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The interaction of cytochrome c with ubiquinol-cytochrome c oxidoreductase (bc1 complex) has been studied for >30 years, yet many aspects remain unclear or controversial. We report the first molecular dynamic simulations of the cyt c-bc1 complex interaction. Contrary to the results of crystallographic studies, our results show that there are multiple dynamic hydrogen bonds and salt bridges in the cyt c-c1 interface. These include most of the basic cyt c residues previously implicated in chemical modification studies. We suggest that the static nature of x-ray structures can obscure the quantitative significance of electrostatic interactions between highly mobile residues. This provides a clear resolution of the discrepancy between the structural data and functional studies. It also suggests a general need to consider dynamic interactions of charged residues in protein-protein interfaces. In addition, a novel structural change in cyt c is reported, involving residues 21-25, which may be responsible for cyt c destabilization upon binding. We also propose a mechanism of interaction between cyt c1 monomers responsible for limiting the binding of cyt c to only one molecule per bc1 dimer by altering the affinity of the cytochrome c binding site on the second cyt c1 monomer.  相似文献   

Although single‐molecule experiments have provided mechanistic insight for several molecular motors, these approaches have proved difficult for membrane bound molecular motors like the FoF1‐ATP synthase, in which proton transport across a membrane is used to synthesize ATP. Resolution of smaller steps in Fo has been particularly hampered by signal‐to‐noise and time resolution. Here, we show the presence of a transient dwell between Fo subunits a and c by improving the time resolution to 10 μs at unprecedented S/N, and by using Escherichia coli FoF1 embedded in lipid bilayer nanodiscs. The transient dwell interaction requires 163 μs to form and 175 μs to dissociate, is independent of proton transport residues aR210 and cD61, and behaves as a leash that allows rotary motion of the c‐ring to a limit of ~36° while engaged. This leash behaviour satisfies a requirement of a Brownian ratchet mechanism for the Fo motor where c‐ring rotational diffusion is limited to 36°.  相似文献   

Steindachneridion melanodermatum is a large Brazilian catfish, highly prized for sport fishing and for its meat. Specimens of this species, both caught in nature from Iguacu River and F(1) fish born in captivity, were analyzed with regard to patterns of RAPD molecular markers. Genetic similarity ranged from 0.57 to 0.95; two groups were determined for the wild specimens. The results suggest different genetic lineages in sympatry in nature. Heterozygosity and percentage of polymorphic loci were 0.31 and 79% and 0.23 and 62%, respectively, for the two populations of wild specimens and 0.26 and 66%, respectively, for those born in captivity.  相似文献   

Functional genomics of PPAR-γ in human immunomodulatory cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Keeping in view the fact that peroxisome-proliferators activated receptors-PPARs (α,γ) play a crucial role in atherogenic inflammation, the present study was addressed to explore as to how selective and specific PPAR-γ gene silencing within human mononuclear cells affects genes involved in lipid metabolism and innate immune process. Such a study revealed that with respect to control cells, the PPAR-γ knock-out cells exhibited significant reduction in the expression of genes coding for PPAR- α, CD-36, LDL-R as well as significant increase in the expression of genes coding for IL-4, IL-8, IFN-γ, CX3CR1, hTERT. However, the expression of genes coding for LXR-α and Receptor-C k could not be detected in PPAR-γ knock-out cells. Based on these results, we propose that PPAR-γ gene has the inherent capacity to influence the lipid mediated inflammation process in atherosclerotic lesions.  相似文献   

Two newly selected Lotus corniculatus cultivars (Bokor and Zora), introduced recently as pasture legumes, were studied with respect to their in vitro regeneration capacity and field performance of R1 regenerates. Multiple buds were induced in callus tissues derived from apical buds, petioles, leaf and cotyledon explants. The rooted regenerates, acclimated in a greenhouse, were fertile. Seeds from the R1 generation were sown in the field and the plants found to be superior to controls in stem height and green mass production.  相似文献   

In a previous study in 15 inbred mouse strains, we found highest and lowest systolic blood pressures in NZO/HILtJ mice (metabolic syndrome) and C3H/HeJ mice (common lean strain), respectively. To identify the loci involved in hypertension in metabolic syndrome, we performed quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis for blood pressure with direction of cross as a covariate in segregating F2 males derived from NZO/HILtJ and C3H/HeJ mice. We detected three suggestive main-effect QTLs affecting systolic and diastolic blood pressures (SBP and DBP). We analyzed the first principle component (PC1) generated from SBP and DBP to investigate blood pressure. In addition to all the suggestive QTLs (Chrs 1, 3, and 8) in SBP and DBP, one suggestive QTL on Chr 4 was found in PC1 in the main scan. Simultaneous search identified two significant epistatic locus pairs (Chrs 1 and 4, Chrs 4 and 8) for PC1. Multiple regression analysis revealed three blood pressure QTLs (Bpq10, 100 cM on Chr 1; Bpq11, 6 cM on Chr 4; Bpq12, 29 cM on Chr 8) accounting for 29.4% of blood pressure variance. These were epistatic interaction QTLs constructing a small network centered on Chr 4, suggesting the importance of genetic interaction for development of hypertension. The blood pressure QTLs on Chrs 1, 4, and 8 were detected repeatedly in multiple studies using common inbred nonobese mouse strains, implying substantial QTL independent of development of obesity and insulin resistance. These results enhance our understanding of complicated genetic factors of hypertension in metabolic diseases. Eri Nishihara, Shirng-Wern Tsaih, Chieko Tsukahara and Sarah Langley contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

There is a high burden of mental and neurological disorders in Africa. Nevertheless, there appears to be an under-representation of African ancestry populations in large-scale genomic studies. Here, we evaluated the extent of under-representation of Africans in neurogenomic studies in the GWAS Catalog. We found 569 neurogenomic studies, of which 88.9% were exclusively focused on people with European ancestry and the remaining 11.1% having African ancestry cases included. In terms of population, only 1.2% of the total populations involved in these 569 GWAS studies were of African descent. Further, most of the individuals in the African ancestry category were identified to be African-Americans/Afro-Caribbeans, highlighting the huge under-representation of homogenous African populations in large-scale neurogenomic studies. Efforts geared at establishing strong collaborative ties with European/American researchers, maintaining freely accessible biobanks and establishing comprehensive African genome data repositories to track African genome variations are critical for propelling neurogenomics/precision medicine in Africa.  相似文献   

A major focus of modern human genetics has been the search for genetic variations that contribute to human disease. These studies originated in families and used linkage methods as a primary analytical tool. With continued technical improvements, these family-based linkage studies have been very powerful in identifying genes contributing to monogenic disorders. When these methods were applied to disorders with complex, non-Mendelian patterns of inheritance they largely failed. The development of effective capabilities for Genome Wide Association Studies (GWAS) relegated family-based studies to a peripheral role in human genetics research. Despite the remarkable record of GWAS discoveries, common variations identified in GWAS account for a limited (frequently less than 10%) proportion of the heritable risk of qualitative traits or variance of quantitative traits. Next generation sequencing is facilitating a re-examination of family-based methods with surprising and intriguing results. We propose that rare variants of large effect underlie many linkage peaks, including complex quantitative phenotypes, and review the issues underlying this proposed basis for complex traits.  相似文献   



The endogenous cannabinoid system is involved in the control of pain. However, little is known as to the integrity of the cannabinoid system in human pain syndromes. Here we investigate the expression of the cannabinoid receptor 1 (CB1) in human Achilles tendons from healthy volunteers and from patients with Achilles tendinosis.


Cannabinoid CB1 receptor immunoreactivity (CB1IR) was evaluated in formalin-fixed biopsies from individuals suffering from painful Achilles tendinosis in comparison with healthy human Achilles tendons.

Principal Findings

CB1IR was seen as a granular pattern in the tenocytes. CB1IR was also observed in the blood vessel wall and in the perineurium of the nerve. Quantification of the immunoreactivity in tenocytes showed an increase of CB1 receptor expression in tendinosis tissue compared to control tissue.


Expression of cannabinoid receptor 1 is increased in human Achilles tendinosis suggesting that the cannabinoid system may be dysregulated in this disorder.  相似文献   

The genetic improvement of enzymes important in the brewing process is one of the main goals of barley biotechnology. For the improvement of -amylase thermostability in barley seeds, we have already constructed a mutant thermostable -amylase gene, using site-directed mutagenesis and random mutagenesis to achieve the substitution of seven amino acids of the original barley -amylase. This sevenfold-mutant barley -amylase showed a thermostability increased by 11.6 °C compared to the original enzyme. In the present article, a thermostable -amylase gene under the control of the barley -amylase promoter was introduced to barley protoplasts, and fertile plants were generated from 9 independent transgenic lines. Subsequent analyses indicated that the thermostable -amylase gene was expressed and -amylase activity derived from both native and modified genes was detected in the seeds of 6 transgenic lines. The transgene was stably transmitted to progeny, and thermostable -amylase was synthesized in T4 seeds, demonstrating that our strategy is applicable for the improvement of seed quality for industrial utilization.  相似文献   

A novel biosensor (immuno-rotary biosensor) was developed by conjugating deoxynivalenol (DON) monoclonal antibodies with the "rotator" ε-subunit of F(0)F(1)-ATPase within chromatophores with an ε-subunit monoclonal antibody-biotin-avidin-biotin linker to capture DON residues. The conjugation conditions were then optimized. The capture of DON was based on the antibody-antigen reaction and it is indicated by the change in ATP synthetic activity of F(0)F(1)-ATPase, which is measured via chemiluminescence using the luciferin-luciferase system with a computerized microplate luminometer analyzer. 10(-7)mg/ml of DON can be detected. The whole detection process requires only about 20min. This method has promising applications in the detection of small molecular compounds because of its rapidity, simplicity, and sensitivity.  相似文献   

Activation of type 1 angiotensin II (AT(1)) receptors in the kidney promotes blood pressure elevation and target organ damage, but whether renal AT(1) receptors influence the level of hypertension by stimulating sodium retention or by raising systemic vascular resistance has not been established. In the current studies, we used a kidney cross-transplantation strategy to determine whether increased sodium reabsorption by AT(1) receptors in the kidney mediates the chronic hypertensive response to angiotensin II. We found this to be true. In addition, we also identified a second, nontrivial component of blood pressure elevation induced by activation of renal AT(1) receptors that is sodium-independent. As the kidney has the capacity to limit the transmission of elevated systemic blood pressure into the renal microcirculation, prior studies struggled to clearly discriminate the relative contributions of blood pressure elevation vs. activation of AT(1) receptors to hypertensive kidney injury. In our model, we found that rapid surges in blood pressure, which may overcome the kidney's capacity to prevent perturbations in renal hemodynamics, correlate closely with kidney damage in hypertension. Moreover, maximal kidney injury in hypertension may require activation of a pool of nonrenal, systemic AT(1) receptors. These studies provide insight into precise mechanisms through which AT(1) receptor blockade influences the progression of hypertensive kidney disease.  相似文献   

A disease of Angus cattle previously known as pseudolipidosis has been shown to be an inherited lysosomal storage disease, in which an oligosaccharide containing mannose and glucosamine is the storage substance. Diseased animals have a near-absolute deficiency of the lysosomal enzyme, alpha-mannosidase, whereas heterozygotes have a partial deficiency of this enzyme. The condition is analogous to the human disease known as mannosidosis.  相似文献   

Suto J  Sekikawa K 《Biochemical genetics》2003,41(9-10):325-341
A previous quantitative trait locus (QTL) study on hyperlipidemia in C57BL/6J x KK-Ay/a F2 mice identified three significant cholesterol QTLs (Cq1 and Cq2 on chromosome 1, and Cq3 on chromosome 3), and a suggestive triglyceride QTL on chromosome 9. An alternative analysis of this study identified a novel cholesterol QTL on chromosome 9 (Cq4), and a significant triglyceride QTL on chromosome 9 (Tgq1). In the present study, QTL analysis was performed on KK x RR F2 mice. A significant cholesterol QTL (Cq5, lod score 5.6) was identified on chromosome 9, and a significant triglyceride QTL (Tgq2, lod score 4.7) was identified on chromosome 8. The Cq5 locus was mapped to a region similar to the Cq4 locus. On the other hand, the Tgq2 locus overlapped with the QTL region responsible for glucose intolerance (Giq1) that was identified in a previous study. The results suggest that a different combination of QTLs is involved in the trait when a different counterpart strain is used. Identification of distinct, but related traits in an identical chromosomal region will facilitate revealing the responsible gene.  相似文献   

Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 1 (S1P(1)) is critical for lymphocyte recirculation and is a clinical target for treatment of multiple sclerosis. By generating a short-duration S1P(1) agonist and mice in which fluorescently tagged S1P(1) replaces wild-type receptor, we elucidate physiological and agonist-perturbed changes in expression of S1P(1) at a subcellular level in vivo. We demonstrate differential downregulation of S1P(1) on lymphocytes and endothelia after agonist treatment.  相似文献   

The C-terminal domain of subunit ε of the bacterial FoF1 ATP synthase is reported to be an intrinsic inhibitor of ATP synthesis/hydrolysis activity in vitro, preventing wasteful hydrolysis of ATP under low-energy conditions. Mutants defective in this regulatory domain exhibited no significant difference in growth rate, molar growth yield, membrane potential, or intracellular ATP concentration under a wide range of growth conditions and stressors compared to wild-type cells, suggesting this inhibitory domain is dispensable for growth and survival of Escherichia coli.FoF1 ATP synthases are ubiquitous enzymes that synthesize ATP using a transmembrane electrochemical potential of protons or proton motive force (PMF) generated by the respiratory chain across the cytoplasmic membrane of bacteria, the thylakoid membrane of chloroplasts, or the mitochondrial inner membrane (4, 5, 37). The enzyme consists of two parts: membrane-embedded Fo subcomplex (a complex of subunits a, b, and c in bacteria) and hydrophilic F1 subcomplex (composed of subunits α, β, γ, δ, and ε). The enzyme is also known as a molecular motor, which is composed of the stator subcomplex (α, β, δ, a, and b) and the rotor subcomplex (γ, ε, and c), and its rotation is coupled to ATP synthesis and proton flow across the membrane (20, 31, 52). The reaction of the enzyme is reversible; ATP is hydrolyzed into ADP and inorganic phosphate, the rotor subcomplex rotates in reverse, and protons are extruded to the periplasmic side, resulting in the generation of PMF. Although some bacteria utilize the reverse reaction under particular conditions, the primary function of FoF1 ATP synthase is generation of ATP from the PMF. Therefore, the direction of the activity of FoF1 ATP synthase is regulated to avoid wasteful ATP hydrolysis.Subunit ε in bacterial FoF1 has been known to be an intrinsic inhibitor of F1 and FoF1 complex (18, 21, 23) and is proposed to have a regulatory function (10, 11, 42). Although the inhibitory effects of subunit ε vary among species, in general, ε inhibits ATP hydrolysis activity while repressing ATP synthesis activity to a lesser degree (14, 27). This regulatory function of the ε subunit is mediated almost exclusively by the C-terminal region of ε, which is comprised of two antiparallel α-helices (18, 49, 50). Biochemical and crystallographic studies have revealed that the C-terminal helices can adopt two different conformations (34, 46, 47, 48). In the retracted conformation, the α-helices form a hairpin-like structure and sit on the N-terminal β-sandwich domain of the ε subunit. When the ε subunit exhibits an inhibitory effect, it adopts a more extended conformation in which the C-terminal α-helices extend along the γ subunit, which composes the central stalk. It has also been shown that basic, positively charged residues on the second α-helix of the ε subunit interact with negatively charged residues in the DELSEED segment of subunit β to exert the inhibitory effect (12).Escherichia coli mutants deleted in the entire ε subunit exhibit a reduced growth rate and growth yield, and this effect is proposed to be a result of a deficiency in assembly of the Fo and F1 complexes (21). The N-terminal β-sandwich domain of the ε subunit is responsible for the assembly of Fo and F1 and is therefore important for efficient coupling between proton translocation through Fo and ATP synthesis/hydrolysis in F1 (15, 39). Deletion of the ε subunit leads to dissociation of the FoF1 complex and wasteful ATP hydrolysis by free (cytoplasmic) F1 and dissipation of PMF through free Fo (21, 22, 51).While the importance of the entire ε subunit in the whole-cell physiology of E. coli is fairly well established, the role of the regulatory C-terminal region of ε has received little attention and warrants investigation to determine if the regulatory functions (e.g., inhibition of ATP hydrolysis) observed in vitro are manifested in the physiology of E. coli under various growth conditions. To address this question, we constructed isogenic E. coli mutants that were deleted in the C-terminal region of ε subunit (εDC) and used these strains to compare physiological properties of wild-type versus εDC cells under a wide range of environmental conditions and stressors.  相似文献   

Incubation temperature influences a suite of traits in avian offspring. However, the mechanisms underlying expression of these phenotypes are unknown. Given the importance of thyroid hormones in orchestrating developmental processes, we hypothesized that they may act as an upstream mechanism mediating the effects of temperature on hatchling phenotypic traits such as growth and thermoregulation. We found that plasma T3, but not T4 concentrations, differed among newly hatched wood ducks (Aix sponsa) from different embryonic incubation temperatures. T4 at hatching correlated with time spent hatching, and T3 correlated with hatchling body condition, tarsus length, time spent hatching and incubation period. In addition, the T3 : T4 ratio differed among incubation temperatures at hatch. Our findings are consistent with the hypothesis that incubation temperature modulates plasma thyroid hormones which in turn influences multiple aspects of duckling phenotype.  相似文献   

 A map with 246 markers (11 isozymes and 235 RFLPs) was constructed using an interspecific F2 population between almond (cv Texas) and peach (cv Earlygold). RFLPs were obtained using 213 probes from the genomic and cDNA libraries of different species (almond, peach, P. ferganensis, cherry, plum and apple), including 16 almond probes which correspond to known genes. All markers were distributed in eight linkage groups, the same as the basic chromosome number of the genus, covering a total distance of 491 cM. The average map density was 2.0 cM/marker and only four gaps of 10 cM or more were found; the two largest gaps were 12cM each. This map was compared with one constructed previously with an intraspecific almond population sharing 67 anchor loci. Locus order was nearly identical and distances were not significantly different. A large proportion of the mapped loci (46%) had skewed segregations; in approximately half of them, the distortion was due to an excess of heterozygotes. One of the distorted regions could be associated with the position of the self-incompatibility gene of almond. Received: 6 November 1997 / Accepted: 26 May 1998  相似文献   

Classical MHC molecules present processed peptides from endogenous protein antigens on the cell surface, which allows CD8(+) cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) to recognize and respond to the abnormal antigen repertoire of hazardous cells, including tumor cells. The light chain, β2-microglobulin (β2m), is an essential constant component of all trimeric MHC class I molecules. There is convincing evidence that β2m deficiency generates immune escape phenotypes in different tumor entities, with an exceptionally high frequency in colorectal carcinoma (CRC) and melanoma. Damage of a single β2m gene by LOH on chromosome 15 may be sufficient to generate a tumor cell precommitted to escape. In addition, this genetic lesion is followed in some tumors by a mutation of the second gene (point mutation or insertion/deletion), which produces a tumor cell unable to express any HLA class I molecule. The pattern of mutations found in microsatellite unstable colorectal carcinoma (MSI-H CRC) and melanoma showed a striking similarity, namely the predominance of frameshift mutations in repetitive CT elements. This review emphasizes common but also distinct molecular mechanisms of β2m loss in both tumor types. It also summarizes recent studies that point to an acquired β2m deficiency in response to cancer immunotherapy, a barrier to successful vaccination or adoptive cellular therapy.  相似文献   

<正>A Cotton Genome Consortium led by the Cotton Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,with scientists from Peking University,Wuhan University,BGI and US Department of Agriculture Southern Plains Research Center has completed the genome sequence of the allotetraploid G.hirsutum(At Dt)by using the second-generation high-throughput sequencing technology  相似文献   

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