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Sterols are essential components of the plasma membrane in eukaryotic cells. Nystatin-resistant erg mutants were used in the present study to investigate the in vitro effects of altered sterol structure on membrane lipid composition, fluidity, and asymmetry of phospholipids. Quantitative analyses of the wild type and mutants erg2, erg3 and erg6 revealed that mutants have lower sterol (free)-to-phospholipid molar ratios than the wild type. Phosphatidylcholine content was decreased in erg2 and erg3 mutants; however, it was increased in erg6 strains as compared to normals. Phosphatidylserine content was increased in the erg6 mutant only. Fluorescence anisotropy decreased with temperature in both probes, and was lower for mutants than for the wild type, suggesting an increased freedom in rotational movement due to decreased membrane order. Investigation of changes in the aminophospholipid transbilayer distribution using two chemical probes, trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid and fluorescamine, revealed that the amounts of phosphatidylethanolamine derivatized by these probes were quite similar in both the wild type and various erg strains. The present findings suggest that adaptive responses in yeast cells with altered sterol structure are possibly manifested through changes in membrane lipid composition and fluidity, and not through transbilayer rearrangement of aminophospholipids.  相似文献   

Abstract The lipid composition of a strain of each of two yeasts, Saccharomyces csrevisiae and Kloeckera apiculata , with different ethanol tolerances, was determined for cells grown with or without added ethanol. An increase in the proportion of ergosterol, unsaturated fatty acid levels and the maintenance of phospholipid biosynthesis seemed to be responsible for ethanol tolerance. The association of ethanol tolerance of yeast cells with plasma membrane fluidity, measured by fluorescence anisotropy, is discussed. We propose that an increase in plasma membrane fluidity may be correlated with a decrease in the sterol: phospholipid and sterol: protein ratios and an increase in unsaturation index.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae GL7 cells require exogenous sterol and unsaturated fatty acid for growth. When grown in the presence of cholesterol or 7-dehydrocholesterol, the cells incorporated less saturated fatty acid into phospholipids than cells grown with ergosterol, stigmasterol, or beta-sitosterol as the sterol source. This lower saturated fatty acid content was most pronounced in phosphatidylethanolamine, slightly less so in phosphatidylcholine, and least evident in phosphatidylserine and phosphatidylinositol. Growing the cells with the various sterols did not affect the ratios of individual phospholipids. The ability of strain GL7 to use 7-dehydrocholesterol as the only sterol supplement for growth was dependent upon the nature of the unsaturated fatty acids added to the growth medium. In the presence of linoleic, linolenic, or a mixture of palmitoleic and oleic acids, excellent growth was observed with either ergosterol, cholesterol, or 7-dehydrocholesterol. However, when the medium was supplemented with either oleic or petroselenic acid, the cells grew more slowly (oleic) or much more poorly (petroselenic) with 7-dehydrocholesterol than with ergosterol. A specific relationship between sterol structure and membrane fatty acid composition in yeast cells is implied.  相似文献   

1. The fatty acid composition of the membrane lipids of a fatty acid desaturase mutant of Saccharomyces cerevisiae was manipulated by growing the organism in a medium containing defined fatty acid supplements. 2. Mitochondria were obtained whose fatty acids contain between 20% and 80% unsaturated fatty acids. 3. Mitochondria with high proportions of unsaturated fatty acids in their lipids have coupled oxidative phosphorylation with normal P/O ratios, accumulate K(+) ions in the presence of valinomycin and an energy source, and eject protons in an energy-dependent fashion. 4. If the unsaturated fatty acid content of the mitochondrial fatty acids is lowered to 20%, the mitochondria simultaneously lose active cation transport and the ability to couple phosphorylation to respiration. 5. The loss of energy-linked reactions is accompanied by an increased passive permeability of the mitochondria to protons. 6. Free fatty acids uncouple oxidative phosphorylation in yeast mitochondria and the effect is reversed by bovine serum albumin. 7. The free fatty acid contents of yeast mitochondria are unaffected by depletion of unsaturated fatty acids, and free fatty acids are not responsible for the uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation in organelles depleted in unsaturated fatty acids. 8. It is suggested that the loss of energy-linked reactions in yeast mitochondria that are depleted in unsaturated fatty acids is a consequence of the increased passive permeability to protons, and is caused by a change in the physical properties of the lipid phase of the inner mitochondrial membrane.  相似文献   

Developmental changes in synaptic membrane lipid composition and fluidity   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Synaptic membrane enriched fractions were prepared from 7 and 14 day and adult cortical nerve endings. (a) The levels of synaptic membrane phosphatidylcholine decrease 19% during development while the levels of ethanolamine phosphoglycerides increase 21%. (b) On day 7, desmosterol accounts for 33% of the total membrane sterols. With maturity, the desmosterol disappears and the molar sterol/lipid P ratio increases 56%. (c) The fatty acid composition of the membranes change during development. 16:0 decreases 36% while 18:1 increases 49%. 16:1, a minor component of adult membranes, is found in significant quantities in pup membranes. 22:6 (n-3) increases 34% during development while 22:5 (n-6) decreases 59%. (d) The microviscosity of synaptic membranes, as measured by the fluorescence depolarization technique, increases during development. This effect is observed in both intact membranes and bilayers prepared from lipid extracts of the membrane.  相似文献   

Characteristics of sterol uptake in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
A Saccharomyces cerevisiae sterol auxotroph, FY3 (alpha hem1 erg7 ura), was used to probe the characteristics of sterol uptake in S. cerevisiae. The steady-state cellular concentration of free sterol at the late exponential phase of growth could be adjusted within a 10-fold range by varying the concentration of exogenously supplied sterol. When cultured on 1 microgram of sterol ml-1, the cells contained a minimal cellular free-cholesterol concentration of 0.85 nmol/mg (dry weight) and were termed sterol depleted. When cultured on 11 micrograms of sterol ml-1 or more, the cells contained a maximal cellular free-cholesterol concentration of 6.8 nmol/mg (dry weight) and were termed free sterol saturated. Cells with free-sterol concentrations below the maximal level were capable of accumulating free sterol from the medium. The capacity of the cells for cholesterol uptake was inversely proportional to the initial intracellular concentration. The uptake of sterol was shown to be a nonactive process that is independent of cellular energy sources or viability. The intracellular transport of sterol for esterification is not sensitive to anti-microtubule agents.  相似文献   

1. The sterol, unsaturated fatty acid and cytochrome contents of cells of a delta-aminolaevulinate synthase mutant of Saccharomyces cerevisiae are manipulated by growing the organism in media containing defined supplements of delta-aminolaevulinate and other porphyrin intermediates. 2. If unsaturated fatty acids are added to the growth medium as Tween 80, sterol content and respiratory cytochromes alone are manipulated. 3. In the presence of delta-aminolaevulinate (10-50mg/1) cells exhibit moderate to high respiratory activity, but growth yields are low, indicating a loss of oxidative phosphorylation. This is associated with the depletion of membrane lipids, either unsaturated fatty acids and sterols together or sterols alone. 4. Sterol depletion leads to the loss of coupled mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation in vitro. 5. The lesion in oxidative phosphorylation is associated with an increase in the passive permeability of sterol-depleted mitochondria to protons. 6. Arrhenius plots of mitochondrial permeability to protons indicate that the activation energy for proton entry increases as the sterol content of the membranes decreases. 7. Studies on a cytoplasmic petite mutant isolated from strain ole-3, which lacks a functional membrane-bound protein-translocating adenosine triphosphatase, indicate that proton permeability of the petite mitochondria varies as a function of sterol composition in the same way as that of ole-3 grande mitochondria. This indicates that sterols alone are probably directly responsible for the increased proton entry, owing to a reorganization of the lipid in the membrane. 8. Supplemented ole-3 cells with a normal lipid composition and normal or higher than normal respiratory activities have a growth efficiency only 65% of that of the wild-type, indicating that a further lesion in energy metabolism may be present.  相似文献   

The binding of the membrane-active lipopeptide antibiotic iturin A to yeast cells was studied using radioactive iturin A. Saccharomyces cerevisiae had a maximum binding capacity of 5.6 x 10(9) molecules per single cell. The Scatchard plot of binding showed a biphasic profile, with a lower dissociation constant for small concentrations of iturin A. The break of slope at 30 microM iturin A corresponds to the micellization of antibiotic in solution. The binding is also dependent on the nature of the sterol present in the membrane. A mutant yeast strain with a membrane containing cholesterol instead of ergosterol showed the highest affinity for iturin A and the highest sensitivity to this antibiotic, as measured by K+ ion release. In contrast the presence of stigmasterol increased the resistance of the cells to iturin A.  相似文献   

Membranes isolated from yeasts grown in the presence of ethanol do not display the thermally induced transition in diphenylhexatriene anisotropy that is seen in control cells when they are exposed to ethanol in vitro. The total sterol content of the cells that were exposed to ethanol during growth is reduced, with no steryl esters being detected. A greater proportion of the total sterol pool is ergosterol in cells grown in the presence of alcohol. The activity of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase is reduced by ethanol in vitro. Ethanol-exposed cells take up more exogenous sterol under aerobic conditions than do control cells. The presence of ethanol during growth reduces the activity of the plasma membrane enzyme, chitin synthase, as well as increasing the thermosensitivity of this enzyme.  相似文献   

Using yeast strains with null mutations in structural genes which encode delta-aminolevulinic acid synthetase (HEM1), isozymes of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG1 and HMG2), squalene epoxidase (ERG1), and fatty acid delta 9-desaturase (OLE1), we were able to determine the effect of hemes, sterols, and unsaturated fatty acids on both sterol production and the specific activity of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase (HMGR) in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We found that the HMGR isozymes direct essentially equal amounts of carbon to the biosynthesis of sterols under heme-competent conditions, despite a huge disparity (57-fold) in the specific activities of the reductases. Our results demonstrate that palmitoleic acid (16:1) acts as a rate-limiting positive regulator and that ergosterol acts as a potent inhibitor of sterol production in strains which possess only the HMGR1 isozyme (HMG1 hmg2). In strains which contain only the HMGR2 isozyme (hmg1 HMG2), sterol production was inhibited by oleic acid (18:1) and to a lesser degree by ergosterol. The specific activities of the two reductases (HMGR1 and HMGR2) were found to be differentially regulated by hemes but not by ergosterol, palmitoleic acid, or oleic acid. The disparate effects of unsaturated fatty acids and sterols on these strains lead us to consider the possibility of separate, compartmentalized isoprenoid pathways in S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

To elucidate the mechanism of interorganelle sterol transport, a system to evaluate sterol transport from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to the mitochondria was constructed. A bacterial glycerophospholipid: cholesterol acyltransferase fused with a mitochondria-targeting sequence and a membrane-spanning domain of the mitochondrial inner membrane protein Pet100 and enhanced green fluorescent protein was expressed in a Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutant deleted for ARE1 and ARE2 encoding acyl-CoA:sterol acyltransferases. Microscopic observation and subcellular fractionation suggested that this fusion protein, which was named mito-SatA-EGFP, was localized in the mitochondria. Steryl esters were synthesized in the mutant expressing mito-SatA-EGFP. This system will be applicable for evaluations of sterol transport from the ER to the mitochondria in yeast by examining sterol esterification in the mitochondria.  相似文献   

Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is auxotrophic for ergosterol in the absence of oxygen. We showed that complex changes in esterification of exogenously supplied sterols were also induced by anaerobiosis. Utilization of oleic acid for sterol esterification was significantly impaired in anaerobic cells. Furthermore, anaerobic cells fed different sterols exhibited striking variation in esterification efficiency (high levels of sterol esters for cholesterol and sitosterol, low levels for ergosterol, lanosterol or stigmasterol). Relative activities of two yeast acylCoA:sterol acyltransferases (Are1p and Are2p) changed in response to anaerobiosis: while Are2p was dominant under aerobic conditions, Are1p provided the major activity in the absence of oxygen. Our results indicate that sterol esters may fulfil different roles in aerobic and anaerobic cells.  相似文献   

A chemostat culture technique has been developed for the growth of an unsaturated fatty acid auxotroph of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Any chosen steady-state cellular unsaturated fatty acid level between 75 and 15% of the total fatty acids could be established and maintained. In all cultures the steady-state glucose concentrations were maintained at levels below that which induces catabolite repression.The efficiency of oxidative phosphorylation as determined from the molar growth yield decreased as the cellular unsaturated fatty acid composition was lowered. The number of moles of ATP produced by oxidative phosphorylation per mole of glucose utilized was 7.2, 4.8, 0.7, and 0.4 for cells in which 75, 50, 44, and 34%, respectively, of the total fatty acids were unsaturated.The lesion in oxidative phosphorylation was a direct result of lowering the membrane unsaturated fatty acid composition as the respiratory activities and cytochrome content of cells and mitochondria were unaffected by a decrease in the cellular unsaturated fatty acid level from the wild-type value of about 75% down to about 34%.In cells which contained lipids with 22–28% unsaturated fatty acids, cyanide-sensitive respiration was absent, and the levels of all mitochondrial cytochromes were less than 10% of normal. The reduction in the levels of cytochromes aa3 and b appeared to be a consequence of a loss of mitochondrial protein synthetic activity in such cells. The level of cytochrome c was also greatly decreased, indicating that the cellular unsaturated fatty acid composition was affecting either the synthesis in the cytoplasm of mitochondrial proteins or the assembly of these proteins in the mitochondria.  相似文献   

Membranes isolated from yeasts grown in the presence of ethanol do not display the thermally induced transition in diphenylhexatriene anisotropy that is seen in control cells when they are exposed to ethanol in vitro. The total sterol content of the cells that were exposed to ethanol during growth is reduced, with no steryl esters being detected. A greater proportion of the total sterol pool is ergosterol in cells grown in the presence of alcohol. The activity of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase is reduced by ethanol in vitro. Ethanol-exposed cells take up more exogenous sterol under aerobic conditions than do control cells. The presence of ethanol during growth reduces the activity of the plasma membrane enzyme, chitin synthase, as well as increasing the thermosensitivity of this enzyme.  相似文献   

1. The membrane sterol composition of mitochondria of the ole-3 mutant of Saccharomyces cerevisiae was manipulated by growing the organism in the presence of Tween 80 (1%, W/V) plus defined supplements o- delta-aminolaevulinate. 2. Changes in mitochondrial sterol content induced considerable changes in the adenine nucleotide transporter. 3. As the sterol content was decreased, the affinity of the transporter for ATP did not alter significantly, but the rate of ATP uptake was greatly decreased, the total number of atractylate-sensitive binding sites diminished, and the proportion of high-affinity binding sites was decreased. 4. Since sterol depletion also uncouples oxidative phosphorylation [Astin & Haslam (1977) Biochem. J., 166, 287-298] and prevents the intramitochondrial generation of ATP, the decrease in the rate of ATP uptake by sterol-depleted mitochondria will cause a decrease in intramitochondrial ATP concentrations in vivo. This probably explains the inhibition of mitochondrial macromolecular synthesis that has previously been reported in lipid-depleted yeast mitochondria.  相似文献   

Summary Protoplasts prepared from a neutral petite haploid BO60AF-1 (a ade2 arg4 leu2 trp C O E O O O O O) were mixed with mitochondria isolated from an oligomycin resistant respiring haploid ANROR 12D (a his4 leu2 thr4 C S E S O II R + +) and treated with 30% polythylene glycol and CaCl2. When the treated protoplasts were spread and incubated on selective agar plates, oligomycin resistant respiration-sufficient colonies appeared with low frequency. All of these colonies carried the mitochondrial genotype of C S E S O II R + + and showed the same mating type and nutritional requirements as did BO60AF-1, thus evidencing the mitochondrial transfer into protoplasts. Recombination and transmission of the mitochondrial drug resistance markers were studied in crosses involving the strains issued from mitochondria accepted protoplasts.  相似文献   

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