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The Syrian hamster embryo (SHE) cell transformation assay (CTA) is a short-term in vitro assay recommended as an alternative method for testing the carcinogenic potential of chemicals. SHE cells are "normal" cells since they are diploid, genetically stable, non-tumourigenic, and have metabolic capabilities for the activation of some classes of carcinogens. The CTA, first developed in the 1960s by Berwald and Sachs (1963,1964) [3,4], is based on the change of the phenotypic feature of cell colonies expressing the first steps of the conversion of normal to neoplastic-like cells with oncogenic properties. Pienta et al. (1977) [22] developed a protocol using cryopreserved cells to enhance practicality of the assay and limit sources of variability. Several variants of the assay are currently in use, which mainly differ by the pH at which the assay is performed. We present here the common version of the SHE pH 6.7 CTA and SHE pH 7.0 CTA protocols used in the ECVAM (European Centre for the Validation of Alternative Methods) prevalidation study on CTA reported in this issue. It is recommended that this protocol, in combination with the photo catalogues presented in this issue, should be used in the future and serve as a basis for the development of the OECD test guideline.  相似文献   

Malachite green (MG), consisting of green crystals with a metallic lustre, is very soluble in water and is highly cytotoxic to mammalian cells in culture and also acts as a liver tumour promoter. In view of its industrial importance and possible exposure to human beings, MG poses a potential environmental health hazard. Accordingly, we have studied the effect of MG on the formation of free radicals using Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) analysis with 5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline N-oxide (DMPO) as a spin trapping agent. ESR analysis showed formation of reactive free radicals during exposure of MG to Syrian hamster embryo (SHE) cells. As per mechanism-based toxicology in cancer risk assessment, the chemicals that have the potential to be metabolized to active free radical species could be human cancer hazards. So, we have investigated the effect of MG on the formation of Type II and Type III morphologically transformed foci using SHE cell transformation assay. MG induced dose related transformed foci. Some of these transformed foci were taken out using selective trypsinisation and established immortal cell lines. One of these immortal cell lines was characterized extensively. This immortal cell line showed enhanced DNA synthesis in the form of BrdU incorporation, increased presence of proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), bcl-2 and p53 proteins by immunohistochemistry. When these immortal cells were injected subcutaneously into nude mice, they developed tumors which were transplantable and histopathologically sarcomas. The present studies indicate that MG could be a potential candidate for two year chemical carcinogenesis rodent bioassays.  相似文献   

The Syrian hamster embryo (SHE) cell transformation assay evaluates the potential of chemicals to induce morphological transformation in karyotypically normal primary cells. Induction of transformation has been shown to correlate well with the carcinogenicity of many compounds in the rodent bioassay. Historically the assay has not received wide-spread use due to technical difficulty. An improved protocol for a low pH 6.7 assay was developed by LeBoeuf et al. [R.A. LeBoeuf, G.A. Kerckaert, M.J. Aardema, D.P. Gibson, R. Brauninger, R.J. Isfort, Mutat. Res., 356 (1996) 85-127], that greatly reduced many of the technical difficulties associated with the SHE assay. The purpose of this paper is to describe the most current execution of the pH 6.70 protocol including protocol refinements made since the publication of a comprehensive protocol for this assay in Kerckaert et al. [G.A. Kerckaert, R.J. Isfort, G.J. Carr, M.J. Aardema, Mutat. Res., 356 (1996) 65-84].  相似文献   

DNA amplification is a frequently observed event in continuous cell lines and in tumors. It is likely that a common mechanism underlies the amplification of specific DNA sequences which confer drug resistance and genes which give a growth advantage to the tumor. To find a correlation between the induction of DNA amplification by chemicals and morphological cell transformation we treated Syrian hamster embryo (SHE) cells with diverse antineoplastic agents of different classes. Analysis of these agents seems to be important since they are potentially carcinogenic and resistance inducing. For the measurement of DNA amplification we established a new system using adeno-associated virus type 2 (AAV)-infected primary SHE cells as target cells and amplification of viral DNA as marker of DNA amplification. Simultaneously we determined morphological cell transformation in SHE cells. Our findings demonstrate that there is only a limited correlation between the induction of AAV DNA amplification and the morphological cell transformation in SHE cells. The newly established system of AAV DNA amplification appears to be a useful tool for the investigation of drug resistance in target cells of choice.  相似文献   

In this study, we attempted to identify apoptotic Syrian hamster embryo (SHE) cells by detecting the specific cleavage of poly(ADP-ribose)polymerase (PARP). Apoptosis was unequivocally identified in serum-deprived SHE cells. After protein electrophoresis and transfer, the anti-PARP antibody (C-2-10) was applied in order to visualize PARP degradation and the anti-polymer antibody (LP96-10) was used to identify PARP and its expected 89-kDa fragment on the membrane after renaturation and NAD+ addition. Results showed that PARP rapidly disappeared during apoptosis in SHE cells, but the resulting fragment remained undetectable with the anti-PARP antibody and no stable polymerase activity of this fragment was measured using anti-polymer antibody. Serum-starved SHE cells were compared to the etoposide-treated HL60 cell line as a control for typical apoptosis-related PARP cleavage. These results underline the fact that while PARP degradation is a criterion for apoptosis, the diagnosis of apoptosis can not rely exclusively on the appearance of its 89-kDa fragment as this signal may fail to appear in some cell systems.  相似文献   

This catalogue is a display of Syrian hamster embryo (SHE) cell colony photos representative of the cell transformation assay (CTA) carried out at pH 6.7. It is intended as a visual aid for the identification and the scoring of cell colonies in the conduct of the assay. A proper training from experienced personnel together with the protocol reported in this issue and the present photo catalogue will support method transfer and consistency in the assay results.  相似文献   

This catalogue is a display of Syrian hamster embryo (SHE) cell colony photos representative of the cell transformation assay (CTA) carried out at pH 7.0. It is intended as a visual aid for the identification and the scoring of cell colonies in the conduct of the assay. A proper training from experienced personnel together with the protocol reported in this issue and the present photo catalogue will support method transfer and consistency in the assay results.  相似文献   

Malachite green (MG), consisting of green crystals with a metallic lustre, is highly soluble in water, cytotoxic to various mammalian cells and also acts as a liver tumour promoter. In view of its industrial importance and possible exposure to human beings, MG poses a potential environmental health hazard. We have earlier reported the malignant transformation of Syrian hamster embryo (SHE) cells by MG. In this study, we have studied the effects of MG on cell cycle phase distribution of normal and MG transformed Syrian hamster embryo cells in asynchronous and synchronous cell population. DNA flow cytometric analysis indicated that culturing cells for 48 h in medium containing MG at different concentrations induced dose-dependent G2/M arrest in normal cells. Malignantly transformed cells showed no such dose-responsive accumulation of cells at the G2/M phase of the cell cycle in response to MG. Synchronization studies indicated that in the control, both in the presence and absence of MG, cells followed a normal cell cycle pattern up to 16 h. After 16 h in the absence of MG, cells continued a normal cell cycle, whereas in the presence of MG they accumulated at G2/M phase of the cell cycle. This pattern of accumulation of cells at the G2/M checkpoint control was not observed in either untreated or MG-treated transformed cells. The present study indicates efficient operation of G2/M checkpoint control in control SHE cells and its abrogation in transformed SHE cells.  相似文献   

The European Centre for the Validation of Alternative Methods (ECVAM) has organised an interlaboratory prevalidation study on the Syrian hamster embryo (SHE) cell transformation assay (CTA) at pH 7.0 for the detection of rodent carcinogens. The SHE CTA at pH 7.0 has been evaluated for its within-laboratory reproducibility, transferability and between-laboratory reproducibility. Four laboratories using the same basic protocol with minor modifications participated in this study and tested a series of six coded-chemicals: four rodent carcinogens (benzo(a)pyrene, 3-methylcholanthrene, 2,4-diaminotoluene and o-toluidine HCl) and two non-carcinogens (anthracene and phthalic anhydride). All the laboratories found the expected results with coded chemicals except for phthalic anhydride which resulted in a different call in only one laboratory. Based on the outcome of this study, it can be concluded that a standardised protocol is available that should be the basis for future use. This protocol and the assay system itself are transferable between laboratories and the SHE CTA at pH 7.0 is reproducible within- and between-laboratories.  相似文献   

The Syrian hamster embryo (SHE) cell transformation assay (CTA) is an important in vitro method that is highly predictive of rodent carcinogenicity. It is a key method for reducing animal usage for carcinogenicity prediction. The SHE assay has been used for many years primarily to investigate and identify potential rodent carcinogens thereby reducing the number of 2-year bioassays performed in rodents. As for other assays with a long history of use, the SHE CTA has not undergone formal validation. To address this, the European Centre for the Validation of Alternative Methods (ECVAM) coordinated a prevalidation study. The aim of this study was to evaluate the within-laboratory reproducibility, test method transferability, and between-laboratory reproducibility and to develop a standardised state-of-the-art protocol for the SHE CTA at pH 6.7. Formal ECVAM principles for criteria on reproducibility (including the within-laboratory reproducibility, the transferability and the between-laboratories reproducibility) were applied. In addition to the assessment of reproducibility, this study helped define a standard protocol for use in developing an Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) test guideline for the SHE CTA. Six compounds were evaluated in this study: benzo(a)pyrene, 3-methylcholanthrene, o-toluidine HCl, 2,4-diaminotoluene, phthalic anhydride and anthracene. Results of this study demonstrate that a protocol is available that is transferable between laboratories, and that the SHE CTA at pH 6.7 is reproducible within- and between-laboratories.  相似文献   

Treatment of Syrian hamster embryo cells with 4-chloromethylbiphenyl produced reproducible and quantitative concentration-dependent enhancement of viral transformation the statistical significance of which was independent of cell lethality. These results suggest this compound has carcinogenic potential since positive results in this mammalian cell bioassay system closely correlate with the carcinogenic potential of many diverse compounds and with structurally similar agents, especially other chlorinated compounds.  相似文献   

The ability of cloned Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) DNA encoding the v-src oncogene to neoplastically transform normal, diploid Syrian hamster embryo (SHE) cells was examined. Transfection of RSV DNA into early passage SHE cells resulted in a low but significant number of tumors when treated cells were injected into nude mice. Tumors formed with a low frequency (two tumors out of ten sites injected) and only after a long latency period (14 weeks). In contrast to the normal SHE cells, several different carcinogen-induced preneoplastic immortal SHE cell lines were highly susceptible to transformation by the v-src oncogene to the neoplastic phenotype. Tumors formed with high efficiency and a short latency period (less than 3 weeks). Further studies were performed to determine the basis for the inefficient transformation of the normal SHE cells. NeoR clones isolated after cotransfection of SHE cells with pSV2-neo and RSV DNAs were neither morphologically altered nor immortal and did not contain detectable levels of the v-src gene product. These results suggest that neoplastic transformation by v-src DNA in the normal cells is initially suppressed. However, cells from a v-src-induced tumor expressed v-src RNA, and antibody to v-src protein precipitated from the tumor cells a 60,000-molecular-weight protein which displayed protein kinase activity. Karyotypic analyses confirmed that the tumor was derived from Syrian hamster cells and suggested that it was clonal in nature. These results indicate that the v-src oncogene was primarily responsible for neoplastic transformation of SHE cells. In contrast to the results with the v-src oncogene, our previous studies showed that v-Ha-ras oncogene alone is unable to induce neoplastic transformation of SHE cells. Furthermore, the v-myc oncogene was able to compliment v-Ha-ras to neoplastically transform SHE cells, while cotransfection with v-src plus v-myc did not increase the incidence of tumors.  相似文献   

Amitrole, a widely used herbicide, is an animal carcinogen and an inducer of cell transformation. However, it is inactive as a mutagen in bacterial test systems. Thus, it has been suggested that amitrole is a non-mutagenic carcinogen. Over the dose range that induces morphological transformation of Syrian hamster embryo cells in culture, amitrole induced gene mutations at the Na+/K+ ATPase and hypoxanthine phosphoribosyl transferase loci measured concomitantly in the same cells. These results indicate that amitrole may act via a mutational mechanism.  相似文献   

Pant K  Sly JE  Bruce SW  Leung C  San RH 《Mutation research》2008,654(2):108-113
The Syrian hamster embryo (SHE) cell transformation assay has traditionally been conducted with a feeder layer of X-ray irradiated cells to provide growth support to the target cells seeded in low numbers. The feeder layer of cells consists of X-ray irradiated cells which are still viable but unable to replicate. We have tried seeding the target cells in conditioned media prepared from the stock culture flasks in lieu of plating them on a feeder layer. Three SHE cell isolates were tested to investigate the feasibility of this approach. With freshly prepared conditioned medium (LeBoeuf's Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium with 2 mM L-glutamine and 20% fetal bovine serum), used within 2 weeks of preparation, there was essentially no difference in the number of target cell colonies in the conditioned medium and in the plates with the X-ray irradiated feeder cell layer. The plating efficiencies of the vehicle controls were within the historical range for the standard SHE cell transformation assay. In each experiment, the positive control benzo(a)pyrene [B(a)P] elicited a significant increase in morphological transformation frequency (MTF), with or without feeder cells. Three compounds, 2,4-diaminotoluene (2,4-DAT), 2,6-diaminotoluene (2,6-DAT), and chloral hydrate were tested in the SHE cell transformation assay without an X-ray irradiated feeder layer and using a 7-day exposure regimen. The results were comparable to those reported in the published literature using the standard methodology with feeder cells, with 2,4-DAT and chloral hydrate eliciting a significant increase in MTF, and 2,6-DAT not eliciting any increase in MTF. The results of this study demonstrate the feasibility of conducting the SHE cell transformation assay without the use of an X-ray irradiated feeder layer, thereby simplifying the test procedure and facilitating the scoring of morphologically transformed colonies.  相似文献   

Initial studies performed in our laboratory indicated that early passage Syrian hamster embryo (SHE) cells exhibit optimal clonal proliferation when cultured in medium with a sodium bicarbonate concentration of 8.9 mM and pH of 6.70 instead of 44 mM and pH 7.35 as used previously by others. Subsequent studies indicated that morphological transformation frequency induced by benzo[a]pyrene (BP) was also enhanced at pH 6.70 compared to 7.35 and the level of enhancement was affected by cell density and duration of culture. With optimal conditions identified, the carcinogens BP, 3-methylcholanthrene, N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine, 2-acetylaminofluorene and the non-carcinogen anthracene were tested at pH 6.70 and 7.35 in our laboratory and at Microbiological Assoc. Inc. under code. Additionally, the non-carcinogens 4-acetylaminofluorene, and caprolactam were tested in our laboratory. Results from these studies indicate that all carcinogens tested caused a significant increase in morphological transformation frequency compared to controls at pH 6.70. In contrast, only BP caused a significant increase in the morphological transformation frequency at pH 7.35. The non-carcinogens did not significantly increase the morphological transformation frequency compared to controls. Interlaboratory comparisons were in qualitative agreement despite the fact that different lots of serum and hamster cell isolates were used by the two laboratories. However, different dose-response curves for the various chemicals were observed between the two labs. It was also demonstrated that the enhanced morphological transformation frequency is not due to a decrease in culture medium osmolality or Na concentration, a condition which accompanies media with a reduced bicarbonate concentration and pH. These results demonstrate that the chemicals tested, low pH transformation of SHE cells agrees with carcinogenic potential and that assay variability is minimized. The implications of these results regarding use of the SHE cell assay as a short-term test for predicting the carcinogenic potential of chemicals are discussed.  相似文献   

Syrian hamster embryo cells were transformed to a neoplastic phenotype after exposure to herpes simplex virus type 2 (S-1) DNA at concentrations (less than or equal to 0.01 microgram per 60-mm dish) at which infectivity was no longer demonstrable. Transformed cells manifested in vitro phenotypic properties characteristic of the neoplastic state, expressed herpes simplex virus-specific antigens, and induced invasive tumors in vivo. Transfection and transformation of Syrian hamster embryo cells with herpes simplex virus type 2 DNA or its fragments is a suitable system for investigating the structure and function of herpes simplex virus-transforming gene(s).  相似文献   

Lymphotropic papovavirus transformation of hamster embryo cells   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Hamster embryo cells were transformed by African green monkey lymphotropic papovavirus (LPV). The transformed cells contained intranuclear T-antigens demonstrable by fluorescent antibody staining with hamster anti-LPV serum. Analysis of uncloned and cloned lines of transformed cells for LPV sequences revealed that the viral DNA was present as free nonintegrated and integrated genomes; there were approximately 10 copies of free DNA and about one to two copies of integrated genomes per cell. The cells were highly tumorigenic when inoculated into hamsters and produced progressively growing tumors in 100% of newborn or 10-day-old hamsters that were inoculated with LPV-transformed cells. The serum from tumor-bearing hamsters reacted with LPV-transformed cells and also showed a weak reaction with simian virus 40-, BK virus-, and JC virus-transformed cells, thereby showing an antigenic relationship with the T-antigens of other primate polyomaviruses. The large T-antigen of LPV was found to be an 84,000-molecular-weight protein which was immunoprecipitated by hamster anti-LPV (antiviral) as well as by tumor serum.  相似文献   

Hamster embryonic fibroblasts were treated directly with various concentrations of methylnitrosocyanamide (MNC), a nitrosated product of methylguanidine (MG) or N-methyl-N′-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG). Then they were examined for chromosomal aberrations, morphological transformation and mutations resistant to 8-azaguanine (8AG) and 6-thioguanine (6TG). Direct treatment with 2 to 10 × 10?6 M MNC caused a marked, dose-dependent appearance of 8AG- and 6TG-resistant mutations. The ability of MNC to induce mutations was similar to that of MNNG. Cultured embryonic fibroblasts in metaphase plates also showed a marked dose-dependent increase in chromosomal aberrations within 24 h after direct treatment with MNC of MNNG. Moreover, MNC and MNNG caused similar rates of morphological transformation.  相似文献   

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