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Magnetic material in the European eel (Anguilla anguilla L.) was investigated by a combination of magnetic susceptibility measurements, energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence analysis and transmission electron microscopy. It was shown that the magnetic material is associated with iron. The main part of the iron is present in the form of iron-rich particles with irregular shapes about 100-3000 A large. The structures of magnetite (Fe3O4), hematite (alpha-Fe2O3) and alpha-iron (bcc structure) were identified. The particles are composed of more than one of these phases with magnetite being a minority phase when present. The iron-rich particles found in the eel are different from the materials reported for bacteria or bees.  相似文献   

Size selectivity of fyke nets for European eels Anguilla anguilla was investigated by reviewing the results of published experimental studies. A general size selectivity model was then derived that can be easily incorporated into demographic models to simulate population dynamics, assess and monitor abundance and length structure of eel stocks and forecast the consequences of different management options.  相似文献   

Colonisation of freshwater habitats by the European eel Anguilla anguilla   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. The spatial distribution of European eels in 18 U.K. rivers was related to distance from tidal limit using a negative exponential model. This function accounted for between 19 and 90% of the variation in eel density where quantitative data was available. For semiquantitative data the negative exponential function was a significant predictor of eel densities in only six out of 10 cases, although all rivers showed a consistent decline in abundance with distance upstream from the tidal limit. 2. The spatial distribution of different age groups of European eel in River Severn showed an initial rapid dispersion into freshwater followed by a much slower dispersion rate. Movement of the population upstream by a wave‐form migration process does not occur in this system. Instead colonisation of freshwaters can be seen as a two‐phase dispersion. Phase‐1 is a rapid dispersion upstream driven by density at the point source. Phase‐2 commences once the eels become yellow eels and is equivalent to random diffusion of particles. 3. These processes have important implications for the penetration of freshwaters with reduced numbers of eel larvae arriving on the coast of Europe and North America. Eel abundance will decrease more in freshwaters in an upstream direction whilst it may remain stable or decrease to a lesser extent in estuaries. They are also able to explain the demography of eels migrating upstream over weirs and the observations of varying sex ratios within catchments. We conclude that a dispersion model dependent on age, temperature, difficulty of migration, habitat quality and density of eels should be an important part of freshwater eel management.  相似文献   

This is the first report of lipoma in the European eel Anguilla anguilla. In a single eel that was obtained from a polyculture fish farm in northern Egypt, a yellowish swelling (10 mm in diameter) was observed near the tip of the lower lip. The tumor was composed of mature lipocytes that occasionally fused into an unlined cystic space.  相似文献   

The swimbladder of the adult eel, Anguilla anguilla, with its bipolar countercurrent system, the rete mirabile, is a widely used model for swimbladder function, but very little is known about the development of this swimbladder. Our histological studies on the developing swimbladder revealed that during metamorphosis the swimbladder becomes present as a dorsal outgrowth of the esophagus. It is filled with surfactant, and gas was not detected in the swimbladder. In the young glass-eel, the epithelial (gas gland) cells of the swimbladder are columnar, but do not yet have the typical basolateral labyrinth established in adult animals. Few blood vessels are found in the swimbladder tissue, and the submucosa is present as a thick layer of connective tissue, giving a large diffusion distance between blood vessel and swimbladder lumen. Within the next 2 or 3 months of development, gas gland cells develop their typical basolateral labyrinth, and the thickness of the submucosa is significantly reduced, resulting in a short diffusion distance between blood vessels and the swimbladder lumen. The first filling of the swimbladder with gas is observed while the gas gland cells are still in a poorly differentiated status and it appears unlikely that these cells can accomplish their typical role in gas deposition. The presence of small gas bubbles in the swimbladder as well as in the ductus pneumaticus at the time of initial swimbladder inflation suggests that the swimbladder is filled by air gulping or possibly by taking up gas bubbles from the water.  相似文献   

The antibody response of European eels (Anguilla anguilla, L.) to the branchial parasites Pseudodactylogyrus anguillae and P. bini under hyperoxygenation conditions was studied. The antigenic fractions of parasites were detected by means of electrophoretic techniques (SDS-PAGE) and by Western blot analysis. The results obtained demonstrate that under hyperoxygenation conditions, the eels responded to a greater number of proteins, and this was correlated with a decrease in the level of infestation.  相似文献   

To study the migratory behaviour in wild northern European silver eel Anguilla anguilla during sea entry and early marine migration, 32 individuals were tagged with acoustic transmitters and registered at four automatic listening station arrays from the mouth of the north Norwegian River Alta and throughout the Alta Fjord. The A. anguilla entered the fjord during all parts of the tidal cycle and did not seem to utilize the outgoing tidal currents. They migrated mainly during the night, in both the river mouth and the fjord. On average, they spent 2·7 days travelling from the river mouth to the outermost array, 31 km from the river mouth, corresponding to an average migratory speed of 0·5 km h(-1) . The A. anguilla generally migrated in the central part of the fjord and in the uppermost 10-25% of the water column, but with frequent dives to greater depths. Already 4 km after sea entry, A. anguilla were observed diving deeper than 130 m within 20-30 min periods. Hence, this study demonstrated that A. anguilla may perform an active diving behaviour during the early marine migration. The study took place in a pristine area with a minimum of anthropogenic interventions and by individuals from a population still uninfected by the introduced parasite Anguillicoloides crassus. The results may therefore be used as a baseline for future studies of the A. anguilla early marine migration.  相似文献   

The gills of the European eel, Anguilla unguilla L. were analysed morphometrically. Fresh (unfixed) gills and resin-replica casts of the branchial vascular system were examined. The total gill surface area was found to be proportional to (body mas) 0-715 for fish of between 60 and 1 160 g. This relationship between gill surfxe area and body mass was maintained irrespective of a reduction in body mass produced by fasting. Vessel dimensions were obtained from the vascular casts. Calculations made using these values suggest that the major sites of gill vascular resistance lie at the level of the afferent lamellar arterioles and the secondary lamellae.  相似文献   

The chromosomes of the European eel Anguilla anguilla have been analyzed with a replication banding technique from lymphocyte cultures treated with 5-BrdU. This technique allows us to identify with high resolution the individual chromosome pairs and to differentiate classes of chromatin by the order of replication. The replication banding obtained on the chromosomes of European eel can be related with the structural bands described in this species.  相似文献   

A multi‐technique approach was used to study the changes occurring in European eel Anguilla anguilla ovaries during hormonally‐induced vitellogenesis. Aside from classic techniques used to monitor the vitellogenic process, such as ovary histology, fat content analysis, sodium dodecyl sulphate–polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS–PAGE) and vitellogenin enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), a new technique, Fourier‐transform infrared (FT‐IR) microspectroscopy, was used to analyse A. anguilla ovaries. The results from the different techniques provided different ways of approaching the same process. Although it is considered a time consuming approach, of all the employed techniques, histology provided the most direct evidences about vitellogenesis. SDS–PAGE and ELISA were also useful for studying vitellogenesis, whereas fat analysis cannot be used for this purpose. The FT‐IR analysis provided a representative IR spectrum for each ovarian stage (previtellogenic stage, early vitellogenic stage, mid‐vitellogenic stage and late vitellogenic stage), demonstrating that it is a valid method able to illustrate the distribution of the oocytes within the ovary slices. The chemical maps obtained confirmed changes in lipid concentrations and revealed their distribution within the oocytes at different maturational stages. When the results and the accuracy of the FT‐IR analysis were compared with those of the traditional techniques commonly used to establish the vitellogenic stage, it became evident that FT‐IR is a useful and reliable tool, with many advantages, including the fact that it requires little biological material, the costs involved are low, analysis times are short and last but not least, the fact that it offers the possibility of simultaneously analysing various biocomponents of the same oocyte.  相似文献   

To determine the relation between swimming endurance time and burst swimming speed, elvers of the European eel, Anguilla anguilla (L.), were made to swim at speeds from 3.6 to 7.2 L (body lengths) s−1 in both fresh and sea water. Swimming endurance time of elvers averaging 7.2 cm total length decreased logarithmically with increased swimming speed from 3.0 min at 3.5 L s−1 to 0.7 min at 5.0 L s−1, and again logarithmically but with a lesser slope to 0.27 min at 7.5 L s−1. No differences were found between fresh and sea water elvers. In still water, elvers could swim at high speeds for about 10–45m before exhaustion, depending upon speed. Elvers would be able to make virtually no progress against water currents >50 cm s−1. Drift in coastal water currents and selective tidal transport probably involve swimming speeds below those tested in this study. Migration into freshwater streams undoubtedly involves avoidance of free stream speeds and a combination of burst and sustained swimming.  相似文献   

A nucleic acid probe for the Herpesvirus anguillae (HVA) Taiwan isolate was constructed using recombinant DNA techniques. This probe consisted of a specific viral DNA fragment (1550 bp) generated by digestion of HVA DNA with the restriction enzyme HindIII, and labeled non‐radioactively with digoxigenin (DIG). The probe was used to detect the HVA genome from HVA‐infected cell cultures and tissue specimens prepared from infected eels, using either dot blot or in situ hybridizations.  相似文献   

A comparative study between EHVF (eel herpesvirus in Formosa) and HVA ( Herpesvirus anguillae ) was performed. Similar syncytia were produced by each virus in cell lines infected with the viruses and similar viral yields were obtained. Significant cross-reactivity was observed in neutralization tests between HVA and EHVF but HVA and EFVF were distinctly different from channel catfish virus (CCV). An electrophoretic analysis of the structural proteins of EHVF and HVA produced similar electrophoretic patterns. Western blotting analysis of the viral proteins, using antiserum against EHVF, supported the results obtained in the cross-neutralization test. In conclusion, the isolates of HVA and EHVF are tightly clustered.  相似文献   

A comprehensive literature review on prevalence and distribution of parasites of the European eel (Anguilla anguilla) in European waters was conducted to set a baseline for future trend analyses and biodiversity considerations. The resulting checklist compiled from peer reviewed journals as well as grey literature including scientific reports, conference contributions, PhD theses and own survey data includes all protozoan and metazoan parasites of the European eel from freshwater, brackish and marine habitats. Parasites are arranged according to phylum and family. Species within families are listed alphabetically. Infected host organs, recorded habitats, localities, countries and literature citations are provided for each species. A total of 161 parasite species ? taxa from 30 countries are listed. With the trypanorhynch cestode Tentacularia coryphaenae a new host record could be documented. Furthermore, three new locality records of parasitic nematodes could be added based on own survey data: Anisakis simplex from an eel caught in the Baltic Sea, Eustrongylides mergorum for German freshwaters, and Goezia anguillae from the Tagus estuary in Portugal. Special consideration was given to the distribution of the swimbladder nematode Anguillicola crassus. A map and table of first reported records of this neozoan parasite species for 25 countries as well as a survey map indicating all published localities documented in the checklist are provided.  相似文献   

A humoral immune response of the European eel Anguilla anguilla elicited by an experimental infection was demonstrated for the first time against the swimbladder nematode Anguillicola crassus. Eels were experimentally infected once or repeatedly and the antibody response was observed over a period of 325 d. Specific antibodies against A. crassus in the peripheral blood of the eels were measured using an ELISA and the immunoblot technique. Anti-A. crassus antibodies were first observed 8 wk post infection, and appeared to be independent of both the number of infective third stage larvae (L3) administered and the frequency of administration. However, individual eels showed great differences in the course of the antibody response. The late appearance of antibodies in the peripheral blood supports the hypothesis that not the invading L3 but rather the adult parasites elicit the production of specific antibodies. A stage-specific antibody response against the L3 was not observed. Main antigens are located in the body wall, especially in the gelatinous outer cuticle, of adult A. crassus.  相似文献   

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