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The "round body," a spherical structure typically associated with a nucleolus in male germ cells of the rat, has been examined in the electron microscope using routine and cytochemical methods to determine its structure, composition, and mode of development. Cytochemical analysis indicates that the round body includes neither nucleic acid nor lipid, but is composed of nonhistone protein which appears in the form of 1.6-nm-wide fibrils. Development begins in late leptotene, when a single round body appears in each spermatocyte as an irregular spheroid located along the inner surface of the nuclear envelope. During subsequent stages of the meiotic prophase, the round body leaves the nuclear envelope, becomes a regular sphere, and gradually enlarges from a diameter of 0.4 micron in leptotene to 1.6 micron in diplotene. Concurrently, lacunae appear within its substance and enlarge. At each maturation division, the amount of round-body material is decreased by about half, presumably because the constituent proteins are dissociated at metaphase, distributed between the two daughter cells at telophase, and reconstituted into half-sized round bodies. As spermiogenesis proceeds, the round body shrinks gradually and disappears at step 8. Soon after its appearance at leptotene, the round body becomes associated with and is surrounded by the pars granulosa of one of the nucleoli. Moreover, 3H-uridine incorporation into nucleolar RNA is high as long as the size of the round body increases, but is low or absent when it decreases. It is possible, therefore, that the round body exerts some control on nucleolar activity in meiotic cells.  相似文献   

Electron micrographs reveal that the Ag-stainable substance is located on the outside of NOR's or around them but not in the chromosomes themselves. In association figures, the Ag-positive material lies between the acrocentric chromosomes. Light-microscopic studies show that the Ag stainability of the nucleolus in interphase is correlated with the function of the NOR, as seen from inactive and activated lymphocytes. Much more Ag-positive material is seen in prophase than in meta- and anaphase. It starts to increase again in late telophase. In male meiosis the NOR's remain Ag-positive until pachytene. First and second metaphase figures are negative. Experiments using RNase, TCA, and trypsin indicate that the Ag-stainable substance is an acidic protein. The precipitation of Ag granules in interphase nuclei seen in the electron microscope is greatest over the fibrillar component of the nucleolus. The most likely interpretation is that the Ag-stainable material is a component of ribonucleic protein accumulating around active NOR's. In mitosis some of this material remains at the NOR's. In first meiosis it is completely removed before diakinesis.  相似文献   

The coiled body is a phylogenetically conserved nuclear organelle whose function is not known. Probes for detection of p80-coilin, an 80 kDa protein enriched in the coiled body, have made possible studies determining the behavior of the coiled body during the cell cycle, in proliferating cells, as well as reports suggesting some relationship of the coiled body to mRNA splicing and to the nucleolus. The objective of this study is to examine the distribution of p80-coilin and nucleolar proteins in cells infected with adenovirus in vitro. HeLa cells grown as monolayers were infected with successive dilutions of type 5 human adenovirus culture and fixed in methanol/acetone at different time points. Single and double indirect immunofluorescence was performed with human autoantibodies to p80-coilin, fibrillarin, NOR-90/hUBF, RNA polymerase I, PM-Scl, and To, as well as rabbit polyclonal serum to p80-coilin (R288) and mouse monoclonal antibody to adenovirus 72-kDa DNA-binding protein. Indirect immunofluorescence (IIF) with anti- p80-coilin antibodies showed that the usual bright dot-like coiled body staining pattern was replaced in infected cells by 1–5 clusters of tiny dots at the periphery of the nucleus. This phenomenon was first detected within 12 h of infection and affected more severely cells with increased length and load of infection. Cells subjected to heat shock presented no such alteration. Double IIF showed that cells with abnormal coiled body appearance expressed the viral 72-kDa DNA-binding protein. Nucleolar proteins RNA polymerase I and NOR-90/hUBF became associated with the p80-coilin-enriched clusters and were no longer detected in the nucleolus. Other nucleolar proteins, like PM-Scl and To, remained associated to the nucleolus and were not detected in the newly formed clusters. Fibrillarin had a heterogeneous behavior, being restricted to the nucleolus in some infected cells while in some others it was associated with the p80-coilin-enriched clusters. Thus our results showed that in vitro adenovirus infection induced radical redistribution of nucleolar and coiled body constituents into newly formed structures characterized by clusters of tiny dots in the periphery of the nucleus. The fact that three major proteins involved in rRNA synthesis and processing colocalized with p80-coilin in these clusters may bring additional support to the idea that the coiled body and p80-coilin may be implicated in functions related to the nucleolus.  相似文献   

The precise location of the tRNA processing ribonucleoprotein ribonuclease P (RNase P) and the mechanism of its intranuclear distribution have not been completely delineated. We show that three protein subunits of human RNase P (Rpp), Rpp14, Rpp29 and Rpp38, are found in the nucleolus and that each can localize a reporter protein to nucleoli of cells in tissue culture. In contrast to Rpp38, which is uniformly distributed in nucleoli, Rpp14 and Rpp29 are confined to the dense fibrillar component. Rpp29 and Rpp38 possess functional, yet distinct domains required for subnucleolar localization. The subunit Rpp14 lacks such a domain and appears to be dependent on a piggyback process to reach the nucleolus. Biochemical analysis suggests that catalytically active RNase P exists in the nucleolus. We also provide evidence that Rpp29 and Rpp38 reside in coiled bodies, organelles that are implicated in the biogenesis of several other small nuclear ribonucleoproteins required for processing of precursor mRNA. Because some protein subunits of RNase P are shared by the ribosomal RNA processing ribonucleoprotein RNase MRP, these two evolutionary related holoenzymes may share common intranuclear localization and assembly pathways to coordinate the processing of tRNA and rRNA precursors.  相似文献   

T Kiss  C Marshallsay    W Filipowicz 《The EMBO journal》1992,11(10):3737-3746
Mammalian MRP (for mitochondrial RNA processing) RNA, also known as 7-2 RNA, is a nuclear encoded small RNA which has been reported to function in two different cellular compartments: in the mitochondria and in the nucleus. The ribonucleoprotein particle which contains the 7-2/MRP RNA, called RNase MRP, has ribonucleolytic activity and shares some structural similarity with RNase P. It has been proposed that in mitochondria, the RNase MRP is responsible for endonucleolytic cleavage of primer RNA during DNA replication. We have characterized the gene and cDNAs encoding 7-2/MRP-like RNA in Arabidopsis and tobacco, and found that in plants this RNA is enriched in nucleoli but is undetectable in purified mitochondria isolated from tobacco leaves or cells grown in suspension. In glycerol gradients tobacco 7-2/MRP RNA cosediments with large approximately 80S structures possibly representing ribosomal precursors. Fractionation of HeLa cells has also revealed that 7-2/MRP resides in the nucleolus and that most of it is associated with complexes sedimenting at approximately 80S, similar to those containing the U3 nucleolar RNA which is known to participate in pre-rRNA processing. These results indicate that the 7-2/MRP ribonucleoparticle may be involved in ribosome biogenesis, in both plant and mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Rat hepatocyte nucleoids, obtained at different conditions, have been studied by sedimentation and fluorescence methods. Divalent metal ions have been found to play an important role in the superhelical organization of nuclear DNA. Depending on nucleoid isolation conditions, different DNA fragments become associated with the residual nuclear structure. In rapidly sedimenting nucleoids, where nuclear DNA exhibits greater compaction, two types of DNA fragments, differing is size, are associated. In slowly sedimenting nucleoids, where nuclear DNA is in a more relaxed state, one type of DNA fragments is associated. It is assumed that nuclear DNA compaction is conditioned by the formation of additional DNA binding sites with residual nuclear structures and involves divalent metal ions. It has been shown with the aid of restrictase analysis that both types of DNA fragments contain different repeated nucleotide sequences.  相似文献   

The synthesis of sulfatoxygalactosylacylalkylglycerol (SGG) is a marker of germinal cell differentiation during spermatogenesis. Antibodies raised against this lipid have been used to visualize SGG on the surfaces of rat spermatocytes and spermatids. An ionic interaction between SGG and immunoglobulin was shown to occur at physiological pH, resulting in high fluorescence backgrounds for control cells treated with nonimmune sera. Immunofluorescence was therefore performed at alkaline pH such that this interaction was much reduced or eliminated. A method was also developed to detect surface-bound complement fixed in the presence of anti-SGG. SGG was found to be mobile within the plane of the membrane, undergoing ligand-induced "patching" and occasional "capping." However, this phenomenon was independent of temperature.  相似文献   

To detect structural changes following UV irradiation in the “germinal plasm,” ultrastructure of the “germinal plasm” was studied in normal and UV-irradiated eggs of Xenopus laevis at the following stages: prior to fertilization, early 2-cell, 32-cell, and late blastula. It was revealed that ultrastructural features of the “germinal plasm” were essentially common between Xenopus laevis and Rana pipiens. That is, the “germinal plasm” is composed primarily of a large aggregation of mitochondria and distinctive electron dense bodies (germinal granules). Irregularly shaped cylinderlike granules (giant germinal granules), having the same internal characteristics as the germinal granules, were found in the “germinal plasm” of all eggs examined.Comparison between normal and UV-irradiated eggs has demonstrated that UV irradiation causes swelling and vacuolation of mitochondria and fragmentation of germinal granules. The suggestion is that the integrity of certain UV-sensitive factor(s), which is involved in maintaining normal structure of germinal granules, is indispensable for the determination of the primordial germ cells.  相似文献   

The hormonal response of the male rat to sexual activity was investigated in two studies. In the first, no evidence of a chronic elevation in plasma levels of testosterone (T), LH, or prolactin (PRL) was observed in sexually experienced rats compared to naive controls. Both groups showed an acute increase in plasma levels of all three hormones following mating, but the increases shown by the experienced group were more pronounced. In the second study, plasma levels of T, LH and PRL rose in sexually experienced male rats following exposure to a mating arena whether it contained an estrous female, an anestrous female, or no other animal. However, the increases were considerably larger in the group exposed to estrous females. It is suggested that plasma hormones rise in anticipation of mating, although not to the same extent as following mating, and that the anticipatory rise may function to initiate or facilitate mating behavior.  相似文献   

Details are given of a meiotic prophase analysis, carried out by spreading, of a human 9;20 reciprocal translocation ascertained in a subfertile, oligospermic male. Air-dried meiotic preparations revealed the presence of translocation quadrivalents at metaphase I. Germ-cell degeneration was evident from the early prophase of meiosis onward. Associations between the translocation quadrivalent and XY bivalent at pachytene were seen in only 20% of the cells and seemed not to be the prime cause of germ-cell failure. Pairing disruption around the breakpoints of the translocation at pachytene and/or pairing failure in one arm of the pachytene cross was observed in a total of 87% of all cells analyzed. This could have contributed significantly to germ-cell atresia.  相似文献   

M V Glazkov 《Genetika》1986,22(10):2430-2438
Amplification structures have been found in preparations of histone-depleted somatic (liver) and sex (spermatogonia, spermatocytes 1) rat cells. Multi-forked chromosomal (2-4 replicative forks originating from a single strand of DNA) and extrachromosomal circular amplification structures have been detected in the nuclei of sex cells. All the circular molecules of DNA detected belong, according to size, to the class of small nuclear polydispersed circular DNAs. Chromosomal amplification structures (eye-in-eye or several replicative forks originating from one DNA strand) have been only detected in the nuclei of somatic cells.  相似文献   

Gerstel DU  Burns JA  Burk LG 《Genetics》1978,89(1):157-169
Plants with the cytoplasm of Nicotiana repanda and the chromosomes of N. tabacum produce nonfunctional and feminized anthers. Introduction of a satellited fragment chromosome, apparently derived from N. repanda, restores normal anthers and pollen fertility. The fragment is somatically stable and addition-homozygotes transmit it to the great majority of their offspring. Cells with the fragment exhibit amphiplasty, i.e. , in plants having one or two fragments, nucleolar organizers of N. tabacum are suppressed and the nucleoli are entirely or largely produced by the fragments. Formation of nucleoli by organizers from N. repanda in N. repanda cytoplasm may thus be a condition for male fertility. The manner in which nucleoli may influence the development of originally indeterminate sex primordia is discussed. Further cytological studies of cytoplasmically male-sterile plants and restorer chromosomes are needed to decide whether the observed relationship is of functional significance or merely accidental.  相似文献   

I. Klasterska  C. Ramel 《Genetica》1990,80(3):181-187
With silver nitrate (Ag-NOR) staining, unusual fibrillar structures, apparently coupled to the nucleolus, were found is several species of the D. virilis group. In D. littoralis, beaded strings appear in connection with these structures, whereas the late prophase is characterized by the appearance of multiple nucleoli in the nucleoplasm. In D. virilis, the nucleus has a prominent pointed protrusion in the region of the nucleolus and often a fibril protrudes from this point. Small nucleoli are budding from the nucleolus during prophase. The multiple nucleoli at late prophase are smaller and fewer. A nucleolar body with black spots appears at prometaphase and persists through metaphase and anaphase. In D. lummei, the nucleolus becomes surrounded by fibrils, which are released into the nucleoplasm and on which multiple nucleoli are synthesized.These phenomena are similar to the events described in oocyte meiosis of many animals, where rDNA amplification, coupled to the synthesis of multiple nucleoli in late prophase, has been established.  相似文献   

P. E. Polani 《Chromosoma》1972,36(4):343-374
Techniques for obtaining differential Giemsa staining of the paracentromeric (p.c.) regions of male and female mouse meiotic chromosomes (centromeric heterochromatin) were explored and standard procedures developed for the different meiotic cells in the two sexes. The best result followed the use of heat at controlled pH in Sörensen's phosphate buffer or in Standard Saline Citrate (SSC) solutions. With these techniques, morphological features of the p.c. regions and their variation were studied in normal animals (CFLP strain) and in a strain (AKR) homozygous for a centric fusion [T(11; ?)-1 Ald] between chromosomes No. 6 and No. 15 (Miller et al., 1971). The Y chromosome was often found to show distinct p. c. staining at first and apparently at second meiotic metaphase, and the X and Y chromosomes were found to associate as bivalents by their long arms. Autosomal p.c. regions showed variation in size which might indicate differences between non-homologous chromosomes but a tendency to similarity between homologues. Differences were found between males and females in respect to proportions and variation of bivalents with single and double chiasmata. The relative positions of chiasmata were different in the two sexes. The presence of the centric fusion in the males did not seem to affect the pairing behaviour of the remaining autosomes or of those taking part in the centric fusion. The possibility is discussed that the p.c. regions, to which also other functions would seem to appertain, may be important for chromosome recognition and pairing, possibly on a quantitative basis.  相似文献   

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