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Clostridium cellulolyticum ATCC 35319 is a non-ruminal mesophilic cellulolytic bacterium originally isolated from decayed grass. As with most truly cellulolytic clostridia, C. cellulolyticum possesses an extracellular multi-enzymatic complex, the cellulosome. The catalytic components of the cellulosome release soluble cello-oligosaccharides from cellulose providing the primary carbon substrates to support bacterial growth. As most cellulolytic bacteria, C. cellulolyticum was initially characterised by limited carbon consumption and subsequent limited growth in comparison to other saccharolytic clostridia. The first metabolic studies performed in batch cultures suggested nutrient(s) limitation and/or by-product(s) inhibition as the reasons for this limited growth. In most recent investigations using chemostat cultures, metabolic flux analysis suggests a self-intoxication of bacterial metabolism resulting from an inefficiently regulated carbon flow. The investigation of C. cellulolyticum physiology with cellobiose, as a model of soluble cellodextrin, and with pure cellulose, as a carbon source more closely related to lignocellulosic compounds, strengthen the idea of a bacterium particularly well adapted, and even restricted, to a cellulolytic lifestyle. The metabolic flux analysis from continuous cultures revealed that (i) in comparison to cellobiose, the cellulose hydrolysis by the cellulosome introduces an extra regulation of entering carbon flow resulting in globally lower metabolic fluxes on cellulose than on cellobiose, (ii) the glucose 1-phosphate/glucose 6-phosphate branch point controls the carbon flow directed towards glycolysis and dissipates carbon excess towards the formation of cellodextrins, glycogen and exopolysaccharides, (iii) the pyruvate/acetyl-CoA metabolic node is essential to the regulation of electronic and energetic fluxes. This in-depth analysis of C. cellulolyticum metabolism has permitted the first attempt to engineer metabolically a cellulolytic microorganism.  相似文献   

Ten obligately anaerobic, cellulolytic mesophilic bacteria were isolated from a municipal solid waste digestor used for biogas production. The isolates were rod-shaped, spore-forming bacteria in anaerobic conditions, and stained Gram-positive in young cultures, and hence were identified asClostridium. Small regular translucent and unpigmented colonies were observed on cellulose plates. The strains were gelatinase-negative, hydrolyzed esculin and starch, and fermented xylose and arabinose. The lecithinase, lipase, and indole tests were negative. The major fermentation products from cellulose included ethanol and acetate. The morphological and other biochemical characteristics indicated that these clostridia did not correspond to any previously described species. All the strains produced high activities of extracellular cellulases in cellulose media and degraded paper. Offprint requests to: L. Benoit.  相似文献   

By hybridization experiments with three cloned fragments carrying cellulase genes ofClostridium cellulolyticum, we tried to differentiate 10 cellulolytic mesophilic clostridia, isolated from a municipal solid waste digestor. On the basis of hybridization experiments, three major groups were found among the 10 isolates. The two endoglucanase genes,cel CCA andcel CCB ofC. cellulolyticum, hybridized with nine strains of our isolates, suggesting homology and widespread distribution of these genes. Withcel CCA the strain A31 exhibited a different pattern. In contrast to these nine strains, the strain A11 was found to share no or very weak homology with these two probes, which indicated that this strain of cellulolytic clostridia possesses nonidentical cellulase complex. None of these new strains hybridized withnif genes, indicating that these clostridia did not appear to be nitrogen-fixing bacteria. With other biochemical characteristics, we found that these bacteria appeared to be different from the presently known mesophilic cellulolytic clostridia.  相似文献   

Costa Rica is located in the Tropic, one of the most biologically diverse regions of the world; its soil is an important epicenter of biodiversity and Clostridium spp. are among the most frequent bacteria. The diversity of clostridia in Costa Rican soils and its possible association with geographic zone, pH or type of soil was studied in 117 soil samples: 18 from the Atlantic Zone, 30 from the Central Plateau, 30 from the Dry Pacific, 13 from the North Zone, and 26 from the South Pacific. The pH and the mesophilic clostridia species were determined for each sample. For bacterial isolation, a selective methodology for spores and pre-reduced anaerobically sterilized media were used. A total of 1945 strains of clostridia were isolated, 98% were identified and corresponded to 54 species; the most frequent species were C. subterminale (56%), C. oceanicum (51%), C. bifermentans and C. glycolicum (50%, each), C. sporogenes (49%), and C. sordellii (42%). An average of 7.1 species per sample was obtained; the Atlantic Zone showed the greatest diversity: 8.6 species per sample and a total of 45 species. Except for C. chauvoei, all described toxigenic clostridia species were isolated; C. sordellii (42%) and C. perfringens (38%) were the most frequent. No statistical relation could be established between geographic zone or type of soil and any species, showing that clostridia had a high adaptation capability to grow in different soil conditions; only some clostridia were isolated from very acidic samples while others from soils with a wide range of pH. In general, a uniform distribution of most species and a high variety of clostridia in Costa Rican soils were observed, in agreement with the high biodiversity described for other living beings in this country.  相似文献   

Anaerobic digesters contain a wide variety of anaerobic cellulolytic bacteria. Many of these are sporing rods. Some isolates from a mesophilic cattle waste anaerobic digester were classified as Sporolactobacillus spp. A further group of bacteria could not be induced to sporulate. In some respects they resembled Eubacterium , but considering all the properties it is suggested that they should be classified as a species of Clostridium.  相似文献   

From 60 species of the genus Clostridium tested 26 species were able to degrade one to three of the following compounds: betaine, choline, creatine, and ethanolamine. Degradation of betaine and choline was always associated with the formation of trimethylamine as one of the products. Creatine was converted to N-methylhydantoin and with one species (Clostridium sordellii) to sarcosine in addition. The diagnostic value of the ability of clostridial species to degrade the compounds mentioned is discussed. N,N-dimethylglycine, N,N-dimethylethanolamine or sarcosine were not metabolized by the strains tested.  相似文献   

Summary The fermentation of cellobiose, glucose and cellulose MN 300 by Cellulomonas fermentans was studied. The molar growth yields (i.e. grams of cells per mole of hexose equivalent) were similar on cellobiose and cellulose at low sugar consumption levels (47.8 and 46.5 respectively), but was lower on glucose (38.0). The occurrence of cellobiose phosphorylase activity, detected in cellobiose- and cellulose-grown cells, might explain this result. The specific growth rates measured in cultures on cellobiose, glucose and cellulose were 0.055 h-1, 0.040 h-1 and 0.013 h-1 respectively. Growth inhibition was observed, and a drop in YH occurred after relatively low but different quantities of hexose were consumed (2.2 mM, 5 mM and 8 mM hexose equivalent with cellulose, glucose and cellobiose respectively), which coincided with a change in the fermentative metabolism from a typical mixed acid metabolism (1 ethanol, 1 acetate and 2 formate synthesized by consumed hexose) to a more ethanolic fermentation. When growth ceased in cellulose cultures, consumption of cellulose continued, as did production of ethanol.Molar growth yields of C. fermentans were similar in anaerobic and aerobic cellobiose cultures (47.8 g/mol and 42.2 g/mol respectively). Specific growth rates were also quite similar under both culture conditions (0.055±0.013 h-1 and 0.070±0.007 h-1 respectively). Aerobic metabolism was studied using 14C glucose. During the exponential growth phase, acetate, succinate and nonidentified compound(s) accumulated in the supernatant, but no 14CO2 was produced. During the stationary phase, acetate was oxidized and 14CO2 produced, but without any further biomass synthesis. It seems that a blocking of metabolite oxidation may have occurred in C. fermentans except in the case of acetate, but acetate oxidation was apparently not coupled with production of energy utilizable in biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted to determine whether intestinal cellulolytic bacteria could be introduced into the bovine rumen or pig large intestine. In the first study, the ruminal fluid of three cows was evacuated and replaced with 20 liters of buffer and 6 liters of the ruminal or swine cellulolytic organism Clostridium longisporum or Clostridium herbivorans, respectively. The introduced organisms were the predominant cellulolytic bacterium in the fluid (> 10(7) cells ml-1) at 0 h. C. longisporum was still the predominant cellulolytic organism after 5 h, at 0.55 x 10(7) cells ml-1; however, after 24 h the count of C. longisporum decreased to 0.05 x 10(7) cells ml-1 compared with 2.8 x 10(7) cells ml-1 for the total cellulolytic organisms. After 48 h, C. longisporum was no longer detectable. C. herbivorans was identified in only one of the three cows after 24 h and was not detected at 72 h. In a second study, when C. longisporum (50 ml; 10(7) cells ml-1) was infused into the terminal ileum of seven pigs, it was not recovered when fecal samples were evaluated at 24, 48, or 72 h after infusion. These studies emphasize the competition that must be overcome to successfully introduce organisms into an intestinal ecosystem. Furthermore, these studies suggest that C. longisporum is a transient organism in the bovine rumen; however, C. herbivorans is part of the normal intestinal flora of some pigs, although the role that it plays in fiber degradation in these pigs is unclear.  相似文献   

Spin-labeling studies were conducted to elucidate the viscosity and phase transition temperatures of lipids isolated from psychrophilic, psychrotrophic, and mesophilic clostridia. Electron spin resonance spectroscopy indicated that the lipids, for all the growth temperatures tested, were in a fluid state and from 13 to 24 C higher than the corresponding lipid transition temperatures. When the organisms were grown at different temperatures, a psychrotropic and two mesophilic clostridia were shown to be able to adjust their lipid-phase transition temperature to the growth temperature. A psychrophilic Clostridium strain, when grown at different temperatures, synthesized lipids that had the same phase transition temperature. It is suggested that this lack of growth temperature-inducible regulation of lipid-phase transition temperature may be a molecular determinant for the psychrophily of this organism. It is proposed that the growth temperature range of an organism is dependent upon the ability of the organism to regulate its lipid fluidity within a specific range.  相似文献   

Abstract Adhesion to cellulose of five strains of mesophilic, cellulolytic clostridia , isolated from a municipal waste digestor, was found to be a reversible phenomenon. The type of attachment for the five strains conformed to a multilayer adhesion. In a first step, attachment to the adhesion site occurred by cell-cellulose interaction. In a second step, cell-cell interactions were identified. The five strains adhered slightly better to magazine paper and Whatman No. 1 filter paper than to newspaper and cardboard. Two strains, C401 and A22, were studied in more detail. The two strains, harvested in stationary phase, presented a heterogeneous population which could be separated: (i) as 'unbound' cells, corresponding to cells remaining in suspension from cellulose-grown cultures; and (ii) as 'bound' cells, coming from two successive washes with 50 mM Tris HCl, pH 7.0, which released 'bound' cells. In adhesion measurements, eluted cells ('bound' cells) adhered better to the cellulose than the 'unbound' cells. Strain C401 adhered better than strain A22 to the cellulose: 1.9-fold for the 'bound' cells and 3.6-fold for the 'unbound' cells. Adhesion of the two isolates was enhanced by the presence of calcium (10 mM). Cellobiose and glucose had no effect on strain A22 adhesion. Conversely, adhesion of strain C401 to cellulose was enhanced by cellobiose at a concentration of 1.5 g I−1, but 85% inhibited by a concentration of 5.0 g I−1. The two strains adhered to the same site on Whatman filter paper and unspecific interactions between the two strains occur.  相似文献   

The effect of glycerol on the growth, adhesion, and cellulolytic activity of two rumen cellulolytic bacterial species,Ruminococcus flavefaciens andFibrobacter succinogenes subsp.succinogenes, and of an anaerobic fungal species,Neocallimastix frontalis, was studied. At low concentrations (0.1–1%), glycerol had no effect on the growth, adhesion, and cellulolytic activity of the two bacterial species. However, at a concentration of 5%, it greatly inhibited their growth and cellulolytic activity. Glycerol did not affect the adhesion of bacteria to cellulose. The growth and cellulolytic activity ofN. frontalis were inhibited by glycerol, increasingly so at higher concentrations. At a concentration of 5%, glycerol totally inhibited the cellulolytic activity of the fungus. Thus, glycerol can be added to animal feed at low concentrations.  相似文献   

AIMS: To characterize cellulolytic, hydrogen-producing clostridia on a comparable basis. METHODS AND RESULTS: H(2) production from cellulose by six mesophilic clostridia was characterized in standardized batch experiments using MN301 cellulose, Avicel and cellobiose. Daily H(2) production, substrate degradation, biomass production and the end-point distribution of soluble fermentation products varied with species and substrates. All species produced a significant amount of H(2) from cellobiose, with Clostridium acetobutylicum achieving the highest H(2) yield of 2.3 mol H(2) mol(-1) hexose, but it did not degrade cellulose. Clostridium cellulolyticum and Clostridium populeti catalysed the highest H(2) production from cellulose, with yields of 1.7 and 1.6 mol H(2 )mol(-1) hexose from MN301 and 1.6 and 1.4 mol H(2) mol(-1) hexose from Avicel, respectively. These species also achieved 25-100% higher H(2) production rates from cellulose than the other species. CONCLUSIONS: These cellulolytic, hydrogen-producing clostridia varied in H(2) production, with Cl. cellulolyticum and Cl. populeti achieving the highest H(2) yields and cellulose degradation. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The fermentation of cellulosic materials presents a means of H(2) production from renewable resources. This standardized comparison provides a quantitative baseline for improving H(2) production from cellulose through medium and process optimization and metabolic engineering.  相似文献   

One hundred and seventy-eight new butanol-acetone producing bacteria related to saccharolytic clostridia were isolated from agricultural sources in Colombia and their fermentation potential was evaluated. Thirteen isolates produced more total solvents from glucose than Clostridium acetobutylicum ATCC 824. The isolates with the highest single solvent production were IBUN 125C and IBUN 18A with 0.46 mol butanol and 0.96 mol ethanol formed from 1 mol glucose, yielding 25. 2 and 29.1 g l(-1) total solvents, respectively, which is close to the maximum values described to date. Most of the new isolates produced exoenzymes for the hydrolysis of starch, carboxymethyl cellulose, xylan, polygalacturonic acid, inulin and chitosan. Together with the high efficiency of solvent production, these hydrolytic isolates may be useful for the direct fermentation of biomass. According to their physiological profile, the most solvent-productive isolates could be classified as strains of C. acetobutylicum, Clostridium beijerinckii, and Clostridium NCP262.  相似文献   

The temperature stability of triosephosphate isomerase (EC in the cell-free extracts of psychrophilic, psychrotrophic, and mesophilic Clostridium species has been investigated. Even though this enzyme was found to be heat labile in the psychrophilic isolates, no detectable loss in activity was evident when cell-free extracts were heated for 1/2 h at the maximum temperature of growth for the organisms. Two organisms, each with a maximum growth temperature of 23 degrees C, showed different heat stability of triosephosphate isomerase. However, a trend is evident that as the maximum growth temperature increases, the thermostability also increases. It is suggested that the heat liability of this enzyme is not a controlling factor in psychrophilism, but rather an adaptation to the cold habitat of these organisms.  相似文献   

Abstract Growth of the cellulolytic acidogen Clostridium strain C7 undergoing progressive nutrient limitation has been compared with that of the solventogen Clostridium beijerinckii . On the basis of cellulase secretion, differentiation of dissimilatory metabolism, and sporulation, different survival strategies by the two clostridia in progressive nutrient limitation can be discerned. In addition, the metabolic differentiation to butanol production in Clostridium beijerinckii can be specifically associated with the sporulation stage in which the forespore is enclosed by double membranes but not by a spore coat.  相似文献   

The adhesion of Clostridium cellulolyticum spores and cells to Whatman No. 1 filter paper was studied. A suspension of vegetative cells in exponential phase from a culture on cellobiose adhered at 60% whereas spores at the same initial concentration were bound to the Whatman filter paper at 90%. Adhesion of vegetative cellulolytic cells occurs on specific cellulosic sites and reveals a sigmoid type II curve. Non-cellulolytic vegetative cells from Clostridium butyricum do not adhere to the cellulose. Spore adhesion is a non-specific process since non-cellulolytic spores from Clostridium butyricum adhered almost in the same range to filter paper than cellulolytic spores.  相似文献   

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