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The effect of six seed-borne fungi on linseed oil was studied. Alternaria alternate, Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus repens, Fusarium culmorum and Torula allii reduced oil content while Cladosporum herbarum slightly increased it. All fungi increased the free fatty acid content and saponification number linseed oil. Iodine number was decreased except in Cladosporium herbarum and Fusarium culmorum. Aspergillus flavus was the most destructive parasite in altering quantity and quality of linseed oil.  相似文献   

Fusarium oxysporum, F. moniliforme and F. semitectum isolated from Brassica campestris var. dichotoma seeds were grown on autoclaved seeds and after several weeks of incubation the oil was analysed. All the three Fusarium species reduced oil content and altered its colour. The infested oil emitted mouldy odour and the refractive index increased. The free fatty acid content increased progressively. The saponification value increased but the iodine value decreased.  相似文献   

不同浓度海水对油葵幼苗光合作用和叶绿素荧光特性的影响   总被引:23,自引:4,他引:23  
采用砂培法,研究了不同浓度海水对油葵幼苗光合作用和叶绿素荧光特性的影响.结果显示:10%和20%海水处理下,油葵幼苗叶绿素含量、P n和ΦPSⅡ值较对照没有明显差异,表明较低浓度的海水处理对油葵幼苗光合作用没有明显影响;而30%和40%海水处理显著降低了油葵幼苗的叶绿素含量、P n、G s,同时还降低了叶绿素荧光参数F v/Fm、F v/F o、ΦPSⅡ和qP,表明高浓度海水处理抑制了油葵幼苗PSⅡ活性,降低了光合和碳同化能力,不利于幼苗的生长.此外,高浓度海水处理下油葵幼苗净光合速率的下降主要是气孔因素所致.  相似文献   

Some microbiological parameters, such as the fungal mycelium length, the number of fungal spores, the distribution profiles of micromycetes, the viability of fungal propagules, the length distribution of micromycete hyphae, and the ratio between fungal spores and yeastlike cells, can be used to determine the degree of soil contamination with oil and the concentration that is inhibitory to micromycete complexes of highmoor peats.  相似文献   

采用丙酮抽提、高压液相分离纯化等技术从嗜热菌Geobacillus therm oleovorans以正十六烷为碳源培养的发酵液中分离获得性能突出的表面活性物质。利用甲脂化、乙酰化衍生技术结合GC-MS,MS(ESI)等鉴定该表面活性剂为单脂肪酸甘油脂。实验条件下,该表面活性剂使水的表面张力降低到32.7 mN/m,测定其临界胶束浓度为41 mg/L。  相似文献   

Food Biophysics - In this research, the capability of different oleogelators (beeswax, rice bran wax and sunflower wax, stearic acid, octadecanol, γ-oryzanol+β-sitosterol mixture and...  相似文献   

Koide, R. 1985. The effect of VA mycorrhizal infection and phosphorusstatus on sunflower hydraulic and stomatal properties.—J. exp. Bot. 36: 1087–1098. Mycorrhizal (M) and non-mycorrhizal (NM) sunflower plants weregrown in a soil of low phosphorus availability (with and withoutphosphorus amendment) and in a soil of moderate phosphorus availability(without phosphorus amendment). Using the Ohm's law analogyand measured leaf water potentials, stem water potentials, andtranspiration rates, hydraulic resistances were calculated forthe whole plant, leaf, and below leaf components. Mycorrhizalinfection (as high as 89%) was shown to have no effect on theintrinsic hydraulic properties of the soil/plant system overa wide range of transpiration rates in either soil when M andNM plants of equivalent root length were compared. When grownin the soil of moderate phosphorus availability, calculatedhydraulic resistances under given environmental conditions werethe same for M and NM plants, as were stomatal resistances andtranspiration rates. When grown in the soil of low phosphorusavailability, calculated values of hydraulic resistance werelower for M plants than for NM plants under given sets of environmentalconditions. These differences in calculated hydraulic resistancewere not due to a difference in the intrinsic hydraulic propertiesof M and NM plants. The differences were evident because stomatalresistances were lower and transpiration rates higher for Mplants and because hydraulic resistance varied inversely withtranspiration rate. When plants of significantly greater rootlength were compared to plants of lesser root length, the calculatedhydraulic resistances under given environmental conditions weremuch lower for the plants of greater root length. This differencewas largely due to a difference in the intrinsic hydraulic propertiesbetween large and small plants, and not because of differencesin transpiration rate. The elevated transpiration rates exhibitedby M plants were attributed to an enhanced phosphorus status.Short term phosphorus amendments made to phosphorus-deficientNM plants improved transpiration; transpiration rates were similarfor M and NM plants before NM plants became phosphorus-deficient,and phosphorus-amended M and NM plants had similar transpirationrates. The data are discussed in relation to other reports ofmycorrhizal influence on hydraulic and stomatal resistances.Possible mechanisms for the influence of infection on stomatalresistance are also briefly discussed. Key words: Hydraulic resistance, stomatal resistance, mycorrhizas  相似文献   

Every day, petrochemical activities, oil spills, and pipeline or reservoir leakage contaminate the ground. In addition to environmental concerns, such as groundwater pollution, the alteration of geotechnical properties of the contaminated soil is also cause for worry. Contamination has been proven to alter the geotechnical properties of soil, and researchers have extensively studied the properties of contaminated granular soils. However, the effect of oil contamination on the geotechnical properties of fine-grained soils has not yet been well evaluated. Therefore, a comprehensive set of laboratory tests has been conducted on both uncontaminated and contaminated fine-grained soils containing different amounts of crude oil. The soil samples were taken from the lands in the vicinity of the Tehran oil refinery site where there is a vast area subjected to this problem.

The results of this study indicated that an increase in the angle of internal friction, maximum dry density, compression index, and Atterberg limits as well as a decrease in optimum water content and cohesion occur as the oil content increases. Moreover, aging caused a further decrease in cohesion but had no specific effect on the internal friction angle. These effects should be taken into consideration in the oil refinery site development programs. In addition, because treatment technologies for site clean-up are expensive, by investigating the geotechnical properties of contaminated soil, we are planning to develop methods of utilizing the soil as construction material.  相似文献   

葵花籽是一种优质的油料资源,是世界第四大油料作物。葵花籽不但含油量高,葵花籽油以其高达90%的不饱和脂肪酸和富含维生素E、胡萝卜素等营养成分的特点,被称为"保健油",有延缓衰老、调节新陈代谢和降低胆固醇等功能。采用酶辅助压榨法制备葵花籽油,在提高出油率的同时保留油脂的天然风味。通过单因素实验法研究了酶的种类、酶添加量、pH值、液固比、温度和时间对压榨葵花籽油出油率的影响,以确定最佳的工艺条件。结果表明,最佳工艺条件为:选用纤维素酶,酶添加量为0.7%,pH为4.5,液固比为25%,酶解温度为55℃,酶解时间为2.5 h。在此最佳条件下,出油率是传统冷榨法的3.48倍,油脂提取率达85%。  相似文献   

When tomato leaves were sprayed with 0.1% emulsified canola oil, corn oil, grape seed oil, peanut oil, safflower oil, soya bean oil or sunflower oil, the severity of powdery mildew caused by Oidium neolycopersici was greatly reduced. Among these edible oils tested, sunflower oil was the most effective in the control of powdery mildew. When sprayed with 0.5% sunflower oil, powdery mildew on tomato leaves was reduced to a negligible level. Sunflower oil applied to halves of upper leaf surface did not induce resistance against the pathogen in the non‐treated halves. When applied to halves of lower leaf surface, it also failed to reduce the severity of powdery mildew on the upper leaf surface right above the treated area indicating that control of the powdery mildew by sunflower oil did not result from activation of host defence mechanisms. Scanning electron microscopy showed that control of powdery mildew with sunflower oil resulted mainly from the inhibition of conidial germination and suppression of mycelial growth of the pathogen.  相似文献   

土壤条件对向日葵列当寄生的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以高感列当的向日葵品种‘龙食葵2号’为试验材料,采用室内接种列当温室培养的方法,研究土壤条件对向日葵列当寄生与生长的影响。结果表明:(1)土壤质地对向日葵列当的寄生具有显著影响,培养50 d时,沙壤土、壤土、粘土中列当的出土数分别为 32.2、19.5和4.6个,平均单株寄生列当数量分别为38.8、24.0和8.2个,说明通透性好的沙壤土有利于列当瘤的形成与生长。(2)在沙壤土条件下,随着处理温度的上升,列当的出土数量和寄生数量均呈先升高后降低的趋势;当培养温度为25 ℃和30 ℃时,向日葵列当有较高的寄生数量与生长速度,列当出土数和平均单株寄生列当数量分别为30.4、31.6和39.8、39.4个。(3)在沙壤土条件下,随着土壤湿度的增加,列当的出土数量和寄生数量呈先升高后降低的变化趋势,并在土壤湿度为60%和70%达到较高值,列当出土数和平均单株寄生列当数量分别为32.6、30.9和39.9、40.9个,而在高湿条件下列当的寄生数量显著减少。(4)在沙壤土条件下,随着土壤pH值的增加,列当的出土数量和寄生数量也呈先升高后降低的变化趋势,并均在土壤pH值为8时达到最大值,列当出土数和平均单株寄生列当数量分别为47.5和51.1个,即列当在偏碱性的土壤环境中有着较高的寄生数量。研究发现,当土壤类型为沙壤土、土壤温度为25~30 ℃、土壤湿度为60%~70%、土壤 pH为8时有利于向日葵列当的寄生与生长;在实际生产中应选择中性或偏酸性的非沙壤土地种植向日葵,并注意调整播期和控制田间灌水量,以降低向日葵列当的危害。  相似文献   

The retention and shelf stability of cardamom oil entrapped in freeze- and spray-dried microcapsules coated with skim milk powder and modified starch was investigated. It was found that the retention of flavor in freeze-dried matrices was low and independent from the composition of wall material, whereas for the spray-dried microcapsules, it was much higher and markedly dependent on the type and percentage of coating material. It was also shown that the particle size of spray-dried powder greatly contributed to the flavor retention and surface oil content of microcapsules. Additionally, microscopic observation of powder particles revealed that the type of wall material and drying method distinctly influenced the morphological characteristics of powders which presumably caused a difference in their capability of cardamom oil retention.  相似文献   

The Effect of Salinity on the Membrane Potential of Sunflower Roots   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effect of NaCl and Na2SO4 on the electrical potential difference(PD) across the membrane in the outer cortical cells of theroot of sunflower (Helianthus annuus) has been investigated.The effect on the PD of a range of concentrations of these saltsgiven as a shock treatment was compared with the long-term effectwhere plants were grown in a range of salinities for 2 weeks. Considerable effects on the PD were observed. In low concentrationsof salt (approximately 1 mM) the PD was enhanced whilst in highconcentrations there was a progressive reduction in the PD.Na2SO4 had a relatively greater effect on the PD than NaCl. Using a transient recorder it was possible to measure the PDacross the plasmalemma and the tonoplast separately. The PDacross the plasmalemma was found to be markedly affected bysalinity. The tonoplast PD was relatively small compared tothat across the plasmalemma and appeared to be little affectedby the salts.  相似文献   

The pollution of soil and the subsurface environment by crude oil spill and petroleum products spill is a major concern around the world. The aim of this research was to investigate the ability of fungi isolated from Tehran oil refinery area in removing crude oil and to evaluate their enzymatic activities. Plant root samples were collected from the polluted and control areas, and rhizospheral fungi were isolated and determined using the laboratory methods and taxonomic keys. Seven fungal species were isolated and then cultured in potato dextrose agar (PDA) media containing 0–15% (v/v) crude oil. Oil removal was determined after a one-month growth of fungal colonies and then compared with the control media. The results showed that the studied fungi were able to remove crude oil from the media. The highest removal efficiency was observed in Aspergillus sp. Total protein content and enzymatic activity (of peroxidase and catalase) increased with increasing crude oil pollution. The highest enzymatic activity was evaluated in Aspergillus sp. growing in media containing 15% petroleum and the lowest activity was found in non-polluted groups. Results showed that there is a direct correlation between oil-removing potency and enzymatic activity. Aspergillus sp. showed the highest enzyme activity and also the highest petroleum removal efficiency.  相似文献   

老年痴呆是现代老龄社会的常见病,对社会和病人的家庭都有重大的影响,因此老年痴呆有效成分已成为当今人们关注的研究热点之一,国内外抗痴呆化学药物的研究已取得了一定的进步,但由于此类药物具有较大的毒副作用,而药用菌则具有天然性和低毒副作用等特点,因而已成为科学家新的研究方向。药用菌抗肿瘤和提高免疫力等保健功效的研究已引起广泛的关注,而关于其抗痴呆的研究报道则较少见。本文就目前药用菌抗痴呆的研究进展作一阐述。  相似文献   

Separate and combined action of nitrosomethylurea (NMU) and heat shock (HS) on germination of seeds of the inbred line 3629 and derived nuclear and plastome mutant lines, n-chlorina-1 and en-chlorina-5, respectively, were studied. NMU at a concentration of 0.015%, as well as HS (40°C), had no effect on the spontaneous level of chromosome aberrations in root meristem of sunflower seedlings. However, at a concentration of 0.03%, the mutagen considerably increased the frequency of chromosome rearrangements. Pretreatment with heat for 30 min enhanced the cytogenetic effect of NMU (0.03%) on line 3629 seedlings. In the nuclear mutant, the reaction of root meristematic cells did not depend on the additional heat treatment. The combined action of HS and NMU at early germination stages had no effect on the survival of line 3629 plants and plastome mutant en-chlorina-5; the survival of n-chlorina-1 plants decreased. The highest frequency of M1plants with chlorophyllic abnormalities (green revertants, lethals, and variegated forms) was observed in n-chlorina-1 line.  相似文献   

Nimbya gomphrenae , Stemphylium vesicarium and Alternaria tagetica were isolated for the first time from seeds of diseased globe amaranth ( Gomphrena globosa ), pot marigold ( Calendula officinalis ) and marigold ( Tagetes erecta ), respectively, in Taiwan. The amount of seed-borne N. gomphrenae or Colletotrichum dematium was positively correlated (P=0.05) with the amount of the abnormal seedling and unemergent seed of globe amaranth. Similarly, the amount of seed-borne Alternaria alternata or S. vesicarium was negatively correlated (P=0.05) with the emergent rate of pot marigold. Treating the fungi-contaminated globe amaranth seeds with Bacillus megaterium [1.3 × 109colony-forming units (CFU)/ml] or 1% NaOCl significantly (P=0.05) increased seed emergence over control whereas 10 p.p.m. pyrifenox could control N. gomphrenae on globe amaranth. Stemphylium -contaminated pot marigold seeds responded to 200 p.p.m. iprodione treatment by increasing significantly (P=0.05) in seed emergence over untreated control. For seed-borne A. tagetica , treating marigold seeds with Bacillus azotoformanis (1 × 109CFU/ml) was found effective and mancozeb highly effective.  相似文献   

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