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Summary Using the patch-clamp technique we have identified a Ca2+-sensitive, voltage-dependent, maxi-K+ channel on the basolateral surface of rat pancreatic duct cells. The channel had a conductance of 200 pS in excised patches bathed in symmetrical 150mm K+, and was blocked by 1mm Ba2+. Channel openstate probability (P o ) on unstimulated cells was very low, but was markedly increased by exposing the cells to secretin, dibutyryl cyclic AMP, forskolin or isobutylmethylxanthine. Stimulation also shifted theP o /voltage relationship towards hyperpolarizing potentials, but channel conductance was unchanged. If patches were excised from stimulated cells into the inside-out configuration,P o remained high, and was not markedly reduced by lowering bath (cytoplasmic) Ca2+ concentration from 2mm to 0.1 m. However, activated channels were still blocked by 1mm Ba2+. ChannelP o was also increased by exposing the cytoplasmic face of excised patches to the purified catalytic subunit of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase., We conclude that cyclic AMP-dependent phosphorylation can activate maxi-K+ channels on pancreatic duct cells via a stable modification of the channel protein itself, or a closely associated regulatory subunit, and that phosphorylation alters the responsiveness of the channels to Ca2+. Physiologically, these K+ channels may contribute to the basolateral K+ conductance of the duct cell and, by providing a pathway for current flow across the basolateral membrane, play an important role in pancreatic bicarbonate secretion.  相似文献   

Contraction of the heart is regulated by a number of mechanisms, such as neurotransmitters, hormones, autacoids, pH, intracellular ATP, and Ca++ ions. These actions are mediated, at least in part, by actions on the sarcolemmal slow (L-type) Ca++ channels, exerted directly or indirectly. The major mechanisms for the regulation of the slow Ca++ channels of myocardial cells includes the following. cAMP/PK-A phosphorylation stimulates the slow Ca` channel activity, whereas cGMP/PK-G phosphorylation inhibits. DAG/PK-C phosphorylation and tyrosine kinase phosphorylation are suggested to stimulate the slow Ca++ channel activity. Intracellular application of Gs protein increases the slow Ca++ currents (ICa(L)). Lowering of intracellular ATP inhibits ICa(L). Acidosis and increase in [Ca]i inhibits ICa(L). A number of changes in the Ca++ channels also occur during development and aging. Thus, it appears that the slow Ca++ channel is a complex structure, including perhaps several associated regulatory proteins, which can be regulated by a number of extrinsic and intrinsic factors, and thereby control can be exercised over the force of contraction of the heart.  相似文献   

Many of the structural domains involved in Ca2+ channel (CACN) inactivation are also involved in determining their sensitivity to antagonist inhibition. We hypothesize that differences in inactivation properties and their structural determinants may suggest candidate domains as targets for the development of novel, selective antagonists. The characteristics of Ca2+ current (ICa) inactivation, steady-state inactivation (SSIN), and recovery from inactivation were studied in freshly dispersed smooth muscle cells from rabbit portal vein (RPV) using whole-cell, voltage-clamp methods. The time course of inactivation could be represented by two time constants. Increasing ICa by increasing [Ca2+]o or with more negative holding potentials decreased both time constants. With Sr2+, Ba2+, or Na+ as the charge carrier, ICa inactivation was also represented by two time constants, both of which were larger than those found with Ca2+. With Ca2+, Sr2+, or Ba2+ as the charge carrier, both time constants had minimum values near the voltage associated with maximum current. When Na+ (140 mM) was the charge carrier, voltages for Imax (−20 mV) or τmin (o mV) did not correspond. SSIN of ICa had a half-maximum voltage of −32±4 mV for Ca2+, −43 mV±5 mV for Sr2+, −41±5 mV for Ba2+, and −68±6 mV for Na+. The slope factor for SSIN per e-fold voltage change was 6.5±0.2 mV for Ca2+, 6.8±0.3 for Sr2+, and 6.6±0.2 for Ba2+, representing four equivalent charges. When Na+ or Li+ was the charge carrier, the slope factor was 13.5±0.7 mV, representing two equivalent charges. For ICa in rat left ventricular (rLV) myocytes, there was no difference in the slope factor of SSIN for Ca2+ and Na+. The rate of recovery of ICa from inactivation varied inversely with recovery voltage and was independent of the charge carrier. These results suggest that inactivation of ICa in PV myocytes possess an intrinsic voltage dependence that is modified by Ca2+. For RPV but not rLV ICa, the charge of the permeating ion confers the voltage-dependency of SSIN.  相似文献   

Over twenty years ago it was shown that depletion of the intracellular Ca2+ store in smooth muscle triggered a Ca2+ influx mechanism. The purpose of this review it to describe recent electrophysiological data which indicate that Ca2+ influx occurs through discrete ion channels in the plasmalemma of smooth muscle cells. The effect of external Ca2+ on the amplitude and reversal potential of whole-cell and single channel currents suggests that there are at least two, and probably more, distinct store-operated channels (SOCs) which have markedly different permeabilities to Ca2+ ions. Two activation mechanisms have been identified which involve Ca2+ influx factor and protein kinase C (PKC) activation via diacylglycerol. In addition, in rabbit portal vein cells there is evidence that stimulation of α-adrenoceptors can stimulate SOC opening via PKC in a store-independent manner. There is at present little knowledge on the molecular identity of SOCs but it has been proposed that TRPC1 may be a component of the functional channel. We also summarise the data showing that SOCs may be involved in contraction and cell proliferation of smooth muscle. Finally, we highlight the similarities and differences of SOCs and receptor-operated cation channels that are present in native rabbit portal vein myocytes.  相似文献   

Using freshly isolated single smooth muscle cells prepared by collegenase treatment, membrane currents were recorded by whole-cell voltage clamp. Intracellular constituents were modified by using an intracellular perfusion technique, i.e., pipette solutions were continuously exchanged from control to test solutions during current recording. In smooth muscle cells, intracellular application of ATP, but not cyclic AMP, enchanced the amplitude of Ca2+ currents and prevented current run-down. In addition, with this stabilization of Ca2+ current recording by ATP, introduction of various chemicals into the cell using the intracellular perfusion technique is useful for investigations of regulation of ion channels in smooth muscle cells.  相似文献   

Calcium channels in the heart play a major role in cardiac function. These channels are modulated in a variety of ways, including protein phosphorylation. Cyclic AMP-mediated phosphorylation is the best understood phosphorylation mechanism which regulates calcium influx into cardiac cells. Binding of an agonist (e.g., a catecholamine) to the appropriate receptor stimulates production of cyclic AMP by adenylate cyclase. The cyclic AMP may subsequently bind to and activate a cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase, which then can phosphorylate a number of substrates, including the calcium channel (or a closely-associated regulatory protein). This results in stimulation of the calcium channels, greater calcium influx, and increased contractility. The cyclic AMP system is not the only protein kinase system in the heart. Thus, the possibility exists that other protein kinases may also regulate the calcium channels and, hence, cardiac function. Recent evidence suggests that cyclic GMP-mediated phosphorylation may play a role opposite to cyclic AMP-mediated phosphorylation, i.e., inhibition of the calcium current rather than stimulation. Other recent evidence also suggests that a calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase and calcium/phospholipid-dependent protein kinase (protein kinase C) may also regulate the myocardial calcium channels. Thus, protein phosphorylation may be a general mechanism whereby calcium channels and cardiac function are modulated under a variety of conditions.  相似文献   

The voltage-dependent slow channels in the myocardial cell membrane are the major pathway by which Ca2+ ions enter the cell during excitation for initiation and regulation of the force of contraction of cardiac muscle. The slow channels have some special properties, including functional dependence on metabolic energy, selective blockade by acidosis, and regulation by the intracellular cyclic nucleotide levels. Because of these special properties of the slow channels, Ca2+ influx into the myocardial cell can be controlled by extrinsic factors (such as autonomic nerve stimulation or circulating hormones) and by intrinsic factors (such as cellular pH or ATP level). The slow Ca2+ channels of the heart are regulated by cAMP in a stimulatory fashion. Elevation of cAMP produces a very rapid increase in number of slow channels available for voltage activation during excitation. The probability of a slow channel opening and the mean open time of the channel are increased. Therefore, any agent that increases the cAMP level of the myocardial cell will tend to potentiate Isi, Ca2+ influx, and contraction. The myocardial slow Ca2+ channels are also regulated by cGMP, in a manner that is opposite to that of CAMP. The effect of cGMP is presumably mediated by means of phosphorylation of a protein, as for example, a regulatory protein (inhibitory-type) associated with the slow channel. Preliminary data suggest that calmodulin also may play a role in regulation of the myocardial slow Ca2+ channels, possibly mediated by the Ca2+-calmodulin-protein kinase and phosphorylation of some regulatory-type of protein. Thus, it appears that the slow Ca2+ channel is a complex structure, including perhaps several associated regulatory proteins, which can be regulated by a number of extrinsic and intrinsic factors.VSM cells contain two types of Ca2+ channels: slow (L-type) Ca2+ channels and fast (T-type) Ca2+ channels. Although regulation of voltage-dependent Ca2+ slow channels of VSM cells have not been fully clarified yet, we have made some progress towards answering this question. Slow (L-type, high-threshold) Ca2+ channels may be modified by phosphorylation of the channel protein or an associated regulatory protein. In contrast to cardiac muscle where cAMP and cGMP have antagonistic effects on Ca2+ slow channel activity, in VSM, cAMP and cGMP have similar effects, namely inhibition of the Ca2+ slow channels. Thus, any agent that elevates cAMP or cGMP will inhibit Ca2+ influx, and thereby act to produce vasodilation. The Ca2+ slow channels require ATP for activity, with a K0.5 of about 0.3 mM. C-kinase may stimulate the Ca2+ slow channels by phosphorylation. G-protein may have a direct action on the Ca2+ channels, and may mediate the effects of activation of some receptors. These mechanisms of Ca2+ channel regulation may be invoked during exposure to agonists or drugs, which change second messenger levels, thereby controlling vascular tone.  相似文献   

Oxidized low density lipoprotein (oxLDL) has been identified as a potentially important atherogenic factor. Atherosclerosis is characterized by the accumulation of lipid and calcium in the vascular wall. OxLDL plays a significant role in altering calcium homeostasis within different cell types. In our previous study, chronic treatment of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) with oxLDL depressed Ca2+ i homeostasis and altered two Ca2+ release mechanisms in these cells (IP3 and ryanodine sensitive channels). The purpose of the present study was to further define the effects of chronic treatment with oxLDL on the smooth muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca2+ pump. One of the primary Ca2+ uptake mechanisms in VSMC is through the SERCA2 ATPase calcium pump in the sarcoplasmic reticulum. VSMC were chronically treated with 0.005-0.1 mg/ml oxLDL for up to 6 days in culture. Cells treated with oxLDL showed a significant increase in the total SERCA2 ATPase content. These changes were observed on both Western blot and immunocytochemical analysis. This increase in SERCA2 ATPase is in striking contrast to a significant decrease in the density of IP3 and ryanodine receptors in VSMC as the result of chronic treatment with oxLDL. This response may suggest a specific adaptive mechanism that the pump undergoes to attempt to maintain Ca2+ homeostasis in VSMC chronically exposed to atherogenic oxLDL.  相似文献   

The presence of Ca2+-activated Cl currents (ICl(Ca)) in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) is well established. ICl(Ca) are supposedly important for arterial contraction by linking changes in [Ca2+]i and membrane depolarization. Bestrophins and some members of the TMEM16 protein family were recently associated with ICl(Ca). Two distinct ICl(Ca) are characterized in VSMCs; the cGMP-dependent ICl(Ca) dependent upon bestrophin expression and the ‘classical’ Ca2+-activated Cl current, which is bestrophin-independent. Interestingly, TMEM16A is essential for both the cGMP-dependent and the classical ICl(Ca). Furthermore, TMEM16A has a role in arterial contraction while bestrophins do not. TMEM16A’s role in the contractile response cannot be explained however only by a simple suppression of the depolarization by Cl channels. It is suggested that TMEM16A expression modulates voltage-gated Ca2+ influx in a voltage-independent manner and recent studies also demonstrate a complex role of TMEM16A in modulating other membrane proteins.  相似文献   

Summary Intracellular calcium [Ca2+] i measurements in cell suspension of gastrointestinal myocytes have suggested a single [Ca2+] i transient followed by a steady-state increase as the characteristic [Ca2+] i response of these cells. In the present study, we used digital video imaging techniques in freshly dispersed myocytes from the rabbit colon, to characterize the spatiotemporal pattern of the [Ca2+] i signal in single cells. The distribution of [Ca2+] i in resting and stimulated cells was nonhomogeneous, with gradients of high [Ca2+] i present in the subplasmalemmal space and in one cell pole. [Ca2+] i gradients within these regions were not constant but showed temporal changes in the form of [Ca2+] i oscillations and spatial changes in the form of [Ca2+] i waves. [Ca2+] i oscillations in unstimulated cells (n = 60) were independent of extracellular [Ca2+] and had a mean frequency of 12.6 +1.1 oscillations per min. The baseline [Ca2+], was 171 ± 13 nm and the mean oscillation amplitude was 194 ± 12 nm. Generation of [Ca2+] i waves was also independent of influx of extracellular Ca2+. [Ca2+] i waves originated in one cell pole and were visualized as propagation mostly along the subplasmalemmal space or occasionally throughout the cytoplasm. The mean velocity was 23 +3 m per sec (n = 6). Increases of [Ca2+] i induced by different agonists were encoded into changes of baseline [Ca2+] i and the amplitude of oscillations, but not into their frequency. The observed spatiotemporal pattern of [Ca2+] i regulation may be the underlying mechanism for slow wave generation and propagation in this tissue. These findings are consistent with a [Ca2+] i regulation whereby cell regulators modulate the spatiotemporal pattern of intracellularly generated [Ca2+] i oscillations.The authors thank Debbie Anderson for excellent technical assistance with the electron microscopy and Dr. M. Regoli for providing the NK-1 agonist [Sar9,Met(O2)11]-SP. This work was supported by National Institutes of Health Grants DK 40919 and DK 40675 and Veterans Administration Grant SMI.  相似文献   

Summary Patch-clamp methods were used to study single-channel events in isolated oxyntic cells and gastric glands fromNecturus maculosa. Cell-attached, excised inside-out and outside-out patches from the basolateral membrane frequently contained channels which had conductances of 67±21 pS in 24% of the patches and channels of smaller conductance, 33±6 pS in 56% of the patches. Channels in both classes were highly selective for K+ over Na+ and Cl, and shared linear current-voltage relations. The 67-pS channel was activated by membrane depolarization, whereas the activity of the 33-pS channel was relatively voltage independent. The larger conductance channels were activated by intracellular Ca2+ in the range between 5 and 500nm, but unaffected by cAMP. The smaller conductance channels were activated by cAMP, but not Ca2+. The presence of K+ channels in the basolateral membrane which are regulated by these known second messengers can account for the increase in conductance and the hyperpolarization of the membrane observed upon secretagogue stimulation.  相似文献   


Context: Regulator of G-protein signaling-2 (RGS2) inhibits Gq-mediated regulation of Ca2+ signalling in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC). Objective: RGS2 knockout (RGS2KO) mice are hypertensive and show arteriolar remodeling. VSMC proliferation modulates intracellular Ca2+ concentration [Ca2+]i. RGS2 involvement in VSMC proliferation had not been examined. Methods: Thymidine incorporation and 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) conversion assays measured cell proliferation. Fura-2 ratiometric imaging quantified [Ca2+]i before and after UTP and thapsigargin. [3H]-labeled inositol was used for phosphoinositide hydrolysis. Quantitative RT-PCR and confocal immunofluorescence of select Ca2+ transporters was performed in primary aortic VSMC. Results and discussion: Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) increased S-phase entry and proliferation in VSMC from RGS2KO mice to a greater extent than in VSMC from wild-type (WT) controls. Consistent with differential PDGF-induced changes in Ca2+ homeostasis, RGS2KO VSMC showed lower resting [Ca2+]i but higher thapsigargin-induced [Ca2+]i as compared with WT. RGS2KO VSMC expressed lower mRNA levels of plasma membrane Ca2+ ATPase-4 (PMCA4) and Na+ Ca2+ Exchanger (NCX), but higher levels of sarco-endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ ATPase-2 (SERCA2). Western blot and immunofluorescence revealed similar differences in PMCA4 and SERCA2 protein, while levels of NCX protein were not reduced in RGS2KO VSMC. Consistent with decreased Ca2+ efflux activity, 45Ca-extrusion rates were lower in RGS2KO VSMC. These differences were reversed by the PMCA inhibitor La3+, but not by replacing extracellular Na+ with choline, implicating differences in the activity of PMCA and not NCX. Conclusion: RGS2-deficient VSMC exhibit higher rates of proliferation and coordinate plasticity of Ca2+-handling mechanisms in response to PDGF stimulation.  相似文献   

Wang GJ  Lin LC  Chen CF  Cheng JS  Lo YK  Chou KJ  Lee KC  Liu CP  Wu YY  Su W  Chen WC  Jan CR 《Life sciences》2002,71(9):1081-1090
The effects of timosaponin A-III (TA-III), from Rhizoma Anemarrhenae, on Ca(2+) mobilization in vascular endothelial cells and smooth muscle cells and on vascular tension have been explored. TA-III increased intracellular Ca(2+) concentrations ([Ca(2+)](i)) in endothelials cells at a concentration larger than 5 microM with an EC(50) of 15 microM, and increased [Ca(2+)](i) in smooth muscle cells at a concentration larger than 1 microM with an EC(50) of 8 microM. Within 5 min, the [Ca(2+)](i) signal was composed of a gradual rise, and the speed of rising depended on the concentration of TA-III. The [Ca(2+)](i) signal was abolished by removing extracellular Ca(2+) and was recovered after reintroduction of Ca(2+). The TA-III-induced [Ca(2+)](i) increases in smooth muscle cells were partly inhibited by 10 microM nifedipine or 50 microM La(3+), but was insensitive to 10 microM verapamil and diltiazem. TA-III (10-100 microM) inhibited 0.3 microM phenylephrine-induced vascular contraction, which was abolished by pretreatment with 100 microM N(omega)-nitro-L-arginine (L-NNA) or by denuding the aorta. TA-III also increased [Ca(2+)](i) in renal tubular cells with an EC(50) of 8 microM. Collectively, the results show for the first time that TA-III causes [Ca(2+)](i) increases in the vascular system. TA-III acted by causing Ca(2+) influx without releasing intracellular Ca(2+). TA-III induced relaxation of phenylephrine-induced vascular contraction via inducing release of nitric oxide from endothelial cells.  相似文献   

In canine myocardium, the -subunit of the L-type Ca2+ channel is phosphorylated by cAMP dependent protein kinase in vitro as well as in vivo (Haase et al. FEBS Lett 335: 217–222, 1993). We have assessed the identity of the -subunit as well as its in vivo phosphorylation in representative experimental groups of catecholamine-challenged canine hearts. Adrenergic stimulation by high doses of both noradrenaline and isoprenaline induced rapid (within 20 sec) and nearly complete phosphorylation of the Ca2+ channel -subunit. Phosphorylation in vivo was about 4-fold higher as compared to untreated controls. When related to catecholamine-depleted (reserpine-treated) hearts noradrenaline and isoprenaline increased the in vivo phosphorylation of the -subunit even 8-fold. This phosphorylation correlated positively with tissue levels of cAMP, endogenous particulated cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) and the rate of contractile force development dP/dtmax. The results imply the involvement of a PKA-mediated phosphorylation of the Ca2+ channel -subunit in the adrenergic stimulation of intact canine myocardium.  相似文献   

Summary Smooth muscle cells normally do not possess fast Na2+ channels, but inward current is carried through two types of Ca2+ channels: slow (L-type) Ca2+ channels and fast (T-type) Ca2+ channels. Using whole-cell voltage clamp of single smooth muscle cells isolated from the longitudinal layer of 18-day pregnant rat uterus, depolarizing pusles, applied from a holding potential of –90 mV, evoked two types of inward current, fast and slow [8]. The fast inward current decayed within 30 ms, depended on [Na]0, and was inhibited by TTX (K0.5 = 27 nM). The slow inward current decayed slowly, was dependent on [Ca]0, and was inhibited by nifedipine. These results suggest that the fast inward current is a fast Na2+ channel current, and that the slow inward current is a Ca2+ channel current was not evident. Thus, the ion channels which generate inward currents in pregnant rat uterine cells are TTX-sensitive fast Na+ channels and dihudropuridine-sensitive slow Ca2+ channels. The number of fast Na+ channels increased during gestation [9]. The averaged current density increased from 0 on day 5, to 0.19 on day 9, to 0.56 on day 14, to 0.90 on day 18, and to 0.86 pA/pF on day 21. This almost linear increase occurs because of an increase in the fraction of cells which possess fast Na2+ channels, and it suggested that the fast Na+ current may be involved in spread of excitation. The Ca2+ channel current density also was higher during the latter half of gestation. These results indicate that the fast Na+ channels and Ca2+ slow channels in myometrium become more numerous as term approaches, and may facilitate parturition. Isoproterenol (beta-agonist) did not affect either ICa(s) or INa(f), whereas Mg2+ (K0.5 of 12 mM) and nifedipine (K0.5 of 3.3 nM) depressed ICa(s). Oxytocin had no effect on INa(f) and actually depressed ICa(s) to a small extect. Therefore, the tocolytic action of beta-agonists cannot be explained by an inhibition of ICa(s), whereas that of Mg2+ can be so explained. The stimulating action of oxytocin on uterine contractions is not due to stimulation of ICa(s).  相似文献   

Store-operated Ca2+ entry (SOCE) is a widespread mechanism to elevate the intracellular Ca2+ concentrations and stimulate downstream signaling pathways affecting proliferation, secretion, differentiation and death in different cell types. In immune cells, immune receptor stimulation induces intracellular Ca2+ store depletion that subsequently activates Ca2+-release-activated-Ca2+ (CRAC) channels, a prototype of store-operated Ca2+ (SOC) channels. CRAC channel opening leads to activation of diverse downstream signaling pathways affecting proliferation, differentiation, cytokine production and cell death. Recent identification of STIM1 as the endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ sensor and Orai1 as the pore subunit of CRAC channels has provided the much-needed molecular tools to dissect the mechanism of activation and regulation of CRAC channels. In this review, we discuss the recent advances in understanding the associating partners and posttranslational modifications of Orai1 and STIM1 proteins that regulate diverse aspects of CRAC channel function.  相似文献   

CaV1 and CaV2 voltage-gated calcium channels evolved from an ancestral CaV1/2 channel via gene duplication somewhere near the stem animal lineage. The divergence of these channel types led to distinguishing functional properties that are conserved among vertebrates and bilaterian invertebrates and contribute to their unique cellular roles. One key difference pertains to their regulation by calmodulin (CaM), wherein bilaterian CaV1 channels are uniquely subject to pronounced, buffer-resistant Ca2+/CaM-dependent inactivation, permitting negative feedback regulation of calcium influx in response to local cytoplasmic Ca2+ rises. Early diverging, nonbilaterian invertebrates also possess CaV1 and CaV2 channels, but it is unclear whether they share these conserved functional features. The most divergent animals to possess both CaV1 and CaV2 channels are placozoans such as Trichoplax adhaerens, which separated from other animals over 600 million years ago shortly after their emergence. Hence, placozoans can provide important insights into the early evolution of CaV1 and CaV2 channels. Here, we build upon previous characterization of Trichoplax CaV channels by determining the cellular expression and ion-conducting properties of the CaV1 channel orthologue, TCaV1. We show that TCaV1 is expressed in neuroendocrine-like gland cells and contractile dorsal epithelial cells. In vitro, this channel conducts dihydropyridine-insensitive, high-voltage–activated Ca2+ currents with kinetics resembling those of rat CaV1.2 but with left-shifted voltage sensitivity for activation and inactivation. Interestingly, TCaV1, but not TCaV2, exhibits buffer-resistant Ca2+/CaM-dependent inactivation, indicating that this functional divergence evolved prior to the emergence of bilaterian animals and may have contributed to their unique adaptation for cytoplasmic Ca2+ signaling within various cellular contexts.  相似文献   

Campos-Toimil M  Orallo F 《Life sciences》2007,80(23):2147-2153
The effects of (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), the most abundant catechin of tea, on Ca(2+)-permeable non-selective cation currents (NSCC) and voltage-operated Ca(2+) channels (VOCC) have been investigated in cultured rat aortic smooth muscle cells using the whole-cell voltage-clamp technique. Under the Cs(+)/tetraethylammonium (TEA)-containing internal solution, and in the presence of nifedipine (1 microM), EGCG (30 microM) activated a long-lasting inward current, with a reversal potential (E(rev)) of approximately 0 mV. This current was not significantly altered by the replacement of [Cl(-)](i) or [Cl(-)](o), implying that the inward current was not a chloride channel, but a NSCC. SKF 96365 (30 microM) and Cd(2+) (500 microM) almost completely abolished the EGCG-induced NSCC. A higher dose of EGCG (100 microM) additionally activated a nifedipine-sensitive inward current in the absence of depolarization protocol. EGCG (100 microM) also potentiated a nifedipine-sensitive voltage-dependent Ba(2+)-current during the first 5 min of incubation. However, after > 10 min of incubation with EGCG, this current was significantly inhibited. Our results suggest that EGCG caused a Ca(2+) influx into smooth muscle cells via VOCC (probably L-type) and other SKF-96365- and Cd(2+)-sensitive Ca(2+)-permeable channels. The action described here may be responsible for the contraction induced by EGCG in rat aortic rings and for the rise of the intracellular concentration of Ca(2+) in rat aortic smooth muscle cells evoked by this catechin. On the other hand, the inhibition of VOCC after > 10 min of incubation may be, in part, responsible for the relaxation of rat aorta induced by EGCG.  相似文献   

Smooth muscles are important constituents of vertebrate organisms that provide for contractile activity of internal organs and blood vessels. Basic molecular mechanism of both smooth and striated muscle contractility is the force-producing ATP-dependent interaction of the major contractile proteins, actin and myosin II molecular motor, activated upon elevation of the free intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i). However, whereas striated muscles display a proportionality of generated force to the [Ca2+]i level, smooth muscles feature molecular mechanisms that modulate sensitivity of contractile machinery to [Ca2+]i. Phosphorylation of proteins that regulate functional activity of actomyosin plays an essential role in these modulatory mechanisms. This provides an ability for smooth muscle to contract and maintain tension within a broad range of [Ca2+]i and with a low energy cost, unavailable to a striated muscle. Detailed exploration of these mechanisms is required to understand the molecular organization and functioning of vertebrate contractile systems and for development of novel advances for treating cardiovascular and many other disorders. This review summarizes the currently known and hypothetical mechanisms involved in regulation of smooth muscle Ca2+-sensitivity with a special reference to phosphorylation of regulatory proteins of the contractile machinery as a means to modulate their activity.  相似文献   

This work investigated the role of Ca2+ mobilization and heterotrimeric G protein activation in mediating angiotensin II-dependent tyrosine phosphorylation signaling patterns. We demonstrate that the predominant, angiotensin II-dependent, tyrosine phosphorylation signaling patterns seen in vascular smooth muscle cells are blocked by the intracellular Ca2+ chelator BAPTA-AM, but not by the Ca2+ channel blocker verapamil. Activation of heterotrimeric G proteins with NaF resulted in a divergent signaling effect; NaF treatment was sufficient to increase tyrosine phosphorylation levels of some proteins independent of angiotensin II treatment. In the same cells, NaF alone had no effect on other cellular proteins, but greatly potentiated the ability of angiotensin II to increase the tyrosine phosphorylation levels of these proteins. Two proteins identified in these studies were paxillin and Jak2. We found that NaF treatment alone, independent of angiotensin II stimulation, was sufficient to increase the tyrosine phosphorylation levels of paxillin. Furthermore, the ability of either NaF and/or angiotensin II to increase tyrosine phosphorylation levels of paxillin is critically dependent on intracellular Ca2+. In contrast, angiotensin II-mediated Jak2 tyrosine phosphorylation was independent of intracellular Ca2+ mobilization and extracellular Ca2+ entry. Thus, our data suggest that angiotensin II-dependent tyrosine phosphorylation signaling cascades are mediated through a diverse set of signaling pathways that are partially dependent on Ca2+ mobilization and heterotrimeric G protein activation.  相似文献   

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