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Changes in cytoplasmic and chloroplast rRNA content and rates of rRNA synthesis and degradation of detached wheat leaves were determined. It was found that rRNA loss is proportionally higher in chloroplasts than in cytoplasm. Rates of synthesis were measured by incorporation of large amounts of [3H]orotic acid into rRNA. This approach overcame size differences between pyrimidine pools of cells under different physiological status. Furthermore, these pools reached nearly the same specific radioactivity as that of the administered solution. Rates of degradation were estimated either as the difference between synthesis and net variation of rRNA or by disappearance of radioactivity from 32P-labeled rRNA. Results indicated a decrease in the net rRNA synthesis capacity of leaves after 48 h of detachment. However, the fractional rates of rRNA synthesis were maintained in both cytoplasm and chloroplasts. Ribosomal RNA degradation rates were 2.5-fold higher in chloroplast than in cytoplasm. The observed chloroplast rRNA loss is due to an increased degradation rate which is 15-fold higher than the synthesis rate 48 h after detachment.  相似文献   

Wheat leaves (Triticum aestivum L. cv San Agustin INTA) were detached when they reached maximum expansion, put individually in tubes containing water and left in darkness. After 3 days the protein content had decreased to 46% of the initial value. When the leaves were placed in 1 micromolar kinetin, they retained 60% of the initial protein content for the same period. This effect was observed only when leaves were treated with kinetin within the first 24 hours after detachment. The action of kinetin on both protein synthesis and degradation was quantitatively measured. Synthesis was estimated by the incorporation of l-[3H]leucine into proteins. It was higher in kinetin treated than in non treated leaves. It contributed to about 14 micrograms of protein retention per leaf in 3 days. Measurement of protein degradation, evaluated by the decay of radioactivity in leaf proteins previously labeled with l-[3H] leucine or as the difference between rates of protein synthesis and protein content, showed that kinetin decreased protein breakdown rates. It accounted for about 186 micrograms of protein retention per leaf in 3 days. Hence, kinetin action on protein breakdown was 13-fold average higher than its action on synthesis for the conservation of leaf protein. This difference is higher in early stages of the process.  相似文献   

Mesophyll protoplasts isolated from primary leaves of wheat seedlings were used to follow the localization of proteases and the breakdown of chloroplasts during dark-induced senescence. Protoplasts were readily obtained from leaf tissue, even after 80% of the chlorophyll and protein had been lost. Intact chloroplasts and vacuoles could be isolated from the protoplasts at all stages of senescence. All the proteolytic activity associated with the degradation of ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase in the protoplasts could be accounted for by that localized within the vacuole. Moreover, this localization was retained late into senescence. Protoplasts isolated during leaf senescence first showed a decline in photosynthesis, then a decline in ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase activity, followed by a decline in chloroplast number. There was a close correlation between the decline in chloroplast number and the loss of chlorophyll and soluble protein per protoplast, suggesting a sequential degradation of chloroplasts during senescence. Ultrastructural studies indicated a movement of chloroplasts in toward the center of the protoplasts during senescence. Thus, within senescing protoplasts, chloroplasts appeared either to move into invaginations of the vacuole or to be taken up into the vacuole.  相似文献   

Several parameters of amino acid metabolism were studied in detached primary leaves of wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Castell) during a 14 day incubation period in the dark. Protein loss was accompanied by a 5-fold increase in the total amount of free amino acids during the first 4 days of the incubation period with asparagine being the most important. Beyond this stage a pronounced intracellular accumulation of ammonium occured. A gradual decrease in the levels of free amino acids and ammonium at the later stages of senescence could in part be accounted for by leakage from the leaves. Additionally, some nitrogen was lost due to ammonia volatilization. The rapid decay of the glutamine synthetase (GS; EC synthase (Fd-GOGAT; EC system and the fast decline of glutamate-pyruvate transaminase (GPT; EC activity appear to be predominant features of senescence in the dark. Decreasing Fd-GOGAT activity was slightly compensated by a small and temporary increase in the activity of NADH-GOGAT (EC Glutamateoxalocetate transaminase (GOT: EC activity, although declining continuously, proved to be much more persistent. Changes in glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH; EC activity closely resembled the profile of ammonium evolution in the leaves and NADP-isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH; EC activity revealed a temporary maximum during the period of rapid increase in GDH activity. Increased activity of GDH could also be induced by exogenous ammonium. Ammonium accumulation could, at least partly, be caused by increased asparaginase (EC activity which accompanied the rapid conversion of asparagine to aspartic acid. Asparagine aminotransferase (EC activity declined sharply from the beginning of the senescence period. Although the activity profile of glutaminase (EC was similar to that of asparaginase, glutamine was of little importance quantitatively and an analogous relationship between glutamine and glutamic acid could not be detected.  相似文献   

The residual starches of germinating wheat and barley grains show similar structural changes. Germinating wheat grains produce malto-oligosaccharides and dextrins. The starch of wrinkled-seeded peas showed some structural changes during germination, but the starch from senescing tobacco leaves showed none. Neither peas nor tobacco produced malto-oligosaccharides or dextrins at any stage. Wrinkled-seeded peas showed some differences to smooth-seeded peas in enzyme content, and starch was probably degraded by phosphorylase initially with α-amylase acting after 3 days. In senescing tobacco leaves the only significant enzyme activities were α-amylase and maltase. Wheat closely resembled barley in showing amylolytic breakdown.  相似文献   

Light treatment markedly accelerated the chlorophyll loss in senescing leaves of Hydrilla verticillata [(L.f.) Royle] as compared to dark treatment, whereas such acceleration could not be observed in senescing spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) leaves. The light-induced cholorophyll loss in Hydrilla was retarded slightly by chloramphenicol and markedly by cycloheximide. Catalase (EC activity did not change appreciably in Hydrilla leaves either in light or in darkness, while in spinach it declined markedly in the dark, and light retarded such decline. Peroxidase activity in Hydrilla showed faster increase in light than in darkness, while in spinach it increased only in light during senescence. The activity of phenol(pyrogallol)-specific peroxidase increased markedly in light, and that of ascorbate-specific peroxidase decreased slightly both in light and darkness during senescence of Hydrilla leaves. This rise in phenolspecific peroxidase activity was prevented by cycloheximide treatment. Pretreatment of Hydrilla leaves with monophenol (2,4-dichlorophenol) and o-diphenol (hydroquinone) accelerated and retarded, respectively, the light-induced cholorophyll loss. Pretreatment of Hydrilla leaves with H2O2 augmented the chlorophyll loss more markedly in light than in darkness. The endogenous level of H2O2 increased more in light than in dark during senescence of Hydrilla leaves. Treatment of Hydrilla leaves with 3-(3.4-dichlorophenyl)-l,l-dimethylurea. a photosystem II inhibitor, prevented both light-induced rise in H2O: level and chlorophyll loss, but it was without effect in the dark. Retardation of light-induced chlorophyll loss occurred during senescence of Hydrilla leaves when light was given in different photoperiods in a 24-h daily cycle for 6 days instead of as continuous irradiance. There was a negative correlation between the length of the photoperiod and the extent of cholorophyll loss.  相似文献   

Protein phosphatase type 2A (PP2A) activity is required for the sucrose induction of fructan metabolism in wheat leaves, as shown in experiments with the addition of the specific inhibitor okadaic acid (OA) together with sucrose. However, a decrease in total PP2A activity has been found along sucrose treatment. Here we analyze the effect of sucrose feeding to wheat leaves on PP2A activity profiles after Deae-Sephacel and Superose separation, in comparison with those of control leaves. The results show no evidence of changes in PP2A activity profiles as a consequence of sucrose feeding. In all, our data suggest that constitutive levels of PP2A activity may be sufficient for the sucrose-mediated induction of fructan metabolism and that general decrease of PP2A activity produced by long-term treatment with sucrose may be due to a negative feedback regulation.Key words: fructan, protein phosphatases 2A, sucrose:fructan 6-fructosyltransferase, sugar sensing, Triticum aestivumProtein phosphorylation and dephosphorylation are necessary for the sugar-mediated induction of fructan synthesizing enzymes (FSS, 6-sucrose:fructan fructosyltransferase and 1-sucrose:sucrose fructosyltransferase);1,2 specifically, CDPK and PP2A activities are required for this process. Recently, we also showed that sucrose decreases general PP2A activity in parallel with a decreasing sugar uptake and that PP2A is involved in sugar uptake in wheat leaves.3 Very little is known about PP2A isoforms in wheat, as well as about the number of their encoding sequences.46 Here we discuss further the role of PP2A in sugar sensing and possible causes of the effect of sucrose on PP2A activity in wheat.The fact that PP2A activity is necessary for fructan induction by sucrose while a decrease in total PP2A activity occurs along sucrose treatment,3 led us to investigate whether this could be the result of a modification of a specific PP2A activity. Then, we partially purified PP2A present in either sucrose- or water-treated leaves. Total protein leaf extracts from 6 h sugar treated or control (water treated) leaves were loaded onto Deae-Sephacel columns. Two major peaks of PP activity were obtained (named PP2AI and PP2AII). Sugar treatment modified the elution position of both PP activities: in the case of sucrose-treated leaf extracts, PP2AI and PP2AII eluted at 260 mM and 375 mM NaCl, respectively, and when control leaf extracts were chromatographed, PP2AI and PP2AII eluted at 345 mM and 430 mM NaCl, respectively. PP2AII activity was higher than that of PP2AI for wheat leaves treated either with sucrose or water. The specific activity for the concentrated proteins were c.a. 30 nmol/min/mg protein and 110 nmol/min/mg protein for PP2AI and PP2AII, respectively for the sucrose treatment (Fig. 1A). Incubating leaves for 24 h with sucrose or water rendered essentially the same activity profile as for 6 h. The fractions under each Deae-Sephacel peak were pooled, concentrated and loaded into Superose-12 size-exclusion columns. The elution pattern of these chromatographies showed two peaks from each peak eluted from the Deae-Sephacel column, designated as PP2AIa, PP2AIb, PP2AIIa and PP2AIIb for both treatments (Fig. 1B). They corresponded to an approximately 120–130 kDa and 30–35 kDa proteins, which are in accordance to the molecular weight of the PP2A core and the PP2A catalytic subunit, respectively.7,8 PP2AIb activity was higher than that of PP2AIa and PP2AIIa activity was higher than that of PP2AIIb for both treatments. In comparison with PP2A isolated from other tissues, wheat leaf PP2A specific activities were similar to PP2A purified from wheat embryo and from maize seedlings.4,9Open in a separate windowFigure 1Elution profiles of wheat leaves PP2A activity. Crude extracts from leaves treated for 6 h with water (control) or 0.5 M sucrose were loaded onto Deae-Sephacel columns. Elutions were done with a linear gradient of NaCl 0-0.5 M (A). PP-containing fractions from water-(—◯—) or sucrose-(—•—) fed leaves were concentrated (PP2AI and PP2AII peaks) and loaded onto Superose 12 columns (B). PP2A activity was assayed with the non-radioactive method. Lines without markers at the left of the graph indicate total protein for water (——) and sucrose (—) treatments.To characterize the partially purified PPs we tested their activity on phosphopeptide RR(pT)VA, which is substrate for Ser/Thr PP2A but is a poor substrate of PP1 (Fig. 2A). Also, to ensure that we measured specific PP2A activities we included imidazole and EDTA in the reaction buffer, to inhibit alkaline phosphatases and PP2B and PP2C activity.10 Moreover, purified enzymes were active with the general substrate p-NPP. In contrast, these PPs did not catalyze the dephosphorylation of nonprotein phosphomonoesters such as Glc-6P or PEP at substrate concentration (100 µM). Finally, partially purified PP activities were assayed with different reported effectors of animal and plant PP2A. OA, a potent inhibitor of PP2A activity, completely inhibited the purified PPs at 10 nM. The OA IC50 value was 1 nM (Fig. 2B), which is in the normal range of values described for PP2As.10 They were also inhibited by the general phosphatase inhibitor NaF but not by inhibitor 2 (I-2), which inhibits PP1 specifically.10 Thus, the PP activities that we partially purified belong to the PP2A family.Open in a separate windowFigures 2Phosphopeptide concentration-dependent and okadaic acid sensitivity of the sucrose-partially purified wheat PP2As. The pooled fractions of Superose 12 chromatographies with PP2A activity were incubated with different concentration of the phosphopeptide (A) or with different concentrations of OA (B). PP2A activity was assayed with the non-radioactive method.These results are in accordance with the proposed model,3 where PP activity may be required for sucrose uptake into leaf tissues,11 and possibly also for maintaining this transporter in a dephosphorylatedactive form.12 Within this scheme, PP2A activity required to initiate sucrose signaling leading to fructan synthesis induction is present before the signal. On the long term, sucrose may decrease general PP2A activity in a negative feedback.3 Moreover, further steps in the sucrose signaling pathway may require PP2A activity, since adding 1 µM OA 6 h after the beginning of sucrose feeding (when most sucrose uptake had already taken place, and both 6-SFT mRNA level and FSS activity had significantly increased), blocks any further increase in FSS activity (Martínez-Noël et al. unpublished). Further research is needed to elucidate whether the different PP2A isoforms here described are associated with different steps in this signaling process.  相似文献   

This investigation determined whether thylakoid proteins would be degraded more rapidly or not in senescing wheat (Triticum aestivum L. em. Thell.) leaves concurrently exposed to high temperatures. Excised leaves were pulse-labelled with [35S]-methionine for a 12 h period, and then incubated at 22,32 or 42°C for 0, 1, 2, or 3 d, before extracting a thylakoid enriched membrane sample. After electrophoretic separation, two prominent [35S]-labelled protein bands were chosen for further analyses. Band A contained the D-1 thylakoid protein and band B contained thylakoid proteins of the light harvesting complex (LHCII) associated with photosystem II (PSII). Total protein, [35S]-labelled protein, band A protein, and band B protein within the thylakoid enriched membrane samples were measured. Unlabelled thylakoid enriched membrane samples, extracted from leaves given similar treatments, were used to measure uncoupled whole-chain and photosystem II (PSII) electron transport and chlorophyll fluorescence. Accentuated decline in whole-chain and PSII electron transport, increasing Fo values, and decreasing Fmax values were a result of high temperature injury in leaves treated at 42°C. None of the thylakoid enriched membrane protein fractions were degraded more rapidly in high-temperature treated leaves. Degradation of the total [35S]-labelled membrane proteins and band B was inhibited by the 42°C treatment. The results indicate that high temperature stress may disrupt some aspects of normal senescence.  相似文献   

Mammary gland explants in organ culture were subjected to hormonal manipulation, and rates of protein degradation during 1 and 2 day periods were measured by a double-isotope method. Isotope ratios for protein subunits in subcellular fractions were measured after resolution by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Frequency distribution analysis shows that the isotope ratios for each fraction are coupled predominantly in exponential distributions corresponding to populations of protein subunits with different mean degradation rates. The result also suggest that heterogeneity of protein degradation rates within each population is limited. There is no consistent correlation of degradation rate with protein isoelectric point or subunit molecular weight either overall or within any population of degradation rates. Therefore, the similarity of protein degradation rates within each population is clearly not related to these molecular properties of the proteins.  相似文献   

Endoproteinase activity was analyzed in chloroplasts isolated from barley leaf segments incubated in the dark with various hormonal senescence effectors. As a control, the endoproteinase activity of the supernatant fraction obtained during chloroplast preparation was also analyzed. Measured against azocaseine as substrate, the endoproteinase activity in chloroplasts increased 18 fold during the induction of senescence. This rise in activity was inhibited by kinetin (the activity increased only 10 fold) and very strongly stimulated by abscisic acid (ABA) (117 fold) and methyl jasmonate (Me-JA) (57 fold). Although less so, the endoproteinase activity of the supernatant fraction, mainly vacuolar and with acid pH optimum, was affected in the same way by all three effectors. Among the five endoproteinases (EC) found in chloroplasts, EC2 and EC4 were induced after incubation in water. ABA increased the levels of EC2 and EC4 (5 fold), and induced the development of EC3 and EC5, while Me-JA totally inhibited EC2 and EC4, and induced the development of EC1. At least one of the endoproteinases, EC2, is synthesized in chloroplasts. Among the six endoproteinases found in the supernatant fraction (E), E1, E2, E3 and E5, which are very probably extrachloroplastic endoproteinases, are stimulated by ABA to varying degrees. However, Me-JA stimulates E1 to a greater extent and totally inhibits E3. The differential effects of ABA and Me-JA on chloroplast and supernatant fraction endoproteinases suggest different action mechanisms for both senescence promotors.Abbreviations ABA abscisic acid - DTT dithiothreitol - E supernatant fraction endoproteinase - EC chloroplast endoproteinase - Me-JA methyl jasmonate - PNP p-nitrophenol - SDS-PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis containing sodium dodecyl sulphate - TCA trichloroacetic acid  相似文献   

The effects of osmotic dehydration in wheat leaves ( Triticum aestivum L. cv. Longchun No. 10) on the photochemical function and protein metabolism of PSII were studied with isolated thylakoid and PSII membranes. The results indicated that PSII was rather resistant to water stress as mild water deficit in leaves did nut significantly affect its activity. However, extreme stress conditions such as 40% decrease in relative water content (RWC) or 1.8 MPa in water potential (Ψ) caused ca 50% reduction in O2 evolution and ca 25% inhibition of DCIP (2.6-dichlorophenol indophenol) photoreduction of PSII. In addition, it was found that the inhibited DCIP photoreduction of PSII could not be reversed by DPC (2.2-diphenylcarbazide), a typical electron donor to PSII, suggesting that water stress did not affect electron donation to PSII. Urea-SDS-PAGE and western blot analysis showed that the steady slate levels of major PSII proteins, including the D1 and D2 proteins in the PSII reaction center, declined on a chlorophyll basis with increasing water stress, possibly as a result of increased degradation. In vitro translation experiments and quantitative analysis of chloroplast RNAs indicated that the potential synthesis of chloroplast proteins from their mRNAs was impaired by water stress. From the results it is concluded that the effects of water stress on PSII protein metabolism, especially on the reaction center proteins, may account for the damage to PSII photochemistry.  相似文献   

Rates of protein synthesis were significantly lower in the cut soleus and extensor digitorum longus muscles than in their uncut counterparts. Rates of protein degradation were significantly higher in cut soleus muscles, but not in cut extensor digitorum longus muscles as compared with their uncut controls. Concentrations of ATP and phosphocreatine were significantly lower in cut soleus and extensor digitorum longus muscles after incubation in vitro in contrast with respective control uncut muscles. These data indicate that cutting of muscle fibres alters rates of protein synthesis and degradation, in addition to altering concentrations of high-energy phosphates. Since these findings stressed the importance of using intact muscles to study protein metabolism, additional studies were made on intact muscles in vitro. Stretched soleus muscles had higher concentrations of high-energy phosphates at the end of an incubation period than did unstretched muscles. However, the length of the soleus, extensor digitorum longus and diaphragm muscles during incubation did not affect rates of protein degradation.U  相似文献   

A study has been made of the RNA and protein synthesising systems of wheat embryos isolated from seed lots having high viability but differing in vigour. The rate of RNA and protein synthesis in wheat embryos during the early hours of germination is related to the vigour of the seed lot. The imposition of a stress factor, in the nature of a sub-optimal germination temperature, during germination of isolated wheat embryos magnifies the differences in rates of protein and RNA synthesis between high and low vigour seed. Using cell-free protein synthesising systems it has been demonstrated that an important difference between high and low vigour embryos lies in the relative levels of messenger RNA in the embryo. High vigour embryos contain relatively higher levels of poly A+-RNA (i.e. potential mRNA species) than lower vigour embryos and furthermore the level of poly A+-RNA in high vigour embryos increases during early germination whilst in lower vigour embryos the level decreases. The difference in poly A+-RNA levels accounts, at least partially, for the differences in rates of protein synthesis observed between embryos from high and low vigour wheat seed during early germination at both optimal and sub-optimal germination temperatures.Abbreviations HEPES N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N-2-ethane sulfonic acid - poly A+-RNA polyadenylated RNA - GM germination medium - PMS post-mitochondrial supernatant fraction  相似文献   

Proteolysis of ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase (RuBPCase) during senescence was monitored using oat leaf segments (Avena sativa cv Victory), kept in the dark. We here report the development of a novel approach for measuring protein degradation of endogenous substrates both in situ and in vitro in crude extracts using specific antibodies against highly purified polypeptides. The proteolytic products were separated on sodium dodecyl sulfate-gels. They were then electrotransferred onto nitrocellulose paper and identified with specific antibodies to both the large and small subunits of RuBPCase. We could show differences in pH optima between two proteases degrading the subunits of RuBPCase. While both subunits were best hydrolyzed in acid and basic pH, they degraded differently at neutral pH. Furthermore, the large subunit displayed a different pattern of degradative products at the different pH levels. Older leaf segments, which were incubated in darkness, underwent enhanced proteolysis, as compared with young ones. These results show the advantages of the assay in demonstrating: (a) in situ proteolysis of specific substrates in crude extracts without further purification; (b) in vitro differential proteolysis of endogenous substrates during senescence.  相似文献   

The relationship between loss of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (RuBPCase) and the decline in photosynthesis during the senescence of barley primary leaves was assessed. Loss of RuBPCase accounted for about 85% of the decrease in soluble protein. RuBPCase was highly correlated with in vitro RuBPCase activity (r = 0.95) and gross photosynthesis (r = 0.96). However, the rate of photosynthesis per milligram RuBPCase increased during the early stages of leaf senescence. The concentration of nonreducing sugars was negatively correlated (1% level) with photosynthesis. Free α-amino N, in contrast to nonreducing sugars, declined markedly during senescence. A decrease in chlorophyll and an increase in in vitro protease activity was observed, but these changes did not appear to be closely related to the decline in photosynthesis and RuBPCase. Mesophyll resistance increased at the same rate that photosynthesis and RuBPCase declined. Stomatal resistance increased more rapidly than mesophyll resistance and accounted for about 24% of the total increase in resistance to CO2 diffusion. The concentration of CO2 in the intercellular air spaces decreased during the last stage of senescence. Although loss of RuBPCase probably is the primary event responsible for the decline in photosynthesis during leaf senescence, other factors such as in vivo regulation and stomatal aperture must also be considered.  相似文献   

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