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The writer gives a schedule for carrying out the Weigert-Pal technic by which three difficulties of the original technic are overcome: the tendency of the sections to become brittle; the difficulty of observing the extent of the reaction occurring in the permanganate solution; and the slowness with which the reaction takes place. By the method proposed as many as 300 sections may be stained and differentiated in the time it formerly took to handle 50.  相似文献   

Activities of acid phosphatase, beta-glucuronidase, N-acethyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase and acid beta-galactosidase were investigated histochemically in rabbit corneas. Frozen sections after block fixation in cold 4% formaldehyde with 1% CaCl2 followed by washing in cold physiological saline as well as cold microtome sections of corneas quenched in petroleter chilled with acetone-dry ice mixture, transferred to nonprecooled slides or semipermeable membranes were used. Standard aqueous media were employed in the case of free-floating frozen sections of fixed corneas as well as of cold mictrotome sections (postfixed in cold 4% formaldehyde). Agar media were used in connection with the technic of semipermeable membranes. Gomori method (in the case of acid phosphatase), simultaneous azocoupling methods (substrates derivated of naphthol-AS-BI with hexazonium-p-rosanilin) in the case of acid phosphatase, beta-glucuronidase and N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase and the indigogenic method in the case of acid beta-galactosidase were applied. Enzyme activities in sections of fixed corneas were minimal in comparison with those in cold microtome sections of unfixed material revealed particularly with the technic of semipermeable membranes which is to be preferred. This technic is recommended in studies concerned with lysosomal enzymes in the cornea, particularly in keratocytes. All enzymes investigated were present in corneal epithelium, keratocytes and endothelium. Acid phosphatase displayed the highest activity followed by beta-glucuronidase and acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase. The activity of beta-galactosidase was the lowest. For the demonstration of activities in keratocytes sections parallel to the surface are very suitable. In these sections enzyme activities were demonstrated in small granules (apparently lysosomes) present in the central part of their cytoplasm as well as in projections. Diffuse staining was also seen, being the highest in the case of acid phosphatase.  相似文献   

Gomori's calcium phosphate method for alkaline phosphatase has been combined with the periodic acid-Schiff reaction on the same section. Paraffin sections of both formalin and alcohol fixed tissues have been employed. The technic is recommended as a selective staining procedure rather than a specific histochemical method. The Gormori alkaline phosphatase-PAS method has been compared with the silver alkaline phosphatase-PAS method developed by Moffat.  相似文献   

A chemical and histochemical study of Gomori's acid phosphatase technic showed that the causes of its unreliability were: (1) that fixation and other steps of histological procedure inactivate the enzyme to a great extent; (2) the enzyme may diffuse, as demonstrated in frozen sections of acetone-fixed material; and (3) some absorption of lead by the sections takes place. Much of this unreliability is avoided, however, by maintaining as low a temperature as possible during fixation and dehydration, with exposure to the temperature of the paraffin oven for the shortest possible length of time. The relative insolubility and thermo-stability of the enzyme, moreover, indicate the possibility of devising a more satisfactory technic in the future.  相似文献   

A staining schedule employing phloxine as a counter-stain to Erlich's acid hematoxylin is presented. Fixation is best with Zenker's fluid, although formalin can be used. The technic is similar to the standard hematoxylin-eosin formulae but because of the staining advantages of phloxine over eosin, the technic is simpler, and quicker, resulting in clearly differentiated sections which do not fade as soon as do eosin-stained slides. A brief summary of the uses of phloxine as a biological stain is given and its advantages over eosin are discussed.  相似文献   

Sections were cut from fresh unfixed tissues by means of a microtome provided with an apparatus for the simultaneous cooling of the knife and freezing stage. These sections were of uniform thickness and were found to be very suitable for histochemical staining. Such sections were immersed while still frozen in the fluid which contained the necessary chemicals for a specific technic. After remaining in the fluid for an appropriate time, the sections were put on slides and dried in warm air. The remaining steps were carried out on the slides. Several histochemical procedures (phosphatase, esterase, glycogen) were found to give good results when this technic was used.  相似文献   

It is often desirable to obtain cryostat cross sections of tubular structures, such as oviduct, uterus, esophagus, or small intestine, and to retain the sequential relationships of such sections. In this laboratory the following technic which has been used on rat and mouse tissues from newborn and weanling animals has proved to be rapid, inexpensive, and productive of uniformly excellent results.  相似文献   

Among the cytochemical methods for demonstrating desoxyribonucleic acid, the hydrochloric-acid-Schiif reaction has been valuable since Feulgen reported it in 1924. A difficulty in that technic is that the section may come loose from the slide; this is caused by hydrolysis at 60° C. When sections were hydrolyzed by 1, 3, 5 or 6 N HCl at room temperature for 15 minutes, adequate hydrolysis and the strong development of color occurred with 5 N HCl. Similarly successful results were obtained with 5 N nitric acid hydrolysis for 10 minutes. Both procedures appear to be as practical as hydrolysis in 1 N HCl at 60° for 4-6 minutes.  相似文献   

Around the turn of the century, tonofibrils and contractile myofibrils were observed within the same cells. These findings have been largely forgotten. To clarify the topical relations of these proteins in epithelial cells, duplicate sections of methacarn-fixed human and canine tissues were treated with the tannic acid-phosphomolybdic acid (TP)-Levanol Fast Cyanine 5RN reaction for myosins and the PAP technic for prekeratin, respectively. In bronchi, lingual and sweat glands, liver and pancreas, myosin was confined to the terminal bar-terminal web system, including pericanalicular layers. Prekeratin occurred throughout the epithelium of bronchi and ducts; secretory cells showed little or no reaction. Observations on myosin in kidney confirmed data by Harper et al. (1970). The PAP technic colored transitional epithelium and collecting tubules intensely; convoluted tubules did not react. Staining of segments of Henle's loops varied from case to case. Both reactions colored thymic epithelial cells. In myoid cells of Hassall's corpuscles myosin was gradually replaced by prekeratin and keratin. Basal cells of epididymis reacted strongly with the PAP technic, but did not contain myosin. Prekeratin is apparently identical with epidermin, whose composition and structure were well known in the 1950's. Epidermin undergoes chemical changes as cells move from the stratum basale to the stratum corneum. According to DAKO, the antibodies used in this study were prepared with prekeratin extracted from stratum corneum. Data in the literature and observations in this investigation indicate that some samples of antibodies do not react with all tonofilaments.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A technic is described for obtaining thin sections of animal tissue suitable for electron microscopy. Fixation is accomplished by perfusion of the whole animal with neutral formalin or alcohol formalin followed by immersion of pieces to be examined in neutralized osmium tetroxide. The embedding medium is a mixture of equal parts of n-butyl and ethyl methacrylate polymerized by ultra-violet light. Sectioning is done by means of a glass knife on an International ultra-thin sectioning microtome set at 0.1 μ. The sections are floated on warm water to spread, then placed on Formvar-coated grids, dried, and put into toluene to dissolve the plastic. The technic produces routinely usable, thin sections that show a minimum of damage owing to fixation, embedding, and sectioning.  相似文献   

A microchemical test for cellulose applicable to fresh sections and commercial products is described. The test differs from the older technics in that materials tested are not permanently altered.

Two solutions are required: (1) 2% solution of iodine in 5% KI, diluted with 9 parts by volume of water containing 0.28% glycerin; (2) saturated aqueous LiCl.

Procedure: Apply 2 or 3 drops of solution 1 with a glass rod; allow the preparation to stand for 30 sec; blot with filter paper, drying as completely as possible. Apply one drop of solution 2, cover and examine. The color reaction will be obtained within 5 min. The reaction for pure cellulose is light blue. Reactions for 16 fibers are given in the table.

As a stain for demonstrating plant tissues the technic has been used in the Botany Department of Pomona College with much success; but this phase of the subject has not been extensively investigated.  相似文献   

For the study of capillary penetration in the central nervous system of the chick embryo, following India ink injections, celloidin serial sections are superior to those prepared by the paraffin technic. The celloidin sections are arranged on a moist cigarette paper mat, which when filled is inverted and applied to a microscope slide so that the sections contact the glass surface. Subsequent to dehydration and clearing the sections are isolated on the slide by peeling off the cigarette paper. Forty-five minutes are required to prepare a slide of thirty sections from the time the block is trimmed until the cover slip is mounted with Clarite.  相似文献   

Histochemical investigations of pulmonary lesions indicated selective coloration of membranes of honeycomb stages of Pneumocystis carinii by the periodic acid--sodium bisulfite--resorcin-fuchsin reaction for basement membranes; mucus, fibrin and other deposits in respiratory pathways did not react. These membranes were colored selectively also by the picro-Sirius Red F3BA method for collagens; fungi in tissues from patients with candidiasis remained unstained. For simultaneous demonstration of honeycomb and cyst forms of Pneumocystis carinii, sections were prestained with Grocott's modification of Gomori's methenamine-silver nitrate technic and then treated with the periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) or picro-Sirius Red F3BA reaction. In contrast to other Gram-positive microorganisms, cysts of Pneumocystis carinii were immediately decolorized by acetone-ether mixtures; this indicates differences in the mode of dye binding. Frequently, only one stage of Pneumocystis carinii was found in a given area. Hence a combination of reactions showing different stages is recommended for studies of small tissue samples.  相似文献   

A combined Carbowax-paraffin technic for microsectioning fixed tissues gave ribbon sections as do paraffin infiltrated and embedded tissues. Blocks of formalin or alcohol fixed tissues 2 mm. thick were infiltrated with H.E.M. (Polyethlene Glycol: Carbowax, Hartman-Leddon Co.) or with one of the following polyethylene glycol ester waxes (Glycol Products Co., Inc.) for 4 hours at (61°C.): Polyethylene Glycol 600(Di) Stearate; Carbowax 1000-(Mono) Stearate; Carbowax 4000 (Mono) Stearate; Carbowax 4000 (Mono) Laurate; Carbowax 6000 (Mono) Oleate. The Carbowax infiltrated tissues were placed for 10 minutes in xylene (61° C.), into paraffin (61° C.) for 30 minutes, then into molten paraffin contained in separate molds. (The xylene passage can be excluded for preparations which preclude its use). The blocks were hardened rapidly by submerging in ice water and were fastened to carriers as in the usual paraffin technic. Tissues were cut 6 µ thick. Segments of ribbon were spread on a water bath and mounted on slides. After drying, tissues were stained directly with hematoxylin-eosin or were carried through xylene and alcohols as in routine paraffin preparations prior to staining. The Sudan III fat stain and Best's carmine stain for glycogen were applied as in usual technics. Cellular detail was well preserved and structures did not show the extent of distortion and shrinkage encountered in ordinary paraffin technic preparations.  相似文献   

Summary Histochemical investigations of pulmonary lesions indicated selective coloration of membranes of honeycomb stages of Pneumocystis carinii by the periodic acid — sodium bisulfite — resorcin-fuchsin reaction for basement membranes; mucus, fibrin and other deposits in respiratory pathways did not react. These membranes were colored selectively also by the picro-Sirius Red F3BA method for collagens; fungi in tissues from patients with candidiasis remained unstained. For simultaneous demonstration of honeycomb and cyst forms of Pneumocystis carinii, sections were prestained with Grocott's modification of Gomori's methenamine-silver nitrate technic and then treated with the periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) or picro-Sirius Red F3BA reaction. In contrast to other Gram-positive microorganisms, cysts of Pneumocystis carinii were immediately decolorized by acetone-ether mixtures; this indicates differences in the mode of dye binding. Frequently, only one stage of Pneumocystis carinii was found in a given area. Hence a combination of reactions showing different stages is recommended for studies of small tissue samples.  相似文献   

It has been found that a plastic spray (“Krylon”, manufactured by Krylon, Inc., 2601 Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pa.) is suitable as a covering medium for stained, paraffin-embedded tissue sections. The material is supplied in an aerosol bomb type dispenser. The technic and advantages of using a plastic spray to replace both the usual mounting medium and cover glass are described below.  相似文献   

The stain proposed by the author is quickly and simply prepared by mixing equal parts of the following permanent stock solutions:

The mixed stain is usable, for at least eight months, and is applicable to practically all hematological purposes: blood smears, fixed sections, frozen sections, and touch preparations. In the technics utilized to produce its action on preparations treated in different ways, the only variants are the methods for treating the cells, while the stain itself remains totally unchanged for all purposes. For blood smears fixed with methyl alcohol, the technic consists merely of pouring the stain on the slide, leaving it for 5 to 7 minutes, and then washing it off. On sections, a further process of differentiation with acid acetone is rapidly carried out. The various types of granules, including megakaryocyte and platelet granules, are clearly demonstrated. For frozen sections, the technic is extremely rapid, yet yields excellent differentiation.  相似文献   

The freezing technic described in this paper provides permanent slides of sections of the root of Taraxacum kok-saghyz with latex preserved in place. The following schedule is used: (1) Prefreeze the piece to be sectioned before removal from the root. (2) Mount in ice and section with chilled microtome knife. (3) Plunge frozen sections into the combination coagulant and stain prepared from Calco oil blue N. A., acetic acid and ethyl alcohol. (4) Wash in water. Aspirate if necessary. (5) Mount on a slide using Karo.

This technic is rapid and simple. The sections are well adapted to making counts and measurements of latex tubes since there has been a minimum of latex loss. Latex is retained in place by keeping tissues frozen until introduced into the coagulant.  相似文献   

The effect of oxidation on neurofibrillar argyrophilia was studied by subjecting nervous tissues containing both normal and degenerating fibers to the action of potassium permanganate, periodic acid, chromic acid, lead tetraacetate, and sodium bismuthate prior to silver impregnation. The argyrophilic response of normal fibers to such treatment was studied with the Nonidez silver nitrate block technic, the double impregnation method of Bielschowsky on both blocks and sections, and a silver proteinate procedure. The response of degenerating fibers was studied by the Cajal formula 6 block technic and the modified Bielschowsky procedure of Nauta and Ryan for sections. The experimental data indicated that such oxidation did not produce any differential staining effects between normal or degenerating fibers.  相似文献   

The preparation of tissues by the freezing-drying technic is preferred for many histochemical studies because of the rapid fixation, avoidance of deleterious action of chemical fixation and extraction by aqueous and lipid solvents in fixation, dehydration and clearing; to facilitate this procedure a freezing-drying apparatus has been constructed which permits cutting of sections within five hours after the fresh tissue is obtained. Liquid nitrogen provides a most efficient moisture trap and in conjunction with a heating element provides any desired temperature down to — 80°C. during tissue drying. Paraffin infiltration is started without disassembling the equipment and completed in a few minutes. Most stains and histochemical reactions for enzyme and other substances can be applied directly to sections of frozen-dried tissue cut from the same blocks.  相似文献   

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