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The present generic concept of Phoma is broadly defined, with nine sections being recognised based on morphological characters. Teleomorph states of Phoma have been described in the genera Didymella, Leptosphaeria, Pleospora and Mycosphaerella, indicating that Phoma anamorphs represent a polyphyletic group. In an attempt to delineate generic boundaries, representative strains of the various Phoma sections and allied coelomycetous genera were included for study. Sequence data of the 18S nrDNA (SSU) and the 28S nrDNA (LSU) regions of 18 Phoma strains included were compared with those of representative strains of 39 allied anamorph genera, including Ascochyta, Coniothyrium, Deuterophoma, Microsphaeropsis, Pleurophoma, Pyrenochaeta, and 11 teleomorph genera. The type species of the Phoma sections Phoma, Phyllostictoides, Sclerophomella, Macrospora and Peyronellaea grouped in a subclade in the Pleosporales with the type species of Ascochyta and Microsphaeropsis. The new family Didymellaceae is proposed to accommodate these Phoma sections and related anamorph genera. The present study demonstrated that Phoma radicina, the type species of Phoma sect. Paraphoma and Phoma heteromorphospora, the type species of Phoma sect. Heterospora can be assigned to the Phaeosphaeriaceae and Leptosphaeriaceae respectively.  相似文献   

The Mur ligases (MurC, MurD, MurE and MurF) catalyze the stepwise synthesis of the UDP-N-acetylmuramoyl-pentapeptide precursor of peptidoglycan. The murC, murD, murE and murF genes from Staphylococcus aureus, a major pathogen, were cloned and the corresponding proteins were overproduced in Escherichia coli and purified as His6-tagged forms. Their biochemical properties were investigated and compared to those of the E. coli enzymes. Staphylococcal MurC accepted l-Ala, l-Ser and Gly as substrates, as the E. coli enzyme does, with a strong preference for l-Ala. S. aureus MurE was very specific for l-lysine and in particular did not accept meso-diaminopimelic acid as a substrate. This mirrors the E. coli MurE specificity, for which meso-diaminopimelic acid is the preferred substrate and l-lysine a very poor one. S. aureus MurF appeared less specific and accepted both forms (l-lysine and meso-diaminopimelic acid) of UDP-MurNAc-tripeptide, as the E. coli MurF does. The inverse and strict substrate specificities of the two MurE orthologues is thus responsible for the presence of exclusively meso-diaminopimelic acid and l-lysine at the third position of the peptide in the peptidoglycans of E. coli and S. aureus, respectively. The specific activities of the four Mur ligases were also determined in crude extracts of S. aureus and compared to cell requirements for peptidoglycan biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Two extracellular chitinases (designated as Chi-56 and Chi-64) produced by Massilia timonae were purified by ion-exchange chromatography, ammonium sulfate precipitation, and gel-filtration chromatography. The molecular mass of Chi-56 was 56 kDa as determined by both SDS-PAGE and gel-filtration chromatography. On the other hand, Chi-64 showed a molecular mass of 64 kDa by SDS-PAGE and 28 kDa by gel-filtration chromatography suggesting that its properties may be different from those of Chi-56. The optimum temperature, optimum pH, pI, Km, and Vmax of Chi-56 were 55 °C, pH 5.0, pH 8.5, 1.1 mg mL−1, and 0.59 μmol μg−1 h−1, respectively. For Chi-64, these values were 60 °C, pH 5.0, pH 8.5, 1.3 mg mL−1, and 1.36 μmol μg−1 h−1, respectively. Both enzymes were stimulated by Mn2+ and inhibited by Hg2+, and neither showed exochitinase activity. The N-terminal sequences of Chi-56 and Chi-64 were determined to be Q-T-P-T-Y-T-A-T-L and Q-A-D-F-P-A-P-A-E, respectively.  相似文献   

Plasmodium falciparum, the causative agent of the most lethal form of human malaria, totally depends on de novo pyrimidine biosynthetic pathway. Orotate phosphoribosyltransferase (OPRT) and orotidine 5'-monophosphate decarboxylase (OMPDC), the fifth and sixth enzymes in the pathway catalyzing formation of uridine 5'-monophosphate (UMP), remain largely uncharacterized in the protozoan parasite. In this study, we achieved purification of OPRT and OMPDC to near homogeneity from P. falciparum cultivated in vitro. The OPRT and OMPDC activities were co-eluted in all chromatographic columns during purification, suggesting the purified proteins exist as a multienzyme complex with a molecular mass of 140+/-8 kDa and contain two subunits each of OPRT and OMPDC. Monomeric forms of OPRT and OMPDC had molecular masses of 32+/-3 and 38+/-3 kDa, respectively, in agreement with those of proteins predicted from P. falciparum genome database. Interestingly, kinetic parameters and inhibitory constants of both OPRT and OMPDC activities were found to be different to those of the bifunctional human red cell UMP synthase. Our evidence provides the first example of OPRT and OMPDC existing as a multienzyme complex.  相似文献   

A lectin from the hemolymph of the banana shrimp Fenneropenaeus merguiensis was purified by affinity chromatography on a fetuin-agarose column following by gel filtration on a Superose-12 column. The native molecular mass of purified F. merguiensis lectin (FmL) determined by gel filtration was 316.2 kDa and its carbohydrate content was estimated to be 4.4%. By SDS-PAGE analysis, purified FmL consisted of 32.3 kDa and 30.9 kDa subunits. These data suggest that this lectin is an oligomer. Two-dimensional electrophoresis showed that it had a pI value of 6.0 and was mainly composed of glycine, serine, histidine, glutamic acids and glutamine, with relatively lower amounts of methionine and tyrosine. Purified FmL expressed higher agglutination activity against rabbit and rat erythrocytes than with those from human, and its activity was Ca2+-dependent. The hemagglutinating activity of FmL was stable up to 55 °C and at pH 7.5–8. N-acetylated sugars, such as ManNAc, GlcNAc, GalNAc, and NeuNAc were strong inhibitors of the FmL induced hemagglutinating activity with NeuNAc being most effective. Porcine stomach mucin and fetuin were the most potent inhibitors of FmL. Purified FmL caused selective agglutination of Vibrio harveyi, and Vibrio parahemolyticus both pathogens of this Penaeus species and to a lesser extent Vibrio vulnificus but had no effect on the non-pathogenic strains; Vibrio cholerae, Salmonella typhi and Escherichia coli. Its bacterial agglutination was also completely inhibited by NeuNAc, mucin, fetuin and also anti-FmL antibody. This observation indicates that FmL may contribute to the defense response of this species of penaeid shrimps to potentially pathogenic bacteria.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of septa and septum-associated septal pore caps are important taxonomic markers in the Agaricomycotina (Basidiomycota, Fungi). The septal pore caps covering the typical basidiomycetous dolipore septum are divided into three main phenotypically recognized morphotypes: vesicular-tubular (including the vesicular, sacculate, tubular, ampulliform, and globular morphotypes), imperforate, and perforate. Until recently, the septal pore cap-type reflected the higher-order relationships within the Agaricomycotina. However, the new classification of Fungi resulted in many changes including revision of existing and addition of new orders. Therefore, the septal pore cap ultrastructure of more than 325 species as reported in literature was related to this new classification. In addition, the septal pore cap ultrastructures of Rickenella fibula and Cantharellus formosus were examined by transmission electron microscopy. Both fungi have dolipore septa associated with perforate septal pore caps. These results combined with data from the literature show that the septal pore cap-type within orders of the Agaricomycotina is generally monomorphic, except for the Cantharellales and Hymenochaetales.It appears from the fungal phylogeny combined with the septal pore cap ultrastructure that the vesicular-tubular and the imperforate type both may have arisen from endoplasmic reticulum. Thereafter, the imperforate type eventually gave rise to the perforate septal pore cap-type.  相似文献   

Paenibacillus curdlanolyticus B-6 showed effective degradation activities for xylan and cellulose and produced an extracellular multienzyme complex (approximately 1,450 kDa) containing several xylanases and cellulases. To characterize the multienzyme complex, we purified the complex from culture supernatants by four kind of chromatography. The purified multienzyme complex was composed of a 280-kDa protein with xylanase activity, a 260-kDa protein that was a truncated form on the C-terminal side of the 280-kDa protein, two xylanases of 40 and 48 kDa, and 60 and 65 kDa proteins having both xylanase and carboxymethyl cellulase activities. The 280-kDa protein resembled the scaffolding proteins of cellulosomes based on its migratory behavior in polyacrylamide gels and as a glycoprotein. Cloning of the 40-kDa major xylanase subunit named Xyn11A revealed that Xyn11A contained two functional domains which belonged to glycosyl hydrolase family-11 and to carbohydrate-binding module family-36, respectively, and a glycine- and asparagine-rich linker. However, an amino acid sequence similar to a dockerin domain, which is crucial to cellulosome assembly, was not found in Xyn11A. These results suggest that the multienzyme complex produced by P. curdlanolyticus B-6 should assemble by a mechanism distinct from the cohesin-dockerin interactions known in cellulosomes.  相似文献   

A.L. Ducluzeau 《BBA》2008,1777(9):1140-1146
Heliobacteria have a Rieske/cytochrome b complex composed of a Rieske protein, a cytochrome b6, a subunit IV and a di-heme cytochrome c. The overall structure of the complex seems close to the b6f complex from cyanobacteria and chloroplasts to the exception of the di-heme cytochrome. We show here by biochemical and biophysical studies that a heme ci is covalently attached to the Rieske/cytochrome b complex from Heliobacteria. We studied the EPR signature of this heme in two different species, Heliobacterium modesticaldum and Heliobacillus mobilis. In contrast to the case of b6f complex, a strong axial ligand to the heme is present, most probably a protonatable amino acid residue.  相似文献   

Certain strains of Bacillus sphaericus produce a highly toxic mosquito-larvicidal binary toxin during sporulation. The binary toxin is composed of toxic BinA (41.9 kDa) and receptor binding BinB (51.4 kDa) polypeptides and is active against vectors of filariasis, encephalitis and malaria. The toxin has been tested with limited use for the control of vector mosquitoes for more than two decades. The binA gene from a local ISPC-8 strain of B. sphaericus that is highly toxic to Culex and Anopheles mosquito species was cloned into pET16b and expressed in Escherichia coli. The purified BinA protein differs by one amino acid (R197 M) from BinA of the highest toxicity strains 1593/2362/C3-41. Majority of the expressed protein was observed in inclusion bodies. BinA inclusions alone from E. coli did not show toxic activity, like reported previously. However, the active form of BinA could be purified to homogeneity from the soluble fraction of E. coli cell lysate, grown at reduced temperature after isopropyl β-d-thiogalactopyranoside induction. The purified BinA protein with and without poly-histidine tag showed LC50 dose of 82.3 and 66.9 ng ml−1, respectively, at 48 h against Culex quinquefasciatus larvae. The secondary structure of BinA is expected to be mainly β strands as estimated using far-UV circular dichroism. The estimates matched well with the secondary structure predictions using amino acid sequence. This is the first report of large-scale purification and accurate toxicity estimation of soluble B. sphaericus BinA. This can help in design and synthesis of improved bacterial insecticide.  相似文献   

Those aerobic archaea whose genomes have been sequenced possess four adjacent genes that, by sequence comparisons with bacteria and eukarya, appear to encode the component enzymes of a 2-oxoacid dehydrogenase multienzyme complex. However, no catalytic activity of any such complex has ever been detected in the archaea. In Thermoplasma acidophilum, evidence has been presented that the heterologously expressed recombinant enzyme possesses activity with the branched chain 2-oxoacids and, to a lesser extent, with pyruvate. In the current paper, we demonstrate that in Haloferax volcanii the four genes are transcribed as an operon in vivo. However, no functional complex or individual enzyme, except for the dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase component, could be detected in this halophile grown on a variety of carbon sources. Dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase is present at low catalytic activities, the level of which is increased three to fourfold when Haloferax volcanii is grown on the branched-chain amino acids valine, leucine and isoleucine.  相似文献   

Mago nashi (Mago) and Y14 proteins, highly conserved among eukaryotes, participate in mRNA localization and splicing, and as such play important roles in oogenesis, embryogenesis and germ-line sex determination during animal development. Here we identified mago (Acmago) and Y14 (AcY14) homologues derived from Antrodia cinnamomea. Acmago encodes 149 amino acids and AcY14 encodes 168 amino acids. Multiple amino acid sequence alignment as well as secondary and tertiary structure prediction showed that AcMago and AcY14 have similar protein structure to the reported crystal structures of other Mago and Y14 proteins. During fungal development both Acmago and AcY14 genes were abundantly expressed in natural basidiomes. This is the first report of the molecular characterization and expression analysis of the mago and Y14 genes from fungi.  相似文献   

A protease, which we designate Eumiliin, was isolated from the latex of Euphorbia milii var. hislopii by a combination of ion-exchange chromatographic steps using DEAE-Sephacel and gel-filtration with Sephadex G-75. Eumiliin is a monomeric protein with an apparent molecular mass of 30 kDa by SDS-PAGE under reducing conditions and gave one main peak at 29,814 KDa in MALDI-TOF/TOF mass spectrometry. Eumiliin has caseinolytic and fibrinogenolytic activities, but no hemorrhagic or defibrinating activities. The enzyme readily hydrolyzes the Aα-chain of fibrinogen and, more slowly, the Bβ-chain. Its fibrinogenolytic activity is inhibited by β-mercaptoethanol and leupeptin. In contrast, EDTA and benzamidine did not affect the activity of Eumiliin. The caseinolytic activity of Eumiliin had a pH optimum of 8.0 and was stable in solution at up to 40 °C; activity was completely lost at ?80 °C. Intraplantar injection of Eumiliin (1-25 μg/paw) caused a dose- and time-dependent hyperalgesia, which peaked 1-5 h after enzyme injection. Intraplantar injection of Eumiliin (1-25 μg/paw) also caused an oedematogenic response that was maximal after 1 h. Morphological analyses indicated that Eumiliin induced an intense myonecrosis, with visible leukocyte infiltrate and damaged muscle cells 24 h after injection.  相似文献   

The genus Hebeloma has a number of species highly specific to Cistus and others that occur with several host genera. This paper discusses the species of Hebeloma that appear to be ectomycorrhizal with Cistus, judging from their occurrence when Cistus is the only available host. The previously unknown species H. plesiocistum spec. nov. is described. We also provide a key to the known Hebeloma associates of Cistus. Molecular analyses based on ITS sequence data further illustrate the distinctness of the newly described species and difficulties in the species delimitation with view to H. erumpens. Specific associations with Cistus may have evolved more than once within the genus Hebeloma.  相似文献   

The ovicidal activity of the nematophagous fungi Pochonia chlamydosporia (isolates VC1 and VC4), Duddingtonia flagrans (isolate AC001) and Monacrosporium thaumasium (isolate NF34) on Taenia saginata eggs was evaluated under laboratory conditions. T. saginata eggs were plated on 2% water-agar with fungal isolates and controls without fungus and examined after 5, 10 and 15 days. At the end of the experiment P. chlamydosporia showed ovicidal activity against T. saginata eggs (p < 0.05), mainly for internal egg colonization with results of 12.8% (VC1) and 2.2% (VC4); 18.1% (VC1) and 7.0% (VC4); 9.76% (VC1) and 8.0% (VC4) at 5, 10 and 15 days, respectively. The other fungi showed only lytic effect without morphological damage to the eggshell. Results demonstrated that P. chlamydosporia was effective in vitro against T. saginata eggs unlike the other fungi.  相似文献   

The availability of the three dimensional structure of mitochondrial enzyme, obtained by X-ray crystallography, allowed a significant progress in the understanding of the structure-function relation of the cytochrome bc1 complex. Most of the structural information obtained has been confirmed by molecular genetic studies of the bacterial complex. Despite its small size and simple subunit composition, high quality crystals of the bacterial complex have been difficult to obtain and so far, only low resolution structural data has been reported. The low quality crystal observed is likely associated in part with the low activity and stability of the purified complex. To mitigate this problem, we recently engineered a mutant [S287R(cytb)/V135S(ISP)] from Rhodobacter sphaeroides to produce a highly active and more stable cytochrome bc1 complex. The purified mutant complex shows a 40% increase in electron transfer activity as compared to that of the wild type enzyme. Differential scanning calorimetric study shows that the mutant is more stable than the wild type complex as indicated by a 4.3 °C increase in the thermo-denaturation temperature. Crystals formed from this mutant complex, in the presence of stigmatellin, diffract X-rays up to 2.9 Å resolution.  相似文献   

The anamorphic fungal genus Monotosporella (Ascomycota, Sordariomycetes) has been reco-vered from a piece of Early Eocene Indian amber, as well as from the surface of extant resin flows in New Caledonia. The fossil fungus was obtained from the Tarkeshwar Lignite Mine of Gujarat State, western India, and was part of the biota of an early tropical angiosperm rainforest. The amber inclusion represents the second fossil record of Sordariomycetes, as well as the first fossil of its particular order (either Savoryellales or Chaetosphaeriales). The fossil fungus is distinguished from extant representatives by possessing both short conidiophores and small two-septate pyriform conidia, and is described as Monotosporella doerfeltii sp. nov. Inside the amber, the anamorph is attached to its substrate, which is likely the degraded thallus of a cladoniform lichen. The extant New Caledonian species is assigned to Monotosporella setosa. It was found growing on semi-solidified resin flows of Agathis ovata (Araucariaceae), and is the first record of Monotosporella from modern resin substrates.  相似文献   

Multiheme cytochromes c have been found in a number of sulfate- and metal ion-reducing bacteria. Geobacter sulfurreducens is one of a family of microorganisms that oxidize organic compounds, with Fe(III) oxide as the terminal electron acceptor. A triheme 9.6 kDa cytochrome c7 from G. sulfurreducens is a part of the metal ion reduction pathway. We cloned the gene for cytochrome c7 and expressed it in Escherichiacoli together with the cytochrome c maturation gene cluster, ccmABCDEFGH, on a separate plasmid. We designed two constructs, with and without an N-terminal His-tag. The untagged version provided a good yield (up to 6 mg/l of aerobic culture) of the fully matured protein, with all three hemes attached, while the N-terminal His-tag appeared to be detrimental for proper heme incorporation. The recombinant protein (untagged) is properly folded, it has the same molecular weight and displays the same absorption spectra, both in reduced and in oxidized forms, as the protein isolated from G. sulfurreducens and it is capable of reducing metal ions in vitro. The shape parameters for the recombinant cytochrome c7 determined by small angle X-ray scattering are in good agreement with the ones calculated from a homologous cytochrome c7 of known structure.  相似文献   

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