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A total of 23 ostracod taxa were found in 48 of 90 different water bodies (wetlands, springs, lakes, creeks, etc.) located at moderate to high elevation (530–1,095 m) in Diyarbakır province. The ecological tolerances and optimum values for environmental variables of 15 species were analyzed. Accordingly, maximum numbers of species were found between 700 and 800 m. Ostracod species and sampling sites along with seven environmental variables were ordinated with canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). The first axis of CCA explained 72% of the relationship between species and environmental variables. Of these, water temperature, redox potential and altitude were the most influential (P < 0.05) factors for species. Based on habitat similarities, an unweighted pair group mean average dendrogram divided species into four clustering groups. Among the species, Potamocypris arcuata, Candona neglecta and Psychrodromus fontinalis had the highest optimum estimates for altitude, whereas P. arcuata, Herpetocypris brevicaudata and P. fontinalis exhibited the highest tolerances to altitude. While most species revealed unique tolerances and optimum values for different ecological variables, species with cosmopolitan characteristics had wider ranges of ecological tolerances and distribution amid the variety of habitats along elevational gradients.  相似文献   

This paper presents a review of palaeoenvironmental reconstructions of scleractinian corals from the Oligo–Miocene Qom Formation in northeastern Esfahan, central Iran. A total of nine genera and four species of colonial corals are identified, including Platycoenia iranica, Goniopora sp., Porites sp., Tarbellastraea reussiana, Solenastrea sp., Favites neglecta, Leptoria sp., Hydnophora cf. pulchra, Hydnophora sp., and Madracis (?) sp. These corals, all parts of massive colonies, are indicative of a reefal environment, with the main constituents, including Leptoria and Hydnophora, possessing massive meandroid, massive hydnophoroid and massive mushroom- to dome-shaped hydnophoroid colonies. The corals identified here are generally indicative of the upper photic zone and shallow water depths of less than 20 m. In the reefal environment, these corals built a wave-resistant and rigid carbonate framework in the form of a reef-front zone encapsulated by environmental conditions including low sedimentation rates and high wave energy. The occurrence of Goniopora and Porites with distinct calicles reflects clearer waters in the external part of the reefal environment.  相似文献   

A strain of long-chain alkane–degrading bacteria, BT1A, was isolated from oil-contaminated soil in Diyarbak?r, in the southeast of Turkey. Morphological, biochemical, and physiological characterization and 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis showed that the strain BT1A was a member of Acinetobacter genus, and it was found to be closely related to Acinetobacter baumannii. The strain BT1A was able to utilize crude petroleum as carbon and energy sources in order to grow. Among the aliphatic hydrocarbons, growth was observed only in the medium containing long-chain alkanes (tridecane, pentadecane, and hexadecane) and squalene. Hexadecane was the most preferred hydrocarbon among the long-chain alkanes. Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis showed that BT1A degraded 83% of n-alkanes of 1% crude oil in 7 days. The present study indicates that the isolated strain can well be used for biodegradation of hydrocarbons in oil-contaminated sites.  相似文献   


The rich and relatively diverse fossil mammalian assemblage from Gökler is of special importance for understanding of faunal evolution in Central Anatolia. Large mammals were not recovered, but insectivores and rodents are abundant. The assemblage of rodents is studied in detail and comprises mainly diversified cricetids. Dormice are abundant, but are represented by only one species. Squirrels are represented only by few specimens and also beaver remains were identified. Spanocricetodon sinuosus is referred to a new genus Latocricetodon nov. gen that is tentatively assigned to the Pseudocricetodontinae. Newly named species are Cricetodon goklerensis sp. nov., Democricetodon haltmari sp. nov., Eumyarion lukasi sp. nov. and Glirudinus matusi sp. nov. The rodent assemblage is assigned to local zone C which is correlated to the European biounit MN2 (early Miocene). Our biochronological assessment is supported by radiometric dating from two volcanic ash layers.


LSID http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:3414DB1E-0C5E-4154-BE5E-02A9ED183B1A

Cricetodon goklerensis

LSID http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:1B658872-6C10-4355-B87C-3E6277AF4EDA

Democricetodon haltmari

LSID http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:9B13F956-7F8C-406A-9970-1F5E999E54C6

Eumyarion lukasi

LSID http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:34DED87E-855F-4969-AB84-10BED5C572BF

Glirudinus matusi

LSID http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:798ECB9A-E3B5-4C38-B5B3-FEB17AF734FE  相似文献   

New bovid material from the Upper Miocene site of Çorakyerler (Çankırı basin, Anatolia, Turkey) is described and compared here. The described taxon is identified as a representative of the stem caprine genus Qurliqnoria, previously known from the peri-Tibetan area exclusively. The stronger horn-core divergence, weaker anterior keel, smoother horn-core surface, stronger lateral horn-core curvature, stronger and thicker interfrontal suture, less flexed and less pneumatized frontals, and smaller supraorbital foramina differentiate the Çorakyerler Qurliqnoria from the type and only known species of the genus, Q. cheni from China, and demand the erection of a new species, Qurliqnoria chorakensis n. sp. A review of other late Miocene bovid records allows the recognition of Qurliqnoria in Sinap Tepe (Turkey) and Platania (Greece), suggesting a westward propagation of the genus during the Vallesian.  相似文献   

Eleven proximal and ten intermediate partial or complete hominoid phalanges have been recovered from the middle Miocene site of Pa?alar in Turkey. Based on species representation at Pa?alar, it is likely that most or all of the phalanges belong to Griphopithecus alpani rather than Kenyapithecus kizili, but both species may be represented. All of the complete or nearly complete phalanges appear to be manual, so comparisons to extant and other fossil primate species were limited to manual phalanges. Comparisons were made to extant hominoid and cercopithecoid primate genera expressing a variety of positional repertoires and varying degrees of arboreality and terrestriality. The comparisons consisted of a series of bivariate indices derived from previous publications on Miocene catarrhine phalangeal morphology. The proximal phalanges have dorsally expanded proximal articular surfaces, which is characteristic of cercopithecoids and most other Miocene hominoids, and indicates that the predominant positional behaviors involved pronograde quadrupedalism. Among the extant primates, many of the proximal and intermediate phalangeal indices clearly distinguish more habitually terrestrial taxa from those that are predominantly arboreal, and especially from taxa that commonly engage in suspensory activities. For nearly every index, the values of the Pa?alar phalanges occupy an intermediate position-most similar to values for Pan and, to a lesser extent, Macaca-indicating a generalized morphology and probably the use of both arboreal and terrestrial substrates. At least some terrestrial activity is also compatible with reconstructions of the Pa?alar habitat. Most proximal and intermediate phalanges of other middle and late Miocene hominoids have similar index values to those of the Pa?alar specimens, revealing broadly similar manual phalangeal morphology among many Miocene hominoids.  相似文献   

Late Devonian and early Carboniferous miospore and microphytoplankton assemblages are described for the first time from southeastern Turkey. The preliminary data show that assemblages recorded from the upper part of the Yiginli Formation are late Famennian in age and can be correlated with the VH, LL, LE Miospore biozones of western Europe, whilst assemblages from the overlying Köprülü Formation are considered to be middle to late Tournaisian in age and are tentatively assigned to the PC Miospore biozone of western Europe. Regional palynological correlations with other sections in North Africa and the Middle East are proposed. A new species, Verruciretusispora loboziakii is described.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2018,17(3):178-188
Here, we describe remains of Micromeryx sp. and Hispanomeryx sp. from the middle Miocene locality Catakbağyaka (MN 7/8). This is the first record for Miocene Moschidae for the late middle Miocene in Turkey and verifies the importance of Turkey as a corridor for the dispersal of Eurasian mammals. Furthermore, the record from Catakbağyaka confirms that the sympatric co-occurrence of two Miocene moschid taxa in one locality appears to be a common phenomenon.  相似文献   

The Early/Middle Miocene (European Land Mammal Zone MN5) localities of Sandelzhausen and Rothenstein 13 in southern Germany have yielded remains of about 13 ophidian taxa: Eoanilius sp. (Aniliidae), Bavarioboa ultima (Boidae), “Coluber” sp., ?Telescopus sp., Natrix sp., cf. Natrix sp., cf. “Neonatrix” sp., unidentified “colubrines” and “natricines” (Colubridae), Naja sp., an unidentified elapid (Elapidae), Vipera sp. (“Oriental viper”), Vipera sp. (“aspis complex”) (Viperidae). Both faunas document a transitional phase from those reported from several late Early and Middle Miocene sites of Central and Western Europe. The climates of Sandelzhausen and Rothenstein 13, as indicated by ophidian fossils, were warm, although not tropical or subtropical.  相似文献   

The symbiotic association between corals and zooxanthellae has been a major contributing factor in the success of reef-building corals. Most of these endocellular microalgal symbionts belong to the dinoflagellate genus Symbiodinium. However, considerable genetic diversity was revealed within this taxon, as is evident in the several clades of Symbiodinium found in association with hermatypic corals all over the world. The coral reefs of Eilat (Aqaba), where winter temperature minima of 21 °C are close to threshold values that prevent reef development, are among the northernmost reefs in the world. Furthermore, due to the circulation patterns of the Gulf, the extremely high evaporation, and lack of any riverine inputs, the Gulf's waters are highly saline (40.5‰). In spite of the extreme location, a high diversity of coral species has been reported in this area. In this study, using PCR, we specifically amplified zooxanthellae 18S ribosomal DNA from symbionts of 11 coral species, and analyzed it with respect to RFLP and DNA sequence.Of the several clades described from the same coral hosts in other localities, only A and C were found in the present study. Symbiodinium populations in the host examined from Eilat were different relative to other parts of the world. This distribution is discussed in relation to reproduction strategy: broadcasting versus brooding. Based on our results, we suggest that clade A is transferred through a closed system. As mass bleaching in the Gulf has never been observed, we suggest that the adaptive mechanisms presumably favoring clade diversity were not yet significant in our relatively cool area.  相似文献   

Occurrence, preservation and evidence of plant–insect interactions in the leaf deposits of the early Miocene Geumgwangdong Formation are described, and the taphonomy and palaeoenvironmental implications are interpreted. The Geumgwangdong leaf beds are tuffaceous lacustrine deposits consisting mainly of thin-bedded sediments, including shale. Deposition was dominated through the vertical aggradation of fine-grained sediments by suspension sedimentation, rather than by the fluvial deposition of coarse-grained sediments. The majority of the fossil leaves were preserved by compression rather than merely preserved as impressions. The Geumgwangdong leaf deposits can be characterised as a wind-transported, dysaerobic, deep-water, lake taphofacies with some influence of water-transport. The fossil flora of the Geumgwandong Formation consists of 64 taxa belonging to 27 families and 43 genera. The dominant taxa were Metasequoia, Fagus, Betula, Quercus, Acer, Zelkova, and Leguminosae, which is comparable to the Early Miocene cool–temperate Aniai-type Flora of north-east Japan. The similarity between the lake settings of the Geumgwangdong Formation and the Aniai Coal-bearing Formation might have been a factor in the development of similar plant–fossil assemblages. Although traces of insect damage in the fossil leaves of the Geumgwangdong Formation were commonly observed, more than 90% of the damaged leaves showed a low level of diversity and degree of insect damage (< 10%), which is indicative of a cool–temperate palaeoclimatic condition. Despite latitudinal differences and geographic separation, the development of similar floras in the Geumgwangdong Formation of south-east Korea and the Aniai Coal-bearing Formation of north-east Japan during the early Miocene could have been influenced by the incipient NW–SE sea-floor spreading that resulted in the opening of the East Sea (Sea of Japan), which might have enabled floral migration between the two regions. This study provides useful data for understanding not only the taphonomy and palaeoenviroments of the leaf deposits, but also the spatial development of the flora resulting from palaeogeographic changes driven by tectonic movement during the early Miocene in Far East Asia.  相似文献   

Many of the plants found in serpentine areas are endemics and they may accumulate Ni at high concentration. High accumulation of Cr is rare, or in some views, never properly demonstrated. Generally, a very small proportion of any serpentine flora shows high accumulation of Ni, in some serpentine areas Ni accumulators are completely absent. There are approximately 570 hyperaccumulator plant species found on earth, 450 of them are Ni hyperaccumulators. A few of the Ni accumulators have potential for phytoremediation or phytomining. In the present study, 19 different Brassicaceae members growing in serpentine habitats in the district of Yahyal?, Kayseri province, Turkey viz., members of genera Aethionema, Alyssum, Arabis, Heldreichia, Hesperis, Iberis, Isatis, Microthlaspi, Odontarrhena, Pseudosempervivum and Thlaspi were investigated. Nickel concentrations in the soil and underground and aboveground parts of plants were determined by using ICP-OES. It was observed that Ni concentrations of seven taxa (Odontarrhena muralis, O. oxycarpa, Isatis cappadocica subsp. cappadocica, Microthlaspi perfoliatum, Pseudosempervivum sempervivum, Thlaspi triangulare, Thlaspi rosulare) reach the threshold criterion of 1,000 mg kg?1 for Ni hyperaccumulation. In this study Ni concentrations in aboveground tissues of I. cappadocica subsp. cappadocica are determined as 5,587 mg kg?1 (in dry weight). Accordingly, it is suggested that this taxon be added to the list of Ni hyperaccumulator plants.  相似文献   

A new species of fossil hominoid is described from the middle Miocene deposits at Pa?alar, Turkey. It is the less common of the two Pa?alar species discussed by Martin and Andrews (1993), making up approximately 10% of the individuals in the Pa?alar hominoid sample according to analyses of the minimum number of individuals. To the diagnostic features of I(1) described by Alpagut et al. (1990) and Martin and Andrews (1993) can now be added further diagnostic features of all the anterior teeth, as well as both upper premolars and P(3). These include discrete, nonmetric features and metric differences at all the noted tooth positions. Attempts to distinguish the upper and lower molars of the two species have so far been unsuccessful, with the possible exception of M(3). The morphology of the new species is similar in most respects to that of Kenyapithecus wickeri from Fort Ternan, especially concerning maxillary morphology. They share robust and moderately deep maxillary alveolar processes, a restricted maxillary sinus with an elevated and uncomplicated floor, lacking the compartmentalization evident to varying degrees in many other taxa, and a zygomatic process that originates and turns laterally fairly high above the alveolar margin. There are also a number of distinctive similarities in the dentition, particularly for I(1), C(1), P(4) and P(3). The I(1) morphology in particular, with greatly hypertrophied lingual marginal ridges bounding a uniformly thickened basal crown area, is distinctive among Miocene hominoids. All of these similarities serve to reinforce the differences noted by others between the derived morphology of K. wickeri and the more primitive morphology of Equatorius africanus from Maboko and Kipsaramon. The new species differs from K. wickeri in morphological details of most of the anterior and premolar teeth that are known for both species, despite the general morphological similarity, and in the size of I(1) versus I(2). One striking feature of the new species is a relatively large incisive fossa, although it cannot be determined if this is associated with an open palatine fenestra, as in many early Miocene hominoids, or a minimally overlapping palate and nasoalveolar clivus, as in some middle and late Miocene hominoids.  相似文献   

Vallesian (early Late Miocene) strata from the recently introduced Cañada section (province of Zaragoza, east Central Spain) have yielded fairly large insectivore assemblages. These show that, after the generally dry Aragonian, the Vallesian gave rise to more humid conditions that were favourable to insectivores, both in number of taxa, and in overall number of specimens. The assemblage of Cañada 8 (Biozone H) is dominated by shrews, whereas the assemblage of Cañada 10 (uppermost Biozone H) contains the oldest record of Desmanella in the area. This seems to signify a bioevent in which after millions of years of absence, talpids return to the area. In addition to the Vallesian assemblages, a small Turolian insectivore fauna has been recovered. On the basis of the rodents, Cañada 12 was assigned to Biozone L, and the insectivore assemblage is very similar to the assemblages from the Teruel basin of that zone. This implies that the discovery of Postpalerinaceus in Cañada 12 is the youngest published record of this large spiny hedgehog.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2002,1(3):161-166
A fossil angiosperm wood is described for the first time from the famous Early Miocene locality of Bı́lina. It represents a fossil elm wood, attributed to Ulmoxylon marchesonii Biondi. The fossil wood can be compared to extant North American soft elms, also to Ulmus macrocarpa Hance and U. parvifolia Jacq. from China or to the European common elm U. carpinifolia Gled. The wood together with fossil leaves/fruits of Ulmus pyramidalis Goeppert forms a single natural fossil species that lived in the Bı́lina area during the Early Miocene. The influence of two types of preservation, permineralised and xylitic, on the same wood species is also discussed. To cite this article: J. Sakala, C. R. Palevol 1 (2002) 161–166.  相似文献   

In 2016, the Directorate of İstanbul Archaeology Museums unearthed an extensive jetty within the eastern portion of the Byzantine harbor excavated at Yenikapı, İstanbul. The purpose of the paper is to present the results obtained from the dating and dendroprovenancing of the wooden timbers from this historical jetty. A total of 145 oak and fir samples were collected for dating. The cutting dates of the oak timbers were determined to be from AD 1762-1763, which has also been confirmed by archaeological documents. The best statistical values (Gleichläufigkeit value 76%, TVBP 10.0 and CDI 82) were obtained using the oak chronology for Vezneciler from the Asian side of the Bosporus, which represents construction phases dating to AD 1762-1763. The highest statistical matches for the oak tree-ring series from both Yenikapı and Vezneciler were obtained using reference chronologies from northern Greece and Kosovo. Three site chronologies from the forests of Bolu, Karabük and Kastamonu were used to date the fir samples, and the cutting date was determined to be AD 1906. The best statistical results were obtained from the site chronology for Kastamonu (Gleichläufigkeit value 72%, TVBP 10.3 and CDI 79). Due to the significant correlation with this site chronology, the origin of the fir samples may be from the forests of Kastamonu, which is the nearest fir forest along the Black Sea. Because roads and railways were not common during this period, the fir timbers may have been transported via the Black Sea to Yenikapı located near the Marmara Coast. We can conclude from this evidence that construction near the Byzantine harbor continued to utilize imported timbers into the Ottoman period.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the heavy-metal concentrations (Cu, Pb, Zn, Ni, Mn, Fe, As, Cd, Cr, and Hg), evaluate the pollution levels, and determine the concentration of chlorophyll-a and organic carbon in the surface sediments of the Uzunçay?r Dam Lake, Tunceli, Turkey, between 2015 and 2016. In order to evaluate the effect of the pollution level in the study area, the contamination factor (CF), enrichment factor, potential ecological risk index, and pollution load index were used. The concentrations of the studied heavy metals were ordered as follows: Fe > Mn > Ni > Cr > Zn > Cu > Pb > As > Cd > Hg. The highest CF value was found for the Ni element among the studied heavy metals in the Dam Lake. Moreover, the highest CF mean value was found for the As contamination level. According to the toxicity analyses in the study area, the potential toxic effect of sediments was not at a very serious level.  相似文献   

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