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Nucleolus organizer regions and nucleoli   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  

Silver-stained preparations of cultured lymphocytes obtained from 12 pure-bred dogs revealed the presence of nucleolus organizer regions (NORs) on four to seven chromosomes in females and five to eight chromosomes in males. All seven males had a NOR on the Y chromosome. The telomeric location of the NORs on the autosomes suggested by an earlier study was confirmed.  相似文献   

Nucleolus organizer regions in the chromosomes of the llama   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Silver nitrate (Ag-AS) staining was applied to chromosome preparations from the llama (Lama glama). The NORs were detected on the secondary constrictions of the short arms or the stalks of five small acrocentric chromosome pairs.  相似文献   

We found that the formation of multilayer rosettes by transformed human blood lymphocytes after phytohemagglutinin (PHA) stimulation is correlated with conformational changes of the chromatin as seen by premature chromosome condensation (PCC). The frequency distribution of grades of PCC and multilayer rosette formation suggests that changes in chromatin are a prerequisite for rosette formation. Rosette formation was most pronounced for 24-h and 48-h cultures. Chromatin decondensation and rosette formation showed identical patterns. The possibility that multilayer rosette formation is directly dependent on conformational changes of chromatin is discussed.  相似文献   

We describe here the chemical induction of premature condensed chromosomes in human peripheral lymphocytes after culture for 6 h. Many have attempted this induction without culture or with short-term culture, because this technique permits prompt cytogenetic biodosimetry of radiation accidents. Lymphocytes were separated from blood, incubated in the presence of phytohemagglutinin, ATP, and p34cdc2/cyclin B kinase, then treated with calyculin A during the last hour. The culture medium was supplemented with a lower concentration of fetal calf serum than conventionally used to minimize its possible interference with the effects of these drugs. We obtained, rarely, a suitable morphology of premature chromosome condensation in short-term cultured lymphocytes for conventional chromosome aberration analysis.  相似文献   

We describe here the chemical induction of premature condensed chromosomes in human peripheral lymphocytes after culture for 6 h. Many have attempted this induction without culture or with short-term culture, because this technique permits prompt cytogenetic biodosimetry of radiation accidents. Lymphocytes were separated from blood, incubated in the presence of phytohemagglutinin, ATP, and p34cdc2/cyclin B kinase, then treated with calyculin A during the last hour. The culture medium was supplemented with a lower concentration of fetal calf serum than conventionally used to minimize its possible interference with the effects of these drugs. We obtained, rarely, a suitable morphology of premature chromosome condensation in short-term cultured lymphocytes for conventional chromosome aberration analysis.  相似文献   

Nucleolus organizer regions (Nor loci) of a range of Chinese wheat landraces and cultivars (Triticum aestivum L. em Thell.) were analysed using genomic DNA extracted from leaves. Only two allelic variants of the Nor-B1 locus were found on chromosome 1B (Nor-B1a and Nor-B1g), while Nor-B1g was probably introduced from North America in the early 1960s. The even more recent introduction of the rye allele Nor-R1 in the early 1980s was also revealed. Eight allelic variants of the Nor-B2 locus on chromosome 6B (Nor-B2a, b, d, f, h, o, p and s) were identified. A Chinese origin for the a, d, f, o, p and s alkies is evident although the d allele was successfully introduced into Australian wheats in the early 1900s. Nor-B2h and Nor-B2b are again very recent introductions into Chinese wheat breeding programs, the former from CIMMYT wheats and the latter in association with the introduction of the 1RS/1BL translocation from Europe. On the basis of the presence of different combinations of Nor-B1 and Nor-B2 alleles  相似文献   

Premature chromosome condensation (PCC) experiments using human lymphocytes with centromere staining have shown that after exposure to 3.45 MeV alpha-particle radiation, the full number of dicentric chromosomes appears when the cell fusion protocol is applied immediately after irradiation. In this case, the time available for repair and misrepair of DNA damage is only about 30 min. The number of dicentrics does not change with a further increase in the time available for chromatin rearrangement. This fast response confirms the expectation based on our previous experiments using PCC with 150 kV X rays in which the alpha component of the yield of dicentrics was found to appear when the cell fusion protocol was applied immediately after irradiation, whereas the beta component was delayed by several hours. The time constant for rejoining of the excess acentric chromosome fragments is found to be donor-specific and not to differ for alpha particles and X rays, but alpha-particle radiation leaves a larger fraction of the excess acentric fragments unrejoined. The RBEs of the 3.45 MeV alpha-particle radiation compared to 150 kV X rays, evaluated for the alpha component for the yield of dicentrics and for the yield of unrepaired acentric fragments, have almost equal values of about 4. This is consistent with data in the literature on chromosome aberrations observed in metaphase that show the equality of the RBE values for production of dicentrics and acentric fragments. Our experimental results concerning the fast kinetics of the alpha component of the yield of exchange-type chromosome aberrations are not consistent with Lea's pairwise lesion interaction model, and they support the proposed alternative mechanism of lesion-nonlesion interaction between chromatin regions carrying clustered DNA damage and intact chromatin regions.  相似文献   

Summary Ag-NOR staining and a counterstain enhanced fluorescence technique (chromomycin A3/distamycin A/DAPI-staining = CDD-method) and G-banding, respectively, have been applied to the zebu (Bos indicus L.) chromosomes. The nucleolus organizer regions (NORs) were found in the telomeric regions of chromosomes nos. 2, 3, 4, 11, and 28. CDD staining led to a well-defined R-banding pattern along the chromosome arms and to the visualization of centric heterochromatic bands of variable sizes.  相似文献   

Development of the procedure to stimulate peripheral blood lymphocytes has greatly facilitated the understanding of chromosome aberration formation and repair mechanisms in human cells. Yet, because radiation induces far more initial chromosome breaks than are observed as aberrations in metaphase, it has not been possible to examine the kinetics of primary chromosome breakage and rejoining with this procedure. An improved method to induce premature chromosome condensation in unstimulated lymphocytes has been used to study primary chromosome breakage, rejoining, and ring formation at various times after irradiation with up to 800 rad of X-rays. The dose-response relations for chromosome fragments analyzed immediately or 1, 2, or 24 h after exposure were found to be linear. Rapid rejoining of chromosome fragments, which takes place in the first 3 h after X-ray exposure, was not correlated with a simultaneous increase in the formation of rings. The yield of rings per cell scored 24 h after irradiation, however, increased significantly and fit a linear quadratic equation. Both chromosome fragment rejoining and ring formation were completed about 6 h after irradiation. The frequency distributions of rings among cells followed a Poisson distribution, whereas chromosome fragments were overdispersed.  相似文献   

Premature chromosome condensation was induced by cell fusion in stimulated human lymphocytes treated with different cytostatics. Changes in the proportion of the cell-cycle stages were investigated after 72 h of culture. Although it has been reported that some agents which induce severe DNA damage accumulate cells in G2, our results have shown some differences in the modes of action of the different tested chemicals. These variations could be due to several factors like mechanisms of action of the drugs, sensitivity of lymphocyte subpopulations to the cytostatics, inter- and intra-individual variability in the response of donors.  相似文献   

Summary Ag-staining of the nucleolus organizer region (NOR) was studied in the acrocentric chromosomes identified by Q-banding in repeated lymphocyte and skin fibroblast cultures from three different individuals. A similar pattern of Ag-stainability of NORs was found in the two tissues in each individual. Small differences concerning, in each case, only one of the acrocentric chromosomes were found between repeated lymphocyte cultures, as well as between lymphocyte and fibroblast cultures of the same individual without indication of any prevalence of one tissue type in a certain direction. The possibility that these differences are caused by different stages of NOR activation is discussed.  相似文献   

Somatic cell cycle is a dynamic process with sequential events that culminate in cell division. Several physiological activities occur in the cytoplasm and nucleus during each of the cell cycle phases which help in doubling of genetic content, organized arrangement of the duplicated genetic material and perfect mechanism for its equal distribution to the two daughter cells formed. Also, the cell cycle checkpoints ensure that the genetic material is devoid of damages thus ensuring unaltered transmission of genetic information. Two important phenomena occurring during the cell cycle are the DNA condensation and decondensation cycles in the nucleus along with the cyclic expression and functioning of certain specific proteins that help in the same. Several protein families including Cyclins, cyclin dependent kinases, condensins, cohesins and surivins ensure error free, stage specific DNA condensation and decondensation by their highly specific, controlled orchestrated presence and action. Understanding the molecular mechanisms of chromatin compaction towards formation of the structural units, the chromosomes, give us valuable insights into the cellular physiology and also direct us to techniques such as premature chromosome condensation. The techniques of inducing ‘prophasing’ of interphase cells are undergoing rapid advances which have multidimensional applications for basic research and direct applications.  相似文献   

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