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Sensory transections were performed in rats that killed mice after food-deprivation and subsequent satiation. Following partial maxillary or combined maxillary and optic deafferentation, but not after optic lesions alone, the number of mouse-kills declined sharply. This decline was accounted for by approximately a 50 per cent decrease in the number of mouse-presentations in which attack-behaviour took place and in the occurrence of attack-behaviour that did not always lead to a kill because rats frequently failed to bite. Furthermore, examination of killed mice revealed a shift in the distribution of body-bites away from the rostral regions normally seized by rats to more caudal areas of the mouse's body. Results indicate that certain stimulus-characteristics of mice mediated by the maxillary and optic nerves are important determinants of attack-behaviour and stereotyped biting in the rat.  相似文献   

Attack behaviors were elicited by the electrical stimulation of the hypothalamus of freely moving male rhesus monkeys. The influence of the sex and dominance status of target animals on the evoked response was measured. Animals offered as targets were dominant males and females and subordinate males and and females. Males were attacked more often than females and subordinate targets of either sex were attacked more often than dominant targets. A comparison was made between spontaneous and evoked attack behavior.  相似文献   

Opioid peptides have been implicated in the mediation of intermale conflict. The effect of naloxone upon tube restraint-induced target biting was investigated since a high correlation between bite scores and intermale aggression has been claimed. No significant modification of target biting behaviour by naloxone was produced, in mice either naive or habituated to the apparatus (high and low baselines of responding respectively) suggesting no involvement of opioid peptides in this paradigm. The results are discussed in terms of controllability of the presumably stressful situation and the relation of restraint-induced biting to conspecific aggression.  相似文献   

This study examines factors influencing the attack on a metal target by laboratory ‘TO’ strain mice confined within a narrow perspex tube and contrasts this form of behaviour with attack seen in less equivocal forms of ‘aggression test’. The effects of sex, housing condition, reproductive experience, density, anosmia and castration (in the male) were systematically examined. This ‘model’ of ‘aggression’ shows few parallels with social conflict, parental defense and electroshock-induced forms of attack as none of the above manipulations influenced the level of target biting in this situation. Thus, in spite of claims that tube restraint-induced attack may show parallels with intermale aggression, the data suggest that it involves a totally different motivation.  相似文献   

Many smokers attempt to quit smoking but few are successful in the long term. The heritability of nicotine addiction and smoking relapse have been documented, and research is focused on identifying specific genetic influences on the ability to quit smoking and response to specific medications. Research in genetically modified cell lines and mice has identified nicotine acetylcholine receptor subtypes that mediate the pharmacological and behavioral effects of nicotine sensitivity and withdrawal. Human genetic association studies have identified single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in genes encoding nicotine acetylcholine receptor subunits and nicotine metabolizing enzymes that influence smoking cessation phenotypes. There is initial promising evidence for a role in smoking cessation for SNPs in the β2 and α5/α3/β4 nAChR subunit genes; however, effects are small and not consistently replicated. There are reproducible and clinically significant associations of genotypic and phenotypic measures of CYP2A6 enzyme activity and nicotine metabolic rate with smoking cessation as well as response to nicotine replacement therapies and bupropion. Prospective clinical trials to identify associations of genetic variants and gene–gene interactions on smoking cessation are needed to generate the evidence base for both medication development and targeted therapy approaches based on genotype.  相似文献   

Over the last decade there have been significant advances in the discovery and understanding of the cannabinoid system along with the development of pharmacologic tools that modulate its function. Characterization of the crosstalk between nicotine addiction and the cannabinoid system may have significant implications on our understanding of the neurobiological mechanisms underlying nicotine dependence. Two types of cannabinoid receptors (CB1 and CB2) have been identified. CB1 receptors are expressed in the brain and modulate drug taking and drug seeking for various drugs of abuse, including nicotine. CB2 receptors have been recently identified in the brain and have been proposed to play a functional role in mental disorders and drug addiction. Our objective was to explore the role of CB2 receptors on intravenous nicotine self administration under two schedules of reinforcement (fixed and progressive ratio) and on nicotine seeking induced by nicotine priming or by nicotine associated cues. For this, we evaluated the effects of various doses of the selective CB2 antagonist AM630 (1.25 to 5 mg/kg) and CB2 agonist AM1241 (1 to 10 mg/kg) on these behavioral responses in rats. Different groups of male Long Evans rats were trained to lever press for nicotine at a unit dose of 30 μg/kg/infusion. Subsequently, animals were randomized using a Latin-square design and injected with either AM1241 or AM630 using a counterbalanced within subject design. Administration of the CB2 ligands did not affect either nicotine-taking nicotine-seeking behavior. Our results do not support the involvement of CB2 receptors in nicotine-taking or nicotine-seeking behavior.  相似文献   

The objective of this investigation was to assess the effects of chronic nicotine administration on bone status and serum calcium and calciotropic hormone levels in aged, estrogen-replete (intact, sham-operated) and estrogen-deplete (ovariectomized) female rats. Eight-month-old sham-operated (sham) and ovariectomized (ovx) retired breeder rats were maintained untreated for 3 months to allow for the development of osteopenia in the ovx group. The animals were then administered either saline, low dose nicotine (6.0 mg/kg/day), or high dose nicotine (9.0 mg/kg/day) via osmotic minipumps for 3 months. Blood was drawn at necropsy for determination of serum nicotine, cotinine, Ca, PTH, 25(OH)D, and 1,25(OH)(2)D. Right tibiae were collected and processed undecalcified for cancellous and cortical bone histomorphometry. Histomorphometric endpoints evaluated at the proximal tibial metaphysis included cancellous bone volume (BV/TV), osteoclast surface (Oc.S), osteoid surface (OS), mineralizing surface (MS), mineral apposition rate (MAR), and bone formation rate (BFR). Histomorphometric endpoints evaluated at the tibial diaphysis included cortical area (Ct.Ar), marrow area (Ma.Ar), and periosteal and endocortical MS, MAR, and BFR. Ovariectomy resulted in lower cancellous BV/TV and Ct.Ar and higher cancellous, endocortical, and periosteal MS and BFR. The presence of nicotine in serum confirmed successful delivery of the drug via osmotic minipumps. Administration of nicotine at the high dose resulted in lower serum 25(OH)D levels but differences in serum Ca or PTH were not detected with either nicotine treatment. Differences with nicotine treatment were also not detected for Oc.S at the proximal tibia. While treatment with nicotine at the high dose resulted in higher MS and BFR, in both sham and ovx rats, there were no differences due to nicotine treatment in cancellous BV/TV. Marrow area was greater in rats treated with nicotine than in rats treated with vehicle. However, differences with nicotine treatment were not detected in Ct.Ar in either intact or ovx rats. Overall, these findings indicate that steady state nicotine exposure does not alter bone mass in intact or ovx rats but may have detrimental effects on body storage of vitamin D.  相似文献   

The effects of nicotine on brain protein metabolism and on the properties of the nicotine binding site were investigated in newborn animals exposed to nicotine during gestation. Brain protein synthesis rates measured in vivo were lower by 18% in newborn of treated animals. Protein degradation rates measured in vitro in the presence of nicotine were lower by 13%. The effect was specific forl-(-) nicotine, sinced-(+)nicotine, nicotinic acid, or nicotinamide had no effect on degradation rates. Newborn brain amino acid levels, mainly nonessential amino acids and amino acids of putative neurotrans nitter function, were changed some-what; an increase in the level of taurine (13%), threonine (21%), serine (35%) and glycine (35%), and a decrease in lysine (14%) was observed in the offspring of nicotine treated animals (0.5 mg/kg, s.c., 2×daily throughout gestation). These changes could not account for the decrease in protein metabolism. Nicotine binding was higher by 25% in the offspring of animals exposed to nicotine during gestation. No such increase was found after treatment of adult rats with nicotine, indicating that the properties of the nicotine binding site change with age.  相似文献   

Granzyme B activity in target cells detects attack by cytotoxic lymphocytes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Lymphocyte-mediated cytotoxicity via granule exocytosis operates by the perforin-mediated transfer of granzymes from CTLs and NK cells into target cells where caspase activation and other death pathways are triggered. Granzyme B (GzB) is a major cytotoxic effector in this pathway, and its fate in target cells has been studied by several groups using immunodetection. In this study, we have used a newly developed cell-permeable fluorogenic GzB substrate to measure this protease activity in three different living targets following contact with cytotoxic effectors. Although no GzB activity is measurable in CTL or NK92 effector cells, this activity rapidly becomes detectable throughout the target cytoplasm after effector-target engagement. We have combined the GzB substrate with a second fluorogenic substrate selective for caspase 3 to allow both flow cytometry and fluorescence confocal microscopy studies of cytotoxicity. With both effectors, caspase 3 activity appears subsequent to that of GzB inside all three targets. Overexpression of Bcl-2 in target cells has minimal effects on lysis, NK- or CTL-delivered GzB activity, or activation of target caspase 3. Detection of target GzB activity followed by caspase 3 activation provides a unique readout of a potentially lethal injury delivered by cytotoxic lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Svedruzić ZM  Reich NO 《Biochemistry》2004,43(36):11460-11473
We measured the tritium exchange reaction on cytosine C(5) in the presence of AdoMet analogues to investigate the catalytic mechanism of the bacterial DNA cytosine methyltransferase M.HhaI. Poly(dG-dC) and poly(dI-dC) substrates were used to investigate the function of the active site loop (residues 80-99), stability of the extrahelical base, base flipping mechanism, and processivity on DNA substrates. On the basis of several experimental approaches, we show that methyl transfer is the rate-limiting pre-steady-state step. Further, we show that the active site loop opening contributes to the rate-limiting step during multiple cycles of catalysis. Target base activation and nucleophilic attack by cysteine 81 are fast and readily reversible. Thus, the reaction intermediates involving the activated target base and the extrahelical base are in equilibrium and accumulate prior to the slow methyl transfer step. The stability of the activated target base depends on the active site loop closure, which is dependent on the hydrogen bond between isoleucine 86 and the guanine 5' to the target cytosine. These interactions prevent the premature release of the extrahelical base and uncontrolled solvent access; the latter modulates the exchange reaction and, by implication, the mutagenic deamination reaction. The processive catalysis by M.HhaI is also regulated by the interaction between isoleucine 86 and the DNA substrate. Nucleophilic attack by cysteine 81 is partially rate limiting when the target base is not fully stabilized in the extrahelical position, as observed during the reaction with the Gln(237)Trp mutant or in the cytosine C(5) exchange reaction in the absence of the cofactor.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the effects of biofeedback of arterial blood pressure on cortical, peripheral, and psychological measures and the dependence of these effects on nicotine. Four groups of subjects, nonsmokers, and habitual smokers who smoked cigarettes during the experimental sessions containing 0.3, 0.8, or 1.5 mg nicotine, respectively, participated in a feedback paradigm in which continuous feedback of mean blood pressure was provided for intervals of 8 s each. While tonic blood pressure did not differ between the groups, the ability to modulate blood pressure (under feedback conditions) was restricted in smokers as compared to nonsmoking subjects; increasing nicotine dosage was accompanied by poorer performance. Independently of habitual smoking and nicotine doses, heart rate increased during feedback and under conditions of blood pressure increase. In smokers, activity in the alpha band was reduced in a dose-dependent manner. Slow cortical potentials (SCPs) during the feedback interval varied with self-induced blood pressure changes in nonsmokers (blood pressure increase was accompanied by reduced surface-negative potential shifts and vice versa), while SCP variations during feedback conditions were small in smokers, more so under the influence of 0.3 and 0.8-mg nicotine, less so under 1.5 mg. Verbal reports suggest that awareness of performance strategies may not be a necessary variable for performance on the blood pressure regulation task.This experiment was supported by Reemtsma Inc. Hamburg, which also provided the experimental cigarettes.  相似文献   

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