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Homeostatic mechanisms are essential for the protection and adaptation of organisms in a changing and challenging environment. Previously, we have described molecular mechanisms that lead to robust homeostasis/adaptation under inflow or outflow perturbations. Here we report that harmonic oscillations occur in models of such homeostatic controllers and that a close relationship exists between the control of the p53/Mdm2 system and that of a homeostatic inflow controller. This homeostatic control model of the p53 system provides an explanation why large fluctuations in the amplitude of p53/Mdm2 oscillations may arise as part of the homeostatic regulation of p53 by Mdm2 under DNA-damaging conditions. In the presence of DNA damage p53 is upregulated, but is subject to a tight control by Mdm2 and other factors to avoid a premature apoptotic response of the cell at low DNA damage levels. One of the regulatory steps is the Mdm2-mediated degradation of p53 by the proteasome. Oscillations in the p53/Mdm2 system are considered to be part of a mechanism by which a cell decides between cell cycle arrest/DNA repair and apoptosis. In the homeostatic inflow control model, harmonic oscillations in p53/Mdm2 levels arise when the binding strength of p53 to degradation complexes increases. Due to the harmonic character of the oscillations rapid fluctuating noise can lead, as experimentally observed, to large variations in the amplitude of the oscillation but not in their period, a behavior which has been difficult to simulate by deterministic limit-cycle models. In conclusion, the oscillatory response of homeostatic controllers may provide new insights into the origin and role of oscillations observed in homeostatically controlled molecular networks.  相似文献   

Recent analyses of the fossil record and molecular phylogenies suggest that there are fundamental limits to biodiversity, possibly arising from constraints in the availability of space, resources, or ecological niches. Under this hypothesis, speciation rates decay over time and biodiversity eventually saturates, with new species emerging only when others are driven to extinction. This view of macro-evolution contradicts an alternative hypothesis that biodiversity is unbounded, with species ever accumulating as they find new niches to occupy. These contrasting theories of biodiversity dynamics yield fundamentally different explanations for the disparity in species richness across taxa and regions. Here, we test whether speciation rates have decayed or remained constant over time, and whether biodiversity is saturated or still expanding. We first derive a general likelihood expression for internode distances in a phylogeny, based on the well-known coalescent process from population genetics. This expression accounts for either time-constant or time-variable rates, time-constant or time-variable diversity, and completely or incompletely sampled phylogenies. We then compare the performance of different diversification scenarios in explaining a set of 289 phylogenies representing amphibians, arthropods, birds, mammals, mollusks, and flowering plants. Our results indicate that speciation rates typically decay over time, but that diversity is still expanding at present. The evidence for expanding-diversity models suggests that an upper limit to biodiversity has not yet been reached, or that no such limit exists.  相似文献   

The Spindle Assembly Checkpoint (SAC) is an intracellular mechanism that ensures proper chromosome segregation. By inhibiting Cdc20, a co-factor of the Anaphase Promoting Complex (APC), the checkpoint arrests the cell cycle until all chromosomes are properly attached to the mitotic spindle. Inhibition of Cdc20 is mediated by a conserved network of interacting proteins. The individual functions of these proteins are well characterized, but understanding of their integrated function is still rudimentary. We here describe our attempts to reverse-engineer the SAC network based on gene deletion phenotypes. We begun by formulating a general model of the SAC which enables us to predict the rate of chromosomal missegregation for any putative set of interactions between the SAC proteins. Next the missegregation rates of seven yeast strains are measured in response to the deletion of one or two checkpoint proteins. Finally, we searched for the set of interactions that correctly predicted the observed missegregation rates of all deletion mutants. Remarkably, although based on only seven phenotypes, the consistent network we obtained successfully reproduces many of the known properties of the SAC. Further insights provided by our analysis are discussed.  相似文献   

家蝇(Muscadomestica)幼虫以营养成分全、蛋白质含量高而逐渐引起人们重视,具有很高的开发利用价值和广阔的前景。系统动力学的发展为研究复杂系统提供了有效途径[1,2]。本文试用系统动力学方法建立家蝇幼虫开发生态工程仿真模型,以期解决这一研究...  相似文献   

Hemoglobin transports molecular oxygen from the lungs to all human tissues for cellular respiration. Its α2β2 tetrameric assembly undergoes cooperative binding and releasing of oxygen for superior efficiency and responsiveness. Over past decades, hundreds of hemoglobin structures were determined under a wide range of conditions for investigation of molecular mechanism of cooperativity. Based on a joint analysis of hemoglobin structures in the Protein Data Bank (Ren, companion article), here I present a reverse engineering approach to elucidate how two subunits within each dimer reciprocate identical motions that achieves intradimer cooperativity, how ligand-induced structural signals from two subunits are integrated to drive quaternary rotation, and how the structural environment at the oxygen binding sites alter their binding affinity. This mechanical model reveals the intricate design that achieves the cooperative mechanism and has previously been masked by inconsistent structural fluctuations. A number of competing theories on hemoglobin cooperativity and broader protein allostery are reconciled and unified.  相似文献   



The loss of photosynthesis has occurred often in eukaryotic evolution, even more than its acquisition, which occurred at least nine times independently and which generated the evolution of the supergroups Archaeplastida, Rhizaria, Chromalveolata and Excavata. This secondary loss of autotrophic capability is essential to explain the evolution of eukaryotes and the high diversity of protists, which has been severely underestimated until recently. However, the ecological and evolutionary scenarios behind this evolutionary “step back” are still largely unknown.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Using a dynamic model of heterotrophic and mixotrophic flagellates and two types of prey, large bacteria and ultramicrobacteria, we examine the influence of DOC concentration, mixotroph''s photosynthetic growth rate, and external limitations of photosynthesis on the coexistence of both types of flagellates. Our key premises are: large bacteria grow faster than small ones at high DOC concentrations, and vice versa; and heterotrophic flagellates are more efficient than the mixotrophs grazing small bacteria (both empirically supported). We show that differential efficiency in bacteria grazing, which strongly depends on cell size, is a key factor to explain the loss of photosynthesis in mixotrophs (which combine photosynthesis and bacterivory) leading to purely heterotrophic lineages. Further, we show in what conditions an heterotroph mutant can coexist, or even out-compete, its mixotrophic ancestor, suggesting that bacterivory and cell size reduction may have been major triggers for the diversification of eukaryotes.


Our results suggest that, provided the mixotroph''s photosynthetic advantage is not too large, the (small) heterotroph will also dominate in nutrient-poor environments and will readily invade a community of mixotrophs and bacteria, due to its higher efficiency exploiting the ultramicrobacteria. As carbon-limited conditions were presumably widespread throughout Earth history, such a scenario may explain the numerous transitions from phototrophy to mixotrophy and further to heterotrophy within virtually all major algal lineages. We challenge prevailing concepts that affiliated the evolution of phagotrophy with eutrophic or strongly light-limited environments only.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to characterize the role of protein kinase C (PKC) on the dynamics of tight junction (TJ) opening and closing in the frog urinary bladder. The early events of TJ dynamics were evaluated by the fast Ca++ switch assay (FCSA), which consisted in opening the TJs by removing basolateral Ca++ ([Ca++] bl ), and closing them by returning [Ca++] bl to normal values. Changes in TJ permeability can be reliably gauged through changes of transepithelial electrical conductance (G) determined in the absence of apical Na+. The FCSA allows the appraisal of drugs and procedures acting upon the mechanism controlling the TJs. The time courses of TJ opening and closing in an FCSA were shown to follow single exponential time courses. PKC inhibition by H7 (100 μm) caused a reduction of the rate of junction opening in response to removing [Ca++] bl , without affecting junction closing, indicating that PKC is a key element in the control of TJ opening dynamics in this preparation. H7 at 250 μm almost completely inhibits TJ opening in response to basolateral Ca++ withdrawal. Subsequent H7 removal caused a prompt inhibition release characterized by a sharp G increase which, however, once started cannot be stopped by H7 reintroduction, Ca++ being necessary to allow TJ recovery. A step rise of apical Ca++ concentration ([Ca++] ap ) causes a reduction of the rate of TJ opening in a FCSA, an effect that is believed to be mediated by apical Ca++ entering the open TJs. The specific condition of having Ca++ only in the apical solution and the TJs located midway between the Ca++ source (apical solution) and the Ca++-binding sites presumably located at the zonula adhaerens, might configure a situation in which a control feedback loop is set up. A rise of [Ca++] ap during the phase of G increase in an FCSA causes a transient recovery of G followed by a subsequent escape phase where G increases again. Oscillations of G also appear in response to a rise of apical Ca++. Both escape and oscillations result from the properties of the TJ regulatory feedback loop. In conclusion, the present results indicate that PKC plays a key role in TJ opening in response to extracellular Ca++ withdrawal without major effect on the reverse process. In addition, PKC inhibition by H7 not only prevents TJ opening in response to basolateral Ca++ removal but induces a prompt blockade of TJ oscillations induced by apical Ca++, oscillations which reappear again when H7 is removed. Received: 9 May 2000/Revised: 30 August 2000  相似文献   

In this paper, a wild boar head was taken as the bionic research object for the development of new ridgers, a kind of plough. The reverse engineering technology was adopted to obtain the surface geometrical information of the head. Several three-dimensional (3D) point clouds of the head were captured first using a non-touch laser scanner, and an integrated point cloud was generated by aligning these point clouds using UG/Imageware. Then, the digital surface model of the head was rebuilt by means of CATIA. The characteristic curves of the surface model were analyzed. The results show that the average error between the rebuilt surface and the point cloud is -0.431 ram. The max curvature of the ridge on the neb of the head is 0.187 mm^-1, and the max and rain Gauss curvatures on the surface are 0.008 mm^-2 and -0.002 mm^-2. These geometrical information are the essential parameters for biomimetics study of the ridger.  相似文献   

Product recovery is a major contributor for implementing sustainable business practices. Within such operations, which are either driven by legislation or economic rationales, practitioners face strategic issues concerning reverse market entry and positioning. Although the complexity of acting on reverse markets is widely acknowledged, a comprehensive framework to facilitate decision making in this area is lacking. In an attempt to fill that gap, we develop a model that supports original equipment manufacturers’ (OEMs’) assessment of the attractiveness of reverse markets. We identify, from a comprehensive literature analysis, in‐depth interviews, and engagement with a dozen companies from different countries, factors that influence key characteristics of reverse markets, and consolidate this lengthy list into a comprehensive model intuitively applicable to business practice. The model combines five forces that drive reverse markets: access to recoverable products; threat of independent recovery companies’ (IRCs’) market entry; rivalry for recoverable products; adverse effects on core business; and remarketing opportunities. We propose for each a set of attributes that influences its power and direction. To demonstrate the efficacy of the model, we apply it in two industry settings: recovery of white goods in the United Kingdom and paper recycling in Germany. The present research enables OEMs to understand the structure and forces that drive reverse markets, identify levers to influence those markets, anticipate market developments, and formulate resilient strategies for product recovery.  相似文献   

M. A. Riley  M. E. Hallas    R. C. Lewontin 《Genetics》1989,123(2):359-369
Fifty-eight isochromosomal lines sampled from two natural populations of Drosophila pseudoobscura in California and one from Bogota, Colombia, were examined using four-cutter restriction mapping. A 4.6-kb region of the xanthine dehydrogenase locus was probed and 66 of 135 restriction sites scored were polymorphic. This predicts that on average every 12th bp would be polymorphic in this region for the genes surveyed if polymorphism occurred randomly along the coding region. In addition, there were 12 insertion/deletion polymorphisms. Forty-nine distinct haplotypes were recognized in the 58 lines examined. The most common haplotype obtained a frequency of only 5%. Measures of base pair heterozygosity (0.0097) and linkage disequilibrium lead to a predicted population size in the range of 1.2-2.4 X 10(6) for the species. High levels of recombination (including gene conversion) can be inferred from the presence of all four gametic types in the data set.  相似文献   

Chronic liver infection by hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a major public health concern. Despite partly successful treatment options, several aspects of intrahepatic HCV infection dynamics are still poorly understood, including the preferred mode of viral propagation, as well as the proportion of infected hepatocytes. Answers to these questions have important implications for the development of therapeutic interventions. In this study, we present methods to analyze the spatial distribution of infected hepatocytes obtained by single cell laser capture microdissection from liver biopsy samples of patients chronically infected with HCV. By characterizing the internal structure of clusters of infected cells, we are able to evaluate hypotheses about intrahepatic infection dynamics. We found that individual clusters on biopsy samples range in size from infected cells. In addition, the HCV RNA content in a cluster declines from the cell that presumably founded the cluster to cells at the maximal cluster extension. These observations support the idea that HCV infection in the liver is seeded randomly (e.g. from the blood) and then spreads locally. Assuming that the amount of intracellular HCV RNA is a proxy for how long a cell has been infected, we estimate based on models of intracellular HCV RNA replication and accumulation that cells in clusters have been infected on average for less than a week. Further, we do not find a relationship between the cluster size and the estimated cluster expansion time. Our method represents a novel approach to make inferences about infection dynamics in solid tissues from static spatial data.  相似文献   

Cytostatic factor (CSF) arrests vertebrate eggs in metaphase of meiosis II through several pathways that inhibit activation of the anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C). In Xenopus, the Mos-MEK1-MAPK-p90(Rsk) cascade utilizes spindle-assembly-checkpoint components to effect metaphase arrest. Another pathway involves cyclin E-Cdk2, and sustained cyclin E-Cdk2 activity in egg extracts causes metaphase arrest in the absence of Mos; this latter finding suggests that an independent pathway contributes to CSF arrest. Here, we demonstrate that metaphase arrest with cyclin E-Cdk2, but not with Mos, requires the spindle-checkpoint kinase monopolar spindles 1 (Mps1), a cyclin E-Cdk2 target that is also implicated in centrosome duplication. xMps1 is synthesized and activated during oocyte maturation and inactivated upon CSF release. In egg extracts, CSF release by calcium was inhibited by constitutively active cyclin E-Cdk2 and delayed by wild-type xMps1. Ablation of cyclin E by antisense oligonucleotides blocked accumulation of xMps1, suggesting that cyclin E-Cdk2 controls Mps1 levels. During meiosis II, activated cyclin E-Cdk2 significantly inhibited the APC/C even in the absence of the Mos-MAPK pathway, but this inhibition was not sufficient to suppress S phase between meiosis I and II. These results uniquely place xMps1 downstream of cyclin E-Cdk2 in mediating a pathway of APC/C inhibition and metaphase arrest.  相似文献   

Micropatterned substrates are often used to standardize cell experiments and to quantitatively study the relation between cell shape and function. Moreover, they are increasingly used in combination with traction force microscopy on soft elastic substrates. To predict the dynamics and steady states of cell shape and forces without any a priori knowledge of how the cell will spread on a given micropattern, here we extend earlier formulations of the two-dimensional cellular Potts model. The third dimension is treated as an area reservoir for spreading. To account for local contour reinforcement by peripheral bundles, we augment the cellular Potts model by elements of the tension-elasticity model. We first parameterize our model and show that it accounts for momentum conservation. We then demonstrate that it is in good agreement with experimental data for shape, spreading dynamics, and traction force patterns of cells on micropatterned substrates. We finally predict shapes and forces for micropatterns that have not yet been experimentally studied.  相似文献   

Although there has been a recent explosion in the identification of budding yeast kinetochore components, the physical interactions that underlie kinetochore function remain obscure. To better understand how kinetochores attach to microtubules and how this attachment is regulated, we sought to characterize the interactions among kinetochore proteins, especially with respect to the microtubule-binding Dam1 complex. The Dam1 complex plays a crucial role in the chromosome-spindle attachment and is a key target for phospho-regulation of this attachment by the Aurora kinase Ipl1p. To identify protein-protein interactions involving the Dam1 complex, and the effects of Dam1p phosphorylation state on these physical interactions, we conducted both a genome-wide two-hybrid screen and a series of biochemical binding assays for Dam1p. A two-hybrid screen of a library of 6000 yeast open reading frames identified nine kinetochore proteins as Dam1p-interacting partners. From 113 in vitro binding reactions involving all nine subunits of the Dam1 complex and 32 kinetochore proteins, we found at least nine interactions within the Dam1 complex and 19 potential partners for the Dam1 complex. Strikingly, we found that the Dam1p-Ndc80p and Dam1p-Spc34p interactions were weakened by mutations mimicking phosphorylation at Ipl1p sites, allowing us to formulate a model for the effects of phosphoregulation on kinetochore function.  相似文献   

Monje-Casas F  Prabhu VR  Lee BH  Boselli M  Amon A 《Cell》2007,128(3):477-490
Kinetochores of sister chromatids attach to microtubules emanating from the same pole (coorientation) during meiosis I and microtubules emanating from opposite poles (biorientation) during meiosis II. We find that the Aurora B kinase Ipl1 regulates kinetochore-microtubule attachment during both meiotic divisions and that a complex known as the monopolin complex ensures that the protein kinase coorients sister chromatids during meiosis I. Furthermore, the defining of conditions sufficient to induce sister kinetochore coorientation during mitosis provides insight into monopolin complex function. The monopolin complex joins sister kinetochores independently of cohesins, the proteins that hold sister chromatids together. We propose that this function of the monopolin complex helps Aurora B coorient sister chromatids during meiosis I.  相似文献   

During mitosis in most eukaryotic cells, chromosomes align and form a metaphase plate halfway between the spindle poles, about which they exhibit oscillatory movement. These movements are accompanied by changes in the distance between sister kinetochores, commonly referred to as breathing. We developed a live cell imaging assay combined with computational image analysis to quantify the properties and dynamics of sister kinetochores in three dimensions. We show that baseline oscillation and breathing speeds in late prometaphase and metaphase are set by microtubule depolymerases, whereas oscillation and breathing periods depend on the stiffness of the mechanical linkage between sisters. Metaphase plates become thinner as cells progress toward anaphase as a result of reduced oscillation speed at a relatively constant oscillation period. The progressive slowdown of oscillation speed and its coupling to plate thickness depend nonlinearly on the stiffness of the mechanical linkage between sisters. We propose that metaphase plate formation and thinning require tight control of the state of the mechanical linkage between sisters mediated by centromeric chromatin and cohesion.  相似文献   

Inferring on others'' (potentially time-varying) intentions is a fundamental problem during many social transactions. To investigate the underlying mechanisms, we applied computational modeling to behavioral data from an economic game in which 16 pairs of volunteers (randomly assigned to “player” or “adviser” roles) interacted. The player performed a probabilistic reinforcement learning task, receiving information about a binary lottery from a visual pie chart. The adviser, who received more predictive information, issued an additional recommendation. Critically, the game was structured such that the adviser''s incentives to provide helpful or misleading information varied in time. Using a meta-Bayesian modeling framework, we found that the players'' behavior was best explained by the deployment of hierarchical learning: they inferred upon the volatility of the advisers'' intentions in order to optimize their predictions about the validity of their advice. Beyond learning, volatility estimates also affected the trial-by-trial variability of decisions: participants were more likely to rely on their estimates of advice accuracy for making choices when they believed that the adviser''s intentions were presently stable. Finally, our model of the players'' inference predicted the players'' interpersonal reactivity index (IRI) scores, explicit ratings of the advisers'' helpfulness and the advisers'' self-reports on their chosen strategy. Overall, our results suggest that humans (i) employ hierarchical generative models to infer on the changing intentions of others, (ii) use volatility estimates to inform decision-making in social interactions, and (iii) integrate estimates of advice accuracy with non-social sources of information. The Bayesian framework presented here can quantify individual differences in these mechanisms from simple behavioral readouts and may prove useful in future clinical studies of maladaptive social cognition.  相似文献   

In previous work,we modified blade element theory by implementing three-dimensional wing kinematics and modeled the unsteady aerodynamic effects by adding the added mass and rotational forces.This method is referred to as Unsteady Blade Element Theory (UBET).A comparison between UBET and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) for flapping wings with high flapping frequencies (>30 Hz) could not be found in literature survey.In this paper,UBET that considers the movement of pressure center in pitching-moment estimation was validated using the CFD method.We investigated three three-dimensional (3D) wing kinematics that produce negative,zero,and positive aerodynamic pitching moments.For all cases,the instantaneous aerodynamic forces and pitching moments estimated via UBET and CFD showed similar trends.The differences in average vertical forces and pitching moments about the center of gravity were about 10% and 12%,respectively.Therefore,UBET is proven to reasonably estimate the aerodynamic forces and pitching moment for flight dynamic study of FW-MAV.However,the differences in average wing drags and pitching moments about the feather axis were more than 20%.Since study of aerodynamic power requires reasonable estimation of wing drag and pitching moment about the feather axis,UBET needs further improvement for higher accuracy.  相似文献   

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