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Recent studies have established that type I interferon modulates expression of large number of cellular genes. While the proteins encoded by some of these genes have a direct antiviral activity, the functions of the majority of the others have not yet been determined. One of the first identified IFN stimulated gene, encodes ubiquitin like protein ISG15 that is also expressed in response to different stress stimuli. Although it was shown that ISG15 functions as protein modifier, it has been only recently that the targets of ISG15 conjugation were identified. Recent studies have also revealed mechanism of ISG15 conjugation and its interaction with the ubiquitin conjugation pathway. This review is focused on the possible role of ISG15 in the antiviral response, regulation of cell growth and carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

ISG15(Interferon stimulated gene 15,ISG15)蛋白是由干扰素诱导产生的一种泛素样蛋白分子,分子量大小约为15kD。ISG15同泛素分子相类似可以被共价结合于其他蛋白分子上,这种现象称为ISG化(ISGylation)现象。ISG化系统包括ISG15、UBE1L、UBCH8和HERC5四类蛋白分子,协同完成ISG化过程。ISG15及ISG化系统在抗病毒反应中具有重要作用。近几年对于ISG15的抗病毒作用和机制的研究已经有了很大的突破,ISG15的抗病毒作用也越来越受到人们重视,了解清楚ISG15抗病毒机制对于研制新的抗病毒药物及提出新的抗病毒策略具有重要意义。本文对ISG15在不同种病毒中的抗病毒机制研究进展进行了简要综述。  相似文献   

Though the interferon-inducible protein ISG15 was one of the first ubiquitin-like modifiers to be discovered, much remains unknown about the identity of proteins conjugated to ISG15 or the biologic consequences of modification. To gain a better understanding of the cellular pathways affected by ISG15, we identified proteins targeted for ISGylation using a proteomic approach. Mass spectrometric analysis identified 76 candidate ISGylation targets in anti-ISG15 immunoprecipitates from interferon-treated mouse or human cells. Twenty-one proteins were found in both mouse and human samples, including STAT1, a known target of ISGylation. Candidates identified in both species were tested for ISGylation in a transfection system: 18 of 19 proteins tested were ISGylated in this system. Two candidates, EF-2 and VCP, were also shown to be ISGylated in an interferon-dependent manner in the absence of exogenous over-expression. Seven proteins identified from a single species, but functionally related to candidates found in both species, were also ISGylated in the over-expression system. Proteins that can be ISGylated play important roles in translation, glycolysis, stress responses, and cell motility. These data indicate that ISGylation targets proteins found in several fundamentally important cellular pathways and will contribute to understanding the physiologic role of interferon-induced ISG15 and ISG15 conjugation.  相似文献   

衣壳蛋白靶向灭活策略应用于抗登革病毒感染的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
衣壳蛋白靶向病毒灭活是近年来新兴的抗病毒策略。为探索该策略在抗登革病毒感染中的应用 ,首先建立了稳定表达登革 2型病毒衣壳蛋白 (D2C)与葡萄球菌核酸酶 (SN)融合蛋白D2C_SN的哺乳动物细胞系 ,然后以登革病毒攻击上述细胞系 ,研究表达的融合蛋白D2C_SN对产生的子代病毒颗粒感染性的影响。结果表明融合蛋白D2C_SN能够在病毒装配过程中与野生型衣壳蛋白共组装入子代病毒颗粒内部 ,并导致病毒基因组的降解。与正常BHK细胞相比较 ,融合蛋白D2C_SN可导致产生的子代病毒感染性滴度降低 10 3~ 10 4 ,显示出很强的抗病毒效果  相似文献   

随着有效的联合抗反转录病毒疗法(combination antiretroviral therapy,cART)的普及,人类免疫缺陷病毒(human immunodeficiency virus,HIV)感染者的生存期逐步延长。这一过程中,HIV感染者自身免疫反应对免疫系统功能的恢复也发挥了至关重要的作用。HIV感染激活干扰素信号通路,诱导干扰素刺激基因(interferon-stimulated gene,ISG)上调表达,从而发挥抗病毒作用。其中,类泛素蛋白ISG15在HIV感染者中显著上调,通过ISG化抑制HIV颗粒的出芽和释放;而HIV的非结构蛋白则通过干扰ISG化过程或结合干扰素信号通路关键分子,逆转ISG15对病毒的抑制作用。本文从ISG15的生物学特性、在不同细胞亚群中的表达、抗病毒功能及病毒逃逸机制等方面进行综述,为进一步解析ISG15在HIV感染中扮演的角色、探索如何获得以抗HIV感染宿主因子为契机的治疗策略提供了思路。  相似文献   

ISG15 is one of the interferon-stimulated genes and is classified as a ubiquitin-like protein. Upon interferon stimuli, ISG15 is upregulated and becomes conjugated to various cellular proteins (ISGylation). Several target proteins for ISGylation have recently been identified, but the biological consequence of protein ISGylation remains unclear. In the course of our study to identify components of the ISGylation system, we found that Ubc13, an E2 enzyme for ubiquitin conjugation, is covalently modified with ISG15. To determine the meaning of ISGylation of Ubc13, we isolated ISG15-modified Ubc13 protein and compared its ubiquitin-conjugating activity with that of an unmodified one. We found that ISGylation of Ubc13 suppresses its ability to form a thioester intermediate with ubiquitin.  相似文献   

干扰素刺激基因15(interferon-stimulated gene 15,ISG15)编码的ISG15蛋白是最早发现的类泛素修饰蛋白。不仅干扰素和病毒感染能诱导该基因的表达,一些抗肿瘤药物也能刺激ISG15的表达。近年来,ISG15及其修饰系统与肿瘤的关系备受关注。研究证实,ISG15的激活酶E1即UBE1L与某些肿瘤的抑制有关,而其他一些成分如ISG15解聚酶UBP43则与肿瘤发生发展有关。此外,ISG15高表达与肿瘤的转移有关,ISG15对化疗药物的敏感性也有影响。本文较为全面地阐述ISG15及其修饰系统在肿瘤抑制或发生发展中的生物学作用,这将增强对ISG15与肿瘤关系的基础性认识,并为发展新的肿瘤靶向性治疗提供理论依据。  相似文献   

The ubiquitin-like molecule ISG15 (UCRP) and protein modification by ISG15 (ISGylation) are strongly induced by interferon, genotoxic stress, and pathogen infection, suggesting that ISG15 plays an important role in innate immune responses. However, how ISGylation contributes to innate immune responses is not clear. The dsRNA-dependent protein kinase (PKR) inhibits translation by phosphorylating eIF2α to exert its anti-viral effect. ISG15 and PKR are induced by interferon, suggesting that a relationship exists between ISGylation and translational regulation. Here, we report that PKR is ISGylated at lysines 69 and 159. ISG15-modified PKR is active in the absence of virus infection and phosphorylates eIF2α to down-regulate protein translation. The present study describes a novel pathway for the activation of PKR and the regulation of protein translation.  相似文献   

ISG15, an interferon-upregulated ubiquitin-like protein, is covalently conjugated to various cellular proteins (ISGylation). In this study, we found that protein phosphatase 2Cbeta (PP2Cbeta), which functions in the nuclear factor kappaB (NF-kappaB) pathway via dephosphorylation of TGF-beta-activated kinase, was ISGylated, and analysis by NF-kappaB luciferase reporter assay revealed that PP2Cbeta activity was suppressed by co-expression of ISG15, UBE1L, and UbcH8. We determined the ISGylation sites of PP2Cbeta and constructed its ISGylation-resistant mutant. In contrast to the wild type, this mutant suppressed the NF-kappaB pathway even in the presence of ISG15, UBE1L, and UbcH8. Thus, we propose that ISGylation negatively regulates PP2Cbeta activity.  相似文献   

The function of ubiquitin-like protein ISG15 and protein modification by ISG15 (ISGylation) has been an enigma for many years. Recently, the research of ISGylation has been accelerated by the identification of the enzymes involved in the ISG15 conjugation process. Our previous study identified the interferon inducible protein EFP as an ISG15 isopeptide ligase (E3) for 14-3-3σ. In this study, we show that ISG15 E3 ligase EFP can be modified by ISG15. Two ubiquitin E2 conjugating enzymes, UbcH6 and UbcH8, can support ISGylation of EFP. The Ring-finger domain of EFP is important for its ISGylation. Full-length EFP can enhance the ISGylation of Ring domain deleted EFP, indicating EFP can function as an ISG15 E3 ligase for itself. We also determined the ISGylation site of EFP and created its ISGylation resistant mutant EFP-K117R. Compared to the wild-type EFP, this mutant further increases the ISGylation of 14-3-3σ. Thus we propose that autoISGylation of EFP negatively regulates its ISG15 E3 ligase activity for 14-3-3σ.  相似文献   

The non-structural protein NS2B/NS3 serine-protease complex of the dengue virus (DENV) is required for the maturation of the viral polyprotein. Dissociation of the NS2B cofactor from NS3 diminishes the enzymatic activity of the complex. In this study, we identified a small molecule inhibitor that interferes with the interaction between NS2B and NS3 using structure-based screening and a cell-based viral replication assay. A library containing 661,417 small compounds derived from the Molecular Operating Environment lead-like database was docked to the NS2B/NS3 structural model. Thirty-nine compounds with high scores were tested in a secondary screening using a cell-based viral replication assay. SK-12 was found to inhibit replication of all DENV serotypes (EC50 = 0.74–4.92 μM). In silico studies predicted that SK-12 pre-occupies the NS2B-binding site of NS3. Steady-state kinetics using a fluorogenic short peptide substrate demonstrated that SK-12 is a noncompetitive inhibitor against the NS2B/NS3 protease. Inhibition to Japanese encephalitis virus by SK-12 was relatively weak (EC50 = 29.81 μM), and this lower sensitivity was due to difference in amino acid at position 27 of NS3. SK-12 is the promising small-molecule inhibitor that targets the interaction between NS2B and NS3.  相似文献   

In this review, we discuss the current knowledge of the role of the antibody response against dengue virus and highlight novel insights into targets recognized by the human antibody response. We also discuss how the balance of pathological and protective antibody responses in the host critically influences clinical aspects of the disease.  相似文献   



Dengue virus (DENV), a member of the family Flaviviridae, is at present the most widespread causative agent of a human viral disease transmitted by mosquitoes. Despite the increasing incidence of this pathogen, there are no antiviral drugs or vaccines currently available for treatment or prevention. In a previous screening assay, we identified a group of N-allyl acridones as effective virus inhibitors. Here, the antiviral activity and mode of action targeted to viral RNA replication of one of the most active DENV-2 inhibitors was further characterized.


The compound 10-allyl-7-chloro-9(10H)-acridone, designated 3b, was active to inhibit the in vitro infection of Vero cells with the four DENV serotypes, with effective concentration 50% (EC50) values in the range 12.5-27.1 μM, as determined by virus yield inhibition assays. The compound was also effective in human HeLa cells. No cytotoxicity was detected at 3b concentrations up to 1000 μM. Mechanistic studies demonstrated that virus entry into the host cell was not affected, whereas viral RNA synthesis was strongly inhibited, as quantified by real time RT-PCR. The addition of exogenous guanosine together with 3b rescued only partially the infectivity of DENV-2.


The acridone derivative 3b selectively inhibits the infection of Vero cells with the four DENV serotypes without a direct interaction with the host cell or the virion but interfering specifically with the intracellular virus multiplication. The mode of antiviral action for this acridone apparently involves the cellular enzyme inosine-monophospahe dehydrogenase together with another still unidentified target related to DENV RNA synthesis.  相似文献   

ISG15 (interferon-stimulated gene 15), the first ubiquitin-like protein (UBL) identified, has emerged as an important cellular antiviral factor. It consists of two UBL domains with a short linker between them. The covalent attachment of ISG15 to host and viral proteins to modify their functions, similar to ubiquitylation, is named ISGylation. Influenza B virus NS1B protein antagonizes human but not mouse ISGylation because NS1B exhibits species specificity; it only binds human and non-human primate ISG15. Previous studies have demonstrated that the N-terminal UBL domain and linker of ISG15 are required for the binding by NS1B and that the linker plays a large role in the species specificity, but the structural basis for them has not been elucidated. Here we report the crystal structure of human ISG15 in complex with NS1B at a resolution of 2.0 Å. A loop in the ISG15 N-terminal UBL domain inserts into a pocket in the NS1B dimer, forming a high affinity binding site. The nonspecific van der Waals contacts around the ISG15 linker form a low affinity site for NS1B binding. However, sequence alignment reveals that residues in the high affinity site are highly conserved in primate and non-primate ISG15. We propose that the low affinity binding around the ISG15 linker is important for the initial contact with NS1B and that the stable complex formation is largely contributed by the following high affinity interactions between ISG15 N-terminal UBL domain and NS1B. This provides a structural basis for the species-specific binding of ISG15 by the NS1B protein.  相似文献   

Dengue virus (DENV) encoded nonstructural one (NS1) is a 352 amino acid protein that exists in multiple oligomeric states and is conserved within the flavivirus family. Although NS1 has been heavily researched for its diagnostic utility, there is a gap in the understanding of its role in a range of viral processes, including replication and development of clinical pathologies such as vascular leakage. Many of these functions involve unknown interactions with viral and host proteins. This study describes the generation of a mouse monoclonal antibody (mAb 56.2) that reacts with NS1 from DENV1 and 2, and the expression of recombinant SUMOstar-tagged DENV2 NS1 (DENV2 S-NS1) in baculovirus. This is the first time dengue NS1 has been produced as a SUMOstar fusion with the S-tag increasing protein solubility and secretion compared with a non-S-tagged NS1 construct. The protein was readily purified using a mAb 56.2 immunoaffinity column and untagged NS1 was obtained by treatment with tobacco etch virus protease to remove the S-tag. Size exclusion chromatography and glycosylation assays showed that both secreted S-NS1, and cleaved NS1, are hexameric and glycosylated, and will be useful tools in elucidating dengue NS1 protein interactions and functions.  相似文献   

NS2B-NS3 protease is an essential enzyme for the replication of dengue virus (DENV), which continues to be a serious threat to worldwide public health. We designed and synthesized a series of cyclic peptides mimicking the substrates of this enzyme, and assayed their activity against the DENV-2 NS2B-NS3 protease. The introduction of aromatic residues at the appropriate positions and conformational restriction generated the most promising cyclic peptide with an IC50 of 0.95 μM against NS2B-NS3 protease. Cyclic peptides with proper positioning of additional arginines and aromatic residues exhibited antiviral activity against DENV. Furthermore, replacing the C-terminal amide bond of the polybasic amino acid sequence with an amino methylene moiety stabilized the cyclic peptides against hydrolysis by NS2B-NS3 protease, while maintaining their enzyme inhibitory activity and antiviral activity.  相似文献   

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