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The effect of manganese on both the low field (10--15 ppm) and the high field (o--3 ppm) NMR spectra of unfractionated tRNA and yeast tRNAPhe has been investigated. Trace amounts of Mn2+ cause selective broadening of resonances which are assigned to specific tertiary interactions. The order in which resonances broaden is the same as the order in which they are stabilized by the addition of magnesium, namely s4U8 - A14, U33 and A58 - T54. From this we conclude that three of the strong binding sites probably are the same for both Mn2+ and Mg2+, and that these sites are located close to the tertiary interactions which are stabilized by the strongly bound metals. The broadening data, taken in conjunction with published X-ray data on yeast tRNAPhe, permit us to suggest some plausible locations for the strong binding sites.  相似文献   

Chemical cleavage is developing into a powerful tool for analysis and characterization of nucleic acids. Phenanthroline-Cu(II) cleavage has been used extensively for studies of DNA for the last two decades, but recently has been applied to structural studies of RNA as well. This approach has been used to study the structure and structural changes occurring in ribosomal RNA within the ribosomes. In this article we discuss the mechanism by which phenanthroline cleaves, the applications possible using this approach, and the results that can be obtained. Protocols for use of phenanthroline are outlined as well.  相似文献   

Pyrrolo-C (PC), or 3-[beta-D-2-ribofuranosyl]-6-methylpyrrolo[2,3-d]pyrimidin-2(3H)-one, is a fluorescent analog of the nucleoside cytidine that retains its Watson-Crick base-pairing capacity with G. Due to its red-shifted absorbance, it can be selectively excited in the presence of natural nucleosides, making it a potential site-specific probe for RNA structure and dynamics. Similar to 2-aminopurine nucleoside, which base-pairs with uridine (or thymidine), PC's fluorescence becomes reversibly quenched upon base-pairing, most likely due to stacking interactions with neighboring bases. To test its utility as an RNA probe, we examined PC's fluorescent properties over a wide range of ionic strengths, pH, organic cosolvents, and temperatures. Incorporation of PC into a single-stranded RNA results in an approximately 60% reduction of fluorescence intensity, while duplex formation reduces the fluorescence by approximately 75% relative to the free ribonucleoside. We find that the fluorescence intensity of PC is only moderately affected by ionic strength, pH, and temperature, while it is slightly enhanced by organic cosolvents, making it a versatile probe for a broad range of buffer conditions. We demonstrate two applications for PC: fluorescent measurements of the kinetics of formation and dissociation of an RNA/DNA complex, and fluorescent monitoring of the thermal denaturation of the central segment of an RNA duplex. Taken together, our data showcase the potential of pyrrolo-C as an effective fluorescent probe to study RNA structure, dynamics, and function, complementary to the popular 2-aminopurine ribonucleoside.  相似文献   

This paper continues previous work on the analysis of nucleic acid-terbium complexes in the solid state. The fluorescence excitation and emission spectra of the RNA-terbium(III) complex is reported. The fluorescence excitation and emission spectra of both the RNA-terbium(III) and DNA-terbium(III) complexes as trapped on millipore filters is reported. One hundred percent of the DNA combined with terbium was trapped on millipore filters. Deoxyribonucleic acid was recovered from DNA-terbium(III) complexes trapped on millipore filters using SDS-extraction. Energy transfer was shown to occur from the bases in nucleic acids to the terbium ion, whereas the actual binding of terbium to nucleic acids was due to phosphate groups. The relative fluorescence of homopolyribonucleotide-terbium complexes showed that the guanine moiety was responsible for most of the observed fluorescence. Binding studies showed an equal affinity of radioactive terbium for all the homopolyribonucleotides. The fluorescence of solid-state DNA and RNA terbium complexes was used to measure picomole quantities of DNA or RNA.  相似文献   

Ruthenium(II) tris(bipyridyl) ion as a luminescent probe for oxygen uptake   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The present work describes an alternative technique for following the rate of oxygen uptake by chemical and enzymatic systems. This method is based on spectrofluorometric monitoring of the well-known quenching effect of molecular oxygen on the emission of the photoexcited [Ru(bpy)3]2+ ion, added to the reaction mixtures. The rate of oxygen consumption determined using the present method agrees with that obtained by conventional polarographic techniques in all of the following systems: ascorbate/Cu2+, glucose/glucose oxidase (EC, and propanal/horseradish peroxidase (EC; in the last case, agreement was observed both in the presence and absence of serum albumin and of chloroplasts. Spectrofluorometric data for amphotericin autoxidation in dimethyl sulfoxide are in accord with the rate of decay of the ESR signal of a spin trap added to the reaction mixture. The advantages and limitations of the present spectrofluorometric technique relative to conventional polarographic monitoring of dissolved oxygen are discussed.  相似文献   

3-Nitrotyrosine (NT) is approximately 10(3)-fold more acidic than Tyr, and its absorption properties are strongly pH-dependent. NT absorbs radiation in the wavelength range where Tyr and Trp emit fluorescence (300-450 nm), and it is essentially nonfluorescent. Therefore, NT may function as an energy acceptor in resonance energy transfer (FRET) studies for investigating ligand protein interactions. Here, the potentialities of NT were tested on the hirudin thrombin system, a well-characterized protease inhibitor pair of key pharmacological importance. We synthesized two analogs of the N-terminal domain (residues 1-47) of hirudin: Y3NT, in which Tyr3 was replaced by NT, and S2R/Y3NT, containing the substitutions Ser2 --> Arg and Tyr3 --> NT. The binding of these analogs to thrombin was investigated at pH 8 by FRET and UV/Vis-absorption spectroscopy. Upon hirudin binding, the fluorescence of thrombin was reduced by approximately 50%, due to the energy transfer occurring between the Trp residues of the enzyme (i.e., the donors) and the single NT of the inhibitor (i.e., the acceptor). The changes in the absorption spectra of the enzyme inhibitor complex indicate that the phenate moiety of NT in the free state becomes protonated to phenol in the thrombin-bound form. Our results indicate that the incorporation of NT can be effectively used to detect protein protein interactions with sensitivity in the low nanomolar range, to uncover subtle structural features at the ligand protein interface, and to obtain reliable Kd values for structure activity relationship studies. Furthermore, advances in chemical and genetic methods, useful for incorporating noncoded amino acids into proteins, highlight the broad applicability of NT in biotechnology and pharmacological screening.  相似文献   

We show how the antibiotic nystatin may be used in conjunction with microelectrodes to resolve transepithelial conductance Gt into its components: Ga, apical membrane conductance; Gbl, basolateral membrane conductance; and Gj, junctional conductance. Mucosal addition of nystatin to rabbit urinary bladder in Na+-containing solutions caused Gt to increase severalfold to ca. 460 micrometerho/muF, and caused the transepithelial voltage Vt to approach +50 mV regardless of its initial value. From measurements of Gt and the voltage-divider ratio as a function of time after addition or removal of nystatin, values for Ga, Gbl, and Gj of untreated bladder could be obtained. Nystatin proved to have no direct effect on Gbl or Gj but to increase Ga by about two orders of magnitude, so that the basolateral membrane then provided almost all of the electrical resistance in the transcellular pathway. The nystatin channel in the apical membrane was more permeable to cations than to anions. The dose-response curve for nystatin had a slope of 4.6. Use of nystatin permitted assessment of whether microelectrode impalement introduced a significant shunt conductance into the untreated apical membrane, with the conclusion that such a shunt was negligible in the present experiments. Nystatin caused a hyperpolarization of the basolateral membrane potential in Na+- containing solutions. This may indicate that the Na+ pump in this membrane is electrogenic.  相似文献   

Reliable determination of RNA secondary structure depends on both computer algorithms and experimental probing of nucleotides in single- or double-stranded conformation. Here we describe the exploitation of the endonucleolytic activity of the Bacillus subtilis enzyme RNase J1 as a probe of RNA structure. RNase J1 cleaves in single-stranded regions and, in vitro at least, the enzyme has relatively relaxed nucleotide specificity. We confirmed the feasibility of the approach on an RNA of known structure, B. subtilis tRNAThr. We then used RNase J1 to solve the secondary structure of the 5′ end of the hbs mRNA. Finally, we showed that RNase J1 can also be used in footprinting experiments by probing the interaction between the 30S ribosomal subunit and the Shine–Dalgarno element of the hbs mRNA.  相似文献   

Pb(2+)-catalyzed cleavage of RNA has been shown previously to be a useful probe for tertiary structure. In the present study, Pb2+ cleavage patterns were identified for ribonuclease P RNAs from three phylogenetically disparate organisms, Escherichia coli, Chromatium vinosum, Bacillus subtilis, and for E. coli RNase P RNAs that had been altered by deletions. Each of the native RNAs undergoes cleavage at several sites in the core structure that is common to all bacterial RNase P RNAs. All the cleavages occur in non-paired regions of the secondary structure models of the RNAs, in regions likely to be involved in tertiary interactions. Two cleavage sites occur at homologous positions in all the native RNAs, regardless of sequence variation, suggesting common tertiary structural features. The Pb2+ cleavage sites in four deletion mutants of E. coli RNase P RNA differed from the native pattern, indicating alterations in the tertiary structures of the mutant RNAs. This conclusion is consistent with previously characterized properties of the mutant RNAs. The Pb2+ cleavage assay is thus a useful probe to reveal alteration of tertiary structure in RNase P RNA.  相似文献   

Tb(III) as a fluorescent probe for the structure of bovine serum albumin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tb(III) was used as a fluorescent probe in the study of the calcium-binding sites on Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA). The fluorescence of Tb(III) is enhanced markedly when bound to BSA and nonradiative energy transfer between two fluorescent tryptophan(Trp) residues and Tb(III) bound to calcium-binding sites on BSA occurred. Experimental results show that the major groups in BSA bound to metal ion are the carboxyl side groups of glutamic acid (Glu) and aspartic acid (Asp). The average distance between the bound Tb(III) and the two tryptophan residues in BSA calculated by a F?ster dipole-dipole nonradiative energy transfer mechanism is 1.48 nm.  相似文献   

For phospholipid membranes with zwitterionic head groups, the dipole can be considered as a specific label for tracing the changes in the dynamic behaviour of this region of the bilayer in its various phases. Measurements of the dielectric properties of fully hydrated 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine bilayers in the frequency range 1--50 MHz show a dispersion which is attributed to the motion of the phosphocholine dipoles in the plane of the bilayers. When the temperature is varied, both the permittivity and loss factor increase sharply at the pretransition (35 degrees C) and the main transition (42 degress C). The relaxation time and amplitude were also determined for this dispersion and these further reflect the structural changes occurring with temperature. The relaxation times varied between 4 ns at 30 degrees C and 2.3 ns at 50 degrees C. Due to steric hindrances a restriction in the angle of head group rotation occurs at lower temperatures but is greatly reduced above the main transition.  相似文献   

We used site-specific recombination catalyzed by the bacteriophage lambda Int system to probe DNA structure and metabolism in vivo. In vitro, the complexity of catenated products was linearly proportional to substrate supercoil density. A system was developed that gave efficient, controlled Int recombination in Escherichia coli cells. From a comparison of the data obtained in vitro and in vivo, we conclude that Int recombination does have the same mechanism in vivo as it has in vitro, but that only 40% of the plasmid DNA linking deficit in E. coli cells may be in the interwound supercoil form demonstrated in vitro. We suggest that this is the effective level of supercoiling in vivo, because the remaining DNA is constrained in alternative forms by protein binding. The study of Int recombination in vivo also provides an assay for enzymes that decatenate circular molecules, such as those formed during DNA replication. We find that DNA gyrase is the principal decatenase in E. coli and that it acts spontaneously and rapidly.  相似文献   

DNAase II has been shown to cleave condensed mouse liver chromatin at 100-bp2 intervals while chromatin in the extended form is cleaved at 200-bp intervals (Altenburger et al., 1976). Evidence is presented here that DNA digestion patterns of a half-nucleosomal periodicity are also obtained upon DNAase II digestion of chicken erythrocyte nuclei and yeast nuclei, both of which differ in their repeat lengths (210 and 165 bp) from mouse liver chromatin. In the digestion of mouse liver nuclei a shift from the 100-bp to the 200-bp cleavage mode takes place when the concentration of monovalent cations present during digestion is decreased below 1 mM. When soluble chromatin prepared by micrococcal nuclease is digested with DNAase II the same type of shift occurs, albeit at higher ionic strength.In order to map the positions of the DNAase II cleavage sites on the DNA relative to the positions of the nucleosome cores, the susceptibility of DNAase II-derived DNA termini to exonuclease III was investigated. In addition, oligonucleosome fractions from HaeIII and micrococcal nuclease digests were end-labelled with polynucleotide kinase and digested with DNAase II under conditions leading to 100 and 200-bp digestion patterns. Analysis of the chain lengths of the resulting radioactively labelled fragments together with the results of the exonuclease assay allow the following conclusions. In the 200-bp digestion mode, DNAase II cleaves exclusively in the internucleosomal linker region. Also in the 100-bp mode cleavage occurs initially in the linker region. Subsequently, DNAase II cleaves at intranucleosomal locations, which are not, however, in the centre of the nucleosome but instead around positions 20 and 125 of the DNA associated with the nucleosome core. At late stages of digestion intranucleosomal cuts predominate and linkers that are still intact are largely resistant to DNAase II due to interactions between adjacent nucleosomes. These findings offer an explanation for the sensitivity of DNAase II to the higher-order structure of chromatin.  相似文献   

The possibility of acyl migrations in ester saponins from Maesa lanceolata was investigated by molecular mechanics and electronic structure calculations carried out on the major constituent maesasaponin IV3 (3beta-O-[[alpha-L-rhamnopyranosyl-(1-->2)-[beta-D-galactopyranosyl-(1-->3)]-[beta-D-galactopyranosyl-(1-->2)]-beta-D-gluco-pyranuronyl]-21beta-angeloyloxy-22alpha-propanoyloxy-13beta,28-oxido-olean-16alpha, 28alpha-diol). It was confirmed that acyl migrations could occur in rings D and E of maesasaponins.  相似文献   

Nucleosomes prepared from human placental nuclei and Escherichia coli DNA-dependent RNA polymerase (nucleoside triphosphate: RNA nucleotidyl transferase EC. form stable initiation complexes. This property is utilized as a probe of nucleosome structure. RNA polymerase initiation has been studied on purified nucleosomes, nucleosome cores, and nucleosomal DNA. The affinity of E. coli RNA polymerase for both nucleosome cores and monomers was 5-6 fold less than found for nucleosomal DNA. No difference in apparent initiation Km was found between cores and mononucleosomes. This suggests that initiation does not preferentially occur on the DNA tails of nucleosomes. Once initiated and allowed to form nascent RNA, these complexes are very stable to ionic strength changes. Under conditions in which free enzyme is inactivated with rifampicin, the enzyme in the complex retains activity as demonstrated by its ability to transcribe and reinitiate on both nucleosomes and free DNA. These complexes can be well resolved from free nucleosomes on preparative polyacrylamide gels and both can be eluted from gels for analysis of proteins and DNA sequence complexity. Studies using (125I) labelled nucleosomes show that histones are retained in the initiation complex, and are not dissociated by the enzyme during initiation.  相似文献   

Endocrine-disrupting compounds (EDCs) are widespread in the aquatic environment and can cause alterations in development, physiological homeostasis and health of vertebrates. Zebrafish, Danio rerio, has been suggested as a model species to identify targets as well as modes of EDC action. In fact, zebrafish has been found useful in EDC screening, in EDC effects assessment and in studying targets and mechanisms of EDC action. Since many of the environmental EDCs interfere with the sex steroid system of vertebrates, most EDC studies with zebrafish addressed disruption of sexual differentiation and reproduction. However, other targets of EDCs action must not be overlooked. For using a species as a toxicological model, a good knowledge of the biological traits of this species is a pre-requisite for the rational design of test protocols and endpoints as well as for the interpretation and extrapolation of the toxicological findings. Due to the genomic resources available for zebrafish and the long experience with zebrafish in toxicity testing, it is easily possible to establish molecular endpoints for EDC effects assessment. Additionally, the zebrafish model offers a number of technical advantages including ease and cost of maintenance, rapid development, high fecundity, optical transparency of embryos supporting phenotypic screening, existence of many mutant strains, or amenability for both forward and reverse genetics. To date, the zebrafish has been mainly used to identify molecular targets of EDC action and to determine effect thresholds, while the potential of this model species to study immediate and delayed physiological consequences of molecular interactions has been instrumentalized only partly. One factor that may limit the exploitation of this potential is the still rather fragmentary knowledge of basic biological and endocrine traits of zebrafish. Information on species-specific features in endocrine processes and biological properties, however, need to be considered in establishing EDC test protocols using zebrafish, in extrapolating findings from zebrafish to other vertebrate species, and in understanding how EDC-induced gene expression changes translate into disease.  相似文献   

Mn(II)-dependent 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetate 2,3-dioxygenase (MndD) is an extradiol-cleaving catechol dioxygenase from Arthrobacter globiformis that has 82% sequence identity to and cleaves the same substrate (3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid) as Fe(II)-dependent 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetate 2,3-dioxygenase (HPCD) from Brevibacterium fuscum. We have observed that MndD binds the chromophoric 4-nitrocatechol (4-NCH(2)) substrate as a dianion and cleaves it extremely slowly, in contrast to the Fe(II)-dependent enzymes which bind 4-NCH(2) mostly as a monoanion and cleave 4-NCH(2) 4-5 orders of magnitude faster. These results suggest that the monoanionic binding state of 4-NC is essential for extradiol cleavage. In order to address the differences in 4-NCH(2) binding to these enzymes, we synthesized and characterized the first mononuclear monoanionic and dianionic Mn(II)-(4-NC) model complexes as well as their Fe(II)-(4-NC) analogs. The structures of [(6-Me(2)-bpmcn)Fe(II)(4-NCH)](+), [(6-Me(3)-TPA)Mn(II)(DBCH)](+), and [(6-Me(2)-bpmcn)Mn(II)(4-NCH)](+) reveal that the monoanionic catecholate is bound in an asymmetric fashion (Delta r(metal-O(catecholate))=0.25-0.35 A), as found in the crystal structures of the E(.)S complexes of extradiol-cleaving catechol dioxygenases. Acid-base titrations of [(L)M(II)(4-NCH)](+) complexes in aprotic solvents show that the p K(a) of the second catecholate proton of 4-NCH bound to the metal center is half a p K(a) unit higher for the Mn(II) complexes than for the Fe(II) complexes. These results are in line with the Lewis acidities of the two divalent metal ions but are the opposite of the trend observed for 4-NCH(2) binding to the Mn(II)- and Fe(II)-catechol dioxygenases. These results suggest that the MndD active site decreases the second p K(a) of the bound 4-NCH(2) relative to the HPCD active site.  相似文献   

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