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报道了我国云南红河流域山柚子科的一个原始新属--甜菜树属,该属具大型圆锥花序,两性,是Lepionurus,Melientha和Champeueia3个单型属的祖型,远远无疑起源于康滇古陆即今之云南高原,其发现对山柚子科的起源分化具重要意义。  相似文献   

报道了产于我国云南红河流域山柚子科的一个原始新属——甜菜树属,该属具大型圆锥花序,两性,是Lepionurus, Melientha和Champereia 3个单型属的祖型,无疑起源于康滇古陆即今之云南高原,其发现对研究山柚子科的起源与分化具重要意义。  相似文献   

甜菜树属(中国山柚子科新纪录属)一新种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
小乔木;小枝无毛。单叶互生,革质或肉质,无毛。花单性,雌雄异株,排成圆锥花序,花序轴纤细,具乳头状小突起,微被毛;花序多着生在主干上,少数着生在小枝上或小枝上部的叶腋;花4(-5);雄花单1或3—5簇生于苞片腋;花丝短,贴生于花被片基部;花药较大;花盘肉质微裂,类似退化的子房;雌花平生于苞腋,有时3—5簇生,具短梗。核果椭圆形,长卵形或倒卵形,长2.3—4厘米,果皮薄,厚1.5  相似文献   

甜菜树是主产于我国云南红河谷流域河岸沟边一种稀有的小乔木,其嫩茎叶甜菜是一道珍稀味美的野生菜肴,其资源稀少,人为破坏严重,具有广阔的市场开发前景。本文从概念的争议到定名、形态学特征及分布、营养成分研究、核型研究以及组织培养研究等方面简述了近年来对其研究进展。  相似文献   

研究了单型属毒药树属Sladerua的核型,并与被认为有关的狭义山茶科、厚皮香科和猕猴桃科等进行了核型比较。毒药树属的体细胞中期染色体数目为2n=48,核型公式2n=4x=48=4M 36m 8sm,核型为2A型,没有发现随体和次缢痕。体细胞间期核为浓密分散型,前期核为中间型。结果表明,毒药树属与相关类群不但在染色体基数上有差异,而且在染色体大小、核型、间期核、前期核以及随体的有无等方面都不尽相同。研究结果不支持目前分子研究的观点,即把毒药树属放在厚皮香科,且认为它与猕猴桃科和狭义山茶科的亲缘关系也较远。  相似文献   

台湾山柚属(山柚子科)的一个新组合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陶德定   《广西植物》1993,13(1):8-11
木文是对《甜菜树属(中国山柚子科新记录属)一新种》(载“云南植物研究”1989年11卷4期)一文的修订。将误定于甜菜树属(Mlelientha Pierre)下的长蕊甜菜树(M.longi-staminea)改隶于台湾山柚属(Champereia Griff.),重新组合为四数台湾山柚(Champereia)longistaminea。如果将长蕊甜菜树(Melientha longistaminea)置于甜菜树属(Melientha)中,则混淆了台湾山柚属(Champereia Pierre)与甜菜树属(Melientha Pierre)的区别界线。  相似文献   

天南星科斑龙芋属植物的核型研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
报道了天南星科(Araceae)斑龙芋属(Sauromatum)两种植物的型,它们的静止核均为渐变型,分裂前期染色体均为中间型,体细胞中期染色体均为2n=26,核型分别为:斑龙芋(S.venosum)2n=2x=26=14m 12sm;高黎贡山斑龙芋(S.gaoligongense)2n=2x=26=10m 12sm 4st,其中高黎南山斑龙芋的染色体数目和核型为首次报道。本文还就斑龙芋属的分类地位进行了初步讨论,认为在尚未进行更详细的、多方面的综合研究之前,仅从一些形态上的相似性就匆忙将斑龙芋属归并到犁头尖属是值得商榷的,并从珠芽和细胞学两方面的特性推断属与半夏属可能有较近的亲缘关系。  相似文献   

中国树蟋属的研究:直翅目:树蟋科   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国树蟋属的研究(直翅目:树蟋科)刘宪伟,殷海生,夏凯龄(中国科学院上海昆虫研究所,上海200025)关键词树蟋科;树蟋属;新种;中国树蟋属Oecanthus隶属蟋蟀总科Grylloidea树蟋科()ecanthidae。本属体细长而纤弱,体色一般呈...  相似文献   

裸蒴属的核型及三白草科四属间系统关系的探讨   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
本文首次报道三白草科裸蒴属中华裸蒴(Gymnotheca chinensis Decne)和白苞裸蒴(G. involucrata Pei)的染色体数目。两个种的体细胞染色体数均为2n=18,染色体基数为x=9。三白草科原始祖先的染色体基数假定为x=11,裸蒴属可能是经非整倍减少演变而来。裸蒴属间期核型属球状或棒状前染色体型。本文根据三白草科染色体研究的结果和现代地理分布格局,结合其他分枝学科的研究资料,对科下四属间的系统发育关系提出了初步假设。  相似文献   

树麦蛾属Erippe Chambers隶属麦蛾科Gelechiidae麦蛾亚科Gelechiinae,分布于古北区、新北区和新热带区。包括本文全世界已记载19种,已知寄主的种类都危害木本植物。本文记述我国树麦蛾属8种,其中有6新种。研究中采用Pitkin(1986)“展开技术”(the unrolling technique)的制片方法:将复杂类型的麦蛾雄性外生殖器自背兜一侧展开,以免特征重叠。全部研究标本保存在西北林学院。  相似文献   

Yunnanopilia longistaminea (W.Z. Li) C.Y. Wu & D.Z. Li, which is a controversial species in Opiliaceae, is treated as a variety of Champereia manillana (Blume) Merrill in the Flora of China and morphological analysis has produced conflicting results regarding its affinity to Melientha and Champereia. To determine the systematic position of Yunnanopilia in Opiliaceae, we selected two nuclear regions (internal transcribed spacer [ITS4‐ITS5] and 18S rDNA) and four chloroplast regions (rbcL, matK, psbAtrnH, and trnStrnG) to test the phylogenetics of the family Opiliaceae using maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference analysis. Morphological characteristics were also examined to clarify the similarities and differences among Y. longistaminea and two closely related species. Agonandra was located at the basal position in the family Opiliaceae; in the large clade including other remaining genera, two main clades were clearly identified and correlated with inflorescence morphological characteristics. All samples of Y. longistaminea formed a clade. Yunnanopilia, Melientha, and Champereia were more closely related than other genera of Opiliaceae. Yunnanopilia longistaminea was sister to M. suavis Pierre and was more closely related to M. suavis than to C. manillana. Morphological analysis also showed that differences in the inflorescences and flowers between Y. longistaminea and M. suavis were substantial enough to warrant the retention of Y. longistaminea in its current genus. Thus, we suggest that the monotypic Yunnanopilia be treated as a distinct genus and that the name Y. longistaminea should be adopted.  相似文献   

A new species, Lysimachia septemfida(Primulaceae), from Yunnan(Southwest China) is described and illustrated. The new species exhibits several unusual characters in Lysimachia including lack of a corolla,7-merous flowers, leaves in whorls of 3 and distinct multicellular nodiferous hairs, which make it readily distinguishable from all other species in this genus. The diagnostic differences between this new species and its suppositive allies are given. In addition, the systematic placement of this new species is also discussed based on an ITS molecular tree.  相似文献   

豆科长柄山蚂蝗属一新组合   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Ohashi和Mill提出长柄山蚂蝗属的正确学名是Hylodesmum H.Ohashi&R.R.Mill,用以取代由来已久的属名Podocarpium(Benth.)Y.C.Yang&P.H.Huang。本文根据该属属名的变化,提出并确定澜沧长柄山蚂蝗的新组合名称为Hylodesmum lancangense(Y.Y.Qian X.Y.Zhu&H.Ohashi。  相似文献   

Abstract Hedychium menghaiense X. Hu & N. Liu, a new species of the Zingiberaceae from Yunnan Province, China, is described and illustrated. The new species is currently known only from its type locality, Nannuoshan Mountain, Menghai County, growing under evergreen broad‐leaved forests at altitudes of 1400–1700 m. It is similar to Hedychium forrestii Diels, but differs in its narrower and emarginate labellum folded inwards lengthwise, narrower staminodes, and scarlet stamen. The recognition of the new species is supported by the results from analysis of sequence‐related amplified polymorphism markers.  相似文献   

Jin XiaoHua  Li Heng 《Brittonia》2007,59(3):243-244
Listera fugongensis, a new species from Yunnan, China, is described and illustrated. The new species is probably related to Listera nipponica, but differs from it by having green flowers, petals slightly wider than lateral sepals, and a toothed lip with ciliate margins.  相似文献   

Hedychium menghaiense X.Hu & N.Liu,a new species of the Zingiberaceae from Yunnan Province,China,is described and illustrated.The new species is currently known only from its type locality,Nannuoshan Mountain,Menghai County,growing under evergreen broad-leaved forests at altitudes of 1400-1700 m.It is similar to Hedychium forrestii Diels,but differs in its narrower and emarginate labellum folded inwards lengthwise,narrower staminodes,and scarlet stamen.The recognition of the new species is supported by the ...  相似文献   

Petrocosmea glabrstoma ZJ. Qiu & YZ. Wang, a new species from Yunnan Province, China, is described and illustrated. The new species is similar to Petrocosmea forrestii Craib and Pmairei Lévl., but differs from them mainly by its leaves triangular or triangular ovate, corolla glabrous inside with shorter filament. Molecular and morphological data demonstrate that this new species has a close affinity to Pforrestii.  相似文献   

Cremanthodium weixiense (Asteraceae, Senecioneae), a new species from northwestern Yunnan, China, is described and illustrated. The new species is referred to C. ser. Calcicola based on its palmately veined leaves, discoid capitula and leaflike, herbaceous phyllaries. However, it is unique in this series in having dissected leaves. It is somewhat similar to C. pinnatisectum in C. ser. Campanulata in the dissected leaves and the discoid capitula, but differs by the suborbicular (versus subreniform) basal leaves with deeply cordate (versus subtruncate) bases and very narrow (versus obviously divergent) sinuses, the presence (versus absence) of a conspicuously sheathed petiolar base of stem leaves, the broadly cylindrical (versus campanulate) involucres and the leaflike, herbaceous (versus petaloid, membranous) phyllaries.  相似文献   

汪健  杜凡  刘悦 《西北植物学报》2012,32(12):2563-2565
报道并描述了云南德钦县景天科石莲属一新种———狭鳞石莲(Sinocrassula stenosquamata J.Wang&F.Du)。该新种与密叶石莲[Sinocrassula densirosulata(Praeger)A.Berger]和云南石莲[Sinocrassula yunnanensis(Franchet)A.Berger]相似,主要区别特征为:植株通体红色,被乳突;基生叶小,卵形至卵状披针形,长0.7~1.1cm,宽0.3~0.5cm;鳞片长方形,长约0.6mm,宽约0.2mm;花柱细长,约1mm。  相似文献   

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