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美国康乃尔大学种子生理学家A.A.Khan教授,将于今年十月中旬来华,到广州及杭州访问,并在广州举办讲习班,做以下五方面的报告:①应用种子预措施改善幼苗生长与产  相似文献   

应中国农科院邀请,美国Kansas州立大学生物化学、固氮生物学教授Davis今年九月来华讲学访问。 Davis教授是位年青有为的学者。他  相似文献   

加拿大国家农业部研究员、西安大略大学教授李宗霆博士(Dr.T.T.Lee)应安徽师范大学邀请于1987年9月26日至10月底来该校短期讲学。讲学专题为:(1)植物激素的作用机理和在农业上的应用:(2)吲哚乙酸的代谢和调节;(3)植物酚类物质;(4)钙和植物细胞功能;(5)植物组织培养——技术、现状和远景:(6)  相似文献   

联邦德国康斯坦芡大学生物系S、席勒博士及夫人应农牧渔业部邀请于1986年7.28—8.18来华讲学考察。 S.席勒博士专长于光合固氮蓝藻的生理、生化。访华期间在中国农科院土肥所做了有关蓝细菌的光合呼吸固氮作用及氧电极测定原理及操作等报告,  相似文献   

日本东京大学理学部教授古谷雅树博士应河南省科协邀请来华,1981年11月10~14日在郑州作了7次学术报告,来自全国26个省、市、自治区的350名植物生理学工作者听取了报告。河南省植物生理学会受省科协委托组织了这次学术报告会。北京大学和上海市植物生理学会又分别于11月6~9日和11月17~21日邀请古谷教授共作了六次学术报告。古谷教授关于①植物生理学现状与展望,②光生物学(植物光敏  相似文献   

美国印第安那大学植物学著名教授圣彼得罗(San Pietro,一译桑皮特罗)应上海植生所邀请来华讲学。自5月6日至31日先后在广州、杭州、上海及北京参观访问及作学术  相似文献   

澳大利亚昆士兰大学微生物学系斯克尔曼教授(V.B.D Skerman)应我国农牧渔业部的邀请,1985年10月来华讲学和访问。斯克尔曼曾任国际微生物学会细菌分类委员会主席、主要从事细菌分类学和微生物菌种的保藏研究。访华期间在中国农科院土肥所(北京)做了几个专题的学求报告。其内容如下:  相似文献   

关于被子植物的起源,即使现代进化论的创始人达尔文也不由地慨叹:这“确是不可思议的”,至今它仍然是生物进化的最大疑难之一,对此,特别是近年有不少学说间世。日本浅间一男博士的被子植物起源论便是有影响的一种观点。我国对于被子植物起源的研究尚未全面、系统地进行,为促进这方面的研究,去年暑  相似文献   

著名植物生态生理学家、美国威斯康星大学教授、人工气候室主任T.T.Kozlowsky应植物生理所邀请来华讲学。于5月7—8日在北京作了林木的生长特性和大气污染对树木的影响等二个报告。13—15日在上海作了树木的水分生理,大气污染对树木的影响和人工气候室的使用与管理等三个报告。在上海时,并与植生所环境生理组全体工作人员以及来自各  相似文献   

Recent studies of early hominin body proportions paint a complex evolutionary picture, with multiple instances of reversal in body shape. These interpretations rest heavily upon the inferred limb joint proportions of Australopithecus africanus. For example, the partial skeleton Stw 431 has been suggested to show ape-like joint proportions compared to the A. afarensis specimen A.L. 288-1. This suggests an evolutionary reversal in the more recent A. africanus. However, no study has examined the probability of sampling the differences between Stw 431 and A.L. 288-1 from a single extant hominoid species. The present study compares elbow/hip and elbow/lumbosacral joint size ratios between Stw 431 and A.L. 288-1 using exact randomization, based on chimpanzee and human models of variation. Results indicate that differences in elbow/hip proportions between Stw 431 and A.L. 288-1 can be sampled from a single species. In contrast, differences in elbow/lumbosacral proportions between Stw 431 and A.L. 288-1 show a significantly low probability of being sampled from a single species. Thus, Stw 431 and A.L. 288-1 are not significantly different from each with regard to limb joint proportions, but Stw 431 has a significantly smaller lumbosacral joint. This pattern does not conform to previous interpretations of limb proportions in A. africanus. Low statistical power in the present study may account for the discrepancy. Further research is needed to illuminate the functional implications of variation in relative lumbosacral joint size in early hominins.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(4):319-326

Based on morphology and phylogenetical analyses of nrITS sequences, the Andean endemic Plagiochila (Jamesoniella) dependula is placed in Plagiochila sect. Fuscoluteae. Perianths, oil bodies and sporophytes are described for the first time. Morphologically, P. dependula is characterized by entire, dorsally mostly shortly decurrent, laterally appressed, reniform leaves which are covered by irregular papillae and membranous wax platelets, papillose oil bodies, intercalary androecia with opposite bracts that overlap dorsally, a plagiochilid perianth with an entire mouth, a 250 μm thick capsule wall with thickenings in all layers, large 1–4 celled spores, and bispiral elaters. Morphotypes of Plagiochila fuscolutea with laterally appressed leaves differ from P. dependula by an at least moderately decurrent, broad dorsal leaf base, a ±smooth upper leaf surface, and by its often toothed leaf apices. Plagiochila wolframii is placed in the synonymy of P. fuscolutea. Maximum likelihood and parsimony analyses of 29 Plagiochila ITS sequences resolve P. dependula in a well-supported clade with several other representatives of P. sect. Fuscoluteae. Branch lengths within sect. Fuscoluteae point to a sudden diversification. Accessions of P. heterophylla s.str. from Great Britain (formerly known as P. atlantica) and Costa Rica form an unsupported monophyletic lineage.  相似文献   

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