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Summary The nuclear DNA amount and the heterochromatin content in species and hybrids of Zea were analyzed in telophase nuclei (2C) of the root apex of germinating seeds. The results revealed significant differences among taxa and also among lines and races of maize. The hybrids between Z. mays ssp. mays x Z. mays ssp. mexicana (2n=20), Z. diploperennis x Z. perennis (2n=30), and Z. diploperennis x Z.perennis (2n=40) showed DNA content intermediate between that of the parents. The number of chromosomal C-bands and the proportion of the genome comprising C-band heterochromatin were positively related to genome size. In the different lines and races of maize studied, there was a positive correlation between genome size and the interval from germination to flowering. Octoploid Z. perennis (2n=40) showed the smallest DNA content per basic genome and the smallest heterochromatic blocks, suggesting that the DNA lost by this species consisted mainly of repetitive sequences. Considering that the extant species of Zea are tetraploid (2n=20) and octoploid (2n=40) and that the ancestral diploids are extinct, any consideration of the direction (increase or decrease) of the DNA change would be entirely speculative. The extant species could be the product of natural and artificial selection acting on different genotypic and nucleotypical constitutions at the diploid and/or tetraploid levels.  相似文献   

Eight species ofAllium subgen.Allium sect.Allium have been studied at the cytological level by means of karyological analyses and at the biochemical level with regard to the proportions of ribosomal DNA. All the species have a basic genome of x = 8.A. sativum, A. commutatum, A. ampeloprasum, andA. vineale possess approximately 0.050% rDNA and two nucleolus organizer regions per basic chromosome set.A. sphaerocephalon andA. arvense have two nucleolus organizers, andA. amethystinum three nucleolus organizers per haploid (n = x) genome: the three species possess approximately 0.075% rDNA.A. acutiflorum has five nucleolus organizer regions per haploid genome and 0.121% rDNA. An attempt to relate these differences with functional and ecological characteristics indicates that evolutionary variation of rDNA proportions is not casual. Such data also can help to define systematic affinities and circumscribe infrageneric taxa.  相似文献   

Meiosis in seven interspecificCucumis hybrids has been analysed i.a. inC. metuliferus ×C. zeyheri, where the parents belong to different sections. In the triploid hybrids a remarkably high number of trivalents has been found. Additional data from literature on geographical distribution, cucurbitacins, flavonoid patterns, isozymes, C-banding, genome size, DNA amount and chloroplast DNA are used to discuss species relationships and evolution. The African cross-compatible group is divided into theMyriocarpus subgroup with the diploid speciesC. africanus, C. myriocarpus subsp.leptodermis and subsp.myriocarpus, and theAnguria subgroup withC. anguria, C. dipsaceus, C. ficifolius, C. prophetarum, C. zeyheri and all polyploids (exceptC. heptadactylus). It is argued that the Asian subg.Melo with x = 7 is derived from the African subg.Cucumis with x = 12; the latter contains all the polyploid species and has the most common basic chromosome number of theCucurbitaceae. This phylogenetic advance is interpreted with concepts of the quantum model of evolution.  相似文献   

The karyotypes of diploidP. fragilis subsp.villosus (2n = 2x = 14) and tetraploid subsp.secaliformis (2n = 4x = 28) were studied by Giemsa C- and N-banding, and AgNO3 staining and compared with the karyotype of subsp.fragilis (2x). The complements of subsp.villosus and subsp.fragilis were similar, with 8 metacentric and 6 SAT-chromosomes, one metacentric and two submetacentric pairs, with small to minute, polymorphic, heterochromatic satellites. The complement of subsp.secaliformis on the whole agreed with a doubling of the complement of diploidP. fragilis, suggesting autopolyploidy. Only the presence of 12 nucleoli in interphases identified 6 SAT-chromosome pairs. In subsp.villosus one or two extra micronucleoli indicated a chromosome pair with very low nucleolusforming activity, bringing the number of SAT-chromosome pairs to 4. This number may be a characteristc ofPsathyrostachys. Besides very small, inconsistently observed bands, the C-banding pattern consisted of 0–3 small bands per chromosome at intercalary and terminal locations, and at NORs. The level of banding pattern polymorphism was low, but enough to indicate that the taxa are outbreeders. Similarities in chromosome morphology and C-banding patterns identified homology of all chromosomes of subsp.villosus, but for 12 pairs only in subsp.secaliformis. Between plants, reliable identification of homology and homoeology (subsp.secaliformis) was possible only for the SAT-chromosomes and the shortest metacentrics. Chromocentres were very small and the amount of constitutive heterochromatin was low. N-banding stained chromosomes uniformly. The basic karyotypes of theP. fragilis taxa were similar to those ofP. juncea, P. lanuginosa, andP. stoloniformis supporting a close relationship and the presence of a common genome, N. NORs had different nucleolus-forming activities. Meiotic analysis demonstrated a high level of bivalent pairing in the three taxa. A chromosomal rearrangement was suggested in subsp.villosus. The low multivalent frequency in subsp.secaliformis indicates the presence of a pairing regulation mechanism. The majority of chiasmata were interstitial. Pollen grain size discriminated between diploid and tetraploid taxa. The existence of a diploid cytotype of subsp.secaliformis is supported by pollen measurements of herbarium material.  相似文献   

The chromosome numbers of nearly all species of the grass subtribesAristaveninae andAirinae from Europe and northern Africa are presented. Among theAristaveninae the genusAristavena has 2n = 14 chromosomes, whereasDeschampsia forms a polyploid series with the basic number x = 13. In the subtribeAirinae the basic number x = 7 predominates.Avenella includes a polyploid series up to dekaploidy, whilst the lowest diploid value so far known in grasses — caused by descending dysploidy — exists in the annual generaAiropsis andPeriballia with 2n = 8.From both subtribes 12 different karyotypes are described and depicted as idiograms. The basic karyotypes ofCorynephorus, Periballia andVahlodea differ from each other by different chromosome length. SAT-chromosomes in theAirinae vary somewhat. Some marker chromosomes eludicate phylogenetic relationships. Amphiplasty appears in various genera and was studied particularly in the amphidiploidAira caryophyllea. Karyological and genomatic trends are considered in relation to evolutionary strategies of annuals and perennials.The nuclear DNA content of some species has been determined cytophotometrically. In subtribeAirinae a positive correlation exists between chromosome volume, pollen diameter, and DNA content. A comparison of the duration of microsporogenesis and microgametogenesis in annual and perennial species with their nuclear DNA content has shown that a primary nucleotypic influence is not recognizable.

Chromosome counts are reported for several E. Alpine taxa ofEuphrasia sect.Euphrasia. First records of diploidy for small-flowered taxa are 2n = 22 forE. inopinata andE. sinuata, related toE. minima (4 x). Aberrant E. AlpineE. hirtella is 2 x, just as the typical W. Alpine populations of this species. Tetraploidy, 2n = 44, has been found inE. pumila, close toE. stricta (also 4 x). The limitation of ploidy levels within sect.Euphrasia to 2 x and 4 x on the chromosome base number x = 11 is confirmed.

DNA contents (presented as 1C-values) have been determined cytophotometrically in 7 species of theScilla hohenackeri group (10.18 to 22.71 pg), and in the systematically more isolated taxaS. persica (21.02 pg) andPuschkinia scilloides (6.80 pg). The heterochromatin amount is not correlated with the nuclear DNA content. Euchromatin, therefore, is not a particularly conservative part of the genome. However, high C-values and large but few terminal heterochromatin bands, and lower C-values and numerous but smaller heterochromatin bands are found to be linked in theS. hohenackeri group. Obviously, numerous chromosomal changes have accompanied speciation in this group. DNA contents, and C-banded karyotypes are consistent with systematic affinities based on morphological similarities.Evolution ofScilla and Related Genera, III.  相似文献   

Genome size has been estimated by flow cytometry in 14 populations belonging to eight taxa (seven species, one of them with two varieties) of the genus Tripleurospermum. 2C nuclear DNA amounts range from 4.87 to 9.22 pg, and nuclear DNA amounts per basic chromosome set from 1.99 to 2.75 pg. Statistically significant differences depending on ploidy level, life cycle or environmental factors such as altitude have been found. Also, genome size is positively correlated with total karyotype length. The presence of rhizome is related to nuclear DNA content in these species.This work was supported by project BOS2001-3041-C02-01 of the Spanish government, and one of the authors (S.G.) received a predoctoral grant from the Spanish government.  相似文献   

Summary Variation in nuclear DNA amounts found in different species of Cucumis was surveyed. The DNA amounts varied from 1.373 to 2.483 pg in diploids and from 2.846 to 3.886 pg in tetraploids. DNA amount was not correlated with chromosome number and periodicity. Tetraploids were found to have double the quantity of nuclear DNA of diploids. A positive linear relationship was established between the nuclear DNA amounts and volume of chromosomes. The botanical varieties within a particular species do not differ significantly for 2C DNA amounts. A comparison of the distribution of DNA amounts among different chromosomes of haploid complement in different species revealed that the quantitative DNA changes associated with speciation affected all chromosomes. DNA changes were not however, of the same magnitude in all chromosomes of the complement. Speciation in Cucumis thus seems to have occurred through amplification or diminution of DNA proportionate to the size of chromosomes. The relationship between the basic numbers, x=7 and x=12, will have to be considered relative to the high DNA amount noticed in some species with x=12.  相似文献   

Intergeneric crosses were made between representatives of the genomically-defined generaElymus, Agropyron, Elytrigia, Pseudoroegneria, andThinopyrum. The genomic constitution ofElytrigia repens, the type species ofElytrigia, is shown to be SSH, a genomic combination otherwise found only inElymus. The S genome ofPseudoroegneria has almost always a dominant influence on the morphology of the taxa of which it is a component.Wang (1989) showed that the J genome inThinopyrum and the S genome have considerable homoeology, with a mean c-value of 0.35 in diploid SJ hybrids. A genetic coherence from S to SJe, Je, JeJb, and Jb can be expected, agreeing with the continuous morphologic variation pattern observed. Because of the absence of morphological discontinuities between the taxa,Pseudoroegneria (S),Elymus (SH, SY, sometimes with additional genomes),Elytrigia (SSH, SSHX), andThinopyrum (SJ, SJJ, J) are best treated as a single genus,Elymus, following the generic concept ofMelderis in Flora Europaea and Flora of Turkey. The basic genomic constituents ofElymus will then be the S and/or J genomes.Agropyron, with diploids, tetraploids, and hexaploids based on the P genome is morphologically distinct from other genera inTriticeae. In a few species ofElymus andPseudoroegneria, a P genome is an additional constituent. In these cases the P genome has a negligible morphological influence. Therefore, it seems reasonable to maintainAgropyron as a separate genus.  相似文献   

The karyotypes ofElymus dentatus from Kashmir andE. glaucescens from Tierra del Fuego, both carrying genomesS andH, were investigated by C- and N-banding. Both taxa had 2n = 4x = 28. The karyotype ofE. dentatus was symmetrical with large chromosomes. It had 18 metacentric, four submetacentric and six satellited chromosomes. The karyotype ofE. glaucescens resembled that ofE. dentatus, but a satellited chromosome pair was replaced by a morphologically similar, non-satellited pair. The C-banding patterns of both species had from one to five conspicuous and a few inconspicuous bands per chromosome. N-banding differentiated the chromosomes of the constituent genomes by producing bands in theH genome only. TheS genomes of both species were similar with five metacentric and two satellited chromosomes having most conspicuous C-bands at telomeric and distal positions. They resembled theS genome of the genusPseudoroegneria. TheH genomes had four similar metacentric and two submetacentric chromosomes. The seventhH genome chromosome ofE. dentatus was satellited, that ofE. glaucescens nonsatellited, but otherwise morphologically similar. The C-bands were distributed at no preferential positions. TheH genome ofE. dentatus resembles theH genomes of some diploidHordeum taxa.  相似文献   

Genomic in situ hybridization offers a powerful tool for investigating genome organisation and evolution of taxa known, or suspected, to be allopolyploids. The question of the diploid progenitors of cultivated peanut (Arachis hypogaea, 2n=4x=40) has been the subject of numerous studies at cytogenetical, cytochemical, biochemical and molecular levels, but no definitive conclusions have been reached. The biotinylated total genomic DNA from potential diploidArachis species were separately hybridized in situ to root tip chromosomes ofA. hypogaea and wild speciesA. monticola (2n=4x=40) without or mixed with an excess of unlabelled DNA from the species not used as a probe. Among the range of different species combinations used, the strong and uniform signals given by labelledA. ipaensis DNA when hybridized toA. hypogaea andA. monticola in combination with unlabelledA. villosa DNA indicates that overall molecular composition of twenty chromosomes ofA. hypogaea andA. monticola is very similar toA. ipaensis chromosomes. ProbingA. hypogaea andA. monticola chromosomes with labelled genomic DNA fromA. villosa mixed with unlabelled DNA fromA. ipaensis likewise labelled strongly and uniformly the other twenty chromosomes. BarringA. ipaensis, all the diploidArachis species presently investigated had characteristic centromeric bands in the twenty chromosomes within the complement indicating a clear division ofA. ipaensis from other species. InA. hypogaea andA. monticola only twenty chromosomes showed centromeric bands. These results (i) confirm the allopolyploid nature ofA. hypogaea andA. monticola, (ii) strongly support the view that wildA. monticola and cultivatedA. hypogaea are very closely related, and (iii) indicate thatA. villosa andA. ipaensis are the diploid wild progenitors of the tetraploid species studied. The present results also reveal that the nucleolus organizing region (NOR) originating fromA. villosa alone is expressed in the two tetraploid species.  相似文献   

TheAster leiophyllus complex is complicated taxonomically and includes many related taxa representing polyploid series. It has been reported that this group is diversified throughout the Kanto district, central Japan, and there are three taxa endemic to the Kanto district. However, as neither morphological variation range nor distribution pattern is sufficiently investigated, taxonomic confusion sometimes occurs. In this study, morphological variation was examined in relation to the ploidy level, and taxonomic consideration was given. As a result, four morphologically recognized taxa occur in the Kanto district;A. leiophyllus (2x, 6x),A. leiophyllus var.sawadanus (2x, 3x, 4x),A. semiamplexicaulis (2x), andA. sugimotoi (4x, 5x). The distribution ranges ofA. leiophyllus var.sawadanus, A. semiamplexicaulis andA. sugimotoi are small, whileA. leiophyllus is distributed over most of the Kanto district. Morphological and cytological observations indicate that one of the reasons of the taxonomic confusion is the presence of presumed hybridization betweenA. leiophyllus and other taxa.  相似文献   

Somatic chromosome numbers have been determined for the followingCerastium taxa:C. eriophorum (2n = 36),C. alpinum (2n = 72),C. transsylvanicum (2n = 108),C. arcticum (2n = 108),C. latifolium (2n = 36),C. carinthiacum (2n = 36),C. banaticum (2n = 36),C. arvense subsp.glandulosum (2n = 36),C. arvense subsp.arvense (2n = 72) andC. fontanum (2n = 144). Karyotypes of three diploid species (C. eriophorum, C. banaticum andC. latifolium), belonging to three different taxonomic groups, were analysed and found to be similar. The relative nuclear DNA contents of all taxa were determined by flow cytometry and, for five species, also by Feulgen cytophotometry. The values obtained by the two methods are similar. A comparison of nuclear DNA contents among diploids shows that values differ significantly between different taxonomic groups, and are correlated with average chromosome size. Within closely related polyploid groups nuclear DNA amounts increase from 2x- to 4x- and 6x taxa as 1 : 1.4 : 2.4 in theC. alpinum complex, whereas DNA amounts are doubled comparing 2x- and 4x-subspecies in theC. arvense complex.  相似文献   

The nuclear DNA content was analyzed in Vitis species, hybrid cultivars, and genera of the Vitaceae using flow cytometry. Significant variation was found among Vitis species, hybrids, and other genera of the Vitaceae (Ampelopsis and Parthenocissus). DNA content was estimated to range from 0.98 to 1.05 pg/2C within V. labrusca (ns) and 0.86 to 1.00 pg/2C within V. vinifera (ns). Genotypes from Vitis and Parthenocissus were similar in nuclear DNA content (approximately 1.00 pg/2C) whereas they differed significantly from Ampelopsis (1.39 pg/2C). No correlation between DNA content and the center of origin of genotypes of the Vitaceae was noted. Based on the present study, the Vitis genome size is 475 Mbp, 96% of which is non-coding. Knowledge of DNA content is useful in order to understand the complexity of the Vitis genome and to establish a relationship between the genetic and physical map for map-based cloning.  相似文献   

Thirty-nine species and subspecies of the genera Centaurea, Colymbada, Psephellus and Cyanus (all included in Centaurea s.l.) including many rare and endemic taxa of preponderantly Bulgarian distribution have been investigated with Feulgen DNA image densitometry for holoploid and monoploid genome size (C- and Cx-values). Cyanus varies gradually 2.17-fold between 0.74 pg and 1.56 pg (1Cx). In the remaining taxa two major genome size groups are found, which differ about 1.8-fold in Cx-value. Low values occur in Centaurea subgenera Acrolophus, Solstitiaria, Phalolepis (0.77 pg to 0.90 pg, 1Cx) and Jacea (0.95 pg to 1.09 pg, 1Cx), high values in the genera Colymbada (1.65 pg to 1.93 pg, 1Cx) and Psephellus (1.79 pg, 1Cx, in P. marschallianus). Cx-values support a distinction of Colymbada from Centaurea. Genome size variation is discussed with regard to phylogeny, life form (annual versus perennial), polyploidy, chromosome basic numbers, altitude of occurrence and climate, endemism, and rarity.  相似文献   

Relationships between 9Oryza species, covering 6 different genomes, have been studied using hybridization and nucleotide sequence information from the5S Dna locus. Four to five units of the major size class of 5S DNA in each species, 55 units in all, were cloned and sequenced. Both hybridization and sequence data confirmed the basic differences between the A and B, C, D genome species suggested by morphological and cytological data. The 5S DNA units of the A genome species were very similar, as were the ones from the B, C, and D genome-containing species. The 5S DNA ofO. australiensis (E genome) grouped with the B, C, D cluster, while the units ofO. brachyantha (F genome) were quite different and grouped away from all other species. 5S DNA units fromO. minuta, O. latifolia, O. australiensis, andO. brachyantha hybridized strongly, and preferentially, to the genomic DNA from which the units were isolated and hence could be useful as species/genome specific probes. The 5S DNA units fromO. sativa, O. nivara, andO. rufipogon provided A genome-specific probes as they hybridized preferentially to A genome DNA. The units fromO. punctata andO. officinalis displayed weaker preferential hybridization toO. punctata DNA, possibly reflecting their shared genome (C genome).  相似文献   

Studies on chromosome numbers and karyotypes in Orchid taxa from Apulia (Italy) revealed triploid complements inOphrys tenthredinifera andOrchis italica. InO. tenthredinifera there is no significant difference between the diploid and the triploid karyotypes. The tetraploid cytotype ofAnacamptis pyramidalis forms 36 bivalents during metaphase I in embryo sac mother cells. Aneuploidy was noticed inOphrys bertolonii ×O. tarentina with chromosome numbers n = 19 and 2n = 38. There were diploid (2n = 2x = 36), tetraploid (2n = 4x = 72), hexaploid (2n = 6x = 108) and octoploid (2n = 8x = 144) cells in the ovary wall of the diploid hybridOphrys apulica ×O. bombyliflora. Evolutionary trends inOphrys andOrchis chromosomes are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Hybrids were produced from crossing Hordeum vulgare, H. bogdanii, Agropyron caninum and × Triticosecale onto H. parodii (6x or 4x). The rates at which hybrids were produced, expressed in terms of plantlet establishment as percent pollinated florets, ranged from 0.47%, (6x H.parodii × 6x × Triticosecale cv. Welsh) to 6.3% (4x H. parodii × 2x H. vulgare cv. Betzes). Based on frequencies of paired configurations at MI, autosyndetic pairing appeared to be promoted by the presence of a Secale cereale genome but suppressed by the genome of H. vulgare.Contribution No. 759 Ottawa Research Station  相似文献   

Tumbleweeds (Salsola species, section Kali) are road side and rangeland pest plants throughout the 48 contiguous states in the US. Three described tumbleweed species and two undescribed Salsola taxa occur in California. The known species are Russian thistle, Salsola tragus, introduced from Eurasia in the 1800s, Russian barbwire thistle, S. paulsenii, which grows in the desert regions of California, and is also native to Eurasia, and the recently identified S. kali subspecies austroafricana, possibly native to South Africa. Our goals were to investigate karyology, genome size, and molecular genetic affinities of the described species and the other taxa within their ranges in California using recently developed microsatellite loci, dominant nuclear DNA markers (RAPD and ISSR), and DNA sequence data. Chromosome counts and genome size assessments made with flow cytometry were compared. These analyses indicated that one undescribed taxon is a new allopolyploid hybrid between S. tragus and S. kali subspecies austroafricana, and the other undescribed taxon appears to be a complex hybrid involving all three described species. The invasion potentials for the hybrid taxa are unknown. Tumbleweeds are the focus of biological controls efforts but the identification of suitable agents for the hybrid taxa may be problematic because of the large amount of genetic variability encompassed within this evolving Salsola complex.  相似文献   

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