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A major goal of evolutionary biology is to understand how selection drives local adaptation. For example, the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) plays an important role in the immune system, and high levels of MHC variation are thought to be a form of adaptation in natural populations. Individual MHC composition may influence parasite resistance via advantages associated with 1) heterozygosity, because heterozygotes recognize a broader range of different antigens than homozygotes (heterozygote advantage); 2) highly variable amino acid sequences in MHC alleles, allowing individuals to bind a broader spectrum of parasite-derived peptides (divergent-alleles advantage, a mechanistic variant of the heterozygote advantage model); or 3) specific MHC alleles (rare allele advantage or frequency dependent selection). We investigated relationships between gastrointestinal nematode burden and both adaptive immune gene variability (MHC class II DRB) and neutral microsatellites in free-living gray mouse lemurs (Microcebus murinus) native to a dry deciduous forest population in western Madagascar to test these hypotheses. The individual MHC composition was related to parasite infestation. Specific MHC alleles were involved in parasite resistance and the presence of common alleles negatively influenced infestation intensity. We found no support for the heterozygote advantage hypothesis, but we did find support for the divergent-MHC allele advantage hypothesis: Individuals with very divergent MHC alleles carried fewer and less intense nematode infestations than individuals with more similar alleles in the more variable dry deciduous forest population. These results indicate that intestinal parasites are important selection pressures under natural conditions and suggest that different selection mechanisms are not mutually exclusive. In contrast, we detected no association between neutral overall individual genetic diversity (measured via 17 microsatellites) and parasite load. Finally, we investigated the ubiquity of parasite-driven selection mechanisms by comparing our results with a previous study of a mouse lemur population from the climatically different littoral forest in southeastern Madagascar, ca. 500 km away. This revealed that different specific MHC alleles were involved in parasite resistance in the 2 habitats, showing that gene-parasite associations are not consistent between populations.  相似文献   

Microcebus murinus s a very photoperiod-dependent primate with a potentially extended longevity (13 years). Reduction of artificial seasonal cycles allows acceleration of the aging process. Under these conditions, age is defined according to the number of seasonal cycles. We conducted experiments in order to assess the effects of aging upon (1) the main parameters (period: duration: ) of the circadian activity–rest rhythm; and (2) the plasticity of the response to light, which is the main entraining factor of the internal clock. We studied the evolution of and through two types of experiments: a transverse one comparing 36 males of various ages (1–13 seasonal cycles) and a longitudinal one following 2 pairs of males from the same litter (one from each pair was maintained under natural cycle while the other was submitted to a shortened cycle) over 54 months. Results from transverse experiments demonstrated no statistical difference in and with age except in 4 senescent (>10 cycles) subjects in which these two parameters were decreased. Longitudinal experiments confirmed this tendency. The plasticity of responses to light, resynchronization after a shift of the day–night cycle, or shift of activity onset after presentation of a light pulse at various circadian times was unaffected by aging. Taken together, the data demonstrate that the parameters of the circadian activity–rest rhythm remain stable over a long span of life and/or that light remains a powerful entraining parameter even in very old individuals.  相似文献   

I aimed to determine when and under which seasonal environmental conditions gray mouse lemurs (Microcebus murinus), a small nocturnal primate species endemic to Madagascar, utilize daily torpor. Using temperature-sensitive radio collars, I measured skin temperature (T sk ) of free-ranging mouse lemurs under natural conditions. My results showed that male and female mouse lemurs in the wild enter torpor spontaneously over a wide range of ambient temperatures (T a ) during the dry season, but not during the rainy season. Mouse lemurs that remained normothermic had significantly lower body masses (mean: 59.7 g) than individuals that used torpor (mean: 80.2 g). Skin temperatures dropped to 20.9°C and the mean torpor bout duration is 10.3 h. The use of torpor on a given night varied among individuals, whereas the propensity for torpor did not differ significantly between males and females. I found no evidence that T a can be used to predict whether mouse lemurs will remain normothermic or enter torpor. It appears that the most reliable indicator for the occurrence of torpor in free-ranging Microcebus murinus is time of the year, i.e., photoperiod.  相似文献   

Estrous synchrony in seasonal breeders can in principle be based on and shaped by environmental, internal, and/or social cues. We analyzed the dynamics of estrous synchrony for the first time in a seasonal, nocturnal primate species, the gray mouse lemur (Microcebus murinus). We compared successive estrous cycles and different levels of spatial proximity over two reproductive seasons in a captive population in order to identify possible social influences on estrous synchrony. The females exhibited a marked estrous synchrony at the beginning of each reproductive season, but we found no indication of a process of socially induced synchronization among them. Females housed in the same cage/room were not more strongly synchronized than females housed in different cages/rooms. Moreover, cycles desynchronized from the first to the second estrus of the season. Estrous cycle length did not depend on age, parity, or social housing conditions, but instead mainly on the individuality of the lemurs. This individuality, shown for the first time in a nocturnal primate species, is likely to be based on an endogenous rhythm with a genetic basis. We discuss possible social advantages, e.g., communal rearing, and disadvantages, e.g., mate choice and female-female competition, of estrous synchrony for nocturnal primates living in a dispersed individualized social network, and propose that a moderate flexibility within the individual cycle lengths probably enables the females to compromise between the different socioecological pressures.  相似文献   

Daily variations in core temperature (Tc) within the normothermic range imply thermoregulatory processes that are essential for optimal function and survival. Higher susceptibility towards cold exposure in older animals suggests that these processes are disturbed with age. In the mouse lemur, a long-day breeder, we tested whether aging affected circadian rhythmicity of Tc, locomotor activity (LA), and energy balance under long-day conditions when exposed to cold. Adult (N?=?7) and aged (N?=?5) mouse lemurs acclimated to LD14/10 were exposed to 10–day periods at 25 and 12°C. Tc and LA rhythms were recorded by telemetry, and caloric intake (CI), body mass changes, and plasma IGF-1 were measured. During exposure to 25°C, both adult and aged mouse lemurs exhibited strong daily variations in Tc. Aged animals exhibited lower levels of nocturnal LA and nocturnal and diurnal Tc levels in comparison to adults. Body mass and IGF-1 levels remained unchanged with aging. Under cold exposure, torpor bout occurrence was never observed whatever the age category. Adult and aged mouse lemurs maintained their Tc in the normothermic range and a positive energy balance. All animals exhibited increase in CI and decrease in IGF-1 in response to cold. The decrease in IGF-1 was delayed in aged mouse lemurs compared to adults. Moreover, both adult and aged animals responded to cold exposure by increasing their diurnal LA compared to those under Ta?=?25°C. However, aged animals exhibited a strong decrease in nocturnal LA and Tc, whereas cold effects were only slight in adults. The temporal organization and amplitude of the daily phase of low Tc were particularly well preserved under cold exposure in both age groups. Sexually active mouse lemurs exposed to cold thus seemed to prevent torpor exhibition and temporal disorganization of daily rhythms of Tc, even during aging. However, although energy balance was not impaired with age in mouse lemurs after cold exposure, aging was associated with lower LA and Tc during the night and delayed decrease in IGF-1. This might reflect that adaptive strategies to cold exposure differ with age in mouse lemurs acclimated to a summer-like photoperiod.  相似文献   

The nocturnal Malagasy mouse lemurs are among the smallest primates worldwide. Several sibling species are known. Of these, the rufous and the gray mouse lemur differ with respect to morphology, genetics, and communication. They might also differ in seasonal reproduction and body weight changes. We investigated and compared reproductive activities and changes in monthly body weight in males and females of successfully breeding colonies of both species under the same photoperiodic conditions. Females of both species showed estrous cycles only during the long-day period. Rufous mouse lemur females seemed to have a shorter gestation than their sibling species (57 vs. 62 days). The number of estrous cycles (2.25 vs. 2.5/season) and their lengths (59 vs. 52 days) were similar. Litter size (2) seemed to be similar. Latency of estrous occurrence after photoperiodic stimulation was longer in Microcebus rufus than in its sibling species (71.6 and 42.3 days). The same was true for the onset of the growth of the testes. The rate of growth and size of the testes were similar, and precede the estrous onset in both species. The reproductive activity was shorter in both sexes of the rufous than of the gray mouse lemurs. In both species, body weight showed similar seasonal changes. Males lost more weight during the breeding season than females did. In rufous mouse lemurs, body weight was similar in both sexes during the nonbreeding season. In gray mouse lemurs, sexes differed throughout the year.  相似文献   

The gray mouse lemur (Microcebus murinus, GML) is a nocturnal, arboreal, prosimian primate that is native to Madagascar. Captive breeding colonies of GMLs have been established primarily for noninvasive studies on questions related to circadian rhythms and metabolism. GMLs are increasingly considered to be a strong translational model for neurocognitive aging due to overlapping histopathologic features shared with aged humans. However, little information is available describing the clinical presentations, naturally occurring diseases, and histopathology of aged GMLs. In our colony, a 9 y-old, male, GML was euthanized after sudden onset of weakness, lethargy, and tibial fracture. Evaluation of this animal revealed widespread fibrous osteodystrophy (FOD) of the mandible, maxilla, cranium, appendicular, and vertebral bones. FOD and systemic metastatic mineralization were attributed to underlying chronic renal disease. Findings in this GML prompted periodic colony-wide serum biochemical screenings for azotemia and electrolyte abnormalities. Subsequently, 3 additional GMLs (2 females and 1 male) were euthanized due to varying clinical and serum biochemical presentations. Common to all 4 animals were FOD, chronic renal disease, uterine adenocarcinoma (females only), cataracts, and osteoarthritis. This case study highlights the concurrent clinical and histopathologic abnormalities that are relevant to use of GMLs in the expanding field of aging research.

Within the past 5 y, recognition of the translational utility of the gray mouse lemur (Microcebus murinus, GML) has greatly expanded, in part due to the sequencing of its genome.27 GMLs have been proposed as an animal model in the context of aging research,14,35 most notably within the fields of Alzheimer disease and dementia33,39 and circadian rhythms.15,20 GMLs are nocturnal, arboreal, prosimian primates (family Cheirogaleidae) that are endemic to Madagascar. They are among the smallest primates, with a body weight of 49 to 80 g in the wild37 (60 to 110 g in captivity) and have a life expectancy of approximately 8 to 10 y in captivity.14 A small number of captive breeding colonies have been established throughout Europe and the United States, many of which have arisen from a closed captive breeding colony at the Muséum National d''Histoire Naturelle (MNHN) in Brunoy, France.Despite an ever-growing interest in the GML as a model organism, clinical and pathologic case reports focusing on naturally occurring disease are rare for this species.1,4,10,16,17,20,28,31,34,38 Reports of spontaneous disease often focus on neoplasia28,31,34 or on ocular abnormalities, which are accessible without invasive interventions.1,4,12 Apart from age-related neurodegenerative disease and cognitive impairment,5,23,25,26,32,36 little is known about the natural disease predilection and histologic aging phenotypes of GMLs.In June 2017, a 9 y-old male GML was euthanized after the sudden onset of weakness, lethargy, and tibial fracture. Necropsy and histopathology revealed chronic renal disease, widespread fibrous osteodystrophy (FOD), and systemic metastatic mineralization. These findings prompted colony-wide serum biochemical screenings for potential underlying renal disease and subsequent metabolic bone disease within the population.Herein, we report the clinical, gross, and histologic multisystemic pathology of 4 aged GMLs. This is the first documentation of FOD secondary to chronic renal disease in GMLs in a captive research colony. In addition, we corroborate previous reports31,34 of uterine adenocarcinoma in aged female GMLs. Together, these findings aid in providing appropriate clinical care to GMLs as their use in the field of aging research continues to expand.  相似文献   

I studied the insulation capacity of tree holes used by gray mouse lemurs (Microcebus murinus) in a primary dry deciduous forest in western Madagascar during the cool dry season. Tree holes had an insulating effect, and fluctuations of air temperatures were less extreme inside the holes than outside them. The insulation capacity of the tree holes peaked between 0800 and 1100 hr, when ambient temperatures ranged between 25 and 30°C. To compare tree holes, I calculated the mean difference between the internal temperature )(Ti ) and the external temperature (Te ) for each tree hole. Thus large differences indicate good insulation capacities. The mean difference of tree holes in living trees was significantly larger than that of tree holes in dead trees, which shows that insulation in living trees is more effective. During the dry season, the insulation capacity of tree holes in living trees decreased and was lowest in July, whereas the insulation capacity of holes in dead trees remained approximately constant. Physiological studies under natural temperature and light condition in Microcebus murinus reveal that daily torpor saves around 40% of the daily energy expenditure compared to normothermia. However, torpor can be maintained only up to the threshold body and ambient temperature of 28°C, whereat Microcebus murinus have to terminate torpor actively. By occupying insulating tree holes, mouse lemurs may stay longer in torpor, which increases their daily energy savings by an extra 5%.  相似文献   

Advertisement calls are often important noninvasive tools for discriminating cryptic species and for assessing specific diversity and speciation patterns in nature. We investigated the contribution of these calls to uncover specific diversity in nocturnal Malagasy lemurs. We compared sexual advertisement and predator advertisement calls of two mouse lemur species, western gray and eastern rufous mouse lemurs (Microcebus murinus and M. rufus, respectively) living in two contrasting habitats (dry deciduous vs. rain forest), and analyzed them statistically. Both species emitted several highly variable whistle calls in the context of predator-avoidance. Intrapopulation variation was high and overlapped interspecific variation. Sexual advertisement calls, given in the mating context, displayed a totally distinct, species-specific acoustic structure. Whereas gray mouse lemurs produced rapidly multifrequency modulated, long trill calls, rufous mouse lemurs gave slowly frequency-modulated short chirp calls. Our results suggest specific status for gray and rufous mouse lemurs and indicate the importance of predation and social needs in shaping vocal communication.  相似文献   

Microcebus murinus exhibits highly seasonal biological rhythms to cope with extreme seasonality in availability of resources. To study the role of daylength on seasonal changes in body mass and reproductive function, we exposed male and female gray mouse lemurs to natural, constant, or alternating light cycles for 2 years under constant environmental conditions. When exposed to either constant short (SD: 10 h light/day), long (LD: 14 h light/day), or intermediate (ID: 12 h light/day) daylength, males and females maintained a constant body mass with no spontaneous cyclic variation. We only observed typical seasonal body mass changes in subjects exposed to alternating periods of SD and LD, the weight gain being triggered by SD, whereas weight loss occurred under LD. Reproductive activity in females proceeded from an endogenous rhythm that was expressed under constant daylengths. In contrast, changes in reproductive activity in males depended on daylength variation. In both sexes, SD and LD have direct inhibitory or stimulatory effects on reproductive activity. In females, daylength regulates breeding season by synchronizing an endogenous sexual rhythm with the season, whereas in males, the perception of a critical photoperiod is used to determine the subsequent onset or arrest of their breeding season. These sexual differences in the effect of daylength could be related to sex-specific differences in reproductive constraints.  相似文献   

Immunological memory, which protects organisms from re-infection, is a hallmark of the mammalian adaptive immune system and the underlying principle of vaccination. In early life, however, mice and other mammals are deficient at generating memory CD8+ T cells, which protect organisms from intracellular pathogens. The molecular basis that differentiates adult and neonatal CD8+ T cells is unknown. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are both developmentally regulated and required for normal adult CD8+ T cell functions. We used next-generation sequencing to identify mouse miRNAs that are differentially regulated in adult and neonatal CD8+ T cells, which may contribute to the impaired development of neonatal memory cells. The miRNA profiles of adult and neonatal cells were surprisingly similar during infection; however, we observed large differences prior to infection. In particular, miR-29 and miR-130 have significant differential expression between adult and neonatal cells before infection. Importantly, using RNA-Seq, we detected reciprocal changes in expression of messenger RNA targets for both miR-29 and miR-130. Moreover, targets that we validated include Eomes and Tbx21, key genes that regulate the formation of memory CD8+ T cells. Notably, age-dependent changes in miR-29 and miR-130 are conserved in human CD8+ T cells, further suggesting that these developmental differences are biologically relevant. Together, these results demonstrate that miR-29 and miR-130 are likely important regulators of memory CD8+ T cell formation and suggest that neonatal cells are committed to a short-lived effector cell fate prior to infection.  相似文献   

Behavior varies among individuals and is flexible within individuals. However, studies of behavioral syndromes and animal personality have demonstrated that animals can show consistency in their behavior and as such may be restricted in their behavioral responses. Like any other trait, including morphology, performance, or physiology, personality is now considered an important component of ecology and may have fitness consequences. Moreover, in some species personality correlates with other traits, as predicted in the context of a recent theoretical framework postulating that individual differences in growth and body size can affect behavior through effects on growth–mortality tradeoffs. This “pace of life” hypothesis predicts that animals that explore more should be larger and have higher growth rates than those that explore less. We tested for associations between morphology and a behavioral trait in a captive colony of gray mouse lemurs (Microcebus murinus). We used open-field tests to evaluate exploration behavior and measured a series of morphological traits in 72 individuals (32 males and 40 females). Our results show that the latency to start exploring correlates positively with adult body size and body weight at birth. These data provide evidence for a link between morphology and behavior in this species, thus supporting predictions of dispersal models but diverging from the predictions of the “pace of life” model.  相似文献   

We demonstrate that the previously described gene Androgen binding protein (Abp; Dlouhy and Karn, 1984) codes for the Alpha subunit of ABP and rename the locus Androgen binding protein alpha (Abpa). A study of recombinant inbred strains demonstrates that Abpa is located on chromosome 7 near Glucose phosphate isomerase-1 (Gpi-1). Biochemical and genetic evidence indicates the existence of another ABP subunit, Gamma, and its locus, Androgen binding protein gamma (Abpg), that is closely linked to Abpa. Although no polymorphism has yet been found for the previously described Beta subunit of ABP (Dlouhy and Karn, 1983; 1984), we suggest that it represents a third locus. Androgen binding protein beta (Abpb). ABP subunits appear to dimerize randomly and a model is presented demonstrating the origin of six ABP dimers in the salivas of AbpaaAbpga/AbpabAbpgb heterozygous mice. The results of cell-free translation studies in which the pre-ABP subunits are identified specifically by immunoprecipitation with anti-ABP antibody supports the idea that independent mRNAs code for the Alpha, Beta and Gamma subunits.  相似文献   

Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) constitute important intracellular signaling molecules. Mitochondria are admitted sources of ROS, especially of superoxide anions through the electron transport chain. Here the mitochondria-targeted ratiometric pericam (RPmt) was used as a superoxide biosensor, by appropriate choice of the excitation wavelength. RPmt was transfected in vivo into mouse muscles. Confocal imaging of isolated muscle fibers reveals spontaneous flashes of RPmt fluorescence. Flashes correspond to increases in superoxide production, as shown by simultaneous recordings of the fluorescence from MitoSox, a mitochondrial superoxide probe. Flashes occur in all subcellular populations of mitochondria. Spatial analysis of the flashes pattern over time revealed that arrays of mitochondria work as well-defined superoxide-production-units. Increase of superoxide production at the muscle fiber level involves recruitment of supplemental units with no increase in per-unit production. Altogether, these results demonstrate that superoxide flashes in muscle fibers correspond to physiological signals linked to mitochondrial metabolism. They also suggest that superoxide, or one of its derivatives, modulates its own production at the mitochondrial level.  相似文献   

Understanding processes affecting the distribution and abundance of organisms is a central issue in ecology and conservation biology. In northwestern Madagascar, we found an uneven distribution pattern of the golden-brown mouse lemur (Microcebus ravelobensis) and the grey mouse lemur (M. murinus). In one area (JBA) the two species lived sympatrically, whereas in another forest area (JBB) Microcebus ravelobensis occurred exclusively. To investigate whether differences in forest structure may explain this uneven distribution, we conducted a microhabitat analysis and related it to specific distribution. In JBA the habitat of Microcebus ravelobensis was characterized by a higher percentage of trees with many lianas and a higher cover of the herb layer, whereas that of M. murinus had a higher number of trees with a diameter at breast height (DBH) >10 cm. The comparison of the forest structure of the microhabitats of the two species between JBA and JBB revealed further differences. The cover of the overstory, the percentage of trees without lianas and the number of larger trees (DBH >10 cm) among the microhabitats were higher for Microcebus murinus in JBA than for M. ravelobensis in JBB whereas the microhabitats of M. ravelobensis at the two sites did not differ concerning these vegetation structures. Differences between the two species coincide with those of resources important for survival. Our results indicate the importance of microhabitat analyses for the understanding of distribution patterns of species and for successful conservation planning.  相似文献   

Prehension is essential for animal survival and fitness. It is involved in locomotion and feeding behavior and subject to physical and physiological constraints. Studies of prehension in primates have explored the importance of food properties and of the environment, but aging has rarely been studied although prehensile capacity may deteriorate with age in humans. To test the hypothesis that aging affects grasping abilities and to reveal possible behavioral adaptations to this, we quantified behavioral grasping strategies and pull strength in 10 young adult (2–3 yr old) and 10 aged (7–8 yr old) gray mouse lemurs (Microcebus murinus). We assessed grasping strategies in an experimental cage by quantifying grip types used to grasp static and mobile foods. We measured strength using a Kistler triaxial force platform. Our results show that 1) mobile and static foods affected individuals of different ages in similar ways; 2) older individuals used more mouth grasps than young ones; 3) aged individuals made twice as many attempts as young ones when grasping mobile food items but this difference was not significant; and 4) there were no differences in hand grip strength between age classes but young individuals showed a higher foot pull strength compared to old ones. These data suggest that the observed differences in behavior may be due to a decrease in foot grip strength, which in turn influences stability on narrow branches, forcing animals to use their hands to maintain stability and preventing them from using their hands for food-related tasks.  相似文献   

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