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Context: Interleukin (IL)-1β activates various signal transduction pathways including p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK), c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK), extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK), and Akt in human fibroblast-like synoviocytes (HFLS).

Objective: We investigated the effects of an Akt inhibitor, a phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) inhibitor, and Akt RNAi knockdown on IL-1β-induced protein phosphorylation in HFLS to clarify the role of the PI3K/Akt signaling pathway in the phosphorylation of the inhibitor of κB (IκB)α and heat shock protein 27 (HSP27).

Materials and methods: A multiplex suspension array system was used for the detection of phosphorylated proteins.

Results: IL-1β induced biphasic phosphorylation of IκBα, with the first phase occurring 10?min after IL-1β stimulation, and this was augmented by treatment with Akt inhibitor IV. However, this phenomenon was not observed after treatment with LY-294002, a PI3K inhibitor. Furthermore, Akt inhibitor IV suppressed ERK2 phosphorylation, whereas LY-294002 and Akt RNAi had no effect. In contrast, Akt inhibitor IV, LY-294002, and Akt RNAi augmented HSP27 phosphorylation.

Discussion and conclusions: Modulation of different stages of the PI3K/Akt pathway may differentially affect the phosphorylation of IκBα and HSP27 in HFLS.  相似文献   

The proinflammatory cytokine, IL-1β (Interleukin-1β) is a significant determinant of pancreatic apoptosis and cell death that are common characteristics during diabetes. Using human derived pancreatic MIA PaCa-2 cells, we describe one of the underlying molecular mechanisms behind this observation. Incubation of these cells with IL-1β at doses from 0.5 to 3.0 ng/ml caused significant cell death at 36 h. This was accompanied with marked increases in JNK and p38 phosphorylation together with increased levels of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress markers, namely BiP, CHOP, GADD34, ATF4 and sXBP1. IL-1β also led to increased phosphorylation of eIF2α and all these events could be prevented by pretreatment with the JNK inhibitor, SP600125. A time course study indicated that while IL-1β mediated JNK phosphorylation was induced as early as 2 h of IL-1β treatment, induction of the ER stress markers was evident at later time points. IL-1β stimulated JNK phosphorylation was observed even in the presence of the ER stress inhibitor, 4-phenyl butyrate and the decrease in cell viability was significantly prevented in the presence of the JNK inhibitor. All these suggest that JNK activation is a pre-requisite for ER stress induction and cell death. Reports till date have consistently demonstrated JNK activation as a consequence of ER stress induction by IL-1β in the pancreas. We show here for the first time that the activation of JNK by IL-1β is a prelude to the subsequent induction of ER stress and cell death. These therefore suggest that the JNK-ER stress axis is critical in deciding the decreased survival status by IL-1β in MIA PaCa-2 cells.  相似文献   

Ubiquitin E3 ligases including SCF complex are key regulators of cell cycle. Here, we show that Mis18β, a component of Mis18 complex governing CENP-A localization, is a new substrate of βTrCP-containing SCF complex. βTrCP interacted with Mis18β exclusively during interphase but not during mitosis and mediated proteasomal degradation of Mis18β leading to the inactivation of Mis18 complex during interphase. In addition, uncontrolled stabilization of Mis18β caused cell death. Together, we propose that βTrCP-mediated regulation of Mis18β stability is a mechanism to restrict centromere function of Mis18 complex from late mitosis to early G1 phase.  相似文献   

Endothelial inflammation plays a critical role in the development and progression of cardiovascular disease, albeit the mechanisms need to be fully elucidated. We here report that treatment of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) with tumor necrosis factor (TNF) α substantially increased the expression of MCP-induced protein 1 (MCPIP1). Overexpression of MCPIP1 protected ECs against TNFα-induced endothelial activation, as characterized by the attenuation in the expression of the adhesion molecule VCAM-1 and monocyte adherence to ECs. Conversely, small interfering RNA-mediated knock down of MCPIP1 increased the expression of VCAM-1 and monocytic adherence to ECs. These studies identified MCPIP1 as a feedback control of cytokines-induced endothelial inflammation.  相似文献   

The role of IL-1R-associated kinase (IRAK)1 and its interaction with protein kinase C (PKC)δ in monocytes to regulate IL-1β production has not been reported so far. The present study thus investigates such mechanisms in the THP1 cell line and human monocytes. PMA treatment to THP1 cells induced CD11b, TLR2, TLR4, CD36, IRAK1, IRAK3, and IRAK4 expression, IRAK1 kinase activity, PKCδ and JNK phosphorylation, AP-1 and NF-κB activation, and secretory IL-1β production. Moreover, PMA-induced IL-1β production was significantly reduced in the presence of TLR2, TLR4, and CD11b Abs. Rottlerin, a PKCδ-specific inhibitor, significantly reduced PMA-induced IL-1β production as well as CD11b, TLR2 expression, and IRAK1-JNK activation. In PKCδ wild-type overexpressing THP1 cells, IRAK1 kinase activity and IL-1β production were significantly augmented, whereas recombinant inactive PKCδ and PKCδ small interfering RNA significantly inhibited basal and PMA-induced IRAK1 activation and IL-1β production. Endogenous PKCδ-IRAK1 interaction was observed in quiescent cells, and this interaction was regulated by PMA. IRAK1/4 inhibitors, their small interfering RNAs, and JNK inhibitor also attenuated PMA-induced IL-1β production. NF-κB activation inhibitor and SN50 peptide inhibitor, however, failed to affect PMA-induced IL-1β production. A similar role of IRAK1 in IL-1β production and its regulation by PKCδ was evident in the primary human monocytes, thus signifying the importance of our finding. To our knowledge, the results obtained demonstrate for the first time that IRAK1 and PKCδ functionally interact to regulate IL-1β production in monocytic cells. A novel mechanism of IL-1β production that involves TLR2, CD11b, and the PKCδ/IRAK1/JNK/AP-1 axis is thus being proposed.  相似文献   

Interleukine-1β (IL-1β) is the most studied pro-inflammatory cytokine, playing a central role in the generation of systemic and local responses to infection, injury, and immunological challenges. In mammals, IL-1β is synthesized as an inactive 31 kDa precursor that is cleaved by caspase-1 generating a 17.5 kDa secreted active mature form. The caspase-1 cleavage site strictly conserved in all mammalian IL-1β sequences is absent in IL-1β sequences reported for non-mammalian vertebrates. Recently, fish caspase-1 orthologues have been identified in sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) and sea bream (Sparus aurata) but very little is known regarding their processing and activity. In this work it is shown that sea bass caspase-1 auto-processing is similar to that of the human enzyme, resulting in active p24/p10 and p20/p10 heterodimers. Moreover, the presence of alternatively spliced variants of caspase-1 in sea bass is reported. The existence of caspase-1 isoforms in fish and in mammals suggests that they have been evolutionarily maintained and therefore are likely to play a regulatory role in the inflammatory response, as shown for other caspases. Finally, it is shown that sea bass and avian IL-1β are specifically cleaved by caspase-1 at different but phylogenetically conserved aspartates, distinct from the cleavage site of mammalian IL-1β.  相似文献   

We sought to identify an altered peptide ligand (APL) based on the endogenously expressed synovial auto-epitope of human cartilage glycoprotein-39 (HC gp-39) for modulation of cognate, HLA-DR4-restricted T cells. For this purpose we employed a panel of well-characterized T cell hybridomas generated from HC gp-39-immunized HLA-DR4 transgenic mice. The hybridomas all respond to the HC gp-39(263–275) epitope when bound to HLA-DR4(B1*0401) but differ in their fine specificities. First, the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) and T-cell receptor (TCR) contact residues were identified by analysis of single site substituted analogue peptides for HLA-DR4 binding and cognate T cell recognition using both T hybridomas and polyclonal T cells from peptide-immunized HLA-DR4 transgenic mice. Analysis of single site substituted APL by cognate T cells led to identification of Phe265 as the dominant MHC anchor. The amino acids Ala268, Ser269, Glu271 and Thr272 constituted the major TCR contact residues, as substitution at these positions did not affect HLA-DR4(B1*0401) binding but abrogated T cell responses. A structural model for visualisation of TCR recognition was derived. Second, a set of non-classical APLs, modified at the MHC key anchor position but with unaltered TCR contacts, was developed. When these APLs were analysed, a partial TCR agonist was identified and found to modulate the HC gp-39(263–275)-specific, pro-inflammatory response in HLA-DR4 transgenic mice. We identified a non-classical APL by modification of the p1 MHC anchor in a synovial auto-epitope. This APL may qualify for rheumatoid arthritis immunotherapy.  相似文献   

What does it mean to identify a protein in proteomics?   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
The annotation of the human genome indicates the surprisingly low number of approximately 40,000 genes. However, the estimated number of proteins encoded by these genes is two to three orders of magnitude higher. The ability to unambiguously identify the proteins is a prerequisite for their functional investigation. As proteins derived from the same gene can be largely identical, and might differ only in small but functionally relevant details, protein identification tools must not only identify a large number of proteins but also be able to differentiate between close relatives. This information can be generated by mass spectrometry, an approach that identifies proteins by partial analysis of their digestion-derived peptides. Information gleaned from databases fills in the missing sequence information. Because both sequence databases and experimental data are limited, a certain ambiguity often remains concerning which sequence variant(s) and modification(s) are present. As the common denominator of all the isoforms is a gene, in our opinion, it would be more accurate to state that a product of this particular gene rather than a certain protein has been identified by mass spectrometry.  相似文献   

Zhou C  Qi C  Zhao J  Wang F  Zhang W  Li C  Jing J  Kang X  Chai Z 《Neurochemical research》2011,36(6):1116-1123
Interleukin-1β (IL-1β) is a multifunctional proinflammatory cytokine that plays a key role in the injuries and diseases of the central nervous system (CNS). A voltage-gated Na+ channel is essential for the excitability and electrical properties of neurons. However, it is not known whether IL-1β directly affects the central Na+ channels. In the present study, we examined the effects of IL-1β on Na+ currents in cultured cortical neurons using patch-clamp recording. Our results showed that IL-1β suppressed Na+ currents through its receptor in a time- and dose-dependent manner, but did not alter the voltage-dependent activation and inactivation. PKC and then p38 MAPK were involved in this inhibition. The spike amplitude was also inhibited by IL-1β in the doses that decreased the Na+ currents. Our findings revealed the inhibition of chronic IL-1β treatment on voltage-gated Na+ channels in the CNS, and showed that the action potential (AP) amplitude was reduced by IL-1β due to a decrease of Na+ currents.  相似文献   

Tissue preservation, and immunogold cytochemical and in-situ hybridization labelling intensities vary according to the preparatory protocols used. We wished to determine which preparative protocols produce optimal preservation, protein and mRNA labelling. Nine combinations of fixative and embedding resin were therefore studied using postembedding immunoelectron microscopy and a novel immunogold digoxygenin in situ hybridization (ISH) system, to quantitate the presence of transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF 1) protein and message in human skin. The best preservation was observed in tissue fixed in 1% glutaraldehyde and embedded in LR White resin or low acid glycolmethacrylate resin (LA-GMA). Preservation was poor in tissue fixed with 1% glutaraldehyde and fair in 4% paraformaldeyde, when embedded in Unicryl. Ethanediol dehydration coupled with LA-GMA embedding resulted in reasonable preservation. Based on quantitative measures of the labelling density for TGF 1 protein and mRNA, immunogold labelling was adequate with 1% glutaraldehyde fixation coupled with LR White or LA-GMA resins, and also with 4% paraformaldehyde and LR White resin, but was best with ethanediol dehydration and LA-GMA embedding. ISH labelling under basal conditions was best in LA-GMA with 1% glutaraldehyde or 4% paraformaldehyde. The ISH label in tissue fixed with 1% glutaraldehyde and embedded in LA-GMA was significantly increased by treatment with proteinase K. Overall, ethanediol dehydration was associated with a good immunoelectron microscopic (IEM) label while LA-GMA with 1% glutaraldehyde or 4% paraformaldehyde resulted in a consistently detectable ISH label. LA-GMA embedding with 1% glutaraldehyde fixation gave a good result with both IEM and ISH labelling.  相似文献   

Summary The pathway of interleukin 1 (IL-1) secretion from the cell remains unclear. IL-1β is the major form produced by human monocytes, and is synthesized as a precursor of 35kDa which is processed to the extracellular biologically active 17kDa form. We have examined the intracellular localization of IL-1β in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated human peripheral blood monocytes, by immunocytochemistry and immunoprecipitation of subcellular fractions. LPS treatment slightly damaged the cells. Unstimulated cells showed very little immunolabelling. In contrast, there was heavy immunolabelling on LPS stimulated cells. Immunolabelling occured within the cytoplasm, nucleus and mitochondria. There was no immunolabelling on the membranous secretory organelles and the plasma membrane. Blebs of cytoplasm budding from the cell surface were immunolabelled, suggesting an alternative route of secretion of IL-1β from the cell. Immunoprecipitation studies confirmed these results.  相似文献   

Shift work is unavoidable in modern societies, but at the same time disrupts biological rhythms and contributes to social distress and disturbance of sleep, health and well-being of shift workers. Shift work has been associated with some chronic diseases in which a chronic inflammatory condition may play a role. However, few studies investigating the association of cytokine and other inflammation markers with shift workers have been published in recent years. In this study we evaluated the effects of permanent night work on the production of tumor necrosis factor (TNF), interleukin-1β (IL-1β), IL-6 and melatonin in saliva. Another aim was to demonstrate the benefit of the use of salivary cytokines for studies in chronobiology, since it is an easy and non-invasive method that allows for sampling at several times. Thirty-eight healthy male workers, being 21 day workers and 17 night workers, agreed to participate in this study. Sleep was evaluated by actigraphy and activity protocols. Saliva was collected during three workdays approximately at the middle of the work shift and at bed and wake times of the main sleep episode. Saliva samples were then analyzed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay to measure TNF, IL-1β, IL-6 and melatonin levels, and the results were submitted to non-parametric statistical analysis. The use of saliva instead of blood allowed for a greater number of samples from the same subjects, allowing identifying alterations in the daily production patterns of salivary cytokines TNF, IL-1β and IL-6 that probably are linked to night work. Salivary TNF and IL-1β levels were similar for day and night workers, with higher daily production after awakening, in the morning hours for day workers and in the afternoon for night workers. Both groups presented a significant daily variation pattern of these two cytokines. Day and night workers produced similar amounts of salivary IL-6. Nevertheless, the daily variation pattern observed among day workers, with a peak after awakening, was absent among night workers. Thus, in our study, night workers showed partially adjusted daily variation patterns for salivary TNF and IL-1β, not seen for salivary IL-6. Results for salivary IL-6 could be better explained as a consequence of circadian disruption due to permanent night work. Our results suggest that the whole circadian system, including clocks and pineal gland, is involved in regulating cytokine profile in shift workers and that a coordinated production of these cytokines, important for an adequate inflammatory response, could be disturbed by shift work. The distinct effects that shift work may have on different cytokines could give some cues about the mechanisms involved in this association.  相似文献   

Elevated plasma levels of homocysteine (Hcy) are associated with the development of coronary artery disease (CAD), peripheral vascular disease, and atherosclerosis. Hyperhomocysteinemia is likely related to the enhanced production of pro-inflammatory cytokines including IL-1β. However, the mechanisms underlying the effects of Hcy in immune cells are not completely understood. Recent studies have established a link between macrophage accumulation, cytokine IL-1β, and the advance of vascular diseases. The purpose of the present study is to investigate the effects of Hcy on IL-1β secretion by murine macrophages. Hcy (100 μM) increases IL-1β synthesis via enhancement of P2X7 expression and NF-ĸB and ERK activation in murine macrophages. In addition, the antioxidant agent N-acetylcysteine (NAC) reduces NF-κB activation, ERK phosphorylation, and IL-1β production in Hcy-exposed macrophages, indicating the importance of ROS in this pro-inflammatory process. In summary, our results show that Hcy may be involved in the synthesis and secretion of IL-1β via NF-ĸB, ERK, and P2X7 stimulation in murine macrophages.  相似文献   

Mechanical loading and interleukin-1β (IL-1β) influence the release of nitric oxide (·NO) and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) from articular chondrocytes via distinct signalling mechanisms. The exact nature of the interplay between the respective signalling pathways remains unclear. Recent studies have shown that integrins act as mechanoreceptors and may transduce extracellular stimuli into intracellular signals, thereby influencing cellular response. The current study demonstrates that the application of dynamic compression induced an inhibition of ·NO and an upregulation of cell proliferation and proteoglycan synthesis in the presence and absence of IL-1β. PGE2 release was not affected by dynamic compression in the absence of IL-1β but was inhibited in the presence of the cytokine. The integrin binding peptide, GRGDSP, abolished or reversed the compression-induced alterations in all four parameters assessed in the presence and absence of IL-1β. The non-binding control peptide, GRADSP, had no effect. These data clearly demonstrate that the metabolic response of the chondrocytes to dynamic compression in the presence and absence of IL-1β, are integrin mediated.  相似文献   

Despite the significance of glycoproteins for extracellular matrix assembly in cartilage tissue, little is known about the regulation of the chondrocyte glycophenotype under inflammatory conditions. The present study aimed to assess the effect of IL-1β and TNF-α on specific features of the glycophenotype of primary human chondrocytes in vitro. Using LC-MS, we found that both cytokines increased overall sialylation of N- and O-glycans and induced a shift towards α-(2→3)-linked sialic acid residues in chondrocyte glycoproteins. These results were supported by quantitative PCR showing increased expression of α-(2→3) sialyltransferases in treated cells. Moreover, we found that both IL-1β and TNF-α induced a considerable shift from oligomannosidic glycans towards complex-type N-glycans. In contrast, core α-(1→6)-fucosylation of chondrocyte N-glycans was found to be reduced particularly by TNF-α. In summary, inflammatory conditions induce specific alterations of the chondrocyte glycophenotype which might affect cell-matrix interactions or the function of endogenous lectins.  相似文献   

The balance between bone formation and bone resorption in inflammatory diseases is often disturbed. Periodontitis, a chronic inflammation of the tooth gums, leads to unwanted bone loss as a response to inflammatory compounds such as interleukin‐1β (IL‐1β). This excessive bone loss reflects an increased osteoclast formation and activity. Osteoclast formation is a multistep process driven by osteoclastogenesis supporting cells such as periodontal ligament fibroblasts. The inflammatory factors can induce osteoclastogenesis, probably also by affecting the periodontal ligament fibroblast. In this study we investigated how pre‐culture of periodontal ligament fibroblasts with IL‐1β affected osteoclastogenesis. Fibroblasts were pre‐cultured with IL‐1β and/or dexamethasone, a commonly used anti‐inflammatory compound, before being co‐cultured with peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). Pre‐culture with IL‐1β (1–100 ng/ml) resulted in an increased number of adhered PBMCs as well as an increased mRNA expression of intercellular adhesion molecule‐1 (ICAM‐1), macrophage colony stimulating factor (M‐CSF) and IL‐1β. Pre‐culture with IL‐1β also caused retraction of fibroblasts and an augmented formation of TRACP+ multinucleated cells. Our data suggest that stimulation of fibroblasts with IL‐1β has a long‐lasting effect, leading to a significantly increased osteoclastogenesis. These results provide new insights for understanding excessive bone loss in periodontitis. J. Cell. Biochem. 112: 1890–1897, 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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