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美国动物学会和加拿大动物学会为纪念著名鱼类生理学家Dr.W.S.Hoar,于1980年12月28日在美国西雅图市联合举行一次“鱼类繁殖”的专题学术会议。会上,美国、加拿大、法国、日本和新加坡的学者围绕鱼类繁殖的行为和内分泌问题发表了十一篇科学论文和综述,反映了当前对鱼类繁殖生理研究取得的新进展。现仅就比较普遍感兴趣的硬骨鱼类促性腺激素的分泌及其调节机制问题做一综合介绍。    相似文献   

盖志琨  孟馨媛 《化石》2022,(4):33-39
<正>近日,中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所硕士毕业生孟馨媛在盖志琨研究员的指导下,在专业学术期刊《古脊椎动物学报(中英文)》上在线发表了泥盆纪多鳃鱼类的最新研究成果。该研究首次报道了在云南楚雄彝族自治州东北部武定县中泥盆世艾菲尔期(大约3.9亿年前)海口组中发现的多鳃鱼类化石——东方鱼(Dongfangaspis),代表了迄今为止已知鳃囊数目最多的盔甲鱼类,  相似文献   

由中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所周志炎研究员?杨小菊研究员?吴向午研究员等耗费十余年时间编著的《银杏植物》专著(图1)于2020年在科学出版社正式出版。作为《中国古植物志》编辑委员会主编的一系列分册中的一册, 这是第一本编著完成并出版的古植物志书。 中国的古植物研究始自十九世纪后半叶,早期的论著都是由西方国家的学者发表, 直到二十世纪20年代以后才有中国学者开始研究中国的植物化石, 迄今为止也已过去近一个世纪。在过去的百余年里, 中国的古植物学走过了曲折而光辉的发展历程,取得了举世瞩目的成就, 特别是关于中生代银杏目化石的系统研究被誉为是该领域具有里程碑意义的工作。  相似文献   

河北省文物研究所编的《泥河湾研究论文选编》一书即将由文物出版社出版。该书16开本,500页,60万字,书号:11068·1459,估价10元。本书是我国学者研究泥河湾的论文汇编,共搜集文章65篇,内容几乎涉及到第四纪研究的各个方面,包括古人类学、旧石器时代考古学、古脊椎动物学、古植物学、地层学、古地理学等。这部文集,图文并茂,其中有一部分文章将是首次与读者见面,其余发表过的文章在编辑过程中也重新进行了审核,对过去的不恰当之处作了必要的修正或  相似文献   

近年来,国内外学者对流行性出血热(HFRS)的研究,取得了重大突破,发表了很多研究报告。对此宋干及何亦祥氏E有综述发表。本文拟就最近二年来发表的新资料再加以整理补充,以便于掌握本病研究的最新动向。对于过去综述E涉及的内容,为保持系统性,也做简要回顾。 (一)病毒的分离与鉴定从本世纪40年代,日本人在我国黑龙江省发现本病,并证明为病毒性疾患以来,国内外学者已进行了长达四十余年的研究。在分离病原体方面未取得成功的原因,现在看来首先是未找到敏感的实验动  相似文献   

长臀鮠生长激素的生殖周期变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国内外学者对硬骨鱼类的GH的季节变动及神经内分泌调控有一定的研究,其中在鲤科和鲑鳟鱼类研究的较为深入,近来一些学者对鲇形目的胡子鲇科、科和鲇科做了一定的研究,研究结果表明,GH分泌和神经内分泌调节机理与鲤科鱼类在某些方面存在一定差异。如鲤科鱼类中,GnRH起着GH释放因子的作用,但非洲鲇鱼和鲇鱼中却未证实GnRH刺激GH释放,并且鲇鱼中GH分泌的季节变化与生殖之间有密切联系。    相似文献   

正近日,德国百年学术期刊《古生物多样性与古环境》(Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments)在线发表了由中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所盖志琨等合作完成的对云南曲靖早泥盆世布拉格期徐家冲组长吻三歧鱼的最新研究成果。这是今年继橄榄纹曲师鱼之后,科研团队首次在曲靖"古鱼王国"中发现了长吻三歧鱼的踪影。长吻三歧鱼在曲靖"古鱼王国"的首次发现丰富了三歧鱼科的形态特征,为探讨盔甲鱼类在早泥盆世布拉格期的适应辐射提供了关键的材料,同时对于研究三歧鱼科的起源、多样性和迁徙也具有重要意义。  相似文献   

国内外学者对硬骨鱼类的GH的季节变动及神经内分泌调控有一定的研究,其中在鲤科和鲑鳟鱼类研究的较为深入,近来一些学者对鲇形目的胡子鲇科、(鱼危)科[1]和鲇科[2]做了一定的研究,研究结果表明,GH分泌和神经内分泌调节机理与鲤科鱼类在某些方面存在一定差异.  相似文献   

<正>铰齿鱼类包括拱鱼目、半椎鱼目和鳞骨鱼目。生活在中北美和古巴淡水环境的雀鳝是铰齿鱼类鳞骨鱼目的现生代表,被称为活化石,为新鳍鱼类的研究提供了重要信息。新鳍鱼类是辐鳍鱼亚纲最大的演化支系,几乎分布于地球上各种水环境。除了多鳍鱼和鲟鱼,其他所有的现生辐鳍鱼类都属于新鳍鱼类。《古脊椎动物学报》最新报道了中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所徐光辉研究团队在我国云南罗平发现了两亿四千万年前一种新的铰齿鱼类:优美玉带鱼。优美玉带鱼,可归入  相似文献   

一. 引言关于鱼类寄生线虫的研究,在国外已有很多人做过,尤其在苏联还有特设的专门机构,进行这方面的研究,其重要性于此可以想见。我国淡水鱼的种类有五百多种,多数都是有经济价值的食用鱼,但有关寄生线虫的研究,以前虽也有少数学者做过一些,可是与其它国家比起来则显得非常贫乏了。寄生在淡水鱼类中的线虫,种类很多,有些已是成虫,它们破坏宿主的组织,夺取其营养,使鱼体虚弱消瘦,生长不良和易受其它病害的侵袭,严重时则引起死亡。有些线  相似文献   

Life history and demographic parameters of Psyllaephagus zdeneki Noyes and Fallahzadeh (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) were studied on its host the olive psyllid, Euphyllura pakistanica Loginova (Hemiptera: Psyllidae). Experiments were conducted in a growth chamber at 20±1 °C, relative humidity of 60±5%, and a photoperiod of 16:8 (L: D) hours. Four different olive cultivars (Fishomi, Shenge, Oil and Yellow) were used to test possible host plant influence on parasitoid performance. The pre-imaginal developmental period of female P. zdeneki varied from 24.96 (on Fishomi) to 26.34 (on Shenge) days, and for males from 21.63 (on Fishomi) to 24.44 (on Yellow) days. Adult female longevity differed significantly among the four cultivars, ranging from 12.46 (on Fishomi) to 14.97 (on Shenge) days. For each cultivar, adult female longevity was significantly greater than male longevity. Life table parameters showed survival rates (l x ) in newly emerged females were 84.61, 82.25, 85.71 and 78.12% on Fishomi, Yellow, Shenge and Oil, respectively. Female egg deposition was highest on Yellow (138.4 eggs per female) and lowest on Fishomi (116.3 eggs per female). The highest and lowest intrinsic rate of increase were 0.28 (on Shenge) and 0.24 (on Oil), respectively. The mean generation time ranged from 14.6 (on Shenge) to 16.7 (on Oil) days. These results are discussed with respect to the potential impact P. zdeneki as a natural enemy of E. pakistanica, the most important pest of olive in the Fars province of Iran, as well as the influence of olive cultivar on parasitoid life table parameters.  相似文献   

The growth of broiler chicks and the mechanisms underlying responses to diets supplemented with commercial non-starch polysaccharides were evaluated. The supplements varied in viscosity and chemical structure and evaluation was conducted over two feeding periods.The viscosity of the four supplements tested ranged from 1.38 cP for alginic acid (AL) to over 2000 cP for guar gum (GG) and gum xanthan (GX). The whole diet followed a similar trend. The ileal digesta viscosity was significantly highest (P<0.001) in chicks that were fed the GX diet.Over a period of 7 days of feeding the diets, there was a significant reduction (P<0.001) in the final body weight and weight gain of chickens on diets supplemented with GG and GX. Supplementation with GG and GX also resulted in a deterioration (P<0.001) in FCR.The weight of the small intestine was higher (P<0.001) on the GG-supplemented diet than on the other diets while small intestinal fill was increased by the presence of GG and GX. There was no significant variation in the mucosal morphometry of birds on the different diets. Jejunal maltase and sucrase activities were highest (P<0.001) in chicks that were fed the AL-supplemented diet and lowest in chicks fed the GX-supplemented diet. The activity of aminopeptidase N in the ileum was stimulated (P<0.05) by GX. The uptake of l-tryptophan into brush-border membrane vesicles was unaffected by NSP supplement.After a second period of feeding the diets containing NSP at half the level present in the first period, final body weight and weight gain were significantly higher (P<0.001) on the gum arabic (GA)-supplemented diet than on the other diets. Absolute feed intake (P<0.05), feed intake per unit of initial body weight (P<0.001) and FCR (P<0.001) were significantly affected by the supplements, being higher in chicks on the GX-supplemented diet than on the other diets.The weight (P<0.001) and capacity (P<0.01) of the small intestine were highest in chicks on the GG- and GX-supplemented diets, respectively. The crypt depth of the jejunal mucosa was higher (P<0.01) in chickens on the GX-supplemented than in the other chickens. Ileal crypts were deepest and villi longest (P<0.05) in chicks on the GG- and GA-supplemented diets, respectively.Jejunal mucosal DNA (P<0.05) and RNA (P<0.001) contents of chicks were significantly increased by the GA-supplemented diet. In the ileum, RNA content (P<0.01) and RNA:DNA ratio (P<0.001) were reduced in chicks raised on the more viscous diets.Ileal maltase activity was also significantly higher (P<0.01) in chicks on the GX diet than in chicks on the other diets. l-Tryptophan uptake by ileal brush-border membranes was lowest (P<0.05) in chicks on the GA-supplemented diet.  相似文献   

From June 2005 to November 2010, 43 small mammals encompassing 6 species of Didelphimorphia, 8 species of Rodentia, and 1 species of Lagomorpha were found parasitized by ticks in the state of Minas Gerais, southeastern Brazil. Nine tick species, in total 186 specimens, were identified as follows: Amblyomma cajennense (larvae and nymphs) on opossums and rodents; Amblyomma ovale (nymphs) on rodents; Amblyomma parvum (nymphs) on rodents; Amblyomma coelebs (nymphs) on opossums; Amblyomma dubitatum (nymph) on opossums; Ixodes amarali (females, nymphs, and larvae) on opossums and rodents; Ixodes loricatus (male, females, nymph) on opossums; Ixodes schulzei (female) on rodents; and Haemaphysalis leporispalustris (female) on rabbits. Most of the tick-host associations found in the present study have never been recorded in the literature; those include three new host records for I. amarali, four for A. cajennense, one for A. dubitatum, two for A. ovale, and one for A. coelebs. In addition, we provide the first record of A. coelebs in the state of Minas Gerais.  相似文献   

A longitudinal study of Clostridium difficile colonization in piglets was performed on a conventional swine farm in Ontario, Canada. Fecal samples were collected from 10 sows prior to their expected farrowing date, and then from all their piglets on days 2, 7, 30, 44 and 62 of life. C. difficile was isolated from 4/10 (40%) of sows prior to farrowing, 90/121 (74%) piglets on day 2, 66/117 (56%) on day 7, 45/113 (40%) on day 30, 23/101 (23%) on day 44 and 2/54 (3.7%) on day 62. There was a significant decrease in colonization over time (P < 0.0001). Overall, C. difficile was isolated from one or more samples from 116/121 (96%) piglets. There was an inverse association between sow colonization and piglet colonization on day 2 (P < 0.0001) and a positive association on day 7 (P = 0.001). Ribotype 078/toxinotype V predominated, accounting for 213/234 (91%) isolates. A toxinotype XIV strain that has been previously found in humans in the province was the 2nd most common, but was mainly found in sows, not piglets. Overall, 227/234 (97%) of isolates were from types that have been isolated from humans in the province. Intermittent colonization was detected in 11 (9.6%) piglets.The decline in C. difficile colonization over the first 2 months of life was remarkable. The variation in colonization over a relatively short period of time has important implications for the design and interpretation of studies evaluating C. difficile colonization in pigs, since relatively small differences in age may have a major confounding effect on the prevalence of colonization. The decline in prevalence over time may also have implications on public health concerns, since colonization rates of animals at the time of slaughter are presumably more relevant than those earlier in life.  相似文献   



Data on suppression of HIV replication in the CNS and on the subsequent risk of neurocognitive impairment using monotherapy with boosted protease inhibitors are limited.


Ours was an exploratory cross-sectional study in patients on lopinavir/ritonavir-based monotherapy (LPV/r-MT) or standard triple therapy (LPV/r-ART) for at least 96 weeks who maintained a plasma viral load <50 copies/mL. HIV-1 RNA in CSF was determined by HIV-1 SuperLow assay (lower limit of detection, 1 copy/mL). Neurocognitive functioning was assessed using a recommended battery of neuropsychological tests covering 7 areas. Neurocognitive impairment (NCI) was determined and also a global deficit score (GDS) for study comparisons.


Seventeen patients on LPV/r-MT and 17 on LPV/r-ART were included. Fourteen (82.4%) patients on LPV/r-MT and 16 (94.1%) on LPV/r-ART had HIV-1 RNA <1 copy/mL in CSF (p = 0.601). NCI was observed in 7 patients on LPV/r-MT and in 10 on LPV/r-ART (41% vs 59%; p = 0.494). Mean (SD) GDS was 0.22 (0.20) in patients on LPV/r-MT and 0.47 (0.34) in those on LPV/r-ART (p = 0.012).


Suppression of HIV in CSF is similar in individuals with durable plasma HIV-1 RNA suppression who are receiving LPV/r-MT or LPV/r-ART for at least 96 weeks. Findings for HIV-1 replication in CSF and neurocognitive status indicate that this strategy seems to be safe for CNS functioning.  相似文献   

This keynote address was presented at the Conference on the Conservation of Endangered Species in Zoological Parks and Aquariums on April 18, 1982 at the National Aquarium in Baltimore. It outlines 1) future trends in the world's environment, resources, and population; 2) factors affecting species decline; 3) reasons for preserving life forms; and 4) techniques, with emphasis on captive propagation, used to assist in species recovery.  相似文献   

The occurrence of herbivores in nature is limited by biotic and abiotic factors which affect their development and survival. Udranomia spitzi is an endemic butterfly in the Brazilian savanna (cerrado) that feeds on young leaves of two sympatric plants, Ouratea hexasperma and O. spectabilis. It is not known which factors affect the occurrence of larvae on their hosts. Therefore, in this study we: (i) evaluated the oviposition preference of U. spitzi; (ii) evaluated the larval performance in both Ouratea species; (iii) investigated plant phenology; (iv) investigated climate (temperature and rainfall); and (v) investigated plant architecture (measured as plant height) on the abundance of skippers. Results showed that U. spitzi immatures (eggs and larvae) were far more abundant (n = 41, 96.7%) on O. spectabilis, whereas on O. hexasperma, the number of larvae was negligible (n = 1). In the laboratory, U. spitzi performed better on O. spectabilis than on O. hexasperma. The occurrence of larvae was not related to host phenology or environmental variations, but rather to plant height, since 92.7% (n = 38) of larvae were found on small O. spectabilis trees. A previous study showed that U. spitzi was not influenced by biotic factors (aggressive ants) and this study showed that plant structure plays a major role in skipper choice. The preference of U. spitzi for O. spectabilis is discussed.  相似文献   

C.C. Dias  M.L. Day 《Theriogenology》2009,72(3):378-385
Two experiments were performed to test the hypothesis that elevated progesterone concentrations impair pregnancy rate to timed artificial insemination (TAI) in postpuberal Nelore heifers. In Experiment 1, postpuberal Nelore heifers (n = 398) received 2 mg estradiol benzoate (EB) and either a new progesterone-releasing intravaginal device containing 1.9 g of progesterone (CIDR) (first use) or a CIDR previously used for 9 d (second use) or for 18 d (third use) on Day 0, 12.5 mg prostaglandin F (PGF) on Day 7, 0.5 mg estradiol cypionate (ECP) and CIDR withdrawal on Day 9, and TAI on Day 11. Largest ovarian follicle diameter was determined on Day 11. The third-use CIDR treatment increased largest ovarian follicle diameter and pregnancy rate. Conception to TAI was reduced in heifers with smaller follicles in the first- and second-use CIDR treatments, but not in the third-use CIDR treatment. In Experiment 2, postpuberal Nelore heifers received the synchronization treatment described in Experiment 1 or received 12.5 mg PGF on Day 9 rather than Day 7. In addition, 50% of heifers received 300 IU equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG) on Day 9. Heifers were either TAI (Experiment 2a; n = 199) or AI after detection of estrus (Experiment 2b; n = 125 of 202). In Experiment 2a, treatment with eCG increased pregnancy rate to TAI in heifers that received PGF on Day 9 but not on Day 7 and in heifers that received a first-use CIDR but not in heifers that received a third-use CIDR. Treatments did not influence reproductive performance in Experiment 2b. In summary, pregnancy rate to TAI in postpuberal Nelore heifers was optimized when lower concentrations of exogenous progesterone were administered, and eCG treatment was beneficial in heifers expected to have greater progesterone concentrations.  相似文献   

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