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Résumé L'activité de ponte d'Hydrellia griseola Fall. est étudiée dans différentes conditions expérimentales. Lorsqu'elles sont accouplées et qu'elles bénéficient d'un régime photopériodique, les femelles déposent leurs ufs sur une feuille d'Orge (Hordeum vulgare) exclusivement pendant la phase lumineuse.La ponte quotidienne débute le 3ème jour, augmente jusqu'au 5ème et diminue ensuite. L'activité de ponte n'est donc pas constante au cours du temps, mais aucun cycle n'apparaît.Quand les femelles sont vierges, la ponte est plus faible mais son évolution au cours du temps est la même.A l'obscurité continue la période préreproductrice s'allonge et l'activité de ponte est ralentie, tout en conservant pendant les premiers jours le rythme quotidien observé chez les femelles bénéficiant d'une photopériode.Enfin, l'absence momentanée de la plante-hôte pendant les premiers jours de la vie reproductrice arrête momentanément l'activité de ponte; celle-ci reprend très fortement le jour de la réintroduction du végétal; puis, les jours suivants, elle se stabilise au niveau de celle des témoins, l'ensemble se traduisant par un déficit dans le nombre des ufs pondus quand la plante-hôte est absente plus de 48 h.
Summary The egg-laying activity of Hydrellia griseola was studied. Mated females kept in an artificial photoperiod laid eggs on barley leaves during the light period only. Oviposition began when adults were 3 days old, and egg numbers laid rose to a peak on the 5th day, when it gradually declined. Egg laying was not constant. Virgin females shared the same trends, with oviposition occurring on the 3th day but less eggs were laid.When females were kept in continuous darkness with a male and a host plant for egg laying the preoviposition period was longer and egg laying was reduced during the first few days.The temporary removal of the host plant during the first few days temporarily arrests egg laying, which began again, vigorously, when the host plant was returned. Removal of the host plant for more than 48 h caused a reduction in the number of eggs laid.

Je dédie ce travail à la mémoire du Professeur J. R. le Berre, en hommage respectueux et ému.  相似文献   

  • 1 The distribution of total cerebral proteins from five strains of adult mice: Quaking (Qk), C57BL/6, CBA, DBA/2 and C57BR have been compared according to various subcellular brain fractions. The saline or detergent-soluble proteins were separated in a pH discontinuous system by analytical disc electrophoresis on polyacrylamide gel, either at pH 8·9 (acidic proteins) or pH 4·3 (basic proteins).
  • 2 Significant quantitative differences and higher electrophoretic mobility were observed both in the high molecular weight acidic proteins of myelin and in the low molecular weight soluble proteins of myelinic and synaptosomal fractions of the Quaking mutant. Differences between Qk and control were inapparent in nuclear, mitochondrial or microsomal protein fractions.
  • 3 The in vivo incorporation of tritiated amino acids into the brain proteins of the Qk mouse have been studied. An increased level of incorporation was found in two soluble, acidic proteins of the supernatant cell sap.
  • 4 The electrophoretic patterns of the brain proteins from three other inbred strains (CBA, DBA/2 and C57BR) were identical except DBA/2, whose soluble and acidic proteins of the supernatant cell sap were characterized by two supplementary minor bands. The observed protein abnormalities have been discussed in relation to the alteration of the CNS myelination and to the genetic lesions presumed to be responsible for a cellular multienzymic induction.

按Mason(1981)分类系统记述分布于福建坳头洪坑的小腹茧蜂亚科1新属1新种,即赵氏茧蜂属Chaoa gen.nov.和黄足赵氏茧蜂Chaoa flavipes sp.nov,模式标本存福建农业大学生物防治研究所.  相似文献   

Pendant sa diapause reproductrice, la teigne du poireau ne présente pas d'activité sexuelle. La reprise de cette activité, après l'hiver, est essentielle au maintient de la population. Chez les insectes qui ont subi la diapause (D), la durée de copulation est plus courte, et la période précédant la copulation est plus longue que chez les insectes matures (M). Deux caractères intéressants sont observés chez les insectes D après la levée de leur diapause: l'apparition d'un pourcentage de doubles copulations et d'insectes qui copulent après la fin de la scotophase, ce, les ♀♀ matures possèdent des ovocytes en rétention dans les oviductes. Le nombre augmente jusqu'à l'âge de 3 jours environ. Par contre, les ♀♀ en diapause n'ont aucun ovocyte à l'émergence. Sous conditions levant la diapause, ces ♀♀ atteignent leur production ovarienne maximum après une douzaine de jours. L'évolution du nombre des ovocytes dépend de la copulation et de la présence de la plante-hôte. Celle-ci est essentielle pour la ponte et intervient sur la production ovarienne, aussi bien chez les ♀♀ D que chez les ♀♀ M.  相似文献   

L'activité reproductrice des mâles d'Acrolepia assectella placés chaque jour en présence de nouvelles femelles varie au cours de la vie. Les effectifs de ponte et la vitellogénèse sont analysés en fonction du rang de copulation de la femelle, de l'âge du mâle, de la taille du spermatophore et de la densité de spermatozoïdes présents dans les différentes parties de la spermathèque. Les spermatozoïdes seuls semblent nécessaires au déclenchement de la ponte alors que la vitellogénèse est stimulée par un ensemble complexe de facteurs.
Summary The reproductive activity of the male leek moth, Acrolepia assectella, placed every day in the presence of new females, varies during the lifetime. This change in activity is not the result of exhaustion. The volume of the first spermatophores is much larger than that of the following ones, that depends upon the emission rank and not upon the time between two copulations. There is a correlation between the spermatozoa density in the different parts of the spermatheca and the spermatophore size. Oviposition and stimulation of vitellogenesis are functions of the male's age (copulation rank) which has little effect upon the fertility of the eggs; this remains always very high. Results obtained after incomplete copulations (in which spermatozoa without male secretions are emitted or the inverse) show that spermatozoa alone are necessary to stimulate vitellogenesis and release egg-laying but consequences of the reproductive activity of males on quantitative evolution of populations cannot be neglected.

中华具刺甲盖茧蜂Physaraiasinensissp.nov,新种与苏门答腊具刺甲盖茧蜂Physaraiasumatrana(Enderlein)相似,正模♀,周至宏于1981年10月31日采自广西罗城龙岸,正模存放在湖南农业大学昆虫标本室,副模存放在英国自然历史博物馆。  相似文献   

简述了小腹茧蜂亚科Microgastrinae拱茧蜂属Fornicia Brullé的研究历史、现状和形态特征,描述了该属1新种:阿氏拱茧蜂Fornicia achterbergi sp.nov.并与其近似种做了比较.模式标本存放于福建农林大学益虫研究室.  相似文献   

贵州省蝽茧蜂纪要(膜翅目:茧蜂科,优茧蜂亚科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
罗庆怀  陈学新 《昆虫学报》1994,37(4):483-485

The incorporation of L-[3H]leucine into the proteins of rat cerebellum and cerebrum was measured 30min after an intravenous injection of the labelled amino acid. In normal rats. both RSA and the relative RSA of the proteins of the cerebellum and the cerebrum, varied greatly from one day to another during the first ten days of postnatal life. These variations showed a maximum of both the RSA and the relative RSA of the proteins on the 7th day, and 2 minima on the 3rd and 16th day. In hypothyroid animals, both the RSA and the relative RSA of the proteins of the cerebellum and the cerebrum were generally lower than in normal animals. Both showed a maximum at 7 days and a minimum at 3 days. In hyperthyroid animals, both the RSA and the relative RSA of the proteins of the cerebellum were significantly higher than those of normal animals. Both showed 2 minima at 2 and 5 days. In the hypothyroid animals as in the normal, protein synthesis was higher in the second postnatal week than during the first. On the other hand, in the hyperthyroid animals, protein synthesis was greater during the first postnatal week than during the second. The changes in both the RSA and the relative RSA values of the proteins of the cerebellum are discussed as a function of both growth and cellular proliferation. Hyperthyroidism advances these two processes without changing the period that separates them. On the other hand, hypothyroidism changes this period and causes a change in the development of these processes.  相似文献   

Abstract This paper deals with a new species of the genus Ascogaster Wesmael 1835. The type specimen is deposited in the Laboratory of Beneficial Insects, Fujian Agricultural University, Fuzhou, Fujian.  相似文献   

Abstract  This paper describes a new species Eudinostigma longus Wu et Chen, collected from Hubei Province. The new species is characterized distinctly by the following features: rather long antenna, with 24 segments, notaulix distinct anteriorly, oval midpit deep, propodeum with a longitudinal medial carina and forked carina, areola absent, length of robust hind femur 3. 6 times its width, and length of petiole 1. 7 times its width. Type species is deposited in Beneficial Insects Laboratory, Fujian Agricultural University, Fuzhou, Fujian Province.  相似文献   

本文记述了采自吉林长白山东岗的革腹茧蜂属1新种,凹角革腹茧蜂Ascogaster exxavatus Chen et Wu。本新种的主要特征是:雌蜂体长2.8mm;体黑色,甲壳基部具黄色横条纹;触角36节,第10-32鞭节长小于宽,其腹面具强烈凹陷(图2);脸具网纹状刻点;唇基前缘圆弧形,无齿突或凹陷。盾纵沟甚浅,不明显;并胸腹节2侧齿突明显隆起,但2中齿突微弱。产卵器鞘甚短,不突出腹末。 本新种与异足革腹茧蜂Ascogaster vartpes Wesmael较相似,但新种触角中后部的鞭节腹面具甚分明的凹陷,且其盾纵沟不明显,故与后者区别。 新种模式标本保存于福建农业大学植物保护系益虫研究室。  相似文献   

记述茧蜂亚科1新属1新种,即阔鞘茧蜂属Platybracon gen.nov.和中华阔鞘茧蜂 Platybracon sinicus sp.nov..文中对新属及新种进行了详细的描述,并附有鉴别形态特征图,新属与其近似属作了比较.模式标本存放于福建农林大学益虫研究室.  相似文献   

描述长颊茧蜂属2新种:尖管长颊茧蜂Dolichogenidea acutituba sp.nov.和显角长颊茧蜂Dolichogenidea angularis sp.nov..文中对新种进行了详细的描述,附有新种鉴别特征图,并与近似种做了比较.所有标本保存于福建农林大学益虫研究室.  相似文献   

对寄生蜂 Opius concolor的学习行为在寄主识别中的作用进行了室内观察。在养虫笼中的寄生蜂与寄主的数量比高时(1∶0.9),无论“有寄生经验”的还是“无寄生经验”的寄生蜂的过寄生(在同一寄主中产≥2粒卵)的数量均高于寄生蜂在寄生蜂与寄主的数量比低的两种情况(1∶5,1∶10)。“有寄生经验”与“无寄生经验”寄生峰在寄生蜂与寄主的数量比高时(1∶0.9),其卵在寄主中的分布均不符合泊松分布。而在寄生蜂与寄主的数量比低时(1∶10),寄生蜂的卵在寄主中的分布均符合泊松分布。寄生蜂在寄生蜂与寄主的数量比居中时(1∶5),“有寄生经验”寄生蜂产的卵不符合油松分布,“无寄生经验”寄生蜂产的卵符合泊松分布。“自我过寄生”试验表明,“有寄生经验”与“无寄生经验”寄生蜂均有“自我过寄生”现象。  相似文献   

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