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The dynein ATPases are a family of motor enzymes that drive microtubule sliding in cilia and flagella and contribute to microtubule-based transport inside cells. The multi-dynein hypothesis makes two predictions: 1) Axonemes contain multiple dynein heavy chain (DHC) isoforms, each encoded by a different gene; 2) Each isoform performs a specific role in ciliary beating. We used PCR-based techniques to clone thirteen different DHC sequences from Tetrahymena genomic DNA. All thirteen genes appeared to be expressed in growing cells. Comparisons of the deduced amino acid sequences of the thirteen DHCs with other known DHCs suggested that we have cloned three outer arm DHCs, two cytoplasmic DHCs, and eight inner arm DHCs.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Tetrahymena thermophila mutants homozygous for the oad mutation become nonmotile when grown at the restrictive temperature, and axonemes isolated from nonmotile mutants lack approximately 90% of their outer dynein arms. Electrophoretic analyses of axonemes isolated from nonmotile mutants ( oad axonemes) indicate they contain significantly fewer of the 22 S dynein heavy chains that axonemes isolated from wild-type cells (wild-type axonemes) contain. The 22 S dynein heavy chains that remain in axonemes isolated from nonmotile, oad mutants are assembled into 22 S dynein particles that exhibit wild-type levels of ATPase activity. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of oad axonemes show that they are deficient in no proteins other than those proteins thought to be components of 22 S dynein. This report is the first formal proof that outer dynein arms in Tetrahymena cilia are composed of 22 S dynein.  相似文献   

We analyzed the role of tubulin polyglycylation in Tetrahymena thermophila using in vivo mutagenesis and immunochemical analysis with modification-specific antibodies. Three and five polyglycylation sites were identified at glutamic acids near the COOH termini of alpha- and beta-tubulin, respectively. Mutants lacking all polyglycylation sites on alpha-tubulin have normal phenotype, whereas similar sites on beta-tubulin are essential. A viable mutant with three mutated sites in beta-tubulin showed reduced tubulin glycylation, slow growth and motility, and defects in cytokinesis. Cells in which all five polyglycylation sites on beta-tubulin were mutated were viable if they were cotransformed with an alpha-tubulin gene whose COOH terminus was replaced by the wild-type COOH terminus of beta-tubulin. In this double mutant, beta-tubulin lacked detectable polyglycylation, while the alpha-beta tubulin chimera was hyperglycylated compared with alpha-tubulin in wild-type cells. Thus, the essential function of polyglycylation of the COOH terminus of beta-tubulin can be transferred to alpha-tubulin, indicating it is the total amount of polyglycylation on both alpha- and beta-tubulin that is essential for survival.  相似文献   

The role of the cilia in the locomotion (“gliding”) of Tetrahymena thermophila in a semi-solid medium has been studied when cells were migrating in gradients of attractant. Video recordings and computer-aided motion analysis of migrating cells and their ciliary activity show that Tetrahymena thermophila migrate by swimming forward in semi-solid methyl cellulose, using their cilia. Ciliary reversals occur at certain intervals and cause a termination (“stop”) of cellular migration. Cells with reversed cilia resume forward migration when normal ciliary beating resumes. In gradients of attractants, cells migrating towards the attractant suppress ciliary reversals, which leads to longer runs between stops than in control cells. Cells migrating away from the attractant have a higher frequency of ciliary reversals than the control cells resulting in shorter runs. Stimulated cells adapt to a particular ambient concentration of attractant several times during migration in the gradient. Adaptation is followed by de-adaptation, which occurs during the “stop”. In the presence of cycloheximide, a strong inhibitor of chemoattraction, the attractant-induced suppression of ciliary reversal is abolished (cells become desensitized to the attractant). It is concluded that Tetrahymena has a short-term memory during adaptation. This is important for the efficiency of migration towards an attractant.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS SDS polyacrylamide gels of the ciliary membrane proteins of Tetrahymena thermophila revealed 5 major peaks and 11 minor protein peaks ranging in molecular weight from below 20,000 to above 250,000. The peaks resembled those found for ciliary membrane proteins of Paramecium aurelia. .  相似文献   

The mechanism responsible for final cell separation at the end of cytokinesis is currently unknown. Knockout strains of the ciliate, Tetrahymena thermophila lacking the kinesin-II homologous molecular motors, Kin1p and Kin2p are paralyzed due to their complete loss of cilia and undergo frequent cytokinesis failures. Observations of live dividing cells revealed that cleavage furrow ingression is normal in kinesin-II double knockout cells until the final stage of cell separation (Brown et al., 1999). During closer inspection of dividing cells using video differential interference contrast microscopy, we found that wild-type cells undergo an extremely complex motile behavior near the end of cytokinesis. This process, which we have named rotokinesis, appears to facilitate the physical separation of daughter cells. Here we present recent work onTetrahymena rotokinesis, and review studies in other organisms which suggest that the use of cell locomotion in the completion of cytokinesis is a general phenomenon of motile cell types.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Dynein arms and isolated dynein from Paramecium tetraurelia ciliary axonemes are comparable in structure, direction of force generation, and microtubule translocation ability to other dyneins. In situ arms have dimensions and substructure similar to those of Tetrahymena. Based on spoke arrangement in intact axonemes, arms translocate axonemal microtubules in sliding such that active dynein arms are (-) end directed motors and the doublet to which the body and cape of the arms binds (N) translocates the adjacent doublet (N+1) upward. After salt extraction, based on ATPase activity, paramecium dynein is found as a 22S and a 14S species. the 22S dynein is a three-headed molecule that has unfolded from the in situ dimensions; the 14S dynein is single headed. Both dyneins can be photocleaved by UV light (350 nm) in the presence of Mg2-, ATP and vanadate; the photocleavage pattern of 22S dynein differs from that seen with Tetrahymena. Both isolated dyneins translocate taxol-stabilized, bovine brain microtubules in vitro. Under standard conditions, 22S dynein, like comparable dyneins from other organisms, translocates at velocities that are about three times faster than 14S dynein.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. We have used the anti-phosphoprotein antibody MPM-2 to examine changes in phosphorytation of cortical proteins during cilia regeneration in Tetrahymena thermophila . Although numerous cortical proteins are phosphorylated in both nondeciliated and deciliated cells, deciliation induces a dramatic increase in the phosphorylation of a 90-kDa cortical protein. The 90-kDa protein remained phosphorylated during cilia regeneration and then gradually became dephosphorylated. The 90-kDa protein was phosphorylated and dephosphorylated normally in Tetrahymena mutants that assemble short cilia, suggesting that achievement of full length is not the signal that triggers dephosphorylation of the 90-kDa protein. When initiation of cilia assembly is blocked, the 90-kDa protein becomes phosphorylated and remains phosphorylated for an extended period of time, suggesting that initiation of cilia elongation triggers eventual dephosphorylation of the 90-kDa protein, regardless of how long the cilia actually become.  相似文献   

We have used DNA-cellulose chromatography to isolate single-strand binding proteins from Tetrahymena thermophila. Three major proteins which bind to denatured DNA-cellulose were obtained. The predominant protein has a molecular weight of 20 000 in sodium dodecyl sulfate - polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and possesses many of the properties of the helix destabilizing proteins isolated from prokaryotic and eukaryotic sources. The protein facilitates denaturation of the synthetic copolymer poly[d(A-T).d(A-T)], depressing the melting temperature by nearly 40 degrees C. It also permits the renaturation of poly[d(A-T)].d(A-T)] in high salt concentration. Two other binding proteins have molecular weight of 25 000 and 23 000 in sodium dodecyl sulfate - polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The protein with a molecular weight of 25 000 is probably the "M protein" previously isolated from Tetrahymena thermophila which has been shown to stimulate Tetrahymena DNA polymerase. These two proteins failed to show helix destabilizing, DNA dependent ATPase, or deoxyribonuclease activities. These three proteins are abundant in the cell with approximately 1.0 x 10(6) to 10.0 x 10(6) molecules of each protein monomer per cell. One molecule of each protein monomer binds to 7 to 10 nucleotides as detected by a nitrocellulose filter binding assay. Peptide mapping of the three proteins suggests that they are all distinct. We have also found that the binding proteins can interact with Tetrahymena DNA polymerase and some other proteins to form an enzyme complex, a putative replication complex.  相似文献   

The second taurine-containing lipid (taurolipid B) was found in cells of Tetrahymena thermophila. The lipid accounted for about 1.4% of the total lipids of the cells. The lipid was subjected to mild alkaline and methanolic hydrochloric acid hydrolyses, and the structures of the hydrolysis products were identified by mass and nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry, as taurine, 2,3,7,13-tetrahydroxystearicacid and non-hydroxy fatty acids. By spin-decoupling analysis in nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry, the structure of the taurolipid B was identified as 2-(3-acyloxy-2,7,13-trihydroxyoctadecanoyl)aminoethane-sulfonic acid. This structure shows that taurolipid B is a homologue of the first taurine-containing lipid (taurolipid A).  相似文献   

To investigate the role of cilia in mating interactions of Tetrahymena thermophila, ciliary membrane-rich fractions were isolated from two wild-type strains, a non-discharge mucocyst mutant which possesses mating behavior similar to wild-type, and a mating mutant which is able to costimulate cells of complementary mating type but cannot enter into pair formation. In each case, proteins from the ciliary membrane-rich fractions of starved, mating-competent (“initiated”) cells were compared with those from non-starved, mating-incompetent (“non-initiated”) cells, by gel electro-phoresis and lectin blotting. In stained gels, a 43 kDa polypeptide was reduced or absent in initiated cells but present in non-initiated cells, in all strains. In silver-stained gels, a 25 kDa polypeptide was present in all strains, both initiated and non-initiated. In blots probed with Con A-peroxidase, a 25 kDa glycoprotein was present in ciliary membrane fractions from non-initiated cells and absent in membranes of initiated cells of the two wild-type strains and the mucocyst mutant, but is present in initiated and non-initiated cells of the mating mutant (several hypotheses are presented to explain these findings). In addition, ciliary proteins of the mating mutant included at least two unique Con A-binding polypeptides. Our results support the idea that development of mating competence during starvation involves an extensive remodeling of ciliary membranes, and identify a 25 kDa glyco-conjugate as having a potential role in control of pair formation during mating. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged actin was used to investigate the distribution and function of actin in Tetrahymena. A strain that expresses both GFP-actin and endogenous actin was developed by transformation of Tetrahymena thermophila with a ribosomal DNA-based replicative vector. Confocal microscopy of living cells and immunogold electron microscopy confirmed localization of GFP-actin to basal bodies and the contractile ring. Incorporation of the fusion protein into these and other actin-related structures correlated with severe impairment of macronuclear elongation and cytokinesis. At 30 degrees C macronuclear elongation failed to occur in 25% of the transformants despite completion of micronuclear division. At 20 degrees C macronuclear elongation failed to occur in 2% of the population. Arrest of cytokinesis coincided with failure of macronuclear elongation. Arrested cells developed into homopolar doublets with two sets of oral structures. This study indicates a requirement for actin in nuclear elongation and cytokinesis. Although GFP-actin can interfere with the functioning of actin-containing structures, the GFP-actin transformant strain can be used to monitor actin distribution and dynamics and is therefore an important new tool for further studies of Tetrahymena actin.  相似文献   

In Tetrahymena , glutathione is synthesized from the same precursors as it is in higher animals and is present in similar intracellular concentrations. The intracellular thiol-disulfide ratio is also identical to that of mammalian tissues, due to the activity of glutathione reductase. The intracellular GSH-level was found to be dependent on the sulfur-containing amino acids in the chemically defined medium.  相似文献   

We have studied four strains of Tetrahymena thermophila , each of which expresses a different allele of the SerH gene and produces a distinctive surface protein of the immobilization antigen (i-antigen) class. Following exposure of the strains to [3H]ethanolamine or [3H]myristic acid, a protein corresponding in molecular mass to the characteristic i-antigen for that strain became highly labeled, as determined by mobility in sodium dodecylsulfate-polyacrylamide eiectrophoresis gels. Furthermore, antibodies raised to the i-antigens of the T. thermophila strains selectively immunoprecipitated radioactive proteins having molecular mass identical to that of the i-antigen characteristic for that particular strain. The lipid moieties labeled by [3H]myristate were not susceptible to hydrolysis by exogenous phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C from bacteria. However, when protein extraction was carried out in the absence of phospholipase C inhibitors, radioactive fatty acids derived from [3H]myristate were rapidly cleaved from the putative i-antigens. On the basis of available data, it was concluded that T. thermophila i-antigens contain covalently-Iinked glycosyl-phospha-tidylinositol anchors.  相似文献   

A simple and efficient method is described for the isolation of macronuclei from Tetrahymena thermophila (7B). The steps involved are deciliation and removal of the mucocysts’ contents by dibucaine treatment, digitonin mediated lysis, differential centrifugations, and finally isopyenic sucrose density gradient centrifugation. Judging from the distribution of marker enzymes and electron microscopy, the macronuclei obtained were free of cytoplasmic and paniculate contamination and were highly active in endogenous RNA-synthesis (1.5 pmol UTP incorporation/ng DNA min at 30°C). The ratio of protein: RNA: DNA was 2.0:0.33:1.0 (weight) and each macronucleus contained an average of 17 pg DNA. The average yield of isolation was 50%.  相似文献   

Cell free preparations of Tetrahymena thermophila contain an enzyme that catalyzes the direct desaturation of stearoyl CoA to octadecenoic acid. The enzyme is associated with the microsomal fraction of the ciliate. Substrate for the enzyme consists of either free stearic acid or stearoyl CoA. Both ATP and CoA are required when free stearate is the substrate and are also highly stimulatory when stearoyl CoA is the substrate. With stearoyl CoA as the substrate, either NADH or NADPH are required for desaturase activity. In the presence of ATP and CoA, either NAD or NADP can replace NADH and NADPH. Desaturase activity is optimal when the enzyme is incubated at a pH of 7.2 and a temperature of 30–35°C. Highest levels of the stearoyl CoA desaturase are found in stationary phase ciliates grown at 35°C.  相似文献   

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