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Mutants of the methylotrophic yeast Hansenula polymorpha deficient in NAD-dependent formaldehyde or formate dehydrogenases have been isolated. They were more sensitive for exogenous methanol but retained the ability for methylotrophic growth. In the medium with methanol the growth yields of the mutant 356–83 deficient in formaldehyde dehydrogenase and of the wild-type strain were identical (0.34 g cells/g methanol) under chemostat cultivation. These results indicate that enzymes of direct formaldehyde oxidation are not indispensable for methylotrophic growth. At the same time inhibition of tricarboxylic acid cycle has resulted in suppression of growth in the media with multicarbon nonfermentable substrates such as glycerol, succinate, ethanol and dihydroxyacetone as well as with methanol, but not with glucose. In the experiments with the wild-type strain H. polymorpha it has been shown that citrate and dihydroxyacetone inhibit the radioactivity incorporation from 14C-methanol into CO2. All obtained data indicate that for the dissimilation of methanol and the supplying of energy for methylotrophic growth, the functioning of tricarboxylic acid cycle reactions as oppossed to those of direct formaldehyde oxidation is essential.  相似文献   

A growth-promoting substance (GPS) for methylotrophic yeasts was purified from yeast extract. The purified GPS showed growth promotion by reducing the lag time of the growth of methylotrophic Candida boidinii, while the growth rate at the exponential phase was the same as that of growth without GPS. GPS was finally identified to be L-proline by the criteria of instrumental analysis and chemical shift assignments.  相似文献   

The use of methylotrophic yeasts has been suggested for recycling CO2 to human food in extended space missions. Since the human diet requires higher carbohydrate levels than those normally found in microbes, attempts were made to increase the levels of storage carbohydrates, principally glycogen, through cultural and genetic methods. The effect of defining cultural conditions for the methylotrophic yeast Hansenula polymorpha resulted in increasing the storage carbohydrate content of the dry weight of the cells from 30 to 46%. During this analysis, a growth requirement for potassium was discovered. Several mutant strains were selected for high glycogen storage on plates and analysed for storage carbohydrate levels in submerged culture. These strains exhibited an additional 4–16% increase in the levels of storage carbohydrates over the parent strain in stationary phase. One strain was also able to store excess carbohydrate during exponential growth at levels 10% above the parent strain. Through a combination of cultural control and genetic modification, carbohydrate levels in this yeast were raised to 60% of the cell dry weight. Through additional genetic selection these levels are likely to be increased even further.  相似文献   

The gene encoding human epidermal growth factor (hEGF) was expressed as a fusion protein with the Saccharomyces cerevisiae-derived prepro alpha-factor leader in the methylotrophic yeast Hansenula polymorpha. The recombinant hEGF(1-53), when secreted by H. polymorpha, rapidly cleaved to hEGF(1-52) by carboxy-terminal proteolysis, resulting in the accumulation of C-terminal-truncated hEGF(1-52) in the culture medium. To solve this problem, we constructed a H. polymorpha mutant in which the KEX1 gene coding for carboxypeptidase ysc(alpha) was disrupted. The extent of C-terminal proteolysis of hEGF was significantly reduced when this kex1 disruptant was used as a host strain. After 24 h of shake-flask culture, most of the hEGF secreted by the kex1 disruptant remained intact, whereas more than 90% of the hEGF secreted by the wild-type was C-terminally cleaved. The recombinant hEGF was purified to >98% purity by two sequential steps of preparative scale anion exchange chromatography and reverse-phase HPLC. The authenticity of purified hEGF was confirmed by HPLC, N-terminal amino acid sequencing, and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectroscopy analyses.  相似文献   

Production and application of methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pichia pastoris is a methylotrophic yeast that makes use bf the enzyme alcohol oxidase to catalyze the first step of the dissimilatory pathway that enables it to grow on methanol. Because of its stability and low substrate specificity, alcohol oxidase is of considerable interest for a range of biotechnological processes. Various feeding regimes were evaluated in an effort to increase the biomass concentration and productivity that could be achieved from fermentations using this organism. Through continuous or semicontinuous feeding, biomass concentrations were increased 10-fold over those achieved in batch fermentations. In subsequent trials, nongrowing whole cells were applied successfully to convert ethanol to acetaldehyde. Quantitative conversions of 20-g/L solutions of ethanol have been achieved in 2 h, and acetaldehyde concentrations of up to 35 g/L have been achieved using extended reaction times of 5 h. The conversion reaction was limited by end product inhibition and by acetaldehyde holdup within the yeast cells.  相似文献   

Glucose transport was studied in a methylotrophic yeast Hansenula polymorpha . Two kinetically different glucose transport systems were revealed in cells grown under different growth conditions. Glucose-repressed cells exhibited a low-affinity transport system ( K m for glucose 1.75 mM) while glucose-derepressed and ethanol-grown cells had a high-affinity transport system ( K m for glucose 0.05–0.06 mM). The high- and low-affinity transport systems differed in substrate specificity, sensitivity to pH, dinitrophenol and protonophore carbonyl cyanide- m -chlorophenyl-hydrazone. The kinetic rearrangement of the glucose transport system in response to altered growth conditions was dependent on de novo protein synthesis.  相似文献   

The goal of this work is to optimize production of bio-ethanol by fermentation through regulating yeast growth energy (YGE), and provide the mechanism of ethanol production from food-waste leachate (FWL) using yeast (S. cerevisiae) as inoculums to be predictable and controllable. The wide range of reduced sugar concentration (RSC) which is commonly administered from low (35 g per liter) to very high (100 g per liter) is responsible for costs increasing besides risks of FWL contamination and death of yeast cells. A mathematical model is presented to describe yeast growth energy (YGE) due to RSC doses along with predicting the amounts of ethanol yield by each dose to identify the optimum one. Simulations of the presented model showed that YGE, energy intake (EI), and their produced ethanol energy (PEE) are always balanced during fermentation process according to the law of conservation of energy. For a better fermentation rate in a continuous process and a large-scale production; YGE should be less than half of EI and more than its quarter (i.e. $ \frac{ 1}{ 4}{\text{EI}} \le {\text{YGE}} \le \frac{1}{2}{\text{EI}} $ ) which keeps the residual energy less than YGE to avoid risks of osmotic stresses or aging of cells allowing the survival of all yeast cells as long as possible to maximize ethanol production and decrease productivity costs.  相似文献   

甲醇营养型酵母高密度培养过程中甲醇和乙醇的GC快速检测   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
采用气相色谱法(GC)快速检测甲醇营养型酵母发酵液中的甲醇、乙醇含量,具有样品处理简便,测定时间较短,结果重视性好的特点。在1-10mg/mL范围内具有很好的线性关系。在毕赤酵母高密度表达发酵过程中应用此法对甲醇和乙醇进行实时监空,细胞终密度超过300g/L(干重)。本方法为甲醇营养型酵母工程菌的发酵中试工艺研究提供了重要 的发酵生化参数。  相似文献   

The exploitation of methoxylated aromatic monomers by Eubacterium limosum was restricted to the cleavage and consumption of the methoxyl substituents: the phenolic residues were not further attacked. Growth characteristics were similar to those previously described for this organism on methanol. Degradation of aromatics containing more than one methoxyl group occurred in a sequential manner and transient accumulation of intermediates (particularly methyl-gallate) took place, though the enzymic mechanism for this phenomenon remains obscure. Degradation of 3,4,5-trimethoxybenzoate necessitated the initial attack of the para-methoxyl group before those groups in meta positions could be metabolised.  相似文献   

Heterologous protein expression in the methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris   总被引:158,自引:0,他引:158  
During the past 15 years, the methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris has developed into a highly successful system for the production of a variety of heterologous proteins. The increasing popularity of this particular expression system can be attributed to several factors, most importantly: (1) the simplicity of techniques needed for the molecular genetic manipulation of P. pastoris and their similarity to those of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, one of the most well-characterized experimental systems in modern biology; (2) the ability of P. pastoris to produce foreign proteins at high levels, either intracellularly or extracellularly; (3) the capability of performing many eukaryotic post-translational modifications, such as glycosylation, disulfide bond formation and proteolytic processing; and (4) the availability of the expression system as a commercially available kit. In this paper, we review the P. pastoris expression system: how it was developed, how it works, and what proteins have been produced. We also describe new promoters and auxotrophic marker/host strain combinations which extend the usefulness of the system.  相似文献   

Intracellular cadmium (Cd2+) ion accumulation and the ability to produce specific Cd2+ ion chelators was studied in the methylotrophic yeast Hansenula polymorpha. Only one type of Cd2+ intracellular chelators, glutathione (GSH), was identified, which suggests that sequestration of this heavy metal in H. polymorpha occurs similarly to that found in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, but different to Schizosaccharomys pombe and Candida glabrata which both synthesize phytochelatins. Cd2+ ion uptake in the H. polymorpha wild-type strains appeared to be an energy dependent process. It was found that Δgsh2 mutants, impaired in the first step of GSH biosynthesis, are characterized by increase in net Cd2+ ion uptake by the cells, whereas Δgsh1met1 and Δggt1 mutants impaired in sulfate assimilation and GSH catabolism, respectively, lost the ability to accumulate Cd2+ intracellularly. Apparently H. polymorpha, similarly to S. cerevisiae, forms a Cd-GSH complex in the cytoplasm, which in turn regulates Cd2+ uptake. Genes GSH1/MET1 and GGT1 are involved in maturation and metabolism of cellular Cd-GSH complex, respectively. Transport of [3H]N-ethylmaleimide-S-glutathione ([3H]NEM-SG) conjugate into crude membrane vesicules, purified from the wild-type cells of H. polymorpha appeared to be MgATP dependent, uncoupler insensitive and vanadate sensitive. We suggest that MgATP dependent transporter involved in Cd-GSH uptake in H. polymorpha, is similar to S. cerevisiae Ycf1-mediated vacuolar transporter responsible for accumulation of organic GS-conjugates and Cd-GSH complex.  相似文献   

A simple, accurate model capable of predicting cell growth and methanol utilization during the mixed substrate fed-batch fermentation of MutS recombinant Pichia pastoris was developed and was used to design an exponential feeding strategy for mixed substrate fed-batch fermentation at a constant specific growth rate. Mixed substrate feeding has been shown to boost productivity in recombinant fed-batch culture of P. pastoris, while fixed growth rate exponential feeding during fed-batch culture is a useful tool in process optimization and control.  相似文献   

Abstract Three types of Hansenula polymorpha 356 (leu) mutants unable to grow on methanol were isolated and characterized. The first type of mutants, M8, M14, and M41, were deficient in the alcohol oxidase activity (MOX). The dihydroxyacetone synthase activity appeared after incubation of the strains in the medium with glycerol and methylamine but not with methanol. One of the mutants (W218) with the reduced activity of alcohol oxidase lacked the formate dehydrogenase activity (FDH). All these mutants produced a low level of extracellular formaldehyde from methanol.
The second and third types of mutants were deficient in dihydroxyacetone synthase (DAS; 349, 409, 450), and dihydroxyacetone kinase (DAK; 4D1, 4D3, 4D16) activities, respectively. DAK mutants showed both the high activities of alcohol oxidase and NADH-dependent reduction of CH2O catalyzed by alcohol dehydrogenase. This indicated the possibility that NADH, generated in the oxidation of formaldehyde to CO2, may be oxidized by molecular oxygen via a futile cycle composed of the alcohol oxidase and alcohol dehydrogenase.  相似文献   

Under various conditions of growth of the methylotrophic yeast Hansenula polymorpha, a tight correlation was observed between the levels of flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD)-containing alcohol oxidase, and the levels of intracellularly bound FAD and flavin biosynthetic enzymes. Adaptation of the organism to changes in the physiological requirement for FAD was by adjustment of the levels of the enzymes catalyzing the last three steps in flavin biosynthesis, riboflavin synthetase, riboflavin kinase and flavin mononucleotide adenylyltransferase. The regulation of the synthesis of the latter enzymes in relation to that of alcohol oxidase synthesis was studied in experiments involving addition of glucose to cells of H. polymorpha growing on methanol in batch cultures or in carbon-limited continuous cultures. This resulted not only in selective inactivation of alcohol oxidase and release of FAD, as previously reported, but invariably also in repression/inactivation of the flavin biosynthetic enzymes. In further experiments involving addition of FAD to the same type of cultures it became clear that inactivation of the latter enzymes was not caused directly by glucose, but rather by free FAD that accumulated intracellularly. In these experiments no repression or inactivation of alcohol oxidase occurred and it is therefore concluded that the synthesis of this enzyme and the flavin biosynthetic enzymes is under separate control, the former by glucose (and possibly methanol) and the latter by intracellular levels of free FAD.Abbreviations FAD Flavin adenine dinucleotide - FMN riboflavin-5-phosphate; flavin mononucleotide - Rf riboflavin  相似文献   

The capacity to use methanol as sole source of carbon and energy is restricted to relatively few yeast species. This may be related to the low efficiency of methanol metabolism in yeast, relative to that of prokaryotes. This contribution describes the details of methanol metabolism in yeast and focuses on the significance of compartmentalization of this metabolic pathway in peroxisomes.  相似文献   

Growth of the thermotolerant methylotrophic Bacillus strain TS1 in methanol-limited chemostat culture showed that the substrate was oxidized solely to biomass and CO2. When a pulse of methanol was added to the growth vessel anabolism could be shown to be dissociated from catabolism for a transient period of time. Present data shows that when the organism was grown with a limitation other than carbon, some of the substrate was channelled into metabolite over-production. When the organism was grown under N-limitation 2-oxoglutarate accumulated in the culture medium in small amounts whilst acetate accumulated under all carbon excess conditions. Although the average carbon recovery was 92%, analysis of the culture filtrates for other metabolites failed to show significant amounts of any individual product above those detected in carbon-limited growth comditions. The results are discussed in relation to published data.  相似文献   

The development of heterologous overexpression systems for soluble proteins has greatly advanced the study of the structure/function relationships of these proteins and their biotechnological and pharmaceutical applications. In this paper we present an overview on several aspects of the use of the methylotrophic yeast Hansenula polymorpha as a host for heterologous gene expression. H. polymorpha has been successfully exploited as a cell factory for the large-scale production of such components. Stable, engineered strains can be obtained by site-directed integration of expression cassettes into the genome, for which various constitutive and inducible promoters are available to control the expression of the foreign genes. New developments have now opened the way to additional applications of H. polymorpha, which are unprecedented for other organisms. Most importantly, it may be the organism of choice for reliable, large-scale production of heterologous membrane proteins, using inducible intracellular membranes and targeting sequences to specifically insert these proteins stably into these membranes. Furthermore, the use of H. polymorpha offers the possibility to accumulate the produced components into specific compartments, namely peroxisomes. These organelles are massively induced during growth of the organism on methanol and may occupy up to 80% of the cell volume. Accumulation inside peroxisomes prevents undesired modifications (e.g. proteolytic processing or glycosylation) and is also in particular advantageous when proteins are produced which are toxic or harmful for the host.  相似文献   

Cloning of maltase gene from a methylotrophic yeast, Hansenula polymorpha   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Liiv L  Pärn P  Alamäe T 《Gene》2001,265(1-2):77-85
The Hansenula polymorpha maltase structural gene (HPMAL1) was isolated from a genomic library by hybridization of the library clones with maltase-specific gene probe. An open reading frame of 1695 nt encoding a 564 amino-acid protein with calculated molecular weight of 65.3 kD was characterized in the genomic DNA insert of the plasmid p51. The protein sequence deduced from the HPMAL1 exhibited 58 and 47% identity with maltases from Candida albicans and Saccharomyces carlsbergesis encoded by CAMAL2 and MAL62, respectively, and 44% identity with oligo-alpha-1,6-glucosidase from Bacillus cereus. The recombinant Hansenula polymorpha maltase produced in Escherichia coli hydrolyzed p-nitrophenyl-alpha-D-glucopyranoside (PNPG), sucrose, maltose and alpha-methylglucoside and did not act on melibiose, cellobiose, trehalose and o-nitrophenyl-beta-D-galactopyranoside (ONPG). The affinity of the recombinant enzyme for its substrates increased in the order maltose 相似文献   

Receptor elements for biosensors based on Hansenula polymorpha NCYC 495 ln yeast cells for ethanol assay were developed using two ways of cell immobilization, i.e., physical adsorption on a glass fiber membrane and covalent binding on a modified nitrocellulose membrane. The linear diapason of ethanol assays for a biosensor based on yeast cells adsorbed on glass fiber was 0.05–1.18; for a biosensor based on yeasts immobilized on a nitrocellulose membrane, 0.2–1.53 mM. Receptor elements based on sorbed cells possessed 2.5 times higher long-term stability. The time response was 1.5 times less for cells immobilized using DEAE-dextran and benzoquinone. The results of ethyl alcohol assays using biosensors based on cells immobilized via adsorption and covalent binding, as well as using the standard areometric method, had high correlation coefficients (0.998 and 0.997, respectively, for the two ways of immobilization). The results indicate the possibility to consider the described models of receptor elements for biosensors as prototypes for experimental samples for practical use.  相似文献   

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