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The functional and numerical responses of the predatory mite Neoseiulus californicus to eggs and protonymphs of Tetranychus urticae were studied on excised strawberry leaflet discs under laboratory conditions (25 ± 1°C, 75–85% RH and 16L : 8D). Four strains of the phytoseiid were compared: three originated from a long-term mass-rearing with different food (T. urticae, Dermatophagoides farinae and Quercus spp. pollen) and under controlled conditions, while the fourth was directly collected from a natural environment and therefore considered a wild strain. The different nutritional histories affected the responses of N. californicus on tetranychids. On the whole, the wild strain gave better performance. When egg prey was administered this strain and the one mass-reared on two-spotted spider mites showed similar functional as well as numerical responses; on the contrary, when protonymphs were furnished, the wild strain did not differ from that mass-reared on pollen. The strain previously fed on house dust mites gave the worst performance and also showed the lowest percentages of females in the progeny. The functional responses obtained were predominantly type II curves. In all cases considered, no stored energy was allocated for reproduction and, with the exception of the wild strain on eggs, the prey was exploited less efficiently as the consumption increased. In spite of the differences evidenced in this experiment all strains were characterized by high predation and oviposition rates. Thus the results obtained suggest no drawbacks in the use of mass-reared N. californicus as biocontrol agents. © Rapid Science Ltd. 1998  相似文献   

The Spical strain of the predatory mite Neoseiulus californicus (McGregor) is used as a biological control agent, but little is known about its preferred prey and host plants in Japan. Here we studied the development, reproduction and prey consumption of the Spical strain when fed on eggs of five different spider mite species deposited on both their laboratory-rearing plant and cherry, on which all five spider mite species developed well. The developmental periods of immature N. californicus females and males were significantly affected by the prey species they fed on, but not by the plants. No difference was found between males and females. The developmental period was shorter on eggs of two Tetranychus species than on eggs of Panonychus ulmi. Immature females had a higher predation rate than immature males. Preoviposition period, oviposition period and the number of eggs laid per female were not significantly affected by either the plants or the type of prey eggs. The postoviposition period and total adult longevity were shorter on eggs of P. ulmi than of the other four prey species, but there was no effect of plant substrate. The postoviposition period of the Spical strain was much longer than that of other N. californicus strains or other predatory mite species: the postoviposition period of the Spical strain was more than three times longer than the oviposition period, accounting for more than 75% of the total adult longevity. This suggests that the females need multiple mating to reach full egg load, but this remains to be tested. Total consumption by N. californicus adults was lower for eggs of P. ulmi than for eggs of the other four species, apparently because of the shorter postoviposition period when fed on eggs of P. ulmi. The intrinsic rates of natural increase (r m) on the rearing plant did not differ among prey species, whereas those on cherry were significantly different: the value was higher on Tetranychus urticae eggs than on eggs of other species. Only when N. californicus fed on T. urticae eggs, the r m-values were significantly different between the rearing plant and cherry (higher on cherry). Thus, the Spical strain of N. californicus could feed on eggs of all five spider mite species, deposited on a variety of plants with similar r m-values, suggesting that it could be successfully used to control spider mites in orchards and various crop fields of Japan.  相似文献   

Neoseiulus californicus (McGregor) is a promising agent for successful Tetranychus urticae Koch control through conservation techniques, in strawberry crops in La Plata (Buenos Aires, Argentina). In prey–predator interaction, initial relative densities have an important effect on system dynamics. The economic threshold level (ETL) used for this pest in the present study was 50 active mites per leaflet. In our laboratory experiments, initial T. urticae to N. californicus ratio had a significant effect on the population abundance of T. urticae at a 7-day period. When pest/predator ratio was 5/1 (at initial pest densities from 5 to 15 females/leaflet) the final number of active T. urticae/leaflet was significantly lower than the ETL, while at 20 females/leaflet this number did not differ from the ETL. At 7.5/1 ratio, the final number of active T. urticae/leaflet, at initial pest densities from 5 to 15 females/leaflet, reached the ETL without surpassing it. At 10/1 and 15/1 ratios, pest densities exceeded the ETL only at 15 initial T. urticae/leaflet. Most greenhouse and field observations were consistent with the predictions of a graphical model based on experimental results. This predator was very effective in limiting pest densities at a 7-day period and within the range of pest–predator ratios and absolute densities used in this study. Conservation of N. californicus promoting favorable pest/predator ratios may result in early control of T. urticae.  相似文献   

Predatory behaviors of Neoseiulus californicus (McGregor) and Galendromus helveolus (Chant) attacking Oligonychus perseae Tuttle, Baker and Abbatiello on avocado leaves were videotaped and analyzed. Behaviors were recorded for “fresh” predators that were used ≤ 48 hr post receipt from a commercial insectary and “cold stored” predators that were maintained at 12°C for ≈ 14 days. Fresh and cold stored G. helveolus were observed to attack O. perseae only after invading webbed nests. Conversely, fresh and cold stored N. californicus employed three different modes of predatory attack: (1) intercepting and attacking migrant O. perseae outside of web nests; (2) attacking prey through nest webbing; or (3) invading and attacking O. perseae inside nests. Predatory efficacy of both N. californicus and G. helveolus was reduced following cold storage, as both species engaged in certain predatory behaviors less frequently in comparison to predators that were not stored at low temperatures. Our observed results for N. californicus and G. helveolus attacking O. perseae are interpreted in relation to the chaetotaxy hypothesis, which proposes that phytoseiid invasion efficiency and propensity of webbed nests is facilitated by dorsal setal lengths. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Neoseiulus californicus (McGregor) is a predatory mite employed for biological control of the agricultural pest Tetranychus urticae (Koch). We explored whether environmental differences, in this case the trichome densities of abaxial leaf surfaces of strawberry cultivars (‘Maehyang’ and ‘Sulhyang’ varieties) affect the functional response of adult female N. californicus preying on immature stages (egg, larva and nymph) of T. urticae. We also evaluated the functional response of N. californicus to eggs of T. urticae at different temperatures (15, 20, 25, 30 and 35°C). We conducted a logistic regression of the proportion of prey consumed as a function of initial prey density to identify functional response types, and used nonlinear least‐squares regression and the random predator equation to estimate attack rates and handling times. The functional response of adult female N. californicus to T. urticae was not influenced by non‐glandular trichomes on abaxial leaves but was affected by temperature. Overall, adult female N. californicus exhibited a type 2 functional response to T. urticae. The handling time of N. californicus was highest (1.9970 h) against T. urticae nymphs. The attack rate did not change much at 15–30°C, but was significantly higher at 35°C. The handling time decreased significantly with increasing temperature at 15–35°C. At 35°C, the attack rate was highest (0.2087) and the handling time was lowest (0.9511 h).  相似文献   

Two species of Neoseiulus, N. californicus and N. cucumeris, showed potential for biocontrol of phytophagous mites on strawberry. N. californicus controlled Tetranychus urticae on potted strawberry plants in a gauze-sided glasshouse at temperatures comparableto early summer in the UK (8–20°C). Both species of phytoseiid reducednumbers of the tarsonemid Phytonemus pallidus on potted strawberry plants under glasshouse conditions (15–23°C). In several experiments reductions in the range of 71–81% in numbers of tarsonemid active stages and eggs, compared to non-release plants, were obtained. The importance of establishing a suitable predator: prey ratio at an earlystage was demonstrated in an experiment where an initial ratio of 1 N. cucumeris: 10 P. pallidus gave a greater degree of controlthan 1:20 or 1:40.  相似文献   

Field samples and experiments conducted in apple orchards in the south of France showed that Neoseiulus californicus (McGregor) searched for prey on the trees and in the ground cover as late as mid-November 1993, and at least as early in the spring as the end of February 1994. Overwintering females fed, expanded and produced viable eggs within 7.9±0.3 (SE) days given the natural light regime, adequate food and temperatures of 17.0±20.6°C. The first generation of N. californicus developed in the field during March and April 1994. N. californicus nymphs, females and males readily moved over bare ground and through a grass ground cover to trap plants located on stakes 1 m above the ground. In the laboratory, the rate of movement of adult females on 0.5 mm copper wire was a linear function of temperature above a threshold of 11.9±0.9°C. At 25°C they travelled 10 m per h. The migration rate of N. californicus to trap plants on stakes placed in an orchard 13 Apr. increased in 2 weeks from 0.07 to 0.57 predators/trap plant/degree-day, while the migration rate to plants placed directly in the ground cover was 1.45 predators/trap plant/degree-day. The largest population of N. californicus in April occurred on Barley, Hordeum murinum L. This plant produces pollen in April and May, and may be useful in biocontrol programs.  相似文献   

Experiments conducted in the laboratory showed that different biotic and abiotic factors affected the ambulatory dispersal behaviour of Neoseiulus californicus. The experimental set-up comprised dwarf alfalfa (Medicago polymorpha) infested or unifested by Tetranychus urticae. Temperatures were measured with thermocouples. Trials were performed at three temperatures, three prey densities, three light intensities, two relative humidities (RHs) and two vegetative states of alfalfa plants, turgid and withered. Deutonymphs were the most dispersive followed by young ovipositional females. High temperatures (35°C), high light intensities (40 000 lux) and drought-stressed alfalfa increased the dispersal of N. californicus. The availability of food in the environment and high moisture (80% RH) slowed down dispersion. The main factors which seem to elicit dispersal behaviour are the deprivation of food and high temperatures which result in an increase in the walking speed of the mite. In addition, other factors tested either increase or reduce the ambulatory dispersal of N. californicus. According to our results, individuals could move from ground cover into apple trees before spring. © Rapid Science Ltd. 1998  相似文献   

In a greenhouse and in an open field, aspects of aerial and ambulatory dispersal of the phytoseiid mite, Neoseiulus fallacis (Garman) were studied with a focus on events that would occur after aerially dispersing mites had landed on soil or associated substrates. We measured recovery of predators on lima bean plants (Phaseolus lunatus L.) that were infested with the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch. Factors thought to affect movement and colonization were distance to a receiver unit from a release (landing) point, intervening soil surfaces such as clods, gravel, fine soil and grass, and management of soil surfaces such as mulching, watering or both. In the field, the effect of distance (0.11–1.76m) from a landing point to a receiver unit was significant, with a negative log-linear relationship. Soil surfaces such as clods and management actions such as watering with mulching allowed for more capture of predators on bean plants with prey than did other treatments. Environmental conditions greatly affected survival of N. fallacis.Predators in the field that were present on bare soil suffered high mortality (ca. 90%) at fluctuating daytime conditions of 26.4±4.8°C and 56±13.4% RH. Predators only suffered 10% mortality in the greenhouse under the same setting, but under more controlled and favorable environmental conditions. Effects of environmental conditions, mode of dispersal and implications to biological control are discussed.  相似文献   

Generalist predatory mites are the common phytoseiid fauna in many agroecosystems, but little attention has been paid to their potential as biological control agents. In this study, we determined the functional responses of adult females of the generalist predator Neoseiulus barkeri Hughes on eggs, larvae, and adults of the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch, in the laboratory. Predation experiments were conducted on pepper leaf discs over a 24 h period at 25±1°C, 70–80% RH and 16L:8D photoperiod. Prey densities ranged 5 to 80 eggs, or 5 to 40 larvae, or 1 to 8 female adults of T. urticae per disc. The predation rate of N. barkeri adult females on T. urticae eggs was the same as on its larvae, but the predation rate on adult females was much lower. The role of generalist predatory mites in integrated and biological control of greenhouse pests was discussed.  相似文献   

Amblyseius californicus was introduced into the UK in the early 1990s as a biocontrol agent against glasshouse red spider mite Tetranychus urticae. This study investigated the effects of temperature on the establishment potential of A. californicus in the UK in the light of recent reports of their successful overwintering outside of glasshouse environments. The developmental thresholds were 9.9 and 8.6 °C respectively using simple and weighted linear regression. Using the day-degree requirement per generation calculated by weighted regression (143 day-degrees) in combination with climate data, it was estimated that up to seven generations would be possible annually outdoors in the UK. Non-diapausing adult females froze at −22 °C, with 100% mortality after reaching their freezing temperature. Up to 90% of mites died before freezing after short exposures to low temperatures. Significant acclimation responses occurred; 90% of acclimated individuals survived 26 days exposure at 0 °C and 11 days at −5 °C (acclimated mites were reared at 19 °C, 6L:18D followed by 1 week at 10 °C, 12L:12D). Non-diapausing adult females survived over 3 months outdoors in winter under sheltered conditions and oviposition was observed. The experimental protocol used in this study is discussed as a pre-release screen for the establishment potential of other Amblyseius species, and similar non-native biocontrol agents.  相似文献   

The life table of the indigenous Neoseiulus californicus was studied at different temperatures and 65 ± 5% relative humidity under conditions of 16 h light : 8 h dark (LD 16:8). The total developmental period from egg to adult varied from 3.0 to 14.0 days at 15 to 35°C. Survival to adulthood ranges from 86.21 to 93.94%, with the highest rate at 25°C. The lower threshold temperature from egg to adult stages of females and males was 10.84 and 10.72°C, respectively, and the thermal constant was 57.14 degree‐days (DD) for females and 56.18 DD for males. Total number of eggs laid by each female was the highest (70.38 eggs) at 25°C, whereas average daily fecundity was the highest (3.69 eggs/female/day) at 30°C. The net reproductive rate was the highest (48.49) at 25°C and lowest (26.18) at 30°C. Mean generation time decreased from 19.04 to 11.47 days with increasing temperature from 20 to 30°C. Both intrinsic rate of natural increase (0.284) and finite rate of increase (1.32) were maximum at 30°C. Adult longevity was the highest (42.75 days for females and 32.60 days for males) at 20°C and lowest (22.70 days for females and 15.30 days for males) at 30°C. Sex ratio was female biased and was the highest (78.08) at 25°C and lowest (70.24) at 30°C. Developmental data of five constant temperatures, temperature thresholds and thermal requirements may be used to predict the occurrence, number of generations and population dynamics of N. californicus as an important biocontrol agent of Tetranychus urticae.  相似文献   

The functional responses of protonymph and adult female Iphiseius degenerans and Neoseiulus teke to increasing density of three stages of their prey, the cassava green mite (CGM), Mononychellus tanajoa, were studied on excised cassava leaf discs under laboratory conditions. The responses obtained were predominantly sigmoid type III curves with the highest plateau when both stages of I. degenerans and N. teke were preying on CGM eggs. In all cases, the predation rate of the former species exceeded that of the latter. The empirical data were fitted by four different models. From the models, the attack coefficient (a) and handling time (T h) were estimated. For a given predator stage (protonymph or adult female), the predator's attack coefficient declines and handling time increases as the prey gets larger. For a given prey stage, the predator's attack coefficient increases and handling time decreases as the predator stage becomes larger.  相似文献   

The pairings of Neoseiulus californicus (McGregor) and Neoseiulus fallacis (Garman) from western North America were monitored for tending by adult males, males in the mating position and oviposition and the activity of female deutonymphs and adults. The N. fallacis × N. californicus (♂ × ♀) tests had fewer males tending the deutonymphs but more in the mating position with new females than the reciprocal test. Afterwards, most of the females appeared gravid and approximately 20% produced an egg. Some eggs did not hatch but others became adult males, which mated with their mothers, but no eggs were produced. F1 males tended and mated with new N. fallacis females which had normal offspring. When held with new N. californicus females, F1 males tended the deutonymphs but were not seen mating and no eggs were laid. The pairings of N. californicus× N. fallacis had more males tending, less in the mating position and the females appeared non-gravid and produced no eggs. When same-species males were added to females held with F1 males for 15–20 days, normal levels and sexes of the progeny were produced. The female and male adults of N. fallacis were more active (ambulatory) than those of N. californicus. In within-species tests, the males had a high activity except while tending and mating, the female deutonymphs were inactive and the just mated females were more active than the ovipositing females. The timing of the tending and mating differed in the cross-pairings. Overall, these and other life-history data show that these two mites are distinct species, but that their males are promiscuous in tending and mating. This revised version was published online in November 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The predatory mite Neoseiulus womersleyi shows a significant correlation between its olfactory response and dispersal tendency in different geographical populations. This study investigated the genetic background of the relationship using isofemale lines. Y-tube olfactometer tests confirmed that there was a genetic component in predator response to herbivore-induced plant volatiles. Wind tunnel tests in the absence of the herbivore-induced plant volatiles revealed that the dispersal tendencies of N. womersleyi exhibited genetic variation among isofemale lines, and other experiments revealed the existence of significant differences in prey consumption rate, fecundity, and developmental time. However, there was no genetic correlation between behavioral traits (olfactory response, innate dispersal) and the other traits, suggesting that the positive correlation between the behavioral traits was not caused by genetic factors.  相似文献   

Using incorporated devices, Tetranychus urticae spider mites were rinsed from hydroponically-grown lima bean plants, collected, separated and blow-dried. This yielded a reliable and large volume of eggs and larvae, which were fed to Amblyseius womersleyi rearings on 15×5cm2 polyethylene arenas. Of several feeding regimes tested, daily feeding of 10mg T. urticae eggs and larvae resulted in the highest predator population levels. The best harvest period was between 15 and 27 days, when predator density exceeded 600 mites per arena. A preliminary automatic mass-rearing device was tested for A. womersleyi. This incorporated both rearing and harvesting procedures. A micro-feeder was developed to supply the required volume of spider mites and maize pollen (1:1 mixture) to the predators. A Bakelite rearing arena reduced the space requirements of a polyethylene arena, was more durable and an essential component in the automatic mass-rearing and harvesting. Mite harvesting is carried out through the use of a vacuum-head harvester. Supplements of (sterilized) spider mites, pollen, vermiculite and wheat bran are automatically added to the predators. The devices for harvesting, filling and packing are incorporated and synchronized and the entire system is controlled by a single slide-switch. The design and system can be expanded without changing the basic processes and program, for example to adopt it for other species of predaceous mites.  相似文献   

In this study, we developed an oviposition model of Neoseiulus californicus (McGregor) with Tetranychus urticae Koch as prey. To obtain data for the model, we investigated the longevity, fecundity and survivorship of adult female N. californicus at six constant temperatures (16, 20, 24, 28, 32 and 36°C), 60–70% RH and a photoperiod of 16 : 8 (L : D) h. Longevity (average ± SE) decreased as temperature increased and was longest at 16°C (46.7 ± 5.25 days) and shortest at 36°C (12.8 ± 0.75 days). Adult developmental rate (1/average longevity) was described by the Lactin 1 model (r2 = 0.95). The oviposition period (average±SE) was also longest at 16°C (29.8 ± 2.93 days) and shortest at 36°C (6.7 ± 0.54 days). Fecundity (average±SE) was greatest at 24°C (43.8 ± 3.23 eggs) and lowest at 36°C (15.9 ± 1.50 eggs). The oviposition model comprised temperature‐dependent fecundity, age‐specific cumulative oviposition rate and age‐specific survival rate functions. The temperature‐dependent fecundity was best described by an exponential equation (r2 = 0.81). The age‐specific cumulative oviposition rate was best described by the three‐parameter Weibull function (r2 = 0.96). The age‐specific survival rate was best described by a reverse sigmoid function (r2 = 0.85).  相似文献   

This study was carried out on the ability of predatory thrips Scolothrips longicornis Priesner to feed on 2 phytoseiid species and vice versa. Also the effect of predation of Neoseiulus californicus (McGregor) on Typhlodromus bagdasarjani Wainstein and Arutunjan and vice versa was evaluated. The larvae, prepupae, and pupae of thrips and the eggs, larvae, and protonymphs of phytoseiids were selected as intraguild prey. The intraguild predation (IGP) among S. longicornis and 2 phytoseiid species was unidirectional and in favor of phytoseiids, i.e., S. longicornis was not able to feed on larval stages of 2 phytoseiids. However, N. californicus and T. bagdasarjani fed on the 1st instar larvae (1.39 and 0.80 per day), 2nd instar larvae (0.87 and 0.55 per day), prepupae (0.51 and 0.48 per day), and pupae of thrips (0.51 and 0.49 per day, respectively). Both phytoseiids fed on eggs, larvae, and protonymphal stages of each other. Females of N. californicus consumed more phytoseiid larvae (2.49 per day) than T. bagdasarjani, which consumed 1.08 N. californicus larvae per day. When Tetranychus urticae was presented as an extraguild prey, intensity of IGP between 2 species of phytoseiids and on larval stages of S. longicornis reduced significantly. Therefore, it is concluded that (i) IGP existed among the 3 examined species and lack of feeding of S. longicornis on 2 phytoseiid species can be justified by its feeding type (monophagy), (ii) N. californicus was much more prone to IGP than was T. bagdasarjani.  相似文献   

In strawberry greenhouses in La Plata (Buenos Aires, Argentina), Tetranychus urticae is a major pest and Neoseiulus californicus is its most important established phytoseiid predator. The purpose of this study was to determine the spatial distribution and coincidence of N. californicus and T. urticae on strawberry. T. urticae populations exhibited density variations that were followed, with some temporal delay, by those of the predator. In general terms, N. californicus exhibited lower aggregation than T. urticae. The index of dispersion (I) of T. urticae had values significantly greater than 1 in 100% of the sampling dates. The percentage of infested leaflets increased with prey density in a curvilinear way, ranging from 80 to 100% when density was higher than 100 individuals/leaflet. N. californicus had values of I higher than unity in 86.7% (G1) and 53.8% (G2) of the cases. TaylorÕs b and IwaoÕs values were greater than 1 for both populations, this indicating aggregation. IwaoÕs results showed larger aggregation units of T. urticae (=53.24) than of N. californicus (=3.61), probably due to its higher fecundity and oviposition behaviour of laying eggs in clumps. Both populations were overdispersed, although in general terms, N. californicus exhibited lower aggregation than T. urticae. This would create refuges for the prey, thus increasing the persistence of the system. Index of coincidence of predator (Ic) was high most of the time even at low densities of both populations, decreased abruptly at the end of an interaction cycle and was similar at greenhouse and plant spatial scales. The high spatial coincidence of N. californicus with T. urticae suggests an important dispersal capacity of the predator and a high ability to detect leaflets with prey. The refuge index for the prey decreased with predator density and was higher at greenhouse scale than at plant scale, both at similar predator densities. At greenhouse scale and despite high predator density, the prey had a 10%-refuge, which would lead to the system persistence. Results of the present study suggest that N. californicus is a promising established natural enemy for controlling T. urticae on strawberry.  相似文献   

A commercial strain of Neoseiulus californicus (Spical®) has a conspicuously long postoviposition period in comparison with other strains of N. californicus or other phytoseiid mites. In many insects and mites, life span is shorter for multiple-mated females than for single-mated females, and is shorter under poor prey conditions than under ample prey conditions. We previously showed that the postoviposition period of multiple-mated females was 40% shorter than that of single-mated females, but that it was never shorter than 30 days. Here we focused on the effect of prey abundance on the postoviposition period. We examined three groups of multiple-mated females: mites that were fed ample prey (group I), mites that were subjected to repeated cycles of 2 days of fasting followed by 2 days of ample prey (group II), and mites that were subjected to repeated cycles of 4 days of fasting followed by 2 days of ample prey (group III). The postoviposition periods of groups II and III were 90% shorter than that of group I. Also the total adult longevity was significantly shorter in groups II and III than in group I. Total egg production in group III was about half that in groups I and II, although the oviposition periods in groups II and III were significantly longer than that in group I. These results suggest that the prolonged postoviposition period in single-mated females of the Spical strain may only appear under laboratory conditions, without multiple mating or starvation.  相似文献   

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