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Anthony Almudevar 《Biometrics》2001,57(4):1080-1088
The problem of inferring kinship structure among a sample of individuals using genetic markers is considered with the objective of developing hypothesis tests for genetic relatedness with nearly optimal properties. The class of tests considered are those that are constrained to be permutation invariant, which in this context defines tests whose properties do not depend on the labeling of the individuals. This is appropriate when all individuals are to be treated identically from a statistical point of view. The approach taken is to derive tests that are probably most powerful for a permutation invariant alternative hypothesis that is, in some sense, close to a null hypothesis of mutual independence. This is analagous to the locally most powerful test commonly used in parametric inference. Although the resulting test statistic is a U-statistic, normal approximation theory is found to be inapplicable because of high skewness. As an alternative it is found that a conditional procedure based on the most powerful test statistic can calculate accurate significance levels without much loss in power. Examples are given in which this type of test proves to be more powerful than a number of alternatives considered in the literature, including Queller and Goodknight's (1989) estimate of genetic relatedness, the average number of shared alleles (Blouin, 1996), and the number of feasible sibling triples (Almudevar and Field, 1999).  相似文献   

GWAS have emerged as popular tools for identifying genetic variants that are associated with disease risk. Standard analysis of a case-control GWAS involves assessing the association between each individual genotyped SNP and disease risk. However, this approach suffers from limited reproducibility and difficulties in detecting multi-SNP and epistatic effects. As an alternative analytical strategy, we propose grouping SNPs together into SNP sets on the basis of proximity to genomic features such as genes or haplotype blocks, then testing the joint effect of each SNP set. Testing of each SNP set proceeds via the logistic kernel-machine-based test, which is based on a statistical framework that allows for flexible modeling of epistatic and nonlinear SNP effects. This flexibility and the ability to naturally adjust for covariate effects are important features of our test that make it appealing in comparison to individual SNP tests and existing multimarker tests. Using simulated data based on the International HapMap Project, we show that SNP-set testing can have improved power over standard individual-SNP analysis under a wide range of settings. In particular, we find that our approach has higher power than individual-SNP analysis when the median correlation between the disease-susceptibility variant and the genotyped SNPs is moderate to high. When the correlation is low, both individual-SNP analysis and the SNP-set analysis tend to have low power. We apply SNP-set analysis to analyze the Cancer Genetic Markers of Susceptibility (CGEMS) breast cancer GWAS discovery-phase data.  相似文献   

For genome-wide association studies in family-based designs, a new, universally applicable approach is proposed. Using a modified Liptak’s method, we combine the p-value of the family-based association test (FBAT) statistic with the p-value for the Van Steen-statistic. The Van Steen-statistic is independent of the FBAT-statistic and utilizes information that is ignored by traditional FBAT-approaches. The new test statistic takes advantages of all available information about the genetic association, while, by virtue of its design, it achieves complete robustness against confounding due to population stratification. The approach is suitable for the analysis of almost any trait type for which FBATs are available, e.g. binary, continuous, time-to-onset, multivariate, etc. The efficiency and the validity of the new approach depend on the specification of a nuisance/tuning parameter and the weight parameters in the modified Liptak’s method. For different trait types and ascertainment conditions, we discuss general guidelines for the optimal specification of the tuning parameter and the weight parameters. Our simulation experiments and an application to an Alzheimer study show the validity and the efficiency of the new method, which achieves power levels that are comparable to those of population-based approaches.  相似文献   

Recently, there have been many case-control studies proposed to test for association between haplotypes and disease, which require the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) assumption of haplotype frequencies. As such, haplotype inference of unphased genotypes and development of haplotype-based HWE tests are crucial prior to fine mapping. The goodness-of-fit test is a frequently-used method to test for HWE for multiple tightly-linked loci. However, its degrees of freedom dramatically increase with the increase of the number of loci, which may lack the test power. Therefore, in this paper, to improve the test power for haplotype-based HWE, we first write out two likelihood functions of the observed data based on the Niu''s model (NM) and inbreeding model (IM), respectively, which can cause the departure from HWE. Then, we use two expectation-maximization algorithms and one expectation-conditional-maximization algorithm to estimate the model parameters under the HWE, IM and NM models, respectively. Finally, we propose the likelihood ratio tests LRT and LRT for haplotype-based HWE under the NM and IM models, respectively. We simulate the HWE, Niu''s, inbreeding and population stratification models to assess the validity and compare the performance of these two LRT tests. The simulation results show that both of the tests control the type I error rates well in testing for haplotype-based HWE. If the NM model is true, then LRT is more powerful. While, if the true model is the IM model, then LRT has better performance in power. Under the population stratification model, LRT is still more powerful. To this end, LRT is generally recommended. Application of the proposed methods to a rheumatoid arthritis data set further illustrates their utility for real data analysis.  相似文献   

Binomial group testing involves pooling individuals into groups and observing a binary response on each group. Results from the group tests can then be used to draw inference about population proportions. Its use as an experimental design has received much attention in recent years, especially in public‐health screening experiments and vector‐transfer designs in plant pathology. We investigate the benefits of group testing in situations wherein one desires to test whether or not probabilities are increasingly ordered across the levels of an observed qualitative covariate, i.e., across strata of a population or among treatment levels. We use a known likelihood ratio test for individual testing, but extend its use to group‐testing situations to show the increases in power conferred by using group testing when operating in this constrained parameter space. We apply our methods to data from an HIV study involving male subjects classified as intraveneous drug users.  相似文献   

Genotype imputation has become standard practice in modern genetic studies. As sequencing-based reference panels continue to grow, increasingly more markers are being well or better imputed but at the same time, even more markers with relatively low minor allele frequency are being imputed with low imputation quality. Here, we propose new methods that incorporate imputation uncertainty for downstream association analysis, with improved power and/or computational efficiency. We consider two scenarios: I) when posterior probabilities of all potential genotypes are estimated; and II) when only the one-dimensional summary statistic, imputed dosage, is available. For scenario I, we have developed an expectation-maximization likelihood-ratio test for association based on posterior probabilities. When only imputed dosages are available (scenario II), we first sample the genotype probabilities from its posterior distribution given the dosages, and then apply the EM-LRT on the sampled probabilities. Our simulations show that type I error of the proposed EM-LRT methods under both scenarios are protected. Compared with existing methods, EM-LRT-Prob (for scenario I) offers optimal statistical power across a wide spectrum of MAF and imputation quality. EM-LRT-Dose (for scenario II) achieves a similar level of statistical power as EM-LRT-Prob and, outperforms the standard Dosage method, especially for markers with relatively low MAF or imputation quality. Applications to two real data sets, the Cebu Longitudinal Health and Nutrition Survey study and the Women’s Health Initiative Study, provide further support to the validity and efficiency of our proposed methods.  相似文献   


Thanks to advances in high-throughput sequencing technologies, the importance of microbiome to human health and disease has been increasingly recognized. Analyzing microbiome data from sequencing experiments is challenging due to their unique features such as compositional data, excessive zero observations, overdispersion, and complex relations among microbial taxa. Clustered microbiome data have become prevalent in recent years from designs such as longitudinal studies, family studies, and matched case–control studies. The within-cluster dependence compounds the challenge of the microbiome data analysis. Methods that properly accommodate intra-cluster correlation and features of the microbiome data are needed. We develop robust and powerful differential composition tests for clustered microbiome data. The methods do not rely on any distributional assumptions on the microbial compositions, which provides flexibility to model various correlation structures among taxa and among samples within a cluster. By leveraging the adjusted sandwich covariance estimate, the methods properly accommodate sample dependence within a cluster. The two-part version of the test can further improve power in the presence of excessive zero observations. Different types of confounding variables can be easily adjusted for in the methods. We perform extensive simulation studies under commonly adopted clustered data designs to evaluate the methods. We demonstrate that the methods properly control the type I error under all designs and are more powerful than existing methods in many scenarios. The usefulness of the proposed methods is further demonstrated with two real datasets from longitudinal microbiome studies on pregnant women and inflammatory bowel disease patients. The methods have been incorporated into the R package “miLineage” publicly available at https://tangzheng1.github.io/tanglab/software.html.


An increasing number of genes have been experimentally confirmed in recent years as causative genes to various human diseases. The newly available knowledge can be exploited by machine learning methods to discover additional unknown genes that are likely to be associated with diseases. In particular, positive unlabeled learning (PU learning) methods, which require only a positive training set P (confirmed disease genes) and an unlabeled set U (the unknown candidate genes) instead of a negative training set N, have been shown to be effective in uncovering new disease genes in the current scenario. Using only a single source of data for prediction can be susceptible to bias due to incompleteness and noise in the genomic data and a single machine learning predictor prone to bias caused by inherent limitations of individual methods. In this paper, we propose an effective PU learning framework that integrates multiple biological data sources and an ensemble of powerful machine learning classifiers for disease gene identification. Our proposed method integrates data from multiple biological sources for training PU learning classifiers. A novel ensemble-based PU learning method EPU is then used to integrate multiple PU learning classifiers to achieve accurate and robust disease gene predictions. Our evaluation experiments across six disease groups showed that EPU achieved significantly better results compared with various state-of-the-art prediction methods as well as ensemble learning classifiers. Through integrating multiple biological data sources for training and the outputs of an ensemble of PU learning classifiers for prediction, we are able to minimize the potential bias and errors in individual data sources and machine learning algorithms to achieve more accurate and robust disease gene predictions. In the future, our EPU method provides an effective framework to integrate the additional biological and computational resources for better disease gene predictions.  相似文献   

Family-based study design is commonly used in genetic research. It has many ideal features, including being robust to population stratification (PS). With the advance of high-throughput technologies and ever-decreasing genotyping cost, it has become common for family studies to examine a large number of variants for their associations with disease phenotypes. The yield from the analysis of these family-based genetic data can be enhanced by adopting computationally efficient and powerful statistical methods. We propose a general framework of a family-based U-statistic, referred to as family-U, for family-based association studies. Unlike existing parametric-based methods, the proposed method makes no assumption of the underlying disease models and can be applied to various phenotypes (e.g., binary and quantitative phenotypes) and pedigree structures (e.g., nuclear families and extended pedigrees). By using only within-family information, it can offer robust protection against PS. In the absence of PS, it can also utilize additional information (i.e., between-family information) for power improvement. Through simulations, we demonstrated that family-U attained higher power over a commonly used method, family-based association tests, under various disease scenarios. We further illustrated the new method with an application to large-scale family data from the Framingham Heart Study. By utilizing additional information (i.e., between-family information), family-U confirmed a previous association of CHRNA5 with nicotine dependence.  相似文献   

This article focuses on conducting global testing for association between a binary trait and a set of rare variants (RVs), although its application can be much broader to other types of traits, common variants (CVs), and gene set or pathway analysis. We show that many of the existing tests have deteriorating performance in the presence of many nonassociated RVs: their power can dramatically drop as the proportion of nonassociated RVs in the group to be tested increases. We propose a class of so-called sum of powered score (SPU) tests, each of which is based on the score vector from a general regression model and hence can deal with different types of traits and adjust for covariates, e.g., principal components accounting for population stratification. The SPU tests generalize the sum test, a representative burden test based on pooling or collapsing genotypes of RVs, and a sum of squared score (SSU) test that is closely related to several other powerful variance component tests; a previous study (Basu and Pan 2011) has demonstrated good performance of one, but not both, of the Sum and SSU tests in many situations. The SPU tests are versatile in the sense that one of them is often powerful, although its identity varies with the unknown true association parameters. We propose an adaptive SPU (aSPU) test to approximate the most powerful SPU test for a given scenario, consequently maintaining high power and being highly adaptive across various scenarios. We conducted extensive simulations to show superior performance of the aSPU test over several state-of-the-art association tests in the presence of many nonassociated RVs. Finally we applied the SPU and aSPU tests to the GAW17 mini-exome sequence data to compare its practical performance with some existing tests, demonstrating their potential usefulness.  相似文献   

Genome-Wide Association Studies shed light on the identification of genes underlying human diseases and agriculturally important traits. This potential has been shadowed by false positive findings. The Mixed Linear Model (MLM) method is flexible enough to simultaneously incorporate population structure and cryptic relationships to reduce false positives. However, its intensive computational burden is prohibitive in practice, especially for large samples. The newly developed algorithm, FaST-LMM, solved the computational problem, but requires that the number of SNPs be less than the number of individuals to derive a rank-reduced relationship. This restriction potentially leads to less statistical power when compared to using all SNPs. We developed a method to extract a small subset of SNPs and use them in FaST-LMM. This method not only retains the computational advantage of FaST-LMM, but also remarkably increases statistical power even when compared to using the entire set of SNPs. We named the method SUPER (Settlement of MLM Under Progressively Exclusive Relationship) and made it available within an implementation of the GAPIT software package.  相似文献   

Asymptotic and exact conditional approaches have often been used for testing agreement between two raters with binary outcomes. The exact conditional approach is guaranteed to respect the test size as compared to the traditionally used asymptotic approach based on the standardized Cohen''s kappa coefficient. An alternative to the conditional approach is an unconditional strategy which relaxes the restriction of fixed marginal totals as in the conditional approach. Three exact unconditional hypothesis testing procedures are considered in this article: an approach based on maximization, an approach based on the conditional p-value and maximization, and an approach based on estimation and maximization. We compared these testing procedures based on the commonly used Cohen''s kappa with regards to test size and power. We recommend the following two exact approaches for use in practice due to power advantages: the approach based on conditional p-value and maximization and the approach based on estimation and maximization.  相似文献   

TAKEUCHI (1969) provides a uniformly most powerful (UMP) one side test for testing the location parameter of the two parameters exponential model when the scale parameter is unknown. The power of his similar size α test depends, however, on the unknown scale parameter. In this case and in more general situations when there exists a sufficient statistic for the nuisance parameter, the theory of generalized THOMPSON's distributions, more specifically, the Thompsonization of a test statistic, LAURENT (1959, 1972) provides a UMP test whose power does not depend on the nuisance parameter. Examples of application of the general nuisance parameter free test procedure include here the truncated exponential, the inverse Gaussian, and the geometric distributions.  相似文献   

The availability of a large number of dense SNPs, high-throughput genotyping and computation methods promotes the application of family-based association tests. While most of the current family-based analyses focus only on individual traits, joint analyses of correlated traits can extract more information and potentially improve the statistical power. However, current TDT-based methods are low-powered. Here, we develop a method for tests of association for bivariate quantitative traits in families. In particular, we correct for population stratification by the use of an integration of principal component analysis and TDT. A score test statistic in the variance-components model is proposed. Extensive simulation studies indicate that the proposed method not only outperforms approaches limited to individual traits when pleiotropic effect is present, but also surpasses the power of two popular bivariate association tests termed FBAT-GEE and FBAT-PC, respectively, while correcting for population stratification. When applied to the GAW16 datasets, the proposed method successfully identifies at the genome-wide level the two SNPs that present pleiotropic effects to HDL and TG traits.  相似文献   

F. Rodolphe  M. Lefort 《Genetics》1993,134(4):1277-1288
A statistical method is presented for detecting quantitative trait loci (QTLs), based on the linear model. Unlike methods able to detect a few well separated QTLs and to estimate their effects and positions, this method considers the genome as a whole and enables the detection of chromosomal segments involved in the differences between two homozygous lines, and their backcross, doubled haploid, or F(2) progenies, for a quantitative trait. Genetic markers must be codominant, but missing markers are accepted, provided they are missing independently from the experiment. Asymptotic properties, which are of practical use, are developed. This method does not rely on strong genetic hypotheses, and thus does not permit any precise genetic analysis of the trait under study, but it does assess which regions of the genome are involved, whatever the complexity of the genetic determinism (number, effects and interactions among QTLs). Simultaneous use of several methods, including this one, should lead to better efficiency in QTL detection.  相似文献   

Gene-based tests of association can increase the power of a genome-wide association study by aggregating multiple independent effects across a gene or locus into a single stronger signal. Recent gene-based tests have distinct approaches to selecting which variants to aggregate within a locus, modeling the effects of linkage disequilibrium, representing fractional allele counts from imputation, and managing permutation tests for p-values. Implementing these tests in a single, efficient framework has great practical value. Fast ASsociation Tests (Fast) addresses this need by implementing leading gene-based association tests together with conventional SNP-based univariate tests and providing a consolidated, easily interpreted report. Fast scales readily to genome-wide SNP data with millions of SNPs and tens of thousands of individuals, provides implementations that are orders of magnitude faster than original literature reports, and provides a unified framework for performing several gene based association tests concurrently and efficiently on the same data. Availability: https://bitbucket.org/baderlab/fast/downloads/FAST.tar.gz, with documentation at https://bitbucket.org/baderlab/fast/wiki/Home  相似文献   

Recently, ensemble learning methods have been widely used to improve classification performance in machine learning. In this paper, we present a novel ensemble learning method: argumentation based multi-agent joint learning (AMAJL), which integrates ideas from multi-agent argumentation, ensemble learning, and association rule mining. In AMAJL, argumentation technology is introduced as an ensemble strategy to integrate multiple base classifiers and generate a high performance ensemble classifier. We design an argumentation framework named Arena as a communication platform for knowledge integration. Through argumentation based joint learning, high quality individual knowledge can be extracted, and thus a refined global knowledge base can be generated and used independently for classification. We perform numerous experiments on multiple public datasets using AMAJL and other benchmark methods. The results demonstrate that our method can effectively extract high quality knowledge for ensemble classifier and improve the performance of classification.  相似文献   

BackgroundT-cell epitopes play the important role in T-cell immune response, and they are critical components in the epitope-based vaccine design. Immunogenicity is the ability to trigger an immune response. The accurate prediction of immunogenic T-cell epitopes is significant for designing useful vaccines and understanding the immune system.MethodsIn this paper, we attempt to differentiate immunogenic epitopes from non-immunogenic epitopes based on their primary structures. First of all, we explore a variety of sequence-derived features, and analyze their relationship with epitope immunogenicity. To effectively utilize various features, a genetic algorithm (GA)-based ensemble method is proposed to determine the optimal feature subset and develop the high-accuracy ensemble model. In the GA optimization, a chromosome is to represent a feature subset in the search space. For each feature subset, the selected features are utilized to construct the base predictors, and an ensemble model is developed by taking the average of outputs from base predictors. The objective of GA is to search for the optimal feature subset, which leads to the ensemble model with the best cross validation AUC (area under ROC curve) on the training set.ResultsTwo datasets named ‘IMMA2’ and ‘PAAQD’ are adopted as the benchmark datasets. Compared with the state-of-the-art methods POPI, POPISK, PAAQD and our previous method, the GA-based ensemble method produces much better performances, achieving the AUC score of 0.846 on IMMA2 dataset and the AUC score of 0.829 on PAAQD dataset. The statistical analysis demonstrates the performance improvements of GA-based ensemble method are statistically significant.ConclusionsThe proposed method is a promising tool for predicting the immunogenic epitopes. The source codes and datasets are available in S1 File.  相似文献   

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