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Standing crop, density and leaf growth rate of Heterozostera tasmanica (Martens ex Aschers.) den Hartog along with light, temperature, nutrient and sediment characteristics were determined monthly for fifteen months at three study sites in Western Port and one site in Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, Australia. Erect vegetative stems of H. tasmanica were frequently branched, were present throughout the year and accounted for 25–60% of the above-sediment biomass, with the stem proportion higher during winter than summer. At three of the four sites there was a unimodal seasonal pattern in which minimum leaf standing crop (27–61 g dry wt. m?2), density (600–2000 leaf cluster m?2) and leaf productivity (0.34–0.77 g dry wt. m?2 day?1) generally occurred during winter (June–August) and maximum leaf standing crop (105–173 g dry wt. m?2), density (2700–5000 leaf cluster m?2) and leaf productivity (2.6–4.2 g dry wt. m?2 day?1) occurred during summer (December–February). A bimodal seasonal pattern with minimum standing crop and density during midsummer occurred at one site. This anomalous seasonal pattern may be due to exposure and desiccation stress during spring low tides. At the site receiving the lowest irradiance, standing crop, density and annual leaf production also were lowest, but length and width of leaves, shoot height and leaf growth rate per leaf cluster were the highest of the four study sites. On average, each leaf cluster at any one of the study sites produced 30–31 leaves per year with mean leaf turnover rates of 1.3–1.7% day?1. Annual leaf production of H. tasmanica ranged from 410 to 640 g dry wt.m?2 at the four sites.  相似文献   

The productivity and composition of two study sites in a southern Louisiana freshwater swamp were studied from October 1973 to November 1974. Net productivity was determined from measurements of litter-fall, stem growth of woody species, and harvest samples of annual herbaceous understory. Annual stem growth was calculated from biomass estimates on two different dates. The annual increase in stem biomass was 800 g dry wt/m2 for a bottomland hardwood site (BLH) and 500 g dry wt/m2 for a baldcypress-water tupelo site (CT). Litter-fall was 574 g dry wt/m2/yr for BLH and 620 g dry wt/m2/yr for CT. Harvest samples within the two plots yielded 200 g dry wt/m2 and 20 g dry wt/m2 for BLH and CT, respectively. Minimum net primary production was calculated as the sum of the three: 1574 g dry wt/m2/ yr for BLH and 1140 g dry wt/m2/yr for CT. Maximum estimates of herbaceous production and insect consumption were made by using values from the literature. Estimated total net primary productivity was 1733 g dry wt/m2/yr for BLH and 1516 g dry wt/m2/yr for CT. Tree composition was determined by the point-centered quarter method. Relative frequency, relative density, absolute density, relative dominance, and importance value (IV) were calculated for the tree species along each transect. In the bottomland hardwood area many woody species exist with Acer rubrum var. drummondii (IV = 23.9) and Nyssa aquatica (IV = 18.4) the most dominant. In the baldcypress-water tupelo area, fewer woody species exist and Taxodium distichum (IV = 39.2) and N. aquatica (IV = 37.6) dominated. Comparison of productivity data from several southeastern swamps indicate that flowing water regimes tend to result in the highest swamp forest productivity.  相似文献   

A deterministic mathematical model was used to describe the production of green microalgae (Scenedesmus obliquus and Coelastrum sphaericum) in outdoor mass cultures. The model was calibrated against 16 months of temperature and irradiance measurements, during which time productivity measurements were made in up to five ponds with surface areas of up to 263 m2. During this period rates of algal dry matter production varied between 1·7 and 16·92 g m−2 day−1. The model predicted productivity to within 4·2% of the observed rates, for the same period. Negative productivity values (loss of biomass) were calculated for the months from November to January. It was concluded that appreciable amounts of biomass could be produced for 7 months per year in temperate areas.Several assumptions were made during the construction of the model, especially with regard to loss factors, such as: respiration, release of exuded organic carbon and photo-inhibition. The latter was included as a separate factor in the model and is merely conceptual. Several applications of the model are discussed, one of which concerns the relation between areal density and productivity, where the optimal areal density for maximal productivity was calculated to be 38–41 g (dry wt) m−2. A distinction was also made between cultures which were mainly autotrophic and waste systems. It was shown that the presence of gilvin and/or tripton would adversely influence productivities and that the contribution of these factors to vertical light attenuation would have to be measured in waste systems.  相似文献   

The effects of harvesting frequency on productivity, nutrient storage and uptake, and detritus accumulation by water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes /Mart/ Solms) cultured outdoors in nutrient-enriched waters were evaluated for a period of 13 months. Significant differences in hyacinth standing crop and productivity were measured with harvesting regimes of 1, 3 (harvest at maximum density) and 21 harvests over a 13-month period. The average plant standing crop decreased from 65 to 20 kg (fresh wt) m−2 for systems with 1 and 21 harvests, respectively. Total harvested plant biomass was 67 kg (fresh wt) m−2, 110 kg (fresh wt) m−2 and 162 kg (fresh wt) m−2 for 1, 3 and 21 harvests, respectively. The mean net productivity increased from 7·7 to 16·5 and 24·5 g (dry wt) m−2 day−1 for 1, 3 and 21 harvests, respectively. Nutrient storage in water hyacinth biomass (live, dead and detrital) at the end of the study decreased from 93 to 46 and 30 g N m−2, and from 20 to 12 and 5 g P m−2, for 1, 3 and 21 harvests, respectively. For the system with one harvest, 46% of the stored N and 25% of the stored P were recovered in dedrital tissue at the bottom of the tank. For the systtem with 21 harvests, only 11% of the stored N and 15% of the stored P were recovered in detrital tissue at the bottom of the tank. Ammonium-N and soluble reactive P concentrations in the water column were significantly higher for the treatment with one harvest compared to the treatments with 3 and 21 harvests.  相似文献   

The distribution of seagrasses in a 15-ha area in the mid-Indian River lagoon on Florida's central east coast was mapped. Halodule wrightii Aschers. dominated in shallow (< 0.4 m) and Syringodium filiforme Kutz. in deeper water (> 0.5 m). Thalassia testudinum Banks ex König occurred as scattered patches. Areal coverage of monospecific stands of the three major seagrasses was: Syringodium 35%, Halodule 14%, Thalassia 6% and bare sand 21%. Mixed species stands, mostly Syringodium with Hallodule, covered 25% of the total study area. Above-ground seagrass biomass was maximum in summer (June–July) and minimum in late winter (February–March). Summer maxima ranged from 60 g dry wt. m?2 for Syringodium to ~ 300 g dry wt. m?2 for Thalassia, with Halodule intermediate at 160 g dry wt. m?2.Because distribution of unattached benthic macroalgae (“drift algae”), primarily Gracilaria spp., was highly aggregated, aggregations were first mapped, followed by stratified quadrat sampling in order to estimate total drift algal abundance. In April 1982, high-density patches covering a few hectares averaged 409 g dry wt. m?2. At maximum abundance, averaged over the entire 15-ha mapped area, drift algal biomass was 164 g dry wt. m?2; mean above-ground seagrass biomass was only 49 g dry wt. m?2. Other large expanses of the lagoon had similar accumulations of drift algae; densities of some accumulations exceeded 15 000 g dry wt. m?2. Year-to-year variability of seagrass and drift algal abundance was high and may be related to variations in light levels.Drift algae harbor high densities of animals and at times may be quantitatively more important locally than seagrasses in terms of habitat, nutrient dynamics and primary production.  相似文献   

The biomass, productivity (14C), and photosynthetic response to light and temperature of eelgrass, Zostera marina L. and its epiphytes was measured in a shallow estuarine system near Beaufort, North Carolina, during 1974. The maximum of the biomass (above-ground) was measured in March; this was followed by a general decline throughout the rest of the year. The average biomass was 105.0 g dry wt m?2; 80.3 g dry wt m?2 was eelgrass and 24.7 g dry wt m?2 was epiphytes. The productivity of eelgrass averaged 0.88 mg C g?1 h?1 which was similar to that of the epiphytes, 0.65 mg C g?1 h?1. Eelgrass and epiphyte productivity was low during the spring and early summer, gave a maximum during late summer and fall, and declined during the winter; this progression was probably due to environmental factors associated with tidal heights. On an areal basis, the average annual productivity was 0.9 g C m?2 day?1 for eelgrass and 0.2 g C m?2 day?1 for the epiphytes. Rates of photosynthesis of both eelgrass and epiphytes increased with increasing temperature to an asymptotic value at which the system was light saturated. Both eelgrass and epiphytes had a temperature optimum of < 29 °C. A negative response to higher temperatures was also reflected in biomass measurements which showed the destruction of eelgrass with increasing summer temperatures. The data suggest that the primary productivity cycles of macrophytes and epiphytes are closely interrelated.  相似文献   

《Aquatic Botany》1987,27(4):385-394
Above-and below-ground biomass of Typha angustifolia L. was sampled monthly for 18 months from a small Texas pond. Maximum above-ground biomass was 2559±284 g AFDW (ash-free dry weight) m−2 in 1983 and 2895±217 g AFDW m−2 in 1984. Peak below-ground biomass for these 2 years was 2506±278 g AFDW m−2 and 2314±226 g AFDW mt-2, respectively. Stepwise multiple linear regression analyses revealed that mean above-ground biomass accrual was related to duration of growing season, cumulative precipitation, cumulative degree days and/or cumulative pan evaporation. The same was not true for below-ground biomass increases. Analysis of covariance revealed that the rates of above-ground biomass production were not significantly different (F test, p < 0.05) between the 1983 and 1984 growing seasons. Below-ground biomass turnover times for 1983 and 1984 were 2.47 and 1.21 years, respectively.  相似文献   

Monthly samples of Abra ovata were collected during February 1983-January 1984 in the Evros Delta (N. Aegean Sea). Population density (mean annual value = 2407.5 ind · m−2) was characterized by seasonal variation. An analysis of the length frequency distributions shows that one annual recruitment of juveniles (> 2 mm) occurred in October-January; and also that, throughout the year, two age groups existed in the population. One growth ring was formed on the shells of the oldest age group during July-August. Mean growth in shell length can be described by Bertalanffy function. A positive correlation existed between shell length and decalcified dry weight. Secondary production in A. ovata, calculated by the instantaneous growth method, showed a mean biomass of 29.221 g dry weight m−2yr−1, a productivity of 17.086 g dry weight m−2yr−1 and an annual turnover ratio of 0.59.  相似文献   

《Aquatic Botany》1986,24(4):335-341
Seasonal and year-to-year variations in the growth of Zostera marina L. were measured at three sites in two locations in the lower Chesapeake Bay between 1978 and 1980. The maximum values for the 1979 above- and belowground standing crop ranged from 161–336 g dry wt m−2 and 61–155 g dry wt m−2, respectively, leaf length was 19.6–59.7 cm and shoot density 1418–2576 shoot m−2. Values for 1980 tended to be greater and may be related to climatical differences between the two years. Maximum values were usually recorded in the months of June and July when water temperatures were between 20 and 25°C. Significant loss of leaves occurred in July and August, when water temperatures ranged between 25 and 30°C, while new shoots began to appear more rapidly in late September as water temperatures dropped below 20°C. The greatest increase in all growth parameters occurred from April to June during which time reproductive shoots were present, and accounted for up to 25% of the total number of shoots.  相似文献   

Construction costs (CC) and parameters of leaf structure (specific leaf weight, dry matter content, volume of photosynthesizing cells, and the number of cells per leaf area unit) were determined for 19 species of aquatic higher plants. The CC of 1 g dry matter varied from 0.98 g glucose in Lemna gibba L. to 1.48 g glucose in Nuphar pumila (Timm) DC. and Potamogeton natans L. The CC of leaf area unit varied to a greater extent than the CC of 1 g dry wt (from 10 to 97 g glucose/m2) and depended on the type of mesophyll structure. In leaves of hydrophytes with dorsoventral mesophyll structure, the CC of 1 m2 leaf area was 3–9 times larger than in leaves with homogeneous structure. Variations in CC of 1 m2 leaf area in hydrophytes were affected insignificantly (by 2% only) by variations of CC per 1 g dry wt and were mainly determined (by 82%) by changes in specific leaf weight. Two-factor analysis of variance has shown that the CC of 1 g dry wt in hydrophytes depended on the attachment of plants to the sediment: the CC was 1.2 times larger in rooted hydrophytes than in free floating plants. The second factor (the extent of submergence) potentiated the effect of rooting on CC. Reliable differences were found between the leaf CC for hydrophytes belonging to four groups distinguished by the extent of their contact with water and sediment. In a group series: rooted hydrophytes with floating leaves → submerged rooted hydrophytes → free floating submerged hydrophytes → free floating surface inhabiting hydrophytes, the CC of 1 g dry wt decreased by 1.3 times. Path analysis has shown that this trend was due to the increase in photosynthesizing cell volume and to reduction in number of cells per leaf area unit, which caused the decrease in dry matter content. The decrease in the content of leaf dry matter was accompanied by changes in its chemical composition: the content of carbon and nitrogen decreased. This led to a consistent decrease in leaf CC expressed per 1 g dry wt upon the increase in extent of plant hydrophilicity.  相似文献   

《Aquatic Botany》1987,27(2):177-186
Potamogeton pectinatus L. populations were studied at three stations over an annual cycle.The maximum standing crop of 17.5 g dry weight (wt.) m−2 was recorded a the most sheltered station, decreasing slightly at the intermediate station to 15.8 g dry wt.m−2, and being only 4.8 g dry wt.m−2 at the most exposed station.Flowering and seed production occurred at all three stations. The maximum proportion of dry weight allocated to reproduction was higher at the more exposed stations (4%), while at the sheltered station only 1% was allocated to reproductive parts. The number of overwintering tubers produced per m2 decreased from 115 per m2 to 45 per m2 with lowered exposure. Conversely, the number of flowers per inflorescence and flowers per m2 was highest at the most sheltered station, decreasing from 9 to 6 and 945 to 672 per m2, respectively, with increasing exposure. No definite trend could be found for seed production, which was highly variable and dependent on a successful period of fertilization during calm weather. At the sheltered locality more resources were allocated to vegetative shoots and rhizomes which were also able to overwinter.The resource allocation of Potamogeton pectinatus seems to be strongly influenced by environmental factors. This is discussed in relation to current reproductive strategy concepts.  相似文献   

Papyrus (Cyperus papyrus) standing biomass and the primary productivity of undisturbed and previously harvested areas of papyrus was measured in Lake Naivasha swamp, Kenya. Papyrus culm density in undisturbed swamp was estimated to be 13·1±1·9 culms m−2 and aerial biomass was 3602 g m−2. In undisturbed swamp the aerial productivity was 14·1 g m−2 day−1 while the previously harvested swamp reached a peak of 21·0 g m−2 after 6 months. The annual aerial production rate of papyrus in Lake Naivasha was estimated to be 5150 g m−2 year−1. To sustain yields of regularly harvested papyrus swamps, the harvest intervals should exceed 1 year.  相似文献   

Quantitative samples were used to investigate density, biomass and annual production of the benthic invertebrate fauna in a small Danish stream. Forty-eight taxa were found and the total invertebrate densities varied from 3 810 m?2 in July to 20 040 m?2 in December. The total mean annual biomass of the invertebrate fauna was 6.1 g ash-free dry wt m?2. The annual production of the invertebrates was estimated from their mean annual biomass and their annual P/B ratio. Production of the primary consumers (herbivores and detritivores) was 21.4 g ash-free dry wt m?2 y?1 and of secondary consumers (carnivores) 1.1 g m?2 y?1. The amount of invertebrate production available to the trout population and the importance of the species as food for trout are discussed.  相似文献   

《Aquatic Botany》2007,87(1):61-68
An annual cycle of biomass and productivity of wild celery (Vallisneria americana) was studied in Kings Bay, FL, USA. In situ growth rates were measured monthly between March 2001 and June 2002 in high-density stands, using a modified hole-punching technique, and applied to shoot density data to obtain areal estimates of production. Mean shoot density varied greatly over the study period, ranging between 200 and 800 shoots m−2. Mean total biomass ranged between 162 and 1013 g m−2, with aboveground material comprising, on average, 70% of total biomass. Total annual estimated production of new attached shoots was 519 g m−2. Leaf growth rates peaked at >50 mg shoot−1 d−1, and mass-specific leaf growth ranged 0.6–1.8% d−1. Annually, individual shoots produced 7.4 g of leaf material and completely replaced standing leaf biomass 3.5 times. Areal leaf production was highest in late spring/summer of 2001, and ranged between 3.6 and 23.0 g m−2 d−1. Annual total leaf production was 2704 g m−2. Seasonality was not apparent in most variables monitored monthly; only 1 of the 64 relationships we examined between environmental variables (nutrients, chlorophyll a, and irradiance) and Vallisneria biological variables were significant, with relative growth rate increasing linearly with irradiance. Peak biomass and productivity of Vallisneria in Kings Bay were high compared to literature values for other Vallisneria populations as well as global averages for well-studied seagrasses, emphasizing the potential importance of Vallisneria to whole ecosystem functioning in springs, lakes, and oligohaline reaches of many estuaries.  相似文献   

《Aquatic Botany》1987,27(4):333-362
Biomass and production data of the seagrasses Cymodocea serrulata (R. Brown) Aschers. and Magnus, Cymodocea rotundata Ehrenb. et Hempr. ex Aschers., Halodule uninervis (Forssk.) Aschers. and Syringodium iksoetifolium (aschers.) Dandy were collectede in monospecific stands in Bootless Inlet, Papua New Guinea. Cymodocea serrulata and Cymodocea rotundata were studied from November 1980 to November 1981. Total annual mean biomass was 354 and 201 g ADW m−2, respectively. The largest proportion of these biomass values was contributed by the rhizomes (49 and 36%, respectively) and leaf biomass was ± 30% for both species. Halodule uninervis was studied at an intertidal and a subtidal site. The highest total annual mean biomass (600 g ADW m−2) was recorded at the intertidal site, of which 85% was found below ground. The largest proportion of the biomass, at both sites, was contributed by the below-ground vertical axes of the shoots. The biomass of the rhizomes was relatively low (9–12%) for Halodule uninervis. Proportionally, the largest above-ground biomass (40%) was recorded for Syringodium isoetifolium, of which the annual mean biomass was 481 g ADW m−2.Total production (above and below ground) was 4.9 and 3.0 g ADW m−2 day−1 for Cymodocea serrulata and Cymodocea rotundata, respectively. Approximately 70% was production of leaves. Total production amounted to 6.0 and 4.0 g ADW m−2 day−1 for Halodule uninervis at the intertidal and subtidal sites, respectively. The maximum production was recorded for Syringodium isoetifolium, 60% of the 9.0 g ADW m−2 day−1 was contributed by the leaves. All species reached the maximum production during February and March, when the water temperatures were highest and water was retained above all sites, at all times. The increase of leaf production was mainly due to the increase in biomass of the mature leaves. Significant changes in the plastochrone interval of the leaves were not observed during this period.  相似文献   

Productivity of Podostemum ceratophyllum, the dominant aquatic macrophyte in the New River, was measured at four sites representing soft- and hardwater reaches of the river. Available dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) was 4–5 times greater in the hardwater reach. The difference in available DIC was reflected in standing crop and productivity of P. ceratophyllum. Maximum standing crops of P. ceratophyllum at the two hardwater sites (Sites 1 and 2) were 244.8 ± 30.7 g ash-free dry wt (AFDW) m−-2 and 193.8 ± 18.7 g AFDW m−-2 compared to 128.5 ± 14.9 g AFDW m−-2 and 101.3 ± 6.9 g AFDW m−-2 for the softwater sites (Sites 3 and 4). Productivity, based on differences in standing crops, was: Site 1, 1.08 ± 0.12 g C m−-2 d−-1; Site 2, 0.86 ± 0.08 g Cm−-2d−-1; Site 3,0.58 ± 0.06 g C m−-2 d−-1; Site 4,0.45 ± 0.03 g C m−-2 d−-1. Corresponding values for productivity as 14C uptake were: 2.77 ± 0.44 g C m−-2 d−-1; 2.10 ± 0.45 g C m−-2 d−-1; 0.34 ± 0.04 g C m−-2 d−-1; 0.28 ± 0.03 g C m−-2 d−-1. Productivity/biomass (P/B) based on 14C uptake and standing crop revealed that P. ceratophyllum productivity was inhibited at the softwater sites perhaps due to carbon limitation. Because of its abundance and its high productivity, P. ceratophyllum is hypothesized to contribute significantly to the New River organic matter budget.  相似文献   

Seasonal growth characteristics and biomass yield potential of 4 small-leaf, floating, aquatic macrophytes cultured in nutrient nonlimiting conditions were evaluated for central Florida’s climatic conditions. Biomass yields were found to be 10.6, 11.3, 16.1, and 32.1 t (dry wt) har?1 yr?1, respectively, for azolla (Azolla caroliniana), giant duckweed (Spirodela polyrhiza), common duckweed (Lemna minor), and salvinia (Salvinia rotundifolia). Operational plant density was in the range of 10–80 g dry wt m?2 for azolla, 10–88 g dry wt m?2 for giant duckweed, 10–120 g dry wt m?2 for common duckweed, and 35–240 g dry wt m?2 for salvinia. Specific growth rate (% increase per day) was maximum at low plant densities and decreased as the plant density increased. Results suggest that small-leaf, floating plants may not be suitable in monoculture biomass production systems because of low biomass yields, but they may be suitable for inclusion in poly culture systems with larger aquatic plants. The high N content (crude protein = 20–33%) of small-leaf,floating plants suggests the use of biomass as animal feed.  相似文献   

A. latifolia grown in the Borimalan forest block in Prasad range (24°11′N and 73°42′ E) exerts clear positive correlations between CBH (circumference breast height)and number of growth rings of bole and branches, tree height, total biomass and leaf area. The net above-ground biomass is 3.95 × 104 kg ha-1. The average increment in non-photosynthetic (trunk + branch) biomass shows two peaks, the lower peak at 11–16 growth ring period, and the higher one at 34–36 growth ring period. The ratio of leaf dry weight/leaf area is16.3 to 34.8 mg cm-2, the ratios between shoot net production: leaf weight and leaf area are1.5 g per g and 212 g m-2 respectively.  相似文献   

We measured carbon (C) stocks and fluxes and vegetation phenology in the world's oldest prairie restoration (∼65 years) and an adjacent prairie remnant in southern Wisconsin from 2001–2004 to quantify structural and functional differences. While the species distributions and frequency differed, the number of species measured per 1 m2 quadrat were not significantly different (15.8±4.4 and 14.1±2.1 for remnant and planted [order for all reported values in abstract]; P=0.29), and the annual average aboveground net primary productivity (271±51 and 330±55 g C m−2) and peak leaf area index (2.9–4.9 m2 m−2) were comparable under similar fire management. Total root biomass was not significantly different in 2002 (1736±1062 and 1690±459 g dry matter m−2) or 2003 (3029±2081 and 2146±898 g m−2), but annual average soil respiration (1229±77 and 1428±24 g C m−2 yr−1) was significantly higher in the restoration (P<0.0001). However, the prairie remnant contained 37% greater soil C (P<0.0001) in the top 25 cm. Soil respiration response to 10 cm soil temperature (Q10) varied with respect to prairie and soil moisture conditions as annual Q10 values ranged from 2.5 to 3.6. We calculated a range of net ecosystem production (NEP) values using estimated heterotrophic respiration and three root turnover values. Average NEP varied from −1.4 to 1.9 and −2.3 to 1.3 Mg C ha−1 yr−1 for the remnant and planted prairies, respectively. While these two prairies share similar structural components and functional attributes, the large uncertainty in NEP casts doubt as to whether we can verify these prairies as C sources or sinks without direct measures of heterotrophic respiration and root turnover. We argue that quantitative studies of C exchange in prairies, which differ in restoration methodology, management intensity, and fire frequency, are needed to solidify the relationship between prairie structure and potentially desired functions such as C sequestration.  相似文献   

The thermophilic methanogenic bacterium, Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum, was grown on H2CO2. In continuous culture, high CH4 productivities were obtained (288 litres litre−1 day−1) with 96% CH4 in the effluent gas, i.e. the productivity was twice as high as that obtained previously by other authors, with pure or mixed cultures; the biomass was 3·6 g dry wt litre−1.  相似文献   

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