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On the Island of Ireland, pine martens (Martes martes) exist at the western edge of their global geographic range in the least forested region of Europe. The species has undergone substantial declines in abundance and distribution during the 20th century. Here, we report on the first cross-jurisdictional (Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland) survey that aimed to investigate current pine marten distribution, assess any recent historical change and provide preliminary estimates of population abundance.A standardised non-invasive survey technique that used scat-based transect surveys and DNA analysis to confirm scat identity was deployed in 258 10 km national grid squares during 2005–2007. In the Republic of Ireland, an occupancy rate of 59.6% was found. Comparisons with historical data indicated that a range expansion of pine marten had occurred over the last 30 years. Indicative core population range extended to over 50% of the land area with population abundance estimates of 2740 individuals.In Northern Ireland, an occupancy rate of 56.7% was determined with the population largely concentrated in western areas. There was little or no evidence of any recent expansion from core population areas (18% of land area) despite recent increases in forest cover and full legal protection. Population abundance estimates of 320 emphasise the critical requirement for action to conserve this species.The pine marten is one of the rarest wildlife species in Ireland and, based on our studies, an evidenced based conservation strategy that promotes a sustainable future for the species needs to be developed.  相似文献   

Predation often deviates from the law of mass action: many micro- and meso-scale experiments have shown that consumption saturates with resource abundance, and decreases due to interference between consumers. But does this observation hold at macro-ecological scales, spanning many species and orders of magnitude in biomass? If so, what are its consequences for large-scale ecological patterns and dynamics? We perform a meta-analysis of predator–prey pairs of mammals, birds and reptiles, and show that total predation rates appear to increase, not as the product of predator and prey densities following the Lotka–Volterra (mass action) model, but rather as the square root of that product. This suggests a phenomenological power-law expression of the effective cross-ecosystem predation rate. We discuss whether the same power-law may hold dynamically within an ecosystem, and assuming that it does, we explore its consequences in a simple food chain model. The empirical exponents fall close to the boundary between regimes of donor and consumer limitation. Exponents on this boundary are singular in multiple ways. First, they maximize predator abundance and some stability metrics. Second, they create proportionality relations between biomass and productivity, both within and between trophic levels. These intuitive relations do not hold in general in mass action models, yet they are widely observed empirically. These results provide evidence of mechanisms limiting predation across multiple ecological scales. Some of this evidence was previously associated with donor control, but we show that it supports a wider range of possibilities, including forms of consumer control. As limiting consumption counter-intuitively allows larger populations, it is worthwhile to reconsider whether the observed predation rates arise from microscopic mechanisms, or could hint at selective pressure at the population level.  相似文献   


We investigated the feasibility of using genetic techniques to census pine marten (Martes martes) populations by genotyping non-invasively collected samples (plucked hair and scats), with particular reference to the genetically depauperate Irish population. Novel real-time polymerase chain reaction methods were developed for species and sex identification, targeting short DNA sequences. Background genetic variation at 17 microsatellite loci was very low in the Irish population, with an average of 2.29 alleles per locus and expected heterozygosity of 0.35. Despite such low polymorphism, a panel of eight loci with a sibling probability of identity of 0.011 reliably identified individual pine marten and their gender, as determined by reference to genotypes of live trapped individuals. With high nuclear DNA amplification success rates (93.8%) and low genotyping error rates (1.8%), plucked hairs may represent a more reliable and cost-effective DNA source than scats for monitoring populations of this elusive carnivore, and similar taxa such as the sympatric stone marten Martes foina.


The pine marten Martes martes was once considered one of Ireland's rarest carnivores, but is now recolonizing many of the areas where it was once extirpated. It is important to monitor its population expansion so that conservation management decisions can be made regarding the status of this species. In this study, we investigate the use of fur snagging devices as a method of estimating pine marten presence and abundance in lowland and upland broadleaf woodland. We investigated whether these devices reliably detected presence, and how quickly. It was found that hair traps functioned very well in detecting pine martens on all survey transects and was essential in their detection in the most isolated site. A survey length of 6 days was sufficient to detect pine marten in all survey sites, with most detections occurring within the first 4 days. The hair traps functioned equally well as scat location for detecting pine marten and had the added advantage of there being no confusion as to the origin of the sample. Live trapping was used to verify the estimates of relative abundance from hair traps. There was a trend for the number of hair samples per site and the number of times animals were trapped per site to be positively correlated, although this was not significant. Hair traps do provide a real alternative for the monitoring of pine martens in both lowland and upland broadleaf woodlands, overcoming many of the disadvantages associated with scat location.  相似文献   

The tourist pressure in natural parks is a potential source of stress and may cause an increase in the adrenal activity of wild populations of European pine marten (Martes martes). Seventy-six faecal samples were collected during 15 months in a natural park of Northwest Spain. Analysis of faecal DNA was used for the specific identification using the PCR-RFLPs technique. Faecal steroid determinations were performed by EIA. Natural park was divided in three areas: free entry, restricted area, and integral reservation, and number of daily human visitors recorded. Faecal glucocorticoid metabolite levels (ng/g dry faeces) were significantly higher in spring (56.36 ± 19.62) and summer (31.27 ± 11.98) compared to autumn (15.33 ± 6.89) and winter (11.13 ± 3.30). These data are closely related to daily number of visitors (spring: 3204, summer: 1672, winter: 646, autumn: 551). Androgen, progestin and oestrogen levels were also significantly higher in spring (reproductive season) showing values of 43.62 ± 18.6, 154.31 ± 53.50 and 829.62 ± 456.1, respectively. Glucocorticoid levels were significantly lower in integral reservation (15.95 ± 3.56) compared to restricted (31.4 ± 16.30) and free entry areas (41.59 ± 12.73), respectively. Wild populations of European pine marten showed stress physiological response induced by the tourist pressure and this response is higher during reproductive season.  相似文献   

Summer food of sympatric red fox and pine marten in the German Alps   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Based on fecal analyses, we compared summer diet composition and trophic niche breadth for the sympatric red fox Vulpes vulpes (n=55 scats) and pine marten Martes martes (n=64) in the foothills of the German Alps. Mammals accounted for 41 and 51% of the consumed biomass by pine martens and red foxes, respectively, and no single mammal species exceeded 8% of the diet. The larger red fox consumed a wider range of prey sizes than the smaller pine marten, and both consumed large amounts of plants and also insects. Whereas the Levins index suggested that both predators have specialist feeding niches, the Shannon-Wiener index showed that both predators were relatively generalist. Despite its preliminary nature, our study suggests that a strict distinction between generalist and specialist trophic niches is not justified for medium-sized carnivores in the Alps, particularly as results greatly depend on the indices used.  相似文献   

A thorough understanding of the diversity of viruses in wildlife provides epidemiological baseline information about potential pathogens. Metagenomic analysis of the enteric viral flora revealed a new anellovirus and bocavirus species in pine martens and a new circovirus-like virus and geminivirus-related DNA virus in European badgers. In addition, sequences with homology to viruses from the families Paramyxo- and Picornaviridae were detected.  相似文献   


Wind farm implementation is a rapidly growing source of landscape transformation that may alter ecological processes such as predator–prey interactions. We tested the hypothesis that wind farms increase the activity of nest predators and, ultimately, increment ground-nest predation rates. We placed 18 plots in Iberian shrub-steppes (11 at control and seven at wind farm sites), each one comprised nine artificial ground-nests (three quail eggs/nest). Artificial nests were placed during two events: at the beginning (April) and at the end (June) of the breeding season in 2016 (n?=?324 artificial nests). We estimated the relative abundance of avian and large mammalian predators in the surroundings of each plot and recorded nest fate after 12 days exposure. We also measured variables at landscape and microhabitat scale that potentially affect predator abundance and nest predation. Wind farm sites contained higher cover of gravel roads and more large mammalian predators. Moreover, the abundance of large mammalian predators increased with surrounding cover of both trees and gravel-roads. Avian predator abundance and nest predation rates did not differ between control and wind farm sites, though nest predation did increase with the surrounding cover of crops and gravel roads. Lastly, nest predation was higher at the end of the breeding season and decreased with moss and lichen cover. Our results support previous evidence on the increase of mammalian predator abundance as the surface area of gravel-roads increases, pointing towards a potential mechanism for wind farms leading to rise ground-nest predation. Future wind energy projects should minimize the development of gravel-roads for wind turbine access or maintenance.


Lineage-specific traits determine how plants interact with their surrounding environment. Unrelated species may evolve similar phenotypic characteristics to tolerate, persist in, and invade environments with certain characteristics, resulting in some traits becoming relatively more common in certain types of habitats. Analyses of these general patterns of geographical trait distribution have led to the proposal of general principles to explain how plants diversify in space over time. Trait–environment correlation analyses quantify to what extent unrelated lineages have similar evolutionary responses to a given type of habitat. In this synthesis, I give a short historical overview on trait–environment correlation analyses, from some key observations from classic naturalists to modern approaches using trait evolution models, large phylogenies, and massive data sets of traits and distributions. I discuss some limitations of modern approaches, including the need for more realistic models, the lack of data from tropical areas, and the necessary focus on trait scoring that goes beyond macromorphology. Overcoming these limitations will allow the field to explore new questions related to trait lability and niche evolution and to better identify generalities and exceptions in how plants diversify in space over time.  相似文献   

多样化松林中昆虫群落多样性特征   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
刘兴平  刘向辉  王国红  韩瑞东  戈峰 《生态学报》2005,25(11):2976-2982
马尾松和湿地松是我国南方的2种主要松树。通过对6种不同林分结构下的马尾松林和湿地松林内昆虫群落调查与多样性指数分析,表明2种松树内的昆虫种类和数量无显著差异,混交林中的昆虫群落的种类和数量比纯林多,尤其以捕食天敌类群的种类和数量更为明显。整个昆虫群落和植食类群多样性指数以湿地松林内较大,而天敌(捕食类群和寄生类群)多样性指数则以马尾松林较高。从不同林分结构下昆虫多样性的比较来看,混交林内昆虫群落多样性指数波动较小,明显地高于纯林。但不同林分结构下昆虫多样性随水平分布和垂直分层格局而变化,松树北面和东面各样地之间的昆虫群落多样性指数差异显著,而南、西面之间差异较小;树冠层各样地之间的差异达极显著水平,而枯枝落叶层和树干层之间差异不显著。由此,还进一步讨论了混交林中昆虫群落稳定性问题。  相似文献   

Studies at small spatial scale are often fundamental to highlight the behavioural plasticity of a species and thus have important implications for conservation planning, in particular for species usually considered as habitat specialists. We investigated second-order habitat selection of the European pine marten in an area dominated by deciduous oak forest and open fields in central Italy, by radio-tracking 16 pine martens (eight males, eight females). Pine martens placed home ranges in areas with more open field than in the study area, whereas woodland (oak and conifer forests) comprised a smaller portion of the home range than predominant forest character of the studied area. Although the presence of the species in the open habitats has been documented, to our knowledge, our results provide the first evidence of home range establishment in this cover type by pine marten at population level. The combination of low predation risk and high availability of resources could allow pine martens to occupy open fields in our study area. We highlighted different individual strategies of habitat selection, with some individuals placing home ranges in areas with high forest coverage while others occupying open areas. We found no effects of sex and body condition on habitat selection, and this could indicate that in the study area, both forested and non-forested cover types, such as open fields, shrub and anthropic areas, can provide adequate food, overhead cover and resting sites for all individuals. Pine marten ability to occupy open fields seems thus more related to the behavioural flexibility of the species, rather than to the need to supplement dens and forage from complementary lower quality habitat. The high quality of the Mediterranean continental area studied could also explain the selection of open areas by the pine marten. Our results offer useful information on pine marten ecology and may be helpful for conservation management of this species in southern Europe.  相似文献   

Current issues in marine resource management have in common a geospatial component and a need to integrate both biotic and abiotic data from various sources. We propose a practical approach to address these issues looking at the American plaice (Hippoglossoides platessoides) and the demersal fish fauna in the Gulf of St. Lawrence (Canada). Central to our approach was the use of a common spatial grid and three different methods to match biotic and abiotic features at a broad regional scale, (1) matching plaice distribution with habitat categories determined a priori on the basis of abiotic features (cluster analysis), (2) habitat categories determined taking into consideration both plaice density and abiotic features (simple regression tree), and (3) habitat categories determined taking into consideration demersal fish species density (70 fish species) and abiotic features (multivariate regression tree, MRT). Hot spots and cold spots of plaice abundance in summer were described and matched with specific habitats. The spatial distribution of habitats was similar whether biotic variables were used in the classification or not. The MRT, however, identified 56 different fish species in the plaice habitat (median species richness by 100 km2 cell = 12), pointing to potential interactions with other fish species.  相似文献   

In a Pinus halepensis Mill. forest, a field experiment was designed to evaluate post-fire seed predation as affected by combinations of seed colour and soil substrates: light grey and black seeds combined with light grey ash, dark grey ash and pale brown sand. A survey of bird species inhabiting the area was also carried out and polyphenolic content of seed coat was assessed in seed lots of different colour. Light grey seeds were observed to be less predated on light grey ash, suggesting eucrypsis as a protective strategy against bird predation. On the contrary, no clear pattern was observed for the predation of black seeds on different substrates. In the study area both bird species breaking the seed coat and eating the endosperm and bird species swallowing the whole seed were monitored. We have estimated that more seeds were swallowed than broken, in all colour categories. Light grey seeds, which were found to have a higher content of polyphenols, were predated more than black seeds when exposed on the same substrate. Thus, no evidence was produced that the amount of polyphenols in seed coat could protect seeds from predation.  相似文献   

The relative importance of top‐down and bottom‐up mechanisms in shaping community structure is still a highly controversial topic in ecology. Predatory top‐down control of herbivores is thought to relax herbivore impact on the vegetation through trophic cascades. However, trophic cascades may be weak in terrestrial systems as the complexity of food webs makes responses harder to predict. Alternatively, top‐down control prevails, but the top‐level (predator or herbivore) changes according to productivity levels. Here we show how spatial variation in the occurrence of herbivores (lemmings and voles) and their predators (mustelids and foxes) relates with grazing damage in landscapes with different net primary productivity, generating two and three trophic level communities, during the 2007 rodent peak in northern Norway. Lemmings were most abundant on the unproductive high‐altitude tundra, where few predators were present and the impact of herbivores on vegetation was strong. Voles were most common on a productive, south facing slope, where numerous predators were present, and the impacts of herbivores on vegetation were weak. The impact of herbivores on the vegetation was strong only when predators were not present, and this cannot be explained by between‐habitat differences in the abundance of plant functional groups. We thus conclude that predators influence the plant community via a trophic cascade in a spatial pattern that support the exploitation ecosystems hypothesis. The responses to grazing also differed between plant functional groups, with implications for short and long‐term consequences for plant communities.  相似文献   



Chromosomal anomalies (CA) are the most frequent fetal anomalies.


To evaluate the diagnostic performance of a machine learning ensemble model based on the maternal serum metabolomic fingerprint of fetal aneuploidies during the second trimester .


This is a case-control pilot study. Metabolomic profiles have been obtained on serum of 328 mothers (220 controls and 108 cases), using gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. Eight machines learning and classification models were built and optimized. An ensemble model was built using a voting scheme. All samples were randomly divided into two sets. One was used as training set, the other one for diagnostic performance assessment.


Ensemble machine learning model correctly classified all cases and controls. The accuracy was the same for trisomy 21 and 18; also, the other CA were correctly detected. Elaidic, stearic, linolenic, myristic, benzoic, citric and glyceric acid, mannose, 2-hydroxy butyrate, phenylalanine, proline, alanine and 3-methyl histidine were selected as the most relevant metabolites in class separation.


The proposed model, based on the maternal serum metabolomic fingerprint of fetal aneuploidies during the second trimester, correctly identifies all the cases of chromosomal abnormalities. Overall, this preliminary analysis appeared suggestive of a metabolic environment conductive to increased oxidative stress and a disturbance in the fetal central nervous system development. Maternal serum metabolomics can be a promising tool in the screening of chromosomal defects. Moreover, metabolomics allows to extend our knowledge about biochemical alterations caused by aneuploidies and responsible for the observed phenotypes.

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