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动物组织石蜡切片及染色技术是普通生物学及动物学实验中必需的实验技能.经过多年的积累和摸索,对组织切片中的苏木精-尹红( hematoxylin - eosin,H-E)染色技术进行了改进,取得了良好的教学效果和实验效果.  相似文献   

石蜡切片法中染色技术的改良   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王秀文 《植物研究》2015,(1):158-160
石蜡切片是观察动植物组织最直接有效的方法之一。本实验对水稻品种9311的叶片进行切片并用1%的番红—乙醇染液和1%的苯胺蓝—乙醇染液进行染色,结果显示此改良方法得到的组织比传统石蜡切片更完整,染色的效果比传统石蜡切片更清晰,并且利用此方法对水稻叶片进行制片,可以大量缩短制片后期复水及脱水的时间,提高工作效率。  相似文献   

快速石蜡切片法在免疫组化染色中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
免疫组化染色在病理诊断中发挥着重要的作用,较多的应用于肿瘤的诊断和鉴别诊断,而制作出良好的组织切片是免疫组化染色的基础和前提。快速石蜡制片是病理检验的常规技术之一,我们将常  相似文献   

怎样制作好实验动物病理的石蜡切片   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
有关动物实验病理组织切片的制作文献报告甚少,本文小结了我们十多年来制作不同种类的实验动物病理组织切片的经验,对必须选用缓冲中性甲醛固定液和控制各类组织的脱水、透明浸蜡时间以及动物组织切片的过程特殊处理事宜作了说明。  相似文献   

防止石蜡切片材料染色时脱落的简易方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

动物毛发石蜡切片的制作   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的:探讨哺乳动物针毛横断面的快速简易的制作方法,从毛发横断面上观察毛发微观结构。方法:取新疆部分哺乳动物(马鹿塔里木亚种Cervus elaphus yarkandensis,藏羚羊Pantholops hodgsoni,野双峰驼Camelus bactrianus,狍子Capreolus capreolus)的毛发,先将其清洗然后经浸蜡、包埋、切片、染色、封片等一系列过程的研究,得发毛横断面。结果:各动物毛发微观结构差异显著:马鹿塔里木亚种,毛皮质极薄,毛髓质占大多数;藏羚羊,由若干多边行空囊组成,内部中空;野双峰驼,毛皮质与毛髓质所占比例相当;狍子,毛皮质约占2/3,毛髓质约占1/3。结论:为利用哺乳动物毛发进行种属鉴定奠定一定科学理论基础。  相似文献   

本文说明一种新的动物切片法,通过十个基本步骤实现的徒手切片法,其特点是用一种高分子聚合物作材料包埋剂制成包埋块,用剃刀切成薄膜状切片。不用大型贵重仪器,优于石蜡切片法。是动物组织光学显微镜切片技术的革新。  相似文献   

以手术刀片代替传统的切片刀,通过肝、肾、脾、肺、心肌、气管等器官所作的对比性切片试验表明,该切片刀不仅达到了原有切片刀的性能,还能做1—3微米半薄切片。染色后在10×10、10×40显微镜下,整个切片完整无损,厚度均匀,各类细胞结构清晰易辨。该切片刀不需磨鐾,省时省力,操作简便,经济实用。特别适合基层实验室的组织及病理学的教学科研工作。  相似文献   

石蜡切片贴片法的改良   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
传统的石蜡切片贴片操作费时,而且效果不太理想。作者经过多次摸索试验,对其进行了改良,取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

针对常规石蜡切片方法步骤繁多,耗时长,所用的二甲苯试剂对人体健康有较大毒害性的缺陷,探讨提高制作兔卵巢组织石蜡切片质量的方法。试验从脱水和透明环节进行技术改良,用正丁醇与无水乙醇混合剂取代常规的脱水剂和透明剂。该混合剂具有良好的脱水和透明作用。实验结果表明:通过该技术改良,镜下观察组织结构清晰可辨、颜色鲜艳、对比度好、层次分明,组织切片效果良好。试验改良技术的工艺简单,具有质优、省时、快捷和实用性较好等优点,有推广应用价值。  相似文献   

人类疾病动物模型对医药研究起着支撑作用,是进行医药研究的必备工具之一.本文阐述了人类疾病动物模型在医药研究中所能发挥的作用,以及在医药研究的历史中所做出的贡献.最后,对疾病动物模型在医药创新研究中应用的前沿进行了展望.  相似文献   

Experimental examination of normal human mammary epithelial cell (HMEC) behavior, and how normal cells acquire abnormal properties, can be facilitated by in vitro culture systems that more accurately model in vivo biology. The use of human derived material for studying cellular differentiation, aging, senescence, and immortalization is particularly advantageous given the many significant molecular differences in these properties between human and commonly utilized rodent cells1-2. Mammary cells present a convenient model system because large quantities of normal and abnormal tissues are available due to the frequency of reduction mammoplasty and mastectomy surgeries.The mammary gland consists of a complex admixture of many distinct cell types, e.g., epithelial, adipose, mesenchymal, endothelial. The epithelial cells are responsible for the differentiated mammary function of lactation, and are also the origin of the vast majority of human breast cancers. We have developed methods to process mammary gland surgical discard tissues into pure epithelial components as well as mesenchymal cells3. The processed material can be stored frozen indefinitely, or initiated into primary culture. Surgical discard material is transported to the laboratory and manually dissected to enrich for epithelial containing tissue. Subsequent digestion of the dissected tissue using collagenase and hyaluronidase strips stromal material from the epithelia at the basement membrane. The resulting small pieces of the epithelial tree (organoids) can be separated from the digested stroma by sequential filtration on membranes of fixed pore size. Depending upon pore size, fractions can be obtained consisting of larger ductal/alveolar pieces, smaller alveolar clusters, or stromal cells. We have observed superior growth when cultures are initiated as organoids rather than as dissociated single cells. Placement of organoids in culture using low-stress inducing media supports long-term growth of normal HMEC with markers of multiple lineage types (myoepithelial, luminal, progenitor)4-5. Sufficient numbers of cells can be obtained from one individual''s tissue to allow extensive experimental examination using standardized cell batches, as well as interrogation using high throughput modalities.Cultured HMEC have been employed in a wide variety of studies examining the normal processes governing growth, differentiation, aging, and senescence, and how these normal processes are altered during immortal and malignant transformation4-15,16. The effects of growth in the presence of extracellular matrix material, other cell types, and/or 3D culture can be compared with growth on plastic5,15. Cultured HMEC, starting with normal cells, provide an experimentally tractable system to examine factors that may propel or prevent human aging and carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

We developed staining techniques that permit identification and histomorphometric analysis of microcracks in the human femoral head 1) from thick, ground bone sections (100 μm) by prestaining with the Villanueva mineralized bone stain (MIBS), and 2) from plastic embedded, undecalcified thin bone sections (5-15 μm) by staining in gallocyanin chrome alum-Villanueva blood stain methods. Both methods represent a significant improvement in the stainability of the microcracks, cellular and tissue elements, and the simultaneous assessment of osteoid seams and tetracycline markers by histomorphometry. Shrinkage and other artifacts were minimized, which helped to clarify some of the uncertainties arising from artifacts resulting from some bone staining methods. Histomorphometric analyses of microcracks were conducted on thick, ground sections of subchondral and trabecular bone. Microcracks were more prevalent in the subchondral bone and osteochondral junction than in the more distant trabeculae. We have consistently localized microcrack areas in bone tissues prepared in these ways.  相似文献   

人类及动物RNA病毒的反向遗传系统   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
反向遗传系统可以对RNA病毒直接进行遗传操作,为RNA病毒的分子生物学研究提供了一种强大的工具。在过去20年,特别是自90年代中期第一例负链RNA病毒感染性克隆构建成功以来,动物RNA病毒的分子生物学研究取得了长足的进展,这很大程度上归功于各种动物RNA病毒反向遗传系统的建立。这里系统总结了人类及动物非反转录RNA病毒中各类代表性成员在建立反向遗传系统时的方案设计、遇到的困难及研究者如何克服这些困难。分类讨论到的代表性病毒种属有脊髓灰质炎病毒、冠状病毒(包括SARS病毒)、黄病毒、野田村病毒、流感病毒、传染性法氏囊病病毒以及呼肠孤病毒等。  相似文献   

目的:利用基因工程方法构建人源性脂联素球状结构(gAd)基因的高效原核表达体系,并对重组蛋白进行诱导表达、纯化、鉴定及活性检测.方法:从正常人脂肪组织里面提取总RNA,反转录合成cDNA,经PCR扩增、酶切后连入pET-22b(+)载体构建重组质粒pET-22b(+)-gAd,重组质粒转化大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)感受态细胞.经诱导剂诱导后目的蛋白以包涵体形式产生,采用强碱促溶包涵体并用丙酮沉淀蛋白的方法进行复性和纯化,得到高纯度的人源性gAd.运用SDS-PAGE、Western blotting对重组蛋白进行鉴定,通过对蛋白激酶(AMPK)的磷酸化水平和对小鼠的心肌缺血再灌注损伤的保护作用来检测纯化蛋白的生物学活性.结果:成功构建了原核表达载体pET-22b(+)-gAd,实现了人源性gAd在原核细胞中的表达,并对形成的包涵体变性、复性和纯化,纯化出的蛋白经过SDS-PAGE和Western分析证实为gAd;通过对AMPK的磷酸化水平的检测和对小鼠的心肌缺血再灌注损伤的保护作用证明纯化出的gAd具有高生物学活性.结论:成功构建、表达和纯化了无标签、高生物学活性的人源性脂联素球状结构(gAd),为其进一步的理论研究、生产开发奠定了基础.  相似文献   

Explant culture allows manipulation of developing organs at specific time points and is therefore an important method for the developmental biologist. For many organs it is difficult to access developing tissue to allow monitoring during ex vivo culture. The slice culture method allows access to tissue so that morphogenetic movements can be followed and specific cell populations can be targeted for manipulation or lineage tracing.In this paper we describe a method of slice culture that has been very successful for culture of tooth germs in a range of species. The method provides excellent access to the tooth germs, which develop at a similar rate to that observed in vivo, surrounded by the other jaw tissues. This allows tissue interactions between the tooth and surrounding tissue to be monitored. Although this paper concentrates on tooth germs, the same protocol can be applied to follow development of a number of other organs, such as salivary glands, Meckel''s cartilage, nasal glands, tongue, and ear.  相似文献   

Hydrolysis of D-valyl-L-leucyl-L-arginine p-nitroanilide by human tissue kallikrein (hK1) was studied in the absence and in the presence of increasing concentrations of the following chloride salts: sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium and aluminium. The data indicate that the inhibition of hK1 by sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium is linear competitive and that divalent cations are more potent inhibitors of hK1 than univalent cations. However the inhibition of hK1 by aluminium cation is linear mixed, with the cation being able to bind to both the free enzyme and the ES complex. This cation was the best hK1 inhibitor. Aluminium is not a physiological cation, but is a known neurotoxicant for animals and humans. The neurotoxic actions of aluminium may relate to neuro-degenerative diseases.  相似文献   

目的在传统结缔组织铺片基础上开展脂肪组织油红染色方法在医学本科生组织学实验教学中的应用。方法学生先进行疏松结缔组织铺片,并施行脂肪组织油红o-甲苯胺兰-伊红三重染色,然后镜下观察。结果油红o染色把结缔组织中的脂肪细胞内脂滴保存下来并染上红色。脂肪组织中央的细胞脂滴均匀红染,充满胞浆,周边的脂肪细胞胞浆中油红染色很少,细胞呈空泡状,显示出脂肪细胞亚群存在。甲苯胺兰染色使得疏松结缔组织中肥大细胞染成紫红色,胞核染色浅,细胞数量多、成群分布。伊红可使得结缔组织内除脂肪细胞、肥大细胞意外的其他细胞的胞浆和胶原纤维染成淡红色。结论传统的组织学平铺片技术基础上引入脂肪油红o-甲苯胺兰-伊红三重染色,可增强学生动手能力,并能很好地了解输送结缔组织中细胞的不同表型和分布,丰富组织学内容,把教学、科研连接一起,达到提高实验教学质量的目的。  相似文献   

The tissue microarray (TMA) technology provides the means for high-throughput analysis of multiple tissues and cells. The technique is used within the Human Protein Atlas project for global analysis of protein expression patterns in normal human tissues, cancer and cell lines. Here we present the assembly of 1 mm cores, retrieved from microscopically selected representative tissues, into a single recipient TMA block. The number and size of cores in a TMA block can be varied from approximately forty 2 mm cores to hundreds of 0.6 mm cores. The advantage of using TMA technology is that large amount of data can rapidly be obtained using a single immunostaining protocol to avoid experimental variability. Importantly, only limited amount of scarce tissue is needed, which allows for the analysis of large patient cohorts 1 2. Approximately 250 consecutive sections (4 μm thick) can be cut from a TMA block and used for immunohistochemical staining to determine specific protein expression patterns for 250 different antibodies. In the Human Protein Atlas project, antibodies are generated towards all human proteins and used to acquire corresponding protein profiles in both normal human tissues from 144 individuals and cancer tissues from 216 different patients, representing the 20 most common forms of human cancer. Immunohistochemically stained TMA sections on glass slides are scanned to create high-resolution images from which pathologists can interpret and annotate the outcome of immunohistochemistry. Images together with corresponding pathology-based annotation data are made publically available for the research community through the Human Protein Atlas portal (www.proteinatlas.org) (Figure 1) 3 4. The Human Protein Atlas provides a map showing the distribution and relative abundance of proteins in the human body. The current version contains over 11 million images with protein expression data for 12.238 unique proteins, corresponding to more than 61% of all proteins encoded by the human genome.  相似文献   

Apposition of cementum occurs in phases resulting in two types of layers with different optical and staining properties that can be observed by light microscopy. Narrow, dark staining incremental lines are separated by wider bands of pale staining cementum. The distance from one line to the next represents a yearly increment deposit of cementum in many mammals, and counting these lines has been used routinely to estimate the age of the animals. Incremental lines in cementum have also been observed in sections of human teeth, and the object of the present investigation was to examine a number of methods for preparing and staining them for counting. Longitudinal and transverse sections, either ground or decalcified, were cut from formalin fixed human dental roots, paraffin embedded or frozen, and stained using several techniques. The cementum was investigated using conventional light, fluorescence, polarized light, confocal laser scanning, interference contrast, phase contrast, and scanning electron microscopy. Incremental lines in the cementum could be observed in ground sections and, following decalcification, in both frozen and paraffin embedded sections. Toluidine blue, cresyl violet, hematoxylin, or periodic acid Schiff (PAS) stained incremental lines allowing differentiation by conventional light microscopy. Contrast was best using fluorescence microscopy and excitation by green light since the stained cemental bands, but not the incremental lines, fluoresced after staining with cresyl violet, PAS or hematoxylin and eosin. The results with other microscopic techniques were unsatisfactory. Since incremental lines are not destroyed by acids and stain differently than the remaining cementum, it is likely that they possess an organic structure which differs from the cementum. Incremental lines in human dental cementum could be observed best using decalcified sections stained with cresyl violet excited by green light.  相似文献   

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