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Artificial nest experiments (ANEs) are widely used to obtain proxies of natural nest predation for testing a variety of hypotheses, from those dealing with variation in life-history strategies to those assessing the effects of habitat fragmentation on the persistence of bird populations. However, their applicability to real-world scenarios has been criticized owing to the many potential biases in comparing predation rates of artificial and natural nests. Here, we aimed to test the validity of estimates of ANEs using a novel approach. We related predation rates on artificial nests to population viability analyses in a songbird metapopulation as a way of predicting the real impact of predation events on the local populations studied. Predation intensity on artificial nests was negatively related to the species' annual population growth rate in small local populations, whereas the viability of large local populations did not seem to be influenced, even by high nest predation rates. The potential of extrapolation from ANEs to real-world scenarios is discussed, as these results suggest that artificial nest predation estimates may predict demographic processes in small structured populations.  相似文献   

Åke Berg 《Oecologia》1996,107(3):343-346
Predation rates on artificial wader nests, solitary curlew (Numenius arquata) and lapwing (Vanellus vanellus) nests and lapwing nests in colonies were studied on a farmland site in central Sweden. Predation rates were highest on artificial wader nests, intermediate on solitary curlew and lapwing nests and lowest on lapwing nests in colonies, probably because of active defence of adults at real nests and/or because of selection of nest sites with lower predation risk by breeding birds. A comparison of nests close to (50 m) and far away from (200 m) forest edges revealed no increased predation risk close to edges for any of the studied nest types. Predation risk changed during the season for artificial nests (highest in the middle of May), while predation rates on lapwing and curlew nests were more stable. Artificial nests seem to be inappropriate for measuring actual predation rates and temporal differences in predation rates on real nests, but they might be suitable for use as an index of spatial differences.  相似文献   

Summary The predation rate of artificial bird nests was measured in disturbed chaparral habitat fragments and at an unfragmented site in coastal San Diego County, California USA. Local extinctions of chaparral birds has been previously shown to occur in these fragments. The predation rate was highest at the unfragmented site. Among fragments, predation was higher at moderately disturbed than at highly disturbed sites. These results suggest that nest predator species diversity or density is reduced in disturbed chaparral fragments. Nest predation is probably not the most important cause of the observed loss of chaparral breeding bird diversity in these fragments.  相似文献   

For federally listed species such as Least Tern Sternula antillarum and Piping Plover Charadrius melodus, correct determination of nest fates and causes of nest failure is crucial for understanding population dynamics and improving monitoring programmes. We used video cameras to evaluate nest fate misclassification rate and to identify factors that may cause researchers monitoring nests at different intervals to classify Least Tern and Piping Plover nest fates incorrectly. During the 2013–2015 breeding seasons, we installed miniature surveillance cameras at 65 of 294 Least Tern and 89 of 551 Piping Plover nests under observation on the Missouri River in North Dakota. Nest fates were assigned in the field from remains found at the nest‐site and then again by an independent researcher who reviewed camera footage. We used ordinal logistic regressions to examine whether monitoring interval, clutch age or temporal factors influenced a correct, partially misclassified (probable successful in the field vs. successful by camera) or misclassified nest fate classification. During a 7‐day monitoring interval between visits, 45% of nests were partially and 27.5% were fully misclassified. The percentage of partially (20%) and fully (8.0%) misclassified nests decreased with a more intensive (3‐day) monitoring schedule. Researchers were also less likely to correctly classify nest fates for Least Terns than for Piping Plovers, and as clutch age and monitoring interval increased for both species. Furthermore, causes of failure (e.g. predators, weather) as determined from field evidence vs. video disagreed for 53.5% of nests. The ability to identify accurately nest fate and cause of nest failure will facilitate a better understanding of factors that limit productivity and will lead to better informed management decisions for improving nest survival.  相似文献   

Ground-nesting species are vulnerable to a wide range of predators and often experience very high levels of nest predation. Strategies to reduce nest vulnerability can include concealing nests in vegetation and/or nesting in locations in which nests and eggs are camouflaged and less easy for predators to locate. These strategies could have important implications for the distribution of ground-nesting species and the success rates of nests in areas with differing vegetation structure. However, the factors influencing the success of nest concealment and camouflage strategies in ground-nesting species are complex. Here we explore the effects of local vegetation structure and extent of nest concealment on nest predation rates in a range of ground-nesting, sympatric wader species with differing nest concealment strategies (open-nest species: Oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus, Golden Plover Pluvialis apricaria and Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus; concealed-nest species: Black-tailed Godwit Limosa limosa, Redshank Tringa totanus and Snipe Gallinago gallinago) in south Iceland, in landscapes that comprise substantial variability in vegetation structure at a range of scales. We monitored 469 nests of these six wader species in 2015 and 2016 and ~40% of these nests were predated. Nest predation rates were similar for open-nest and concealed-nest species and did not vary with vegetation structure in the surrounding landscape, but nest-concealing species were ~10% more likely to have nests predated when they were poorly concealed, and the frequency of poorly concealed nests was higher in colder conditions at the start of the breeding season. For concealed-nest species, the reduced capacity to hide nests in colder conditions is likely to reflect low rates of vegetation growth in such conditions. The ongoing trend for warmer springs at subarctic latitudes could result in more rapid vegetation growth, with consequent increases in the success rates of early nests of concealed-nest species. Temperature-related effects on nest concealment from predators could thus be an important mechanism through which climate change affecting vegetation could have population-level impacts on breeding birds at higher latitudes.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   Nest predation is the primary cause of nest failure in most passerine birds, and increases in nest predation associated with anthropogenic habitat disturbance are invoked as explanations for population declines of some bird species. In most cases, however, the identity of the nest predators is not known with certainty. We monitored active bird nests with infrared time-lapse video cameras to determine which nest predators were responsible for depredating bird nests in northern New Hampshire. We monitored 64 nests of 11 bird species during three breeding seasons, and identified seven species of predators during 14 predation events. In addition, we recorded two instances of birds defending nests from predators and, in both cases, these nests were ultimately lost to predation. These results contrast with other studies in terms of the relatively high proportion of nests depredated by raptors and mice, as well as the absence of any predation by snakes. The diverse suite of predators in this and other studies is likely to confound our understanding of patterns of nest predation relative to fragmentation and habitat structure.  相似文献   

Many passerine bird populations, particularly those that have open‐cup nests, are in decline in agricultural landscapes. Current theory suggests that an increase in habitat generalist predators in response to landscape change is partially responsible for these declines. However, empirical tests have failed to reach a consensus on how and through what mechanisms landscape change affects nest predation. We tested one hypothesis, the Additive Predation Model, with an artificial nest experiment in fragmented landscapes in southern Queensland, Australia. We employed structural equation modelling of the influence of the relative density of woodland and habitat generalist predators and landscape features at the nest, site, patch and landscape scales on the probability of nest predation. We found little support for the Additive Predation Model, with no significant influence of the density of woodland predators on the probability of nest predation, although landscape features at different spatial scales were important. Within woodlands fragmented by agriculture in eastern Australia, the presence of noisy miner colonies appears to influence ecological processes important for nest predation such that the Additive Predation Model does not hold. In the absence of colonies of the aggressive native bird, the noisy miner, the influence of woodland predators on the risk of artificial nest predation was low compared with that of habitat generalist predators. Outside noisy miner colonies, we found significant edge effects with greater predation rates for artificial nests within woodland patches located closer to the agricultural matrix. Furthermore, the density of habitat generalist predators increased with the extent of irrigated land‐use, suggesting that in the absence of noisy miner colonies, nest predation increases with land‐use intensity at the landscape scale.  相似文献   

Predation is the main cause of nest failure among birds and, therefore, a strong selective agent. To fully understand patterns of nest predation, determining the identities of nest predators is crucial. Information about nest predators in the Neotropics, however, is largely anecdotal and not easily accessible in the literature. Our objective was to search the literature and compile a list of the known predators of nests in the Neotropics. We identified 256 species belonging to 67 families of birds, reptiles, mammals, and arthropods as nest predators. Families with at least 10 species of identified nest predators included Colubridae, Accipitridae, Corvidae, Ramphastidae, Falconidae, Furnariidae, Icteridae, and Didelphidae. Species in the first five of these families, plus the family Cebidae, predated nests of at least 30 species of birds. Many species not included on our list are also likely nest predators, e.g., 79 species identified as nest predators in the Nearctic that also occur in the Neotropics, but have not yet been confirmed as predators there. Increased use of video technology in the future should lead to an increase in the numbers of nest predators identified, particularly those that are nocturnal. By determining which species on our list occur in a given study area, researchers can now consider the likely nest predators in their study areas when designing hypotheses and conservation plans.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation and invasive species are two of the greatest threats to species diversity worldwide. This is particularly relevant for oceanic islands with vulnerable endemics. Here, we examine how habitat fragmentation influences nest predation by Rattus spp. on cup‐nesting birds in Samoan forests. We determined models for predicting predation rates by Rattus on artificial nests at two scales: (i) the position of the bird's nest within the landscape (e.g. proximity to mixed crop plantations, distance to forest edge); and (ii) the microhabitat in the immediate vicinity of the nest (e.g. nest height, ground cover, slope). Nest cameras showed only one mammal predator, the black rat (Rattus rattus), predating artificial nests. The optimal model predicting nest predation rates by black rats included a landscape variable, proximity to plantations and a local nest site variable, the percentage of low (<15 cm) ground cover surrounding the nest tree. Predation rates were 22 ± 13% higher for nests in forest edges near mixed crop plantations than in edges without plantations. In contrast, predation rates did not vary significantly between edge habitat where the matrix did not contain plantations, and interior forest sites (>1 km from the edge). As ground cover reduced, nest predation rates increased. Waxtags containing either coconut or peanut butter were used as a second method for assessing nest predation. The rates at which these were chewed followed patterns similar to the predation of the artificial nests. Rural development in Samoa will increase the proportion of forest edge near plantations. Our results suggest that this will increase the proportion of forest birds that experience nest predation from black rats. Further research is required to determine if rat control is needed to maintain even interior forest sites populations of predator‐sensitive bird species on South Pacific islands.  相似文献   

Habitat edges alter the diversity of avian communities and are often associated with higher rates of nest predation. However, most previous studies on habitat edges have been conducted along long linear corridors or at the transition between large field and forest patches in agricultural systems. Less is known about predation rates when the habitat edge is the result of a small interior forest opening. We assessed predation rates on artificial nests mimicking ground and shrub nesters in Northern Michigan forests perforated by small clearings used previously for oil and gas extraction. Nests were placed at varying distances from the edges of these clearings, and in similar spatial arrangements within unfragmented interior forest plots. Predation rates increased in forests near edges, but significant impacts were limited to shrub nests. Markings on predated clay eggs indicated that the type of predation also differed. Scratch marks were the most prevalent egg indentation, but eggs with poked holes were twice as common near the forest edge. The increase in the number of poked eggs suggests that a higher density of avian predators occurred in forests near an edge. Predation rates at forest edges did not vary by distance from the forest edge. Surveys of the avian community revealed differences between edge and interior forests: American Crows Corvus brachyrhynchos and Blue Jays Cyanocitta cristata, two species known to predate bird nests, were more common near edges. Our results suggest that small forest openings alter the avian community and may adversely impact reproductive output in some species. If the alteration of these processes results in population‐level impacts, small forest perforations should be avoided when possible and reforestation of abandoned well‐pads should be encouraged.  相似文献   

Capsule Avian predators are principally responsible.

Aims To document the fate of Spotted Flycatcher nests and to identify the species responsible for nest predation.

Methods During 2005–06, purpose-built, remote, digital nest-cameras were deployed at 65 out of 141 Spotted Flycatcher nests monitored in two study areas, one in south Devon and the second on the border of Bedfordshire and Cambridgeshire.

Results Of the 141 nests monitored, 90 were successful (non-camera nests, 49 out of 76 successful, camera nests, 41 out of 65). Fate was determined for 63 of the 65 nests monitored by camera, with 20 predation events documented, all of which occurred during daylight hours. Avian predators carried out 17 of the 20 predations, with the principal nest predator identified as Eurasian Jay Garrulus glandarius. The only mammal recorded predating nests was the Domestic Cat Felis catus, the study therefore providing no evidence that Grey Squirrels Sciurus carolinensis are an important predator of Spotted Flycatcher nests. There was no evidence of differences in nest survival rates at nests with and without cameras. Nest remains following predation events gave little clue as to the identity of the predator species responsible.

Conclusions Nest-cameras can be useful tools in the identification of nest predators, and may be deployed with no subsequent effect on nest survival. The majority of predation of Spotted Flycatcher nests in this study was by avian predators, principally the Jay. There was little evidence of predation by mammalian predators. Identification of specific nest predators enhances studies of breeding productivity and predation risk.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Grassland fragmentation is expected to influence the abundance of different invertebrate species to a different extent. Fragmentation-related effects are of particular importance in species that interact with many other species.
2. The density and spatial distribution of nests of 15 ant species in experimentally fragmented calcareous grasslands at three sites in the Northern Swiss Jura mountains were examined. Fragments of different size (0.25 m2, 2.25 m2, and 20.25 m2) were isolated by a 5-m wide strip of frequently mown vegetation. Control plots of corresponding size were situated in adjacent undisturbed grassland.
3. Three years after initiation of the experiment, ant nest density did not differ between fragments and control plots. Six years after initiation of the experiment, however, ant nest density and forager abundance were higher in large fragments than in large control plots. Ant nests tended to occur more frequently along the edge of fragments than in the core area. Persistence time of nests of the most abundant species, Lasius paralienus , tended to be shorter in fragments than in control plots. Furthermore, persistence time was longer in nests situated close to the fragment edge than in nests in the core area.
4. Effects on nest density, edge effects on the spatial distribution of nests, and the relationships between nest density and environmental factors were more pronounced when only nests of L. paralienus were considered. The implications of these findings for plant and other invertebrate species are discussed.  相似文献   

Nest predation is the leading cause of reproductive failure in birds and thus it shapes their life history strategies. Intensities of nest predation appear to differ among nest locations and types in both temperate and tropical regions. However, there is limited knowledge of factors influencing susceptibility of avian nests to predation in Africa. The aim of our study was to investigate artificial nest predation rates of different ground and shrub nests located at different heights in the rainforest undergrowth. We placed artificial avian nests within a homogeneous lowland forest interior with sparse forest undergrowth in the Mount Cameroon National Park, Cameroon. We exposed three sets of nests: 50 bare-ground, 50 cup-ground and 50 cup-shrub nests, for 10 d. Predation was higher for cup-ground nests compared to cup-shrub nests, and bare-ground nests were more depredated than cup-ground nests. We concluded that the presence of a cup as well as higher nest position significantly increased probability of artificial nest survival. The results of this study suggest a potential selection pressure on nest type and placement in lowland forest birds for a poorly known tropical region.  相似文献   

There is concern that predation of Lapwing Vanellus vanellus nests may create additional pressure on declining populations of this species in Europe. At seven sites in England and Wales, daily nest predation rates on 1,390 nests were related to variables using Generalised Linear Mixed Models. The strongest predictor was Lapwing nest density (number of nests within 100 m): predation rates declined as nest density increased. Since nocturnal species, probably mammals, have been identified as the major predators of Lapwing nests at these sites, these results suggest that Lapwings are able to deter mammalian predators or may settle to nest at high densities in areas with low predation pressure. At the site level, there was no relationship between Lapwing nesting density and fox density, and a positive relationship with Carrion Crow Corvus corone nesting density. There was a weaker effect of distance to field boundary: nests closer to boundaries were more likely to be predated. Weak interactive effects between crow density and both nest visibility and distance to vantage point were identified in models using a reduced subset of nests. These were counter-intuitive, did not persist in the larger data set, and do not have obvious explanations. If Lapwings nesting at high density are able to deter predators, there are implications for land management. Smaller areas could be managed within potential breeding habitat to encourage Lapwings to nest in dense colonies. Selection of larger fields for such management, where nests could be located far from the field boundary should improve the value of such measures.  相似文献   

Abstract Many species have suffered population declines through loss of suitable habitat. In addition, current agricultural land use and human settlements favor generalist predators, which pose an increasing threat to ground-nesting bird species such as shorebirds (waders). During the last 2 decades, nest exclosures have been used to control nest-predation rates and often improved hatching success. We evaluated the effectiveness of protective nest-cages to boost reproductive success in the endangered southern dunlin (Calidris alpina schinzii) and ultimately to halt the population decline. We found that exclosures successfully increased the survival probability of nests and, thereby, the number of hatchlings, without markedly elevating the predation rate on incubating adults. Nest exclosures did not, however, translate into an increased number of fledglings and recruits produced/breeding adult in the population, showing that factors other than nest survival are also important for population development. Our results highlight that conservation efforts aimed only at removing high nest-predation pressure may be insufficient to preserve declining species such as the southern dunlin.  相似文献   

We document the loss of all but the youngest member of a troop of six howler monkeys due to probable jaguar predation during a 7-month period in 1988. The formation of Guri Lake resulted in forest fragmentation which forced monkeys into new and unfamiliar areas and altered the balance of predator and prey populations, and may thus have contributed indirectly to the success of the jaguar. The selection of defoliated (dead) trees for sleeping sites by the howlers may have directly increased the risk of predation. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Because species respond differently to habitat boundaries and spatial overlap affects encounter rates, edge responses should be strong determinants of spatial patterns of species interactions. In the Caribbean, mongooses (Herpestes javanicus) prey on hawksbill sea turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) eggs. Turtles nest in both open sand and vegetation patches, with a peak in nest abundance near the boundary between the two microhabitats; mongooses rarely leave vegetation. Using both artificial nests and hawksbill nesting data, we examined how the edge responses of these species predict the spatial patterns of nest mortality. Predation risk was strongly related to mongoose abundance but was not affected by nest density or habitat type. The product of predator and prey edge response functions accurately described the observed pattern of total prey mortality. Hawksbill preference for vegetation edge becomes an ecological trap in the presence of mongooses. This is the first study to predict patterns of predation directly from continuous edge response functions of interacting species, establishing a link between models of edge response and species interactions.  相似文献   

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