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扁甲总科隶属于鞘翅目多食亚目扁甲系,目前包含25个现生科和3个化石科,其中10个科仅分布于南半球,特别是澳大利亚、新西兰和南美。当前的分子系统发育学研究显示扁甲总科的起源时间为晚三叠世至早侏罗世,而冈瓦纳古陆与劳亚古陆的分离也发生在早侏罗世约1.8亿年前。因此对中生代扁甲总科化石的研究是解释扁甲总科如今分布格局的重要基础,也有助于研究扁甲总科的演化历史。本文简要回顾了现生扁甲总科的研究历史,并对其中生代的化石研究进行了概述,迄今在中生代地层发现有12科54种扁甲总科化石。  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2020,23(2):470-476
A checklist to the Nitidulidae of Vanuatu is provided based on a combination of historical museum specimens and recent field expeditions. A dichotomous key to the described species recorded from the country is provided. Specific data per island is given where available; in addition, broader distributions are outlined for each described taxon. Several undescribed taxa are listed but not described until further work can be done in the region. A discussion of the movement of invasive Nitidulidae throughout Vanuatu is also included with an emphasis on the relationship between increases in human movement and commerce and the number of invasive species present. This discussion is extended to other islands in Vanuatu that have not yet been sampled in an attempt to predict the presence of invasive species.  相似文献   

Eight genes (nuclear: 18S, 28S, H3, CAD; mitochondrial: 12S, 16S, COI, COII) and morphology were used to infer the evolutionary history of Corylophidae, some of the smallest free‐living insects. The study included 36 corylophid exemplars, representing approximately 60% of the known generic diversity of the family and 16 cucujoid outgroup taxa. Multiple partitioning strategies, molecular datasets, combined datasets and different taxon sampling regimes using maximum likelihood and mixed‐model Bayesian inference were utilized to analyse these data. Most results were highly concordant across analyses. There was strong agreement across (i) partitioning strategies, (ii) maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference analyses of the molecular data, and (iii) Bayesian inference of the molecular data alone and Bayesian inference of the combined morphological and molecular data when all terminal taxa were included. When a strict taxon sampling protocol was employed so that only single generic exemplars were included, deep relationships were affected in the resulting phylogenetic hypotheses. Under such narrow sampling strategies, deep phylogenetic relationships were also sensitive to the choice of generic exemplars. Although it is often challenging to obtain single representatives for many taxa in higher‐level phylogenetic analyses, these results indicate the importance of using denser taxon sampling approaches even at the specific level for genera included in such studies. Molecular data alone support Anamorphinae (Endomychidae) strongly as the sister group of Corylophidae. In combined data analyses, Coccinellidae is recovered as the sister group to Corylophidae. In all analyses, Corylophidae and the subfamily Corylophinae are recovered as monophyletic. The monophyly of Periptyctinae was untested, as only a single species was included. All included corylophine tribes were recovered as monophyletic with the exception of Aenigmaticini; Aenigmaticum Matthews forms the sister group to Orthoperus Stephens and Stanus?lipiński et al. is recovered as the sister group of Sericoderus Stephens. Stanus tasmanicus?lipiński et al. is transferred to a new genus, Pseudostanus Robertson, ?lipiński & McHugh gen.n. incertae sedis. We propose a new tribe, Stanini Robertson, ?lipiński & McHugh trib.n. for Stanus bowesteadi?lipiński et al. and a new concept of Aenigmaticini sensu.n. to include only the nominate genus. Anatomical transitions associated with corylophid miniaturization are highlighted. Key phenotypic modifications and elevated rates of substitution in nuclear rRNA genes are evident in a subgroup of Corylophinae that includes the most diminutive species. Other taxonomic and evolutionary implications are discussed in light of the results.  相似文献   

We constructed a phylogeny of the ground beetle subgenus Nialoe ( s. lat. ), genus Pterostichus (Coleoptera: Carabidae) based on two mitochondrial (cytochrome oxidase I and 16S ribosomal DNA) and one nuclear (28S ribosomal DNA) gene sequences. Thirty-three representative species of the group and three outgroup species were analyzed. The resultant trees (maximum parsimonious, maximum likelihood and Bayesian trees of the combined data of the three gene sequences) indicated that there are two large and three small lineages in the group, some of which were supported by a previous morphology-based phylogeny. In all the analyses, the small lineage composed of two Korean species is sister to the rest of the subgenus, but relationships of other four lineages differed among the analyses and remained unresolved. The implications of the present results are discussed in terms of taxonomy and biogeography of the group.  相似文献   

The subfamily Prometopinae Böving and Craighead, 1931 is recorded from Korea for the first time. Two species from different genera are recognized; Prometopia unidentata Hisamatsu, 1959 and Paramatopia x-rubrum Reitter, 1884. Morphological comments, biology, illustrations of habitus with genitalia of both sexes and a key to species from Korea are provided.  相似文献   

A taxonomic study of the Korean Passandridae is presented. The family, genus and species (Ancistria apicalis Reitter) are reported for the first time in Korea. Comparison with a lectotype was made. An illustration of the habitus and line drawings of diagnostic characters are provided.  相似文献   

Abstract  Species of the Australian genus Myrabolia are reviewed. Lectotypes are designated for Silvanus brevicornis Erichson, Myrabolia haroldiana Reitter, M. lindensis Blackburn and M. longicornis Blackburn. The following new species are described and illustrated: M. australis, M. blackburni , M. elongata , M. kioloa , M. lawrencei , M. micra , M. pelion and M. tasmanica. Ocholissa leai Grouvelle, originally described in Colydiidae, is here transferred to Myrabolia as M. leai (Grouvelle) comb. n. The nomenclatural history, a diagnosis and distribution data are provided for each species. A key to the species of the genus is presented.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships within the diverse beetle superfamily Cucujoidea are poorly known. The Cerylonid Series (C.S.) is the largest of all proposed superfamilial cucujoid groups, comprising eight families and representing most of the known cucujoid species diversity. The monophyly of the C.S., however, has never been formally tested and the higher-level relationships among and within the constituent families remain equivocal. Here we present a phylogenetic study based on 18S and 28S rDNA for 16 outgroup taxa and 61 C.S. ingroup taxa, representing seven of the eight C.S. families and 20 of 39 subfamilies. We test the monophyly of the C.S., investigate the relationships among the C.S. families, and test the monophyly of the constituent families and subfamilies. Phylogenetic reconstruction of the combined data was achieved via standard static alignment parsimony analyses, Direct Optimization using parsimony, and partitioned Bayesian analysis. All three analyses support the paraphyly of Cucujoidea with respect to Tenebrionoidea and confirm the monophyly of the C.S. The C.S. families Bothrideridae, Cerylonidae, Discolomatidae, Coccinellidae and Corylophidae are supported as monophyletic in all analyses. Only the Bayesian analysis recovers a monophyletic Latridiidae. Endomychidae is recovered as polyphyletic in all analyses. Of the 14 subfamilies with multiple terminals in this study, 11 were supported as monophyletic. The corylophid subfamily Corylophinae and the coccinellid subfamilies Chilocorinae and Scymninae are recovered as paraphyletic. A sister grouping of Anamorphinae+Corylophidae is supported in all analyses. Other taxonomic implications are discussed in light of our results.  相似文献   

Abstract.  The results of a phylogenetic analysis of Dermestidae (Coleoptera) based on the morphology of immature stages are presented and implications for the classification of the family are discussed. The monophyly of (( Orphilus ) + (Dermestidae) + (Endecatomidae (Bostrichidae + Anobiidae))) is strongly supported. Dermestidae, excluding Orphilus Erichson, forms a monophyletic group. The phylogenetic position of the Orphilinae remains enigmatic. The hypothesized relationships of the remaining dermestid subfamilies are (Thorictinae (Dermestinae (Attageninae (Megatominae + Trinodinae)))). Phylogenetically informative morphological characters of larvae and pupae are illustrated and described. Character state transformations implied by the phylogenetic hypothesis are discussed. New morphological observations are provided, including the first records of the presence of gastric caeca in the larva of Dermestes L., and the first report of the number of Malpighian tubules and the number of abdominal ganglia in Dermestidae, Bostrichidae, Anobiidae, Nosodendridae and Derodontidae. The form of the mandibular base is described for the first time for Thylodriini Beal and Trinodini Beal. The fossil record and distribution of extant Dermestidae are discussed in the light of the phylogenetic hypothesis. The origin of the family is hypothesized to be in the Late Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Here, we present the first phylogenetic analysis of a group of species taxonomically assigned to Polinices sensu latu (Naticidae, Gastropoda) based on molecular data sets. Polinices s.l. represents a speciose group of the infaunal gastropod family Naticidae, including species that have often been assigned to subgenera of Polinices [e.g. P. (Neverita), P. (Euspira), P. (Conuber) and P. (Mammilla)] based on conchological data. The results of our molecular phylogenetic analysis confirm the validity of five genera, Conuber, Polinices, Mammilla, Euspira and Neverita, including four that have been used previously mainly as subgenera of Polinices s.l. Our results furthermore indicate a close relationship of members of the Polinicinae to Sinum??a genus traditionally placed in the naticid subfamily Sininae. We furthermore present conchological analyses to determine the validity of shell characters used traditionally in species designation in the genus Polinices. Our data reveal several characters (e.g. protoconch, operculum colour, parietal callus) to be informative, while many characters show a high degree of homoplasy (e.g. umbilicus, shell form). Among the species arranged in the genus Polinices s.s., four conchologically very similar taxa often subsumed under the common Indo-Pacific species P. mammilla are separated distinctly in phylogenetic analyses. Despite their striking conchological similarities, none of these four taxa are related directly to each other. Additional conchological analyses of available name-bearing type specimens and type figures reveal the four ??mammilla??-like white Polinices species to include true P. mammilla and three additional species, which could be assigned to P. constanti (replacement name for P. dubius), P. jukesii and possibly P. tawhitirahia, based on protoconch and operculum characteristics.  相似文献   

Physical and biological data are presented from an infestation by Laemophloeus sp. (unidentified but very near to L. minutus Oliv.) in bulk wheat contained in open-topped silo bins. Much of the life history of this species is spent within the grains of wheat under the conditions of this infestation. It follows that the density of population of this species in whole wheat can be estimatedonly by breeding out or by determining the carbon dioxide output of the grain. Some larvae are free-living for part of their lives. No regular relation has been found between the number of larvae free-living at any time and the number of insects remaining within the grains. The proportion of the total population which is free-living is least when the total population is greatest. There is some evidence that the grain contained a light infestation of Laemophloeus , fairly evenly distributed, before it was loaded into the silo bin. It is supposed that this was the source of the infestation studied. Factors which might be responsible for the uneven development of the population are discussed.  相似文献   

The nematode genera Anisakis s.l. and Pseudoterranova (Anisakidae) include causative agents of anisakiasis and pseudoterranovosis, parasitic diseases resulting from eating undercooked or raw fish or squid. Species in both genera have thus attracted considerable attention especially in public health and taxonomic studies. The phylogenetic relationships of these genera within the subfamily Anisakinae, however, remain to be investigated with dense taxonomic sampling. In this study, we collected an anisakid third-stage larva, and identified it morphologically and molecularly as Pseudoterranova ceticola. Phylogeny of 15 anisakine species, including the newly collected specimen of Ps. ceticola, was reconstructed based on sequences of three mitochondrial (cox1, cox2, and 12S rRNA) and two nuclear (ITS and 28S rRNA) regions. The obtained tree suggested the non-monophyly of Anisakis s.l. and Pseudoterranova. Anisakis s.l. was divided into two groups, which are distinguished from each other by the shape of the ventriculus. Based on phylogenetic relationships and morphology, three species with a shorter ventriculus (“A.brevispiculata, “A.paggiae, and “A.physeteris) were assigned to the genus Skrjabinisakis, as recently proposed. Pseudoterranova ceticola was distantly related to the monophyletic Ps. decipiens species complex. Although the phylogenetic position of the type species Ps. kogiae has not been investigated due to a lack of sequence data, this species may morphologically and ecologically resemble Ps. ceticola, inferring a close kinship between the two species.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Armoured scale insects are economically important parasites of woody plants and grasses. They are promising subjects for the evolutionary study of physiology (no complete gut), genetics (chimerism, paternal genome elimination, frequent parthenogenesis) and coevolution (with host plants, parasitoids, Septobasidium fungi, endosymbiotic bacteria). Little phylogenetic work has been accomplished with armoured scales, and uncertainty surrounds their classification. Here, we report the phylogenetic results of Bayesian and parsimony analyses of 705 base pairs of Elongation Factor 1α and 660 base pairs of 28S from eighty-nine species of armoured scale insects, representing forty-seven genera and five tribes in the subfamilies Diaspidinae and Aspidiotinae, together with two outgroups. 28S was aligned based on a secondary structural model. Our results broadly corroborate the major features of the existing classification, although we do not find perfect monophyly of any of the traditionally recognized subfamilies or tribes. The subfamily Aspidiotinae is paraphyletic with respect to the subfamily Diaspidinae. Diaspidinae consists of two main clades that only roughly correspond to the tribes Lepidosaphidini and Diaspidini. Diaspidini is nearly monophyletic, except that it includes a single aspidiotine species. Other members of the tribe Aspidiotini form a clade, except that the clade includes a single species of Leucaspidini and excludes Maskellia and Pseudaonidia . Our results weakly support the hypothesis that the most recent common ancestor of the Diaspididae had adult females that were permanently enclosed within the derm of the second instar (the pupillarial habit) and had diploid adult males that eliminated their paternal genomes during spermatogenesis (late paternal genome elimination).  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2019,18(8):977-983
The new oldest representative of the subfamily Passandrinae (Passandridae) was found in materials from Menat (Puy-de-Dôme, France). It was preliminarily assigned to the genus Passandra Dalman in Schönherr, 1817, although the new species (?) Passandra plenaria sp. n., in contrast to other congeners, demonstrates an exposed labrum and an absence of preapical groove or impression on the hypopygidum. Some notes on fossil records and classification of the family Passandridae are made. The distinctiveness of the families Passandridae and Laemophloeidae in light of the new data on fossils is considered, and the attribution of Mesopassandra Jin, Ślipiński, Zhou and Pang, 2019 (type genus of Mesopassandrinae) to the family Passandridae is regarded as problematic.  相似文献   

Abstract Phylogenetic relationships within the family Corylophidae were investigated. Twenty ingroup taxa and six outgroups were included in a cladistic analysis, based on 48 characters derived from adult and larval morphology. Phylogenetic analysis confirms that Corylophidae are monophyletic within the superfamily Cucujoidea and may be subdivided into two subfamilies: the Australian Periptycinae and the cosmopolitan Corylophinae containing 10 tribes: Foadiini trib.n. , Cleidostethini, Aenigmaticini, Parmulini, Sericoderini, Peltinodini, Orthoperini, Corylophini, Teplinini and Rypobiini. All currently recognized family‐group taxa are thoroughly diagnosed, and keys to their identification based on adults and larvae are provided. Two new genera and three species are described: Weirus gen.n ., containing only W. tozer sp . n . (Australia: Queensland), and Stanus gen.n. , with the two species S. bowesteadi sp.n . (New Zealand) and S. tasmanicus sp.n. (Tasmania). The larvae of Pakalukodes bimaculatus?lipiński et al. from Queensland and of Stanus bowesteadi sp.n. from New Zealand are described and illustrated for the first time.  相似文献   

Chromosome numbers, mainly gametic, are given for 28 populations belonging to 13 species in ser.Ceratophyllae as circumscribed byWebb & Gornall. From a cytological point of view, we report or confirm the occurrence of aneuploidy in at least 8 of the 19 species recognized. This phenomenon, together with the technical difficulties inherent to the genus, is responsible for a number of incorrect or imprecise previous reports which are here questioned. Aneuploidy and the karyological instability behind it apparently reflect very active extant processes which might play an important role in the evolution of the group. Cytological and morphological data allow the recognition of four groups; one of them is likely to constitute a monophylectic group (ser.Ceratophyllae sensu stricto) but, the monophyly of the seriesCeratophyllae sensu lato is questioned.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequences of the plastidmatK gene and nuclear rDNA internal transcribed spacer region were sampled fromAstragalus L. (Fabaceae), and its closest relatives within tribe Galegeae, to infer phylogenetic relationships and estimate ages of diversification. Consistent with previous studies that emphasized sampling for nrDNA ITS primarily within either New World or Old World species groups,Astragalus, with the exception of a few morphologically distinct species, is strongly supported as monophyletic based on maximum parsimony and Bayesian analyses ofmatK sequences as well as a combined sequence dataset. ThematK data provides better resolution and stronger clade support for relationships amongAstragalus and traditionally related genera than nrDNA ITS.Astragalus sensu stricto plus the genusOxytropis are strongly supported as sister to a clade composed of strictly Old World (African, Australasian) genera such asColutea. Sutherlandia, Lessertia, Swainsona, andCarmichaelia, plus several morphologically distinct segregates of EurasianAstragalus. Ages of these clades and rates of nucleotide substitution estimated from a fossil-constrained, rate-smoothed, Bayesian analysis ofmatK sequences sampled from Hologalegina indicateAstragalus diverged from its sister group,Oxtropis, 12–16 Ma, with divergence of Neo-Astragalus beginning ca 4.4. Ma. Estimates of absolute rates of nucleotide substitution forAstragalus and sister groups, which range from 8.9 to 10.2×10−10 substitutions per site per year, are not unusual when compared to those estimated for other, mainly temperate groups of papilionoid legumes. The results of previously published work and other recent developments on the phylogenetic relationships and diversification ofAstragalus are reviewed.  相似文献   

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