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In the course of investigation of men suffering from severe oligospermia the author has met with cases were spermatogenesis was normal in testicular biopsies, contrasting with repeatedly severe oligospermia, the situation being accompanied by an obvious malposition of the epididymis. The main anomaly of the epididymis was the absence of its habitual caudal structure. There is no clear physiopathological explanation for biopsy/sperm discrepancy linked to epididymal malposition, but experimental work concerning cryptepididymal situations may offer a clue.  相似文献   

Using rabbits, we have studied the effect of reinfection of T. mentagrophytes var granulosum and T. rubrum into lesions that were previously infected and resolved. Clinical mycological and histopathological studies were done for 16 weeks. Timentagrophytes produced a more severe infection than T. rubrum. The clinical lesions produced by reinoculation were less intense and long lasting.  相似文献   



This was a transverse randomized survey of subjects over the age of 18 years. Subjects completed a self-administered questionnaire composed of two parts. The first part contained information on demographic characteristics, associated diseases, erectile dysfunction and associated sexual disorders and the second part was based on IIEF5. Two groups were identified: a group with erectile dysfunction (ED group) and another group without erectile dysfunction (No ED group). Differences between the two groups were considered to be statistically significant for p ≤ 0.05 on the Chi-square test.


The global prevalence of erectile dysfunction was 26%. The prevalence by age-group revealed a progressive increase of ED with age from 11% between 20 and 30 years to 76% between 70 and 80 years. The rate of polygamous men was significantly higher in the group with ED (29.2%) compared to the group without ED (6.6%) (p < 0.0001) and the severity of ED increased in relation to the number of wives. Chronic alcoholism was significantly more frequent in the group with ED (p = 0.023). The frequency of ED increased with the duration of cigarette smoking from 11.9% for less than 5 years, 16.9% between 5 years and 10 years and 71.2% for more than 10 years. Some diseases (diabetes, hypertension and depression) were significantly more frequent in the group with ED. Analysis of the type of ED revealed that secondary erectile dysfunction was more frequent (95.6%) than primary erectile dysfunction (4.4%). Associated sexual disorders were significantly more frequent in the group with ED.  相似文献   

Conclusion Nous avons démontré des échanges assez importants du liquide entre les Abeilles aux températures élevées. Cette répartition est exprimée pour la première fois quantitativement. Nous supposons que c'est un phénomène d'une réaction thermorégulatrice sur le plan social. Nous sommes en train de vérifier si cette réaction crée un microclimat différent autour des Abeilles dans ces conditions expérimentales.  相似文献   

Pharmacological treatment has a central role in the treatment of a first episode psychosis. However, drug therapy must be viewed as within a framework of a global approach, whose aim is to facilitate the participation of the patient in the treatment regime. As the initial symptoms of psychotic disorders may often be atypical and complicated by co-morbidity, this can make both the early diagnosis and the choice of an appropriate treatment difficult. In a more dimensional approach to diagnosis rather than a categorical approach, it is important to identify the presence of affective symptoms (depressive or manic) which may necessitate the addition of either an antidepressant or a mood stabilizer. The indication for using atypical antipsychotic drugs as first choice in treatment has been firmly established in the current literature. These novel antipsychotic drugs are less prone to inducing undesirable side-effects, such as cognitive impairment and dysphoria, and appear to have a more favourable effect than conventional neuroleptics on the course of both depressive symptoms as well as hostile and aggressive behaviours. Furthermore, they seem to have a mood stabilizing effect, and are more easily accepted by the patients. Even though there is a reduced risk of acute extrapyramidal side-effects and late onset dyskinesia, the risk of weight gain as well as cardiovascular and endocrinological complications is considerable. This review article focuses on problems related to pharmacological treatment of first episode psychosis. It is the result of an extensive review of the current literature available on this field. The results have been discussed and organised in the form of clinical guidelines for the treatment of both non-affective and affective first episode psychoses.  相似文献   

V. Labeyrie 《BioControl》1961,6(2):125-131
Summary It is impossible to study modern taxonomy without taking into consideration the population genetic and ecology. Thé Linnean concept of monotypic species should be replaced by the biometric study of the frequency of the variability of the biological characters (particularly morphological) used in taxonomy. The study of populations offers a larger scientific interest than the one of isolated types. It gives the possibility of caracterizing the evolution stability of the species. So, Taxonomy can help considerably in biological control. By revealing large variability species, it gives a criterion of their adjusting plasticity. But, by definition, the biological control is based on the adjusting capacity of the entomophagous insects either to a new host or to a new environment. Information given by the taxonomist on the species stability has consequently a great value in the choice and use of the Entomophagous insects. — Ecologists using biological control, expect from the taxonomist to lie more than a label, which implies the use of biometric analysis methods in Entomophagous taxonomy.   相似文献   

For more than 25 years, the study of nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT) has been a basic element in the investigation of erectile dysfunction. Numerous methods have been proposed; always non-invasive, generally not very onerous and easily achieved. They require little more than a basic understanding of physiology, and knowledge of the qualitative and quantitative criteria for assessing NPT, in order to avoid any incorrect or dangerous interpretation. Based on more than 8000 nights of recordings, it is possible to separate the advantages, inconveniences and operating costs of the major instrumentation options. Although rather unsatisfactory, plethysmography and rigidometry of NPT have become the cornerstone for investigating erectile dysfunction. Always necessary, sometimes these examinations alone are sufficient, for example when they are normal and allow confirmation of a psychogenic aetiology of impotence. In other situations they must be supplemented with other complementary examinations, in which case the results show an 80% correlation with NPT. A revival of interest in the study of NPT will occur once we have achieved the impossible: the availability of a cheap instrument allowing recording of turgidity, rigidity and REM sleep, without discomfort and in the patient’s home.  相似文献   

Resumé 1. Le nombre des espèces sténiques réagissant à la plus légère modification du chimisme marin et qui, comme telles, représentent des indicateurs directs — «leitformen» — de la qualité de l'eau de mer, est très faible dans le macrobenthos; dans ce domaine les recherches microbiologiques et pédologiques apportent une importante contribution.2. Le passage du biotope oligotrophique au biotope eutrophique a pour conséquences, soit quantitatives, soit qualitatives, soit l'une et l'autre, des changements dans la composition de la biocoenose. L'équilibre de la biocoenose se déplaçant, d'autres espèces deviennent prédominantes. Les indicateurs des eaux oligotrophiques commeCystoseira barbata, sont remplacés par les indicateurs des eaux eutrophiques, tels queUlva lactuca, Aplysia fasciata.3. Les changements quantitatifs (variations du degré d'abondance des espèces) et, en relation avec ceux-ci, le déplacement de l'uilibre de la biocoenose, peuvent servir d'indicateur du degré de pollution de l'eau de mer.4. La pollution par les eaux résiduelles des biotopes subtidaux est un facteur important, non seulement pour l'étude des lois écologiques générales, mais elle pose aussi un problème de plus en plus pressant des points de vue sanitaire et hygiénique.
Contribution to investigations in subtidal biocoenoses
Pollution of sea water in subtidal biotopes is a very important ecologic factor. It opens up new perspectives in studies concerned with the laws of general ecology as well as applied ecology; it has grown into a problem of increasing importance in all areas of tourism and recreation. Although studies of pollution effects on marine biocoenoses are still in their initial phase, they demonstrate the possibility of establishing the degree of pollution and its biological effects on the basis of qualitative and quantitative investigations of benthic fauna and flora. Experience in this field is still quite scant in comparison to that gained about systems of biologic indications in fresh waters, which have been the subject of numerous studies for years. We are well aware that to approach the problem on the level of biocoenoses implies a great many complex difficulties, yet we consider the study of biocoenoses a suitable basis for obtaining better insights into the equally complex effects of polluted waters, which lead to disturbances of the natural balance. The number of species which respond to slight changes in the chemistry of sea water and hence could be used as direct indicators (Leitformen) is very small. Quantitative changes in individual species due to pollution and shifting of the equilibrium within biocoenoses could serve as sensitive indications of the influence of waste waters. Generally, marine biocoenoses react to the inflow of waste according to the basic ecologic law for extreme biotopes: reduction in the number of species in conjunction with increase in the number of individuals. In special cases some specific characteristics may occur.

D. Pierre 《Hydrobiologia》1973,43(3-4):273-284
The populations of Ostracods inhabiting two ponds have been studied. One of the ponds is left in its natural state and is of an oligotrophic type; the other one is fertilized once a year mainly with lime and calcium phosphate. Moreover the water feeding the last one is neutralized by a regular addition of calcium carbonate.Comparison of the densities of Ostracods shows that this fertilization has a positive action on the abundance of these crustaceans. Spatial distribution of the Ostracods is of the aggregative type. Specific composition is similar in both ponds but for some scarce species.Specific diversity suggests a higher organization level in communities inhabiting the natural pond. The diversity index H Of Shannon-Weaver shows a rather parallel seasonal fluctuation in both biotopes.

Travail effectué au Laboratoire d'Hydrobiologie de l'Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique (Directeur de recherches G. Marlier) et au Laboratoire d'Ecologie générale et expérimentale de l'Université Catholique de Louvain (Professeur Ph. Lebrun).  相似文献   

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