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Human proteins 15.5K and hPrp31 are components of the major spliceosomal U4 snRNP and of the minor spliceosomal U4atac snRNP. The two proteins bind to related 5'-stem loops (5'SLs) of the U4 and U4atac snRNAs in a strictly sequential fashion. The primary binding 15.5K protein binds at K-turns that exhibit identical sequences in the two snRNAs. However, RNA sequences contacted by the secondary binding hPrp31 differ in U4 and U4atac snRNAs, and the mechanism by which hPrp31 achieves its dual specificity is presently unknown. We show by crystal structure analysis that the capping pentaloops of the U4 and U4atac 5'SLs adopt different structures in the ternary hPrp31-15.5K-snRNA complexes. In U4atac snRNA, a noncanonical base pair forms across the pentaloop, based on which the RNA establishes more intimate interactions with hPrp31 compared with U4 snRNA. Stacking of hPrp31-His270 on the noncanonical base pair at the base of the U4atac pentaloop recapitulates intramolecular stabilizing principles known from the UUCG and GNRA families of RNA tetraloops. Rational mutagenesis corroborated the importance of the noncanonical base pair and the U4atac-specific hPrp31-RNA interactions for complex stability. The more extensive hPrp31-U4atac snRNA interactions are in line with a higher stability of the U4atac compared with the U4-based ternary complex seen in gel-shift assays, which may explain how U4atac snRNA can compete with the more abundant U4 snRNA for the same protein partners in vivo.  相似文献   

The free-living nematode Caenorhabditis elegans expresses 18 cyclophilin isoforms, eight of which are conserved single domain forms, comprising two closely related secreted or type B forms (CYP-5 and CYP-6). Recombinant CYP-5 has been purified, crystallised and the X-ray structure solved to a resolution of 1.75A. The detailed molecular architecture most strongly resembles the structure of human cyclophilin B with conserved changes in loop structure and N and C-terminal extensions. Interestingly, the active site pocket is occupied by a molecule of dithiothreitol though this has little effect on the geometry of the active site which is similar to other cyclophilin structures. The peptidyl-prolyl isomerase activity of CYP-5 has been characterised against the substrate N-succinyl-Ala-Ala-Pro-Phe-p-nitroanilide, and gives a k(cat)/K(m) value of 3.6x10(6)M(-1)s(-1) that compares with a value of 6.3x10(6)M(-1)s(-1) for human cyclophilin B. The immunosuppressive drug cyclosporin A binds and inhibits CYP-5 with an IC(50) value of 50nM, which is comparable to the value of 84nM found for human cyclophilin B. CYP-6 has 67% sequence identity with CYP-5 and a molecular model was built based on the CYP-5 crystal structure. The model shows that CYP-5 and CYP-6 are likely to have very similar structures, but with a markedly increased number of negative charges distributed around the surface of CYP-6. The spatial expression patterns of the cyclophilin B isoforms were examined using transgenic animals carrying a LacZ reporter fusion to these genes, and both cyp-5 and cyp-6 are found to be expressed in an overlapping fashion in the nematode gut. The temporal expression pattern of cyp-5 was further determined and revealed a constitutive expression pattern, with highest abundance levels being found in the embryo.  相似文献   

The complex formed between the U2 and U6 small nuclear (sn)RNA molecules of the eukaryotic spliceosome plays a critical role in the catalysis of precursor mRNA splicing. Here, we have used enzymatic structure probing, 19F NMR, and analytical ultracentrifugation techniques to characterize the fold of a protein-free biophysically tractable paired construct representing the human U2-U6 snRNA complex. Results from enzymatic probing and 19F NMR for the complex in the absence of Mg2+ are consistent with formation of a four-helix junction structure as a predominant conformation. However, 19F NMR data also identify a lesser fraction (up to 14% at 25°C) of a three-helix conformation. Based upon this distribution, the calculated ΔG for inter-conversion to the four-helix structure from the three-helix structure is approximately −4.6 kJ/mol. In the presence of 5 mM Mg2+, the fraction of the three-helix conformation increased to ∼17% and the Stokes radius, measured by analytical ultracentrifugation, decreased by 2%, suggesting a slight shift to an alternative conformation. NMR measurements demonstrated that addition of an intron fragment to the U2-U6 snRNA complex results in displacement of U6 snRNA from the region of Helix III immediately 5′ of the ACAGAGA sequence of U6 snRNA, which may facilitate binding of the segment of the intron adjacent to the 5′ splice site to the ACAGAGA sequence. Taken together, these observations indicate conformational heterogeneity in the protein-free human U2-U6 snRNA complex consistent with a model in which the RNA has sufficient conformational flexibility to facilitate inter-conversion between steps of splicing in situ.  相似文献   

The U4/U6.U5 tri-snRNP is a key component of spliceosomes. By using chemical reagents and RNases, we performed the first extensive experimental analysis of the structure and accessibility of U4 and U6 snRNAs in tri-snRNPs. These were purified from HeLa cell nuclear extract and Saccharomyces cerevisiae cellular extract. U5 accessibility was also investigated. For both species, data demonstrate the formation of the U4/U6 Y-shaped structure. In the human tri-snRNP and U4/U6 snRNP, U6 forms the long range interaction, that was previously proposed to be responsible for dissociation of the deproteinized U4/U6 duplex. In both yeast and human tri-snRNPs, U5 is more protected than U4 and U6, suggesting that the U5 snRNP-specific protein complex and other components of the tri-snRNP wrapped the 5' stem-loop of U5. Loop I of U5 is partially accessible, and chemical modifications of loop I were identical in yeast and human tri-snRNPs. This reflects a strong conservation of the interactions of proteins with the functional loop I. Only some parts of the U4/U6 Y-shaped motif (the 5' stem-loop of U4 and helix II) are protected. Due to difference of protein composition of yeast and human tri-snRNP, the U6 segment linking the 5' stem-loop to the Y-shaped structure and the U4 central single-stranded segment are more accessible in the yeast than in the human tri-snRNP, especially, the phylogenetically conserved ACAGAG sequence of U6. Data are discussed taking into account knowledge on RNA and protein components of yeast and human snRNPs and their involvement in splicesome assembly.  相似文献   

Here we report the solution structure of an archaeal FK506-binding protein (FKBP) from a thermophilic archaeum, Methanococcus thermolithotrophicus (MtFKBP17), which has peptidyl prolyl cis-trans isomerase (PPIase) and chaperone-like activities, to reveal the structural basis for the dual function. In addition to a typical PPIase domain, a newly identified domain is formed in the flap loop by a 48-residue insert that is required for the chaperone-like activity. The new domain, called IF domain (the Insert in the Flap), is a novel-folding motif and exposes a hydrophobic surface, which we consider to play an important role in the chaperone-like activity.  相似文献   

An antifungal protein that inhibits the growth of filamentous fungal pathogens was isolated from Chinese cabbage (Brassica campestris L. ssp. pekinensis) by affinity chromatography on Affi-gel blue gel and ion exchange chromatography on CM-Sepharose. The N-terminal amino acid sequence of the protein was highly homologous to that of plant cyclophilins and consequently the protein was denoted as C-CyP. To understand the antifungal activity of C-CyP, we isolated a cDNA encoding its gene from a Chinese cabbage leaf cDNA library. The Chinese cabbage genome bears more than one C-CyP gene copy and C-CyP mRNA is highly expressed in all tissues except the seeds. Recombinant C-CyP catalyzed the cis-trans inter-conversion of the Ala-Pro bond of the substrate, which indicates this protein has peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase activity. It also inhibited the growth of several fungal pathogens.  相似文献   

Cyclophilins (CyPs) are a widespreading protein family in living organisms and possess the activity of peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase (PPIase), which is inhibited by cyclosporin A (CsA). The human nuclear cyclophilin (hCyP33) is the first protein which was found to contain two RNA binding domains at the amino-terminus and a PPIase domain at the carboxyl-terminus. We isolated the hCyP33 gene from the human hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells and expressed it in Escherichia coli, and determined the crystal structure of the C domain of hCyP33 at 1.88 A resolution. The core structure is a beta-barrel covered by two alpha-helices. Superposition of the structure of the C domain of hCyP33 with the structure of CypA suggests that the C domain contains PPIase active site which binds to CsA. Furthermore, C domain seems to be able to bind with the Gag-encoded capsid (CA) of HIV-1 and may affect the viral replication of HIV-1. A key residue of the active site is changed from Ala-103-CypA to Ser-239-hCyP33, which may affect the PPIase domain/substrates interactions.  相似文献   

Refolding of b*C40A/C82A/P27A is comprised of several kinetically detectable folding phases. The slowest phase in refolding originates from trans-->cis isomerization of the Tyr47-Pro48 peptide bond being in cis conformation in the native state. This refolding phase can be accelerated by the peptidyl-prolyl cis/trans isomerase human cytosolic cyclophilin (Cyp18) with a kcat/K(M) of 254,000 M(-1) s(-1). The fast refolding phase is not influenced by the enzyme.  相似文献   

Proline-directed protein phosphorylation was shown to depend on the capacity of the targeted Ser(Thr)-Pro bond to exhibit conformational polymorphism. The cis/trans isomer specificity underlying ERK2-catalyzed phosphate transfer leads to a complete discrimination of the cis Ser(Thr)-Pro conformer of oligopeptide substrates. We investigated in vitro the ERK2-catalyzed phosphorylation of Aspergillus oryzae RNase T1 containing two Ser-Pro bonds both of which share high stabilization energy in their respective native state conformation, the cis Ser54-Pro and the trans Ser72-Pro moiety. Despite trans isomer specificity of ERK2, a doubly phosphorylated RNase T1 was found as the final reaction product. Similarly, the RNase T1 S54G/P55N and RNase T1 P73V variants, which retain the prolyl bond conformations of the RNase T1-wt, were both monophosphorylated with a catalytic efficiency kcat/KM of 425 M(-1) s(-1) and 1228 M(-1) s(-1), respectively. However, initial phosphorylation rates did not depend linearly on the ERK2 concentration. The phosphorylation rate of the resulting plateau region at high ERK2 concentrations can be increased up to threefold for the RNase T1 P73V variant in the presence of the peptidyl-prolyl cis/trans isomerase Cyclophilin 18, indicating a conformational interconversion as the rate limiting step in the catalyzed phosphate group transfer. Using peptidyl-prolyl cis/trans isomerases with different substrate specificity, we identified a native state conformational equilibrium of the Ser54-Pro bond with the minor trans Ser54-Pro bond as the phosphorylation-sensitive moiety. This technique can therefore be used for a determination of the ratio and the interconversion rates of prolyl bond isomers in the native state of proteins.  相似文献   

During pre-mRNA splicing, the spliceosome must configure the substrate, catalyze 5′ splice site cleavage, reposition the substrate, and catalyze exon ligation. The highly conserved U2/U6 helix I, which adjoins sequences that define the reactive sites, has been proposed to configure the substrate for 5′ splice site cleavage and promote catalysis. However, a role for this helix at either catalytic step has not been tested rigorously and previous observations question its role at the catalytic steps. Through a comprehensive molecular genetic study of U2/U6 helix I, we found that weakening U2/U6 helix I, but not mutually exclusive structures, compromised splicing of a substrate limited at the catalytic step of 5′ splice site cleavage, providing the first compelling evidence that this helix indeed configures the substrate during 5′ splice site cleavage. Further, mutations that we proved weaken only U2/U6 helix I suppressed a mutation in PRP16, a DEAH-box ATPase required after 5′ splice site cleavage, providing persuasive evidence that helix I is destabilized by Prp16p and suggesting that this structure is unwound between the catalytic steps. Lastly, weakening U2/U6 helix I also compromised splicing of a substrate limited at the catalytic step of exon ligation, providing evidence that U2/U6 helix I reforms and functions during exon ligation. Thus, our data provide evidence for a fundamental and apparently dynamic role for U2/U6 helix I during the catalytic stages of splicing.  相似文献   

The cyclophilin SnuCyp-20 is a specific component of the human U4/U6 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particle involved in the nuclear splicing of pre-mRNA. It stably associates with the U4/U6-60kD and -90kD proteins, the human orthologues of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Prp4 and Prp3 splicing factors. We have determined the crystal structure of SnuCyp-20 at 2.0-A resolution by molecular replacement. The structure of SnuCyp-20 closely resembles that of human cyclophilin A (hCypA). In particular, the catalytic centers of SnuCyp-20 and hCypA superimpose perfectly, which is reflected by the observed peptidyl-prolyl-cis/trans-isomerase activity of SnuCyp-20. The surface properties of both proteins, however, differ significantly. Apart from seven additional amino-terminal residues, the insertion of five amino acids in the loop alpha1-beta3 and of one amino acid in the loop alpha2-beta8 changes the conformations of both loops. The enlarged loop alpha1-beta3 is involved in the formation of a wide cleft with predominantly hydrophobic character. We propose that this enlarged loop is required for the interaction with the U4/U6-60kD protein.  相似文献   

Though parasite cyclophilins are promising new drug targets, Eimeria tenella cyclophilins have not been characterized yet. Here, we describe an 89kDa cyclophilin, designated EtCYP89. It is expressed throughout the developmental cycle of E. tenella, both in the intracellular stages in chicken and in extracellular sporulated oocysts and sporozoites. The EtCYP89 protein contains two Ser-rich domains in its NH2-terminus separated by a His-rich stretch. WD40 repeats are localized in the central part of the protein followed by a cyclophilin domain at the COOH-terminus. Both protein and genomic organization of EtCyp89 are conserved in comparison with its ortholog TgCyp81.6 in Toxoplasma gondii, except for the absence of a Ser- and His-rich NH2-terminus in TgCYP81.6. In particular, those 13 residues are conserved which are responsible for binding the anti-coccidial drug cyclosporine A.  相似文献   

cis,cis-1,3,5-Triaminocyclohexane (c-TACH), its N-alkyl-derivatives (alkyl = methyl, ethyl), and trans,cis-1,3,5-triaminocyclohexane (t-TACH) were prepared, and speciation and DNA cleaving property of Cu(II) complexes of these ligands were investigated. All of the complexes efficiently promote the hydrolytic cleavage of supercoiled plasmid DNA under physiological conditions without further additives. The DNA cleavage rate (V(obs)) trend at pH values between 8 and 9 is N-Me(3) = N-Et(1) < t-TACH < c-TACH < N-Et(2) < N-Et(3). At pH 7, the trend is c-TACH < N-Et(3) = N-Et(2) < N-Et(1) < N-Me(3) < t-TACH. The cleavage rate constants at 35 degrees C, for the c-TACH complex are 3 x 10(-1) h(-1) at pH 8.1 and 2 x 10(-1) h(-1) at pH 7.0 ([DNA] = 7 microM, [Cu(II)-complex] = 105 microM). The hydrolytically active species at pH > 8 is CuL(H(2)O)(OH)(+) in which L coordinates to Cu(II) as a tridentate ligand for all complexes except for t-TACH. The hydrolytically active species at pH 7 is CuLH(H(2)O)(3)(3+) or CuLH(H(2)O)(4)(3+) in which LH coordinates as bidentate ligand. DNA-binding constants of c-TACH and t-TACH complexes are presented and the effects of N-alkyl and ammonium groups are discussed in light of the proposed reaction mechanism.  相似文献   

Fanghänel J  Akiyama H  Uchida C  Uchida T 《FEBS letters》2006,580(13):3237-3245
We investigated the enzyme activity of peptidyl prolyl cis/trans isomerases (PPIases) in brain, testis, lung, liver, and mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEF) of Pin1+/+ and Pin1-/- mice. The aim of this study is to determine if other PPIases can substitute for the loss of Pin1 activity in Pin1-/- mice and what influence Pin1 depletion has on the activities of other PPIases members. The results show that high PPIase activities of Pin1 are found in organs that have the tendency to develop Pin1 knockout phenotypes and, therefore, provide for the first time an enzymological basis for these observations. Furthermore we determined the specific activity (k(cat)/K(M)) of endogenous Pin1 and found that it is strongly reduced as compared with the recombinant protein in all investigated organs. These results suggest that posttranslational modifications may influence the PPIase activity in vivo. The activities originating from cyclophilin and FKBP are not influenced by the Pin1 knockout, but a basal enzymatic activity towards phosphorylated substrates could be found in Pin1-/- lysates. Real time PCR experiments of all PPIases in different mouse organs and MEF of Pin1+/+ and Pin1-/- mice support the finding and reveal the specific expression profiles of PPIases in mice.  相似文献   

4-alpha-Glucanotransferase (GTase) is an essential enzyme in alpha-1,4-glucan metabolism in bacteria and plants. It catalyses the transfer of maltooligosaccharides from an 1,4-alpha-D-glucan molecule to the 4-hydroxyl group of an acceptor sugar molecule. The crystal structures of Thermotoga maritima GTase and its complex with the inhibitor acarbose have been determined at 2.6A and 2.5A resolution, respectively. The GTase structure consists of three domains, an N-terminal domain with the (beta/alpha)(8) barrel topology (domain A), a 65 residue domain, domain B, inserted between strand beta3 and helix alpha6 of the barrel, and a C-terminal domain, domain C, which forms an antiparallel beta-structure. Analysis of the complex of GTase with acarbose has revealed the locations of five sugar-binding subsites (-2 to +3) in the active-site cleft lying between domain B and the C-terminal end of the (beta/alpha)(8) barrel. The structure of GTase closely resembles the family 13 glycoside hydrolases and conservation of key catalytic residues previously identified for this family is consistent with a double-displacement catalytic mechanism for this enzyme. A distinguishing feature of GTase is a pair of tryptophan residues, W131 and W218, which, upon the carbohydrate inhibitor binding, form a remarkable aromatic "clamp" that captures the sugar rings at the acceptor-binding sites +1 and +2. Analysis of the structure of the complex shows that sugar residues occupying subsites from -2 to +2 engage in extensive interactions with the protein, whereas the +3 glucosyl residue makes relatively few contacts with the enzyme. Thus, the structure suggests that four subsites, from -2 to +2, play the dominant role in enzyme-substrate recognition, consistent with the observation that the smallest donor for T.maritima GTase is maltotetraose, the smallest chain transferred is a maltosyl unit and that the smallest residual fragment after transfer is maltose. A close similarity between the structures of GTase and oligo-1,6-glucosidase has allowed the structural features that determine differences in substrate specificity of these two enzymes to be analysed.  相似文献   

We have solved the solution structure of the peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase (PPIase) domain of the trigger factor from Mycoplasma genitalium by homo- and heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy. Our results lead to a well-defined structure with a backbone rmsd of 0.23 A. As predicted, the PPIase domain of the trigger factor adopts the FK506 binding protein (FKBP) fold. Furthermore, our NMR relaxation data indicate that the dynamic behavior of the trigger factor PPIase domain and of FKBP are similar. Structural variations when compared to FKBP exist in the flap region and within the bulges of strand 5 of the beta sheet. Although the active-site crevice is similar to that of FKBP, subtle steric variations in this region can explain why FK506 does not bind to the trigger factor. Sequence variability (27% identity) between trigger factor and FKBP results in significant differences in surface charge distribution and the absence of the first strand of the central beta sheet. Our data indicate, however, that this strand may be partially structured as "nascent" beta strand. This makes the trigger factor PPIase domain the most minimal representative of the FKBP like protein family of PPIases.  相似文献   

Folding of tendamistat is a rapid two-state process for the majority of the unfolded molecules. In fluorescence-monitored refolding kinetics about 8% of the unfolded molecules fold slowly (lambda=0.083s(-1)), limited by peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerization. This is significantly less than expected from the presence of three trans prolyl-peptide bonds in the native state. In interrupted refolding experiments we detected an additional very slow folding reaction (lambda=0.008s(-1) at pH 2) with an amplitude of about 12%. This reaction is caused by the interconversion of a highly structured intermediate to native tendamistat. The intermediate has essentially native spectroscopic properties and about 2% of it remain populated in equilibrium after folding is complete. Catalysis by human cyclophilin 18 identifies this very slow reaction as a prolyl isomerization reaction. This shows that prolyl-isomerases are able to efficiently catalyze native state isomerization reactions, which allows them to influence biologically important regulatory conformational transitions. Folding kinetics of the proline variants P7A, P9A, P50A and P7A/P9A show that the very slow reaction is due to isomerization of the Glu6-Pro7 and Ala8-Pro9 peptide bonds, which are located in a region that makes strong backbone and side-chain interactions to both beta-sheets. In the P50A variant the very slow isomerization reaction is still present but native state heterogeneity is not observed any more, indicating a long-range destabilizing effect on the alternative native state relative to N. These results enable us to include all prolyl and non-prolyl peptide bond isomerization reactions in the folding mechanism of tendamistat and to characterize the kinetic mechanism and the energetics of a native-state prolyl isomerization reaction.  相似文献   

Cyclophilin 40 (CyP40), an immunophilin cochaperone present in steroid receptor-Hsp90 complexes, contains an N-terminal peptidylprolyl isomerase (PPIase) domain separated from a C-terminal Hsp90-binding tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR) domain by a 30-residue linker. To map CyP40 chaperone function, CyP40 deletion mutants were prepared and analysed for chaperone activity. CyP40 fragments containing the PPIase domain plus linker or the linker region and the adjoining TPR domain retained chaperone activity, whilst individually, the catalytic and TPR domains were devoid of chaperoning ability. CyP40 chaperone function then, is localized within the linker that forms a binding cleft with potential to accommodate non-native substrates.  相似文献   

The genome of Bacillus subtilis encodes 16 penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs) involved in the synthesis and/or remodelling of the peptidoglycan during the complex life cycle of this sporulating Gram-positive rod-shaped bacterium. PBP4a (encoded by the dacC gene) is a low-molecular mass PBP clearly exhibiting in vitro DD-carboxypeptidase activity. We have solved the crystal structure of this protein alone and in complex with a peptide (D-alpha-aminopymelyl-epsilon-D-alanyl-D-alanine) that mimics the C-terminal end of the Bacillus peptidoglycan stem peptide. PBP4a is composed of three domains: the penicillin-binding domain with a fold similar to the class A beta-lactamase structure and two domains inserted between the conserved motifs 1 and 2 characteristic of the penicillin-recognizing enzymes. The soaking of PBP4a in a solution of D-alpha-aminopymelyl-epsilon-D-alanyl-D-alanine resulted in an adduct between PBP4a and a D-alpha-aminopimelyl-epsilon-D-alanine dipeptide and an unbound D-alanine, i.e. the products of acylation of PBP4a by D-alpha-aminopymelyl-epsilon-D-alanyl-D-alanine with the release of a D-alanine. The adduct also reveals a binding pocket specific to the diaminopimelic acid, the third residue of the peptidoglycan stem pentapeptide of B. subtilis. This pocket is specific for this class of PBPs.  相似文献   

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