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Exposure to low ambient temperatures (Ta) accelerates appearance of the winter phenotype in Siberian hamsters transferred from long to short day lengths. Because melatonin transduces the effects of day length on the neuroendocrine axis, the authors assessed whether low Ta promotes the transition to winterlike traits by accelerating the onset of increased nocturnal melatonin secretion or by enhancing responsiveness to melatonin in short day lengths. Male hamsters were transferred from 16L (16 h light/day) to 8L (8 h light/day) photoperiods and held at 5 degrees C or 22 degrees C. Locomotor activity was recorded continuously, and body mass, testis size, and pelage color were determined biweekly for 8 weeks. The duration of nocturnal locomotion (alpha), a reliable indicator of the duration of nocturnal melatonin secretion, lengthened significantly earlier in hamsters exposed to a Ta of 5 degrees C than 22 degrees C. Cold exposure increased the proportion of hamsters that were photoresponsive: gonadal regression in short days increased from 44% at 22 degrees C to 81% at 5 degrees C (p < 0.05); low Ta did not, however, accelerate testicular regression in animals that were photoresponsive. Nonphotoresponsive animals at 5 degrees C temporarily had longer alphas during the first 4 weeks in short days and significant decreases in body mass and testicular size that were reversed during the ensuing weeks when alpha decreased. In a 2nd experiment, pinealectomized male hamsters infused for 10 h/day with melatonin for 2 weeks had significantly lower body and testes masses when maintained at 5 degrees C but not 22 degrees C. Low-ambient temperature appears to accelerate the appearance of the winter phenotype primarily by increasing target tissue responsiveness to melatonin and to a lesser extent by augmenting the rate at which the duration of nocturnal melatonin secretion increases in short day lengths.  相似文献   

We sought to determine whether ambient temperature (T(a)) affects gonadal function by altering the rate at which circadian rhythms entrain to short day lengths. Syrian hamsters were housed in cages where they received 14 h of light per day ("long days," 14L) at 22 degrees C. Hamsters were then transferred to cages to receive 10 h of light per day ("short days," 10L) and kept at 5, 22, or 28 degrees C or were maintained in 14L at 22 degrees C. Body mass and estimated testis volume as well as duration of nocturnal locomotor activity (alpha), previously established as a reliable indicator of the duration of nocturnal melatonin secretion, were determined over the course of 24 wk. Testicular regression in short days was accelerated by 4 wk at 5 degrees C and delayed by 3 wk at 28 degrees C relative to 22 degrees C. The interval between alpha-expansion and initiation of testicular regression was markedly affected by T(a) with delays of 0, 3, and 6 wk at 5, 22, and 28 degrees C, respectively. All hamsters held at 5 and 22 degrees C underwent testicular regression, but 25% of those maintained at 28 degrees C failed to do so. We suggest that T(a) modulates testicular regression primarily by affecting responsiveness of neuroendocrine target tissues to long melatonin signals.  相似文献   

The duration of nocturnal pineal melatonin secretion transduces effects of day length (DL) on the neuroendocrine axis of photoperiodic rodents. Long DLs support reproduction, and short DLs induce testicular regression, followed several months later by spontaneous recrudescence; gonadal regrowth is thought to reflect development of tissue refractoriness to melatonin. In most photoperiodic species, pinealectomy does not diminish reproductive competence in long DLs. Turkish hamsters (Mesocricetus brandti) deviate from this norm: elimination of melatonin secretion in long-day males by pinealectomy or constant light treatment induces testicular regression and subsequently recrudescence; the time course of these gonadal transitions is similar to that observed in males transferred from long to short DLs. In the present study, long-day Turkish hamsters that underwent testicular regression and recrudescence in constant light subsequently were completely unresponsive to the antigonadal effects of short DLs. Other hamsters that manifested testicular regression and recrudescence in short DLs were unresponsive to the antigonadal effects of pinealectomy or constant light. Long-term suppression of melatonin secretion induces a physiological state in Turkish hamsters similar or identical to the neuroendocrine refractoriness produced by short-day melatonin signals (i.e., neural refractoriness to melatonin develops in the absence of circulating melatonin secretion). A melatonin-independent interval timer, which would remain operative in the absence of melatonin during hibernation, may determine the onset of testicular recrudescence in the spring. In this respect, Turkish hamsters differ from most other photoperiodic rodents.  相似文献   

Djungarian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus) bred at the Institute of Halle reveal three different circadian phenotypes. The wild type (WT) shows normal locomotor activity patterns, whereas in hamsters of the DAO (delayed activity onset) type, the activity onset is continuously delayed. Since the activity offset in those hamsters remains coupled to "light-on," the activity time becomes compressed. Hamsters of the AR (arrhythmic) type are episodically active throughout the 24 h. Previous studies showed that a disturbed interaction of the circadian system with the light-dark (LD) cycle contributes to the phenomenon observed in DAO hamsters. To gain better insight into the underlying mechanisms, the authors investigated the daily melatonin rhythm, as it is a reliable marker of the circadian clock. Hamsters were kept individually under standardized laboratory conditions (LD 14:10, T=22°C±2°C, food and water ad libitum). WT, DAO (with exactly 5 h delay of activity onset), and AR hamsters were used for pineal melatonin and urinary 6-sulfatoxymelatonin (aMT6s) measurement. Pineal melatonin content was determined at 3 time points: 4 h after "light-off" [D+4], 1 h before "light-on" [L-1], and 1h after "light-on" [L+1]). The 24-h profile of melatonin secretion was investigated by transferring the animals to metabolic cages for 27?h to collect urine at 3-h intervals for aMT6s analysis. WT hamsters showed high pineal melatonin content during the dark time (D+4, L-1), which significantly decreased at the beginning of the light period (L+1). In contrast, DAO hamsters displayed low melatonin levels during the part of the dark period when animals were still resting (D+4). At the end of the dark period (L-1), melatonin content increased significantly and declined again when light was switched on (L+1). AR hamsters showed low melatonin levels, comparable to daytime values, at all 3 time points. The results were confirmed by aMT6s data. WT hamsters showed a marked circadian pattern of aMT6s excretion. The concentration started to increase 3?h after "light-off" and reached daytime values 5 h after "light-on." In DAO hamsters, in contrast, aMT6s excretion started about 6?h later and reached significantly lower levels compared to WT hamsters. In AR animals, aMT6s excretion was low at all times. The results clearly indicate the rhythm of melatonin secretion in DAO hamsters is delayed in accord with their delayed activity onset, whereas AR hamsters display no melatonin rhythm at all. Since the regulatory pathways for the rhythms of locomotor activity and melatonin synthesis (which are downstream from the suprachiasmatic nucleus [SCN]) are different but obviously convey the same signal, we conclude that the origin of the phenomenon observed in DAO hamsters must be located upstream of the SCN, or in the SCN itself.  相似文献   

Ovohysterectomized female ferrets were housed in controlled environment rooms in which the daily lighting schedule was either 15L:9D (long days) or 9L:15D (short days). After 2 weeks some ferrets in each group were given an intrajugular catheter: beginning 1 week later, a blood sample was taken daily at one of eight different clock times over an 8 to 10 day period. One additional blood sample plus the pineal gland were collected from these animals and from uncathetarized animals in each group after decapitation at different clock times. Both plasma melatonin concentrations and pineal melatonin content were elevated in a square-wave pattern during the dark hours, with the duration of elevation being longer in ferrets kept under the short days. These results suggest that differences in the duration of nocturnal increments in melatonin secretion may mediate the stimulatory and inhibitory effects of long and short days, respectively, on ovarian activity in female ferrets.  相似文献   

Arousal from deep hibernation is accompanied by a transient rise of melatonin (Mel) in circulation; there are no comparable analyses of Mel concentrations in species that undergo much shallower, shorter duration episodes of daily torpor. Serum Mel concentrations were determined during arousal from both natural daily torpor and torpor induced by 2-deoxy-D-glucose (2-DG) treatment (2,500 mg/kg, intraperitoneal [IP]); blood samples were drawn from the retro-orbital sinus of anesthetized Siberian hamsters. For animals kept in darkness during torpor, Mel concentrations were highest during early arousal when thermogenesis is maximal, and they decreased as body temperature increased during arousal and returned to baseline once euthermia was reestablished. In hamsters kept in the light during the torpor bout, Mel concentrations were elevated above basal values during arousal, but the response was significantly blunted in comparison with values recorded in darkness. Increased Mel concentrations were detected in hamsters only during arousal from torpor (either natural or 2-DG induced) and were not simply a result of the drug treatment; hamsters that remained euthermic or manifested mild hypothermia after drug treatment maintained basal Mel concentrations. We propose that increased Mel production may reflect enhanced sympathetic activation associated with intense thermogenesis during arousal from torpor rather than an adjustment of the circadian rhythm of Mel secretion.  相似文献   

Gonadal state, pineal melatonin rhythms, and locomotor activity rhythms were examined in juvenile male Djungarian hamsters exposed to non-24-hr light cycles ("T-cycles") or to full photoperiods. At the end of 1 month, hamsters exposed to a 1-hr pulse of light every 24.33 hr (T 24.33) exhibited small testes, whereas those receiving the same amount of light every 24.78 hr (T 24.78) displayed stimulated gonads, ten-fold larger in size. Accompanying the nonstimulatory effect of the T 24.33 cycle were nocturnal peaks in both pineal melatonin content and serum melatonin concentration which were longer by approximately 4 hr than those observed on the photostimulatory T 24.78 cycle. Exposure to an intermediate-length T-cycle (T 24.53) resulted in a mixed gonadal response and in pineal and serum melatonin peaks of intermediate duration. Wheel-running activity was entrained to the T-cycles such that light was present only near the beginning of the subjective night, its phase (relative to activity onset) differing only slightly among T-cycle groups. Hence the durational differences observed in the melatonin peaks were apparently not due to the acute suppressive or phase-advancing effects of morning light on melatonin biosynthesis, but were rather the result of differences in the endogenous control of pineal activity by the circadian pacemaker system. While no strong correlation was detected between gonadal state and the phase of locomotor activity onset relative to the light pulse, a significant correlation was observed between gonadal state and the duration of daily locomotor activity (alpha). These data were compared to similar measures obtained from hamsters exposed to long-versus short-day full photoperiods (LD 16:8 vs. LD 10:14). In summary, the results of this study indicate involvement of the circadian pacemaker system of Djungarian hamsters in the control of pineal melatonin synthesis and secretion, and in photoperiodic time measurement. Furthermore, these data strengthen the hypothesis that it is the duration of nocturnal pineal melatonin secretion that is the critical feature of this neuroendocrine gland's photoperiodic signal.  相似文献   

In female hamsters, the daily rhythm of LH appeared on the 15th or 16th day after birth with a peak occurring at about 16:00 h (14L:10D, lights on 06:00 h). Progesterone concentrations increased and became rhythmic a few days later. In serum samples collected at 14, 16, 18, 20, 25, 30, 40 and 60-62 days of age between 13:00 and 23:00 h, significant rhythms of serum cortisol and corticosterone concentrations were not detected before 25 days of age; furthermore, the phase of the rhythms did not stabilize to the adult pattern until about 40 days of age. As in the adult, significant rhythms were present in both sexes and the levels of cortisol were greater than those of corticosterone. Injection of pig ACTH (50 i.u./kg body wt, i.p.) significantly increased serum cortisol by 10 days of age, but corticosterone did not respond until 25 days of age. Thus, for cortisol at least, the appearance of 24-h rhythms in the serum is probably not dependent on the ability of the adrenal to respond to ACTH. Ovariectomy had no effect on the late afternoon surge of serum cortisol; similarly, adrenalectomy of immature females did not abolish the surge of LH. Ovariectomy did not alter the daily rhythm of pineal melatonin content and pinealectomy had no effect on the daily afternoon surge of LH. These results demonstrate functional independence of circadian rhythms in the pituitary-gonadal axis and the pituitary-adrenal axis of the immature hamster and also independence of daily rhythms of pineal melatonin and pituitary release of LH.  相似文献   

Djungarian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus) bred at the Institute of Halle reveal three different circadian phenotypes. The wild type (WT) shows normal locomotor activity patterns, whereas in hamsters of the DAO (delayed activity onset) type, the activity onset is continuously delayed. Since the activity offset in those hamsters remains coupled to “light-on,” the activity time becomes compressed. Hamsters of the AR (arrhythmic) type are episodically active throughout the 24?h. Previous studies showed that a disturbed interaction of the circadian system with the light-dark (LD) cycle contributes to the phenomenon observed in DAO hamsters. To gain better insight into the underlying mechanisms, the authors investigated the daily melatonin rhythm, as it is a reliable marker of the circadian clock. Hamsters were kept individually under standardized laboratory conditions (LD 14:10, T?=?22°C?±?2°C, food and water ad libitum). WT, DAO (with exactly 5?h delay of activity onset), and AR hamsters were used for pineal melatonin and urinary 6-sulfatoxymelatonin (aMT6s) measurement. Pineal melatonin content was determined at 3 time points: 4?h after “light-off” [D?+?4], 1?h before “light-on” [L???1], and 1?h after “light-on” [L?+?1]). The 24-h profile of melatonin secretion was investigated by transferring the animals to metabolic cages for 27?h to collect urine at 3-h intervals for aMT6s analysis. WT hamsters showed high pineal melatonin content during the dark time (D?+?4, L???1), which significantly decreased at the beginning of the light period (L?+?1). In contrast, DAO hamsters displayed low melatonin levels during the part of the dark period when animals were still resting (D?+?4). At the end of the dark period (L???1), melatonin content increased significantly and declined again when light was switched on (L?+?1). AR hamsters showed low melatonin levels, comparable to daytime values, at all 3 time points. The results were confirmed by aMT6s data. WT hamsters showed a marked circadian pattern of aMT6s excretion. The concentration started to increase 3?h after “light-off” and reached daytime values 5?h after “light-on.” In DAO hamsters, in contrast, aMT6s excretion started about 6?h later and reached significantly lower levels compared to WT hamsters. In AR animals, aMT6s excretion was low at all times. The results clearly indicate the rhythm of melatonin secretion in DAO hamsters is delayed in accord with their delayed activity onset, whereas AR hamsters display no melatonin rhythm at all. Since the regulatory pathways for the rhythms of locomotor activity and melatonin synthesis (which are downstream from the suprachiasmatic nucleus [SCN]) are different but obviously convey the same signal, we conclude that the origin of the phenomenon observed in DAO hamsters must be located upstream of the SCN, or in the SCN itself. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

In Siberian hamsters, transference of photoperiodic information from dam to fetus influences pubertal testicular development of the young when reared either in constant light (LL) or postnatal photoperiods of intermediate length (i.e. 14L:10D). The effects of short photoperiods during gestation can be mimicked by administering melatonin to pregnant females. This experiment examined whether there exists a daily pattern of sensitivity to melatonin when it is administered to pineal-intact pregnant females housed on a long photoperiod. Groups of pregnant and lactating females received melatonin at each hour of the day. The young were not treated with exogenous melatonin. At the approximate time of maturation of their endogenous pineal melatonin rhythm (Day 15), the young were placed in LL to suppress pineal melatonin secretion. Young males were killed at 28 days of age. Afternoon (1200 h-2000 h) and late night (0400 h) injections of melatonin into females caused their male young to develop as though gestation occurred on a short photoperiod. Melatonin injections at other times were ineffective. The daily pattern of effectiveness of exogenous melatonin administration to pregnant females resembles that observed in adult males of this and other hamster species and is consistent with the hypothesis that a daily rhythm in sensitivity to melatonin is involved in the transduction of photoperiodic signals.  相似文献   

Removal of the pineal, or denervation of this gland by superior cervical ganglionectomy, blocks testicular regression in golden hamsters exposed to short photoperiods. Aspiration of the olfactory bulbs or lesions of the suprachiasmatic or paraventricular nuclei of the hypothalamus (SCNx or PVNx) have similar effects. We have examined the effects of these operations on pineal melatonin content and gonadal responses to various patterns of exogenous melatonin in order to examine the roles played by the olfactory bulbs, the SCN, and the PVN in hamster photoperiodism. SCNx and PVNx significantly reduced pineal melatonin content throughout the dark phase, while bulbectomy did not significantly affect melatonin concentrations at the time of the nocturnal peak. Bulbectomy significantly delayed the nightly onset of locomotor activity in hamsters exposed to 14L:10D, but not that of animals housed in 10L:14D. Although bulbectomy reduced the gonadal response to one or three daily injections of melatonin, these individuals exhibited significant testicular regression in response to melatonin as long as injections fell in the evening. In contrast, destruction of the PVN rendered hamsters unresponsive to one daily melatonin injection, but equally responsive to three injections, regardless of the time of day at which these injections were given. Whereas exposure of bulbectomized hamsters to 30 weeks of short days made them refractory to subsequent melatonin challenge, PVNx hamsters remained sensitive to appropriately timed melatonin treatments regardless of their photoperiodic history. Many, but not all hamsters that experienced complete SCN lesions remained sensitive to three daily melatonin injections.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

1. The daily torpor was measured by oxygen uptake in Djungarian hamsters during adaptation to a short photoperiod (SP: 10L, 14D) at 20 degrees C. In these constant conditions the torpor presented metabolic characteristics and a daily time course independent of the duration of adaptations to SP. 2. The frequency of torpor bouts increased during SP exposure and its maximum was reached after about 130 days. The frequency of torpor was greater in males than in females. 3. The incidence of torpor was increased by constant dark exposure and this is discussed as a protective mechanism for the individual animal's ability to survive. 4. The temporal organization of daily torpor was demonstrated to be directly synchronized by the day-night cycle and to be controlled by an endogenous circadian function.  相似文献   

The pineal gland of vertebrates produces and secretes the hormone melatonin in response to changes in the light-dark cycle, with high production at night and low production during the day. Melatonin is thought to play an important role in synchronizing daily and/or seasonal physiological, behavioral, and developmental rhythms in vertebrates. In this study, the functional development of the pineal melatonin-generating system was examined in the mummichog, Fundulus heteroclitus, an euryhaline teleost. In this species, the pineal gland contains an endogenous oscillator, ultimately responsible for timing the melatonin rhythm. Oocytes from gravid females were collected and fertilized in vitro from sperm collected from mature males. Skull caps containing attached pineal glands were obtained from F. heteroclitus embryos at different embryonic stages and placed in static or perfusion culture under various photoperiodic regimes. Rhythmic melatonin secretion from pineal glands of embryonic F. heteroclitus embryos exposed to a 12L:12D cycle in static culture was observed at five days post-fertilization. The ontogeny of circadian-controlled melatonin production from F. heteroclitus pineal glands exposed to constant darkness for five days was also seen at day five post-fertilization. These data show that early development of the pineal melatonin-generating system in this teleost occurs prior to hatching. Pre-hatching development of the melatonin-generating system may confer some selective advantage in this species in its interactions with the environment.  相似文献   

A dual oscillator basis for mammalian circadian rhythms is suggested by the splitting of activity rhythms into two components in constant light and by the photoperiodic control of pineal melatonin secretion and phase-resetting effects of light. Because splitting and photoperiodism depend on incompatible environmental conditions, however, these literatures have remained distinct. The refinement of a procedure for splitting hamster rhythms in a 24-h light-dark:light-dark cycle has enabled the authors to assess the ability of each of two circadian oscillators to initiate melatonin secretion and to respond to light pulses with behavioral phase shifting and induction of Fos-immunoreactivity in the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN). Hamsters exposed to a regimen of afternoon novel wheel running (NWR) split their circadian rhythms into two distinct components, dividing their activity between the latter half of the night and the afternoon dark period previously associated with NWR. Plasma melatonin concentrations were elevated during both activity bouts of split hamsters but were not elevated during the afternoon period in unsplit controls. Light pulses delivered during either the nighttime or afternoon activity bout caused that activity component to phase-delay on subsequent days and induced robust expression of Fos-immunoreactivity in the SCN. Light pulses during intervening periods of locomotor inactivity were ineffective. The authors propose that NWR splits the circadian pacemaker into two distinct oscillatory components separated by approximately 180 degrees, with each expressing a short subjective night.  相似文献   

After approximately 10 wk of exposure to decreasing day lengths, Siberian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus) begin to display spontaneous torpor bouts several times each week. Torpor is associated with reduced daily energy expenditure and lower food consumption and ameliorates the thermoregulatory challenges of winter. We tested the extent to which the energy savings conferred by daily torpor depend on the presence of an insulative pelage. Female hamsters were housed in a winter day length (8L:16D) at 5 degrees C; daily food intake and torpor characteristics were recorded for 5 wk in shaved (furless) or normal hamsters. Torpor-bout incidence decreased by 62% in furless hamsters, but the duration of individual bouts and the minimum body temperature attained during torpor were unaffected by loss of pelage. Body temperature declined more rapidly during entry into torpor and increased more slowly during arousal from torpor in furless than in control hamsters. Energy savings per torpor bout, assessed by the amount of food consumed on days that included a torpor bout, was substantially greater in normal than in furless hamsters (16.0% vs. 3.3%); this difference likely reflects the increased cost of thermoregulation during torpor, as well as the increased caloric expenditure incurred by furless hamsters during arousal from torpor. An insulative pelage may be a prerequisite for the energetic benefits derived from heterothermy in this species.  相似文献   

Variations in pineal melatonin content throughout a 24-hour period and during different phases of the hibernation bout cycle were studied in the golden-mantled ground squirrel (Spermophilus lateralis). In addition to pineal melatonin, the circadian variation in the activities of pineal N-acetyltransferase (NAT) and hydroxyindole-O-methyltransferase (HIOMT) were also investigated in summer animals maintained at 22 +/- 2 degrees C, on a light:dark (L:D) schedule of 12:12 hr for 1 month (lights on at 08.00 hr). Pineal glands were collected from six animals in each group at 1200, 1600, 2000, 2400, 0200, 0400, and 0800 hr. Changes in pineal melatonin content during the hibernation bout cycle were investigated in ground squirrels housed at 4 +/- .05 degrees C in relative darkness (1.9-3.4 lux; 10:14 LD). Pineal glands were obtained between 12:00 and 18:00 hr from 30 animals during one of three phases of the cycle (deep hibernation, euthermic interbout, and entrance into hibernation). Pineal melatonin was also measured for comparison in six winter euthermic animals that were housed at 22 +/- 2 degrees C, on a L:D schedule of 10:14 hr. Melatonin was measured in individual pineal glands by radioimmunoassay. The daily melatonin rhythm in S. lateralis was characterized by a marked increase in pineal melatonin during the dark phase, in which peak nighttime values were nearly 20-fold greater than daytime basal levels. The daily rhythm for NAT activity paralleled the changes in melatonin, showing a peak activity at 0200 hr that was 45 times greater than mean daytime values.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The pineal gland, through its nocturnal melatonin secretion, mediates the effects of inhibitory (long) and stimulatory (short) photoperiod on reproduction in female sheep. Earlier studies revealed that duration of the nighttime melatonin rise is important in determining the inhibitory effect of day length on reproduction in the ewe. The present study tested whether the duration is also important in mediating the inductive response to short days. Pinealectomized ewes, housed under long days, received a short-day melatonin infusion (16-h duration) for 90 days. Reproductive status was monitored from the response to estradiol negative feedback of luteinizing hormone (LH) secretion. This short-day melatonin pattern led to unambiguous reproductive induction, despite the exposure to inhibitory long days. The increase in serum LH was comparable, in terms of latency and magnitude, to that in pinealectomized controls receiving the same short-day melatonin pattern under short days, and in pineal-intact controls transferred from long to short days. Since the reproductive status conformed to the length of time that melatonin was elevated each day rather than to photoperiod, these results support the conclusion that duration of the nighttime melatonin rise mediates the reproductive response of the ewe to an inductive photoperiod. In all, the melatonin rhythm is considered an integral component of the physiologic mechanism measuring day length; through duration of its nocturnal secretion, melatonin encodes both inhibitory and stimulatory photoperiods.  相似文献   

《Chronobiology international》2013,30(9):1206-1215
The daily pattern of blood-borne melatonin varies seasonally under the control of a multi-oscillator circadian pacemaker. Here we examine patterns of melatonin secretion and locomotor activity in Siberian and Syrian hamsters entrained to bimodal LDLD8:4:8:4 and LD20:4 lighting schedules that facilitate novel temporal arrangements of component circadian oscillators. Under LDLD, both species robustly bifurcated wheel-running activity in distinct day scotophase (DS) and night scotophase (NS) bouts. Siberian hamsters displayed significant melatonin increases during each scotophase in LDLD, and in the single daily scotophase of LD20:4. The bimodal melatonin secretion pattern persisted in acutely extended 16 h scotophases. Syrian hamsters, in contrast, showed no significant increases in plasma melatonin during either scotophase of LDLD8:4:8:4 or in LD20:4. In this species, detectable levels were observed only when the DS of LDLD was acutely extended to yield 16 h of darkness. Established species differences in the phase lag of nocturnal melatonin secretion relative to activity onset may underlie the above contrast: In non-bifurcated entrainment to 24 h LD cycles, Siberian hamsters show increased melatonin secretion within ~2 h after activity onset, whereas in Syrian hamsters, detectable melatonin secretion phase lags activity onset and the L/D transition by at least 4?h. The present results provide new evidence indicating multi-oscillator regulation of the waveform of melatonin secretion, specifically, the circadian control of the onset, offset and duration of nocturnal secretion.  相似文献   

Circadian rhythms are still expressed in animals that display daily torpor, implying a temperature compensation of the pacemaker. Nevertheless, it remains unclear how the clock works in hypothermic states and whether torpor itself, as a temperature pulse, affects the circadian system. To reveal changes in the clockwork during torpor, we compared clock gene and neuropeptide expression by in situ hybridization in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) and pineal gland of normothermic and torpid Djungarian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus). Animals from light-dark (LD) 8ratio16 were sacrificed at 8 time points throughout 24 h. To investigate the effect of a previous torpor episode on the clock, we sacrificed a group of normothermic hamsters 1 day after torpor. In normothermic animals, Per1 peaked at zeitgeber time (ZT)4; whereas, Bmal1 reached maximal expression between ZT16 and ZT19. AVP mRNA in the SCN showed highest levels at ZT7. On the day of torpor, the levels of all mRNAs investigated, except for AVP mRNA, were increased during the torpor bout. Moreover, the Bmal1 rhythm was advanced. On the day after the hypothermia, Bmal1 and AVP rhythms showed severely depressed amplitude. Those distinct amplitude changes of Bmal1 and AVP on the day after a torpor episode expression suggests that torpor affects the circadian system, probably by altered translational processes that might lead to a modified protein feedback on gene expression. In the pineal gland, an important clock output, Aanat expression, peaked between ZT16 and ZT22 in normothermic animals. Aanat levels were significantly advanced on the day of hypothermia, an effect which was still visible 1 day afterward. In summary, this study showed that daily torpor affects the phase and amplitude of rhythmic clock gene and clock-controlled gene expression in the SCN. Furthermore, the rhythmic gene expression in a peripheral oscillator, the pineal gland, is also affected.  相似文献   

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