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The present paper deals with the systematic position of Daphniphyllaceae. The genus Daphniphyllum was first described by Blume in 1826 as a member of Rhamnaceae. In 1858 Baillon removed it to the tribe Phyllantheae of Euphorbiaceae, while Müller (1869) raised this genus to the rank of family, Daphniphyllaceae. Although Müller’s treatment has been accepted by most botanists, including the present authors, its systematic position has been debated. The first aim in our studies on the cladistics of Hamamelidae is to answer the question which families should be included in this monophyletic group. By observing their pollen grains and stoma types of some representative species of Daphniphyllaceae, Hamamelidaceae and Buxaceae under light microscope (LM) and scanning electron microscope (SEM,) and analysing morphological, anatomical, palynological, embryological characters and chemical components in the three taxa and Euphorbiaceae, we find that Daphniphyllaceae is very similar to Hamamelidaceae, but greatly different from Euphorbiaceae, in inflorescence racemose or spicate, calyx nearly reduced, stamens numerous and sometimes synandry, connective usually exserted, disc absent, carpels 2; vessel with scalariform perforation plates and often not spiral-thickened, fiber bordered-pitted; stomata mostly paracytic; pollen 3-colpate; tapetum glandular, endosperm development cellular, obturator and caruncle absent; iridoid compounds present; sieve-element plastids S-type. The present authors have noticed the fact that Daphniphyllaceae is also similar to Magnoliaceae in the stamens numerous, anthers larger and filaments very short, connectives obviously exserted and with several bundles; anther wall thicker, endosperm development cellular, embryo small. It is considered that not only are Daphniphyllaceae and Hamamelidaceae phenetically close to each other but also much possibly derived from a common ancestor, the extinct group of Magnoliales. However, Daphniphyllaceae appears to be remote from Euphorbiaceae and Buxaceae in relationship and should be separated from Euphorbiales and Buxales. Meanwhile, since Daphniphyllaceae differs from the members of Hamamelidales in the incompletely septate ovary, drupaceous fruit, indistinct sexine sculpture of pollen grains, small embryo, and an unique alkaloid, daphniphylline, but lacking proanthacyanins, the establishment of an order, Daphniphyllales, for the family, is considered reasonable. According to our opinion, the order is related to Hamamelidales rather than to Euphorbiales as originally suggested by Huru-sawa (1954).  相似文献   

The enigmatic Central American tree Haptanthus hazlettii has recently been placed in Buxaceae (Buxales) by molecular evidence. However, Haptanthus appears morphologically to be fundamentally different from other Buxales in having pluriovular carpels with parietal placentation and reduced male reproductive units of an obscure morphological nature. The latter have been interpreted to be pairs of unistaminate flowers, or single flowers, either bearing two stamens or a pair of phyllomes with adnate introrse anthers. We (re‐)investigated the structure of the inflorescences and flowers of Haptanthus in order to clarify their homologies with reproductive structures of Buxales. We found that, despite some distinctive traits of flower morphology, Haptanthus shares many floral characters, including the opposite and pairwise arrangement of floral organs and the fusion between perianth members and stamens, with some Buxales and other early‐branching eudicots. The plicate and pluriovular gynoecium of Haptanthus may be the result of a drastic elongation of the symplicate zone, accompanied by an increase in ovule number, and is thus a derived trait in Buxales. The anther‐bearing structures are phyllomes with adnate anthers rather than stamens or unistaminate flowers. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 179 , 190–200.  相似文献   

The development of the seed coat ofSimmondsia, whose relationships are extremely problematic, is documented, and its structure is compared to those of putatively related families Euphorbiaceae and Buxaceae. InSimmondsia, the young seed coat is composed of (1) the palisadal exotesta, (2) the thick aerenchymatous mesotesta which is further differentiated into the outer and the inner tissue of mesotesta, and the undifferentiated (3) endotesta and (4) tegmen. At maturity, only the palisadal exotesta composed of thick-walled and prismatic cells, as well as the outer tissue of mesotesta composed of elongate, thick-walled cells, are persistent, while all the remainder is crushed. These distinctive structural features of the exo- and mesotesta inSimmondsia are not found in Euphorbiaceae, but prevalent in Buxaceae. Evidence from seed coat anatomy and other sources supports the view thatSimmondsia has close affinities with Buxaceae, and be placed as a distinct family along with Buxaceae in Buxales.Simmondsia has 2n=52 as a tetraploid ofx=13, and probably represents a taxon adapted to desert areas by polyploidization in the order.  相似文献   

LU AN-MING, 1990. A preliminary cladistic study of the families of the superorder Lamiiflorae. A preliminary cladistic analysis was undertaken to evaluate the relationships between families of the superorder Lamiiflorae sensu Dahlgren. Several character complexes were surveyed, and ultimately 29 informative characters were used for the study. Three families, Clethraceae, Oleaceae and Solanaceae were selected for outgroup comparison and polarization of the characters. A data matrix was constructed for the 23 ingroup families. The data matrix was analysed with the cladistic parsimony program Hennig86. Three equally parsimonious cladograms were found. Many family interrelationships could not be resolved, although several groups were common to all three cladograms, as shown by a strict consensus tree. The Retziaceae emerged as the sister group to the remaining families. About half of those appeared in a large polytomy in the consensus tree. There was also one possibly monophyletic complex of families involving the Lamiales with the families Verbenaceae, Lamiaceae, Phrymaceae and Callitrichaceae as well as the three isolated families Trapellaceae, Hippuridaceae, and Hydrostachyaceae. Within this complex, Verbenaceae and Lamiaceae came out as sister groups, as did Callitrichaceae and Hydrostachyaceae, with Hippuridaceae as sister group to them. However, the results must be regarded as tentative.  相似文献   

In a survey of 29 species in the 12 seagrass genera, those in the Potamogetonaceae that characteristically have tannin cells in the leaves (Posidonioideae: Posidonia; Cymodoceoideae: Halodule, Syringodium, Cymodocea, Thalassodendron, Amphibolis) contained compounds with the Rf values and color reactions typical of condensed tannins. Species in the Potamogetonaceae that are not characterized by tannin cells in the leaves (Zosteroideae: Zostera, Phyllospadix, Heterozostera) contained compounds with the Rf values associated with condensed tannins but without the typical staining reactions. Two of the three genera in the Hydrocharitaceae (Enhalus, Thalassia) are characterized by tannin cells in the leaves and contain compounds with the Rf values of condensed tannins but only some of the typical staining reactions. The third genus, Halophila, lacks tannin cells in the leaves and contains compounds with the Rf values of condensed tannins without the typical staining reactions. The role of condensed tannins as feeding deterrents because of their protein-binding properties has been well established for many land plants, but their role in seagrass biology has not been assessed fully.  相似文献   

A cladistic analysis of the families in the Hamamelidae is made in the present paper. As a monophyletic group, the subclass Hamamelidae includes 19 families, namely, the Trochodendraceae, Tetracentraceae, Cercidiphyllaceae, Eupteleaceae, Eucommiaceae, Hamamelidaceae (incl. Rhodoleiaceae and Altingiaceae), Platanaceae, Daphniphyllaceae, Balanopaceae, Didymelaceae, Myrothamnaceae, Buxaceae, Simmondsiaceae, Casuarinaceae, Fagaceae (incl. Nothofagaceae), Betulaceae, Myricaceae, Rhoipteleaceae and Juglandaceae. The Magnoliaceae was selected for outgroup comparison after careful consideration. Thirty-two informative character states were used in this study. Three principles, namely, outgroup comparison, fossil evidence and generally accepted viewpoints of morphological evolution, were used for polarization of the characters. An incompatible number concept was first introduced to evaluate the reliable degree of polarization of the characters and, by this method, the polarization of the three character states was corrected. A data matrix was constructed by the 19 ingroup families and 32 character states. The data matrix was analysed with the Minimal Parallel Evolutionary Method, Maximal Same Step Method (Xu 1989), and Synthetic Method. Three cladograms were constructed and a parsimonious cladogram (Length= 131)was used as the base for discussing the systematic relationships of families in the Hamamelidae. According to the cladogram, the earlist group differented in the subclass Hamamelidae consists of two vesselless wood families, the Trochodendraceae and Tetracentraceae. This result supports the concept proposed by Takhtajan (1987)and Cronquist (1981, 1988)that the Trochodendrales is probably a primitive taxon in the Hamamelidae. As in a clade group, the Cercidiphyllaceae, Eucommiaceae, Balanopaceae and Didymelaceae originated apparently later than the Trochodendrales. The Cercidiphyllaceae diverged earlier in this group, which implies that this family and the Trochodendrales form a primitive group in the subclass. The Cercidiphyllaceae is either placed in Hamamelidales (Cronquist 1981, Thorne 1983), or treated as an independent order (Takhtajan 1987).This analysis suggests that the Cercidiphyllaceae is a relatively isolated taxon, far from the Hamamelidaceae but close to the Trochodendrales in relation. The Eucommiaceae and Didymelaceae are both isolated families and considered as two distinct orders (Takhtajan 1987, Cronquist 1981, 1988).The Balanopaceae is included in the Fagales (Cronquist 1981, 1988) or Pittosporales (Thorne 1983), or treated as a distinct order Balanopales (Takhtajan 1987 ).Obviously the Balanopaceae and Eucommiaceae are not closely related because of the sole synapomorphy (placentation).In fact these four families are more or less isolated taxa and it is probably more reasonable to treat them as independent orders. Cronquist ( 1981, 1988) places the Eupteleaceae, Platanaceae and Myrothamnaceae in the Hamamelidales, while Takhtajan (1987)puts Hamamelidaceae and Platanaceae into the Hamamelidales and treats the Eupteleaceae and Myrothamnaceae as two independent monofamilial orders. These three families are grouped by more synapomorphies (palmateveined, serrate or lobate leaves, deciduous and anemophilous plants)which may indicate their close phylogenetical affinity. A core group of the Hamamelidae includes ten families, among which the Hamamelidaceae originated earlier than the others, so that it is a relatively primitive family. The Betulaceae, Fagaceae and Myricaceae differentiated later than the Hamamelidaceae. The former two are very closely related, and thus thought to be two neighbouring orders by Takhtajan (1987)or included in the Fagales by Cronquist (1981, 1988)and Thorne (1983). The Myricaceae and Fagaceae are connected in the cladogram by only a single synapomorphy (endosperm absent), and therefore the close relationship does not exist between them. The Buxaceae, Simmondsiaceae and Daphniphyllaceae form an advanced group, in which they are weakly linked with each other by only one synapomorphy (pollen grains<25μm). The Daphniphyllaceae is closely related to the Simmondsiaceae, but the Buxaceae is rather isolated. The Rhoipteleaceae and Juglandaceae share a number of synapomorphies (axile placentation, endosperm absent, embryo larger, fruit indehiscent) , forming a highly specialized group. The opinion that the Juglandales is composed of the Juglandaceae and Rhoipteleaceae(Cronquist 1981; 1988, Lu et Zhang 1990)is confirmed by this analysis. A contrary point of view, which treated them as two distinct orders by Takhtajan (1987), apparently could not be accepted. The Casuarinaceae was regarded as the primitive angiosperm (Engler 1893), but in fact it is a highly reduced and specialized group. It is united with Rhoipteleaceae and Juglandaceae by four synapomorphies, i. e. placentation type, endosperm absent, embryo large and fruit indehiscent. However, the family presents six autapomorphies, and thus the position of the Casuarinaceae as an advanced family is confirmed by this analysis. Finally a strict consensus tree, which represents the phylogenetic relationships of thefamilies in the Hamamelidae, was given as a result of the analysis.  相似文献   

The production of viable meristem cultures of Medinilla magnifica has proved to be very difficult. This may be due, in part, to a pronounced ‘browning’ response of the tissues on cutting. For this reason the phenolic compounds and the hydrolysable-tannin polyphenol oxidase from Medinilla were studied. The distribution of the compounds was: simple phenols 19% , flavonoids 5% , hydrolysable tannins 69% , condensed tannins 7%. Amongst the simple phenols and phenolic acids, the following were identified: phloroglucinol, p-hydroxybenzoic acid, vanillic acid, protocatechuic acid, gallic acid (both in free and bound form the most abundant simple phenol), syringic acid, trans-p-coumaric acid, trans-ferulic acid and trans-caffeic acid. No kaempferol or quercetin or their derivatives were detected but condensed tannins are present. Methods for the extraction, fractionation and quantitative determination of phloroglucinol and the phenolic acids, as well as correction factors for losses during the extraction, alkali treatment and derivatization, are presented in a supplementary publication. With regard to the hydrolysable tannin polyphenol oxidase activity of Medinilla stems, the enzyme(s) is rather specific since at neither of its two pH optima (6 and 7) could a classical polyphenol oxidase activity be detected. The enzyme was strongly inhibited by 2-mercaptoethanol. Preliminary experiments have further shown that in addition to the hydrolysable tannins of the tissue, the ferrous ions of the medium, and oxygen together with the hydrolysable tannin polyphenol oxidase could play a role in the browning response. Ways to overcome this difficulty have been suggested.  相似文献   

The performance of hybrids depends upon the inheritance and expression of resistance traits. Secondary chemicals are one such resistance trait. In this study, we measured the concentrations of phenolic glycosides and condensed tannins in parental and F1 hybrid willows to examine the sources of chemical variation among hybrids. S. sericea produces phenolic glycosides, salicortin and 2'-cinnamoylsalicortin, and low concentrations of condensed tannin in its leaves. In contrast, S. eriocephala produces no phenolic glycosides but high concentrations of condensed tannins in its leaves. These traits are inherited quantitatively in hybrids. On average, F1 hybrids are intermediate for condensed tannins, suggesting predominantly additive inheritance or balanced ambidirectional dominance of this defensive chemical from the parental species. In contrast, the concentration of phenolic glycosides is lower than the parental midpoint, indicating directional dominance. However, there is extensive variation among F1 hybrids. The concentration of tannin and phenolic glycosides in F1 hybrid families is either (1) lower than the midpoint, (2) higher than the midpoint, or (3) indistinguishable from the midpoint of the two parental taxa. It appears that the production of the phenolic glycosides, especially 2'-cinnamoylsalicortin, is controlled by one or more recessive alleles. We also observed a two-fold or greater difference in concentration between some hybrid families. We discuss how chemical variation may effect the relative susceptibility of hybrid willows to herbivores.  相似文献   

A positive correlation between sponge coverage and tannin concentrations in prop roots of Rhizophora mangle L. has previously been reported. However, the ecological role of tannins within the mangrove sponge association remains speculative. This study investigated whether tannins play a role in sponge recruitment and assessed tannin and polyphenol production in R. mangle roots in response to sponge colonization. We demonstrated in a field experiment using artificial substrates with different tannin concentrations that tannins are positively involved in larval recruitment of the sponge Tedania ignis and that roots significantly enhanced tannin and polyphenolic content in response to natural and experimental sponge fouling. Differential recruitment in response to tannins may have been the result of a behavioral response in sponge larvae. It is also possible that tannins affected the structure of the fouling microbial biofilm on the artificial substrate, or tannins affected the post-settlement dynamics of sponge recruits. Elevations in concentrations of tannins and polyphenolic compounds upon coverage with sponges, combined with differential recruitment of T. ignis in response to differences in tannin concentrations, may indicate a positive feedback in recruitment. This may in part explain the typical heterogeneity in sponge coverage and community composition among roots.  相似文献   

Fruits, leaves and bark forming part of the diet of chimpanzees were collected and it was noted whether samples were of a kind being eaten or not eaten. Samples were dried and analysed for condensed tannin content and for three sugars, glucose, sucrose and fructose. It was found that chimpanzees did not select foods according to the level of tannins but did so according to the levels of sugars, preferring the higher levels. Fig seeds contained higher tannin levels than fig pulp, and the chimpanzees made oral boli (“wadges”) of fig seeds which they spat out. Two fig species were compared: the one with lower tannin and higher sugar content was preferred. The bark of one tree species often eaten contained high levels of tannins but also contained sugars. Young leaves with lower tannin levels were preferred to mature leaves with higher levels. Chimpanzees appear to be able to tolerate higher tannin levels than three monkey species in this forest, and considerably higher levels than marmosets (Callitrichidae). Received: 20 October 1997 / Accepted: 1 March 1998  相似文献   

【目的】桉树枝瘿姬小蜂是我国近年来发现的一种主要危害桉属树种的外来有害生物。本研究旨在通过探究中国桉树枝瘿姬小蜂主要伴生细菌在桉树枝瘿姬小蜂成功定殖中的作用。【方法】测定不同抗性品系桉树的次生代谢物质黄酮和单宁的含量以及易感品系桉树在枝瘿姬小蜂危害前后的含量变化。通过体外抑菌和化学物质降解实验,探究桉树枝瘿姬小蜂主要伴生细菌对抗虫性物质黄酮和单宁的耐受性及降解能力。【结果】抗性品系桉树的黄酮和单宁的含量明显高于易感品系,易感品系在桉树枝瘿姬小蜂危害后黄酮和单宁的含量显著提高;高浓度的黄酮和单宁会抑制桉树枝瘿姬小蜂伴生细菌的生长,在中低浓度黄酮和单宁的条件下,主要伴生细菌能够适应,并继续繁殖;桉树枝瘿姬小蜂伴生细菌具有一定的降解黄酮和单宁的能力,其中细菌Staphylococcus cohnii降解黄酮的能力比Pseudomonas geniculate稍强,而Bacillus wiedannii、Serratia macescens对单宁具有较强的降解能力。【结论】桉树枝瘿姬小蜂侵染桉树后,可以诱导桉树产生抗性,桉树产生大量的次生代谢物质来抵御桉树枝瘿姬小蜂的危害,而桉树枝瘿姬小蜂部分伴生细菌可降解桉树次生代谢物质来帮助小蜂克服植物抗性完成定殖。  相似文献   

Summary The effects of tannins on survival, growth, and digestion were compared in two polyphagous species of Lepidoptera (one, the southern armyworm, a forb-feeder; and the other, the promethea silkmoth, a tree-feeder). Two different types of tannins (hydrolyzable and condensed) were incorporated into artificial basal diets in order to determine whether or not differential survival and growth would result between the forb feeder, which normally does not encounter tannins in its natural diet, and the tree-feeder, whose host species include many tanniniferous plants from several different families.Neonate larvae of the forb-feeding armyworms exhibited significantly suppressed 10-day growth rates at all tannin concentrations tested (0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, and 3.0% of wet weight) for both the hydrolyzable and the condensed tannin compared to the control diet, however no dose-effect was detectable. In contrast, there were no detectable differences in neonate survival or growth through the first 10 days for the tree-feeding promethea silkmoth larvae fed diets with either tannic acid or quebracho tree condensed tannin.In order to determine the physiological mechanisms of action of these tannins against armyworms, we conducted detailed physiological bioassays of biomass and nitrogen utilization by penultimate instar larvae. Standard gravimetric feeding studies with both tannic acid and the quebracho tree condensed tannin demonstrated that reduced relative growth rates (RGR's) of Spodoptera eridania Cram. were due to the suppressed relative consumption rates (RCR's) and decreased conversion efficiencies (ECD's) rather than due to digestibility-reduction (as reflected by approximate digestibility, AD). As with the neonate larval growth rate suppression, there were no detectable dose responses at the different concentrations of tannic acid (0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00, 2.50, and 5.0 percent) and condensed tannins from quebracho (0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.0, and 2.5 percent) in our penultimate instar studies.  相似文献   

Variability of secondary metabolites in edible (peel and pulp) and inedible (seeds) parts of three pitanga varieties, red, red-orange and purple, was investigated during the maturation process. Hydrolysable tannins, anthocyanins, and flavonoids were quantified by HPLC/DAD and carotenoids by absorbance. Peel/pulp showed greater complexity of constituents (carotenoids, anthocyanins, flavonoids, and hydrolysable tannins), while only tannins were identified in seeds, but in quantities of 10 to 100 times greater. The red-orange variety showed the highest levels of phenolic compounds in seeds and peel/pulp, except anthocyanins. The analysis of the principal response curves showed that the pitanga biotype has greater influence on metabolite variation than ripening stages. During peel/pulp maturation, a reduction in the levels of flavonoids and tannins contrasted with an increase in carotenoids and cyanidin-3-O-glucoside in all varieties, whereas in the seeds oenothein B, the major tannin, increased up to 1.32 g/100 g fresh weight. Such marked differences between fruit parts demonstrate that the seeds in stages E3 and E4 are a source of hydrolysable tannins, compounds known for their antitumor activity, while peel/pulp of all varieties in the ripe stage provide natural antioxidants, such as carotenoids and flavonoids. Lastly, the purple biotype can be a rich source of the cyanidin-3-O-glucoside pigment a potent bioactive compound.  相似文献   

Tannins in plant-herbivore interactions   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Tannins are the most abundant secondary metabolites made by plants, commonly ranging from 5% to 10% dry weight of tree leaves. Tannins can defend leaves against insect herbivores by deterrence and/or toxicity. Contrary to early theories, tannins have no effect on protein digestion in insect herbivores. By contrast, in vertebrate herbivores tannins can decrease protein digestion. Tannins are especially prone to oxidize in insects with high pH guts, forming semiquinone radicals and quinones, as well as other reactive oxygen species. Tannin toxicity in insects is thought to result from the production of high levels of reactive oxygen species. Tannin structure has an important effect on biochemical activity. Ellagitannins oxidize much more readily than do gallotannins, which are more oxidatively active than most condensed tannins. The ability of insects to tolerate ingested tannins comes from a variety of biochemical and physical defenses in their guts, including surfactants, high pH, antioxidants, and a protective peritrophic envelope that lines the midgut. Most work on the ecological roles of tannins has been correlative, e.g., searching for negative associations between tannins and insect performance. A greater emphasis on manipulative experiments that control tannin levels is required to make further progress on the defensive functions of tannins. Recent advances in the use of molecular methods has permitted the production of tannin-overproducing transgenic plants and a better understanding of tannin biosynthetic pathways. Many research areas remain in need of further work, including the effects of different tannin types on different types of insects (e.g., caterpillars, grasshoppers, sap-sucking insects).  相似文献   

中草药提取物中缩合类单宁的选择性脱除   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以皮胶原纤维为原料,通过甲醛交联反应制备吸附材料。采用外加单宁的方法研究了这种吸附材料对中草药提取物中缩合类单宁的选择性吸附能力。结果表明,胶原纤维吸附材料对落叶松单宁、黑荆树单宁和杨梅单宁等3种典型的缩合类单宁都具有非常好的吸附选择性,在实验条件下单宁的去除率达到100%,而对有效成份的吸附率较低。该吸附材料对与缩合类单宁具有相似结构的低聚原花青素的吸附率也较低。对比试验表明,胶原纤维吸附材料对单宁的吸附选择性优于聚酰胺。  相似文献   

Gynoecium diversity and systematics of the basal eudicots   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Gynoecium and ovule structure was compared in representatives of the basal eudicots, including Ranunculales (Berberidaceae, Circaeasteraceae, Eupteleaceae, Lardizabalaceae, Menispermaceae, Papaveraceae, Ranunculaceae), Proteales (Nelumbonaceae, Platanaceae, Proteaceae), some families of the former ‘lower’ hamamelids that have been moved to Saxifragales (Altingiaceae, Cercidiphyllaceae, Daphniphyllaceae, Hamamelidaceae), and some families of uncertain position (Gunneraceae, Myrothamnaceae, Buxaceae, Sabiaceae, Trochodendraceae). In all representatives studied, the carpels (or syncarpous gynoecia) are closed at anthesis. This closure is attained in different ways: (1) by secretion without postgenital fusion (Berberidaceae, Papaveraceae, Nelumbonaceae, probably Circaeaster); (2) by a combination of postgenital fusion and secretion; (2a) with a complete secretory canal and partly postgenitally fused periphery (Lardizabalaceae, Menispermaceae, some Ranunculaceae, Sabiaceae); (2b) with an incomplete secretory canal and completely fused periphery (Tro-chodendron); (3) by complete postgenital fusion without a secretory canal (most Ranunculaceae, Eupteleaceae, Platanaceae, Proteaceae, all families of Saxifragales and incertae sedis studied here). Stigmas are double-crested and decurrent in most of the non-ranunculalian taxa; unicellular-papillate in most taxa, but with multicellular protuberances in Daphniphyllaceae and Hamamelidaceae. Carpels predominantly have three vascular bundles, but five in Proteales (without Nelumbonaceae), Myrothamnaceae and Trochodendraceae. The latter two also share ‘oil’ cells in the carpels. Stomata on the outer carpel surface are present in the majority of Ranunculales and Proteales, but tend to be lacking in the saxifragalian families. In basal eudicots, especially in the non-ranunculalian families there is a trend to form more than one ovule per carpel but to develop only one seed, likewise there is a trend to have immature ovules at anthesis. Ovule number per carpel is predominantly one or two. Proteales (without Nelumbonales) mainly have orthotropous ovules, the other groups have anatropous (or hemitropous or campylotropous) ovules. The outer integument is annular in the groups with orthotropous or hemitropous ovules, and also in a number of saxifragalian families with anatropous ovules. In Proteales the integuments are predominantly lobed but there is no distinct pattern in this feature among the other groups. Among Ranunculales two pairs of families (Lardizabalaceae/Menispermaceae and Bcrberidaceae/Papaveraceae) due to similarities in gynoecium structure can be recognized, which are not apparent in molecular analyses. The close relationship of Platanaceae and Proteaceae is supported by gynoecium structure but gynoecial features do not support their affinity to Nelumbonaceae. The alliance of Daphniphyllaceae with Hamamelidaceae s.l. is also supported.  相似文献   

High concentrations of tannins in fodder plants inhibit gastrointestinal bacteria and reduce ruminant performance. Increasing the proportion of tannin-resistant bacteria in the rumen protects ruminants from antinutritional effects. The reason for the protective effect is unclear, but could be elucidated if the mechanism(s) by which tannins inhibit bacteria and the mechanisms of tannin resistance were understood. A review of the literature indicates that the ability of tannins to complex with polymers and minerals is the basis of the inhibitory effect on gastrointestinal bacteria. Mechanisms by which bacteria can overcome inhibition include tannin modification/degradation, dissociation of tannin–substrate complexes, tannin inactivation by high-affinity binders, and membrane modification/repair and metal ion sequestration. Understanding the mechanism of action of tannins and the mechanism(s) bacteria use to overcome the inhibitory effects will allow better management of the rumen ecosystem to reduce the antinutritional effects of tannin-rich fodder plants and thereby improve ruminant production.  相似文献   

Gallotannin mixtures composed of tri-, tetra- and pentagalloylglucoses were produced by callus and suspension cultures ofCornus officinalis Sieb. et Zucc. The content of the main tannin, 1,2,3,6-tetragalloylglucose, was 36 times that of the intact fruits. The other three tannins, 1,2,6-trigalloyl-glucose, 1,2,3,4,6-pentagalloyl-glucose, and 6-digalloyl-1,2,3-trigalloyl-glucose, were isolated and identified with the authentic specimens. The ratios of the amounts among these tannins were not changed much during the culture period, and by the differences in the combination of plant growth regulators in the medium. Tannin production was stimulated by 6-benzyladenine, whereas cell growth required 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid or 1-naphthaleneacetic acid. Light irradiation appears to have inhibited tannin production in the cell cultures.  相似文献   

The systematic distribution of tannins in foliar tissues has not been comprehensively reviewed for the Angiosperms in over 20 years. Here their systematic distribution is assessed using data based on protein precipitation or chemically specific tests. Fewer families are characterized by the typical presence of tannins than has previously been reported, and a greater variation in the occurrence of tannins in species sampled from within single plant families has been detected. This study presents the proportion of tannin-containing species in angiosperm families arranged according to the system of Cronquist for the first time. The potential utility of these data in testing ecological ideas about the distribution of tannins, such as those based on plant habit or life-history, is discussed.  相似文献   

Yoshida T  Ito H  Hipolito IJ 《Phytochemistry》2005,66(17):1972-1983
The pantropical plant family Melastomataceae produces characteristic hydrolyzable tannin oligomers. The latter in this family are distinguished from those in other plant families by the fact that the oligomers from dimers to tetramers are composed of two different alternating monomeric units: casuarictin and pterocaryanin C. These oligomers are metabolites that are produced by intermolecular C-O oxidative coupling between the monomers (or their desgalloyl-or des-hexahydroxydiphenoyl derivatives) forming a valoneoyl group as the link between monomers. The chemotaxonomically significant oligomerization pattern of melastomataceous plants provided helpful suggestions for determining the structures of new oligomers (nobotanins Q-T and melastoflorins A-D) isolated from Monochaetum multiflorum, which belongs to this family. Melastoflorins A-D were characterized as pentamers, which are the largest hydrolyzable tannins composed of different monomeric units.  相似文献   

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