220 was predicted to have an epitope, QNPVYLIPETVPYIKWDNC residue, and it does not have any similarities to the human's cell surface protein. Therefore, it can be used as a reference to develop vaccine to prevent NPC.  相似文献   

We have developed a method to rapidly identify the antigenic determinant for an antibody using in situ proteolysis of an immobilized antigen-antibody complex followed by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI/TOF). A mouse anti-bombesin monoclonal antibody was immobilized to agarose beads and then the antigen, gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP), was allowed to bind. Direct analysis of the immobilized antigen-antibody complex by MALDI/TOF is demonstrated and allows identification of ca. 1 pmol of the bound GRP. To identify the epitope, the immobilized antigen-antibody complex was subjected to proteolysis with trypsin, chymotrypsin, thermolysin, and aminopeptidase M. Following proteolysis, the part of the antigen in contact with the antibody and protected from proteolysis was identified directly by MALDI/TOF. Subsequently, the epitope was eluted from the immobilized antibody with 0.1 M glycine buffer (pH 2.3), separated by reversed-phase HPLC, and its identity confirmed by MALDI/TOF. Using this approach, the epitope for the anti-bombesin monoclonal antibody was shown to comprise the last 7-8 residues (HWAVGHLM-NH2) of GRP.  相似文献   

Photoactive yellow protein (PYP) is a small bacterial photoreceptor that undergoes a light-activated reaction cycle. PYP is also the prototypical Per-Arnt-Sim (PAS) domain. PAS domains, found in diverse multi-domain proteins from bacteria to humans, mediate protein-protein interactions and function as sensors and signal transducers. Here, we investigate conformational and dynamic changes in solution in wild-type PYP upon formation of the long-lived putative signaling intermediate I2 with enhanced hydrogen/deuterium exchange mass spectrometry (DXMS). The DXMS results showed that the central beta-sheet remains stable but specific external protein segments become strongly deprotected. Light-induced disruption of the dark-state hydrogen bonding network in I2 produces increased flexibility and opening of PAS core helices alpha3 and alpha4, releases the beta4-beta5 hairpin, and propagates conformational changes to the central beta-sheet. Surprisingly, the first approximately 10 N-terminal residues, which are essential for fast dark-state recovery from I2, become more protected. By combining the DXMS results with our crystallographic structures, which reveal detailed changes near the chromophore but limited protein conformational change, we propose a mechanism for I2 state formation. This mechanism integrates the results from diverse biophysical studies of PYP, and links an allosteric T to R-state conformational transition to three pathways for signal propagation within the PYP fold. On the basis of the observed changes in PYP plus commonalities shared among PAS domain proteins, we further propose that PAS domains share this conformational mechanism, which explains the versatile signal transduction properties of the structurally conserved PYP/PAS module by framework-encoded allostery.  相似文献   

CD73 (ecto-5′-nucleotidase) has recently been established as a promising immuno-oncology target. Given its role in activating purinergic signaling pathways to elicit immune suppression, antagonizing CD73 (i.e., releasing the brake) offers a complimentary pathway to inducing anti-tumor immune responses. Here, we describe the mechanistic activity of a new clinical therapeutic, MEDI9447, a human monoclonal antibody that non-competitively inhibits CD73 activity. Epitope mapping, structural, and mechanistic studies revealed that MEDI9447 antagonizes CD73 through dual mechanisms of inter-CD73 dimer crosslinking and/or steric blocking that prevent CD73 from adopting a catalytically active conformation. To our knowledge, this is the first report of an antibody that inhibits an enzyme's function through 2 distinct modes of action. These results provide a finely mapped epitope that can be targeted for selective, potent, and non-competitive inhibition of CD73, as well as establish a strategy for inhibiting enzymes that function in both membrane-bound and soluble states.  相似文献   

There is a need for new analytical approaches to better characterize the nature of the concentration-dependent, reversible self-association (RSA) of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) directly, and with high resolution, when these proteins are formulated as highly concentrated solutions. In the work reported here, hydrogen exchange mass spectrometry (HX-MS) was used to define the concentration-dependent RSA interface, and to characterize the effects of association on the backbone dynamics of an IgG1 mAb (mAb-C). Dynamic light scattering, chemical cross-linking, and solution viscosity measurements were used to determine conditions that caused the RSA of mAb-C. A novel HX-MS experimental approach was then applied to directly monitor differences in local flexibility of mAb-C due to RSA at different protein concentrations in deuterated buffers. First, a stable formulation containing lyoprotectants that permitted freeze-drying of mAb-C at both 5 and 60 mg/mL was identified. Upon reconstitution with RSA-promoting deuterated solutions, the low vs. high protein concentration samples displayed different levels of solution viscosity (i.e., approx. 1 to 75 mPa.s). The reconstituted mAb-C samples were then analyzed by HX-MS. Two specific sequences covering complementarity-determining regions CDR2H and CDR2L (in the variable heavy and light chains, respectively) showed significant protection against deuterium uptake (i.e., decreased hydrogen exchange). These results define the major protein-protein interfaces associated with the concentration-dependent RSA of mAb-C. Surprisingly, certain peptide segments in the VH domain, the constant domain (CH2), and the hinge region (CH1-CH2 interface) concomitantly showed significant increases in local flexibility at high vs. low protein concentrations. These results indicate the presence of longer-range, distant dynamic coupling effects within mAb-C occurring upon RSA.  相似文献   

There is a need for new analytical approaches to better characterize the nature of the concentration-dependent, reversible self-association (RSA) of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) directly, and with high resolution, when these proteins are formulated as highly concentrated solutions. In the work reported here, hydrogen exchange mass spectrometry (HX-MS) was used to define the concentration-dependent RSA interface, and to characterize the effects of association on the backbone dynamics of an IgG1 mAb (mAb-C). Dynamic light scattering, chemical cross-linking, and solution viscosity measurements were used to determine conditions that caused the RSA of mAb-C. A novel HX-MS experimental approach was then applied to directly monitor differences in local flexibility of mAb-C due to RSA at different protein concentrations in deuterated buffers. First, a stable formulation containing lyoprotectants that permitted freeze-drying of mAb-C at both 5 and 60 mg/mL was identified. Upon reconstitution with RSA-promoting deuterated solutions, the low vs. high protein concentration samples displayed different levels of solution viscosity (i.e., approx. 1 to 75 mPa.s). The reconstituted mAb-C samples were then analyzed by HX-MS. Two specific sequences covering complementarity-determining regions CDR2H and CDR2L (in the variable heavy and light chains, respectively) showed significant protection against deuterium uptake (i.e., decreased hydrogen exchange). These results define the major protein-protein interfaces associated with the concentration-dependent RSA of mAb-C. Surprisingly, certain peptide segments in the VH domain, the constant domain (CH2), and the hinge region (CH1-CH2 interface) concomitantly showed significant increases in local flexibility at high vs. low protein concentrations. These results indicate the presence of longer-range, distant dynamic coupling effects within mAb-C occurring upon RSA.  相似文献   

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