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Monoclonal antibodies were raised against proteoglycan core protein isolated after chondroitinase ABC digestion of human articular cartilage proteoglycan monomer. Characterization of one of the monoclonal antibodies (1/20/5-D-4) indicated that it specifically recognized an antigenic determinant in the polysaccharide structure of both corneal and skeletal keratan sulfate. Enzyme immunoassay analyses indicated that the mouse monoclonal IgG1 recognized keratan sulfate in native proteoglycan aggregate and proteoglycan monomer preparations isolated from hyaline cartilages of a wide variety of animal species (human, monkey, cow, sheep, chicken, and shark cartilage). The 1/20/5-D-4 monoclonal antibody did not recognize antigenic determinants on proteoglycan isolated from Swarm rat chondrosarcoma. This finding is consistent with several biochemical analyses showing the absence of keratan sulfate in proteoglycan synthesised by this tissue. A variety of substructures isolated after selective cleavage of bovine nasal cartilage proteoglycan (Heineg?rd, D., and Axelsson, J. (1977) J. Biol. Chem. 252, 1971-1979) were used as competing antigens in radioimmunoassays to characterize the specificity of the 1/20/5-D-4 immunoglobulin. Substructures derived from the keratan sulfate attachment region of the proteoglycan (keratan sulfate peptides) showed the strongest inhibition. Both corneal and skeletal keratan sulfate peptides as competing antigens in radioimmunoassays showed similar inhibition when compared on the basis of their glucosamine content. Therefore, the 1/20/5-D-4 monoclonal antibody appears to recognize a common determinant in their polysaccharide moieties. Chemical desulfation of the keratan sulfate reduced the antigenicity of the glycosaminoglycan. The antibody did not recognize determinants present in dermatan sulfate, heparin, heparin sulfate, or hyaluronic acid.  相似文献   

We have previously reported that the cell-type distribution and pattern of expression of the surface antigen recognized by the monoclonal antibody 69A1, suggests that it may be involved during the period of nerve fibre outgrowth and the formation of fibre bundles in the rat (Pigott & Kelly, 1986). In this current study, we have examined the expression of the epitope recognized by antibody 69A1 in regions of the rat central nervous system in which it is possible to distinguish between neurones with axons that fasciculate to form clearly defined fibre tracts and neurones with non-fasciculating processes. We have also examined antibody 69A1 labelling in several regions of the peripheral nervous system. We report that the 69A1 epitope is expressed on neurones with axons that fasciculate but is not found on neurones with short, non-fasciculating axons or on neurones without a morphologically identifiable axon. The antigen 69A1 has been purified and shown to be immunochemically closely related or identical to the L1 antigen.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibody (MAb) 667 is a neutralizing mouse monoclonal antibody recognizing the envelope glycoprotein (Env) of the ecotropic neurotropic murine retrovirus CasBrE but not that of other murine retroviruses. Since 667 can be used for preclinical studies of antiviral gene therapy as well as for studying the early events of retroviral infection, we have cloned its cDNAs and molecularly characterized it in detail. Spot technique-based experiments showed that 667 recognizes a linear epitope of 12 amino acids located in the variable region A of the receptor binding domain. Alanine scanning experiments showed that six amino acids within the epitope are critical for MAb binding. One of them, D(57), is not present in any other murine retroviral Env, which suggests a critical role for this residue in the selectivity of 667. MAb 667 heavy- and light-chain cDNAs were functionally characterized by transient transfection into Cos-7 cells. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays and Biacore studies showed that the specificities as well as the antigen-binding thermodynamic and kinetic properties of the recombinant 667 MAb (r667) produced by Cos-7 cells and those of the parental hybridoma-produced MAb (h667) were similar. However, h667 was shown to contain contaminating retroviral and/or retrovirus-like particles which interfere with both viral binding and neutralization experiments. These contaminants could successfully be removed by a stringent purification protocol. Importantly, this purified 667 could completely prevent retrovirus binding to target cells and was as efficient as the r667 MAb produced by transfected Cos-7 cells in neutralization assays. In conclusion, this study shows that the primary mechanism of virus neutralization by MAb 667 is the blocking of the retroviral receptor binding domain of CasBrE Env. In addition, the findings of this study constitute a warning against the direct use of hybridoma cell culture supernatants for studying the initial events of retroviral cell infection as well as for carrying out in vivo neutralization experiments and suggest that either recombinant antibodies or highly purified antibodies are preferable for these purposes.  相似文献   

The p21 products of ras proto-oncogenes are GTP-binding proteins with associated GTPase activity. Recent studies have indicated that ras p21 may be required for the initiation of normal cell DNA synthesis, since microinjection of a monoclonal antibody, Y13-259, blocks serum stimulation of DNA synthesis in quiescent cell cultures (L. S. Mulcahy, M.R. Smith, and D. W. Stacey, Nature [London] 313:241-243, 1985). We localized the structural domain within the p21 molecule recognized by the Y13-259 monoclonal antibody. By analysis of a series of bacterially expressed p21 deletion mutants, the monoclonal antibody was found to interact with a region between positions 70 and 89 in the p21 amino acid sequence. By comparison of the coding sequences of different p21 proteins recognized by this monoclonal antibody, a highly conserved amino acid region between positions 70 and 81 was found to be the most likely site for the epitope detected by the Y13-259 antibody. This monoclonal antibody was further shown not to interfere directly with in vitro biochemical functions of the molecule, including GTP binding, GTPase, and autokinase activities.  相似文献   

Deng YQ  Dai JX  Ji GH  Jiang T  Wang HJ  Yang HO  Tan WL  Liu R  Yu M  Ge BX  Zhu QY  Qin ED  Guo YJ  Qin CF 《PloS one》2011,6(1):e16059
Flaviviruses are a group of human pathogenic, enveloped RNA viruses that includes dengue (DENV), yellow fever (YFV), West Nile (WNV), and Japanese encephalitis (JEV) viruses. Cross-reactive antibodies against Flavivirus have been described, but most of them are generally weakly neutralizing. In this study, a novel monoclonal antibody, designated mAb 2A10G6, was determined to have broad cross-reactivity with DENV 1-4, YFV, WNV, JEV, and TBEV. Phage-display biopanning and structure modeling mapped 2A10G6 to a new epitope within the highly conserved flavivirus fusion loop peptide, the (98)DRXW(101) motif. Moreover, in vitro and in vivo experiments demonstrated that 2A10G6 potently neutralizes DENV 1-4, YFV, and WNV and confers protection from lethal challenge with DENV 1-4 and WNV in murine model. Furthermore, functional studies revealed that 2A10G6 blocks infection at a step after viral attachment. These results define a novel broadly flavivirus cross-reactive mAb with highly neutralizing activity that can be further developed as a therapeutic agent against severe flavivirus infections in humans.  相似文献   

The entire and partial gag regions of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) were overproduced in Escherichia coli and used for epitope mapping of antibodies against p17. We found that a mouse monoclonal antibody to p17, V17 recognizes the mature p17 but not the unprocessed Gag proteins containing the entire p17 moiety. Further analysis revealed that V17 recognizes the C-terminal 12-amino-acid region of p17 having free C-terminus. This monoclonal antibody may be useful for monitoring the maturation of virus particles.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) against sperm cells are currently being used in an effort to define spermatozoal antigens involved in the fertilization process. We have produced a number of anti-human sperm mAbs by immunization of female mice with the 100,000 x g supernatant of octylglycoside-solubilized washed human sperm. From a panel of mAbs, 1 antibody, AG7, was selected and characterized due to its fertilization-inhibiting characteristics. MAb AG7 defines a sperm acrosome antigen-1 (SAA-1) located in the acrosomal region of human sperm as evaluated by indirect immunofluorescence. Staining of life sperm cells indicated that the antigen is present on the sperm surface. SAA-1 was also found on sperm of several other mammalian species, implying evolutionary conservation of the antigen. SAA-1 was first observed on testicular sperm and can be followed through epididymal transit, ejaculation, and capacitation. When applied in a mouse in vitro fertilization assay, mAb AG7 inhibits fertilization by greater than 95%, and inhibition is dose dependent, with half-maximal inhibition at 0.8 micrograms/ml. The block to fertilization could not be attributed to sperm agglutination, inhibition of motility, interference with adhesion to the zona pellucida, or inhibition of fusion with the oocyte membrane. MAb AG7 was demonstrated to inhibit calcium influx in spermatozoa in vitro (measured using the fluorescent indicator fura 2), a prerequisite for the acrosome reaction. Initial biochemical characterization of the antigen suggests it is proteinlike in nature, with a molecular weight of approximately 220 kD. The results suggest that SAA-1, identified by mAb AG7, is a sperm antigen crucially involved in the fertilization process, possibly an atypical steroid receptor or ion channel located within the sperm plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Our recently found nonlipoprotein inhibitor of chylomicron remnant uptake, lactoferrin, has been investigated in vivo and in vitro. Lipoprotein lipase extracted triglycerides from chylomicrons, doubly labeled with [3H]retinol/[14C]oleate, in the presence of lactoferrin normally. The subsequent uptake of remnants into liver was retarded considerably. In the intact rat, chylomicron remnants (CRs), predominantly labeled in the apoB48 moiety by 125I, were excluded from the hepatic endosomal compartment in the presence of lactoferrin as shown in subcellular fractionation studies of rat livers. In tissue culture, internalization of [125I]chylomicron remnants was inhibited in the presence of 14 pM lactoferrin by 70%. Upon removal of lactoferrin, internalization was rapidly restored. Protease digestion eliminated the inhibitory effect completely. Modification of arginine residues with cyclohexanedione reversibly removed the inhibitory potency of lactoferrin. We located by molecular modeling an alpha-helical segment in lactoferrin on the exposed surface of the molecule containing the sequence Arg-X-X-Arg-Lys-X-Arg, which resembles the receptor recognition structure in apolipoprotein E (apoE). This firmly established ligand correspondence with apoE, the candidate ligand for CR recognition by the receptor. Finally, the postulated second function of low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein, uptake of alpha-2-macroglobulin (alpha 2M) was found to be distinct from lipoprotein binding, since lactoferrin inhibited CR but not alpha 2M internalization. In addition, CR uptake was not affected by alpha 2M. We conclude that if a bifunctional receptor were to operate, its diverse functions were exerted by independently operating substructures. The results of our in vivo and cell culture experiments are, however, entirely compatible with the existence of two receptors as well.  相似文献   

K Ito  K Sato    H Endo 《Nucleic acids research》1994,22(1):53-58
We previously identified a G-rich silencer element involved in negative regulation of catalase gene expression in some hepatoma cells (Mol. Cell. Biol., (1992), 12, 2525-2533). To study a nuclear binding protein for this element, we screened cDNA libraries from a rat ascites hepatoma cell line by binding with a synthetic oligonucleotide probe and obtained several clones. One of them, designated SW, was studied in detail. A clone (SW2) of this series contained a near full length cDNA encoding a putative peptide with 463 amino acid residues. We isolated this peptide as a fusion protein. It was found that the protein strongly bound to the C-stretch of the DNA sequence in a single strand specific fashion, but absolutely did not to G-rich sequence. The protein bound weakly to the corresponding double-stranded DNA as well as to C-rich RNA sequence. This protein, though not the expected one, was found to be a novel protein whose DNA binding domain was located on the region containing at least 75 amino acid residues of the carboxyl terminus. A proline rich region was also observed in the middle part of the protein. Northern blot profiles indicated extensive and slight expression of both 2.0 kb and 2.7 kb mRNA species in some hepatoma cell lines and in the rat liver, respectively.  相似文献   

Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) codes for at least three glycoproteins, gp350, gp220, and gp85. The two largest glycoproteins are thought to be involved in the attachment of the virus to its receptor on B cells, but despite the fact that gp85 induces neutralizing antibody, no function has been attributed to it. As an indirect approach to understanding the role of gp85 in the initiation of infection, we determined the point at which a neutralizing, monoclonal antibody that reacted with the glycoprotein interfered with virus replication. The antibody had no effect on virus binding. To examine the effect of the antibody on later stages of infection, the fusion assay of Hoekstra and colleagues (D. Hoekstra, T. de Boer, K. Klappe, and J. Wilshaut, Biochemistry 23:5675-5681, 1984) was adapted for use with EBV. The virus was labeled with a fluorescent amphiphile that was self-quenched at the high concentration obtained in the virus membrane. When the virus and cell membrane fused, there was a measurable relief of self-quenching that could be monitored kinetically. Labeling had no effect on virus binding or infectivity. The assay could be used to monitor virus fusion with lymphoblastoid lines or normal B cells, and its validity was confirmed by the use of fixed cells and the Molt 4 cell line, which binds but does not internalize the virus. The monoclonal antibody to gp85 that neutralized virus infectivity, but not a second nonneutralizing antibody to the same molecule, inhibited the relief of self-quenching in a dose-dependent manner. This finding suggests that gp85 may play an active role in the fusion of EBV with B-cell membranes.  相似文献   

We have established seven murine hybridoma cell lines which produce monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) against Pseudomonas aeruginosa elastase. The seven mAbs recognized at least six different epitopes on the elastase molecule. All mAbs inhibited both enzymatic activities of elastase and protease, in which elastin fluorescein and hide powder azure were used as substrates, respectively. One of them, mAb E-4D3, strongly neutralized enzymatic activities of peptidase in which furylacryloyl-glycyl-leucinamide was used as a substrate, as well as of elastase and protease. In contrast, the other six mAbs did not neutralize peptidase activity at all. The Ki value for furylacryloyl-glycl-leucinamide of E-4D3, as well as its Fab fragment, was comparable to those for metalloprotease inhibitors such as phosphoramidon and Zincov inhibitor. The binding of mAb E-4D3 was inhibited by phosphoramidon and Zincov inhibitor, but not by metal chelators such as EDTA and o-phenanthroline. A line of evidence suggests that mAb E-4D3 directly interacts with active site and highly neutralizes enzymatic activity of P. aeruginosa elastase. Data of Western blotting and ELISA suggest that mAb E-4D3 is likely to recognize an elastase molecule in a conformation-dependent manner as an epitope. In contrast, the neutralizing activity of the other mAbs against elastase and protease seems to be caused by a low accessibility of an enzyme to insoluble and high-molecular-mass substrates through the binding and steric hindrance of the mAbs to an enzyme.  相似文献   

SP-10 is a sperm intra-acrosomal protein, specific to the testis, that is believed to play an important role in egg-sperm binding. While the molecular characterization of the SP-10 protein has been clarified, little is yet known of its functional role in fertilization. We therefore established a monoclonal antibody (mAb pep-SP10) against a peptide (pep-SP10) that included the most hydrophilic portion of human SP-10 between the 135th and 149th amino acids. Human SP-10 was found to be localized in the equatorial region of acrosome-reacted sperm by immunofluorescent staining using our mAb pep-SP10. Monoclonal Ab pep-SP10 inhibited sperm-oolemma binding in the zona-free hamster egg penetration test, but it did not inhibit sperm-zona binding in the hemizona assay. Furthermore, we demonstrated that the oolemmal ligands of human SP-10 did not include beta(1) integrins, the most promising candidates for oocyte ligands involved in sperm-oolemma binding, based on the findings of a human sperm-cultured cell binding assay using F9 mouse embryonal carcinoma cells and F9-transformed cells lacking beta(1) integrins. In conclusion, our present data suggest that human SP-10, expressed on the equatorial region of acrosome-reacted sperm, indeed mediates sperm-oolemma binding in a beta(1) integrin-independent manner, but not sperm-zona binding.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody (mAb) generated against the chemically-induced BALB/c Meth A sarcoma, designated HD42, reacts in cytotoxic tests with Meth A as well as with BALB/c peripheral lymph node cells and mitogen-activated spleen cells. The antigen was detected by FACS analysis on BALB/c spleen and lymph node cells, and by absorption assays on all normal lymphoid cells of BALB/c but not B6 mice. The expression of the antigen was not found on normal adult lung fibroblasts, on brain, nor on an extensive panel of tumors of BALB/c and B6 origin. Because the strain distribution of the antigen is reciprocal to that of Ly-6.2 and is not expressed in congenic C3H.Ly-6b mice, we have tentatively defined it as Ly-6.1 and referred to the mAb as alpha-Ly-6.1. The presence of alpha-Ly-6.1 abrogates both the Con A-induced and the IL 2-dependent proliferative response of normal T cells, whereas the response of normal B cells to LPS remains unaffected. alpha-Ly-6.1 is a potent suppressor of the primary in vitro plaque-forming cell (PFC) response to SRBC. Pretreatment of normal splenic T cells with alpha-Ly-6.1 and complement had no effect on the ability of these cells to generate in vitro either T helper cells (TH) or T suppressor cells (TS) to SRBC. However, addition of antibody in the absence of complement during the generation of TH or TS, or posttreatment of these T cell subsets with antibody and complement after in vitro education, completely removed the functional activity of these cell types. Addition of alpha-Ly-6.1 to MLC suppressed the MLR as well as the generation of cytotoxic lymphocytes (CTL), whereas the presence of the antibody during a cell-mediated lympholysis (CML) had no effect. Therefore, it appears that alpha-Ly-6.1 recognizes an antigen that is important for the generation of TH and TS cell subsets.  相似文献   

Mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinases are a family of serine/threonine kinases implicated in the control of cell proliferation and differentiation. We have found that activated p42mapk is a target for the phosphoepitope antibody MPM-2, a monoclonal antibody that recognizes a cell cycle-regulated phosphoepitope. We have determined that the MPM-2 antibody recognizes the regulatory region of p42mapk. Binding of the MPM-2 antibody to active p42mapk in vitro results in a decrease in p42mapk enzymatic activity. The MPM-2 phosphoepitope can be generated in vitro on bacterially expressed p42mapk by phosphorylation with either isoform of MAP kinase kinase (MKK), MKK1, or MKK2. Analysis of p42mapk proteins mutated in their regulatory sites shows that phosphorylated Thr-183 is essential for the binding of the MPM-2 antibody. MPM-2 binding to Thr-183 is affected by the amino acid present in the other regulatory site, Tyr-185. Substitution of Tyr-185 with phenylalanine results in strong binding of the MPM-2 antibody, whereas substitution with glutamic acid substantially diminishes MPM-2 antibody binding. The MPM-2 phosphoepitope antibody recognizes an amino acid domain incorporating the regulatory phosphothreonine on activated p42mapk in eggs during meiosis and in mammalian cultured cells during the G0 to G1 transition.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibody MN13 raised against mouse spermatozoa specifically recognizes the postacrosomal region of the sperm head in several mammalian species. Colloidal gold-immunoelectron microscopy of demembranated mouse spermatozoa indicated that the antigen is associated with the outer layer of the periodic substructure apparently linking the postacrosomal sheath to the overlying plasma membrane. The antigen recognized by MN13 may contribute to the intimate association of the postacrosomal sheath with the overlying plasma membrane.  相似文献   

RNA ligands (RNA aptamers) to a protease subtilisin were selected from pools of random RNA by SELEX (systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment) and by use of a subtilisin-immobilized Sepharose column. After eight rounds of selection, RNA aptamers were isolated by cloning to a plasmid vector. We characterized one of the selected RNA molecules. This RNA aptamer displayed specific inhibition toward the subtilisin activity, even when the assay for subtilisin was performed using the chromogenic small peptide as substrate, and almost no inhibitory activity toward trypsin and chymotrypsin, although these enzymes are serine proteases similar to subtilisin. These findings indicate that this RNA can differentially recognize the surfaces of similar proteases. Kinetic analysis of the RNA aptamer revealed that the inhibition constant (Ki) toward subtilisin was 2.5 microM.  相似文献   

mAb M.1 was previously shown to recognize a 28-kDa Ag in all stages of the human helminth parasite, Schistosoma mansoni, and to bind to the surface membranes of newly transformed schistosomula in a transient manner. Here we demonstrate that M.1 passively transfers partial resistance (41-49%) to cercarial challenge in naive mice. Thus, the 28-kDa Ag recognized by M.1 is a putative vaccine candidate. After immunoaffinity purification, tryptic digests of the 28-kDa Ag were prepared and individual peptides were sequenced. Amino terminus sequences of tryptic peptides of the 28-kDa Ag had high (79-87%) sequence homology with the mammalian glycolytic/gluconeogenic enzyme triosephosphate isomerase (TPI). Purified, native 28-kDa Ag from adult parasites was shown to function enzymatically in an analogous manner to yeast and mammalian TPI in the reverse reaction. Addition of M.1 antibody to the enzyme reaction altered the catalytic activity of schistosome TPI. To determine the immunologic cross-reactivity of this vaccine candidate with mammalian TPI, Western blot analysis was performed and demonstrated that M.1 was immunologically specific for the schistosome enzyme.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody (mAb), 2E12, against the neural cell adhesion molecule L1 recognized the 200 kDa component of L1. The epitope of L1 reacting with mAb 2E12 was localized in its carbohydrate chain, judging from the results of experiments on glycopeptidase F treatment. The physiological effect of adding mAbL1 (2E12) to cultured mouse dorsal root ganglion neurons was studied using patch-clamp techniques. The binding of mAbL1 (2E12) to the neurons expressing L1 molecule induced an inward current inhibited by calcium channel blockers such as nifedipine and Lanthanum. It was also found that the mAbL1 (2E12) leads to a rise in the intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) in cultured neurons. This rise seems to be due to an influx of extracellular Ca2+, since treatment with EGTA abolished those phenomena. L-type calcium channel blockers such as nifedipine and cadmium, as well as inward current, blocked the effect of mAbL1 (2E12). These results suggest that the carbohydrate chain of L1 glycoprotein is directly involved in the induction of calcium current, and that the L1 molecule may play a prominent role in regulation of the Ca2+ channel.  相似文献   

The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is overexpressed in many epithelial cancers, an observation often correlated with poor clinical outcome. Overexpression of the EGFR is commonly caused by EGFR gene amplification and is sometimes associated with expression of a variant EGFR (de2-7 EGFR or EGFRvIII) bearing an internal deletion in its extracellular domain. Monoclonal antibody (mAb) 806 is a novel EGFR antibody with significant antitumor activity that recognizes both the de2-7 EGFR and a subset of the wild type (wt) EGFR when overexpressed but does not bind the wt EGFR expressed in normal tissues. Despite only binding to a low proportion of the wt EGFR expressed in A431 tumor cells (approximately 10%), mAb 806 displays robust antitumor activity against A431 xenografts grown in nude mice. To elucidate the mechanism leading to its unique specificity and mode of antitumor activity, we have determined the EGFR binding epitope of mAb 806. Analysis of mAb 806 binding to EGFR fragments expressed either on the surface of yeast or in an immunoblot format identified a disulfide-bonded loop (amino acids 287-302) that contains the mAb 806 epitope. Indeed, mAb 806 binds with apparent high affinity (approximately 30 nm) to a synthetic EGFR peptide corresponding to these amino acids. Analysis of EGFR structures indicates that the epitope is fully exposed only in the transitional form of the receptor that occurs because EGFR changes from the inactive tethered conformation to a ligand-bound active form. It would seem that mAb 806 binds this small proportion of transient receptors, preventing their activation, which in turn generates a strong antitumor effect. Finally, our observations suggest that the generation of antibodies to transitional forms of growth factor receptors may represent a novel way of reducing normal tissue targeting yet retaining antitumor activity.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody against the human erythrocyte Ca2+ pump (1E4) reacted with the enzyme in intact erythrocytes. Using trypsinized preparations of the pump the antibody only reacted with the N-terminal fragments of 33.5 and 35 kDa. The fragments span from the N terminus (35 kDa) or from residue 19 (33.5 kDa) to residue 314 of the hPMCA4 isoform of the pump. Exhaustive degradation with a number of agents produced smaller peptides which reacted with the antibody. Sequencing analysis on two chymotryptic fragments of 8.8 and 13.5 kDa identified the epitope in an approximately 80-residue domain beginning with Gly-81. Two peptides corresponding to the putative extramembrane portions of this region of the pump were synthesized. The antibody reacted with one of them, spanning residues Phe-121 to Gly-152 and containing the first putative external loop of the pump. Peptides corresponding to overlapping portions of this peptide were synthesized, leading to the location of the epitope in a 13-residue sequence (Glu-130 to Glu-142) in the first predicted extracellular loop (Verma, A. K., Filoteo, A. G., Stanford, D. R., Wieben, E. D., Strehler, E. E., Fischer, R., Heim, R., Vogel, G., Mathews, S., Strehler-Page, M-A., James, P., Vorherr, T., Krebs, J., Penniston, J. T., and Carafoli, E. (1988) J. Biol. Chem. 263, 14152-14159).  相似文献   

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