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Lipid transfer protein, designated as Lc-LTP2, was isolated from seeds of the lentil Lens culinaris. The protein has molecular mass 9282.7 Da, consists of 93 amino acid residues including 8 cysteines forming 4 disulfide bonds. Lc-LTP2 and its stable isotope labeled analogues were overexpressed in Escherichia coli and purified. Antimicrobial activity of the recombinant protein was examined, and its spatial structure was studied by NMR spectroscopy. The polypeptide chain of Lc-LTP2 forms four α-helices (Cys4-Leu18, Pro26-Ala37, Thr42-Ala56, Thr64-Lys73) and a long C-terminal tail without regular secondary structure. Side chains of the hydrophobic residues form a relatively large internal tunnel-like lipid-binding cavity (van der Waals volume comes up to ∼600 Å3). The side-chains of Arg45, Pro79, and Tyr80 are located near an assumed mouth of the cavity. Titration with dimyristoyl phosphatidylglycerol (DMPG) revealed formation of the Lc-LTP2/lipid non-covalent complex accompanied by rearrangements in the protein spatial structure and expansion of the internal cavity. The resultant Lc-LTP2/DMPG complex demonstrates limited lifetime and dissociates within tens of hours.  相似文献   

Tritrpticin and indolicidin are short 13-residue tryptophan-rich antimicrobial peptides that hold potential as future alternatives for antibiotics. Isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) has been applied as the main tool in this study to investigate the thermodynamics of the interaction of these two cathelicidin peptides as well as five tritrpticin analogs with large unilamellar vesicles (LUVs), representing model and natural anionic membranes. The anionic LUVs were composed of (a) 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine/1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoglycerol (POPE/POPG) (7:3) and (b) natural E. coli polar lipid extract. 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (POPC) was used to make model zwitterionic membranes. Binding isotherms were obtained to characterize the antimicrobial peptide binding to the LUVs, which then allowed for calculation of the thermodynamic parameters of the interaction. All peptides exhibited substantially stronger binding to anionic POPE/POPG and E. coli membrane systems than to the zwitterionic POPC system due to strong electrostatic attractions between the highly positively charged peptides and the negatively charged membrane surface, and results with tritrpticin derivatives further revealed the effects of various amino acid substitutions on membrane binding. No significant improvement was observed upon increasing the Tritrp peptide charge from + 4 to + 5. Replacement of Arg residues with Lys did not substantially change peptide binding to anionic vesicles but moderately decreased the binding to zwitterionic LUVs. Pro to Ala substitutions in tritrpticin, allowing the peptide to adopt an α-helical structure, resulted in a significant increase of the binding to both anionic and zwitterionic vesicles and therefore reduced the selectivity for bacterial and mammalian membranes. In contrast, substitution of Trp with other aromatic amino acids significantly decreased the peptide's ability to bind to anionic LUVs and essentially eliminated binding to zwitterionic LUVs. The ITC results were consistent with the outcome of fluorescence spectroscopy membrane binding and perturbation studies. Overall, our work showed that a natural E. coli polar lipid extract as a bacterial membrane model was advantageous compared to the simpler and more widely used POPE/POPG lipid system.  相似文献   

Melittin is a cationic hemolytic peptide isolated from the European honey bee, Apis mellifera. The organization of membrane-bound melittin has earlier been shown to be dependent on the physical state and composition of membranes. In this study, we covalently labeled the N-terminal (Gly-1) and Lys-7 of melittin with an environment-sensitive fluorescent probe, the NBD group, to monitor the influence of negatively charged lipids and cholesterol on the organization and dynamics of membrane-bound melittin. Our results show that the NBD group of melittin labeled at its N-terminal end does not exhibit red edge excitation shift in DOPC and DOPC/DOPG membranes, whereas the NBD group of melittin labeled at Lys-7 exhibits REES of approximately 8 nm. This could be attributed to difference in membrane microenvironment experienced by the NBD groups in these analogs. Interestingly, the membrane environment of the NBD groups is sensitive to the presence of cholesterol, which is supported by time-resolved fluorescence measurements. Importantly, the orientation of melittin is found to be parallel to the membrane surface as determined by membrane penetration depth analysis using the parallax method in all cases. Our results constitute the first report to our knowledge describing the orientation of melittin in cholesterol-containing membranes. These results assume significance in the overall context of the role of membrane lipids in the orientation and function of membrane proteins and peptides.  相似文献   

Projection map of aquaporin-9 at 7 A resolution   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Aquaporin-9, an aquaglyceroporin present in diverse tissues, is unique among aquaporins because it is not only permeable to water, urea and glycerol, but also allows passage of larger uncharged solutes. Single particle analysis of negatively stained recombinant rat aquaporin-9 revealed a particle size characteristic of the tetrameric organization of all members of the aquaporin family. Reconstitution of aquaporin-9 into two-dimensional crystals enabled us to calculate a projection map at 7 A resolution. The projection structure indicates a tetrameric structure, similar to GlpF, with each square-like monomer forming a pore. A comparison of the pore-lining residues between the crystal structure of GlpF and a homology model of aquaporin-9 locates substitutions in these residues predominantly to the hydrophobic edge of the tripathic pore of GlpF, providing first insights into the structural basis for the broader substrate specificity of aquaporin-9.  相似文献   

Epsin and AP180 are essential components of the endocytotic machinery, which controls internalization of protein receptors and other macromolecules at the cell surface. Epsin and AP180 are recruited to the plasma membrane by their structurally and functionally related N-terminal ENTH and ANTH domains that specifically recognize PtdIns(4,5)P2. Here, we show that membrane anchoring of the ENTH and ANTH domains is regulated by the acidic environment. Lowering the pH enhances PtdIns(4,5)P2 affinity of the ENTH and ANTH domains reinforcing their association with lipid vesicles and monolayers. The pH dependency is due to the conserved histidine residues of the ENTH and ANTH domains, protonation of which is necessary for the strong PtdIns(4,5)P2 recognition, as revealed by liposome binding, surface plasmon resonance, NMR, monolayer surface tension and mutagenesis experiments. The pH sensitivity of the ENTH and ANTH domains is reminiscent to the pH dependency of the FYVE domain suggesting a common regulatory mechanism of membrane anchoring by a subset of the PI-binding domains.  相似文献   

The structural features of SPM that control the transbilayer distribution of beta-GalCer in POPC vesicles were investigated by (13)C- and (31)P-NMR spectroscopy using lipid analogs that share physical similarities with GalCer or SPM. The SPM analogs included N-palmitoyl-4,5-dihydro-SPM, 3-deoxy-SPM, 1-alkyl-2-amidophosphatidylcholine, and dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine, a popular model "raft lipid". The transbilayer distributions of the SPM analogs and SPM in POPC vesicles were similar by (31)P-NMR. To observe the dramatic change in GalCer transbilayer distribution that occurs when SPM is included in POPC vesicles, the 3-OH group, 4,5-trans double bond, and amide linkage all were required in SPM. However, inclusion of 2 and 10 mol % dihydroSPM in SPM/POPC (1:1) vesicles mitigated and completely abrogated the effect of SPM on the transbilayer distribution of GalCer. Despite sharing some structural features with GalCer and localizing preferentially to the inner leaflet of POPC vesicles, dimyristoylphosphatidylethanolamine did not undergo a change in transbilayer distribution when SPM was incorporated into the vesicles. The results support the hypothesis that specific interactions may be favored among select sphingolipids in curvature-stressed membranes and emphasize the potential importance of the SPM-dihydroSPM ratio in membrane fission and fusion processes associated with vesicle biogenesis and trafficking.  相似文献   

Neutrophil serine proteases Proteinase 3 (PR3) and human neutrophil elastase (HNE) are homologous antibiotic serine proteases of the polymorphonuclear neutrophils. Despite sharing a 56% sequence identity they have been shown to have different functions and localizations in the neutrophils. In particular, and in contrast to HNE, PR3 has been detected at the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane and its membrane expression is a risk factor in a number of chronic inflammatory diseases. Although a plethora of studies performed in various cell-based assays have been reported, the mechanism by which PR3, and possibly HNE bind to simple membrane models remains unclear. We used surface plasmon resonance (SPR) experiments to measure and compare the affinity of PR3 and HNE for large unilamellar vesicles composed of 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (POPC). We also conducted 500-nanosecond long molecular dynamics simulations of each enzyme at the surface of a POPC bilayer to map the interactions between proteins and lipids and rationalize the difference in affinity observed in the SPR experiment. We find that PR3 binds strongly to POPC large unilamellar vesicles (Kd = 9.2 × 10− 7 M) thanks to the insertion of three phenylalanines, one tryptophan and one leucine beyond the phosphate groups of the POPC lipids. HNE binds in a significantly weaker manner (Kd > 10− 5 M) making mostly electrostatic interactions via lysines and arginines and inserting only one leucine between the hydrophobic lipid tails. Our results support the early reports that PR3, unlike HNE, is able to directly and strongly anchor directly to the neutrophil membrane.  相似文献   

Melittin, a cationic hemolytic peptide, is intrinsically fluorescent due to the presence of a single functionally important tryptophan residue. We have previously shown that the sole tryptophan of melittin is localized in a motionally restricted environment in the membrane interface. We have monitored the effect of ionic strength on the organization and dynamics of membrane-bound melittin utilizing fluorescence and circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopic approaches. Our results show that red edge excitation shift (REES) of melittin bound to membranes is sensitive to the change in ionic strength of the medium. This could be attributed to a change in the immediate environment around melittin tryptophan with increasing ionic strength due to differential solvation of ions. Interestingly, the rotational mobility of melittin does not appear to be affected with change in ionic strength. In addition, fluorescence parameters such as lifetime and acrylamide quenching of melittin indicate an increase in water penetration in the membrane interface upon increasing ionic strength. Our results suggest that the solvent dynamics and water penetration in the interfacial region of the membranes are significantly affected at physiologically relevant ionic strength. These results assume significance in the overall context of the influence of ionic strength in the organization and dynamics of membrane proteins and membrane-active peptides.  相似文献   

Biologically important peptides such as the Alzheimer peptide Abeta(1-40) display a reversible random coil <==>beta-structure transition at anionic membrane surfaces. In contrast to the well-studied random coil left arrow over right arrow alpha-helix transition of amphipathic peptides, there is a dearth on information on the thermodynamic and kinetic parameters of the random coil left arrow over right arrow beta-structure transition. Here, we present a new method to quantitatively analyze the thermodynamic parameters of the membrane-induced beta-structure formation. We have used the model peptide (KIGAKI)(3) and eight analogues in which two adjacent amino acids were substituted by their d-enantiomers. The positions of the d,d pairs were shifted systematically along the three identical segments of the peptide chain. The beta-structure content of the peptides was measured in solution and when bound to anionic lipid membranes with circular dichroism spectroscopy. The thermodynamic binding parameters were determined with isothermal titration calorimetry and the binding isotherms were analysed by combining a surface partition equilibrium with the Gouy-Chapman theory. The thermodynamic parameters were found to be linearly correlated with the extent of beta-structure formation. beta-Structure formation at the membrane surface is characterized by an enthalpy change of DeltaH(beta)=-0.23 kcal/mol per residue, an entropy change of DeltaS(beta)=-0.24 cal/mol K residue and a free energy change of DeltaG(beta)=-0.15 kcal/mol residue. An increase in temperature induces an unfolding of beta-structure. The residual free energy of membrane-induced beta-structure formation is close to that of membrane-induced alpha-helix formation.  相似文献   

We have examined the kinetics of the adsorption of melittin, a secondary amphipathic peptide extracted from bee venom, on lipid membranes using three independent and complementary approaches. We probed (i) the change in the polarity of the 19Trp of the peptide upon binding, (ii) the insertion of this residue in the apolar core of the membrane, measuring the 19Trp-fluorescence quenching by bromine atoms attached on lipid acyl chains, and (iii) the folding of the peptide, by circular dichroism (CD). We report a tight coupling of the insertion of the peptide with its folding as an α-helix. For all the investigated membrane systems (cholesterol-containing, phosphoglycerol-containing, and pure phosphocholine bilayers), the decrease in the polarity of 19Trp was found to be significantly faster than the increase in the helical content of melittin. Therefore, from a kinetics point of view, the formation of the α-helix is a consequence of the insertion of melittin. The rate of melittin folding was found to be influenced by the lipid composition of the bilayer and we propose that this was achieved by the modulation of the kinetics of insertion. The study reports a clear example of the coupling existing between protein penetration and folding, an interconnection that must be considered in the general scheme of membrane protein folding.  相似文献   

The membrane leakage caused by the cell penetrating peptide Tp10, a variant of transportan, was studied in large unilamellar vesicles with the entrapped fluorophore calcein. The vesicles were composed of zwitterionic 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine. A significant decrease in membrane leakage was found when the 55kDa streptavidin protein was attached to Tp10. When a 5.4kDa peptide nucleic acid molecule was attached, the membrane leakage was comparable to that caused by Tp10 alone. The results suggest that direct membrane effects may cause membrane translocation of Tp10 alone and of smaller complexes, whereas these effects do not contribute for larger cargoes.  相似文献   

The composition of the lipid bilayer is increasingly being recognised as important for the regulation of integral membrane protein folding and function, both in vivo and in vitro. The folding of only a few membrane proteins, however, has been characterised in different lipid environments. We have refolded the small multidrug transporter EmrE in vitro from a denatured state to a functional protein and monitored the influence of lipids on the folding process. EmrE is part of a multidrug resistance protein family that is highly conserved amongst bacteria and is responsible for bacterial resistance to toxic substances. We find that the secondary structure of EmrE is very stable and only small amounts are denatured even in the presence of unusually high denaturant concentrations involving a combination of 10 M urea and 5% SDS. Substrate binding by EmrE is recovered after refolding this denatured protein into dodecylmaltoside detergent micelles or into lipid vesicles. The yield of refolded EmrE decreases with lipid bilayer compositional changes that increase the lateral chain pressure within the bilayer, whilst conversely, the apparent rate of folding seems to increase. These results add further weight to the hypothesis that an increased lateral chain pressure hinders protein insertion across the bilayer. Once the protein is inserted, however, the greater pressure on the transmembrane helices accelerates correct packing and final folding. This work augments the relatively small number of biophysical folding studies in vitro on helical membrane proteins.  相似文献   

All eukaryotic organisms store excess lipid in intracellular lipid droplets. These dynamic structures are associated with and regulated by numerous proteins. Perilipin 2, an abundant protein on most lipid droplets, promotes neutral lipid accumulation in lipid droplets. However, the mechanism by which perilipin 2 binds to and remains anchored on the lipid droplet surface is unknown. Here we identify features of the lipid droplet surface that influence perilipin 2 localization. We show that perilipin 2 binding to the lipid droplet surface requires both hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions. Reagents that disrupt these interactions also decrease binding. Moreover, perilipin 2 binding does not depend on other lipid droplet-associated proteins but is influenced by the lipid composition of the surface. Perilipin 2 binds to synthetic vesicles composed of dioleoylphosphatidylcholine, a phospholipid with unsaturated acyl chains. Decreasing the temperature of the binding reaction, or introducing phospholipids with saturated acyl chains, decreases binding. We therefore demonstrate a role for surface lipids and acyl chain packing in perilipin 2 binding to lipid droplets. The ability of the lipid droplet phospholipid composition to impact protein binding may link changes in nutrient availability to lipid droplet homeostasis.  相似文献   

The influence of cholesterol and POPE on lung surfactant model systems consisting of DPPC/DPPG (80:20) and DPPC/DPPG/surfactant protein C (80:20:0.4) has been investigated. Cholesterol leads to a condensation of the monolayers, whereas the isotherms of model lung surfactant films containing POPE exhibit a slight expansion combined with an increased compressibility at medium surface pressure (10-30 mN/m). An increasing amount of liquid-expanded domains can be visualized by means of fluorescence light microscopy in lung surfactant monolayers after addition of either cholesterol or POPE. At surface pressures of 50 mN/m, protrusions are formed which differ in size and shape as a function of the content of cholesterol or POPE, but only if SP-C is present. Low amounts of cholesterol (10 mol %) lead to an increasing number of protrusions, which also grow in size. This is interpreted as a stabilizing effect of cholesterol on bilayers formed underneath the monolayer. Extreme amounts of cholesterol (30 mol %), however, cause an increased monolayer rigidity, thus preventing reversible multilayer formation. In contrast, POPE, as a nonbilayer lipid thought to stabilize the edges of protrusions, leads to more narrow protrusions. The lateral extension of the protrusions is thereby more influenced than their height.  相似文献   

Antimicrobial peptides have raised much interest as pathogens become resistant against conventional antibiotics. We review biophysical studies that have been performed to better understand the interactions of linear amphipathic cationic peptides such as magainins, cecropins, dermaseptin, δ-lysin or melittin. The amphipathic character of these peptides and their interactions with membranes resemble the properties of detergent molecules and analogies between membrane-active peptide and detergents are presented. Several models have been suggested to explain the pore-forming, membrane-lytic and antibiotic activities of these peptides. Here we suggest that these might be ‘special cases’ within complicated phase diagrams describing the morphological plasticity of peptide/lipid supramolecular assemblies.  相似文献   

Eosinophil cationic protein (ECP/RNase 3) and the skin derived ribonuclease 7 (RNase 7) are members of the RNase A superfamily. RNase 3 is mainly expressed in eosinophils whereas RNase 7 is primarily secreted by keratinocytes. Both proteins present a broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity and their bactericidal mechanism is dependent on their membrane destabilizing capacities. Using phospholipid vesicles as membrane models, we have characterized the protein membrane association process. Confocal microscopy experiments using giant unilamellar vesicles illustrate the morphological changes of the liposome population. By labelling both lipid bilayers and proteins we have monitored the kinetic of the process. The differential protein ability to release the liposome aqueous content was evaluated together with the micellation and aggregation processes. A distinct morphology of the protein/lipid aggregates was visualized by transmission electron microscopy and the proteins overall secondary structure in a lipid microenvironment was assessed by FTIR. Interestingly, for both RNases the membrane interaction events take place in a different behaviour and timing: RNase 3 triggers first the vesicle aggregation, while RNase 7 induces leakage well before the aggregation step. Their distinct mechanism of action at the membrane level may reflect different in vivo antipathogen functions.  相似文献   

Nicole Pfleger 《BBA》2009,1787(6):697-11946
Proteins of the proteorhodopsin (PR) family are found abundantly in many marine bacteria in the photic zone of the oceans. They are colour-tuned to their environment. The green absorbing species has been shown to act as a light-driven proton pump and thus could form a potential source of energy. The pKa of the primary proton acceptor is close to the pH of seawater which could also indicate a regulatory role. Here, we review and summarize our own recent findings in the context of known data and present some new results. Proton transfer in vitro by PR is shown by a fluorescence assay which confirms a pH dependent vectoriality. Previously reported low diffracting 2D crystal preparations of PR are assessed for their use for solid-state NMR by two dimensional 13C-13C DARR spectra. 15N-1H HETCOR MAS NMR experiments show bound water in the vicinity of the protonated Schiff base which could play a role in proton transfer. The effect of highly conserved H75 onto the properties of the chromophore has been investigated by single site mutations. They do show a pronounced effect onto the optical absorption maximum and the pKa of the proton acceptor but have only a small effect onto the 15N chemical shifts of the protonated Schiff base.  相似文献   

Interfacial properties of lipid bilayers were studied by (2)H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, with emphasis on a comparison between phosphatidylcholine and sphingomyelin. Spectral resolution and sensitivity was improved by macroscopic membrane alignment. The motionally averaged quadrupolar interaction of interlamellar deuterium oxide was employed to probe the interfacial polarity of the membranes. The D(2)O quadrupolar splittings indicated that the sphingomyelin lipid-water interface is less polar above the phase transition temperature T(m) than below T(m). The opposite behavior was found in phosphatidylcholine bilayers. Macroscopically aligned sphingomyelin bilayers also furnished (2)H-signals from the amide residue and from the hydroxyl group of the sphingosine moiety. The rate of water-hydroxyl deuteron exchange could be measured, whereas the exchange of the amide deuteron was too slow for the inversion-transfer technique employed, suggesting that the amide residue is involved in intermolecular hydrogen bonding. Order parameter profiles in mixtures of sphingomyelin and chain-perdeuterated phosphatidylcholine revealed an ordering effect as a result of the highly saturated chains of the sphingolipids. The temperature dependence of the (2)H quadrupolar splittings was indicative of lateral phase separation in the mixed systems. The results are discussed with regard to interfacial structure and lateral organization in sphingomyelin-containing biomembranes.  相似文献   

In situ external reflection infrared spectroscopy at the air-water interface was used to study the influence on phospholipid structure of an endogenous mixture of the two hydrophobic surfactant proteins, SP-B and SP-C, which are thought to play pivotal roles in the adsorption and function of pulmonary surfactant. Mixtures studied were 1:1, 2:1, and 7:1 (mol:mol) DPPC-d(62):DPPG, and 7:1 DPPC-d(62):DOPG, alone and in the presence of 0.5-10 wt % mixed SP-B/C purified chromatographically from calf lung surfactant extract. Perdeuteration of DPPC produced a shift in vibrational frequencies so that it could be differentiated spectroscopically from the phosphoglycerol component in the surface monolayer. CH(2) antisymmetric and symmetric stretching bands ( approximately 2920 and 2852 cm(-1)) along with the analogous CD(2) stretching bands ( approximately 2194 and 2089 cm(-1)) were analyzed, and band heights and peak wavenumber positions were assessed as a function of monolayer surface pressure. Small, near-physiological contents of 1-2 wt % SP-B/C typically produced the maximum observed spectroscopic effects, which were abolished at high protein contents of 10 wt %. Analysis of CH(2) and CD(2) stretching bands and C-H/C-D band height ratios indicated that SP-B/C affected PC and PG lipids differently within the surface monolayer. SP-B/C had preferential interactions with DPPG in 1:1, 2:1, and 7:1 DPPC-d(62):DPPG films that increased its acyl chain order. SP-B/C also interacted specifically with DOPG in 7:1 DPPC-d(62):DOPG monolayers, but in this case an increase in CH(2) band heights and peak wavenumber positions indicated a further disordering of the already fluid DOPG acyl chains. CD(2) band height and peak wavenumber analysis indicated that SP-B/C had no significant effect on the structure of DPPC-d(62) chains in 7:1 films with DPPG or DOPG, and had only a slight tendency to increase the acyl chain order in 1:1 films of DPPC-d(62):DPPG. SP-B/C had no significant effect on DPPC-d(62) structure in films with DOPG. Infrared results also indicated that interactions involving SP-B/C and lipids led to exclusion of PC and PG lipids from the compressed interfacial monolayer, in agreement with our previous report on the phase morphology of lipid monolayers containing 1 wt % SP-B/C.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional backbone structure of the transmembrane domain of Vpu from HIV-1 was determined by solid-state NMR spectroscopy in two magnetically-aligned phospholipid bilayer environments (bicelles) that differed in their hydrophobic thickness. Isotopically labeled samples of Vpu(2-30+), a 36-residue polypeptide containing residues 2-30 from the N-terminus of Vpu, were incorporated into large (q = 3.2 or 3.0) phospholipid bicelles composed of long-chain ether-linked lipids (14-O-PC or 16-O-PC) and short-chain lipids (6-O-PC). The protein-containing bicelles are aligned in the static magnetic field of the NMR spectrometer. Wheel-like patterns of resonances characteristic of tilted transmembrane helices were observed in two-dimensional (1)H/(15)N PISEMA spectra of uniformly (15)N-labeled Vpu(2-30+) obtained on bicelle samples with their bilayer normals aligned perpendicular or parallel to the direction of the magnetic field. The NMR experiments were performed at a (1)H resonance frequency of 900 MHz, and this resulted in improved data compared to lower-resonance frequencies. Analysis of the polarity-index slant-angle wheels and dipolar waves demonstrates the presence of a transmembrane alpha-helix spanning residues 8-25 in both 14-O-PC and 16-O-PC bicelles, which is consistent with results obtained previously in micelles by solution NMR and mechanically aligned lipid bilayers by solid-state NMR. The three-dimensional backbone structures were obtained by structural fitting to the orientation-dependent (15)N chemical shift and (1)H-(15)N dipolar coupling frequencies. Tilt angles of 30 degrees and 21 degrees are observed in 14-O-PC and 16-O-PC bicelles, respectively, which are consistent with the values previously determined for the same polypeptide in mechanically-aligned DMPC and DOPC bilayers. The difference in tilt angle in C14 and C16 bilayer environments is also consistent with previous results indicating that the transmembrane helix of Vpu responds to hydrophobic mismatch by changing its tilt angle. The kink found in the middle of the helix in the longer-chain C18 bilayers aligned on glass plates was not found in either of these shorter-chain (C14 or C16) bilayers.  相似文献   

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