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The development of amino acid sequencers with subnanomolar sensitivities has increased the need for both selective and highly efficient methods for both protein and peptide isolation. In this paper, we describe a simple procedure that utilizes the high resolving capacity of polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis to isolate a single target polypeptide, which can subsequently be subjected to proteolytic digestion and sequencing. Polypeptides are visualized in polyacrylamide gels as dodecyl sulfate/protein complexes, which are passively diffused from gel slices. Free dodecyl sulfate eluted with the protein solution is removed by KCl precipitation, allowing protein digestion with small amounts of trypsin or other proteolytic enzymes. Following enzymatic digestion, the peptide solution is made 6 M guanidine-HCl to remove interfering contaminants and thereby improve resolution of the digest by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. The peptides generated by this method are suitable for amino acid sequencing with good overall yields, averaging 15-30% on a gas-phase sequenator. The method described is useful for obtaining multiple peptide sequences from a single polypeptide isolated from a complex protein mixture.  相似文献   

The heterogeneity of serum lipoproteins (excluding very low density (VLDL) and intermediate density (IDL) lipoproteins) and that of lipoproteins secreted by HepG2 cells has been studied by immunoblot analysis of the apolipoprotein composition of the particles separated by polyacrylamide gradient gel electrophoresis (GGE) under nondenaturing conditions. The reactions of antibodies to apoA-I, apoA-II, apoE, apoB, apoD, and apoA-IV have revealed discrete bands of particles which differ widely in size and apolipoprotein composition. GGE of native serum lipoproteins demonstrated that apoA-II is present in lipoproteins of limited size heterogeneity (apparent molecular mass 345,000 to 305,000) and that apoB is present in low density lipoproteins (LDL) and absent from all smaller or denser lipoproteins. In contrast, serum apoA-I, E, D, and A-IV are present in very heterogeneous particles. Serum apoA-I is present mainly in particles of 305 to 130 kDa where it is associated with apoA-II, and in decreasing order of immunoreactivity in particles of 130-90 kDa, 56 kDa, 815-345 kDa, and finally within the size range of LDL, all regions where there is little detectable apoA-II. Serum apoE is present in three defined fractions, one within the size range of LDL, one containing heterogeneous particles between 640 and 345 kDa, and one defined fraction at 96 kDa. Serum apoD is also present in three defined fractions, one comigrating with LDL, one containing heterogeneous particles between 390 and 150 kDa, and one band on the migration front. Most of serum apoA-IV is contained in a band comigrating with albumin. GGE of centrifugally prepared LDL shows the presence of apoB, apoE, and apoD, but not that of apoA-I. However, the particles containing apoA-I, which, in serum, migrated within the LDL size range and as bands of 815 to 345 kDa, were recovered upon centrifugation in the d greater than 1.21 g/ml fraction. GGE of high density lipoproteins (HDL) indicated that most of apoA-I, A-II, and A-IV were present in lipoproteins of the same apparent molecular mass (390-152 kDa). ApoD tended to be associated with large HDL, and this was also significant for HDL apoE, which is present in lipoproteins ranging from 640 to 275 kDa. GGE of very high density lipoproteins (VHDL) presented some striking features, one of which was the occurrence of apolipoproteins in very discrete bands of different molecular mass. ApoA-II was bimodally distributed at 250-175 kDa and 175-136 kDa, the latter fraction also containing apoA-I.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Gel based silver staining of proteins is thought to occur by selective reduction of silver ions to insoluble metallic silver at specific initiation sites in the vicinity of the protein molecules. Silver stained protein bands generally are dark brown or black with considerable variation in color intensity. The color variation has been attributed to diffractive scattering by silver grains of different sizes. Our experiments, however, demonstrate that color variation is due to the formation of silver chromate deposits that are incorporated into formalin fixed proteins. Understanding the mechanism of silver staining is essential for developing a method for protein quantification.  相似文献   

Two highly efficient methods of CNBr-peptide mapping of polypeptides divided by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis are described. The first is elaborated on the basis of peptide mapping of collagen proposed by G. Barsh et al. The following three modifications diminish wasting the material essential for the method. 1. CNBr treatment takes place in the absence of CNBr solution outside the gel, excluding the peptides elution from the gel fragments in the process of mapping. 2. After CNBr treatment the solution of CNBr is substituted by the samples buffer before electrophoresis by means of drying and subsequent addition of minimal volumes of the buffer. The latter procedures substitute the gel washing out by the buffer solution. 3. The step of washing the gel fragments by the 70% strong solution of formic acid before CNBr treatment is excluded. The second method of CNBr-peptide mapping is notable for extracting peptides from the gel fragments in the process of CNBr-treatment and permits obtaining of the high quality peptide electrophoregrams.  相似文献   

Purified lipopolysaccharides of salmonellae strains were separated by sodium dodecyl sulfate/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Pre-electrophoresis of polyacrylamide gels had no apparent effect on one-dimensional silver-stained lipopolysaccharide profiles. However, without pre-electrophoresis, two-dimensional and three-dimensional patterns contained numerous bands with varied migration patterns compared to those in the one-dimension gels. The lipopolysaccharide was altered within the polyacrylamide gel during electrophoresis. Pre-electrophoresis of gels eliminated aberrant migration patterns.  相似文献   

In this work, we present a home-made two-dimensional (2-D) CCD imaging system for the monochromatic densitometry of plane gels and its application to the imaging and densitometry of chlorophyll (Chl)-containing proteins separated by non-denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The monochromatic imaging of separated green bands at the wavelengths corresponding to their absorption band increases their contrast. This allows a better visualization of the faint-green bands in the gel and using of samples with lower Chl content for the electrophoresis. By the comparison of 2-D densitograms of the same gel illuminated with 670 and 650 nm lights, that is, at the red absorption maximum of Chl a and b, respectively, we achieved a selective imaging of the complexes with different Chl a/b ratio. This approach was used to specify an unknown band that appeared in the gel of the sample prepared from the thylakoid membranes of preheated barley leaves.  相似文献   

Purification of RNAase II to electrophoretic homogeneity is described. The exonuclease is activated by K+ and Mg2+ and hydrolyses poly(A) to 5'-AMP, exclusively as described by Nossal and Singer (1968, J. Biol. Chem. 243, 913--922). To separate RNAase II from ribosomes, DEAE-cellulose chromatography was used. Two additional chromatographic steps give a preparation that yields 10 bands after analytical polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Preparative polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis resulted in a final preparation which on analytical polyacrylamide gels gives a single band. A molecular weight of 76 000 +/- 4000 was obtained from Sephadex G-200 chromatography, with three bands from sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) denaturation and SDS gel electrophoresis. The subunits have a molecular weight of 40 000 +/- 2000, 33 000 +/- 2000, and 26 000 +/- 1000. The enzyme thus appears to consist of three dissimilar subunits.  相似文献   

Washed platelets were surface-labelled by lactoperoxidase catalyzed iodination and either the platelets or membranes were solubilized in detergent and applied to a wheat germ agglutinin-Sepharose column and a Lens culinaris lectin Sepharose column coupled sequentially. The glycoproteins eluted from the lectin columns were separated by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Alternatively, labelled whole platelets or membranes were solubilized and then directly separated by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Spots corresponding to specific glycoproteins identified by apparent isoelectric point (pI), apparent molecular weight (Mr), staining and labelling characteristics were cut from the gels and analyzed by tryptic peptide mapping. The maps of the individual glycoproteins (GP) Ia, Ib, IIa, IIb, GP132–1354–4.5 IIIa, IIIb and IIIc were all different. Glycoproteins with the same Mr but different pI were distinct with the exception of regions of GP Ib. There were minor differences in the maps of glycoproteins separated in the reduced or non-reduced state. Tryptic peptide maps provide a valuable additional parameter for the identification and characterization of platelet glycoproteins.  相似文献   

A method for electroelution of protein fractions from polyacrylamide gel and device for performing such a process have been developed. The application of two tris-glycine buffers with the low and high ionic strength, pH 9.0-9.2 provides a concentration of protein simultaneously to extraction from the gel. The duration of elution is in the range of 1-3 hours and depends on the protein mobility. The effectiveness of the system is demonstrated for disc-electrophoretic separation and electrophoresis in slab gel in the presence of SDS. The maximal amount of pure protein fraction obtained is about 4.5-5.0 mg. The method may be useful especially for the fractionation of limited quantities of protein samples.  相似文献   

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