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5-Aminolevulinate synthase is the first enzyme of the heme biosynthetic pathway in nonplant higher eukaryotes. Murine erythroid 5-aminolevulinate synthase has been purified to homogeneity from an Escherichia coli overproducing strain, and the catalytic and spectroscopic properties of this recombinant enzyme were compared with those from nonrecombinant sources (Ferreira, G.C. & Dailey, H.A., 1993, J. Biol. Chem. 268, 584-590). 5-Aminolevulinate synthase is a pyridoxal 5'-phosphate-dependent enzyme and is functional as a homodimer. The recombinant 5-aminolevulinate synthase holoenzyme was reduced with tritiated sodium borohydride and digested with trypsin. A single peptide contained the majority of the label. The tritiated peptide was isolated, and its amino acid sequence was determined; it corresponded to 15 amino acids around lysine 313, to which pyridoxal 5'-phosphate is bound. Significantly, the pyridoxyllysine peptide is conserved in all known cDNA-derived 5-aminolevulinate synthase sequences and is present in the C-terminal (catalytic) domain. Mutagenesis of the 5-aminolevulinate synthase residue, which is involved in the Schiff base linkage with pyridoxal 5'-phosphate, from lysine to alanine or histidine abolished enzyme activity in the expressed protein.  相似文献   

The two active sites of dimeric 5-aminolevulinate synthase (ALAS), a pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (PLP)-dependent enzyme, are located on the subunit interface with contribution of essential amino acids from each subunit. Linking the two subunits into a single polypeptide chain dimer (2XALAS) yielded an enzyme with an approximate sevenfold greater turnover number than that of wild-type ALAS. Spectroscopic and kinetic properties of 2XALAS were investigated to explore the differences in the coenzyme structure and kinetic mechanism relative to those of wild-type ALAS that confer a more active enzyme. The absorption spectra of both ALAS and 2XALAS had maxima at 410 and 330 nm, with a greater A(410)/A(330) ratio at pH approximately 7.5 for 2XALAS. The 330 nm absorption band showed an intense fluorescence at 385 nm but not at 510 nm, indicating that the 330 nm absorption species is the substituted aldamine rather than the enolimine form of the Schiff base. The 385 nm emission intensity increased with increasing pH with a single pK of approximately 8.5 for both enzymes, and thus the 410 and 330 nm absorption species were attributed to the ketoenamine and substituted aldamine, respectively. Transient kinetic analysis of the formation and decay of the quinonoid intermediate EQ(2) indicated that, although their rates were similar in ALAS and 2XALAS, accumulation of this intermediate was greater in the 2XALAS-catalyzed reaction. Collectively, these results suggest that ketoenamine is the active form of the coenzyme and forms a more prominent coenzyme structure in 2XALAS than in ALAS at pH approximately 7.5.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of tyrosine aminotransferase (TAT) from the parasitic protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi, which belongs to the aminotransferase subfamily Igamma, has been determined at 2.5 A resolution with the R-value R = 15.1%. T. cruzi TAT shares less than 15% sequence identity with aminotransferases of subfamily Ialpha but shows only two larger topological differences to the aspartate aminotransferases (AspATs). First, TAT contains a loop protruding from the enzyme surface in the larger cofactor-binding domain, where the AspATs have a kinked alpha-helix. Second, in the smaller substrate-binding domain, TAT has a four-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet instead of the two-stranded beta-sheet in the AspATs. The position of the aromatic ring of the pyridoxal-5'-phosphate cofactor is very similar to the AspATs but the phosphate group, in contrast, is closer to the substrate-binding site with one of its oxygen atoms pointing toward the substrate. Differences in substrate specificities of T. cruzi TAT and subfamily Ialpha aminotransferases can be attributed by modeling of substrate complexes mainly to this different position of the cofactor-phosphate group. Absence of the arginine, which in the AspATs fixes the substrate side-chain carboxylate group by a salt bridge, contributes to the inability of T. cruzi TAT to transaminate acidic amino acids. The preference of TAT for tyrosine is probably related to the ability of Asn17 in TAT to form a hydrogen bond to the tyrosine side-chain hydroxyl group.  相似文献   

Acetylornithine aminotransferase (AcOAT) is one of the key enzymes involved in arginine metabolism and catalyzes the conversion of N-acetylglutamate semialdehyde to N-acetylornithine (AcOrn) in the presence of L-glutamate. It belongs to the Type I subgroup II family of pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (PLP) dependent enzymes. E. coli biosynthetic AcOAT (eAcOAT) also catalyzes the conversion of N-succinyl-L-2-amino-6-oxopimelate to N-succinyl-L,L-diaminopimelate, one of the steps in lysine biosynthesis. In view of the critical role of AcOAT in lysine and arginine biosynthesis, structural studies were initiated on the enzyme from S. typhimurium (sAcOAT). The K(m) and k(cat)/K(m) values determined with the purified sAcOAT suggested that the enzyme had much higher affinity for AcOrn than for ornithine (Orn) and was more efficient than eAcOAT. sAcOAT was inhibited by gabaculine (Gcn) with an inhibition constant (K(i)) of 7 microM and a second-order rate constant (k(2)) of 0.16 mM(-1) s(-1). sAcOAT, crystallized in the unliganded form and in the presence of Gcn or L-glutamate, diffracted to a maximum resolution of 1.90 A and contained a dimer in the asymmetric unit. The structure of unliganded sAcOAT showed significant electron density for PLP in only one of the subunits (subunit A). The asymmetry in PLP binding could be attributed to the ordering of the loop L(alphak-) (betam) in only one subunit (subunit B; the loop from subunit B comes close to the phosphate group of PLP in subunit A). Structural and spectral studies of sAcOAT with Gcn suggested that the enzyme might have a low affinity for PLP-Gcn complex. Comparison of sAcOAT with T. thermophilus AcOAT and human ornithine aminotransferase suggested that the higher specificity of sAcOAT towards AcOrn may not be due to specific changes in the active site residues but could result from minor conformational changes in some of them. This is the first structural report of AcOAT from a mesophilic organism and could serve as a basis for drug design as the enzyme is important for bacterial cell wall biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Potato tuber UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (EC catalyzes the reversible uridylyl transfer from UDP-glucose to MgPPi forming glucose 1-phosphate and MgUTP, according to an ordered bi-bi mechanism in which UDP-glucose and MgPPi bind in this order. To probe the active site of this enzyme, we have applied pyridoxal 5'-diphosphate, a reactive PPi analogue. The enzyme was rapidly inactivated when incubated with the reagent in the presence of Mg2+ followed by sodium borohydride reduction. The degree of the inactivation was decreased by MgUTP, MgPPi, and glucose 1-phosphate, but enhanced by UDP-glucose. The enhancement was prevented by co-addition of Pi, the competitive inhibitor with respect to PPi. The complete inactivation corresponded to the incorporation of 0.9-1.1 mol of reagent/mol of enzyme monomer. In the presence of UDP-glucose, labels were almost exclusively incorporated into Lys-329. Thus, this residue may be located near the bound MgPPi and its modification is promoted, probably through conformational changes, by the binding of UDP-glucose to the enzyme. The results of the modification by the same reagent of the mutant enzymes in which Lys-329 and Lys-263 are individually replaced by Gln suggest the roles of these lysyl residues in the binding of MgPPi and in the UDP-glucose-induced conformational changes, respectively.  相似文献   

A site-directed mutagenesis of the GFA1 gene encoding Candida albicans glucosamine-6-phosphate (GlcN-6-P) synthase afforded its GFA1S208A version. A product of the modified gene, lacking the putative phosphorylation site for protein kinase A (PKA), exhibited all the basic properties identical to those of the wild-type enzyme but was no longer a substrate for PKA. Comparison of the C. albicans Deltagfa1/GFA1 and Deltagfa1/GFA1S208A cells, grown under conditions stimulating yeast-to-mycelia transformation, revealed that the latter demonstrated lower GlcN-6-P synthase specific activity, decreased chitin content and formed much fewer mycelial forms. All these findings, as well as the observed effects of specific inhibitors of protein kinases, suggest that a loss of the possibility of GlcN-6-P synthase phosphorylation by PKA strongly reduces but not completely eliminates the germinative response of C. albicans cells.  相似文献   

5‐Aminolevulinate synthase (ALAS) controls the rate‐limiting step of heme biosynthesis in mammals by catalyzing the condensation of succinyl‐coenzyme A and glycine to produce 5‐aminolevulinate, coenzyme‐A (CoA), and carbon dioxide. ALAS is a member of the α‐oxoamine synthase family of pyridoxal 5′‐phosphate (PLP)‐dependent enzymes and shares high degree of structural similarity and reaction mechanism with the other members of the family. The X‐ray crystal structure of ALAS from Rhodobacter capsulatus reveals that the alkanoate component of succinyl‐CoA is coordinated by a conserved arginine and a threonine. The functions of the corresponding acyl‐CoA‐binding residues in murine erthyroid ALAS (R85 and T430) in relation to acyl‐CoA binding and substrate discrimination were examined using site‐directed mutagenesis and a series of CoA‐derivatives. The catalytic efficiency of the R85L variant with octanoyl‐CoA was 66‐fold higher than that of the wild‐type protein, supporting the proposal of this residue as key in discriminating substrate binding. Substitution of the acyl‐CoA‐binding residues with hydrophobic amino acids caused a ligand‐induced negative dichroic band at 420 nm in the CD spectra, suggesting that these residues affect substrate‐mediated changes to the PLP microenvironment. Transient kinetic analyses of the R85K variant‐catalyzed reactions confirm that this substitution decreases microscopic rates associated with formation and decay of a key reaction intermediate and show that the nature of the acyl‐CoA tail seriously affect product binding. These results show that the bifurcate interaction of the carboxylate moiety of succinyl‐CoA with R85 and T430 is an important determinant in ALAS function and may play a role in substrate specificity.  相似文献   

The solution conformations of pyridoxal-5′ -phosphate and pyridoxamine-5′-phosphate have been investigated using Eu(III) as a nuclear magnetic resonance shift probe. Binding of Eu(III) to pyridoxal phosphate results in the formation of two complexes, at the phosphate group and theo-hydroxy-aldehyde moiety, which are in slow exchange on the nuclear magnetic resonance time-scale. The lanthanide-induced pseudo contact shifts calculated using the McConnell-Robertson equation (J. Chem. Soc. (1950), 22, 1561) are in good agreement with the experimentally observed values for both pyridoxal phosphate and pyridoxamine phosphate and lead to a family of closely related conformations. Contribution No. 130 from the Molecular Biophysics Unit.  相似文献   

It has been established that phosphate analogues can activate glycogen phosphorylase reconstituted with pyridoxal in place of the natural cofactor pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (Change YC. McCalmont T, Graves DJ. 1983. Biochemistry 22:4987-4993). Pyridoxal phosphorylase b has been studied by kinetic, ultracentrifugation, and X-ray crystallographic experiments. In solution, the catalytically active species of pyridoxal phosphorylase b adopts a conformation that is more R-state-like than that of native phosphorylase b, but an inactive dimeric species of the enzyme can be stabilized by activator phosphite in combination with the T-state inhibitor glucose. Co-crystals of pyridoxal phosphorylase b complexed with either phosphite, phosphate, or fluorophosphate, the inhibitor glucose, and the weak activator IMP were grown in space group P4(3)2(1)2, with native-like unit cell dimensions, and the structures of the complexes have been refined to give crystallographic R factors of 18.5-19.2%, for data between 8 and 2.4 A resolution. The anions bind tightly at the catalytic site in a similar but not identical position to that occupied by the cofactor 5'-phosphate group in the native enzyme (phosphorus to phosphorus atoms distance = 1.2 A). The structural results show that the structures of the pyridoxal phosphorylase b-anion-glucose-IMP complexes are overall similar to the glucose complex of native T-state phosphorylase b. Structural comparisons suggest that the bound anions, in the position observed in the crystal, might have a structural role for effective catalysis.  相似文献   

Pyridoxal 5′-phosphate (PLP) is required as a cofactor by many enzymes. The predominant de novo biosynthetic route is catalyzed by a heteromeric glutamine amidotransferase consisting of the synthase subunit Pdx1 and the glutaminase subunit Pdx2. Previously, Bacillus subtilis PLP synthase was studied by X-ray crystallography and complex assembly had been characterized by isothermal titration calorimetry. The fully assembled PLP synthase complex contains 12 individual Pdx1/Pdx2 glutamine amidotransferase heterodimers. These studies revealed the occurrence of an encounter complex that is tightened in the Michaelis complex when the substrate l-glutamine binds. In this study, we have characterized complex formation of PLP synthase from the malaria-causing human pathogen Plasmodium falciparum using isothermal titration calorimetry. The presence of l-glutamine increases the tightness of the interaction about 30-fold and alters the thermodynamic signature of complex formation. The thermodynamic data are integrated in a 3D homology model of P. falciparum PLP synthase. The negative experimental heat capacity (Cp) describes a protein interface that is dominated by hydrophobic interactions. In the absence of l-glutamine, the experimental Cp is less negative than in its presence, contrasting to the previously characterised bacterial PLP synthase. Thus, while the encounter complexes differ, the Michaelis complexes of plasmodial and bacterial systems have similar characteristics concerning the relative contribution of apolar/polar surface area. In addition, we have verified the role of the N-terminal region of PfPdx1 for complex formation. A “swap mutant” in which the complete αN-helix of plasmodial Pdx1 was exchanged with the corresponding segment from B. subtilis shows cross-binding to B. subtilis Pdx2. The swap mutant also partially elicits glutaminase activity in BsPdx2, demonstrating that formation of the protein complex interface via αN and catalytic activation of the glutaminase are linked processes.  相似文献   

Aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase (AADC) catalytic mechanism has been proposed to proceed through two consecutive intermediates (i.e., Michaelis complex and the external aldimine). Limited proteolysis of AADC that preferentially digested at the C-terminal side of Arg334 was slightly retarded in the presence of dihydroxyphenyl acetate that formed a stable Michaelis complex. On the contrary, AADC was scarcely digested in the presence of L-dopa methyl ester that formed a stable external aldimine. Similar protection by the substrate analogs was observed in the chemical modification experiment. From these results, we concluded that the region around Arg334 must be exposed and flexible in the unliganded state, and forming the Michaelis complex generated a subtle conformational change, then underwent marked conformational change during the subsequent transaldimination process prerequisite to forming the external aldimine. For further analyses, we constructed a mutant gene encoding in tandem the two peptides of AADC cleaved at the Asn327-Met328 bond inside the putative flexible region. The gene product, fragmentary AADC, was still active with L-dopa as substrate, but its k(cat) value was decreased 57-fold, and the Km value was increased 9-fold compared with those of the wild-type AADC. The absorption spectra of the fragmentary AADC in the presence of L-dopa methyl ester showed shift in the equilibrium of the transaldimination from the external aldimine to the Michaelis complex. Tryptic digestion of the fragmentary AADC removed seven amino acid residues, Met328-Arg334, and resulted in complete inactivation. Susceptibility of the fragmentary enzyme to trypsin was not changed by L-dopa methyl ester revealing the loss of appropriate conformational change in the flexible region induced by substrate binding. From these results we propose that the conformational change in the flexible region is required during the transaldimination process.  相似文献   

Indoleglycerol phosphate synthase catalyzes the ring closure of 1-(2-carboxyphenylamino)-1-deoxyribulose 5''-phosphate to indoleglycerol phosphate, the fifth step in the pathway of tryptophan biosynthesis from chorismate. Because chemical synthesis of indole derivatives from arylamino ketones requires drastic solvent conditions, it is interesting by what mechanism the enzyme catalyzes the same condensation reaction. Seven invariant polar residues in the active site of the enzyme from Escherichia coli have been mutated directly or randomly, to identify the catalytically essential ones. A strain of E. coli suitable for selecting and classifying active mutants by functional complementation was constructed by precise deletion of the trpC gene from the genome. Judged by growth rates of transformants on selective media, mutants with either S58 or S60 replaced by alanine were indistinguishable from the wild-type, but R186 replaced by alanine was still partially active. Saturation random mutagenesis of individual codons showed that E53 was partially replaceable by aspartate and cysteine, whereas K114, E163, and N184 could not be replaced by any other residue. Partially active mutant proteins were purified and their steady-state kinetic and inhibitor binding constants determined. Their relative catalytic efficiencies paralleled their relative complementation efficiencies. These results are compatible with the location of the essential residues in the active site of the enzyme and support a chemically plausible catalytic mechanism. It involves two enzyme-bound intermediates and general acid-base catalysis by K114 and E163 with the support of E53 and N184.  相似文献   

Dihydrodipicolinate synthase (DHDPS) catalyses the first committed step in the biosynthesis of (S)-lysine, an essential constituent of bacterial cell walls. Escherichia coli DHDPS is homotetrameric, and each monomer contains an N-terminal (β/α)8-barrel, responsible for catalysis and regulation, and three C-terminal α-helices, the function of which is unknown. This study investigated the C-terminal domain of E. coli DHDPS by characterising a C-terminal truncated DHDPS (DHDPS-H225∗). DHDPS-H225∗ was unable to complement an (S)-lysine auxotroph, and showed significantly reduced solubility, stability, and maximum catalytic activity (kcat = 1.20 ± 0.01 s−1), which was only 1.6% of wild type E. coli DHDPS (DHDPS-WT). The affinity of DHDPS-H225∗ for substrates and the feedback inhibitor, (S)-lysine, remained comparable to DHDPS-WT. These changes were accompanied by disruption in the quaternary structure, which has previously been shown to be essential for efficient catalysis in this enzyme.  相似文献   

Despite the recent discovery that trehalose synthesis is widespread in higher plants very little is known about its physiological significance. Here we report on an Arabidopsis mutant (tps1), disrupted in a gene encoding the first enzyme of trehalose biosynthesis (trehalose-6-phosphate synthase). The tps1 mutant is a recessive embryo lethal. Embryo morphogenesis is normal but development is retarded and stalls early in the phase of cell expansion and storage reserve accumulation. TPS1 is transiently up-regulated at this same developmental stage and is required for the full expression of seed maturation marker genes (2S2 and OLEOSN2). Sucrose levels also increase rapidly in seeds during the onset of cell expansion. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae trehalose-6-phosphate (T-6-P) is required to regulate sugar influx into glycolysis via the inhibition of hexokinase and a deficiency in TPS1 prevents growth on sugars (Thevelein and Hohmann, 1995). The growth of Arabidopsis tps1-1 embryos can be partially rescued in vitro by reducing the sucrose level. However, T-6-P is not an inhibitor of AtHXK1 or AtHXK2. Nor does reducing hexokinase activity rescue tps1-1 embryo growth. Our data establish for the first time that an enzyme of trehalose metabolism is essential in plants and is implicated in the regulation of sugar metabolism/embryo development via a different mechanism to that reported in S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

5-Aminolevulinate synthase and the first step of heme biosynthesis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
5-Aminolevulinate synthase catalyzes the condensation of glycine and succinyl-CoA to yield 5-aminolevulinate. In animals, fungi, and some bacteria, 5-aminolevulinate synthase is the first enzyme of the heme biosynthetic pathway. Mutations on the human erythroid 5-aminolevulinate synthase, which is localized on the X-chromosome, have been associated with X-linked sideroblastic anemia. Recent biochemical and molecular biological developments provide important insights into the structure and function of this enzyme. In animals, two aminolevulinate synthase genes, one housekeeping and one erythroid-specific, have been identified. In addition, the isolation of 5-aminolevulinate synthase genomic and cDNA clones have permitted the development of expression systems, which have tremendously increased the yields of purified enzyme, facilitating structural and functional studies. A lysine residue has been identified as the residue involved in the Schiff base linkage of the pyridoxal 5-phosphate cofactor, and the catalytic domain has been assigned to the C-terminus of the enzyme. A conserved glycine-rich motif, common to all aminolevulinate synthases, has been proposed to be at the pyridoxal 5phosphate-binding site. A heme-regulatory motif, present in the presequences of 5-aminolevulinate synthase precursors, has been shown to mediate the inhibition of the mitochondrial import of the precursor proteins in the presence of heme. Finally, the regulatory mechanisms, exerted by an iron-responsive element binding protein, during the translation of erythroid 5-aminolevulinate synthase mRNA, are discussed in relation to heme biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Bacterial acyl carrier protein (ACP) is a small, acidic, and highly conserved protein that supplies acyl groups for biosynthesis of a variety of lipid products. Recent modelling studies predict that residues primarily in helix II of Escherichia coli ACP (Glu-41, Ala-45) are involved in its interaction with the condensing enzyme FabH of fatty acid synthase. Using recombinant Vibrio harveyi ACP as a template for site-directed mutagenesis, we have shown that an acidic residue at position 41 is essential for V. harveyi fatty acid synthase (but not acyl-ACP synthetase) activity. In contrast, various replacements of Ala-45 were tolerated by both enzymes. None of the mutations introduced dramatic structural changes based on circular dichroism and native gel electrophoresis. These results confirm that Glu-41 of ACP is a critical residue for fatty acid synthase, but not for all enzymes that utilize ACP as a substrate.  相似文献   

Two Pseudomonas aeruginosa genes encoding the enzymes 1-deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate (DXP) synthase and DXP reductoisomerase, both involved in the mevalonate-independent biosynthesis of isoprenoids, have been expressed as recombinant enzymes in Escherichia coli. The purified P. aeruginosa DXP reductoisomerase was inhibited by submicromolar concentrations of the antibiotics fosmidomycin and FR-900098 in a well established method. A novel and convenient spectrophotometric assay was developed to determine activity and inhibition of P. aeruginosa DXP synthase. Fluoropyruvate is described as a first inhibitor of DXP synthase.  相似文献   

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