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Controlled environment culture studies have disclosed that Pikea californica has a life history with morphologically dissimilar gametangial and tetrasporangial phases. The effects of light intensity and photoperiod on tetrasporogenesis, cell division, and, cell elongation in the tetrasporangial phase of P. californica are discussed.  相似文献   

Callophyllis firma (Kylin) Norris has been shown to have a life history in laboratory culture in which the tetrasporangial and gametangial phases are morphologically identical. This is the first published report of such a Polysiphonia-type of life history in a member of the Cryptos nemiales.  相似文献   

Hitherto only gametangial and carposporangial phases of Thuretellopsis peggiana Kylin have been reported. A study of this rare member of the Dumontiaceae (Cryptonemiales) in culture has disclosed the existence of an encrusting tetrasporangial phase, previously unknown, whilst the life history has been shown to be of the ‘Bonnemaisonia’ type.  相似文献   

Information on the life history and development of Thuretellopsis peggiana Kylin (Cryptonemiales) has been obtained additional to that first given by Kylin in 1925. Culture studies showed the life history to consist of morphologically dissimilar gametangial and tetrasporangial phases. Examination of plants from, field material indicated carposporophyte development similar to that described by Kylin. Spermatangia were found in field-collected material also bearing carpogonial branches. Monosporangia were observed on field and cultural material of gametangial plants and on tetrasporangial plants in culture. A crustose tetrasporangial phase arose in culture from germinating carpospores under a photoperiod of 16– hr and formed tetrasporangia under a photoperiod of 9– hr. Germination of tetraspores yielded plants similar in morphology to gametangial plants collected in the field. The present study of the life history of T. peggiana and its crust, which has some similarity to Erythrodermis allenii, complements previous observations on the relationship between Halarachnion ligulatum and Cruoria rosea (Gigartinales). Observations on the arrangement of carpogonial and. auxiliary cell branches suggest the need for very close scrutiny of characters in cultured material.  相似文献   

The reproductive potential of the tetrasporangial phase of Gelidium robustum was studied for 16 months at two sites off Santa Barbara, California. In all samples tetrasporangial thalli were always more abundant than gametangial ones. Tetratrasporangial sori were present throughout the duration of the study but relative fecundity was highest [300–400 sori g–1 (w. wt)] in spring/summer samples of consecutive years, as a result of increasing numbers both of tetrasporangial branchlets per plant and of sori per branchlet. On the other hand, laboratory experiments showed that tetraspore release per sorus was highest (150–250 spores sorus–1 d–1) in winter. Inferring from these field and laboratory data plants released up to ± 34 000 tetraspores g–1 (w. wt) d–1 in the spring/summer of the second study year. Tetraspore germination, under defined culture conditions, also showed a marked seasonality increasing sharply from less than 10% in winter up to almost 60% in spring/summer, thus coinciding with the period of maximal spore output per plant. These results suggest that although relatively high numbers of tetraspores may be released by G. robustum plants all year round these might not always have the potential to germinate and recruit.  相似文献   

The seasonal variation in natural mortality of phytophagous insects is determined by the relative importance of biotic and abiotic factors in agroecosystems. Knowledge regarding these factors throughout the year represents a key concern for IPM programmes. Seasonal population fluctuations of tomato pinworm, Tuta absoluta, led to an investigation of its natural mortality factors during the rainy season when the population level is low and during the dry season when population peaks occur. The aim of this study was to verify the seasonal variation in T. absoluta mortality factors in tomato crops. Immature stages of T. absoluta were obtained from laboratory‐rearing in the laboratory. These were taken to the field and monitored over two years. The mortality causes for each stage of insect development from egg to adult were assessed daily. Multiple biotic and abiotic mortality factors affected the immature T. absoluta stages such as rainfall, physiological disturbances, diseases, parasitoids and predators. The key T. absoluta mortality factor during summer–spring was predation. In addition, larvae predation correlated positively with temperature, wind velocity, photoperiod and rainfall. Nevertheless, during winter–fall, the key mortality factor was parasitism. Therefore, the critical stage for mortality was 3rd‐ and 4th‐instar larvae, being more vulnerable to natural control factors. Finally, the results showed the importance of vertical and horizontal action on natural mortality factors.  相似文献   

Life histories of photosynthetic eukaryotes traditionally-termed algae exhibit a considerably greater degree of complexity than those of ‘higher cryptogams.’ Some algae have a so-called ‘obligate’alternation between spore-producing and gamete-producing phases, but the majority seem capable of following other pathways depending upon environmental conditions. In only four algal classes do life histories show a change in morphological and/or nuclear phases. The following basic life histories are recognized in the Chlorophyceae, Phaeophyceae and Rhodophyceae:(a) monophasic, a diploid or haploid phase, (b) two or more phases, most commonly an alternation of an isomorphic or heteromorphic haploid gametangial phase and a diploid sporangial phase, and (c) three phases (unique to florideophyte Rhodophyceae), with a diploid spore-producing phase (carposporophyte) developing on the gametangial phase, a diploid phase (tetrasporophyte if meiosis is sporic) and a haploid gametangial phase. Evidence from recent research indicates that in many algae there is an uncoupling of the morphological and nuclear phases. The dominance of one phase and suppression of another has been suggested to be due to the common occurrence in algae of apogamy, apomeiosis and parthenogenesis. Free-living morphs in heteromorphic life histories may be morphologically so dissimilar that formerly they were attributed to different genera. Evolution of the carposporangial phase in red algae is speculated to be a means of achieving zygotic amplification to compensate for the infrequency of syngamy. Such amplification allows the production of a large number of dispersible products from a single fertilization. The direct development of a free-living tetrasporangial phase is considered another mechanism for achieving amplification. In freshwater red algae the growth of an upright phase from a perennial microscopic one is considered an adaptation for maintaining their upstream position. Life history pathways in algae are controlled by subtle environmental influences (e.g. photoperiodism, temperature, light quality, nutrients). Experimental evidence is lacking to support the contention that spatial and/or temporal partitioning of the environment is a mechanism favouring the maintenance of heteromorphy. Herbivory is known to be an important selective force suppressing some morphs and accentuating the seasonal dominance of others. Differential resistance of morphs to herbivory in environments where grazing intensity is predictable may lead to the selective maintenance of heteromorphy. Algal life history patterns are unexplored in terms of evolutionary processes. Various models for the evolution of biphasic or polyphasic life histories stress the importance of the capacity for both asexual dispersal of successful genotypes and for the generation of new genotypes via meiosis and syngamy. All evidence points to the fact that many life history processes operative in algae differ significantly from those described for other cryptogams.  相似文献   

Observations on wild populations of Gracilaria bursapastoris (Gmelin) Silva and G. coronopifolia J. Ag. showed significant differences in gametophyte: tetrasporophyte ratios from the expected 1: 1 ratio. As in many other perennial red algae, the proportion of tetrasporic individuals in a population of these two Gracilaria spp. dominates the combined male and female gametophytc stage. There were significantly more male than female thalli in the G. cornopifolia population whereas the gametophytes of G. bursapastoris occurred in the expected 1: 1 ratio. In addition, there are seasonal changes in the proportions of tetrasporic and gametophytic individuals within the populations. Tetrasporic thalli of G. coronopifolia evinced a biphasic seasonal pattern with high proportions in winter and summer. The tetrasporic phase of G. bursapastoris, on the other hand, showed a low proportion in winter. Maximum biomass does not necessarily correlate with maximum proportion of the tetrasporophyte generation. Seasonal patterns in the proportion of male and female gametophytes differed for each stage as well as for each species. The proportion of male thalli in G. bursapastoris and G. coronopifolia showed high peaks in winter and autumn, respectively. Cystocarpic thalli were most abundant in the former in late winter and summer and in the latter in winter and spring. In both species the female gametophytes grew significantly slower than did the male gametophytic or tetrasporophytic stages. Practical applications regarding seasonal cycles in the various reproductive stages and their differential growth rates are discussed.  相似文献   

The population dynamics of the carrageenophyte Sarcothalia crispatais described from subtidal beds at two localities in south-central Chile. Seasonal fluctuations in total density and biomass were not evident. Frondswere identified to phase by the presence of reproductive structures and theresorcinol reaction. The monthly changes in abundance of each kind offrond were determined. Permanent gametophytic or sporophyticdominance was not evident: the more exposed site showed a seasonal shiftfrom sporophytic dominance in summer to gametophytic dominance inwinter, whereas the more protected site showed an interannual shift fromgametophytic to sporophytic dominance. The differences between localitiesand years suggest a very local population dynamics with large contributionof self-seeding to the maintenance of the S. crispata beds.  相似文献   

Seasonal variation in density, thallus length and biomass, population size structure, and allometric length‐biomass relationships was investigated in populations of Sargassum ilicifolium (Turner) C. Agardh, Sargassum subrepandum (Forssk.) C. Agardh, and Turbinaria triquetra (J. Agardh) Kütz. (Phaeophyceae) on shallow reef flats in the southern Red Sea. Thallus length and biomass varied strongly with season, with the highest values occurring in the cooler months. Thallus densities showed no significant temporal variation. Log‐total biomass versus log‐density relationships were positive throughout the growth season without any decrease in the slope of the relationship. In two populations, biomass‐density combinations approached the interspecific biomass‐density line, but the massive annual shedding of modules occurred before self‐thinning would set in. Allometric length‐biomass relationships varied with season in all populations and were associated with seasonal module initiation, growth, and shedding. Evidence of a strong asymmetric competition was found in two high‐density populations. These populations showed a predominance of small thalli during peak development, asymmetrical Lorenz curves, increasing Gini coefficients, and increasing thallus length relative to biomass during the main growth phase. In two other less crowded populations, small thalli were absent during peak development, Lorenz curves were symmetrical, and Gini coefficients decreased during the main growth phase. In these populations, size equalization appears to be due to responses at the modular level rather than size‐dependent mortality. We conclude that changes in size structure in this highly seasonal environment are determined by module dynamics, modified by asymmetric competition in some populations, with a minor role of recruitment and no regulatory effect of self‐thinning.  相似文献   

The life history of Rhodophysema elegans is described from laboratory culture and the field in Newfoundland, Canada. Sexual plants are lacking and tetraspores germinate to produce new tetrasporangial plants. Approximately 30–35 chromosomes were counted in vegetative cells of successive generations. There was no evidence of chromosome pairing in the early stages of division of tetrasporangial initials, indicating that the tetrasporangia are apomeiotic.  相似文献   

The number of nuclei in multinucleate blade cells of 12 species of red algae in the family Delesseriaceae (Rhodophyta) is primarily restricted to a range that is characteristic of the species; in some species larger or older cells in other parts of thalli contain more nuclei than cells in blades. The numbers were similar in laboratory-grown and field-collected specimens and in gametangial and tetrasporangial plants. Most blade cells of Anisocladella pacifica, Sorella spp., and Phycodrys profunda contain 3–5 nuclei. Cells throughout thalli of Phrix gregarium most frequently have one or two nuclei. Other species showed larger ranges. Cells within stipes, midribs, or basal regions of blades of Anisocladella pacifica, Branchioglossum undulatum, Nienburgia andersoniana, Nitophyllum hollenbergii, Platysiphonia clevelandii, and two species of Cryptopleura can have 20+ nuclei, more than in distal blade cells. Chromosome numbers of n = 8–10 for Nienburgia andersoniana, n = 20–26 for Nitophyllum hollenbergii, and n = 7–8 for Phrix gregarium are reported.  相似文献   

Turnerella (Gigartinales) withT. mertensiana known from northern Japan was studied to determine its life history. Carpospores cultured from foliose female plants gave rise on germination to crustose plants containing tetrasporangia, as noted previously inT. pennyi from the Atlantic. The crusts were slow to develop and required 3–5 years to achieve reproductive maturity. Tetraspores liberated in culturedT. mertensiana gave rise on germination eventually to thalli similar to gametophyticT. mertensiana. Thus this species may be said to adhere to the pattern of life history in which a large, foliose gametophyte alternates with a small crustose tetrasporophyte. The erect filaments of the small sporophytes branch laterally and tetrasporangial mother cells are found there, exemplifying an unusual method for crustose species to produce tetrasporangia.  相似文献   

A population of Bittacomorpha clavipes was studied in an Ozark spring from July 1987- August 1988. Measurement of larval head capsules (N=4,544) showed B. clavipes has four distinct larval instars. Seasonal distribution of immature and adult life stages suggests that this population has an asynchronous, non-seasonal, multivoltine life history with at least three cohorts. First instar larvae and pupae were collected during all months except December through March and December through February, respectively. Adults and larval instars II-IV were collected throughout the year. Larval recruitment generally paralleled adult flight periods, and the presence of adults during all months sampled indicates a correlation with ovipositional periods. The life history documented here for B. clavipes suggests that limiting factors for growth and reproduction are not seasonally dependent for this population.  相似文献   

Life history traits of the phytophagous ladybird beetle,Epilachna niponica were compared between a non-pest population feeding on wild thistle and a pest population feeding on cultivated solanaceous crops, mainly potato. The pest population had larger females, a higher population growth rate, a more continuous oviposition schedule, and a shorter developmental period in the immature stages, compared with the non-pest population. The two populations showed no clear differences in phenology from spring to autumn, egg mass size, hatchability, and larval survival rate. Significant differences were found in number of eggs laid per female during the first and second periods, and in the developmental period of the immature stages. These life history traits were influenced primarily by food plant. A higher fecundity and shorter immature period appear to be readily altered by the host shift from thistle to potato.  相似文献   

Summary Xylanase activity was determined in soils from a 3-year rotation with corn, (Zea mays L.), cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.), and soybean (Glycine max (L) Merr.) as summer crops at Auburn, Alabama, in the southeastern U.S.A. Winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) followed corn and a period of winter fallow as maintained after soybeans. A combination of common vetch (vicia sativa L.) and crimson clover (Trifolium incarnatum Gibelli & Belli) followed cotton during the winter months to serve as green manure. Highest xylanase activity was detected after soybeans and lowest after cotton among the summer crops. The culture of wheat and winter legumes resulted in increased soil xylanase activity wheareas winter fallowing reduced the activity. The effect of various fertilization schemes superimeposed on the rotation on soil xylanase activity was also studied. Seasonal fluctuations in soil xylanase activity were not affected by the fertilization regimes and highest xylanase activities were observed during crop periods and with fertilization treatments that resulted in high root densities but not necessarily in high yields.  相似文献   

The effects of intraspecific crowding on the different life history parameters of the three tropical and subtropical green leafhoppers, Nephotettix virescensStål ,N. nigropictusDistant and N. malayanusIshihara etKawase , and one temperate species, N. cincticepsUhler , were studied under 25±1°C using the susceptible Japonica rice variety “Nipponbare”. Crowding during the immature stages of the four species prolonged the nymphal developmental period and resulted to smaller adults with reduced fecundity and shorter life span. Similarly, crowding during the adult stage also shortened the life span of both sexes of adults and decreased the fecundity of females of the four species. The effect of crowding during the adult stage was more adverse than the effect of crowding during the immature stages. N. cincticeps seemed more sensitive to crowding even at lower densities whereas the three tropical species were sensitive mostly at higher densities.  相似文献   

The density (fresh weight/volume) of the detached thalli of four sargassacean species (Myagropsis myagroides, Sargassum horneri, S. patens, S. siliquastrum) was measured weekly to determine their floating period. Thalli of the four species were collected with respect to the difference in their reproductive stage, and their floating abilities at different stages were determined. Floating thallus was ballasted with pre-weighed leads until the final addition of a weight caused sinking. The density and floating period of sargassacean thalli were dependent on the species and the specimens’ reproductive stage. The floating period of thalli detached before maturation was estimated to be between 4 and 14 weeks. However, thalli detached during maturation had a floating period of between 1 and 8 weeks, and those detached after maturation sank within 2 weeks. Sargassum horneri had the lowest density and the longest floating period among the four species investigated and this may explain the high abundance of S. horneri in floating seaweeds observed in the Sea of Japan.  相似文献   

Seasonal variations in the benthos of a Belgian chalk stream were investigated. Total biomass varies extensively over the year (30 to 100 g wet wt. m–2). In summer, however, it is smaller than fish biomass. Densities range from 30 000 to 50 000 individuals m–2, but the actual number of taxa is always near 60. Diversity indices (Shannon-Weaver and Pielou) exhibit slight fluctuations. Numerical indices are minimal in winter when the stream is in flood. Gravimetric indices are minimal in spring when biomass is maximal. Species-abundance curves almost always indicate a fauna with many rare species, with, also, some indication of a second maximum of moderately abundant species. Six taxa dominate: Oligochaeta, Gammarus fossarum, Ephemeroptera, Coleoptera, Trichoptera and Diptera. There are great fluctuations in their relative importance over a year. Thus, there seems to be a succession of peaks in densities of individual taxa permitting more efficient utilization of resources. However, biomass variations depend on the species involved. As a general rule, maximum biomass precedes maximum density.  相似文献   

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