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Kang YK  Byun BJ 《Biopolymers》2012,97(10):778-788
The relative free energies of the folded structures of the seven model peptides with PLX (X = W, Y, F, H, and A) and ALX (X = W and A) sequences to the corresponding extended structures are calculated using the density functional methods in water to evaluate the relative strengths of CH···π interactions, especially proline···aromatic interactions for the PLX motif of the C-terminal subdomain of villin headpiece. It has been found that the Pro···π contacts for the folded structures of the PLW, PLY, PLF, and PLH peptides have in common a geometric pattern having the edge of the Pro ring interacting with the face of the aromatic ring, as found for functionally important Pro residues in proteins. At the M06-2X/cc-pVTZ//SMD M06-2X/6-31+G(d) level of theory, the relative stabilities of the folded structures to the extended structures are obtained in the order PLW > ALW > PLA > PLH > PLY > ALA > PLF by the conformational Gibbs free energies in water, which is reasonably consistent with the observed results from the CD thermal analysis for wild-type and mutants of the C-terminal subdomains of villin headpieces. Although the interaction energies excluding the solvation free energies play a role in determining the relative stabilities of the PLX and ALX peptides, the solvation and entropic terms are found to be of consequence, too. In particular, it has been known that ~40% of the total interaction energy of the PLW peptide is ascribed to the CH···π interactions of the contacting side chains for Pro and Trp residues, in which the dispersion terms play a role.  相似文献   

The calculations have been done for CH/π interaction with π-system of Ni(II)-acetylacetonato chelate ring. The results show that there is an attractive electrostatic interaction, while dispersion component is a major source of attractive interacting energies. The interaction was compared with CH/π interaction between two benzene rings. The comparison shows that two interactions are quite similar, enabling to estimate the energy of CH/π interaction with π-system of Ni(II)-acetylacetonato chelate ring to be about 10.5 kJ/mol. The results indicate that CH/π interactions of chelate ring in various molecular systems can be as important as CH/π interactions of phenyl ring.  相似文献   

Cation-π interactions arise as a result of strong attractive forces between positively charged entities and the π-electron cloud of aromatic groups. The physicochemical characteristics of cation-π interactions are particularly well-suited to the dual hydrophobic/hydrophilic environment of membrane proteins. As high-resolution structural data of membrane proteins bring molecular features into increasingly sharper view, cation-π interactions are gaining traction as essential contributors to membrane protein chemistry, function, and pharmacology. Here we review the physicochemical properties of cation-π interactions and present several prominent examples which demonstrate significant roles for this specialized biological chemistry.  相似文献   

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are potentially hazardous to the environment because of their chemical stability and biological toxicity. In this study, we identified the binding mode of a representative PCB180 to human serum albumin (HSA) using fluorescence and molecular dynamics (MD) simulation methods. PCB180 bound exactly at subdomain IIIA of HSA based on the fluorescence study along with site marker displacement experiments. PCB180 also induced conformational changes that were governed mainly by hydrophobic forces. MD studies and free energy calculations also made important contributions to the understanding of the effects of an HSA-PCB180 system on conformational changes. The simulations on binding behavior proved that PCB180 was located only in subdomain IIIA. Hydrophobic interactions dominated the mode of binding behavior. The results obtained using the two methods correlated well with each other. Our findings provide a framework for elucidating the mechanisms of PCB180-HSA binding, and may also help in further research on the transportation, distribution, and toxicity effects of PCBs when introduced into human blood serum.  相似文献   

Scaffold varied quaternized quinine and cinchonidine alkaloid derivatives were evaluated for their selective butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) inhibitory potential. Ki values were between 0.4–260.5 μM (non-competitive inhibition) while corresponding Kivalues to acetylcholinesterase (AChE) ranged from 7.0–400 μM exhibiting a 250-fold selectivity for BChE.Docking arrangements (GOLD, PLANT) revealed that the extended aromatic moieties and the quaternized nitrogen of the inhibitors were responsible for specific ππ stacking and π–cation interactions with the choline binding site and the peripheral anionic site of BChE’s active site.  相似文献   

The H···π and X (X = F, Cl, Br, I)···π interactions between hypohalous acids and benzene are investigated at the MP2/6-311++G(2d,2p) level. Four hydrogen-bonded and three halogen-bonded complexes were obtained. Ab initio calculations indicate that the X···π interaction between HOX and C6H6 is mainly electrostatically driven, and there is nearly an equal contribution from both electrostatic and dispersive energies in the case of XOH–C6H6 complexes. Natural bond orbital (NBO) analysis reveals that there exists charge transfer from benzene to hypohalous acids. Atom in molecules (AIM) analysis locates bond critical points (BCP) linking the hydrogen or halogen atom and carbon atom in benzene.  相似文献   

The bifunctional ligand 3-(1,8-naphthalimido)propanoate (LC2), which contains a carboxylate group linked to the robust π···π stacking 1,8-naphthalimide supramolecular synthon, has been used to prepare two new rhodium carboxylate dimer complexes, [Rh2(LC2)4(DMF)2] (1) and [Rh2(LC2)4(py)2]·3DMF (2). Both complexes have been structurally characterized and contain the Rh2(O2CR)4 paddlewheel core, but have different axial ligands. The four naphthalimide side arms in the carboxylate ligands are arranged in the square shape imposed by the SBU in complex 1, but are bent in 2. In both cases, the supramolecular structure is organized into one-dimensional chains by strong π···π stacking interactions between only two of the 1,8-naphthalimide moieties on each dimeric unit. In 1, the other naphthalimide units do not interact strongly and in 2 they intramolecularly π···π stack with the adjacent axial pyridine molecules.  相似文献   

Ab initio MO calculations were carried out at the MP4/6-311++G(3df,3pd)//MP2/6-311++G(3df,3pd) level to investigate the conformational Gibbs energy of a series of methyl ethers CH3O-CH2-X (X = OH, OCH3, F, Cl, Br, CN, CCH, C6H5, CHO). It was found that the Gibbs energy of the gauche conformers is lower in every case than that of the corresponding anti conformers. In the more stable gauche conformers, the interatomic distance between X and the hydrogen atom was shorter than the sum of the van der Waals radii. The natural bonding orbital (NBO) charges of group X were more negative in the gauche conformers than in the anti conformers. We suggest that the CH/n and CH/π hydrogen bonds play an important role in stabilizing the gauche conformation of these compounds.  相似文献   

Three silver(I) complexes of dibenzo-18-crown-6-ether (DB[18]C6), [Ag(DB[18]C6)(ClO4)](THF) (1), [Ag(DB[18]6)(CF3SO3)]2(acetone)2 (2) and [Ag(DB[18]C6)(CF3COO)]2(AgCF3COO)2 (3) have been synthesized in different solvents and characterized structurally. In each complex, silver ions prefer an octahedral coordination geometry and form close dinuclear complex with DB[18]C6 based on cation-π interaction in η2-fashion. In particular, the coordination unit involving σ bonding at an oxygen group and π-π bonding between two benzene rings is quite unique.  相似文献   

The Fbw7–Skp1 complex is an essential component in the formation and development of the mammalian cardiovascular system; the complex interaction is mediated through binding of Skp1 C-terminal peptide (qGlu-peptide) to the F-box domain of Fbw7. By visually examining the crystal structure, we identified a typical cation ···π···π stacking system at the complex interface, which is formed by the Trp1159 residue of qGlu-peptide with the Lys2299 and His2359 residues of Fbw7 F-box domain. Both hybrid quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics (QM/MM) analysis of the real domain–peptide complex and electron-correlation ab initio calculation of the stacking system model suggested that the cation···π···π plays an important role in stabilizing the complex; substitution of peptide Trp1159 residue with aromatic Phe and Tyr would not cause a considerable effect on the configuration and energetics of cation···π···π stacking system, whereas His substitution seems to largely destabilize the system. Subsequently, the qGlu-peptide was stripped from the full-length Skp1 protein to define a so-called self-inhibitory peptide, which may rebind to the domain–peptide complex interface and thus disrupt the complex interaction. Fluorescence polarization (FP) assays revealed that the Trp1159Phe and Trp1159Tyr variants have a comparable or higher affinity (K d = 41 and 62 μM) than the wild-type qGlu-peptide (K d = 56 μM), while the Trp1159His mutation would largely impair the binding potency of qGlu-peptide to Fbw7 F-box domain (K d = 280 μM), confirming that the cation···π···π confers both affinity and specificity to the domain–peptide recognition, which can be reshaped by rational molecular design of the nonbonded interaction system.
Graphical abstract Stereoview of the complex structure of Fbw7 with Skp1 (PDB: 2ovp), where the Trp1159 residue of Skp1 qGlu-peptide can form a cation···π···π stacking system with the Lys2299 and His2359 residues of Fbw7 F-box domain.

The synthesis of a novel sterically congested tetraorganotin compound, (4-tert-butyl-2,6-dimesitylphenyl)trimethylstannane (1), is reported and its reactivity with special focus on transmetalation studied. The reaction of compound 1 with reagents such as HgCl2, BiCl3 and HOTf gave (4-tert-butyl-2,6-dimesitylphenyl)dimethyltin chloride (2) and (4-tert-butyl-2,6-dimesitylphenyl)dimethyltin triflate (3), respectively, as a result of selective tin-methyl bond cleavage. Less bulky aryltrimethyltin derivatives react with BiCl3 to give both tin-methyl and tin-aryl bond cleavage. Hydrolysis of compound 3 proceeds slowly to give bis-(4-tert-butyl-2,6-dimesitylphenyl)dimethyl stannoxane (5) via the intermediate (4-tert-butyl-2,6-dimesitylphenyl)dimethyltin hydroxide (4). All terphenyldimethyltin derivatives that were characterized by single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis show C-H?π interactions. Based on these results, the optimum C-H?π distance (C?centroidaryl distance) is suggested to be in the range 3.4 and 3.5 Å.  相似文献   

Selenium has been increasingly recognized as an important element in biological systems, which participates in numerous biochemical processes in organisms, notably in enzyme reactions. Selenium can substitute sulfur of cysteine and methionine to form their selenium analogues, selenocysteine (Sec) and selenomethionine (SeM). The nature of amino acid pockets in proteins is dependent on their composition and thus different non-covalent forces determine the interactions between selenium of Sec or SeM and other functional groups, resulting in specific biophysical behavior. The discrimination of selenium toward sulfur has been reported. In order to elucidate the difference between the nature of S-π and Se-π interactions, we performed extensive DFT calculations of dispersive and electrostatic contributions of Se-π interactions in substituted benzenes/hydrogen selenide (H2Se) complexes. The results are compared with our earlier reported S-π calculations, as well as with available experimental data. Our results show a larger contribution of dispersive interactions in Se-π systems than in S-π ones, which mainly originate from the attraction between Se and substituent groups. We found that selenium exhibits a strong interaction with aromatic systems and may thus play a significant role in stabilizing protein folds and protein–inhibitor complexes. Our findings can also provide molecular insights for understanding enzymatic specificity discrimination between single selenium versus a sulfur atom, notwithstanding their very similar chemical properties.  相似文献   

Journal of Molecular Modeling - Ab initio calculations were carried out in a systematic investigation of P···π pnicogen-bonded complexes XH2P···C2H2/C2H4 and...  相似文献   

Using differential scanning calorimetry and freeze fracture electron microscopy interactions were studied between lipids and a spectrin · action complex isolated from human erythrocyte membranes. With dispersions of 1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine, 1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoglycerol and mixtures of these two compounds, which for experimental reasons were chosen as the lipid counterpart, such an interaction could clearly be deduced from changes in the temperature and the enthalpy of the phase transition. Furthermore it was demonstrated that the interaction with this membrane protein protects the bilayer against the action of Ca2+ and Mg2+ and prevents fusion of lipid vesicles which easily occurs in some of the systems when divalent ions were added to the pure lipid vesicles.  相似文献   

We present a systematic investigation of the nature and strength of the hydrogen bonding in HX···HX and CH3X…HX (X = Br, Cl and F) dimers using ab initio MP2/aug-cc-pVTZ calculations in the framework of the quantum theory of atoms in molecules (QTAIM) and electron localisation functions (ELFs) methods. The electron density of the complexes has been characterised, and the hydrogen bonding energy, as well as the QTAIM and ELF parameters, is consistent, providing deep insight into the origin of the hydrogen bonding in these complexes. It was found that in both linear and angular HX…HX and CH3X…HX dimers, F atoms form stronger HB than Br and Cl, but they need short (~2 Å) X…HX contacts.  相似文献   



Increasing evidence suggests that individual isoforms of protein kinase C (PKC) play distinct roles in regulating platelet activation.

Methodology/Principal Findings

In this study, we focus on the role of two novel PKC isoforms, PKCδ and PKCε, in both mouse and human platelets. PKCδ is robustly expressed in human platelets and undergoes transient tyrosine phosphorylation upon stimulation by thrombin or the collagen receptor, GPVI, which becomes sustained in the presence of the pan-PKC inhibitor, Ro 31-8220. In mouse platelets, however, PKCδ undergoes sustained tyrosine phosphorylation upon activation. In contrast the related isoform, PKCε, is expressed at high levels in mouse but not human platelets. There is a marked inhibition in aggregation and dense granule secretion to low concentrations of GPVI agonists in mouse platelets lacking PKCε in contrast to a minor inhibition in response to G protein-coupled receptor agonists. This reduction is mediated by inhibition of tyrosine phosphorylation of the FcRγ-chain and downstream proteins, an effect also observed in wild-type mouse platelets in the presence of a PKC inhibitor.


These results demonstrate a reciprocal relationship in levels of the novel PKC isoforms δ and ε in human and mouse platelets and a selective role for PKCε in signalling through GPVI.  相似文献   

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