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While the iron-molybdenum cofactor (FeMoco) of nitrogenase, a constituent of the active site for nitrogen reduction, can be extracted into N-methylformamide (NMF) and pyrrollidinone, the inability to solubilize it in any other organic solvents has hampered further understanding of its structure and chemical properties. A method to solubilize FeMoco, prepared in N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF) with Bu4N+ as counterion [McLean, P. A., Wink, D. A., Chapman, S. K., Hickman, A. B., McKillop, D. M., & Orme-Johnson, W. H. (1989) Biochemistry (preceding paper in this issue)], in acetonitrile, acetone, methylene chloride, tetrahydrofuran, and benzene is reported. FeMoco evaporated to dryness in vacuo dissolves readily in good yield (55-100%) and with no significant loss in specific activity. In addition, FeMoco can be extracted directly into these solvents from MoFe protein bound to a DEAE-Sepharose column if the protein is pretreated with DMF. Methods have also been developed to extract fully active FeMoco into acetone and acetonitrile in the absence of any amide solvents (NMF or DMF). Extraction of FeMoco into acetone (30% yield) involves only pretreatment of column-bound protein with methanol, while extraction into acetonitrile (22% yield) requires pretreatment with methanol followed by THF. We conclude that the presence of a suitable soluble cation confers solubility to the cofactor in many common organic solvents and that the solubility of FeMoco in a given solvent may be independent of the ability of that solvent to extract the cofactor from column-bound protein.  相似文献   

The molybdate- and ATP-dependent in vitro synthesis of the iron-molybdenum cofactor of nitrogenase requires a low-molecular-weight factor. The factor is present in extracts of nitrogen fixation-derepressed cultures of Klebsiella pneumoniae and Azotobacter vinelandii, but not in extracts of repressed cultures of these bacteria. Analysis of K. pneumoniae Nif mutants has indicated that the nifV gene product is the only nif protein (besides nifA) necessary for the synthesis and accumulation of the factor. The factor is stable to oxygen, temperatures below 120 degrees C, and extremely acidic and basic conditions. The activity of the factor was completely destroyed by dry ashing or digestion with sulfuric acid. The factor has been partially purified by filtration through an Amicon PM-10 DIAFLO membrane and chromatography on DEAE-cellulose, hydroxylapatite, silica gel, and Sephadex G-25.  相似文献   

Iron K-edge X-ray absorption data for the iron-molybdenum cofactor ('FeMoco') from Klebsiella pneumoniae reported here provide the first evidence for long-range structural order in the cofactor [Fe...Fe(Mo) = 0.368 nm in addition to Fe...S = 0.22 nm and Fe...Fe(Mo) = 0.27 nm] and, in contrast with previously published data [Antonio, Teo, Orme-Johnson, Nelson, Groh, Lindahl, Kauzlarich & Averill (1982) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 104, 4703-4705], indicate that most of the iron centres are not co-ordinated to light (oxygen, nitrogen) atoms. This demonstrates that presently available chemical models for FeMoco are inadequate.  相似文献   

Aerial oxidation of the iron-molybdenum cofactor (FeMoco) of Azotobacter vinelandii nitrogenase has been shown to yield either the tetrathiomolybdate ion ([MoS4]2-) or the oxotrithiomolybdate ion ([MoOS3]2-), depending on the reaction conditions. Thus, when N-methylformamide (NMF) solutions of FeMoco either were titrated with measured aliquots of air or were diluted with air-saturated NMF, [MoOS3]2- was found to be the predominant product while dilution of NMF solutions of FeMoco with air-saturated methanol produced [MoS4]2- almost exclusively. Similar aerial oxidation of solutions of chemically synthesized Fe-Mo-S clusters showed that significant information about the molybdenum environment in these species could be deduced from the nature of the elicited thiomolybdates. The differences in decomposition products as a function of solvent are postulated to be due to the loss through precipitation of the reducing agent sodium dithionite on addition of methanol but not NMF. These overall decomposition results are discussed in the context of recent X-ray absorption spectroscopic data which suggest the presence of an 'MoS3' core in FeMoco. A possible mechanism whereby [MoS4]2- might be rapidly formed from this core is presented.  相似文献   

The nifU and nifS genes encode the components of a cellular machinery dedicated to the assembly of [2Fe-2S] and [4Fe-4S] clusters required for growth under nitrogen-fixing conditions. The NifU and NifS proteins are involved in the production of active forms of the nitrogenase component proteins, NifH and NifDK. Although NifH contains a [4Fe-4S] cluster, the NifDK component carries two complex metalloclusters, the iron-molybdenum cofactor (FeMo-co) and the [8Fe-7S] P-cluster. FeMo-co, located at the active site of NifDK, is composed of 7 iron, 9 sulfur, 1 molybdenum, 1 homocitrate, and 1 unidentified light atom. To investigate whether NifUS are required for FeMo-co biosynthesis and to understand at what level(s) they might participate in this process, we analyzed the effect of nifU and nifS mutations on the formation of active NifB protein and on the accumulation of NifB-co, an isolatable intermediate of the FeMo-co biosynthetic pathway synthesized by the product of the nifB gene. The nifU and nifS genes were required to accumulate NifB-co in a nifN mutant background. This result clearly demonstrates the participation of NifUS in NifB-co synthesis and suggests a specific role of NifUS as the major provider of [Fe-S] clusters that serve as metabolic substrates for the biosynthesis of FeMo-co. Surprisingly, although nifB expression was attenuated in nifUS mutants, the assembly of the [Fe-S] clusters of NifB was compensated by other non-nif machinery for the assembly of [Fe-S] clusters, indicating that NifUS are not essential to synthesize active NifB.  相似文献   

Equilibrium titrations in N-methylformamide (NMF) of G-25 gel filtered (ox)-state FeMo cofactor [FeMoco(ox)] from Azotobacter vinelandii nitrogenase were carried out using sodium ethanethiolate and followed using UV/Vis absorption spectroscopy. For Fe-Moco(ox), a non-linear least squares (NLLSQ) fit to the data indicated a strong equilibrium thiolate-binding step with Keq = 1.3+/-0.2x10(6) M(-1). With 245 molar excess imidazole, cooperative binding of three ethanethiolates was observed. The best NLLSQ fit gave Keq=2.0+/-0.1x10(5) M(-2) and a Hill coefficient n=2.0+/-0.3. A Scatchard plot of these data was concave upward, indicating positive cooperativity. The fit to previously published data involving benzenethiol titration of the one-electron reduced (semi-reduced) cofactor, FeMoco(sr), as followed by EPR required a model that included both a sub-stoichiometric ratio of thiol to FeMoco(sr) and about five cooperative ligand binding sites. These constraints were met by modeling FeMoco(sr) as an aggregate, with fewer thiol binding sites than FeMoco(sr) units. The best fit model was that of FeMoco(sr) as a dodecamer with five cooperative benzenethiol binding sites, yielding a thiol binding constant of 3.32+/-0.09x10(4) M(-4.8) and a Hill coefficient n=4.8+/-0.6. The results of all the other published ligand titrations of FeMoco(sr) were similarly analyzed successfully in terms of equilibrium models that include both cooperative ligand binding and dimer-level aggregation. A possible structural model for FeMoco aggregation in NMF solution is proposed.  相似文献   

The x-ray crystal structure of NifV(-) Klebsiella pneumoniae nitrogenase MoFe protein (NifV(-) Kp1) has been determined and refined to a resolution of 1.9 A. This is the first structure for a nitrogenase MoFe protein with an altered cofactor. Moreover, it is the first direct evidence that the organic acid citrate is not just present, but replaces homocitrate as a ligand to the molybdenum atom of the iron molybdenum cofactor (FeMoco). Subsequent refinement of the structure revealed that the citrate was present at reduced occupancy.  相似文献   

Reaction of sodium or potassium molybdate and excess malic acid in a wide range of pH values (pH 4.0–7.0) resulted in the isolation of two cis-dioxo-bis(malato)-Mo(VI) complexes, viz. Na3[MoO2H(S-mal)2] and K3[MoO2H(S-mal)2]·H2O (H3mal=malic acid). The sodium complex is also characterized by an X-ray structure analysis, showing that the mononuclear Mo units are linked together via very strong symmetric CO2···H··· O2C-hydrogen bond [2.432(5) Å], forming a polymeric chain. The molybdenum atoms are quasi-octahedrally coordinated by two cis-oxo groups and two bidentate malate ligands via its alkoxy and -carboxyl groups, while the β-carboxylic and carboxylate groups remain uncomplexed, as the coordination of vicinal carboxylate and alkoxide of homocitrate in FeMo cofactor of nitrogenase. The absolute configuration of the metal center in this S-malato complex is assigned as Λ and the homochirality within the chain is established as a homochiral form ···ΛS–ΛS–ΛS–ΛS···. It is proposed that the chiral configuration of the metal center in wild-type FeMo-co biosynthesis might be induced by the early coordination of the chiral R-homocitric acid, while a mixture of raceme might be obtained in the biosynthesis of NifV FeMo-cofactor. The absolute configuration of wild-type FeMo-cofactor is assigned as ΔR.  相似文献   

Reaction of sodium or potassium molybdate and excess malic acid in a wide range of pH values (pH 4.0–7.0) resulted in the isolation of two cis-dioxo-bis(malato)-Mo(VI) complexes, viz. Na3[MoO2H(S-mal)2] and K3[MoO2H(S-mal)2]·H2O (H3mal=malic acid). The sodium complex is also characterized by an X-ray structure analysis, showing that the mononuclear Mo units are linked together via very strong symmetric CO2···H··· O2C-hydrogen bond [2.432(5) Å], forming a polymeric chain. The molybdenum atoms are quasi-octahedrally coordinated by two cis-oxo groups and two bidentate malate ligands via its alkoxy and α-carboxyl groups, while the β-carboxylic and carboxylate groups remain uncomplexed, as the coordination of vicinal carboxylate and alkoxide of homocitrate in FeMo cofactor of nitrogenase. The absolute configuration of the metal center in this S-malato complex is assigned as Λ and the homochirality within the chain is established as a homochiral form ···ΛS–ΛS–ΛS–ΛS···. It is proposed that the chiral configuration of the metal center in wild-type FeMo-co biosynthesis might be induced by the early coordination of the chiral R-homocitric acid, while a mixture of raceme might be obtained in the biosynthesis of NifV FeMo-cofactor. The absolute configuration of wild-type FeMo-cofactor is assigned as ΔR.  相似文献   

《Inorganica chimica acta》1988,151(3):227-232
An alternative method has been developed for the isolation of both the iron molybdenum cofactor of nitrogenase (FeMoco), a small molecular weight FeMoS cluster which is the putative nitrogen- reducing site of the enzyme, and bacterioferritin, an iron storage protein similar to other ferritins, but containing heme prosthetic groups. Previously the isolation of these two species, the characterization of which is of significant current interest, has been dependent on the purification of the nitrogenase enzyme from Azotobacter vinelandii. Out new procedure eliminates the use of the anaerobic column chromatography necessary to obtain pure nitrogenase components, involving instead the heat and RNAase/ DNAase treatment of crude extracts of ruptured cells followed by sedimentation (150000 × g for 18 h) of both the 'nitrogenase complex' and bacterioferritin. The redissolved pellet from this centrifugation yields the pure crystalline bacterioferritin on addition of Mg2+. and cooling, the iron content of the protein being higher by this method than in previous reports. Likewise, denaturation by acid/base treatment of this protein mixture yields a precipitate which can be extracted with either N-methylformamide or N,N-dimethylformamide containing dithionite ion to yield solutions of FeMoco, as evidenced by UW 45 reconstitution and EPR spectral criteria. Unfortunately, preparations of FeMoco obtained by this method have a variable, but consistently low, Fe/Mo ratio and additional visible spectral features, indicating that they are significantly less pure than that those generated from purified nitrogenase. The aqueous supernatant from the denaturation also yields bacterioferritin, but with a lower iron content than that from the direct crystallization method.  相似文献   

Debris often hampers the detection of mites in washed leaf samples. We describe in detail a method for the extraction of mites from leaf samples, based on the adherence of mite cuticles to liquid paraffin, at the interface of paraffin and ethanol in a so-called mite-counting channel. We demonstrate its efficacy by comparing the mite numbers in samples before and after extraction. We illustrate the method's reliability by extracting known numbers of a taxonomic variety of plant-inhabiting mites, manually added to mite-free debris: for 13 of the 15 taxa all mites were retrieved. This method can also be used to extract small non-mite arthropods such as scales, whiteflies, thrips, cicadellids, hymenopteran parasitoids and psyllids.  相似文献   

Treatment of formalin-fixed mammalian tissues with concentrated or 50% phosphoric acid at 5 degrees C for 20 and 50 min. respectively reveals complete extraction of RNA as judged by methyl green followed by staining with pyronin. This procedure also causes depolymerisation of DNA as indicated by the red staining of the nuclei. Sections treated with concentrated phosphoric acid at 5 degrees C for 30 min. causes disruption of the double helical structure of DNA what results in the depression of the pyronin staining. Similarly treated sections show Feulgen positive nuclei. Treatment of sections in 25 % phosphoric acid at 60 degrees C for 15 min. followed by staining with methyl green and pyronin show red nuclei, nucleoli and the cytoplasm. This indicates that extraction of RNA is only possible in cold and not at elevated temperature.  相似文献   

It is commonly known that tigers (Panthera tigris) groom themselves by licking their coats, which leads to an abundance of hairs in their feces. These hairs are designated specially as “fecal hairs”. In our study, in order to explore fecal hairs potential as a DNA source for genetic analysis, 55 fecal hair samples were collected from 23 captive South China tigers (P. t. amoyensis). According to the amplification of mitochondrial primers loop F and loop R, DNA quality of noninvasive samples were grouped into three grades: grade I—the highest-quality DNA, grade II—high-quality DNA, and grade III—poor-quality DNA. No failed amplifications on microsatellite primers and only 0.27% genotyping errors occurred with grade I fecal hair DNA, as compared with 9.4% failed amplifications on microsatellite primers and 9.5% genotyping errors with grade II fecal hair DNA. It was found that 25.45% of fecal hair DNA was grade I and 65.45 and 10.00% of fecal hair DNA were grades II and III, respectively, as compared with 4.35% grade I fecal DNA and 34.78 and 60.87% grades II and III fecal DNA, respectively. Thus, higher-quality DNA can be extracted from fecal hairs than feces. In addition, DNA could be extracted from hair shafts of tigers and a minimum of 2000 hair shafts were required for visible DNA bands on a 1% agarose gel. These findings demonstrate that fecal hairs may serve as a convenient and reliable genomic DNA source for genotype analysis. Zoo Biol 28:49–58, 2009. © 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A new, easily applicable soil extraction method has been developed using the coffee percolator principle. The hot water percolation method (HWP) was examined on 36 soils with different properties. During hot water percolation the available, desorbable, easily soluble elements are extracted by hot water (102–105°C) at 120–150 kPa pressure. The average time for one extraction is 2.6 mm. It is possible to carry out kinetic measurements too. Nearly every nutrient is extracted by this method in measurable quantities, and the macroelements in appreciable quantities. The variation coefficient (CV%) of the method is in average 11%. The results are in close correlation with those of conventional soil testing methods and with the nutrient uptake of the sunflower and ryegrass used as test plants.  相似文献   

The cyclic 1,N(2)-propanodeoxyguanosine (PdG) adducts are Michael addition products from reactions of deoxyguanosine (dG) with enals, including acrolein (Acr), crotonaldehyde (Cro), pentenal (Pen), heptenal (Hep), and 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal (HNE). Although this is a general reaction, only the PdG adducts derived from Acr, Cro, and HNE have been detected in vivo as endogenous DNA lesions. Our previous in vitro study demonstrated that PdG adducts of Acr, Cro, and Pen are predominantly derived from oxidation of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), whereas the long-chain Hep and HNE adducts are from omega-6 PUFAs. PdG adducts are important because they represent a new class of endogenous promutagenic DNA lesions with potential roles in carcinogenesis. Earlier, we developed a (32)P-postlabeling method for detecting PdG adducts from Acr and Cro and a modified method for the long-chain HNE adducts. Both methods require multiple high-performance liquid chromatography steps and, in some cases, time-consuming thin-layer chromatography for purification. There is a lack of a single, versatile, and efficient method for simultaneous detection of all five enal-derived PdG adducts. In this paper, we report an improved (32)P-postlabeling method which permits detection of Acr, Cro, Pen, Hep, and HNE adducts in a single DNA sample. This method relies on solid-phase extraction for adduct enrichment before and after (32)P-labeling; all five PdG adducts were converted to the ring-opened derivatives for confirmation of identities and quantification. The method was validated using the synthetic adducts and enal-modified DNA and was finally applied to rat liver DNA and rat liver DNA samples spiked with different amount of standards. The detection limit was determined to be as low as 0.5 fmol in 80 microg DNA, corresponding to 9 adducts/10(9) dG.  相似文献   

K Kunii  S Nakamura  C Sato  S Fukuoka 《Microbios》2001,105(412):153-161
The Gram-negative bacterium Acinetobacter species ODB-L2 produces lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in culture broth. The LPS could not be purified by conventional extraction methods using 90% phenol/water or 90% phenol/chloroform/petroleum ether mixed solvent. Extraction was achieved employing an admixture of chloroform, ethanol, and 4 M HCI solution. The LPS was purified from dissolving the crude extracts in 90% phenol and LPS sediment formed by addition of methanol. The LPS was characterized by chemical, biochemical, and physicochemical methods as rough form 3-hydroxydodecanoic acid rich LPS.  相似文献   

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