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Song repertoires may be a product of sexual selection and several studies have reported correlations of repertoire size and reproductive success in male songbirds. This hypothesis and the reported correlations, however, are not sufficient to explain the observation that most species have small song repertoire sizes (usually fewer than 10, often fewer than five song types). We examined a second important aspect of a male's song repertoire, the extent to which he shares songs with his neighbours. Song sharing has not been measured in previous studies and it may be partially confounded with repertoire size. We hypothesized that in song sparrows, Melospiza melodia, song sharing rather than repertoire size per se is crucial for male territorial success. Our longitudinal study of 45 song sparrows followed from their first year on territory showed that the number of songs a bird shares with his neighbourhood group is a better predictor of lifetime territory tenure than is his repertoire size. We also found that song sharing increases with repertoire size up to but not beyond eight to nine song types, which are the most common repertoire sizes in the population (range in our sample 5-13). This partial confound of song sharing and repertoire size may account for some earlier findings of territory tenure-repertoire size correlations in this species and other species having small- or medium-sized repertoires. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Simmons  L. W. 《Behavioral ecology》1995,6(4):376-381
Sexual selection in field crickets (Gryllidae) is well documented.Several studies have identified male traits, such as age andbody size, that influence pairing success in the field. HereI show how these traits covary with male quality by examiningthe degree of fluctuating asymmetry in male Gryllus campestris.Older males were both larger and more symmetrical. Principalcomponents analysis suggests that these three variables wereessentially measures of the same trait, male quality. A comparisonof paired and calling males showed that males of high qualitywere more successful in obtaining mates; paired males were older,larger, and more symmetrical. The area of the harp covariedwith morphological traits and determined the carrier frequencyof the male's call. Information related to male quality wastherefore available for female discrimination.  相似文献   

Recent models of animal signalling emphasize the evolution of complex displays containing ''multiple messages''. A variety of potential cues used in female choice were investigated during a three-year field study of the sedge warbler, Acrocephalus schoenobaenus. Twelve possible cues were investigated, and three were found to have a significant influence upon pairing date. Two were different measures of song (repertoire size and song flighting) and one a measure of territory (territory size). Repertoire and territory size had a significant influence on pairing date in all three years, and song-flighting in two. The three cues were not intercorrelated and so had independent effects upon pairing date. We suggest that females select males upon multiple cues as these reflect different aspects of male and territory quality.  相似文献   

Fitness consequences of male parental care in Savannah sparrows   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
The fitness consequences of male parental care are central tolife-history models of reproductive effort and the evolutionof social and genetic mating system However in a 4-year study(1992–1995) of Savannah sparrows (Parsserculs sandwichensis)nesting on Kent Island, New Brunswick, Canada, male parentalcare during the nestling stage was only weakly related to offspringquality and survivorship. Females compensated for poor paternalperformance by elevating their feeding rates, and they thusameliorated selection on male parental care. The likelihoodand size of subsequent broods was also unrelated to male feedingeffort, suggesting the absence of some indirect (or ‘female-mediated’)benefits. These results were confirmed by an experiment in whichmale removal resulted in increased female feeding rates buthad little effect on the number or quality of young. In contrast,previous research with multilocus DNA fingerpnnting revealeda strong, positive relationship between a male's parental effortand his subsequent fertilization success. Together, this researchsuggests that the proximate and ultimate targets of male feedingeffort can be disiinct traditional assumptions regarding thefunction of male parental care in birds may therefore be incomplete.  相似文献   

Gonad maturation and sexuality in Ghanaian populations of Anadarasenilis were studied by means of macroscopic examination ofthe visceral mass, microscopic examination of smears of sexualproducts and by histological methods. Sexual differentiationinto either distinct male or female, begins at a shell lengthof 10–12mm. Only 1% or less have both ovary and testis.First spawnings take place at shell size 18–20mm. Althoughin tidal lagoons the sex ratio is 1:1, in the adverse conditionsof closed lagoons, the male to female ratio is about 1:2. Unbalancedsex ratios recorded in a population in Lagos, Nigeria, led aprevious worker to the conclusion that the species is a protandrichermaphrodite.It is argued here that hermaphroditism is an insignificant featurein A. senilis and that the species is basically gonochoristic(dioecious). * PRESENT ADDRESS: Department of Zoology, University Collegeof Swansea, Swansea SA2 8PP, Wales (Received 16 June 1981;  相似文献   

Two types of water-soluble chlorophyll proteins were isolatedfrom Lepidium virginicum L. grown in Japan. The protein isolatedfrom the leaves (CP663L) had a low chlorophyll a/b ratio (1.5–1.7),and that from the stems (CP663S) had a high ratio (3.4–3.5).CP663S showed the same crystal forms and almost the same molecularweight and subunit composition as CP663I. (Received October 26, 1981; Accepted February 4, 1982)  相似文献   

Rhodotorula minuta cells, which have only traces of carotenoidswhen grown in the dark, started carotenoid production with theonset of illumination and the amount increased almost linearlyuntil 70 hr then remained constant thereafter when incubationwas continued under illumination, with the number of cells continuingto increase. The rate of carotenoid production [Vc (µgg–1 hr–1)] depended on the intensity of light [I(ergcm–2 sec–1)], with the relationship of Vc=0.74 logI–1.46. The final carotenoid content [C(µg g–1)]of cells incubated under continuous light was also controlledby the light intensity [I], with the relationship of C=52 logI–81. Control of carotenoid production by light occursas a two-phase process consisting of a temperatureindependentphotochemical reaction and light-independent biochemical reactions. (Received September 12, 1981; Accepted February 20, 1982)  相似文献   

Gravid females of Alytes obstricans and Alytes cisternasii weretested with synthetic calls in seven-speaker playback tests.A first, "mean-centered" test presented calls with frequenciesrepresenting an array of different calls spanning over the rangeof the population (±2.25 SD). In this test, females ofboth species approached a synthetic call that was lower thanthe average call frequency of the male population although thedifference was significant only for A. obstetricans. The regressionbetween female weight and size and preferred frequency was notsignificant in either species. These results confirm the reportedtrends of females preferring lower frequency calls (correspondingto larger males) based on two-speaker playback tests for A.obstetricans. For A. cisternasii, the lack of significance ofthe seven-speaker test suggests that the preference trend previouslyfound in two-speaker tests may be obscured in more complex acousticalenvironments. A second "supernormal stimulus" test presentedfemales with calls ranging from the lowest frequency valuesof the male population (–2.25 SD) and lower, up to –6.75SD beyond the range. In both species females preferentiallyapproached calls higher than the mean frequency of the stimuluspresented. This result suggests that in both cases selectionfor low frequencies is not open ended, and that the preferredfrequency is within the range of the male population.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in the photosynthesis and primary productionof Microcystis aeruginosa Kütz. were investigated in LakeKasumigaura during 1981–1982. Microcystis always showeda light-saturated photosynthesis-light curve. Both Pmax andthe initial slope of the photosynthesis-light curve of Microcystisin early summer were very high, so it was concluded that Microcystisutilized both low and high light intensities efficiently. ThePmax of Microcystis was found to be a function of the watertemperature except in August and September. The linear regressionon the temperature-Pmax relationship discontinued at 11°C,where the Pmax value dropped; Microcystis did not photosynthesizebelow 4°C. The initial slope of the curve was also descendingbelow 11°C. It is suggested that Microcystis changes itsphysiological properties below 11°C. The highest value ofgross production calculated for M. aeruginosa was 5.4 gC m–2d–1 in July; the annual gross production was estimatedto be 300 gC m–2year–1 (i.e., 40% of the total primaryproduction in this lake).  相似文献   

Seasonal dry weights of female and male Cyclops bicuspidatusthomasi, Diaptomus ashlandi and Diaptomus minutus were studiedin southeastern Lake Michigan during 1975–1981. Smallestanimals occurred during summer and early fall, and largest animalsin winter and spring, a pattern reported for other copepods.The range of weights for the species and sexes decreased fromwinter to summer, and converged in summer to a value of approximately2 µg/animal. Surface water temperature and abundancesof young-of-the-year (YOY) fish were inversely correlated withweights of males and females of the three copepod species. Standingstocks of important phytoplankton groups, especially pennatediatoms and flagellates, were positively correlated with copepodweight. Seasonal change of copepod body size appears to be morethan simply a function of temperature; seasonal predation byYOY fish may be a factor influencing sizes of adult copepods.  相似文献   

Previous studies have found a relationship between migrationand the degree of elaboration of sexually selected traits,but investigators have differed in the mechanisms they proposedto account for this association. We examined the relationshipbetween song repertoire size and distance migrated among birdsin the genus Vireo. There is a strong positive relationshipbetween migratory distance and repertoire size in this genus,but our data do not support the specific predictions of anyof the three proposed mechanisms (the "rapid pairing," "goodmigrations," and "territory lottery" hypotheses). Migrationdistance is presumably correlated with other life-history characteristicsthat influence the development of sexually selected traits.  相似文献   

The photoregulation of carotenogenesis in Rhodotorula minutawas found to consist of tow phases, a temperature-independentphotochemical reaction (light process) and temperature-dependentbut light-independent biochemical reactions (dark process).These processes were separately examined by regulating the temperatureand were characterized as follows: 1) The quantity of carotenoid produced [C (µg g–1)]and the rate of carotenoid production [Vc (µg g–1hr–1)] in the dark process were regulated by the lightdose [D (erg cm–2)] to which cells were exposed in thelight process. These relationships were expressed by the equations:C=9.1 log D–62.0 and Vc=0.81 log D–5.60. This photoresponsefollowed the Roscoe-Bunsen reciprocity law. 2) The induced state toward carotenogenesis, once acquired inthe light process, was very stable, suggesting that the proposedphotochemical product is stable as an inducer of carotenogenesisand decreases only in conjunction with carotenoid biosynthesis. 3) The photochemical reaction was oxygen-independent, but subsequentdark reactions were completely dependent on oxygen. 4) Postulated compounds related to the photochemical reactionwere not metabolized in vivo. (Received September 12, 1981; Accepted February 20, 1982)  相似文献   

In situ filtration responses of Daphnia galeata to changes in food quality   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the stoichiometric study of phyto–zooplankton interactions,a controversy exists about how Daphnia species regulate theirfeeding rate when submitted to low-quality food (i.e. high dietarycarbon:phosphorus [C:P] ratio). In this study, we gathered dataover 3 years on in situ clearance rates of a Daphnia galeatapopulation, by conducting grazing experiments from April 1998to October 2000 in the Esch-sur-Sûre reservoir (Grand-Duchyof Luxembourg). Observed clearance rates (2.5–13.5 mLindividual–1 day–1, mean 7.0 mL individual–1day–1) were correlated with population and environmentalvariables. Mean body size of Daphnia individuals was the bestpredictor of clearance rate (r2 = 0.639), followed by watertemperature (r2 = 0.262) and P concentration in the seston (r2  相似文献   

We carried out DNA fingerprinting on 553 young (130 broods)great reed warblers (Acrocephalus arundnaceus) in 1987–1991.In the study population, where 40% of the males become polygynous,there was a low frequency of extrapair fertilizations (EPF).When data from all five years were pooled, 3.1% of the youngwere sired by extrapair males (EPF-males) and 5.4% of the broodscontained extrapair young. We found no cases of extrapair maternity;young with 6–17 mismatched DNA bands (n= 17) had highband sharing with their putative mothers (range = 0.52–0.72)but low band sharing with their putative fathers (range = 0.24–0.40).In broods exposed to EPF, on average 53% of the young were siredby EPF-males. We found the genetic father to each of the illegitimateyoung. In all cases the same EPF-male sired all extrapair youngin a brood. Broods containing EPF-young tended to be initiatedlate during the breeding season. Breeding attempts were ratherevenly distributed over two months, thus this breeding asynchronywould have facilitated EPFs. There was no difference in EPFfrequency between broods where the pair males had left theirfemales unguarded during parts of their fertile periods andbroods where males guarded throughout the fertile periods. Nestswith extrapair young had significantly shorter mean distanceto the closest male neighbor and more male neighbors within100 m than nests without extrapair young. We found no indicationthat females engaged in EPF to get parental care from the EPF-males,or because they were forced to copulate with extrapair males.The low frequency of EPF suggested that females did not seekgenetic diversity to their brood. We cannot rule out the possibilitythat females engaged in EPF to insure fertility. However, datasupporting this hypothesis were weak. Instead, our data supportthe conclusion that females engaged in EPF to increase the geneticquality of their offspring, and that females may have used malesong repertoire size as a cue when choosing EPF partners.  相似文献   

Gonadal changes in two species of Cerastoderma occurring indiscrete populations in South Wales were monitored by stereologicalanalysis during the breeding seasons of 1981 and 1982. Fecundityand spawning efficiencies were determined quantitatively. Therelationship between reproductive activity and changes in meatcondition are discussed. Both species are opportunistic breeders. Their normal patternsof reproduction are similar, consisting of minimum activityin winter and peak activity during spring/early summer. Thetwo species were affected differently by the severe winter of1981–82—C. glau-cum exhibited a single, ‘epidemic’spawning and resumed gametogenesis after a 4-month resting period.C. edule adopted a ‘polycyclic’ pattern withouta resting period. Both of these unusual reproductive strategies,augmented by reduced predation resulted in heavy spatfalls. (Received 20 March 1985; revised 20 March 1985;  相似文献   

The seasonal dynamics of the diatom genus Chaetoceros Ehrenbergwere investigated in Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island. Whole watersamples were collected weekly from July 1981 to October 1982at four locations in the lower Bay and were preserved, concentratedby settling and enumerated. Chaetoceros were most abundant inlate winter–early spring; a second peak occurred in thefall. As in many other temperate neritic areas, C. debilis,C. compressus and C. didymus were major components of die Chaetocerospopulation and could be found throughout the year. Species compositionand dynamics were quite similar at the Jerusalem, GSO Pier andWickford Harbor stations, but were markedly different in PettaquamscuttRiver, a reduced salinity tidal estuary.  相似文献   

Fitness correlates of male coloration in a Lake Victoria cichlid fish   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sexual selection by female choice has contributed to the rapidevolution of phenotypic diversity in the cichlid fish speciesflocks of East Africa. Yet, very little is known about the ecologicalmechanisms that drive the evolution of female mating preferences.We studied fitness correlates of male nuptial coloration ina member of a diverse Lake Victoria cichlid lineage, Pundamilianyererei. In this species, male red coloration is subject tointraspecific sexual selection by female mate choice. Male nuptialcoloration plays a critical role also in reproductive isolationbetween this species and the closely related sympatric speciesP. pundamilia. Here, we show that P. nyererei male colorationis carotenoid based, illustrating the potential for honest signalingof individual quality. In a wild population, we found that variationin male coloration was not associated with variation in a setof strongly intercorrelated indicators of male dominance: malesize, territory size, and territory location. Instead, the 2male characters that predominantly determine female choice,territory size and red coloration, may be independent predictorsof male quality: males with bright red coloration and largeterritories had lower parasite infestation rates. As a result,female preferences tended to select against heavily parasitizedmales. Consistent with parasite-mediated sexual selection, maleshad higher and more variable parasite loads than females.  相似文献   

To examine how a change in an individual's social status could influence its behavioural sex, we conducted male "removal-and-return" experiments in the polygynous wrasse, Halichoeres melanurus. This coral-reef fish is a protogynous hermaphrodite: the largest female (LF) living in a male's territory typically completes functional sex change within 2–3 weeks after the male's disappearance. In this experiment we removed males from their territories just prior to spawning time, about 1 h before sunset. In 12 of 30 trials, the resident LF spawned in the male role with smaller females, 21–98 min after male removal. Previous research suggests the LF should readily adopt male sexual behaviour to retain smaller females as future mates. However, the LFs of smaller body size were less likely to immediately perform male-role behaviour. This could be related to females' preference for larger mates: smaller LFs would be less likely to be chosen by other females, even if they could complete sex change and defend a territory. When a male was returned immediately after an occurrence of female–female spawning, the LF subsequently spawned in the female role with the returned male (6 of 12 trials). It could be adaptive for the LFs to accept a larger male as a mate rather than to fight against it. Thus, behavioural sex is reversible in H. melanurus, changing rapidly with social status. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

We investigated the seasonal occurrence, wet : dry : carbon: nitrogen weight ratios, population biomass, gastric pouchcontents, and rates of feeding, growth and respiration of thescyphomedusa Aurelia aurita in the central part of the InlandSea of Japan. Aurelia aurita medusae began to appear in January/Februaryas ephyrae, reached annual maximum body size in July/August,and disappeared, presumably due to death, by November. Initialslow growth in early spring was followed by a period of exponentialgrowth (mean growth rate: 0.069 d–1) between April andJuly. In the Ondo Strait, which is characterized by strong tidalmixing, the A. aurita population (mean carbon biomass: 66.0mg C m–3) overwhelmingly dominated the zooplankton-communitybiomass (mean biomass of micro- and mesozooplankton: 23.7 mgC m–3) between May and early August The gastric contentanalysis revealed that A. aurita ate almost all micro- and mesozooplankters,of which small copepods were most important. On the basis ofdigestion time for small copepods (60 min) and their abundancein the gastric pouch of field-collected A. aurita, we determinedthe weight specific feeding rates and clearance rates. The formerincreases linearly with increasing copepod abundance, but thelatter was relatively constant irrespective of the food supply.We also measured the respiration rates of A. aurita and expressedthem as functions of body weight and temperature. These physio-ecologicalparameters enabled us to construct the carbon budget of theA. aurita population typical of early summer in the Ondo Strait.Predicted population-feeding rate (6.07 mg C m–3 d–1)was higher than the population-food requirement for both metabolismand growth (4.55 mg C m–3 d–1), indicating thatfood supply was sufficient to sustain the observed growth rate.This feeding rate was equivalent to 26% of micro- and mesozooplanktonbiomass, a significant impact on zooplankton.  相似文献   

Hydrococcus brazieri and Arthritica semen on a sandflat at Coodanup,Peel Inlet, Western Australia, accounted for 89.5% of totalmollusc numbers. The mean density of H. brazieri was 9487 m–2and A. semen averaged 8105 m–2. H. brazieri grew at 0.5mm month–1 and reached maturity in 4 months; A. semengrew at 0.3 mm month–1 and reached maturity in 6 months.Somatic production in the Peel-Harvey estuarine system was estimatedto be 0.5 g m–2yr–1for H. brazieri and 4.1 g m–2yr–1for A. semen. The positions of these two species in the estuarinefoodweb is discussed. (Received 26 June 1981;  相似文献   

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