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Cao J  He CZ 《Biometrics》2005,61(3):877-878
The populations of many North American landbirds are showing signs of declining. Gathering information on breeding productivity allows early detection of unhealthy populations and helps develop good habitat-management practices. In this paper, we study the performance of the Bayesian model (He, 2003, Biometrics 59, 962-973) for age-specific nest survival rates with irregular visits. We find that the estimates are satisfactory except for the age-one survival rate. Usually the more days skipped between two visits, the more serious the underestimation of the age-one survival rate. We investigated the problem and developed three approaches to adjust for the underestimation bias. The simulation results show that the three approaches can significantly improve the estimation of the age-one survival rate.  相似文献   

Coupling habitat models based on GIS and on ground variables could help identify suitable areas (by means of landscape models obtained by GIS variables) to concentrate management actions for species’ conservation. In this study, the habitat requirements of Lesser Greys (LGS) and Woodchat Shrikes (WS), two threatened farmland bird species declining in Europe, were assessed in Apulia (south-eastern Italy) by means of binary logistic regression at two different levels: landscape (using GIS-measured variables); and, territory (using ground-measured variables) scales. The LGS occurrence at landscape scale was correlated to steppe-like areas and cereal crops. At the territory level, significant effects were detected for deciduous forests and the presence of isolated trees and shrubs. The WS occurrence at landscape scale was promoted by steppe-like areas and cereal crops, whereas, at the territory level significant effects were detected for steppe-like areas positively and suburban areas negatively. The landscape model was extrapolated to the entire region. Within highly suitable areas (occurrence probability higher than 0.66 according to the landscape model), we measured average habitat features and compared them with the optimal mosaic depicted by the territory level models. This allowed us to give spatially explicit and site-specific management recommendations for these two threatened species. LGS will mostly benefit from an increase in isolated shrubs and trees; whereas for WS, the most widespread recommendations are to increase steppe-like habitat and to prevent further urbanisation.Coupling “coarse” landscape models with the species ecology provided by fine-scaled models can integrate relevant information on species potential distribution and territory level requirements, making planning fine-tuned habitat management (within potentially suitable landscapes) in a spatially explicit way possible.  相似文献   

Land use intensification may create habitats that organisms perceive as suitable, but where reproduction or survival is insufficient to maintain self-sustaining populations. Such conditions may qualify as ecological traps, but their existence is often hard to prove. Here, we provide a practical framework to evaluate a potential ecological trap resulting from mismatch between habitat preferences and predation risk, focusing on ground-nesting farmland birds of conservation concern. The framework is based on species-specific associations with safe or unsafe habitat types (i.e. field and landscape types with high or low nest survival), and the occurrence of risk avoidance (i.e. negative responses to predator abundances or to nest failure rates after controlling for habitat effects). Bird densities were far more influenced by field characteristics than landscape context. Corn bunting and fan-tailed warbler were associated with tall swards (safe habitats), and did not show risk avoidance. Tawny pipit and and Galerida larks were associated with short swards (unsafe habitats), with the former avoiding fields with high nest predation rates, and the later avoiding high mongoose abundances. Short-toed lark was associated with fields with short swards and low nest trampling rates. Results suggest that short-toed lark may be the most vulnerable to ecological trapping, because it nests on unsafe habitats and did not show predation risk avoidance. Our approach provides a practical first step to infer vulnerability to a potential ecological trap, though further research is needed to confirm this effect. Management actions increasing nest survival in short sward fields will likely favour grassland bird conservation in intensive Mediterranean farmland.  相似文献   

Future climatic scenarios forecast increases in average temperatures as well as in the frequency, duration, and intensity of extreme events, such as heatwaves. Whereas behavioral adjustments can buffer direct physiological and fitness costs of exposure to excessive temperature in wild animals, these may prove more difficult during specific life stages when vagility is reduced (e.g., early developmental stages). By means of a nest cooling experiment, we tested the effects of extreme temperatures on different stages of reproduction in a cavity-nesting Mediterranean bird of prey, the lesser kestrel (Falco naumanni), facing a recent increase in the frequency of heatwaves during its breeding season. Nest temperature in a group of nest boxes placed on roof terraces was reduced by shading them from direct sunlight in 2 consecutive years (2021 and 2022). We then compared hatching failure, mortality, and nestling morphology between shaded and non-shaded (control) nest boxes. Nest temperature in control nest boxes was on average 3.9°C higher than in shaded ones during heatwaves, that is, spells of extreme air temperature (>37°C for ≥2 consecutive days) which hit the study area during the nestling-rearing phase in both years. Hatching failure markedly increased with increasing nest temperature, rising above 50% when maximum nest temperatures exceeded 44°C. Nestlings from control nest boxes showed higher mortality during heatwaves (55% vs. 10% in shaded nest boxes) and those that survived further showed impaired morphological growth (body mass and skeletal size). Hence, heatwaves occurring during the breeding period can have both strong lethal and sublethal impacts on different components of avian reproduction, from egg hatching to nestling growth. More broadly, these findings suggest that the projected future increases of summer temperatures and heatwave frequency in the Mediterranean basin and elsewhere in temperate areas may threaten the local persistence of even relatively warm-adapted species.  相似文献   

Predation is the main cause of nest failure among birds and, therefore, a strong selective agent. To fully understand patterns of nest predation, determining the identities of nest predators is crucial. Information about nest predators in the Neotropics, however, is largely anecdotal and not easily accessible in the literature. Our objective was to search the literature and compile a list of the known predators of nests in the Neotropics. We identified 256 species belonging to 67 families of birds, reptiles, mammals, and arthropods as nest predators. Families with at least 10 species of identified nest predators included Colubridae, Accipitridae, Corvidae, Ramphastidae, Falconidae, Furnariidae, Icteridae, and Didelphidae. Species in the first five of these families, plus the family Cebidae, predated nests of at least 30 species of birds. Many species not included on our list are also likely nest predators, e.g., 79 species identified as nest predators in the Nearctic that also occur in the Neotropics, but have not yet been confirmed as predators there. Increased use of video technology in the future should lead to an increase in the numbers of nest predators identified, particularly those that are nocturnal. By determining which species on our list occur in a given study area, researchers can now consider the likely nest predators in their study areas when designing hypotheses and conservation plans.  相似文献   

Researchers are moving their attention away from the Mayfield method of estimating nest success to advanced nest survival models that can be implemented within statistical software packages. In spite of this, little attention has been paid to developing formal rules for handling of ambiguous nesting data within these software-based methods. I compared the variation caused by differential handling of data between the hand-calculated Mayfield estimates and those obtained using the constant survival logistic-exposure method. Four variants of each of the two methods were applied to sets of nest records (n = 5,476) of nine open-nesting passerines. Of all nest fates, 57% (unweighted mean across species) were categorized as failed, 29% as successful and 14% as uncertain, according to either age criterion or combination of all fate evidence criteria. Different methods yielded survival estimates that differed as much as 6% over a 25-day nesting cycle. Variation in logistic-exposure survival estimates caused by the four variants of interval coding was higher (range = 4.4%) than variation in the Mayfield estimates (range = 2.7%) caused by the four variants of exposure termination. Researchers are urged to consider different handling of ambiguous nesting data as one of the many possible sources of bias when implementing any method of nest survival analysis.  相似文献   

Post-disturbance survival is a key factor in the onset of secondary successions. Here we analyse capture-recapture data from two before/after disturbance studies to estimate the effect of fire on local bird survival. Analyses of six bird species at two Mediterranean shrubland sites were combined using a meta-analysis approach. Two warblers, Sylvia undata and S. melanocephala, were studied at one site altered by prescribed burning, and five passerines (Luscinia megarhynchos, Turdus merula, Parus major, P. caeruleus and S. melanocephala) at one site disturbed by wildfire. Based on the combined analysis, annual survival probability significantly decreased from 0.49 to 0.18 (i.e. a 64% decline) after the fire. Our results further suggest a trend for a higher decrease in annual survival associated with wildfire (–72%, from 0.51 to 0.14) than with prescribed burning (–35%, from 0.41 to 0.27), although this should be properly tested with a specific experimental design. In S. undata, a decline in survival in the long-term cannot account for the drop in density observed the first spring after fire. We suggest that a decrease in recruitment rate and an increase in the proportion of non-breeders immediately after the fire may contribute more strongly to the decline in the breeding population. Our results tend to support the idea that bird populations may respond to moderate disturbances with noticeable time lags, because of individual site tenacity.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   Nest predation is the primary cause of nest failure in most passerine birds, and increases in nest predation associated with anthropogenic habitat disturbance are invoked as explanations for population declines of some bird species. In most cases, however, the identity of the nest predators is not known with certainty. We monitored active bird nests with infrared time-lapse video cameras to determine which nest predators were responsible for depredating bird nests in northern New Hampshire. We monitored 64 nests of 11 bird species during three breeding seasons, and identified seven species of predators during 14 predation events. In addition, we recorded two instances of birds defending nests from predators and, in both cases, these nests were ultimately lost to predation. These results contrast with other studies in terms of the relatively high proportion of nests depredated by raptors and mice, as well as the absence of any predation by snakes. The diverse suite of predators in this and other studies is likely to confound our understanding of patterns of nest predation relative to fragmentation and habitat structure.  相似文献   

Current statistical methods for estimating nest survival rates assume that nests are identical in their propensity to succeed. However, there are several biological reasons to question this assumption. For example, experience of the nest builder, number of nest helpers, genetic fitness of individuals, and site effects may contribute to an inherent disparity between nests with respect to their daily mortality rates. Ignoring such heterogeneity can lead to incorrect survival estimates. Our results show that constant survival models can seriously underestimate overall survival in the presence of heterogeneity. This paper presents a flexible random-effects approach to model heterogeneous nest survival data. We illustrate our methods through data on redwing blackbirds.  相似文献   

Density‐dependent population regulation is observed in many taxa, and understanding the mechanisms that generate density dependence is especially important for the conservation of heavily‐managed species. In one such system, North American waterfowl, density dependence is often observed at continental scales, and nest predation has long been implicated as a key factor driving this pattern. However, despite extensive research on this topic, it remains unclear if and how nest density influences predation rates. Part of this confusion may have arisen because previous studies have studied density‐dependent predation at relatively large spatial and temporal scales. Because the spatial distribution of nests changes throughout the season, which potentially influences predator behavior, nest survival may vary through time at relatively small spatial scales. As such, density‐dependent nest predation might be more detectable at a spatially‐ and temporally‐refined scale and this may provide new insights into nest site selection and predator foraging behavior. Here, we used three years of data on nest survival of two species of waterfowl, mallards and gadwall, to more fully explore the relationship between local nest clustering and nest survival. Throughout the season, we found that the distribution of nests was consistently clustered at small spatial scales (?50–400 m), especially for mallard nests, and that this pattern was robust to yearly variation in nest density and the intensity of predation. We demonstrated further that local nest clustering had positive fitness consequences – nests with closer nearest neighbors were more likely to be successful, a result that is counter to the general assumption that nest predation rates increase with nest density.  相似文献   

Nest survival may vary throughout the breeding season for many bird species, and the nature of this temporal variation can reveal the links between birds, their predators, and other components of the ecosystem. We used program Mark to model patterns in nest survival within the breeding season for shorebirds nesting on arctic tundra. From 2000 to 2007, we monitored 521 nests of five shorebird species and found strong evidence for variation in nest survival within a nesting season. Daily nest survival was lowest in the mid-season in 5 of 8 years, but the timing and magnitude of the lows varied. We found no evidence that this quadratic time effect was driven by seasonal changes in weather or the abundance of predators. Contrary to our prediction, the risk of predation was not greatest when the number of active shorebird nests was highest. Although nest abundance reached a maximum near the middle of the breeding season, a daily index of shorebird nest activity was not supported as a predictor of nest survival in the models. Predators’ access to other diet items, in addition to shorebird nests, may instead determine the temporal patterns of nest predation. Nest survival also displayed a positive, linear relationship with nest age; however, this effect was most pronounced among species with biparental incubation. Among biparental species, parents defended older nests with greater intensity. We did not detect a similar relationship among uniparental species, and conclude that the stronger relationship between nest age and both nest defence and nest survival for biparental species reflects that their nest defence is more effective.  相似文献   

The effect of investigator perturbance has been traditionally considered detrimental for avian nesting success in terms of enhanced nest predation. This conclusion was however based on a taxonomically biased group of species and, thus, the study of that effect in additional species was essential for reaching a more firm conclusion. Furthermore, although it has been suggested that the effect of nest visiting could also depend on nest predator community, no study has so far tested this hypothesis yet. Trying to detect possible influence of nest‐visiting rates and predator community on nesting success we visited European blackbird Turdus merula nests at two different experimental rates in two populations that considerably differ in the composition of their nest predator communities and natural nest predation rates. Contrary to the traditional ideas, our results not only show that investigator disturbance significantly reduces nest predation, but also that this reduction is maintained in both populations despite the difference in the community of nest predators. We discuss these findings and suggest that predators, especially mammals, might avoid places disturbed by investigators.  相似文献   

The populations of farmland birds in Europe declined markedly during the last quarter of the 20th century, representing a severe threat to biodiversity. Here, we assess whether declines in the populations and ranges of farmland birds across Europe reflect differences in agricultural intensity, which arise largely through differences in political history. Population and range changes were modelled in terms of a number of indices of agricultural intensity. Population declines and range contractions were significantly greater in countries with more intensive agriculture, and significantly higher in the European Union (EU) than in former communist countries. Cereal yield alone explained over 30% of the variation in population trends. The results suggest that recent trends in agriculture have had deleterious and measurable effects on bird populations on a continental scale. We predict that the introduction of EU agricultural policies into former communist countries hoping to accede to the EU in the near future will result in significant declines in the important bird populations there.  相似文献   

The study of cross-species pathogen transmission is essential to understanding the epizootiology and epidemiology of infectious diseases. Avian chlamydiosis is a zoonotic disease whose effects have been mainly investigated in humans, poultry and pet birds. It has been suggested that wild bird species play an important role as reservoirs for this disease. During a comparative health status survey in common (Falco tinnunculus) and lesser (Falco naumanni) kestrel populations in Spain, acute gammapathies were detected. We investigated whether gammapathies were associated with Chlamydiaceae infections. We recorded the prevalence of different Chlamydiaceae species in nestlings of both kestrel species in three different study areas. Chlamydophila psittaci serovar I (or Chlamydophila abortus), an ovine pathogen causing late-term abortions, was isolated from all the nestlings of both kestrel species in one of the three studied areas, a location with extensive ovine livestock enzootic of this atypical bacteria and where gammapathies were recorded. Serovar and genetic cluster analysis of the kestrel isolates from this area showed serovars A and C and the genetic cluster 1 and were different than those isolated from the other two areas. The serovar I in this area was also isolated from sheep abortions, sheep faeces, sheep stable dust, nest dust of both kestrel species, carrion beetles (Silphidae) and Orthoptera. This fact was not observed in other areas. In addition, we found kestrels to be infected by Chlamydia suis and Chlamydia muridarum, the first time these have been detected in birds. Our study evidences a pathogen transmission from ruminants to birds, highlighting the importance of this potential and unexplored mechanism of infection in an ecological context. On the other hand, it is reported a pathogen transmission from livestock to wildlife, revealing new and scarcely investigated anthropogenic threats for wild and endangered species.  相似文献   

Capsule Nest failure owing to a range of predators was high, but the level and specificity of nest depredation cannot be generalised.

Aims To determine fates and predators of Sky Lark nests in conventionally managed arable fields in the Czech Republic.

Methods Sky Lark nests in large fields (mainly Maize, Sugar Beet and Opium Poppy) were monitored by means of continuous video surveillance.

Results Primary nest fates of 42 active nests were fledging (13), depredation (22), desertion (5), nestling death (1), and flooding (1). The overall nest success (Mayfield estimate) was 17% (all mortality factors considered) or 27% (only depredation). Depredation events were caused by Marsh Harrier Circus aeruginosus (11), Hooded Crow Corvus cornix (4), Stone Marten Martes foina (3), Montagu’s Harrier Circus pygargus (2), Red Fox Vulpes vulpes (2), Hedgehog Erinaceus sp. (2) and Eurasian Jackdaw Corvus monedula (1). Successful nests were only slightly more away from field edge than depredated nests; nests taken by birds tended to be closer to field edge than those depredated by mammals. The possible reasons for the absence of a clear edge effect include comparatively large field parcels (about 50 ha) and location of nests far from field edge (median = 195 m).

Conclusion Nest survival and composition of nest predators are site‐specific and contingent upon the study method and may not be simply generalised.  相似文献   

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