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Studies were undertaken to provide information regarding cell-specific expression of mucin genes and their relation to developmental and neoplastic patterns of epithelial cytodifferentiation. In situ hybridization was used to study mRNA expression of mucin genes in duodenum and accessory digestive glands (liver, gallbladder, pancreas) of 13 human embryos and fetuses (6. 5-27 weeks' gestation), comparing these with normal and neoplastic adult tissues. These investigations demonstrated that the pattern of mucin gene expression in fetal duodenum reiterated the patterns we observed during gastric and intestinal ontogenesis, with MUC2 and MUC3 expression in the surface epithelium and MUC6 expression associated with the development of Brünner's glands. In embryonic liver, MUC3 was already expressed at 6.5 weeks of gestation in hepatoblasts. As in adults, MUC1, MUC2, MUC3, MUC5AC, MUC5B, and MUC6 were expressed in fetal gallbladder, whereas MUC4 was not. In contrast, MUC4 was strongly expressed in gallbladder adenocarcinomas. MUC5B and MUC6 were expressed in fetal pancreas, from 12 weeks and 26 weeks of gestation, respectively. Surprisingly, MUC3 which is strongly expressed in adult pancreas, was not detected in developmental pancreas. Taken together, these data show complex spatio-temporal regulation of the mucin genes and suggest a possible regulatory role for mucin gene products in gastroduodenal epithelial cell differentiation.  相似文献   

The digestive tract of vertebrates is a complex organ system required for the digestion of food and the absorption of nutrients. The colon evolved as a water absorption organ essential for vertebrates to survive on land. In contrast to land vertebrates, the Chondrichthyes (sharks, skates and rays) are nearly iso-osmotic with their ocean environment and do not reabsorb water from food waste. To understand the origin of the vertebrate colon, we examined the distribution of sulfated and sialyated mucus-producing cells in the little skate, Raja erinacea, as an indication of water absorption function in the chondrichthian digestive tract. The percentage of acid mucin producing goblet cells was analyzed in the spiral valve and hindgut of little skate and the small intestine and colon of mouse embryos. Levels of acid mucins in the hindgut of the little skate was comparable to that of the small intestines of terrestrial vertebrates, whereas the distal region of the spiral valve contained high levels of acid mucin producing cells similar to the colon of mouse and chick. The low numbers of acid mucins in the little skate hindgut confirms that a functional colon for water absorption is absent in the Chondrichthyes. Interestingly, the presence of high levels of acid mucins in the posterior spiral valve provides evidence for a possible primordial water-absorbing organ in the elasmobranchs. Hoxd13 patterns acid mucins in the colons of terrestrial vertebrates. Expression of Hoxd13 and Hoxa13 in R. erinacea suggests conserved roles for Hox genes in patterning the early hindgut.  相似文献   

The process of differentiation of digestive tract structures in the sterlet Acipenser ruthenus (L.) larvae was studied from hatching to the beginning of exogenous feeding [9 dph (day post hatching)] using histological procedures. On the day of hatching the digestive tract was closed and completely filled with nutrients (the yolk platelets) that were successively utilized during development. A liver primordium was present in the ventral region of the yolksac. The pancreas was observed on the 2 dph. At the same time, the mouth opening took place. Glandular and nonglandular stomach and anterior and intermediate intestine developed from the yolksac walls. Gastric glands became visible on the 7 dph. The primary intestine developed into the spiral intestine. At the moment of onset of exogenous feeding the yolk material was completely exhausted and there was not mixed feeding observed in sterlet larvae. The fish started exogenous feeding on the 9 dph, which was accompanied with evacuation of melanin plug. At the end of endogenous feeding the digestive tract of sterlet larvae was developed and functional, so they could properly utilize food.  相似文献   

The expression of villin, an actin-binding protein and major structural component of the brush border of specialized absorptive cells, was studied during mouse embryogenesis. We show that the ontogeny of villin expression is limited to the epithelial cell lineages of the digestive and uro-genital tracts and accounts for the tissue-specific expression observed in adult mice. This spatiotemporal pattern of villin expression is distinctive in sequence, intensity, regional distribution and polarization. During the development of the primitive gut, villin is faintly and discontinuously expressed in the invaginating foregut but it is expressed in every cell bordering the hindgut pocket. Later, villin expression increases along the developing intestine and concentrates in the brush border of the epithelium bordering the villi. In gut derivatives, villin is present in liver and pancreas primordia but only biliary and pancreatic cells maintain a faint villin expression as observed in adults. In the urogenital tract, mesonephric tubules are the first mesodermal derived structures to express villin. This expression is maintained in the ductuli efferents, paradidymis and epo?phoron. Villin then appears in the proximal metanephric tubules and later increases and concentrates in the brush border of the renal proximal tubular epithelial cells. Thus villin expression can be considered as an early marker of the endodermal cell lineage during the development of the digestive system. Conversely, during the development of the excretory and genital system, villin is only expressed after the mesenchyme/epithelium conversion following the appearance of tubular structures. These observations emphasize the multiple levels of regulation of villin gene activity that occur during mouse embryogenesis and account for the strict pattern of tissue-specific expression observed in adults. In the future, regulatory elements of the villin gene may be used to target the early expression of oncogenes to the digestive and urogenital tracts of transgenic mice.  相似文献   

Human gastric mucous cells - gastric cancer cell lines mucin gene expression - TNFalpha - RT-PCR immunocytochemistry Little is known on the expression pattern of mucin genes in human gastric cancer cell lines in relation to mucin expression in normal gastric epithelial cells. Thus, the aim of this study was to compare gastric cancer cell lines and non-transformed epithelial cells in their expression of the different mucin genes, in order to use these cells as models for physiological MUC expression in human stomach. Human gastric mucous cell primary cultures which were obtained from surgical specimen by collagenase/pronase treatment and a panel of six human gastric cancer cells were screened for mRNA expression of the mucin genes MUC1, MUC2, MUC5AC, MUC5B, and MUC6. Mucin gene expression was analyzed by semi-quantitative RT-PCR, and by Western blotting and immunocytochemistry. Primary cultured human gastric mucous cells retained the stomach-specific pattern of mRNA expression found in gastric mucosal biopsies (MUC1, MUC5AC, MUC6), whereas any gastric cancer cell line exhibited an aberrant mucin gene expression. Mucin gene expression showed large variations in levels and patterns from cell line to cell line, but MUC2 was aberrantly expressed in all cancer cells. Immunocytochemistry confirmed aberrant MUC2 protein expression in cancer cells. The expression of the secretory mucin genes MUC2 and MUC5AC varied in relation to the length of cultivation of the cancer cell lines. Treatment of the gastric cancer cells with TNFalpha resulted in an enhanced mRNA expression of MUC1, MUC2, and MUC5AC (2-fold increase within 3 hours; p <0.05). In contrast, immunocytochemistry disclosed a decrease in MUC2 and MUC5AC staining intensity. Our results indicate that primary cultured human gastric mucous cells provide a physiological in vitro system for investigations of gastric mucin gene regulation. In gastric cancer cells marked changes in the mucin gene expression pattern are found with coexpression of non-gastric type mucins. Gastric mucin gene expression may be regulated by proinflammatory cytokines which could have implications in gastritis.  相似文献   

The peanut agglutinin (PNA)-binding site is protein-bound Gal beta 1-->3GalNAc, and is a tumor-associated carbohydrate marker expressed in many human carcinomas. PNA-binding glycoproteins isolated from KATO-III human gastric carcinoma cells were deglycosylated by trifluoromethanesulfonic acid, and rabbit antibodies against the core proteins were used to screen a lambda gt11 expression library constructed from these cells. Two different core proteins were identified by this approach. One was polymorphic epithelial mucin (PEM), initially found in breast carcinomas. PEM mRNA was expressed in normal tissues of the stomach, colon, and lung, but not in the small intestine, thyroid, and spleen. High levels of PEM mRNA were detected in some nude mouse-transplanted carcinomas, i.e. colorectal, pancreatic, stomach, and lung carcinomas. The other core protein was a novel one called MGC-24, which has a molecular mass of 24 kDa, is rich in hydroxyl amino acids and cysteine, and lacks repeating motifs. The mature MGC-24 glycoprotein behaved as a high-molecular-mass one upon SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis even after neuraminidase treatment. Treatment with endo-alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminidase in the absence of neuraminidase significantly changed the staining pattern by anti-MGC-24, confirming that MGC-24 carried PNA-binding sites. MGC-24 mRNA was intensely expressed in normal tissues of the colon, small intestine and thyroid, and in some nude mouse-transplanted colorectal and pancreatic adenocarcinomas.  相似文献   

The embryonic chicken digestive tract consists of endodermal epithelium and mesenchyme derived from splanchnic mesoderm. Interactions between these two tissues are important for the establishment of regionality and the subsequent differentiation of digestive organs. In the present study we obtained a monoclonal antibody that reacted with mucus-associated antigen and named it the MA antibody. From 6 days of incubation, this antibody reacted with the esophageal, proventricular and gizzard epithelia. In the proventriculus, the MA antigen was expressed in luminal epithelial cells, while pepsinogen-producing gland cells became MA antigen-negative. The intestinal goblet cells, which secrete mucus, became positive to the antibody from day 13 of incubation. When the esophageal, proventricular or gizzard epithelium of a 6 day embryo was associated and cultivated with the proventricular mesenchyme, the luminal epithelial cells remained reactive to the MA antibody while gland cells were negative or only weakly positive. If the small-intestinal epithelium was cultivated with the proventricular or gizzard mesenchyme, the antigen was detected on the apical surface of the epithelium, suggesting that the expression of the MA antigen was induced by mesenchymal influences in the small-intestinal epithelium. These results suggest that spatio-temporally regulated expression of the MA antigen is controlled by the epithelial-mesenchymal interactions.  相似文献   

The accessory gland of the male Drosophila melanogaster plays a vital role in reproduction. This secretory organ synthesizes products that are transferred to the female and are necessary to elicit the proper physiological and behavioral responses in the female. The accessory gland is composed of two morphologically distinct secretory cell types, the main cells and the secondary cells. Previous studies identified some genes expressed in main cells or in all accessory gland cells. In this paper we use P-element mediated enhancer traps to examine gene expression in the accessory gland. We show that, in addition to genes expressed in main cells only or in all accessory gland secretory cells, there are genes expressed specifically in secondary cells. Each cell type is uniform in the expression of its genes. Our results demonstrate that the two cell types are not only morphologically distinct but also biochemically distinct. We also show that the two cell types differ in their regulation of gene expression in response to mating activity.  相似文献   

This study aimed at exploring the correlation between DJ-1 gene and survivin gene in laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma by analyzing their gene expression levels and their relationship with clinicopathologic parameters. The expression of DJ-1 gene and survivin gene in 82 laryngeal carcinoma tissues from patients and 82 negative surgical margin tissue samples were detected by immunohistochemistry, respectively. The correlation of their expression levels and patients’ clinical parameters were then analyzed by Pearson correlation analysis. The positive detection rates of DJ-1 and survivin in laryngeal carcinoma tissues were 71.95% and 60.98%, which were higher than those of the normal control that were 29.27% and 0.00%, respectively (P<0.01). The positive detection rates of DJ-1 and survivin were found associated with tumor stages (P<0.05), but not with lymph node metastasis. The DJ-1 gene expression level was related to cell differentiation (P<0.05). Finally, a positive correlation between DJ-1 and survivin gene expression in laryngeal carcinoma was found. The overall survival rate of patients was 51.2%, and disease-free survival (DFS) was 39.0%. DFS in DJ-1 negative-expression group was 87.0%, and 20.3% in DJ-1 positive-expression group. The negative expression of DJ-1 was associated with a shorter mean patient DFS time (44.643±1.417 months), whereas positive expression of DJ-1 was associated with a longer mean DSF time (25.943±1.297 months). DJ-1 and survivin play a vital role in the occurrence and development of laryngeal carcinoma. DJ-1 may promote the carcinogenesis of laryngeal cells by up-regulating the survivin gene expression.  相似文献   

We performed tissue recombination experiments to discover the mesenchymal influences on differentiation of epithelia in chicken digestive organs. Epithelia and mesenchymes were taken from the lung, esophagus, proventriculus, gizzard, small intestine and large intestine of 6-day chicken embryos and recombined in various associations and cultivated in vitro for 6 days. Rather unexpectedly, embryonic chicken pepsinogen (ECPg) gene, a marker of the proventricular epithelium, was induced in the gizzard epithelium, which does not express ECPg in normal development, by the proventricular and lung mesenchymes. In the second half of this study, we investigated the mode of action of mesenchymal cells on ECPg expression in gizzard epithelial cells more precisely using the cell aggregate culture system, in which gizzard epithelial cells were mixed with proventricular, gizzard or lung mesenchymal cells. We found that supporting action of lung mesenchymal cells on ECPg expression was even stronger than that of proventricular mesenchymal cells, and suggest that the action of lung mesenchyme may be due partly to the enhancement of epithelial cell proliferation. According to the results of this study, together with many facts obtained so far, we will discuss a new model for restricted expression of ECPg in the proventricular epithelium in normal development.  相似文献   

Summary The cellular localization of an aminopeptidase N homologous to the brush-border intestinal enzyme and that of human blood group A-substances were investigated using the immunofluorescence technique on thin frozen sections (200 nm) of the digestive tract and associated glands of A+ and A rabbits. Aminopeptidase N was found to be a common specific marker of both the apical region of plasma membrane of acinar cells in submaxillary and parotid glands and pancreas and the brush border of jejunum and colon absorbing cells. In hepatocytes, the enzyme was localized in the sinusoidal domains. Soluble A-substances were present in mucus secretory granules of intestinal goblet cells and those of stomach and gall bladder mucous cells. In contrast, the mucous acini of sublingual and submaxillary glands were devoid of A-antigenicity. The columnar cells of striated ducts of these glands exhibited A-antigenicity. Soluble A-substances were also found in zymogen granules of parotid and pancreas acinar cells and those of stomach chief cells. Moreover, in all cells secreting A-substances, and in the non-secreting absorbing intestinal cells, the glycoproteins of the plasma membrane bore A-determinants. Aminopeptidase N was one of the membrane-bound glycoproteins that bore A-determinants in cells that expressed A-antigenicity.  相似文献   

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